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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Amera quickly nodded off after eating, the food probably being the one thing she needed before her body would actually sleep. She set her head back down onto her shirt, and went to sleep.



Morning had come much too early for the cat, as Ignatius began to shout and swear loud enough to wake the dead! "Ahh!" She screamed, rolling over and away from him a few times, in surprise of the noise. She scrambled to her knees and blinked, the sun barely having risen at this time. "Grrrr, it's so early..." Amera fell back to the ground, sitting. Unbeknownst to her, her tanktop had decided to pull itself up during the night, exposing her midriff to evereyone. She simply yawned, and went about looking for something to eat for breakfast. The boar will still there, but there was no fire, which would make cooking it actually possible. She sighed. "Iggyyyyy, can you start a small fire, please?"


Sleeping soundly was something that Adrian would always appreciate, and his night spent in the inn's bed was no exception. He awoke to the groaning of Carrion, and chuckled a bit at it. He didn't really feel like moving though, so he stayed still until she patted his head. At that, he stirred, and sat up in bed. "Good morningoh, you're already gone..." Oh well, I can bother her when she gets back. Maybe she went for some food? That would be very nice. He shook his hand, and... Wait a moment... He shook his hand again, actually feeling his fingers now. "Oh, awesome!" He exclaimed. It did hurt, though, so he quickly stopped shaking it.

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Ken had washed himself and gone to sleep. However, when the morning came, he was still sleeping - the years he'd spent waking up at dawn had finally been undone.



Slipping out before anyone caught him was probably a good idea, before anyone had even woken up, he'd raided the kitchen and gone out to start his woodcutting. He figured he could give himself a break later if he got enough done now. Woodcutting wasn't exactly the greatest of jobs, but it was something he'd be good at. It'd be good to see the others in the arena, hopefully he could watch the loudmouth from earlier take a beating.

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Once she woke up, she took all her belongings (which basically consisted of her bag, crossbow, knives and a change of clothes) and left. The blacksmith was open; the one thing she should have gotten long ago was there.

She noticed it was open, and entered.

"Mr. D? It's me, Legretta."


Last night was pretty damn fun.

He got himself dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. He'd see the others around, and Carrion too. It would be good fun at the arena today, and during the night, he'd ask his questions.

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For the first time in a long time Lucretia was able to sleep through the night. No nightmares of her mother or her past stung her. She slept soundly and awoke the next morning excited to take on the arena once more. She recalled from the day prior that her opponent was wielding a scimitar.

I've never faced one of those before. She prepared herself by stretching her muscles that she would need, washed herself quickly, dressed for the fight, ate a quick meal, and headed to the arena. She was once again the last of four fights today. Now that there were only eight things were going to be more intense. She expected another long day ahead of her.


He awoke and dressed himself slowly, taking the time for the light of the daytime to embrace him. As he pieced together his armor his mind drifted to his daughter, who was surely in this inn. He wondered if she had already been to the arena or not. He figured he'd see her fight anyway and he would try to talk to her later.

I don't want to throw her mind off. He thought as he grabbed his lance and slowly made his way downstairs.

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Ormis stretched, then leaped to his feet. Another day, another match. Grabbing a roll of bread on his way out, Ormis ran to the arena, trying to get there early enough to have a little warm-up time before his match. The guard was a little disgruntled at having to open the arena gate for some kid who happened to get up fairly early, but Ormis got in alright. He finished his roll, then began beating up a sandbag again, warming up.


Teis woke up early, but didn't actually arrive at the arena until he had showered, eaten, and put on his armor. Ormis was already there, and it looked like a few others were there as well. He had made a point to buy a small sword for himself, which was now clipped to his hip, for times when the enemy was too fast for his axe. It looked like his opponent would be that horseman from earlier.

This match should prove to be interesting.

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Gideon stirred a bit at Ignatius' shouts, but when Amera screamed his eyes shot open. "The hell's going on?" he asked grumpily as he sat up, rubbing his eyes. As his vision refocused, he saw Ignatius clutching his charred leg. Ow... His eyes still heavy with sleep, he looked at the smoldering firepit. That wouldn't work to cook anything else...

