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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Good. He's charging.

Danyon fired, knowing his shot would probably miss. He dropped his bow and then drew his sword, and when the hand axe came, he shouted, "Come on, boy!" The horse charged away from the hand axe, causing it to embed itself in the wall.

With that, he charged at the knight, noticing he'd put on his helmet. He slashed at the knight, hoping he would get a good shot in.

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Teis figured the projectile would miss (though he hadn't thought he'd thrown it hard enough to make it stick in the wall). The arrow glanced off his left arm, but didn't do any damage. What he didn't expect was for the horseman to just rush him. There was no time to stand around and wonder what to do next, though. He raised his axe so that the sword would glance off the flat side, then swung it around again, aiming for the man's sword arm.

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"Dammit!" The armour knight had been able to block it well, and how was turning around for a swing. Without another choice, he tilted the blade back, catching the axe with the blunt side. Unable to get another strike in, he slowly backed off. He knew he had the edge, because he's always be able to strike downwards.

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"Well... I guess you won the bet." Adrian saw the depressed look on her face, instantly wishing Ormis had dragged it out longer, somehow. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be this upset about it. I can give you the favor, if you want." "Haven't seen you guys in a while! Why not come up here, the view's pretty good!" Though, their conversation about it would have to wait, as a familiar voice called down to them. Adrian turned to see Aurelio, certainly surprised that he looked happy. But, you were... with Grant when we were on the mountain. Wouldn't you be chasing us, still? "Uh... hi." Adrian didn't know if he should go up there to sit with him, wondering if the same thing was on Carrion's mind.

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After he had finished chiding, Gideon braced himself for Amera's counterattack. He was expecting something coy, but still pointed. Instead, though, she took his arm and rubbed her head against him. "Thanks for worrying~" she said, her tone almost sweet, but still powerfully confusing. What was with this girl? Why the sudden affection? Not that he minded. No. She was cute when she was like this, actually...no, dammit, stop it! She just wants something. They always do. It was nice, though. Hell, she even sounded sincere.

"No problem," he replied, his voice gentler than he meant for it to be. His subconscious continued to scream and rave at him about his stupidity and his weakness as they walked back, but he didn't do a damn thing to keep her off his arm.

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The tone Adrian had in his voice was priceless, making Carrion laugh pretty easily, "Adrian, Adrian, really, it's fine I was just yankin yer chain, OK? Come on, you need to catch this stuff a little better, or you're going to be so whipped. Unless you really like that, in which case, hey, your call!" At Aurelio's offer, Carrion looked back at the man, waving, "We'll be right over" she had to yell over the crowd. Standing up, she grabbed Adrian's arm and gently pulled on it to get him moving. "Come on, dear!"


"Hmm..." Was all he had to say at Gideon's and Amera's 'relationship'. He obviously has some misgivings about her, and she's... not picking up on it, I'd say. In all honesty, he wasn't going to say one thing about it unless he was, for some inexplicable reason, asked about it, but he genuinely loved trying to figure relationships out, yet another mystery he can try to unfold. His musings kept him busy, and eventually the four of em made it back to Lazarynth, the guards noticeably unnerved at Ignatius' appearance, but after some 'persuasion', he was let in, alongside the other three. Adjusting the tusks on his shoulder, he found the guild and waited for the others yet again.


Unable to stem her curiosity at the man's words, she had to pry, "Did you used to fight in the ring, sir?" She asked Adano, hoping the man wasn't going to be pissed or angry at suddenly asking a question of him.

Edited by SlaveKitty
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"We'll be right over"

It looked like they weren't too certain. Were they still concerned about that witch hunt? Well, at least he could try and get their side whilst they were here.

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Teis really wished he'd bought a shield. Without one, the horseman had the advantage, as he was more mobile as well as harder to reach, whereas Teis's only advantage was his armor. He hefted his axe onto one shoulder. If this were a real fight, he would be allowed to kill the horse. But for now, he would have to deal with it.

He was about to try another rush when a memory of his father in a similar battle, and a plan formed immediately. Teis started walking towards where his hand-axe had stuck in the wall, making sure to keep his eyes on Danyon, watching for every move.

