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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"Awfully sure of yourselves, ain'tcha? But I gotta say, you've got balls. I'll give you the one hundred. That's it. If you got a problem with that, then you're forfeiting your life. Understand, punk? Or, if you seriously think you can take all of us on, you can try and fight for the rest of what you wanted!" Gideon watched the man draw his sword and point it at him. "And if you lose, we get to keep her. Wanna do this, punk? Huh?" Gideon grinned. "Ask him," he said as Ignatius burst in.

"I can deal with mocking my race, I can deal with you being an insufferable being as a whole, but now you're threatening them for no reason. I think it's a fair deal he's put forth, and at this point you'd be a damn fool to just kill a man in cold blood because he said a few mean words to you." As the men cowered from Ignatius, Gideon stared the fat man down, ready for his attack. From the way he held his sword, the guy had to be at least decent with his weapon, but he probably wasn't fast enough to land a hit on Gideon before being decked. Of course, he didn't have time to act before Carrie kneed the man in the crotch. Amera lunged at him, tossing him to the ground - it was probably the most satisfying thing Gideon had seen in weeks. Seizing the opportunity, he wrenched the fat man's sword from him and pulled him to his feet, bending his arm none too gently behind him with his right hand and holding the blade with his left. "Gotta hand it to you," he said, smirking at the fatty. "You're quite a meatshield." He looked at the other men, his grip tightening around his new weapon. "If any of you raises his hand against us, make no mistake - we will see him dead. Now, which of you is generous enough to get us our pay?"

He glanced at Amera and nodded. "If these guys charge us, Iggy and I can hold them off while you work out your stress," he told her quietly, grinning widely. "You didn't think I'd deprive you, did I?"

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"Yeah, well, when you have some guy coming in and TELLING you to show off, if kind of defeats the point."

There was a difference between showing off and being stupid. He'd given up caring though, Ormis would argue that the sky was green if he had to. The man sitting with them caught his attention. From what he'd heard from Aideun's conversation, he was pretty proficient in combat.

"Say, gramps. How're you finding it so far? Any reason you're watching, you could probably give some of the guys here a good beating."



'Baked goods? Sounds delicious... do you mean bread, by any chance?'

"There's just something about it that's magical. It's cheap, readily available and easy to share. A good portion of the food I packed was bread, it's something that can turn my day around."

Hopefully he'd be able to order some, the baker must know him by now.

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Amera was breathing heavy, smiling. "Fuck, I've been wanting to do that for a while now. You have no idea, you just have no idea." Her adrenaline had started to kick in, and she seriously wanted to smash some heads. "If these guys charge us, Iggy and I can hold them off while you work out your stress," he told her quietly, grinning widely. "You didn't think I'd deprive you, did I?" "You! You... You're terrible, you know that? I almost thought you were going to!" She was smiling, but she was obviously annoyed that he had waited this long to let her have some fun. "I'll get back at you later for this, you know that? I will. I really, really will." What getting back at him entailed, she wasn't sure of, but she would... somehow.

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"Say, gramps. How're you finding it so far? Any reason you're watching, you could probably give some of the guys here a good beating."

Adano was surprised that the boy would call him "gramps". From the looks of it he wasn't that much older than Lucretia was. Nonetheless he focused his attention on the boy.

"Because I can't fight like that anymore." He leaned on his lance. "I took an injury 21 years ago that made me unable to walk properly." He nodded his head towards the arena. "I'm enjoying the matches so far. I'm mostly here to watch Lucretia fight." He paused. "I discovered recently that she's my daughter."


The match was heating up, and Lucretia could tell that the end was near. She decided to turn her attention away from the match to focus on her own. No need to see the winner, she would know tomorrow. She took a few more practice swings at one of the sandbags.

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"I'm enjoying the matches so far. I'm mostly here to watch Lucretia fight." He paused. "I discovered recently that she's my daughter." "Whoa, really? You're her dad? That's awesome! I heard the announcer mention she was from Miyako, and those girls rarely ever meet their fathers... I'm sure she'll be really happy." A rather insightful moment from Adrian, as this man spoke. "Oh, sorry. I'm Adrian, and you?" He'd forgotten to actually introduce himself. Glancing down at the battle, it looked like it was almost finished, and that Teis was about to win. Well, I guess we can ask him for some of his winnings. He seemed like he wanted to help us before...

