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(FE10) Standard Penalties Draft

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I prefer to keep it consistent with how each individual game records it, so 2-P and 3-7 will count as 9 and 13 turns respectively.

Also, does counter-attacking with staves build staff weapon rank?

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IDK, somewhere i heard that it did, and i looked for it in the site, but i can't see anything confirming it. Again i haven't done 3-7 so i still have to test it.

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Part 3


Skrimir wasn't an idiot.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       13.39 45 24   2  28  25   14 22   7

8 turns.


Battle preparations

Titania gets all of Boyd's axes.




Titania - Adept + Miracle


Ike clears some enemies to the North, then heads down to deal with reinforcements. Titania goes through the wall of Generals and deals with every enemy behind the wall.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       15.46 47 26   3  29  26   14 24   7

8 (+4) turns.


Battle preparations

Yay, Heather and Ilyana.

Ilyana takes the Angelic Robe and the Speedwings.


Heather - Promotion

Ilyana - 99 Exp


Ike - Pass

Heather - Celerity

Ilyana - Adept + Miracle


Ilyana takes her chance to kill some enemies for easy CEXP. Heather goes for the boss. Istvan attacks Heather, Heather weakenshim a bit. Then, on the last turn, the boss goes for Ilyana and dies.

Ike just got some CEXP to the North.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       16.30 48 27   3  30  26   14 24   7
Heather    1.38 44 24  13  27  32   28 18  21
Ilyana     6.24 35 15  24  21  24   10 10  17

4 turns.


Battle preparations

Free 6-Mov unit of choice: Gatrie (Iron greatlance & Javelin)


Ilyana - Lvl 9


Ike - Adept

Ilyana - Pass + Miracle

Heather - Celerity


Ike breaks the main door, Gatrie Shoves Heather, and Heather starts running around the place and setting it on fire. Ike and Ilyana assist her at the North and set the other convoys on fire. Gatrie sets the convoys to the South on fire. Heather killed the boss.

Got the Goddess Icon and White Gem.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       17.03 49 27   3  30  27   14 24   7
Heather    2.70 44 25  13  28  32   28 19  22
Ilyana    11.81 38 15  26  23  24   14 11  20

8 turns.


Battle preparations

I BEXP Ilyana to lvl 14 and Crown her. Yeah. >8]

Lyre gets some BEXP too (99 Exp)


Ike - Celerity + Miracle

Ranulf - Pass

Heather - Adept


Everyone up!

Ilyana kills the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       18.61 50 27   3  30  27   14 25   7
Heather    2.97 44 25  13  28  32   28 19  22
Ilyana     1.71 44 20  28  25  26   17 17  25
Lyre      18.88 48  7   6  12  12   16  7   9

7 turns.


Pack Heather's inventory with more knives.

Ilyana gets more Elfires.


Ilyana and Heather kill a General each. Reyson Vigors Ilyana and has her cover the right chokepoint to the South. Ilyana then opens Heather a path for her to snatch the Energy Drop and 1HKO (Critical) Lombrosso on Enemy Phase.

Could've honestly 1-turned if I hadn't forgotten to pack Meteor from Callil.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       19.27 50 27   3  30  28   14 26   7
Heather    3.87 44 26  13  29  33   28 19  22
Ilyana     2.38 45 21  29  25  27   17 17  26

3 turns.


Battle preparations

I BEXP Zihark to lvl 15, have him drink an Energy Drop and takes the Crown. He buys brand new Steel and Storm sword as well.

Micaiah buys an Ellight tome and a Physic.


Micaiah - Resolve

Zihark - Paragon

Sothe - Imbue + Savior


Zihark cleare the North side, like a baws. The NPCs helped take out the annoying Cats at the corner. Micaiah cleared most of the East side and had Sothe support-bot at the side. Pretty fun chapter overall.

I don't know what's more overkill, Micaiah or Zihark.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    9.30 29  9  28  20  23  31  14  28    A Sothe
Zihark     6.88 46 31  11  36  36  18  20  20  

8 turns.


Battle preparations

Bought some Olivi Grasses for Lyre, Reyson, and one for Janaff.


