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(FE10) Standard Penalties Draft

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See my Brigade. Cry more. :P

Ulki: Restarting for lower turncounts doesn't matter in the slightest - Micaiah has a 30% chance (what's her growth?) to grow Speed on each reset. She's no more likely to have rolled it on your successful run than she is to have rolled it on failed previous ones.

Hell, I lost some beautiful 7-stat level-ups to restarting for lower turns and had them replaces by +HP, LCK.

Never said she is more likely, however she does get another chance at it.

Also Part 2...

2-1 6 turns

Almost a 4 turner, but Nephenee didn't have the HP necessary for the boss to hit her and bring her to wrath range. I broke through the javelin!knight with brom while neph went for Steel axe. Nephenee weakened the boss for 2 turns, then she wrath'd him.

2-2 5 + 4 = 9 turns

Neal and Lucia go through the northern path. Lucia killed the general in front of the mage, then neal pushed her. She kills the boss and then arrives.

2-3 6 turns

Geoffrey puts a target for the horses to follow, they acted as a decoy. Got speedwings. 40 enemies survived, no yellow units (maybe one idk...)

Part 2: 30 turns

Total : 92 turns


The 1 turn strategy won't work >:(. Everytime elincia gets to the spot the javelin guy doesn't target her and thus Ludveck can use that square and hit her from 2 range. Joke is on him though, lvl 15 callil with 23 mag can 3 hit ko him with meteor.

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Argh... 2-E is making me go nuts. There is no way i'm going to do that with Meteor!Callil. I wonder how Fox did it in her draft (nvm, she had more units to protect callil, and also had a bond). Callil just isn't durable enough and her strength makes everything worst because of meteor's weight.

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Argh... 2-E is making me go nuts. There is no way i'm going to do that with Meteor!Callil. I wonder how Fox did it in her draft (nvm, she had more units to protect callil, and also had a bond). Callil just isn't durable enough and her strength makes everything worst because of meteor's weight.

She had a Bond with Nephenee and got a lucky crit. And I do mean lucky, because I would not have tried constantly resetting that when she had ~65% displayed Hit and 3% crit, plus the actual chances of getting to that position weren't 100%. I would definitely have lost someone on the next enemy phase, so I thought "Fuck it, let's see if Calill can get a miracle crit," not expecting it at all, but it happened.

Oh, now you put in the stealth parentheses. Ninja edits.

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Lol sorry fox...

2-E 3 turns

Anywho, Callil has capped mag, skl, spd, ~24 luck. This coupled with good bio gives her, 100 avoid... :awesome: At first i was trying to meteor but given the amounts of enemies and everything in the middle of the map it wasn't safe. So i have her walk down. Turn 2 she breaks the door, gets vigored by Leanne (protected from harm by a yellow unit that blocked the way to the stairs), turn 3, she meteors Ludveck, gets vigored by leanne, who can only get hit by a mage, and then moves into Ludvecks range who moves tries to hit her but fails and dies. I got the Energy drop too. Who need Elincia/Haar/Marcia/the other units

Part 2: 33 turns

Total : 95 turns

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@Radiant Kitty, I recommend Meg on Ike's team especially if she has boots because she can use hammer and has good res which is good at avoiding sleep staff compared to Aran :):

I hope there are more drafts I feel like playing again

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@Radiant Kitty, I recommend Meg on Ike's team especially if she has boots because she can use hammer and has good res which is good at avoiding sleep staff compared to Aran :):

Well, the Boots went to Rafiel, but I did have a difficult time deciding where those two should go. While Meg would have an (much) easier time dodging sleep than Ike, I decided to send her with Tibarn because she lacks the Speed and 2-range (unless I forge her lots of Hand Axes, but I'm running short on money) to deal with the Swordmasters and 2-range enemies up there. Still, not having to Battle Save abuse for Ike to dodge Sleep is very tempting...

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Sorry I misread her speed stat as 30 ^^' I confused it with her luck

Well, I have plenty of BEXP (although I need to save some for Muarim and Vika), and it's not like Speed isn't her highest growth now that Luck's capped. In fact, I think I will switch Meg and Aran, since Meg's move in thickets is pretty bad, even with Celerity.