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The hand axe struck his hand - his right hand, to boot. He wouldn't be able to fire his bow now, and his sword was gone. He saw Teis running towards him now, with his axe ready to strike, and he knew it was over.

He raised his arms, and shouted, "Stop!"


Another town in Shuthra, in search of his father. It had been a year since he heard his father was in Shuthra - maybe he'd be here.

He entered the guild, where a fight was starting to break out. One of the guys immediately turned to him, and shouted, "And who are you, punk? Think you're cool, with the blue hair and that shit! Hah!"

Adonis turned to the man and shot him an icy glare. From within his cloak, he took out his staff, the tip glowing with a mysterious blue light. He pointed it towards the man, and encased his legs in ice.

He looked around the inn. 4 people, 2 of whom were Anri, were facing off against the rest of the guild, most with weapons. He recognised one of the Anri, though. The wolf... His grandfather had told him about the man.

"Your name... it is Ignatius, isn't it?"

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Teis tried to stop, tripped, and fell, landing hard. He was exhausted. Slowly, he climbed back to his feet, ignoring the cheering crowd, wordlessly taking his winnings. He wasn't some showy fool like Ormis, or that Arcen.

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With the match over, Lucretia's was next. As Teis approached, Lucretia turned to him.

"Great job out there. I hope we can fight in the next round." She looked to her opponent, who had his sword at the ready. "I think I'll make it."

As she walked out into the arena, she went to Danyon, who was still there, the healers were making their way to him and his horse.

"Great fight, I was wondering which of you would win." She said with a smile as she approached the far side of the arena.

"The next battle is between Harry Sulman, from Lushira, and Lucretia Germane, from Miyako!"


"Whoa, really? You're her dad? That's awesome! I heard the announcer mention she was from Miyako, and those girls rarely ever meet their fathers... I'm sure she'll be really happy. Oh, sorry. I'm Adrian, and you?"

"My name is Adano Havel." He responded. "I hope she is happy to see me, I'm pretty sure she doesn't know anything about me."

Judging from what I know of Anastasia, she probably thinks I died.

He looked to the arena to see Lucretia and her opponent walking out to the battlefield. He watched the fights yesterday as well, he didn't think her opponent stood much of a chance.

"She'll win, easily." He smiled. "Nonetheless it's going to be a good fight."

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With the round over, she stood up and cheered with the crowd. After that she turned to Adrian, a semi annoyed look on her face now, "Hey, you mind if we both just go now or something? Well, YOU can stay I guess, I think I'm done for the day here." She folded her arms and waited for a reply.

Fat man

Scared out of his mind, he pleaded with the other members, "Just give him the damn money, just give him the money!" He blubbered out. One of the members threw the 200 at Gideon, hopefully calming the situation down a bit. Clearly they were a bunch of wimps it seemed. Ignatius' face was stoic, only watching as the members kept panicking. One seemed especially... frozen. And then he heard a voice.

"Your name... it is Ignatius, isn't it?"

Turning around, he faced what appeared to be a mage. "... And if I am? And besides, it's not like there's many people like me out and about, unless someone seriously thinks they can imitate me..."

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"My name is Adano Havel." He responded. "I hope she is happy to see me, I'm pretty sure she doesn't know anything about me."

"Well, I didn't speak with her for long, but she seems like a nice girl. Just go and talk with her after her match. I'm pretty sure anyone would be happy to know their father is alive!" I know I would... "... I think I'm done for the day, here." The current match had finished, so Adrian stood and took Carrion's hand. She seemed to want to leave as well. "Well, that was a great match, but we're going to go. Some things we've got to discuss. Aurelio, we'll see you back at the inn, alright?" He knew they would, as he started walking, keeping Carrion in tow.


"Just give him the damn money, just give him the money!" "Ha ha ha... Aha ha ha ha!" Amera was openly laughing at the man, now, unable to keep serious when the situation had turned so much. "Wow, you lot are paaaaaathetic! Giddy, I'll be outside. We've gotten our money, let's just go." She smirked at the convulsing mess of fat on the foor, before brushing past someone who had just frozen a man's legs. "Stay frosty, pal." She continued out and leaned against the walls outside, feeling a lot better, now.

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"I'll get back at you later for this, you know that? I will. I really, really will."

