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E3 2011!!


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Eh, I didn't think Sony's was all that great. But thats mainly because I don't have a Ps3 or anything so I don't really care about them.

hmm..someone's mention of Nintendo trying to make the Mushroom Kingdom gave me an idea. Nintendo should open theme parks like Disney World and instead of the Magic Kingdom they can have the Mushroom Kingdom!

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You're the best. You know that?

However, I'm very excited about Mass Effect 3 for the Xbox 360, although it's true that it's also for the PS3 and PC.

Its also been implied to be coming to Wii U. The developers seem to be interested in the Wii U itself and when John Riccitello was on stage at Nintendo's conference, Shepherd was in the collage of faces on the screen behind him.

Eh, I didn't think Sony's was all that great. But thats mainly because I don't have a Ps3 or anything so I don't really care about them.

hmm..someone's mention of Nintendo trying to make the Mushroom Kingdom gave me an idea. Nintendo should open theme parks like Disney World and instead of the Magic Kingdom they can have the Mushroom Kingdom!

I'd go to that.

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Its also been implied to be coming to Wii U. The developers seem to be interested in the Wii U itself and when John Riccitello was on stage at Nintendo's conference, Shepherd was in the collage of faces on the screen behind him.


Bioware on Nintendo!? WTF!? I'm bugging out.

Serious analysis:

Some might argue that this is just a rumor, but I would say it's a pretty major victory to have bioware talking about releasing one of their best games on your system after being second to Sony for 3rd party support in the N64/PS1 era and then constantly getting the shaft for 3rd party support for 2 consecutive generations. Bravo Nintendo. It looks like after the lackluster 3DS launch, you've got a bright future for the Wii U. Well fought.

Now you just need to be willing to accept a game with alien sex on your family friendly casual gamer console.

Edited by SeverIan
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Well, the reason why the GameCube generation was mostly left out of third-party support was partly because of Nintendo's policies on what was allowed (Nintendo is a strict mother-fucker when it comes to licensing, though it was waned over time), and the lack of proper hardware. But there were still its share of cross-platform games because the distance wasn't too great. Enter the Wii generation, and the PS3 and 360 are two entirely separate beasts. Between the two, the games aren't really of a different quality, and so it's just a matter of tweaking here and there and you've got an alright port. On the Wii, the system just is not capable of a little bit of work to get a 360 product or PC product over to it--there usually have to be efficient redesign or new shit altogether added and removed in order to accommodate the transition into limited settings.

And while Nintendo fans may be quick to jump on the "HD HD HD" bandwagon Nintendo is taunting, it's not gonna matter so much if the same gap of quality exists between the Wii-U and the next Microsoft and Sony systems. You're still gonna have that divide of having to down-tune games in order to get them running on the Wii-U, or otherwise altering a game, if the Wii-U just isn't condusive to cross-platform conversion. Developers would argue, and especially publishers, would probably argue, as they have, It's not worth the effort.

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Looking at the Ace Combat 3DS screenshots, it looks to me like it's a remake of the first AC game (Air Combat outside of Japan). No other AC game after AC2 uses that logo.

Like I got a 360 mainly to play Ace Combat 6, I want a 3DS to play AC3DS.

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Developers would argue, and especially publishers, would probably argue, as they have, It's not worth the effort.

No, but I still do like arguing with them. What do they know about the video game industry, really? I did an economic analysis comparing sony and nintendo over the past few years, and in several ways it looks like while sony has more money, nintendo would be a better investment if you're looking to make some profits.

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