Ilyana - Celerity

Lyre - Adept + Pass


Lyre's training grounds, until Janaff arrives and steals some of her kills, but later decides to sidetrack to the West and later descend to where the DB was. They were mainly raising their strikes.

Now for the amount of ridiculous DB kills!

Jill - Was 1HKO'd by Janaff

Nolan - Critikilled and 1HKO'd by Janaff

Zihark - Criticaled by Heather and finished up by Lyre

Eddie - 1RKO'd by an untransformed Janaff

Fiona - See above

Meg - See above and above that

Sothe - 1RKO'd by Ilyana

Leonardo - 1HKO'd by Ilyana

Laura - 1HKO'd by Heather

"They are very strong" - Jill

Janaff and Ilyana both faced BK. Ilyana only dealed 12 Dmg. ):

Lyre is pretty close to S-ranking her strike now.

Reyson proves how damn useful he can be.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       19.64 50 27   3  30  28   14 26   7
Heather    4.17 44 26  13  30  33   29 20  23
Ilyana     3.68 45 21  30  26  28   18 17  26
Lyre      20.46 49 10   6  14  13   18  8  10
Janaff    29.33 57 16   2  19  17   30 12   8

12 turns.


Battle preparations

Pack more tomes at Ilyana's inventory.


Lyre - 99

Janaff - Lvl 30

Janaff gets a Satori Sign and uses it.


Ilyana - Celerity

Lyre - Daunt + Pass

Janaff - Adept + Wildheart


Ilyana takes full of advanatage of her full move and Reyson's Vigoring to makae her way through the chaptr anihilating every enemy in the way quickly. She critikilled the boss. Lyre raised her strike some more and reached S-rank on the last turn. Janaff impressed me by being surprisingly useful despite being under the influence of Wildheart.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50 27   3  30  29   15 26   8
Heather    4.43 44 26  13  30  33   29 20  23
Ilyana     5.77 45 22  31  28  30   19 19  27
Lyre      21.38 49 11   6  14  14   19  8  10
Janaff    30.15 57 17   2  20  18   30 12   8

5 turns.


Battle preparations

I BEXP Marcia to lvl 13 and give her the Energy Drop.

Bought Adept and an Arms Scroll at the Shop. Marcia takes the scroll and uses it to raise her sword rank to B.


Marcia - Paragon


Marcia goes straight to the boss, and conviniently procs that magical 27 Spd needed to cuadruple the boss, on the last turn.

She got the Speedwings on the way there.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Marcia    16.26 40 23   6  22  27  16  20   17

3 turns.


Battle preparations

Pack Ilyana more tomes, and more knives for Heather. More Olivi Grasses on the way.


Lyre - 99 Exp


Heather - Adept

Ilyana - Celerity

Lyre - Daunt + Pass


Ilyana clears the entire Northern side while the rest of the group takes the lower part of the map.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50 27   3  30  29   15 26   8
Heather    4.99 44 26  13  30  33   29 20  23
Ilyana     7.04 45 24  31  29  30   19 20  28
Lyre      22.31 49 11   6  15  15   20  8  10
Janaff    30.32 57 17   2  20  18   30 12   8

5 turns.


Battle preparations

Sold off tons of crap. Bought necessary stuff, like Olivi Grasses, two Max Mt Javelin forges for Marcia and a Heal staff for Ilyana.


Lyre - 99 Exp

Marcia - 99 Exp


Ike - Celerity

Heather - Adept

Ilyana - Paragon

Lyre - Adept + Imbue

Janaff - Miracle

Marcia - Paragon


Marcia and Janaff carry Ike around and get him through the bridge. Heather, Ilyana and Lyre gather some CEXP while staying behind. Leanne saved me a turn by Vigoring Janaff and Marcia. Marcia 1RKO'd Goran.


Tibarn is an unreliable escort. Leanne knows this well.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50 27   3  30  29   15 26   8
Heather    5.29 44 26  13  31  34   29 20  23
Ilyana     7.70 45 24  31  29  30   19 20  28
Lyre      23.19 49 12   6  15  16   21  8  11
Janaff    30.52 57 17   2  20  18   30 12   8
Marcia     4.49 47 28  12  28  30   23 26  25

6 turns.


Battle preparations

Micaiah buys anothers Ellight. Another Steel sword for Zihark.