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He saw Teis slowly moving towards his hand axe, like he had in the previous match. He quickly charged towards him, ready to get another heavy strike in.

His sword held high, he brought it down towards the knight's shoulder. "Hi-yaaaaaaaaaa!"

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Teis was expecting the horseman to attack with his bow, or try and stop him from reaching the hand-axe. Then the man just rushed him, sword swinging right past Teis's attempt to block.

"Ungh-!" It hit him heavily in the shoulder. There wasn't a whole lot of damage, but it caught in a gap between the armor-plating. Good, because now his opponent's weapon was stuck. Bad, because now he could only swing his axe in an arc about half as long as usual. Scrapping his original plan (knock the man off his horse with the flat side of the axe, then force him to fight on-foot), Teis drew back his left fist for a punch, ready to follow it up by tackling the man if necessary.

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Shit, my sword! Danyon was now defenseless, his bow lying by the side and his sword stuck in the knight's armour plating. He saw the man pulling back his fist for a punch, aiming straight for him. He couldn't run, so he did a move he'd been taught as a last-gasp manoeuvre.

He pulled sharply on the reins of the horse, causing it to raise both front legs in the air. The knight socked the horse straight in the face, and just as the horse started to fall Danyon jumped off, immediately making a dash for his bow.

Well, there goes my main advantage.

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"Did you used to fight in the ring, sir?"

He turned to see the girl next to him, curious at his words.

"Well, yes and no. I never fought in the arena but I was a duelist. I guess you could say the world was my arena." He smiled at the girl. "I can't fight the way I used to anymore, although I wish I could."


Watching the horse fall and Danyon scrambling for his bow, Lucretia mused at Teis' resourcefulness and speed. Despite being hit in the shoulder with a sword he's still fairly quick. Quick enough at any rate to be able to still knock a man off of his horse.

They both seemed to be durable as well; they both had taken considerable injuries but still fought on. Fighting either would certainly be taxing.

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"Oof-!?" When the horse reared, the horse's front legs hit Teis smack in the chest. He staggered back, the weight of his axe actually throwing him quite a bit off-balance. Good news: He was now within reach of his hand axe. Bad news: Danyon was getting his bow back. With one long stride, he grabbed his axe, yanked it out of the wall with his left hand before throwing it at the man, aiming to intercept him on his way to his dropped bow.

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Carrion's laugh cause nothing but more confusion for Adrian, quickly turning from confusion to understanding and a sigh, though. "Adrian, Adrian, really, it's fine I was just yankin yer chain, OK? "Yeah, I guess so." Come on, you need to catch this stuff a little better, or you're going to be so whipped. Unless you really like that, in which case, hey, your call!" "Uh..." he was, again, slow to pick up on what she meant, as he blushed once more. Dammit, Carrion. Just because I'm new to all this... "I dunno, maybe I'll like it if y-you're the one doing it..." He really didn't know what to say, but he did his best not to sound awkward. "Come on, dear!" I guess we're sitting with him. Hope he isn't the kind to hold a grudge. He almost reluctantly followed Carrion to Aurelio, still unsure of his intentions. Grant wasn't around, at the very least.


Most people would probably be able to tell the small bit of uneasiness that Gideon was feeling from her hug, but then again, Amera wasn't most people, and simply took what he said instead of anything else. "No problem" She'd grasped his arm harder when he said that, almost unaware of it, and she didn't let go until they'd made it back to town. She dragged Gideon along with her to the guild, and stopped at the door, almost afraid to walk back inside. "Yeah, uhm... I think I'm going to wait out here. Iggy, Gideon, want to handle them?" If they really needed her to go along with them, she would.

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So he's gonna like it, huh? Oh dear... She thought to herself, grinning without realizing it. Turning her attention onto Aurelio as they approached cautiously, "Enjoying the matches?" It unnerved her how casual Aurelio was being, even though she knew he probably wouldn't try and make a move on them both in the middle of a huge crowd such as the one they were in. Still, she could never be too careful.


