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(FE4) Integ's Not Procrastinating (FE4 Draft VI bitches)


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She can't reach, and she's quite frail.

Besides, I can still get what I want next pick, guaranteed.

Edited by Darros
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Janne is frail and Julia has Resire. Point's made on the move, though.

Jane has 20 def growth over Yuria. And Yuria gets OHKOd by things. :/

EDIT: Johan, who was my next pick anyway. Let's rack up kills on that Hero Axe in Gen 1!

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I accidentally forgot Linda in the list. Bah.

She's my pick. I didn't cheat either of you out of her, did I?

@Darros: lrn2julia lol

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Jamka. :/:

Too bad I don't have Aideen. Still, four characters cannot solo first gen alone.

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Jamka. :/:

Too bad I don't have Aideen. Still, four characters cannot solo first gen alone.

Bullshit. I solo'd Gen 1 with Sigurd (well, Fin/Ethlin/Midir/Ardan helped, but Midir did little beyond the occasional chip, Ethlin is a healer, lolArdan, so it was mostly Sigurd/Fin).

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Bullshit. I solo'd Gen 1 with Sigurd (well, Fin/Ethlin/Midir/Ardan helped, but Midir did little beyond the occasional chip, Ethlin is a healer, lolArdan, so it was mostly Sigurd/Fin).

I like to keep my castles intact though, and with multiple armies coming from multiple places..

At least Jamka will help, and I like him a lot.

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Tristan and Dimna. Why Oifaye only taught them one skill each is beyond me. I have a feeling Femina and Tristan will be fighting for the pursuit ring.

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I was going to take Sharlow, but then I realized I have Yuria and Janna. Asaello is pretty much 2nd gen Jamka anyway.

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I took Sharlow because fucked backwards if I'm going to recruit Hannibal and Johalva is going to die to Celice long before I remember to start moving Radney.

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Well since my team's assembled I might as well state my opinions.

Sigurd - He'll be doing most of the work, I've never had a draft without Levin so Leptor should be fun.

Dierdre - Staffbot until/if Tiltyu promotes. I'll be stuck without staves for chapter 3 and 4 at least.

Azel - He'll probably be clearing up after Sigurd with Alec and Midale. His kids should be pretty good. Pursuit, speed and megamagic.

Tiltyu - She'll need a helping hand if she wants to promote, at least the pairing's quick.

Midale - Easy to recruit, generally decent and quick to pair. He'll want the Killer Bow but I'm not sure Jammy will survive.

Briggid - I'll waste turns on Ichieval but Faval will do well with Charge. Patty shouldn't be too bad either.

Alec - He'll make the prologue easier for me. Although his shaky strength is going to be a problem.

Celice - He'll solo most of gen 2 ^^.

Julia - Staffbot until Femina/Tinny promote.

Oifaye - Celice's sidekick, then castle guard.

Arthur - Fire Magic's horrible but his speed and magic should mean Elfire will pack a punch.

Tinny - A pain to recruit but I've managed Linda with Amid before, she'll be much like her brother.

Faval - He'll be better than Alec!Faval, who wasn't actually that bad at all.

Patty - Charge might get her into trouble

Radney - Slap on a Hero Sword and she's good.

Dimna - He's probably better than an Azel!Lester, having only pursuit and no good bows forever will hurt. He's got a nice secret even though.

Tristan - The other choices were worse, He'll probably get the other Hero sword. I'm pretty sure Noish!Delmud tops him in every way.

Hawk - The man, he's definitely going to come in handy. It's a shame I can't get any kills on Levin's Elwind.

Femina - I've never used her but flying is cool. She'll get the pursuit ring unless Tristan somehow proves himself worthy.

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To JUNGBY: 8 turns clear = 8 turns total

asdf sigurd stop dying

To EVANS: 8 turns clear = 16 turns total


Chapter 1 Prelude

Sigurd: Sigurd.

Cuan: 5/7 Arena clear.

Arden: 3/7 Arena clear.

To GENOA: 4 turns clear = 20 turns total


To MARPHY: 7 turns clear = 27 turns total

Everything just stacked up all sorts of wrong. At least I got it.

Through the MOTHERFUCKING FOREST: 14 turns clear = 41 turns total

Dew: Iron Sword sold, Slim Sword bought, 2/7 Arena Clear.


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Prologue - All Men Fall In! 13 turns

"The first two chapters are one big bachelor's party."

Alec heads up, Sigurd goes down - my usual tactic. Azel scoots about, getting XP. This results in a capture on turn 6. Midale arrives. He nabs the Speed Ring so Sigurd doesn't have to.

Sigurd gets his sword, the others cleaning up behind him. Sigurd dodges a good number of arrows and axes, capturing on turn 13.

Sigurd  11 43 41 16 01 12 15 10 12 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword
Alec	04 23 34 10 00 10 12 04 07 00 Iron Sword
Azel	03 71 32 00 11 07 11 03 02 07 Fire
Midale  04 68 34 09 00 07 09 03 07 00 Iron Bow, Speed Ring



Chapter 1 - Rescuing who? 31 turns

"Why are we bothering with Edain, we didn't even draft her!"

Sigurd and Alec clear the arena. Midale and Azel aren't quite as lucky. Sigurd gives his sword to Alec and the pair pick up Javelins. The gang head out, Alec and the underlings luring the main army away so Sigurd can get Kinbois (with a little help from Alec). Rushing in like an idiot means I capture Genoa on turn 5. I recruit Ayra, the

Hero sword is delicious.Edain and Ethlin get their staves then head home with Ayra and Dew. Death to Jamka! Sigurd storms ahead, leaving the others to do the fighting. Azel's incredibly slow, so he gets very few kills. XP may be a problem for him. Sigurd then kills Gandolf and seizes on turn 12!

After a lot of messing around, Dierdre sacrifices herself and Sigurd cheats death. Resulting in a turn 31 capture. I didn't even kill Jamka!


Sigurd  17 91 48 18 02 16 16 10 14 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword, Hand Axe, Javelin, Skil/Magic Rings
Alec	11 10 37 13 00 15 16 07 11 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Iron Lance, Javelin
Azel	05 93 34 00 11 07 12 03 02 07 Fire
Midale  08 20 38 11 01 08 10 04 10 00 Iron Bow, Speed Ring

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Hey whatever.

Chapter 2 Prelude

Sigurd: .

Deirdre: 3/7 Arena clear.

Cuan: 5/7 Arena clear.

Ardan: 2/7 Arena clear ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Dew: 2/7 Arena clear.

To LACHESIS: 4 turns clear = 45 turns total


To HEIHACHI: 7 turns clear = 52 turns total

Sigurd just kinda juked and left everybody else to clean up.

Through VOLTZ: 10 turns clear = 62 turns total

Kind of a pain in the ass what with needing to get Sigurd healed, but everything worked out fine.

Levin and Cuan cleared the Arena. Levin bought the Return Ring.

To MCKILLEY: 9 turns clear = 71 turns total

Chapter is such a pain in the dick if you need Fury.

Ardan and Deirdre each cleared one extra Arena fight. Fury cleared (?!) the Arena. At base. With a Slim Lance.

To AUGUSTY: 6 turns clear = 77 turns total

Team assembled, good to GO!

Chapter 3 Prelude

Sigurd: !, Elite Ring sold.

Dew: Give to Fury

Fury: Elite Ring get!, Light Sword get!, 5/7 Arena clear.

Levin: 4/7 Arena clear.

Ardan: 2/7 Arena clear.

Deirdre: 3/7 Arena clear.

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