Gideon smirked. "See that you do," he shot back. At the fat man's blubbering, one of the guildies threw the gold at Gideon's feet. He shoved the fat man to the ground and knelt to pick up the gold. "Thanks," he said, smiling genuinely at the guild members. Whether it was for the pay or for Amera's taunts, though, he couldn't tell.

"Wow, you lot are paaaaaathetic! Giddy, I'll be outside. We've gotten our money, let's just go." Gideon blinked. Giddy? "Fair enough," he replied as he pocketed the money. "I'll be keeping this," he said, gesturing to the sword in his hand. "Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, now would I?" He turned to the Anri, who was speaking with the mage who had just walked in. "Ignatius, we're done here. Thanks again for the help. If you want a cut, let me know, 'cause you've definitely earned one." With that, he walked out, carrying the sword over his shoulder. It was a lot lighter than the weapons he was used to; maybe it'd sell well if he tried to pawn it off. If not, he knew someone who might like to have it. "Sorry about the mess," he called over his shoulder to the fat man as he walked out.

Grinning from ear to ear, he tossed the bag of money to Amera. "You paid for me the other day, so you pick. Food first or new toys?" He wanted to buy a new axe, but he was still really hungry. Besides, he owed her for the ham. This was just working off his debt.

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"My name is Adano Havel... I hope she is happy to see me, I'm pretty sure she doesn't know anything about me"

Finally deciding to say something, Aurelio decided to go in gently.

"You're probably right, she hasn't mentioned a word about you. Her mother on the other hand was a different story, well... before it happened."

His head turned when he heard the announcer, this would be great to watch. Adrian and Carrion went off, they could talk later.

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"... And if I am? And besides, it's not like there's many people like me out and about, unless someone seriously thinks they can imitate me..."

Adonis smiled. "I'll wait for you outside the room. You should know who my grandfather was - The name Illidan Icefall should ring a bell."

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Carrie sighs a bit. She's quite scared, never having hit someone like that before. But she offers one last guttural growl, smirking at the fat man before she turns to go. She places her foot on his crotch, grinning with an evil glance to his features.

'If you ever touch another girl like that again… next time... I'll cut them.'

Wow, she thinks to herself, that's... quite extreme a thought that you probably won't be able to carry out. But she huffs to herself, turns, tugs her hood all the way up and leaves, silent and outside, one quick bow to Ignatius and walking fast. She feels like running, but she just tugs her hood tighter around her. She was legitimately scared they'd feel her up or something if it wasn't for the others... if she hadn't wandered in there with others, she'd by now-

She just shakes silently to herself and runs for a bit.


Obelia slightly smiles again, a wistful one at that.

'My mother could bake the most delicious bread... well, when she wanted too that was. She'd save it for when I and she just wanted to relax or when I'd finish looking after the local children.'

She thinks once of her mother and tries to ignore the pang at the thought of her, alone now. She isn't very successful.

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A bag of gold almost hit her head, but she put a hand up to catch it, stumbling over a bit. Geez, thanks for the warning. "You paid for me the other day, so you pick. Food first or new toys?" "Food! I don't need any toys, I've got my hands." Carrie ran past them, and she wondered what was wrong, but she could ask later. "But, hey... I still have to get back at you!" She gave him that smile; he knew which smile, and she ran up behind him, climbing onto his back. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she giggled. "Carry me, slave! Ha ha ha!" She wasn't being serious, but she wouldn't mind a ride, and she did have to get back at him somehow. "So, come on, let's go! Heehee!" She couldn't stop her giggles, and she knew he'd be upset, but that would only make it more entertaining.

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"Food! I don't need any toys, I've got my hands." "You read my mind," he replied. "But, hey... I still have to get back at you!"

That smile...Gideon knew that smile. Before he could ask what she was planning, she was on his back and giggling like an idiot. "Carry me, slave!" she ordered him, laughing. As much as this annoyed Gideon (and it really, really did), he was feeling charitable at the moment. It would be better to appease the girl now than to face her wrath later, and she wasn't that heavy anyway.

"I'm not your slave," he said snarkily. "Ask nicely, and I might." Two could play at this game, and though Gideon was loath to admit it, this was actually becoming a bit fun. He stood his ground and waited, trying to keep from smiling. Gotta look the part.

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"You're probably right, she hasn't mentioned a word about you. Her mother on the other hand was a different story, well... before it happened."

