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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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'This...i...isn’t...huff… as heavy as I.. thought...'

Carrie had tried to pick up one of the larger pieces of the boar, and was now struggling to stand. Amera quickly took it out of her hands and set it down, chuckling a bit. "Don't start going just yet. We've still gotta wait for Iggy to get the rusks off of it." She stole the girl's hand and pulled her over to the fire, sitting her down, and sitting down herself. "Let's just relax until we've got to get going. Why don't you tell me some more about yourself?" She was interesting in hearing more about her, since they didn't get much out of her last night.

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'B... but I can carry...'

She is about to get annoyed, but the girl is so gentle in personality... well, more happy, she supposes, she hesitantly follows her to the fire, hood tugged a bit further down and her glasses pushed up. She listens to Amera's request and murmurs…

'Not... much to say... I'm Carrie, my family worked regular jobs... my mom is a market stall owner, can trade milk to a milker on a good day… my father is a watchmaker, he can see the intricacies of the smallest things, but can be oblivious to emotion around him.. I grew up wanting to be something special, but didn't feel like I truly was...'

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'Not... much to say... I'm Carrie, my family worked regular jobs... my mom is a market stall owner, can trade milk to a milker on a good day… my father is a watchmaker, he can see the intricacies of the smallest things, but can be oblivious to emotion around him..

"They sound like nice people! Ha ha..." '...I grew up wanting to be something special, but didn't feel like I truly was...' "Oh, don't say that! Just because you might not be something special right now, doesn't mean you can't be. That's all up to you," Amera said, poking Carrie's arm. "It's not like I was born being able to fight, or use magic. I learned. I'm sure you can learn to do something special, if you put your mind do it, Carrie." This feels kinda weird, ha ha. I'm not used to being the voice of reason to other people... She scratched her head, giving Carrie an unsure smile, but it was still sincere.

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She hears her listen and she blinks a bit, once or twice, actually speaking before she thinks it through.

'But it must be easier for you... look at you, you're stunning!' She says it, Carrie's eyes resolved, with not a trace of a lie. She smiles hesitantly beneath her hood though, again, Amera’s words so very... well, normal to her. She feels like this girl gets it quite well, a slow closing of her eyes as she thinks silently.

Maybe I can be something special. It's not too far out of my reach...

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'But it must be easier for you... look at you, you're stunning!'

"Uh, well..." She'd never been complimented by a girl before, so it was a bit awkward to receive such a statement. "Thanks, I guess. It's not like you're ugly, though. You're pretty cute; give yourself some more credit!" She poked the fire with a stick, looking over at Ignatius. "Hey, Iggy, how long d'you think it'll take us to get back while caring those monsters?" She was referring to the tusks, which were actually looking like they could prove to be a difficult challenge to carry back. Hope it's worth it to drag these suckers back to town...

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"Yeah, I think I'll just lay down and look at my book for a bit..." Letting herself fall back on the bed, she just sort of sat there, motionless, letting her mind and her emotions cool themselves off before they overheated again. "If you wanna go find em, sure, go nuts. Not like I'm going anywhere." Groaning and looking back at Adrian, "Just do what you want, it's too early anyway..." Pointing to the bread on the desk lazily, "Or if you're heading out, gimme some of that bread pleeease. Even if you aren't, gimme." Feeling much more calm, her tone was a bit whinier on purpose.


Nodding and moving over to the horrible smelling boar, he grabbed one of the tusks on it and his other hand holding its mouth. Using both hands, he began to pry the tusk out, the sound it made a bit sickening as it eventually came out of its mouth. The tusk was a bit bloody and had seen better days, but it was still of decent quality. "Hm... this could make quite a nice trinket if done right. But I digress, this is all you two needed, right?"

"Hey, Iggy, how long d'you think it'll take us to get back while caring those monsters?"

"As long as a normal walk... they're not that heavy for me, child. I can carry them for you." He said matter of factly, though to some it might have come off as ignorant. With that, he placed the tusk on the ground and pulled the other one out, just as sick a noise was made as the last time.