Micaiah - Resolve

Zihark - Paragon


Micaiah and Sothe takes the ledges, Zihark takes the main road to victory.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   10.91 30  9  28  21  23  32  14  28    A Sothe
Zihark     7.50 47 31  11  37  37  19  21  20  

3 turns.


Battle preparation

Zihark buys another Steel sword and finally removes his brand new Broken Phantasm from the Convoy.


Micaiah - Lvl 18


Zihark - Paragon


I decided not to give Zihark the Boots or Resolve because of how incredibly deadly he will be at 3-E, not to mention, I will give better use to them, rather than only have them save 1 turn at a chapter.

Anyway, I leave an opening at the ledges for the Tiger to come up and suicide to Sothe. Zihark jumps down to the pit and heads towards Ike. When he heads there, he pulls out his Broken Phantasm and unleashes Astra on him. Like a baws.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   19.-- 36 11  30  23  25  40  15  30    A Sothe
Zihark    11.23 49 32  12  40  40  20  22  21  

4 turns.


Battle preparations

I forge more Max Mt Javelins for Marcia and send them to the Convoy.

Ilyana repacks a set of tomes.


Heather - 99 Exp

Lyre - 99 Exp

Janaff - Lvl 31


Heather Adept

Ilyana - Celerity + Daunt

Lyre - Adept + Imbue

Marcia - Miracle + Paragon


Ilyana, once again, goes to the North and anihilates everything there. Marcia goes assist Skrimir and his army. Janaff goes assist his fellow Hawks, and Heather goes on a quest for the Rescue staff. Zihark kept following Ilyana despite never attacking her (lol).

GM vs. DB Round 2!

Zihark - Weakened by Ike and killed by Lyre. Again.

Tauroneo - 1RKO'd by Ilyana at the last turn.

Well, that was less than I expected. I could've killed Jill and Nolan if they could actually attack. I could've also killed Volug, but I didn't want to.

5 turns

Part 3 total: 93 turns.

TOTAL: 201 turns.

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Part 4 Endgame is complete, and with a total of 245 turns. Character write-up following shortly.

Lekain & Hetzel (4/237)

After building some supports and distributing BEXP levels to those who wanted or needed (read: Geoffrey) it, I forged a max might/hit Silver Lance and Silver Axe, for Geoffrey and Kieran respectively. I choose Rafiel as my Endgame Heron.


Ike - Daunt, Pass.

Micaiah - Resolve, Miracle.

Sothe - Stillness.

Aran - Celerity, Parity.

Meg - Adept, Cancel.

Muarim - Paragon, Vantage.

Vika - Adept, Vantage.

Mordecai - Quickclaw, Smite.

Geoffrey - Paragon, Miracle.

Kieran - Pass.

Titania - Counter, Imbue.

Rhys - Resolve, Miracle.

Volke - Adept, Cancel.

Ike and Kieran's jobs were to get rid of the the Sleep Bishop and Hetzel on turn 1, thanks to a Vigor from Rafiel. Sothe then rescued Rafiel, kept safe thanks to Stillness, so he could Drop him next turn. Titania and Volke handled the east and Micaiah, Rhys, Mordecai and Geoffrey went west while everyone else stormed the middle. Kieran ended up killing all of Hetzel's guard with the Hammer while Lekain and his guard fell to a combination of Ike, Mordecai and Rhys.

The Black Knight (1/238)

Capped off Ike, Aran, Meg, Muarim, Vika, Geoffrey and Titania with BEXP.


Ike - Nihil.

Rhys and Micaiah get the Wishblade with Purge, Muarim heads south to get some EXP and WEXP and the rest of my Beorc just kind of muck around for some EXP while Ike goes for the Black Knight.

Deghinsea (2/240)

Ike, Volke, Mordecai and Geoffrey get a level of BEXP and Muarim uses a Satori Sign.


Micaiah - Thani.

Sothe - Peshkatz.

Aran - Wishblade.

Meg - Alondite.

Geoffrey - Brave Lance.

Kieran - Wyrmslayer.

Titania - Urvan.

Rhys - Rexaura.

Volke - Baselard.

Sanaki - Purge.


Muarim - Smite, Quickclaw.

