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(FE10) Standard Penalties Draft

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If I had one more unit, I could have maybe been able to do this without the penalty. Unfortunately, the Allies can't get down to protect Leanne fast enough.

Endgame (1+4/104)

Elincia gets to level 4, while Mordecai gets to level 25. Mordecai uses the Speedwings, and I buy the Killing Edge, Axe and Elixirs to send to the GMs.

Same strategy as last time, with less relying on Stun and more old-fashioned beating Ludveck's face in.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I'm flying through this a lot quicker than I thought I would. My Sothe's less blessed this time, but I've gotten lucky with Aran's Speed and Meg's Strength/Defense, so I'm keeping the complaining to a minimum.

[spoiler=Part 3 up to Chapter 7]Prologue (8/112)

Ike takes Adept, Rhys takes Miracle, and Titania takes Provoke and Vantage.

I meet up with the Laguz as quickly as I can while trying to feed Rhys kills. Titania stands in front of the boss and 2HKO's him while Ike and the reinforcement Laguz finish the enemies surronding him so Skrimir isn't distracted.

Chapter 1 (7/119)

I cap off Titania's level with BEXP, then give Rhys 4 levels.

Rhys went into the northwest thickets to distract enemies from the Cats and undraftees, Ike goes east to take care of the Generals and get the Blue Gem, and Titania goes up the middle, pulling the boss and turn 4 reinforcements away from Rhys and picking up the Seraph Robe. Titania needed to dodge a couple of fatal attacks while doing this, due to me accidently healing her with a Vulnerary instead of a Concoction, but it worked out.

Chapter 2 (3/121)

I sell my Lances, Bows and Anima tomes, among other things, and forge a max might Steel Sword and Axe for Ike and Titania respectively. I also buy the Wyrmslayer. Then I promote Titania with BEXP, and cap Rhys' level. Ike uses the Talisman, and Rhys uses the Seraph Robe. Ike takes Cancel, Titania gets Celerity and Rhys grabs Wrath.

Standard Titania rush for the boss while Ike and Rhys try to get some CEXP. Amusingly, the boss dies to Counter after getting a lucky hit on her.

Chapter 3 (8/129)

I forge a max might/hit Steel Axe for Gatrie to use this chapter, and buy the Dracoshield to give to Titania. I also BEXP Rhys 2 levels (now that HP, Magic and Resistance are capped, he gets Speed easily), and Ike to .99. Ike takes Celerity, and Titania takes Pass.

Rhys gets the southern suppplies, Gatrie handles the middle supply, Ike gets the north-western one and Master Crown while Titania gets the others. Both senators and all of the horses survived, but I didn't get any of the items except the Crown.

Chapter 4 (9/138)

I buy the Olivi Grasses, and BEXP Ike up a level. Then I BEXP Rhys to level 16, capping his Speed, and promote him. Ike takes Pass, Titania gets Provoke, Rhys gets Celerity, and Mordecai gets Quickclaw (for lack of anything better).

Ike goes up the east ledges alone, as everyone else guards Ranulf up the west. Rhys ends up being the one to clear the top and kill the boss, due to a combination of Titania not being able to get there, Mordecai untransforming and Ike not being close enough.

Chapter 5 (1/139)

I give Ike a level of BEXP, then give Mordecai three levels (he was shaky on 2HKOing Generals last chapter). Titania gets Celerity, Rhys gets Cancel and Vantage and Reyson gets Miracle.

Titania kills a General, then is Vigored by Reyson so she can reach the boss with a Hand Axe, and kills him on the Enemy Phase. Reyson has to live through two ~35% displayed hit attacks (well, they doubled so it's actually four, but it's not like he was OHKO'd), which is why he got Miracle.

Chapter 6 (9/148)

I buy the Physic, Storm Sword, and Beastkiller, and Aran uses the Speedwing. Micaiah gets Resolve, Aran gets Beastfoe and Meg gets Paragon. I BEXP Aran and Meg to .99.

I keep the Allies out of the action so Aran and Meg can get the CEXP the desperately need. Aran goes north alone while Meg goes east accompanied by Micaiah and Sothe. The Black Knight does nothing, and ends up chilling with the Allies for the last few turns.