"Sure, we can handle it, but perhaps you should try and overcome fears as well, Amera? I do not mean to pressure you but if you truly feel it's best to just stay away, then so be it." As much as he wanted her to grow up and get over her trauma, he wasn't going to force anything. "Well, think you can take both of these things, Gideon, or do you want me to carry them for you? There will definitely be a scene if I walk in, but I'll be more than OK if anyone decides to be racist pricks..."


Eyeing up the two newcomers, Aiduen smiled at them both then turned to Aurelio, "Friends of yours?"

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After what seemed to be much consideration, the pair had made their way over. Did they really think he was that bad?

"Enjoying the matches?"

"Well, other than that dumb kid dancing about, it's been pretty good so far. How about yourselves? It's like you guys are runnin' away from me or something.. Oh, Aideun. These are Adrian and... Carrion." He was pretty certain that was her name, he hadn't really had a chance to speak to her. "We kinda got off on the wrong foot, but they're not all bad. You guys need to tell me what you've been up to, I swear you're keeping secrets from me." He laughed, hopefully they'd infer what the last sentence meant.

He looked at the battle, Teis had got his axe back, hopefully putting him in a better position.

"Dang, it looks like Lucretia's last. We're going to be here all day."

The only times Aurelio had seen Lucretia fight were when she was truly in a fix. It'd be good to see her in a more relaxed battle, part of him wanted to see her win too.

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Well, you don't have to smile about it. He had to get over his nervousness, as they approached Aurelio. He seemed to be sitting with another girl, and a cute one at that. Ha ha, maybe Carrion would be that cute if she wasn't worried over everything. She'd be able to put on a fancy little dress and just relax. Even though Carrion had already asked, Adrian took a seat near Aurelio and started talking about the matches. "Ormis did a lot better than we'd've thought, eh? I mean, I know that a lot of stuff he did was pretty stupid, but, it was entertaining." He motioned for Carrion to come sit down, almost about to answer this other girl for Aurelio, before deciding to let him speak for himself. "We kinda got off on the wrong foot, but they're not all bad. You guys need to tell me what you've been up to, I swear you're keeping secrets from me." "Yeah... secrets, ha ha..." He laughed with him, trying his best to make it not seem forced. We're going to have to explain a lot, aren't we?


"Sure, we can handle it, but perhaps you should try and overcome fears as well, Amera? I do not mean to pressure you but if you truly feel it's best to just stay away, then so be it." "It's not really a fear, it's just annoying... but alright, I can go too. They probably won't give us our pay unless we're both there." She held a hand on her stomach, as it pained her once more. Come on, you're going to get fixed soon. Just chill out, just for a bit, alright?

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"Yeah, uhm... I think I'm going to wait out here. Iggy, Gideon, want to handle them?" Before Gideon could reply, Ignatius spoke up. "Sure, we can handle it, but perhaps you should try and overcome fears as well, Amera? I do not mean to pressure you but if you truly feel it's best to just stay away, then so be it." At his remark, Gideon just shrugged. "If you want, you can stay here," he told her. "But if I were you, I'd want to see this happening." He grinned - if the fat man were in there, he'd want to pick a fight. And that would end badly for him.

"Well, think you can take both of these things, Gideon, or do you want me to carry them for you? There will definitely be a scene if I walk in, but I'll be more than OK if anyone decides to be racist pricks..." Gideon extended his left arm, gesturing to take one of them. "I'll take one. Far as making a scene goes, I don't care if we do. Who's gonna kick us out, the fatass that harassed Amera?" He wasn't too worried. All he really had to do to survive was get a weapon from one of the mooks in there, and from there he could just go to work. "Amera, you want to wait outside, or you feel like seeing this?"

"It's not really a fear, it's just annoying... but alright, I can go too. They probably won't give us our pay unless we're both there." Then Amera put her hand on her stomach. "You aren't fighting," Gideon reminded her. "Just watching and possibly laughing as we clean house, alright?"