"It?" He was puzzled. "I'm curious as to the identity of this 'it'." He replied.


She stood at the far side of the arena, staring at her opponent. His scimitar was poised and at the ready. He was bent at the knees ever slightly. Lucretia recognized it as a power stance. He looks like he's going to attack first, good.

"Fighters, begin!


The announcement signaled the start of the match. Adano immediately shifted his attention to the match.


Just as she expected, her opponent immediately began charging. She raised both blades and blocked the attack, then immediately countered with two quick slashes, both of which were blocked. Lucretia stepped back and allowed her opponent to open himself as he prepared another strike. Lucretia spun around the strike and was able to deliver two cuts on her opponent, one on his back and one on his leg. They were small cuts at best, and she didn't expect him to slow down any. He immediately charged again, this time pointing his blade at Lucretia. Knowing that she could not parry it, she instead sidestepped the blow, but received another attack from the blunt side of the blade, which hit her in the lower back. She winced for a moment, not wanting to give him too much open room for another attack. She parried another strike, and delivered another cut on his arm near the shoulder. This one was deeper and certainly more painful, as her opponent quickly moved his hand to cover the wound. He stepped back a few feet from Lucretia, and then proceeded to raise his sword in defense, encouraging her to charge.

He wants me to charge him... And if I'm right, he'll try to get me after he dodges.

She poised herself for the charge, with one blade raised and at the ready, the other by her side. She began to run towards her opponent, who also began running at her. She braced herself for the attack, which was a cut on her forearm. She was able to get a small attack on her opponent as well. She took a quick glance over her shoulder at her opponent, who was taking a moment to rest. She needed it too, if she wanted to end the fight quickly enough. After catching her breath, she turned around and parried some more strikes before going on the offensive, using both swords to drive her opponent backward, hoping he would trip up.

As they moved across the arena floor, parrying strikes, the crowd's roar got louder and louder. This was a fight that they were enjoying. As they approached the wall, Lucretia quickened her speed so that she could tire him out more. As she struck faster, she could see the sweat on her opponent's face increase. They made their way to the wall, with her opponent backed up against the wall. She continued striking, this time changing height so that he wouldn't know where to block. She landed a lucky strike in his hip, allowing the two to separate. She watched him stagger to the center of the arena, before taking to a knee and raising his arm in the air.

"I yield!" He shouted. Lucretia smiled. She had won.

"And the winner of the round is Lucretia Germane!"

The crowd cheered. Lucretia helped her opponent up and shook his hand. He was a strong opponent, and he kept her thinking. Although she hadn't received too harsh of injuries, she certainly escaped them narrowly. As they exited the arena, the announcer boomed again.

"Thanks for coming, folks! Tomorrow the semi-finals take place! The final four fighters will be squaring off in some really good matches! We hope you come!"


He was ecstatic that Lucretia had won, she put up a great fight. He was certainly proud of her.

"That was a great fight! I can tell she has the dueling blood in her!" He was beaming from ear to ear. He hadn't been this happy in a long time.

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"It?" He was puzzled. "I'm curious as to the identity of this 'it'."

Just as he was about to answer the question, the fight had started. Lucretia was impressive to watch, if not somewhat difficult. Her moves were incredibly quick, each motion was elegant and so precise. Aurelio felt like a barbarian in comparison. However, before he knew it, the match was soon over. It was almost a shame, but it made sense that she didn't want to drag things out, she probably didn't like the attention. In the seat next to him, Adano seemed to be over the moon, she must mean a lot to him. The last thing he'd want to do was spoil his fun, but he needed to get the news to him. Aurelio adopted a stern expression, he wasn't quite sure how Adano would react.

"Yeah. She came after Lucretia, pretty set on trying to kill her. It was terrifying to watch, but she pulled through. It look's like you're a widower now."



'My mother could bake the most delicious bread... well, when she wanted too that was. She'd save it for when I and she just wanted to relax or when I'd finish looking after the local children.'

Ken's eyes watered slightly, the relationship between the two of them must have been beautiful. Her mother seemed like a wonderful person, both in part to her care and her baking ability. He noticed a slight sadness, Obelia seemed lonely.

"You must have been very close, it's truly wonderful to see such a connection between mother and child. Mine was rather fond of the cane."

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He was utterly surprised when Aurelio relayed the news to him that Anastasia was dead, and that it was by Lucretia's hand.