"Iggyyyyy, can you start a small fire, please?" Amera whined. Gideon couldn't help but roll his eyes at the way her voice sounded. Even if she had to ask a newcomer to make them a fire (he couldn't; not with mana, anyway), did she really need to use that tone? "Long as you don't make a bunch of noise," he mumbled, pointing at the firepit. He wasn't even sure why he had pointed, but at least it made him a bit more coherent. Or maybe it didn't. Too tired to care... "Some of us are still waking up." There was no bitterness in his voice as he said it. It was very matter-of-fact: he was still sleepy.

He forced himself to his feet, still rubbing his eyes as he trudged over to the pig's corpse. The meat wouldn't be as fresh now. He could already see flies crawling over it...With a few swats, he cleared most of them away as he made a cutting motion with his hand. "Knife," he grumbled when he realized that the motion alone wasn't working. Once he had pulled his knife out, he began the very slow process of cutting the boar again. Why do I have to do this?

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The kitchen was open pretty early this morning, and the witch soon found out it would be until the tournaments were over and done with. This was good enough for her, but all in all it wasn't that much of a boon to her. However, as she thought of food, her mind went to money, and then in turn to a source of income... OK, well... I CAN fight, I'm just not proficient, and I DO love a good fight, but I've always had fire on my side. Do I... Ugh, I should probably talk it over with the kid first, I don't wanna fuck ourselves over with what little money we've got here. And with that sentiment, she got some bread and some water, bringing it back up to Adrian. "Hey there kid, got something to at least keep our stomachs filled for the time being. We're on a very tight budget, so I don't want to hear any complaints from you about it, or I'll give you a reason to complain, alright?" Stated matter of factly, she continued with a smile on her face, "Good morning, how ya feeling?"


"Me? Start a fire? I... guess if you want me to, I'll do it." Unsure as to why he had to make the fire, he didn't complain. He had intruded upon them and ate from their own stockpile. He owed them out of obligation, at the very least. First thing that he did was remake the firepit, making sure it was usable again without hazard to them or the environment. Second, he gathered more firewood, enough for a small fire and placed it on said pit. The third thing was the hardest of them all for the wolf man. If I were not as big as I was, I could just do the whole rubbing sticks together deal, like back when I was a kid... but I'm not nearly gentle enough for it anymore... Deliberating over what he could do, he looked at his hands, eyeing the metal on his claws. "Maybe..." Holding his hand over the fire, he began clawing at the metal, it made a slightly irritating noise as he did so, but it was over quickly enough, the sparks produced from the metals touching catching the wood underneath on fire. Raising his hands up in victory, he smiled.


Waking up and rubbing her eyes, she called out, "Lili Vanderhausen Florentine Machiavelli! Come here, kitty!" But to no avail. The cat simply waited by the door, staring at it and meowing occasionally, as if it would magically open if she did. And of course, Aiduen was obliging the cat, making it believe such a silly notion. But not before she washed herself up and got changed. After that, she and the cat took a small walk outside in the city, the cat doing its business, Aiduen wondering what she'd be doing today at her new job. "I hope it's not more dishes... I'm meant for better than that, darn it... but I guess if the Goddess wills it,so be it." She rationalized it away in her mind, steeled for the rest of the day and walking back to the inn with her cat in tow without a single word spoken.


Chewing on some dried meat, he made his way to the arena, the guard there sighing but complying all the same to let him back in the arena training grounds. Arcen saw very few people in there, only one combatant actually training, the others simply waiting about, killing time. Sighing at their laziness, he made his way over to Ormis, who he did not recognize until he got near him. Oh dear, it's the kid from before... I probably shouldn't interrupt him, we do both have the first match of the the day this time. Still, Arcen had to at least admire the kid's spirit as he went at the sandbags. Tapping his sword for good luck, Arcen picked a spot far away from Ormis and began simple slashing exercises to warm himself up for the impending match. He felt good about this one, much better than the last one, and no matter the outcome, he'd probably still come out better than before, and he hung onto that belief.