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"You aren't fighting," Gideon reminded her. "Just watching and possibly laughing as we clean house, alright?" "But--! Grrr... You're lucky I'm hurting like this, or I'd fight you, to let me fight them." She kept smiling as she spoke. Her stomach had decided to hurt her again, as soon as she'd said 'but', otherwise there'd be two people arguing outside the guild house. "Fine, fine, let's just get in there, alright?" She brushed past Gideon and pushed open the door. Most of the guildies turned to see the same girl from before, and she couldn't see the fat man from before. At least, not near the entrance. She took a seat at one of the empty tables, and waited for Gideon and Ignatius to get to the counter.

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"Ormis did a lot better than we'd've thought, eh? I mean, I know that a lot of stuff he did was pretty stupid, but, it was entertaining."

"Yeah, in all honesty, I thought he'd go out in the first round. It was a surprise to see him here. He'll probably show his face at some point, he's probably embarrassed about it too. I don't blame him, I've got enough material to make fun of him for weeks."

He noticed Adrian's uneasiness, time to have some fun. He patted him on the back, grinning.

"Heh, I've got you that scared? Don't worry, I won't steal your girl. You can relax."

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"Yeah, in all honesty, I thought he'd go out in the first round." "Same here. I can't believe he took that guy out in one hit, too. Such a small kid, and he's doing stuff like this? It's impressive, even if he did lose." And then, Aurelio decided to be funny. "Heh, I've got you that scared? Don't worry, I won't steal your girl. You can relax." "Ha ha, you wouldn't be able to if you tried. Not because of me, no. I couldn't stop you, but her? She'd scare you away before you got the chance to try any of your moves, Aurelio." He joked back, at he expense. At least he was making conversation, and at least it wasn't awkward.

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"Ha ha, you wouldn't be able to if you tried. Not because of me, no. I couldn't stop you, but her? She'd scare you away before you got the chance to try any of your moves, Aurelio."

"Ha, no wonder you're so obedient. I can give you a couple of battle tips later if you like. It's not like I'm some sort of sword master, but I can certainly hold my own with one."

Axes had served him a lot better that swords, but he'd often been stuck using them - so naturally he'd learned a thing or two. The sword he'd stolen from the bandit earlier was still at his belt, the odds were that he didn't want it back. Aurelio would hold onto it for a little longer.

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"Ha, no wonder you're so obedient." "With a girl like her? Who am I to complain? If she wants me to listen, why not?" He leaned back in his chair some. "I can give you a couple of battle tips later if you like. It's not like I'm some sort of sword master, but I can certainly hold my own with one." "I wouldn't mind that, actually. I'm only self taught with a sword, and I don't really know much other than the basics. And speaking of girls..." He looked past Aurelio to the girl sitting beside him. "You've got yourself a pretty nice girl, yourself. Seems like you won't have to try and win Carrion away from me."

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He hadn't seen the axe flying towards him, and just as he reached his bow, the bow hit him in the leg. He winced - it hurt quite a bit, but he would live. He nocked one arrow and kept two more at the ready before quickly looking at his opponent. His legs didn't look very well-armoured...

He quickly aimed, and fired.

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Carrie listens quietly as she slightly looks up at Gideon and to Amera, they're talking and their awkwardness making her smile slightly, a bit of a sigh echoing her. Of course, they look like a couple but the way they dance around it, she is reminded of some of the girls she's seen growing up, confused by their own feelings, their own want for something yet not quite sure what it. She smiles a bit and yet as they enter, she tugs her hood up slightly. She thinks rather hesitantly, but tugs the hood up enough. She thinks to herself as the wolf man and the tall man approach the counter and she has a slight thought. Knowing that bargaining can be a hard trade indeed, she moves over to them and yet stops, hesitant. She knows Amera can take care of herself, but with a broken rib or two and left alone for even a second with those guys.. she sighs and just murmurs, maybe another day she can prove her bartering and slightly tugs her hood back down again, casually walking over and sitting at the table with Amera, offering a smile beneath the hood.

'I'm still waiting for the day I find an all female guild... so much of the world to explore..'


Obelia's eyes brighten and she sighs at an inner hunger poking and prodding her stomach. She glances quietly to Lucinda, offers one tiny bow of her head and stands warmly, smiling to the kindly priest as she walks up next to him still armoured.

'It would be an honour to dine with you, Ken.'

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