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Gideon nodded approvingly as Ignatius pulled the boar's tusk from its head. "That'll do just fine," he said, grinning. "Thanks." He turned to look at the path they took to find the boar, which he recognized by the place he had tripped earlier. That spill had hurt...As Ignatius took the other tusk, Gideon's eyes widened. "Are you...are you sure you can carry both of those?" he asked warily. Even a creature as big as Ignatius had to have limits.

'But it must be easier for you... look at you, you're stunning!' Gideon half-turned at that, noticing the other girl complimenting Amera. She had a point... "Oi, make sure you have everything you brought," he said to the two of them. "If you want a chunk of the pig for the road, now's the time to get it." He didn't. The damn thing smelled awful by now, and insects were crawling all over it. "Amera, you feeling alright?" Even if she was stunning, she had broken a rib. It would help to ask now, instead of finding out when she collapsed halfway there...

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"Or if you're heading out, gimme some of that bread pleeease. Even if you aren't, gimme." He quickly handed her one of the bread rolls, taking another for himself. "Nah, you're right. It's still early, and I might need some more sleep." He took one of the pillows off of the bed, and threw it onto the floor next to it, laying his head down. The floor wasn't ridiculously comfortable, but he felt he needed to give Carrion her space. And then he remembered... "Actually... aren't those matches going to be starting soon? If you'd rather we skip them today, that's fine." He wasn't so sure it was fine, but he didn't reflect that in his speaking. Adding another level of stress onto Carrion, no matter how small, wasn't something he'd wanted to do at the moment.


"As long as a normal walk... they're not that heavy for me, child. I can carry them for you." "Really? You're a life saver; that'd be great!" She knew she didn't want to carry one, not with her stomach the way it was. She could walk, now, but when she'd rolled over earlier she'd felt her rib jab her. She'd, unfortunately, have to see a healer when they got back to the city. "Amera, you feeling alright?" She sighed and smiled, wanting not to tell him of her rib stab from earlier. "I'll be fine, Gideon... unless you're so worried that you want to carry me~?" she joked with him, even making a silly pouting face, before laughing and starting to walk off.

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"I'll be fine, Gideon... unless you're so worried that you want to carry me~?"

You can't be serious. Gideon sighed. Why did she have to be coy now? Maybe I should pick her up, just to spite her...no, she's wearing a skirt. I'd rather not deal with that. He shrugged and smirked at her. "At least buy me a drink first," he shot back over his shoulder as they began to walk. "Ham doesn't count." Yawning, he looked over at Ignatius, still astonished at his ability to carry two gigantic tusks without any fuss. It'd be handy to be that strong. Not that he wasn't - he was just a man, though. Still, his fists could only do so much. Which reminds me... "What are we getting paid for this again?" he asked Amera. It'd better be enough to get me a new weapon.

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"At least buy me a drink first." "Oh, that's cute," she mocked with a giggle, "Ham doesn't count." "Darn, I was hoping to get an easy ride back into town. Guess I'm walking..." At the very least, it had been worth a shot to try and get him to carry her, but she'd be able to walk. "What are we getting paid for this again?" She scratched her head, trying to remember the reward. "I think it was, uhhh... one hundred gold pieces per person? Something like that." Amera was only worrying about getting enough for a night at the inn; her body could not wait for their soft, clean beds.

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Woodcutting wasn't really much better than dishwashing. Well, at least he could work at his own pace. After doing it for an hour or two, he had given himself a break - the fights in the arena were probably going to start soon. Lucretia and Teis were still probably in the tournament, he doubted that the loudmouth and Ormis had made it too far. Unless they got lucky.


Ken had finally gotten up, a day of prayer must have worn him out. Taking a bread roll from his bag, he returned to Lucinda's room. He noticed the young woman from earlier, she had probably fallen asleep in prayer too.

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"Yeah they'll be starting up soon. Pretty sure not for a couple hours at the earliest... I suppose watching people beat the shit out of each other would make me feel better." She could tell Adrian was trying to appease her, and truth be told she wasn't against it entirely, but the circumstances pissed her off a bit. After a pretty long moment of silence and being still on the bed, she shoved the whole bread roll in her mouth and tried to talk, "So um... I guess... you're feeling better now? Maybe after the matches, we could go grab some weapons, maybe do some hunting to get me started or something? I don't know what to do. I wanna get going on getting some training and know-how, but at the same time, I don't want to be wasting this money..."