Mordecai - Nihil, Pass.

Titania - Counter, Nihil.

I would've liked to have Kieran bless the Brave Axe or a Silver forge instead of the Wyrmslayer, but I really needed the Wyrmslayer to take down Deghinsea since I don't have Ena (for a change). I use Rafiel to eliminate the Dragons blocking the stairs turn one, then Mordecai, Aran, Titania and Ike combine to kill Deghinsea on turn 2.

Sephiran (2/242)

I get Meg and Kieran to level 20, give Volke 2 levels so he can double Auras, then finish Muarim and Titania's levels.


Aran - Nihil.

Vika - Daunt, Imbue.

Volke - Celerity, Parity.

Everyone moves south on turn 1, and on turn 2 Aran, Volke and Meg take out Sephiran after Mordecai, Titania, Ike and Muarim get the Spirits out of the way.

Ashera (3/245)

I BEXP Vika four levels to cap her Strength, then give two levels to Geoffrey, one to Titania and one to Sothe. I deployed Kurthnaga to trade Rexaura to Lehran and the Ashera Staff to Rhys.

I'm able to take out three Auras on the first turn and four on the second, making it relatively simple to finish the last one and Ashera on turn 3. Geoffrey was the casualty of Ashera's turn 2 'target Gareth' attack, due to him not wanting to gain any Speed in the ~9 level ups he got in the Tower. Micaiah got 2 level ups finishing off weakened Cover Auras, and Vika reached S strike after her last attack.

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Ike - 112 kills (4th Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/20/20  65  37  09  40  37  19  32  17^ | A Titania

Nothing unusual here, except that he didn't cap Speed before he promoted. Definitely one of my best units, but he felt slightly more replaceable this time, probably due to having Titania. Only 4th Place? Seriously, Ike?

Micaiah - 73 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
18/20/05  40^ 13  35  23  28  40  14  36  | A Sothe

Nothing unusual here, either. It's kind of hard to go wrong with Micaiah, unless you avoid giving her any EXP at all. She had her uses in the Tower, mainly using Physic and weakening/finishing off enemies with Thani.

Sothe - 99 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/08/02  42  25  10  29  25  22  18  16  | A Micaiah

I actively avoided using him as much as possible, due to having 2 DB units that needed the EXP badly to be good in Parts 3 and 4. Still, his help in Part 1 was invaluable, and he found use performing some utility tasks later on.

Geoffrey - 24 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/17/13  50  34  13  32  25  22  21  25  | B Kieran

He was great in 2-3 and 3-9, but was pretty bad in Part 4 because he didn't want to get any Speed. He was useful as chipper/finisher in the Tower, but that's about it.

Aran - 102 kills (5th Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
18/18/16  56^ 35  09  35  33^ 22  34  22  | A Meg

He was mediocre in Part 1 due to having to share the EXP with Meg, and his offense wasn't as good as hers due to his lousy Speed. Once he was able to take full advantage of BEXP in 3-13 however, he quickly became one of my statistically best units. He was invaluable in Part 4, and his support with Meg helped a lot against Ike and Ashera.

Meg - 121 kills (3rd Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/19/20  58  36^ 14  33  32  30  35^ 32  | A Aran

This has got to be by far the best performance I've gotten out of my second to last round pick in any draft ever. She got more kills than Ike. She was a little shaky at first, but once she was able to double nothing could stop her due to her all around good stats (well, except Move). She continued to be a great help in Parts 3 and 4, especially making things much easier in 4-4 ( the Sleep staff guy didn't even bother trying to put her to sleep) and against Ashera. I would definitely recommend her in a Normal Mode draft, especially if you're lacking DB power.

Muarim - 30 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
     31  70  23  03  18  15^ 18  20  10  | A Vika

I was also impressed by Muarim's performance. He may have never gotten S strike, but he didn't need it with his monstrous Strength. He was a great unit to have in every chapter he was in.

Vika - 22 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
     36  51  16  10  19  23  30  10  18  | A Muarim

She was useful in Part 1, killing Dracoknights and ferrying Micaiah. Once she re-joined, she relied heavily on Tear to deal double-digit damage to anything not a Mage, but her ridiculous Speed and Adept allowed her to proc it most of the time. Best performance I've gotten out of my last round pick ever, although that's not saying much.

