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Time limit!?



14 members have voted

  1. 1. do you think its a good idea?

    • yes, its just like the 2d games
    • no, it doesn't fit the 3d

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I was watching some gameplay of the new mario game Super Mario 3DS and I noticed that there is going to be a time limit in this game. I know thats how it was during the 2d games and this game is pretty much a 3d version of it, but i don't think that its a good idea to be timed in the 3d games. One of the reasons that Super mario 64 is my favorite game of all time is because i am able to explore the levels, now i won't be able to. What do you guys think.

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Non pubic polls are terrible.

Also, didn't they say this would be more like the older games?

Its kind of obvious though, they brought back tons of older elements.

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Non pubic polls are terrible.

Also, didn't they say this would be more like the older games?

Non pubic polls are terrible.

pubic polls


Anyway, I think this is not so great. I enojyed exploring the maps :<

Maybe if after you beat the level once the time limit was removed I would like that more.

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