Hefting the two tusks onto his shoulder, he started walking with the others. Simply listening to their banter made him feel a little nostalgic on the inside, but for what, he did not know. He liked the feeling though. "One hundred per person? Seems fairly generous to me. But something tells me they're not going to be so easy to convince, or at the very least part with so much money to two young ones like you."


As he kept on going, soon there was a messenger on the grounds. Taking a quick look over everyone there, he nodded, "OK then. I'm here to remind all participants that the first match will start in an hour, so I suggest you get all your preparations in order for the rest of the event right now, because once these matches start, you cannot leave the grounds or come back here, outside of a dire emergency of course but I digress. Good luck to all participants, and remember to try and put on a good show if you can! There might be a bonus involved if you do, even if you lose the match!" And with that, the messenger left the training grounds. Arcen smiled, anxious for the next hour to pass, but not shirking on his warm up. When he felt he had done enough, he simply sat down on the side, waiting for the match. He eyed his opponent one more time. I know he's a kid, but hey... I guess he must have done something right if he actually got to round two. Don't get cocky, Arc!

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Ormis was bouncing on the balls of his feet, working up a bit of a sweat. Nothing super-tiring, just to get his muscles working.

"OK then. I'm here to remind all participants that the first match will start in an hour... ((Snipped for length)) ...if you do, even if you lose the match!"

He grinned. One hour, eh? The boy sat, closing his eyes, focusing his energy, sword on his lap. Focus... focus... Don't lose track of him...

His eyes opened slowly. He noticed his opponent eyeing him from the other side of the room. Ormis flashed another thumbs-up and a grin. Even if he lost, he'd sure as hell put on a good show.

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The first match was in an hour. Lucretia had seen both Arcen and Teis fight the day prior, so she was excited to see the both of them fight together. She decided to work on a few more quick attacks before deciding to take it easy in preparation for her fight. She gave a "good luck" look to both Arcen and Ormis. It would be a good fight at the least.


Sitting in his seat, Adano looked at the schedule for the day. Lucretia would be fighting last. He was interested to see her fight again today, he wanted to see if his daughter had inherited any of his skills.

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"Yeah they'll be starting up soon. Pretty sure not for a couple hours at the earliest... I suppose watching people beat the shit out of each other would make me feel better." "Maybe. It might show you how some people fight, as well. It'd be something to do at least. And, hey, we can see if Ormis wins again, or gets his ass kicked, ha ha." He'll lose, there's no way he can win two times in a row. I like the kid, but... he's just not that good of a fighter. He sat up on the pillow, his back starting to hurt from the floor, and decided to lean against the bed side. "So um... I guess... you're feeling better now? Maybe after the matches, we could go grab some weapons, maybe do some hunting to get me started or something? I don't know what to do. I wanna get going on getting some training and know-how, but at the same time, I don't want to be wasting this money..." "My hands are still burnt. I don't really know if I could hold a sword yet, but if you want to try and fight against a dummy, or go hunting something small, I could supervise. I'm no sword master here, though. I only know the basics myself, but..." He'd suddenly become unsure if he could properly teach her how to wield a sword. He'd only taught himself by swinging the thing against a makeshift scarecrow in his back yard for around a year. "... I can try my best to help." He looked up at her as he spoke, hoping she'd be alright with his help.


"One hundred per person? Seems fairly generous to me. But something tells me they're not going to be so easy to convince, or at the very least part with so much money to too young ones like you." "I guess it does, but considering the size of that... that thing, I would be hoping that would pay more... but, again, you're right. I doubt they'll even believe we've killed it, with how young we are... Hrm." Amera hadn't thought of this. The people at the guild hadn't taken her very seriously, and with the way her ribs were right now, she wouldn't be able to beat some sense into them, lest she risk taking some pretty heavy damage if one of them got a hit on her stomach. "I guess Gideon'll just have to knock some sense into them, if they don't believe us, won't he?" She said, changing her tone into something sweet, near the end. Toying with him was starting to be quite enjoyable, to her.