Mordecai - 90 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
     35  74  23  02  11  15^ 30  22  08  | A Rhys

He helped me avoid penalties in 2-2, and was a great unit in Parts 3 and 4 since he could double consistently (except Swordmasters in 4-3) and didn't have to worry about dying. Reyson was also usually able to keep him transformed. His mediocre Skill caused me some setbacks occasionally however, and he caused some resets against Ashera too, since he only had ~50 hit against Auras despite being in Best Biorhythm.

Kieran - 58 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/20/20  60  36  15  34  30  25  30  22  | B Geoffrey

He was helpful in 2-3 and 3-9, but had serious doubling problems once he joined the GMs. Thankfully, he was able to get the Speed he needed to double all of the Generals in 4-E-1 on time, but he faltered in the last couple maps, due to not being able to bless a better weapon for him.

Titania - 184 kills (1st Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/20/19  56  34  19  35  33  27  28^ 26  | A Ike

My most irreplaceable unit, carrying the GMs until Mordecai joined and Rhys could hold his own. She never slowed down either, being one of my best offensive units until the end. Her durability left a little to be desired, but it wasn't enough to seriously impede her performance. Definitely worthy of a first pick.

Rhys - 139 kills (2nd Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/16/20  50^ 20  36  30  30  35  13  40  | A Mordecai

I got lucky with his Speed thankfully, since I didn't have a Speedwing to give him this time. Also, thanks to the forged Light Tomes I sent over, he was able to continue to ORKO until the Tower. Not to mention being able to use the Ashera Staff after being given an Arms Scroll, greatly increasing my flexibility against Ashera. I would draft him over Soren, solely due to the Desert (incidentally, the Desert is probably the biggest reason he got 2nd Place).

Volke - 10 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/--/18  55  32  05  40  39  21  26  22  | B Rafiel

I love using Volke. I don't know why. Anyway, he was mostly just another helping hand until the last map, where he was able to deal heavy damage to Corner Auras with Parity, allowing practically anyone to come and finish them off after he and Lehran attacked one. I really wish he joined sooner than he did.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Amazing turncount record. I don't think I'll be able to beat it.

You've gotten through 3-E faster than I have, and you'll probably have better turncounts for 4-2, 4-3 and 4-5.

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@Radiant Kitty Meg was amazing in Ike's route :): she is a very decent choice due to axes like hammer and hand axe imo she's better than Aran, Fiona and Leo for a DB pick.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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@Radiant Kitty Meg was amazing in Ike's route :): she is a very decent choice due to axes like hammer and hand axe imo she's better than Aran, Fiona and Leo for a DB pick.

Fiona and Leo definitely, but I'm not sure about Aran. She was better in Part 1 (mostly due to the statboosters) and 3-12, but he was better in the rest of Part 3 and Part 4, due to Beastfoe in Part 3 and better Speed and Move in Part 4. I'd say they're about equal, but that might be because I was using both of them.

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RD, I'm sorry to say, you miscounted. 8[ You got 255 turns. You overlooked 4-2.


Battle preparations

Books, books, books. Ilyana and Micaiah need them. Marcia gets three Javelin forges fom the Convoy.


Micaiah - Resolve

Ilyana - Celerity + Daunt

Marcia - Paragon


I have Micaiah kill all the enemies to the East side. Meanwhile, Ilyana and Marcia kill everythin at the center of the map.

Could've done it in 2 turns if it weren't for that stupid pacifist General. 8[ I'm satisfied, though.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   20.-- 37 11  30  23  25  40  15  30    A Sothe
Ilyana    12.40 45 24  33  31  30  21  21  31
Marcia    11.11 50 32  13  31  34  27  28  26

3 turns.


Battle preparations

Ike and Zihark take a Torch each. Ike buys a Wyrmslayer.