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Ormis, having demolished the sandbag, sat against the wall and stretched, closing his eyes, focus, focus, focus. He noticed Arcen standing a ways off, doing a few slashing strokes, warming up much the same way that Ormis did.

"Hey, good luck out there."

Ormis didn't know what had compelled him to call out to his opponent, but that was it. No taking it back now. He grinned, flashing a thumbs-up.

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Putting the sword back in its sheath for a second, he looked to the voice that called.

"Hey, good luck out there."

It was Arcen's next opponent, wishing him luck? He reciprocated the thumbs up, a smile attached, but he also quipped back, "Ain't no luck involved the way I work! The sentiment is appreciated though, so... good luck to you too." He may be rude, arrogant, and downright foolish, but he wasn't a meanhearted feller on the inside.

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"Some of us are still waking up."

"Oh... sorry." She hadn't noticed that Gideon had woken up, and wasn't that sorry for being loud. It was Ignatius who'd woken her up, after all. She then looked down, and squeaked, pulling her tank top down. She hadn't realized how much of her was showing. She gathered her shirt and desperately pulled it back on, turning the same color as the night before. I really, really hope they didn't see anything... Sitting back down, she pulled her knees up to her chest and sat her head on them. "Me? Start a fire? I... guess if you want me to, I'll do it." "Oh, uh, I guess. Gideon just wasn't awake, and I... was kinda too lazy to do it myself." She sighed, wishing she could be more energetic in the mornings. It'd make waking up a lot easier. Maybe I can start... she'd noticed Gideon going at the boar... now. "Uh, hey, Gideon..." she started, getting up and walking her way over to him, "d'you need any help with this? I feel kinda useless just sitting around, and I feel bad for waking you up like that."


He'd gotten out of bed after Carrion had left the room, feeling so much better this day than the last. He stretched, and took in a nice, deep breath. His hands seemed to be the only part of him still ailing, and he'd wished he could remember what he'd done to hurt them so badly. Before he could brood any longer, Carrion came back into the room. "Hey there kid, got something to at least keep our stomachs filled for the time being. We're on a very tight budget, so I don't want to hear any complaints from you about it, or I'll give you a reason to complain, alright?" Stated matter of factly, she continued with a smile on her face, "Good morning, how ya feeling?" "He grabbed one of the bread rolls, taking a huge bite out of it. "Hun..." he finished chewing, "...gry." He'd finished it quite quickly, before realizing that she said they were on a right budget. Instead of devouring another, he took them out of her hands and set them on the desk in the room. And, before saying anything else, he grabbed onto her shirt, and pulled her back onto the bed with him. "I think I'll be able to keep my mind off of food as long as you're around." Yep. I'm feeling better.

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"Uh, hey, Gideon..." she started, getting up and walking her way over to him, "d'you need any help with this? I feel kinda useless just sitting around, and I feel bad for waking you up like that."

Gideon turned, having woken a bit, to see Amera blushing a bit. What's with her? Did she have her legs open as she slept or something? "If you're offering, sure," he replied drowsily. "There's only one knife, though, so do you want to just take a shift, or do you not need it?" He didn't want to presume that she'd be as self-sufficient as Ignatius, but at the same time he didn't want to insult her. She was strong; he knew that. "Don't worry 'bout waking me," he added. "Had to happen sometime." He looked the girl over for a moment, then turned back to his work - just in time to nick his finger with the blade. A frustrated hiss arose from him as he pulled his hand quickly from the pig, examining the cut. It wasn't too deep, but it stung. With all of the pig blood on his hand, he couldn't tell if he was bleeding, which only added to his frustration. "Of all the stupid..." he grumbled as he scanned his hand to see if he was bleeding. It was really hard to tell...maybe that was due to it being so early.

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"If you're offering, sure," he replied drowsily. "There's only one knife, though, so do you want to just take a shift, or do you not need it?"