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He had made it to the arena, managing to hear that fights would be starting in an hour. The entire morning had been devoted to chopping wood, he had more than enough to hang around for a while. Since the fights hadn't started yet, he decided that now would be a good time to find a seat. The crowd wasn't too large - yet. He sat down next to an unusual looking man, perhaps 40 or so. Ormis would be interesting to watch, perhaps a defeat would put him in his place.

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"Whaaat?! Your hands are still burnt? You seemed to have been feeling me just fine, so how can it differ?" It was meant as a joke, but she was also being serious. Either way, she was still miffed at having to wait even longer. "Maybe I'll just use a friggin knife, those are easy to use..." Shuffling to the bedside, her legs were dangling over it, "Well, if we wanna go see round two of the tourney, we should head out now. We'll watch them, let you get better, and I'll go see about money after that. Sound alright to you?" Sitting up she leaned over and started playing with his hair. Maybe I should let him be like that? I've hardly been fair to him at all lately... But I don't- Augh!


More good luck? Luck falls in the face of skill, people! Smiling at the woman, he was still thankful for the gesture of kindness, even giving a thumbs up to the lady. "Thanks." was all he replied.

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"Whaaat?! Your hands are still burnt? You seemed to have been feeling me just fine, so how can it differ?" "Er..." he stopped for a moment. He had been pretty forward with her a moment ago, so he wasn't surprised she didn't think his hands were still in bad shape, "I know after what I just did, you'd probably think otherwise, but they're still hurting too much to hold a sword properly..." And once again, he felt bad. "Maybe I'll just use a friggin knife, those are easy to use..." "Yeah, but they're not very powerful. And if you miss your target with a knife, well, you're ridiculously close then. It'd leave you wide open." She slid her legs over the bed, and he looked over, blushing. Her skirt was still ripped up and... I can almost see... oh god stop looking! He quickly turned his head away, as she started playing with his hair, red like mad. "I-I think we should get you a new skirt before we do anything..." He didn't mind her messing with his hair, though it reminded him that he'd lost his hat. Oh well, probably lost that thing ages ago.

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At the mention of a new skirt, Carrion just now realized why he looked away. In the end though she shrugged. "Eh, it's doing its job right now. I'm covered." She added coyly, "For the most part..." However, she took a second and thought about it more. It was ripped, obviously, and it probably did draw more attention than necessary, how much thought she couldn't tell. "Well... again, the problem is we don't have much money, and I'd rather keep what little we have for food we desperately need. If... if it's really bothering you that much, I'll go get a change, but it'll most likely cost all we got left. Which leads me again to finding a job in the city here, but can we just go to the tourney now? I don't want to think about this shit right now, I'm a bit flustered as is..." Standing up from her seat, she walked out the door, moving slowly so Adrian could follow her

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"Eh, it's doing its job right now. I'm covered." She added coyly, "For the most part..." He was red, but he was glad she was still enough of herself to toy with him. "Y-Yeah, for the most part. I don't really think you should worry about, and it's not like it bothers me, I just thought... well, that it might bother you." He sighed, wondering if he should've tried to control his reaction, or shouldn't have said anything at all. "...I don't want to think about this shit right now, I'm a bit flustered as is..." She got up, and he followed quickly, "Then let's not worry about it, alright? Let's just go watch some people beat each other up, ha ha." He placed a hand on her shoulder as the walked out of the room, looking down at her with just a simple smile. "We'll be fine, alright?"

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Smiling back, she replied to Adrian, "I know, but for how long? We're fine right now, but who knows what's going to happen in the near future...?" Shaking her head she continued talking along the way, "I'm not trying to be depressing about this, I'm... just trying to cope." She put her arm around Adrian as she continued walking, "I hope you know I'm probably going to be an extremely annoying and bitchy person until I get unsealed, so please don't take anything I say too personally, alright? If you put up with me long enough you might get a... special favor." As they continued on their way, it appeared that the arena was getting quite crowded, but Carrion found some seats for them eventually, just in time for the first match! "Alrighty... who we got here today?"

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to day two of the Lazarynthian tournament! Each round of course consists of the winners from yesterday's rounds, so we should expect some even better matches today! In a matter of minutes here, we will kick off day two with a match between Arcen Willard, a surprisingly good newcomer to these parts, and Ormis, our youngest contestant, but don't let his age fool you, folks! He was good enough to get past the first round! As usual, go place all bets now if you haven't already, because once we start the matches, all bidding is done!"