Good luck :):

Thanks. I'm going to need it.

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3-P 8 turns

As i complained and wondered how people get 7 and 8 turns, my ike critted the boss on turn 8 ep. Then Skrimir seized.

With enough BEXP to lvl up Soren till lvl 10, i bexp him, he caps mag, skl, and res, while getting 22 res.

Progress is slow in Part 3...

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This is the second draft in a row where I've looked through my convoy for Pass only to realize that I don't have it with me.

[spoiler=Prologue - Chapter 5]Prologue (4/208)

I sell the Rexbolt, Maelstorm, and Sanaki's tomes, then BEXP'd Micaiah until she capped Magic and Resistance. After that, I BEXP'd her to level 20 for some Speed. I didn't bother with Sothe. I took off Mordecai's Smite just in case I need it in another route.

Skills: Micaiah - Resolve, Daunt. Mordecai - Quickclaw, Wildheart. Rhys - Cancel, Vantage, Miracle.

Mordecai and Rhys head north with Leanne, while Micaiah goes east. Mordecai spends the first two turns killing the 1 range enemies, then retreats north to kill the reinforcements so Rhys can deal with the 2 range enemies and the boss (Mordecai couldn't double him). Micaiah needed to Physic Rhys on the last turn, so I'm glad no reinforcements appear in the southeast at the end of turn 3.

Chapter 1 (5/213)

I sell Rexcalibur and some Steel weapons, and buy the Wyrmslayer. Then I BEXP'd Meg 4 levels to increase her Speed. Rafiel gets the Boots, since he'll be my Endgame Heron.

Skills: Ike - Paragon, Vantage. Titania - Counter, Imbue. Meg - Paragon, Cancel.

Meg goes west, Ike heads south and Titania takes the east with Rafiel. Titania having Canto made it much easier to take care of that pacifist Horseslayer!General and Bishop, while Vantage on Ike turned out to be useless, since he didn't OHKO the magic users (he did get an 8-stat level up, though, which was pretty awesome). I deployed Nailah and Volug as 'torches' so Meg and Ike could deal with the stationary Bishops in time.

Chapter 2 (9/212)

I sell Rexflame, Mercy and more Steel weapons to forge a max might/+20 hit Silver Lance and 2 max might/hit Silver Axes.

Skills: Aran - Adept, Disarm. Kieran - Gamble, Paragon. Reyson - Celerity.

Only having 2 fighters here hurts. Thankfully, Reyson has 10 move Transformed with Celerity. Aran went west while Kieran went south. Reyson started off going west, but then went south to enable Kieran to make it to the eastern reinforcements in time. From there he continued east and met back up with Aran to take out the western enemies and Swordmaster reinforcements.

Chapter 3 (8/220)

I sold Bolganone and Sothe's Guard so I could buy an Ellight for Rhys and two Pure Waters for Sothe and Mordecai. I also BEXP Mordecai 2 levels to cap his Luck and Speed and fill Sothe's inventory with Satori Signs I won't need.

Skills: Micaiah - Resolve, Daunt. Sothe - Adept, Shade. Rhys - Resolve, Miracle. Mordecai - Quickclaw, Wildheart.

I'm glad this is over, because I'm tired of relying on Resolve strategies. Anyway, Micaiah takes the west side, Mordecai takes the east with Leanne helping him stay transformed and Rhys solos the south. I might have been able to do this in 7 turns if Mordecai hadn't missed one of the Warriors near Stefan's square, but it allowed me to get Baselard so it's not all bad. After Sothe picked up the Knife, Rhys rescued him so he could send the Laguz Gem back too. Mordecai got SS strike in this chapter, which allowed him to OHKO Numida.

Chapter 4 (7/227)

I bought a Pure Water for Ike, then gave Muarim my last Speedwing. I BEXP'd Vika to level 30 and then used the rest of my BEXP to get Muarim to level 25, capping his Speed (which was... surprising).

Skills: Ike - Pass, Vantage. Titania - Counter, Imbue. Meg - Pass, Cancel. Vika - Adept, Vantage. Muarim - Paragon.