"I think I'll take the knife. I'm not as adept as Ignatius is at this." She went to take it, but, "Of all the stupid...", he'd managed to cut himself with it before she could. "Ohhh, ouch, I'm definitely taking over after that. Go take a seat by the fire, Iggy's got it going. Make sure to find out if you're bleeding, so we can fix it, mkay?" She'd taken the knife and gently pushed him away from the boar as she spoke, cutting at the same part he had cut at before. She knew how to cut meat off of animals-- not like it was a hard skill to learn --but even then this thing was tougher than she'd thought it would be. "I can handle... this" she said, struggling to run the knife through it, though it was moving. She'd finally managed to cut off half of the slab, taking a small break. "I uh... I guess I'm not as strong as I thought, eh?" She chuckled just a bit, before going back to cutting it.

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"Legretta... How many years has it been? 15?" The man was old now, a shadow of what he was when Elune had left Varthas. Still, he was kind, and Elune knew what she needed from him.

"Mr. D, do you still sell those incendiary arrows? I know you made them before - You never let Scout or myself play with them." It pained her to be so direct to him, but she needed this.

"Why, yes... I think I have... around 100 left. But why, Legretta?"

She turned away, knowing she could not tell him what she had become. "I... Just, how much do all of them cost?"

"I guess it's been too long since we last talked... I'll sell it to you cheap, if only because we haven't seen each other for so long. 9 gold pieces, then."

9? Dammit, I'm out... Elune took one of her daggers, the one slightly duller, and placed it on the table. "For this, Mr. D?"

"Yes, Legretta. This is more than enough."

She took the arrows and kept them in her bag before leaving the shop. Silently walking away, she got onto her horse before riding back to Lazarynth.


Quite a few of the combatants were already there. He recognised the knight from yesterday - While still tired, he looked like he was pretty damn strong, and was focusing. Danyon decided not to bother him, instead unsheathing his sword and practicing a few charging slashes. Against that armour, he'd need a lot of force.

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"Ohhh, ouch, I'm definitely taking over after that. Go take a seat by the fire, Iggy's got it going. Make sure to find out if you're bleeding, so we can fix it, mkay?" Gideon nodded as she took the knife from him, wiping the blood from his hand with his sleeve. Yep. He was bleeding. Quite a bit, too. He tore a loose piece of fabric from his sleeve, making his left arm cuffless, but providing him with a makeshift bandage with which he bound his hand rather roughly. As he tied it tight, he winced - the cut wasn't terribly deep, but he wasn't much of a medic. "Should be okay," he said to himself, turning back to see Amera struggling with the pig. "You doing alright?"

"I uh... I guess I'm not as strong as I thought, eh?" "Nah, just keep at it," he told her. "The damn thing's thick. Took me a while to cut an edible piece...if you need help, lemme know." Wait, did he just offer to help? When he could be sleeping? Stupid, he chided himself inwardly. Now you have to stay up.

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Many thoughts flew through her mind at that moment, mainly panic. What the hell is he doing why is he grabbing me why is he pulling me why am I on the bed oh god oh GOD! Scrambling off the bed, her breathing got a little faster and she probably wasn't thinking as rationally as possible now due to her panic attack as she backed herself to the wall, staring at Adrian. She wasn't outright angry at him, but she didn't like what he was doing. Not now, not like this, and of course he'd go... he'd go THERE when I'm as powerless as I am now! "I-I was going to ask you something, but what the hell was that?! What did I tell you on our way here, Adrian? What did I fucking tell you?! I told you not to do stuff like... THAT! Alright?! It's too soon!" And before he even thought of talking back to her, she held up her hand, "And I don't want to hear 'oh I wasn't going there, not like this hurr hurr' I DON'T CARE!" Taking a few deep breaths, she quieted her voice down so as not to get kicked out due to angry neighbors. "Look, I'm scared right now, I feel very... VERY vulnerable, and you doing things like that can be taken a VERY wrong way, alright?! Look, I'll stop teasing you if you'll stop scaring me like that, is that fair? Is that what you want?!" Unbeknownst to her in her panic and fear, she was actually crying slightly, and only when the tears started dripping from her face did she realize it, wiping her face, wanting once again to just disappear from the world.