"Oooohoho dear, Ormis in the first match? This oughtta be good..." Carrion was extremely eager to see how the kid actually did against this other guy.


About damn time we got this started! Tapping the pommel of his sword until it was time to go outside was all he could do to stop himself from exploding in anxiety. He really wanted to get out there and put on a show for everyone, earn that bonus. "Arcen Willard and Ormis? You're both up, Arcen you start on the far end."

With that, Arcen walked out into the battleground, sword and hands in the air, trying to rile the crowd up, which worked pretty well. When he reached the other side, he placed the sword in the ground again, simply leaning on it, waiting for the round to start. Smiling, he eyed Ormis, wondering what the kid's deal was.


Taking a break, she went off to the arena as well. It was pretty crowded at this point, but after hearing the announcement that her brother was in the first fight, she quickly scoured the place, and found one next to- "Aurelio! Fancy meeting you here!" Moving her quickest, she took the seat next to him, smiling a little and wondering where he went off to out of curiosity.

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Ormis grinned, leaping out onto the field in the flashiest fashion he could manage. His new cloak (he'd bought one with his prize money the night before) streamed behind him, a bright red banner on his back. He drew his sword, waving it around as to make a lot of flashes. Then he threw a thumbs-up, the crowd getting louder as if in response. He held the pose for a few seconds, then took a regular stance, his sword-tip on the ground behind him, his sheath in his other hand, held like a dagger.



Teis watched, curious to see if Ormis was worth all his bluster. He'd done well enough against that other fighter, but it was too flashy and dramatic for Teis's npinion. The cloak was fine, but that bright red was just too flamboyant. In an arena fight designed to attract attention, it was fine. In a real fight, however, it would draw every enemy's eye.

That being said, it makes for an interesting distraction.

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"I know, but for how long? We're fine right now, but who knows what's going to happen in the near future...?" "I said we'll be fine, so we'll be fine, alright? Now, and in the future. Optimism works, ya know." If she was going to be down and unsure of everything, he was going to try and make her feel better about things. He wasn't sure himself, but he could hope for it, and try his best to make it work out. If everything else failed, there was still his home in Sapphire. It was a house, at least. "I hope you know I'm probably going to be an extremely annoying and bitchy person until I get unsealed, so please don't take anything I say too personally, alright? If you put up with me long enough you might get a... special favor." "Well, I think you're worth putting up w... with... f..." he'd turned red trying to speak. He knew what kind of tone she'd always carried with words like that, "P-putting up with, because you're not the terrible person everyone's made you out to b-be..." Why did you have to say thaaaaaaat?! He'd be red for a while, but his mind was going to be on the match, as they rushed into their seats, and Ormis took the field. "Oooohoho dear, Ormis in the first match? This oughtta be good..." "I'll bet you that he loses within three minutes. If he lasts longer than that, I owe you... I dunno, something. You choose." Wait did I just say that? That was not smart. WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT?!

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Unable to stifle her laughter, she smiled at him, "Agreed. and if he wins before then, you'll owe me a favor~." As much as she liked being so flirty with Adrian, she really wanted the round to start. Thankfully, her patience wasn't going to be tested much longer.

"Fighters, at your ready! May fortune shine down upon you both! Round one of day two.... starts.... NOW!"


Whirling around to the front of his blade, he pulled it out and dragged it across the dirt still spinning, and when he felt he was close enough, he flicked the blade up, getting a nice chunk of ground to fly right at Ormis as he continued his charge. An odd way to start, but the crowd was sure surprised, holding their breath until he unleashed the blow.

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"Agreed. and if he wins before then, you'll owe me a favor~." "Y-Yeah, alright!" Oh god, Ormis, LOSE. LOSE YOU MORON, LOSE! His mind screamed at him as the battle finally began, the challenger throwing some dirt at Ormis during his charge. Yeah, blind him, and then get him! Get him so I don't have to follow whatever the hell she's planning! He felt a bit bad for cheering this other guy on, but, he wanted to win this bet now.

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