I honestly don't know what I was thinking when I gave Ike Pass. No idea at all. He didn't need it, and it screwed me over in 4-5.

I took Queen Elincia's advice and sent Meg into the northwest area. Ike trailed behind her, killing the enemies she ran past while waiting for her to kill the Sleep Staff Bishop. Muarim first cleared out the west treasure room, before heading to clear the other two with Vika and Rafiel. Titania stayed in the south, killing the enemies and reinforcements down there.

Chapter 5 (2+4/233) Tibarn penalty

I sell Pelleas' tomes to afford buy some lances/axes and forge a max might/hit Javelin for Aran. Kieran gets 2 levels of BEXP for a point of Speed, and Geoffrey gets a level as well. Tibarn gets Celerity.

Without Pass, there was no way for me to make it to Izuka without him Rewarping away (at least, not that I could find). I ended up using Tibarn to rescue Volke and drop him on Izuka's island turn 1 thanks to Reyson, and Volke ORKO'd Izuka with Peshkatz on turn 2.

Name 	Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike      --/20/16  64  37* 08  40* 35  17  32* 15^ | B Titania
Micaiah  18/20/01  39^ 12  32  22  26  40* 13  32  | A Sothe
Sothe    --/08/01  42  24  10  28  25  21  18  16  | A Micaiah
Aran     18/18/13  55^ 35* 08  35* 33^ 21  34* 20  | B Meg
Meg      20/19/17  55  34^ 14  31  32* 30* 33^ 32* | B Aran
Muarim         28  67  23* 03  17  15^ 15  18  10* |
Vika           30  45  11  09  19* 23* 25  10  17  |
Mordecai       33  72  21  02  10  15^ 30* 22* 07  | B Rhys
Geoffrey --/17/02  44  28  13  26  23  19  20  20  |
Kieran   --/20/15  58  36* 14  30  27  22  30* 21  | 
Titania  --/20/15  53  34* 18  34  32  24  27^ 23  | B Ike
Rhys     --/16/18  50^ 18  36* 30* 30* 35* 13  40* | B Mordecai
Volke    --/--/13  52  30  05  36  35  19  26  22  |
Rafiel         14  33  01  08  01  06  32  03  14  | 
Leanne         08  28  00  04  01  07  30  03  11  |
Reyson         18  42  03  05  06  12  33  06  17  |

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3-1 11 turns

It was 7 turns + Titania penalty. Soren with 22 speed takes care of the generals. He gets blue gems and helps get rid of reinforcements. Rolf takes on a few enemies here and there while making a wall with partner units and unequiped Gatrie. Titania goes through the center with Killer axe/poleaxe/short axe/hand axe. I got the seraph robe with Titania.

3-2 3 turns

Celerity!Soren gets shoved twice and rushes to the boss. He kills it easily with Elthunder. Bought around 6 hand axes, a forge for rolf, an elfire, and elthunder.

3-3 annoyed me so i stopped and came here just to chill. Soren's quick biorythm messes with me... >_>

Part 3: 22 turns

Total: 117

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1-E: Seraph Robe to Edward, BEXP Fiona to 20/1.


Micaiah  1.00 19  6 10 11  9 12  5  9 Shade
Blk Knt 20.00 70 38 18 40 30 20 35 25 Imbue, Nihil
Sothe    7.26 36 22  5 24 21 19 16 10 Guard, Cancel, Adept
Edward   2.49 40 19  3 22 21 19 17  6 Wrath, Resolve
Fiona    3.54 29 12  9 14 20 17 15 13 Savior, Imbue, Paragon

2-P: Elincia gets some exp from healing.


2-1: dondon’s 0% strat, modified for the fact that I don’t need to recruit Heather.


2-2: Lethe and Lucia rush it. Lethe’s gauge kind of sucks but eh.


2-3: Give Geo a BEXP level then charge.


Elincia  1.60 36 19 17 21 22 29 18 24 Renewal
Leanne   6.00 25  0  3  1  6 28  2 11 Blessing
Lethe   21.53 51  9  6 13 12 18  9 10 
Geo     18.12 38 25  8 24 21 19 19 16 Paragon

2-E: BEXP Elincia to 4 so she can 4HKO Ludveck, then give the rest to Lethe (barely gets her to 26).