Name 	Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike      --/18/--  48  27* 03  30* 27  15  26* 09^ | B Rhys
Titania  --/20/04  46  31  15  27  28  21  25^ 20  | 
Rhys     --/16/02  45^ 15  28  24  25  32  13  33  | B Ike
Mordecai       28  67  18  02  10  13^ 27  22* 05  |
Reyson         15  40  03  05  05  11  31  06  17  |
Micaiah  18/03/--  27^ 07  23  16  14  26  07  23  | A Sothe
Sothe    --/09/--  38  22* 06  26* 23  20  16  11  | A Micaiah
Aran     18/11/--  38^ 25  02  26* 22^ 14  24  11  | B Meg
Meg      20/17/--  44  27^ 08  23  22* 30* 25^ 19  | B Aran

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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1-3: 7 turns clear = 23 turns total

hahaha aran made it all better by saving me a penalty this time instead of making me take one yaaaaay

Also Mic dodged something at Worst. o_O

1-4: 8 turns clear = 31 turns total

good enough, plus money and beastfoe and seal.

1-5: 6 turns clear = 37 turns total

Actually piss-easy for once.

1-6-1: 4 turns clear = 41 turns total

holy jesus tauroneo

holy jesus micaiah

good job sothe

1-6-2: 2 turns clear = 43 turns total

yeah boiiii

Good levels for all involved, too. Except the T-Ron.

1-7: 7 turns clear = 50 turns total

Good enough. Paragon on my newly-promoted Laura because she isn't durable enough yet across biorhythms.

Edited by Integrity
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1-8: 7 turns clear = 57 turns total


Saved a turn because Laura's Light tome broke on the boss and so the healer didn't heal him. Awesome.

1-9: 6 turns clear = 63 turns total

Was dicking with the 8 turn when I realized that a Wrathed level 11 Mic could actually fuck some shit sidewise and managed to save turns thanks to Best bio. Wait, Bio SAVED me turns?

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1-P 5 turns

Eddy and miccy team up. Miccy gets some action and a speed lvl up.

1-1 5 turns

Eddy free sves me 1-2 turns. Miccy gets most of the kills although Nolan takes most of the hits. Miccy gains another speed levl up.

1-2 6 turns

Edward blocks the soldiers from comming into my territory, Nolan goes above and takes care fo the fighters along with miccy who comes on turn 2. Nolan got Thani, sothe the energy drop. Miccy got another speed level up.

1-3 6 turns

Miccy Nolan and Sothe go through the left side. I tried right hand side for CEXP, but i could find a way to go as fast as left side. Miccy got more speed here.

1-4 5 turns

Sothe follows Sho's route, and get beastfoe + 3000 gold. Nolan goes east. With 14 speed and the energy drop he 1 rounded tigers. Nolan had a forge. Miccy also got more speed.

1-5 6 turns

Miccy Nolan and Sothe become king of the hill. Miccy can dodge reliably at best wiwhen near Sothe. Gave miccy spirit dust. I stole the master seal.

1-6 6 turns

Nolan was promoted and given resolve after having some BEXP levels. Sothe an Nolan on part one go north, Miccy soloes the Generals and pagasus with Thani. She had 68 avoid when in thickets and could suvive one hit from archers. On part 2, i tried doing 3 turns with Nolan, but he couldn't get there fast enough, and he didn't have enough hand axe uses anyway. Sothe took over and crits boss. N

1-7 6 turns

Nolan gets saviour +3 levels of BEXP. Micaiah got 4 levels of BEXP and capped mag. She also got 1 point of speed. She now has 20 Hp, 20 mag, 16 skl, 16 spd, ~18 lck, 5 def, ~15 res . Nolan save Micaiah and goes on. He drops her turn 5 near boss. Sothe and him kill boss. Micaiah seizes.

Part 1: 45 turns

Total 40 turns maith fail, its actually 45

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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1-E: 8 turns clear = 71 turns total

i said what what, in the butt



I just DEFINITIVELY proved that you can run competitive turncounts with only Laura. Or at least, you can in a Radiant Dragon draft.