When Gideon cut himself and let out the hiss of pain, Ignatius examined the wound as closely as he could without trying to get in Gideon's face. His knowledge and presence wasn't needed, which made him a little sad on the inside, but he would deal. "You should get that cleaned out soon, young Gideon. It was near enough to the boar's juices to warrant immediate attention. If you'd like, I can make the trip to town and see if I can bring out some medicinal supplies to you?"

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"You should get that cleaned out soon, young Gideon. It was near enough to the boar's juices to warrant immediate attention. If you'd like, I can make the trip to town and see if I can bring out some medicinal supplies to you?"

Gideon nodded. "We should all get moving soon actually. Town's not that far off, and we're done here, more or less." He turned to Amera. "Should we bring some of the meat with us? I was thinking we just bring a tusk to prove we did it..." The skull was pretty big. Probably heavy, too, and he didn't want to clean it out of brains and stuff. "What do you think? Do you want to stay here for a while, or should we get going?"

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"Nah, just keep at it," he told her. "The damn thing's thick. Took me a while to cut an edible piece...if you need help, lemme know."

She was almost finished as he spoke, looking back at him with a half smile. "I said I can handle it, so let me handle it, bud. Just relax." She'd pulled a larger piece of meat off the boar as she said that, almost dropping it as it wasn't expected. "Aright! Breakfast!" ...If you'd like, I can make the trip to town and see if I can bring out some medicinal supplies to you?" "Well, Iggy, we were planning on heading back with this thing's head in a bit. D'you think you could help us with that? It'll probably be too much for us to carry." She stick the meat next to the fire to let it start cooking, sitting down next to them. "Should we bring some of the meat with us? I was thinking we just bring a tusk to prove we did it..." Alright, the entire skull was a bit much. "Yeah, let's take the tusks instead." "What do you think? Do you want to stay here for a while, or should we get going?" "I'm tired of these woods, and having a real bed to rest on would be nice... Yeah, let's go." She stood, and stretched. As much as she'd have enjoyed to sit and eat the meat crackling on the fire right now, the inn was calling her name.


Carrion jolted off of him, and he sat up, confused. "I-I was going to ask you something, but what the hell was that?! What did I tell you on our way here, Adrian? What did I fucking tell you?! I told you not to do stuff like... THAT! Alright?! It's too soon!" "B-But I wasn--" "And I don't want to hear 'oh I wasn't going there, not like this hurr hurr' I DON'T CARE!" "I-I'm sorry, it really wasn't like that..." I was going to give her a hug, maybe a kiss, but... I didn't think you'd freak out like that. "Look, I'm scared right now, I feel very... VERY vulnerable, and you doing things like that can be taken a VERY wrong way, alright?! Look, I'll stop teasing you if you'll stop scaring me like that, is that fair? Is that what you want?!" He almost got up to give her a hug, but he was worried if he went to give her one, she'd freak out again. "I'm... I'm sorry. D'you..." he was almost afraid to ask, "...want a hug? I understand if you don't. I really didn't... think it came off like that. I'm sorry..." He looked away from her now, upset with himself once again. "I-I don't really know what's too far and what's not. But, I know that that's too far now..." He was a little insulted, though, since she knew he'd never do anything like that. At least, he knew he wouldn't.

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Nodding to Adrian at his request for a hug, she was honestly fine with that. "I just... don't like the pulling or forcing, OK?" Continuing after yet another deep breath, "I realize how unfair this might be for you, Adrian, but please... Please try to understand my point of view here. If I have to stop teasing you and giving you crap to get you to not do that again, I'd stop in a heartbeat, alright? I have never felt this way before and I don't what we've got here, as fucking crazy and convoluted as it is, to be ruined because of misunderstandings! Again, I know this is unfair to you given your intentions, but I cannot know that for sure, I just can't read minds, I can't, Adrian..."