Elincia  4.49 36 22 17 22 25 31 18 24 Renewal
Leanne   6.10 25  0  3  1  6 28  2 11 Blessing
Lethe   26.01 56 12  6 13 15 19 11 11
Geo     18.12 38 25  8 24 21 19 19 16 Paragon

3-P: Gatrie haxtivates Vantage a lot. Standard stuffs.


Ike     12.86 44 24  3 29 24 14 21  7 Adept, Counter
Gatrie  11.80 44 26  5 18 21 16 25 12 Provoke, Vantage, Miracle

3-1: I hate this chapter.


Forgot stats

3-2: And then Ike was all “HEY LOOK HOW COOL I AM”


Ike     17.09 46 26  3 30 25 15 23  7 Celerity, Vantage
Gatrie  18.13 45 27  5 23 23 18 30 15 Provoke, Pass

3-3: Promoted Gats at base for moar speed. I’m really sad I wasn’t able to get Soren and then waited too long on Shinon and Rolf.


Ike     19.44 49 27  4 30 25 15 25  7 Celerity, Vantage
Gatrie   1.80 49 29  9 27 25 20 32 21 Provoke, Pass

3-4: Lethe is surprisingly not terrible! Talisman to Ike.


Ike     20.00 50 27  4 30 26 16 25  9 Celerity, Vantage
Gatrie   2.18 50 29  9 28 26 20 32 21 Provoke, Pass
Lethe   28.22 58 12  6 13 16 21 12 11 Adept, Pass

3-5: Gatrie/Reyson combwn. Gatrie gets a Speed level up to double the boss.


Edit: Correction, I forgot to get stats for this chapter. Gatrie is level 3 and yeah.

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Oh, I forgot to fix that write up. I reverted my save because I got to 3-2 and realized I was lacking in Pass utility. >_>

I got the same turns because Normal Mode is easier iirc

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3-3 13 turns

Soren is awesome, he just rushes through the map to burn the 2 boxes (the on protected and the last one way up there). He comes into a problem due to no pass... Damn Heather, she was too far away. Anywho Rolfie is getting better with BEXP mostly, He could double some units here and there. Rolf burned the middle supplies, Ike gets master crown and burns the supply right near the house, Gatrie was my free unit he burns the supply near the beginning and the supply to the right.

3-4 8 turns

Soren gets crowned

Soren rushes upwards with rolf, ranulf, and ike trailing behind. Kyza stays behind at an attempt to raise his strike.

3-5 2 turns

Reyson gets smiten by Rolf, soren moves to kill a general gets vigored by reyson who goes back up to the fortress. Soren moves down, kills a bunch of enemies, moves near the boss and adepts him (Soren had low HP by this point). The boss attacks him, but he dodges, and Soren kills the boss :newyears:

Part 3: 45 turns

Total: 140 turns

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Goddammit I'm already doublesaved for 2-2. No Pass for me.

2-2: 5 turns clear = 88 turns total


2-3: 5 turns clear = 93 turns total

oh Geoffrey

2-E: 1 turns clear + 4 turns Elincia = 98 turns total


Question: How do you 1-turn 2-E without Leanne dying?

EDIT: Nevermind~

turn saved

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3-6 was somethng like 8-9 turns i don't remember

Nolan left, miccy and sothe north. Nolan with beast foe, Miccy with shade and paragon (she stopped with the speed level ups :( ) and sothe with resolve (who still got hit with miccy support and resolve activated. Fuck you sothe). Nolan earned a few levels here, capped his speed. BEXP next time for his strength and then crown him.

3-7 13 turns

Haven't done it but this is what it will be. I have a plan of having soren get his staff rank up here by fighting with it. Rolf fight with his rolf bow, while Kyza just goes there transforms and takes hits for his rank (which is ridiculously hard to do because his defense just sucks. Damn it Kyza, you are no mordecai. ) Ulki appears and also raises his strike. Ike goes towards the BK.

Part 3: 66 turns

Total: 161 turns

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Really? I heard before that it does and seen in some playthroughs people actually count it... Hmmm, i have never actually looked into it though...

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