Micaiah    13.68  21/ 3/16/13/13/18/ 4/16  Sothe A    Resolve
Sothe     / 8.58  36/22/ 5/26/23/21/16/13  Micaiah A  Savior, Adept
Laura     / 8.09  34/ 7/25/20/22/17/ 9/16  saving herself for marriage  Paragon

2-P: 8 turns clear = 79 turns total

ahahaha i broke lincy's sword

2-1: 4 turns clear = 83 turns total

fuck the police

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Seeing Meg kill Ike was extremely amusing. Also, I have ~60,000 BEXP right now, which makes me wonder how I went through it all so fast in the Tellius Draft...

[spoiler=The rest of Part 3]Chapter 7 (13/161)

I BEXP Ike and Mordecai a level, and give Rhys Miracle, Mordecai Savior and Reyson Celerity.

Ike runs down to engage the Black Knight while Mordecai recruits Zihark for some items (Brave Axe and Wildheart, most prominently), then rescues him for the rest of the map. Titania and Rhys get in what CEXP they can. Reyson recruited Janaff and Ulki because I didn't remember if they joined regardless or not.

Chapter 8 (6/167)

I forge a max might/hit Hand Axe for Titania and BEXP Titania and Mordecai up a level, then give Mordecai Roar. Ike gets Daunt, Titania gets Pass and Mordecai gets Wildheart.

Ike, Mordecai and Reyson go down the west side, while Titania and Rhys go down the east. Reyson was awesome, allowing Ike and Mordecai to cut through the 2-range enemies they faced quicker while making sure Mordecai could stay transformed.

Chapter 9 (6/173)

I BEXP Geoffrey to level 17 and Crown him, then BEXP Kieran up a level. I buy the Adept and give Geoffrey's Paragon to Kieran.

Geoffrey and Kieran charge to the boss while clearing anything that got in their way. I made sure to give the Speedwing and Brave Lance to Kieran before Kieran finished the boss, since I didn't want to wait until 4-5 to be able to use those items. One of the houses was burned down, however.

Chapter 10 (6/183)

I forge another max might/hit Hand Axe for Titania, and give her Celerity.

Ike and Rhys cleared the south while Titania and Mordecai took the northeast, leaving the CRK to clean up the enemies they ran past. This could've been five turns, but the two Dracoknights decided not to suicide onto any of my units, and instead fled south.

Chapter 11 (8/191)

I forged a max might/hit Hand Axe for Kieran, then BEXP him up to 20 and Crowned him. Rhys gets Paragon, and Mordecai gets Savior and Pass.

Mordecai rescues Ike, and gets Vigored by Leanne on turn two so he could get past the Halberdier before it put down the Shine Barrier. The others spent the rest of the map keeping Leanne safe while Tibarn got dangerously close to getting killed by the boss. I could've saved two turns here; One if I hadn't given Mordecai Roar, so he'd be able to take Celerity instead, and one if Ike could double the boss.

Chapter 12 (4/195)

I BEXP Aran up a level, then BEXP Meg to level 19 and Crown her. Aran gets Paragon while Meg gets Pass.

Meg works her way southwest, killing enemies as quickly as she can (which was quicker than I expected). I halt the Allies in the begining, but let them Roam on turn 3 so they can finish off the FalconKnights that made it to the top.

Chapter 13 (4/199)

I BEXP Aran to level 18, then Crown him. I buy the Physic, give Meg Resolve, Aran Pass and Sothe Paragon.

Aran cleared a path for Meg to make it to Ike, and she was able to deal exactly enough damage to kill him over the course of one Player + Enemy Phase with the leftovers of Aran's Steel Lance forge. But she thought she should Luna him anyway. Although it may have been a good idea to take Adept and Daunt off of him...

Endgame (5/204)

I sell some useless/near broken weapons, then forge some Steel Lances, Javelins, and Hand Axes and put them in the Convoy. Kieran gets Pass, Mordecai gets Quickclaw, and Rhys takes Cancel and Vantage.

My units simply charge northeast as quickly as possible, letting the Other units take care of themselves. Ike gets put to sleep on turn 3, but everyone else is able to pick up the slack. Kieran finds Rescue after a few tries, and I'm glad Aran didn't feel like moving to attack my units.