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"I just... don't like the pulling or forcing, OK?" "I-I can stop doing that. I can." He had a sort of eagerness in his voice. "I realize how unfair this might be for you, Adrian, but please... Please try to understand my point of view here. If I have to stop teasing you and giving you crap to get you to not do that again, I'd stop in a heartbeat, alright? "I do, I do, and I can stop, I promise." You don't... have to stop that, though... He'd thought about her teasings for a moment, and he really didn't mind them. "I have never felt this way before and I don't what we've got here, as fucking crazy and convoluted as it is, to be ruined because of misunderstandings!" "I don't either, I really, really don't." At this point he'd gotten off the bed and was standing next to her, against the wall. "Again, I know this is unfair to you given your intentions, but I cannot know that for sure, I just can't read minds, I can't, Adrian..." He let her come into a hug, instead of pull her into one, but he couldn't help and smile at what she'd said. "You can bring people back from the dead. I'm sure you'll be reading minds one day. Again, though, I'm... I'm really sorry."

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Sighing, she embraced Adrian. "It's... fine. It was a panic attack, just don't... don't do that to me again, OK? I'll get my act together soon, sorry I keep exploding on you like this..." A wave of fatigue overcame her, her heart finally slowing its fast paced beating. Her question could wait, right now she needed to really calm herself down


"If you need help carrying anything, I have no problems helping you young ones out. Don't be afraid to ask..." He offered his services, however unneeded it was. Still, he figured the gesture in and of itself was appreciated, if nothing else.

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Noticing everyone who would be fighting had arrived, Lucretia decided to train a bit. Her opponent was the man with the scimitar. He looked fast yesterday, but she knew she was faster. Nonetheless, it was a fairly long blade, and it looked powerful.

I have two swords. This should work.

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"It's... fine. It was a panic attack, just don't... don't do that to me again, OK? I'll get my act together soon, sorry I keep exploding on you like this..." "Don't be sorry," he said softly, stroking her hair, "it was my fault, so don't apologize. I should've realized how you felt with your powers gone. I won't do it again." He sat down with her, not wanting to lean against the wall anymore. Sitting would be more comfortable. "D'you want to just go lay down and relax for a bit? I could go and see if Amera and Gideon have come back." He'd rather stay with her, but if she wanted him to check for them, he would. He felt like he had to do whatever she said to make her feel better, for his own incompetence.


"If you need help carrying anything, I have no problems helping you young ones out. Don't be afraid to ask..." "Uhhh, okay, could you tear those tusks off of its face? That should be good enough for the guild." The tusks were large, and menacing, and if they didn't convince the guild that the boar had been killed, then... Amera didn't actually know.

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Slightly tired, Carrie's eyes slip open with a slow blinking against the sunlight. She slowly finds herself wincing at the brightness and she tugs her hood down a bit quietly. However, she smiles a bit shakily to herself, hearing the sound of life from the other three. She'd stayed, she guesses... But soon she's sitting hastily up and can see from the gathering of things and, well, tusks; it's close to time when they have to depart. She rubs her eyes beneath glasses and her hood and slightly yawns as well, a slightly tired smile beneath her hood too to the group.

'Anything...' she yawns again, stretching but quite happily wanting to help '...I can do to help?'


Obelia shakes awake and her head is hazed over. She remembers with a daze the pleading of her heart for Lucinda to wake, Ken's offer… she had shaken her head and she see's now, with embarrassment, she is still at her bedside, having slept here most of the night. She tiredly sighs and slightly sits up, hair she grumpily blows out of her eyes, messy from being scrunched against the blanket. She looks to the woman and sighs, a slow thought. Maybe she does this, she muses as she folds her arms on the bedside again, because she would like something akin to a friend.

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'Anything...' she yawns again, stretching but quite happily wanting to help '...I can do to help?'

Amera looked behind her, smiling as the girl from the night before appeared to have stayed. "Carriiiiiie~" She said with a flamboyant tone, as she turned towards the girl and lazily gave her a hug. "How're you doing this morning?" She was always like this with other girls, and smaller boys. Hugs were fun. "Yes, you can help by standing there and being your cute li'l self, unless you think you can carry some of that," Amera said, as she motioned towards the boar.

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'.....' She is silent and her cheeks burn at such words and hugs. She likes hugs, who doesn't? She can barely remember yesterday, slowly coming back as well. But she smiles a bit, a slow quiet nod as she moves over and with a huff and heave, picks some of it up, wobbling once or twice..

'This...i...isn’t...huff… as heavy as I.. thought...'

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