Lyre - Lvl 34

Rafiel - Lvl 30


Ike - Paragon

Zihark - Adept (Innate)

Lyre - Pass + Wildheart


Ike started by lighting a Torch on the first turn, clearing the way for Lyre to kill those two, annoying pacifist enemies (The Lance General and the Priest). Ike killed the other closest Priest then killed everything else, and at last, the last Priest. Zihark took the West side. Lyre took the opposite side, along withRafiel who became amazingly helpful by chanting Valor and Vigor. He also used Valor on Ena, who could defend herserlf with that.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       15.46 61 36  11  40  37  19  32  14
Zihark    13.71 50 32  13  40  40  21  22  21
Lyre      35.21 58 17   6  20  20  30   9  14
Rafiel    30.60 48  1  14   2   8  43   5  25

6 turns.


I take my opportunity to forge a Light tome for Micaiah, a Thunder tome for Ilyana, and a few Max Mt/Crit Javelins for Marcia. Oh yeah, Heather also gets a full Inventory of MaxMt/Crit Iron knives.


Lvl 33


Heather - Adept

Janaff - Miracle + Wildheart


Heather goes through the upper path killing everything along the way, then goes for Valtome and his homies. Janaff goes through the South, and then heads back to deal with reinforcements. Reyson assisted Janaff alot.

Note: Janaff SS-ranked his strike. >8] But he was 1RKO'ing under the influence of Wildheart with an S-strike, anyway.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Heather   14.06 46 28  14  38  38   35  23  26
Janaff    33.31 59 19   2  20  20   31  13   9

8 turns.


Marcia charges up her Inventory with the brand new Javelins. Micaiah and Ilyana get their new tomes.

Ilyana eats the Boots.


Micaiah - Resolve

Ilyana - Daunt + Resolve

Marcia - Adept + Savior


Built Ilyana x Marcia


Micaiah takes the upper side that would lead to Stefan's recruiment. She certainly helps with the clearing. Marcia goes through the South-West corer and then up to center of the map, to deal with left-overs. Ilyana kills every enemy to the South.

I found it funny how Lekain was literally the last man standing, meaning the chapter ended after he dissapeared.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   20.-- 37 11  30  23  25  40  15  30    A Sothe
Ilyana    17.81 45 24  35  34  30  25  21  33    C Marcia
Marcia    14.53 50 32  13  33  36  28  28  26    C Ilyana

6 turns.


Battle preparations

Zihark packs some 2-range swords, and Ike buys a Pure Water.


Ike - Lvl 20

Lyre - Lvl 36


Ike - Celerity

Lyre - Pass + Wildheart

Rafiel - Paragon (lol)


Built Ike x Zihark


As per usual, Ike kills everything at Oliver's room, including Oliver himself. Zihark and Lyre go up to the second floor and deal with reinforcements (Well, Zihark does), while Lyre kills the enemies in the chest rooms.


Rafiel took a great role in making all this possible.

Lyre SS-ranked her strike.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 65 37  12  40  37  24  32  18    C Zihark
Zihark    17.17 50 32  13  40  40  22  23  22    C Ike
Lyre      36.25 59 18   6  20  20  30   9  15
Rafiel    31.70 49  1  14   2   8  44   5  25

9 turns.


Battle preparations

I realize that, I did not only fail to obtain the Laguz Gem, but Baselard as well...dammit.

ANYWAY, I see I finally got Geoffrey back. It's about frickin' time.

I forge a Max Mt/Crit Silver kife for Heather.


Janaff - Lvl 34

Geoffrey - Lvl 20

I Crown Geoffrey and do't bother giving him any statbooster, despite having a Speedings, a Dracoshield, a Goddess Icon and an Angelic Robe lying around in there.


Heather - Adept

Janaff - Miracle + Paragon + Wildheart

Geoffrey - Paragon


Built Heather x Janaff



I had pretty bad expectations about Geoffrey. I thought he was beyond redeemption, so I just sent him to attack a Tiger, the Tiger counter-attacks and then leaves him at Tiger 1HKO range. I didn't care, so I carried on with my Player Phase. Heather and Janaff slaughtered laguz here and there because they were in the way. :(: Geoffrey continued impressing me by ass-pulling Sol procs or dodge-tanking. -_-

In the end, Heather just went through the main path, along with Janaff, and critikilled Izuka from range.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Heather   17.18 47 28  14  38  40   35  24  26   C Janaff
Janaff    34.99 60 19   2  21  21   31  13   9   C Heather
Geoffrey  12.74 52 34  13  30  32   26  24  25

4 turns.