"Yeah. She came after Lucretia, pretty set on trying to kill her. It was terrifying to watch, but she pulled through. It look's like you're a widower now."

"Anastasia and I were never wed. She tried to kill me before we could, and she returned to Miyako." He got up, leaning on his lance for support. "Because of her I cannot walk properly, so I need to use this lance to help me move." He began to head towards the inn, but before he got too far, he turned to Aurelio. "Needless to say, I'm surprised at this news, but I'm glad she was able to pull through. I'd heard Anastasia killed her whole family in a fit of rage."


"GET... OFF... OF... ME..!" He thrust his sword into the wild animal, hearing it give a weak cry before keeling over dead. He sheathed it and looked at the animal. It was a bear, having attacked him as he was walking through the woods. He gripped the wound on his arm, his face contorting in pain for a moment before he continued onward in the hopes of reaching the next town before nightfall.

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The dynamics between Adano and Anastasia seemed bad at best. Anastasia sounded pretty scary, he could see why Adano was glad to see her gone.

"We'll all be hanging around town for a little while, I'll see you around then."

Watching him hobble along was a sad sight, he'd been cut down in his prime - much like Grant. Perhaps he was still back in Varthas, he wasn't going anywhere with one leg. Adano had probably been searching for a good while, much like his own quest. He'd have to return to it one day.

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The first thing that Teis did after leaving the arena was to go to the armory and buy himself a shield. He got a large metal one, fairly heavy and sturdy. It wouldn't do him any favors if he had to do anything fast, but it would help him if he had to fight someone like the horseman from his last fight.

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Walking back with Adrian she sighed out of boredom. "So..." she began. "I'll bet you're... confused with me, aren't you? Honestly, I'm not trying to be. I just... I dunno." Unable to find the words to express herself, she could only shrug and hope that he'd want to discuss this at the inn. She hoped Adrian would start that conversation, wondering what he wanted to know.


He smiled at the sniveling man on the floor, walking up to him, face to face, "If you're going to talk like that, you'd damn well be ready to walk the walk, you miserable coward! I'm not here to lecture, I'm just here to set things right..." And with that, he went outside, following the mage.

"You should know who my grandfather was - The name Illidan Icefall should ring a bell."

"I know of him, but what of it? We knew eachother's names, but that was about it..."

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"I'm not your slave," he said snarkily. "Ask nicely, and I might." She spoke with an indignant tone, sighing, "well, you're not fun! Fiiiine. Please carry me, slave?" She giggled again at her own joke, just having way too much fun with this. She was hoping Gideon would be having fun with it as well, though she wasn't the best at reading people, and couldn't tell if he was or not. "Ya know... if I'm annoying you, like, if I really am, I can just walk myself." She was beginning to like him, and pissing him off was not on her list of things to do. She let her head rest on top of his while she waited for an answer.


He'd begun walking with Carrion, thinking to himself of what to say, before she started, "So... I'll bet you're... confused with me, aren't you? Honestly, I'm not trying to be. I just... I dunno." "A little bit, yeah. I'm not mad, if you think I am, just wondering what's going on in that head of yours... but, hey, we can talk about this at the inn, right? Relax, don't worry too much about it." He didn't know what else to say. Being angry wasn't on his mind, as much as seriously figuring her out; figuring out why she got so scared when someone made an advance on her like that. It has to be more than her being unable to use her magic, because she could use it back at the mountain, and she freaked out all the same... it has to have been something.

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"well, you're not fun! Fiiiine. Please carry me, slave?" Knowing Amera, this was as polite as she'd get. "Ya know... if I'm annoying you, like, if I really am, I can just walk myself." Again with the damn sincerity! Gideon sighed and shook his head. "You aren't," he told her. "You aren't moving, either." As if to back up his assertion, he started walking, lifting her a bit higher so all of her weight didn't transfer into his hips and lower back. "I'll carry you until we get to the inn, but you're not getting a ride inside, you hear me? I just got us enough money to eat three boars' worth and then some." He looked up at her, keeping an eye on the road with his periphery. "Question. What was it about that fatass that bugged you? I mean, he was a lecher, but he was racist too, so which part got to you?" Realizing that he had just sent the conversation down a grim road, Gideon looked back at the road. "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to. It's probably not something you'd care to remember. I'm just curious is all."

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