Name 	Level      HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Micaiah  18/03/--  27^ 07  23  16  14  26  07  23  | A Sothe
Sothe    --/10/--  38  22* 06  26* 23  21  16  12  | A Micaiah
Aran     18/18/02  50^ 29  07  29  29^ 19  27  18  | B Meg
Meg      20/19/03  50  30^ 12  26  24  30* 31^ 26  | B Aran
Mordecai       31  70  20  02  10  14^ 29  22* 06  | C Rhys
Kieran   --/20/04  51  31  11  27  25  19  29  19  | 
Ike      --/20/01  54  29  07  32  30  15  28  14^ | B Titania
Titania  --/20/08  49  34* 16  30  29  21  26  21  | B Ike
Rhys     --/16/08  48^ 15  33  25  28  35* 13  36  | C Mordecai
Rafiel         13  32  01  07  01  06  31  03  14  |
Leanne         07  27  00  04  01  06  29  03  11  |
Reyson         18  42  03  05  06  12  33  06  17  |

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Tentative team structure:

Silver: Micaiah, Sothe, Mordecai, Rhys, Leanne

Greil: Ike, Aran, Titania, Rafiel (Muarim) (Vika)

Hawk: Meg, Kieran, Reyson (Geoffrey) (Volke)

I'm really worried since one of the teams is only going to have 2 fighting units for 4-1, 4-2 or 4-3, and I'm not sure how feasible it is to complete one of those chapters with only 2 units.

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1-8 5 turns

Nolan south, Miccy middle, Sothe east, Nailah west. Not much else. Also, that wyvern rider is tricky.

1-9 4 turns

I must be the luckiest person ever. BEXP micaiah once, +1 speed, BEXP again, +1 speed... My hearts starts racing with excitement, BEXP her again to cap her level and what do i get... A 19 speed micaiah with 27 luck. That coupled with resolve and thickets gave her ~90 avoid at worst. :awesome: Now i didn't have to use my seraph robe and i could just have her get hit by the swordmaster/Hand axe fighter for resolve range. I buy a hand axe, and shine so miccy didn't have to rely on Thani on later chapters. I also bought a light tome for her.

1-E 8 turns

Nailah rushes to the parity chest, while BK stands his ground on the last opening of the ledge stoping incoming reinforcements. Sothe drops miccy on turn 6. Nolan goes about killing a few things here and there. I got vantage, speedwing, and parity. Thank you thiefs :D: Rafiel is awesome. Helped Nailah gain serious speed on turn 2, and then helped Nolan advance.

Ilyana ferries, Blue gem, Celerity, Resolve, and brave sword.

Part 1: 62 turns

Total: 62 turns

Rough stats

Micaiah lvl 20/1

23 HP, 4 str, 21 mag, 17 skl, 20 spd, 27 lck, 6-7 def, 20 res.

Sothe lvl --/~5

~35-37 HP, 22 str, 23 skl, 21 spd ~can't remember ever looking at the others.

Nolan lvl 20/8

45 HP, 22 Str, 20 skl, 24 spd, 15 lck, 13 def, 7 res

Nailah lvl 33

Base stats

Rafiel lvl base + 2

Base stats +2 to Hp, Mag, lck, res.

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asdf why does everybody have these mysteriously "remarkably blessed lol" micaiahs except me.


She lives off BEXP, so I'd assume there's some resetting going on.

Edited by Yuglyoshi
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asdf why does everybody have these mysteriously "remarkably blessed lol" micaiahs except me.

Well restarting for lower turns also helps, since most of the times miccy isn't getting speed anyway. Plus battle saving helps you save those awesome lvl ups when they happen.

2-P 9 turns

Elincia and Marcia take on most enemies.

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asdf why does everybody have these mysteriously "remarkably blessed lol" micaiahs except me.


My Micaiah is anything but blessed. Which sucks since I'm low enough on units as it is.

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My Micaiah is anything but blessed. Which sucks since I'm low enough on units as it is.

See my Brigade. Cry more. :P

Ulki: Restarting for lower turncounts doesn't matter in the slightest - Micaiah has a 30% chance (what's her growth?) to grow Speed on each reset. She's no more likely to have rolled it on your successful run than she is to have rolled it on failed previous ones.

Hell, I lost some beautiful 7-stat level-ups to restarting for lower turns and had them replaces by +HP, LCK.

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