Part 4: 36 turns.

This makes 238 turns in total.

Now, Endgame...

Edited by Saber
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I sell of everything that's unnecessary and buy things I need, like a few Arms scrolls for Micaiah, a Silver greatlance for Geoffrey, a Peshkats for Heather, etc.


Ike - Celerity + Parity

Lyre - Wildheart + Pass

Micaiah - Resolve

Ilyana - Daunt + Resolve

Marcia - Adept + Parity

Stefan - Paragon

Heather - Imbue

Janaff - Wildheart

Geoffrey - Adept + Miracle

Sothe - Smite


Built Zihark x Lyre and Micaiah x Ilyana.


The main force to deal with those pesky Generals were Ike, Zihark, Ilyana, Marcia, Geoffrey and Caineghis. Heather and Stefan killed the enemies to the left. Janaff and Lyre killed the ones to the opposite side. Micaiah used her brand new Rescue to get Rafiel out of danger and to reposition.

Ike killed Lekain. Marcia killed Hetzel.

3 turns.


Battle preparations

Ike packs a Hammer and Ilyana packs a Meteor tome.


Marcia x Geoffrey.

Increase Heather x Janaff to a B.


I take my opportunity to train Stefan and Micaiah a bit before Ike decides to counter-kill BK. Ilyana Meteors Levail and snatches the Wishblade.

1 turn.


Blessed items/weapons:

Ragnell, Alondite, Lyre's paws, Rexaura, Rexbolt, a Wirmslayer, Vague Katti, Peshkatz, Janaff's claws, Wishblade, Caineghis' claws and Ena's breath.


Ike - Celerity + Parity

Micaiah - Paragon

Ilyana - Daunt + Resolve

Marcia - Adept

Stefan - Paragon

Heather - Imbue

Geoffrey - Adept

Caineghis - Parity + Pass + Paragon


Built Caineghis x Stephan

Increased Micaiah x Ilyana to a B


Ike, Zihark, Marcia and Caineghis sorround Dhegninsea and defeat him. Caineghis took the kill.

1 turn.


Battle preparations


Ike - Celerity

Lyre - Wildheart

Micaiah - Paragon

Ilyana - Daunt + Resolve

Marcia - Adept

Stefan - Smite

Heather - Imbue

Janaff - Wildheart + Miracle

Geoffrey - Adept

Caineghis - Parity - Paragon + Pass


Built Ike x Ena, Sothe x Rafiel.

Increased Zihark x Lyre and Marcia x Geoffrey to a B.


Micaiah and Ike teamed up to kill the first little ball covering Lehran. Caineghis, Janaff, Lyre and Marcia made a diamond shape, got Vigor'd by Rafiel, and then Shoved/Killled the little balls sorrounding Lehran, leaving path for Caineghis to kill.


1 turn.


I use up all of my BEXP on most of my characters.


Zihark - Nihil

Lyre - Nihil

Rafiel - Imbue

Micaiah - Paragon

Ilyana - Daunt + Resolve

Stefan - Nihil

Heather - Adept

Janaff - Nihil

Geoffrey Adept

Cainegis - Parity


Increased Caineghis x Stefan to a B.

Increased Heather x Janaff to an A.


Having 6 units that double Auras naturally is fantastic. Alot of help. Of course, Rafiel helped a ton. Micaiah kept everyone alive. Geoffrey killed little balls. Sothe died to Ashera's force-field thingy.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 65 37  12  40  37  24  32  18    C Ena
Zihark    19.60 50 32  13  40  40  23  23  24    B Lyre
Lyre      36.46 59 18   6  20  20  30   9  15    B Zihark
Rafiel    40.-- 58  1  15   5  15  50   5  25    C Sothe
Micaiah   12.74 45 17  40  31  32  40  23  40    B Ilyana
Ilyana    20.-- 45 24  38  34  30  26  23  35    B Micaiah
Marcia    17.90 50 32  13  34  36  31  28  27    B Geoffrey
Stefan    18.11 55 32   8  40  40  23  26  24    B Caineghis
Heather   18.33 48 28  15  38  40  35  25  26    A Janaff
Janaff    35.29 61 19   2  21  21  31  13   9    A Heather
Geoffrey  16.14 60 35  13  34  32  26  26  25    B Marcia
Caineghis 40.-- 80 24   5  23  20  32  23  10    B Stefan
Ena                     Who cares                C Ike

2 turns.


Heather - 103 kills

Micaiah - 123 kills (!)

Zihark - 150 kills

Ike - 156 kills

Ilyana 228 kills (!!!)

This makes a total of: 246 turns.


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3-7 done finally. Also, to anyone that it concerns, attacking with a staff does raises staff rank. Ulki got tons of fighting and his rank is under the A :3. I was going to make Ike fight BK, but Fail Maths led me to believe he could take 2 hits from BK (ike had 25 speed).... :facepalm: Kyza did some fighting along with rolf (using rolf bow), but nothing too amazing... Kyza bar barely got out of the "Strike".

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yeah your turncounts scare me


Ike (156 kills)


Micaiah (123 kills - 4th)

...Wow. I was really excited to see her end up at the Top 5's list. She certainly became quite the combatant without taking any resources other than BEXP. She's great. <3


As always, he's great for Part 1 and bench him after that. MAYBE with some luck he could take a job at 3-6 or 3-12.


It's nice to have Geoffrey for free. But all he usualy does is save penalties. Lucky for me, I used up a ton of BEXP to get him out of his hole, starting 4-5, where he got back to the top and became a competent unit.

The Herons

Rafiel: You are the beast, man. It takes a pair of balls of steel to go out of your way to refresh four units at a despite despite not being able to fly, unlike your siblings. His 50 Res also screamed "Bring it, bitch!" at Ashera and pretty much anything using magic.

Reyson: Eh, I never really saw what's so great about him. He saved me a turn or two. Not wasting a Laguz Stone when I have other Laguz that need it most.

Leanne: She's nice to have around in some situations. Not too special IMO, but at least better than Reyson.

Zihark (150 kills - 3rd)

The DB's saving grace. Honestly, the main reason I drafted him over Jill was because I like him more, and I realize I didn't regret it. It's kinda sad how he's ending up a 2nd round pick nowadays. Kinda underrated.

Ilyana (228 kills - 1rst)

With a whooping 228 kills, Moeblob takes the cake, once again.

Ilyana may or may not be the exmple on why Mages are great when it comes to drafting. While I did get lucky with some of her stats, she isn't honestly irredeemable, given you have a ton of resources to spare on her. As for her performance...she was amazing. She killed everything here and there, making Rout chapters a cake walk and the main reason I could get through quickly. Would really consider drafting again despite not being such a high priority.

Marcia (87 kills - 6th)

Marcia 3-turned 3-9, helped get Ike across the bridge at 3-11, and was simply fundamental for the Silver Route. She also blessed the Wyrmslayer for me, helping me defeat Dheginsea in one turn. Great draftee.

Heather (103 kills - 5th)

Heather can't NOT make it into my Top 5's list. While she isn't all that of a combatant, she has always helped me get through Part 3 alive and well.

Janaff (82 kills - 7th)

Janaff really impressed me this time. For 90& of his availability, he has been under the influence of Wildheart and still whooping. Never really suffered gauge issues.

The King of Red Lions




...Okay, she actually helped make 4-E-5 a turn faster, or so. That's about it. I think I'll consider Gareth next time, at least he deals good chunks of damage and doesn't make me go out of my way of picking another character, like Sanaki.


Same as always. Part 3 is all self-improvement, and somewhat pays off at Part 4. While she's not fully intentionally drafted, I never regret it.


Great filler unit. And hey, dealing extra damage at Auras by doubling really helped me lowturn 4-E-5. Great to have around.

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3-7 done finally. Also, to anyone that it concerns, attacking with a staff does raises staff rank. Ulki got tons of fighting and his rank is under the A :3. I was going to make Ike fight BK, but Fail Maths led me to believe he could take 2 hits from BK (ike had 25 speed).... :facepalm: Kyza did some fighting along with rolf (using rolf bow), but nothing too amazing... Kyza bar barely got out of the "Strike".

I Know, He reached S in 3-E for me. =/ Ranulf almost. :( He's great though imo. Wildheart + Resolve atm, amazing for me.

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