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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"Are we busy? I dunno. Lemme ask Adrian!" Looking back to Adrian. "Hey, you busy? I think that guy wants to talk to you." Sensing his embarrassment, she silently questioned why though. I mean, he's clearly almost getting some, why is that so weird for him? Men are so hard to read sometimes... And at that last thought, she actually let out a laugh, but her question still lingered in the air, and she didn't move off of Adrian. She really wanted to see how he'd do this.


Hearing the crash and the dining room get much much quieter out of nowhere, she stopped what she was doing to see what had happened, only to find a man helping Giselle up and a woman shouting for water. Without skipping a beat, she grabbed a pitcher of water and brought it out to them, "Here's the water, did anyone see what happened?" She tried to keep a level head about this as much as she could.

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"Here's the water, did anyone see what happened?" Gideon shook his head. "Far as I know, she just fell. Might be the heat." Judging from this girl's concern, and her access to the back... "Say, random question: you wouldn't happen to be able to get me a room, would you? I can pay for it, but my friend's upstairs and she's a bit tired...How much for one night?" While he was here, he could at least get what he was after. The catcalling had died down, much to his relief - it was annoying him, and he didn't really want to explain it to Amera. Wait, why not? Who cares how she reacts to it? Gideon sighed at himself - a few days of hanging around with her and already he was being trained. That woman would be the death of him.

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"Are we busy? I dunno. Lemme ask Adrian!" Looking back to Adrian. "Hey, you busy? I think that guy wants to talk to you." "You're pretty terrible, you know?" He said with a slight smile on his face. He sat up with her still on his lap, looking over at Aurelio. Alright, if I've gotta do this, I've gotta do this... "Y-Yeah, it's a bit of a bad time. Mind coming back later tonight, when she's not on top of me, Aurelio? I think that's make it less awkward for the two of us." He smiled, and kind looked away from him after he'd finished talking. There, Carrion. I can handle these kinds of situations! I-I think...

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"You alright?" a dashing young man asked, and truth be told, she was a little smitten. Giselle's face was already flushed from the heat emanating from the environment, and this fiasco only caused her to blush more. "C'mon, stay with me..."

"I-I'll be fine, sir..." she breathed and whispered a faint "thank you" as he helped her up. Her fingers grabbed at his shirt for support, and she silently cursed herself. You're not going to get anywhere relying on others. Weren't you better off alone, anyway? As soon as she let go, she ended up slumping against him again.

"Lookit the hero!" "You gonna pay him back for that, sweets?!" "Someone's getting lucky tonight! Soldier on, mate!" For some reason, the catcalls got on her nerves today, and she really wasn't in the mood for it. Somewhere, she heard someone say, "H-Hey, could… COULD WE GET SOME WATER? THIS LADIES FAINTED!!!" but she was so exhausted that she couldn't register which direction the voice came from.

"Come on, now. Any of you lot know who runs this joint?" the young man asked, and she was about to open her mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

"Here's the water, did anyone see what happened?" Giselle was lucid enough to recognize the voice as Aiduen's. She motioned the younger girl over and gulped down the contents hastily, gasping for breath when she had her fill.

"Far as I know, she just fell. Might be the heat. Say, random question: you wouldn't happen to be able to get me a room, would you? I can pay for it, but my friend's upstairs and she's a bit tired...How much for one night?" the young man asked once again. She felt a twang of guilt for being unable to answer in time.

"Don't worry about the fee, it's on me," Giselle replied quietly, and looked up at him, flashing a warm smile. She forced herself off of him and called over one of the other girls over to clean the mess. "It's the least I can do for your help." Her hand went to the ring of keys at her side, led him up to the rooms, and unlocked one of the nicer ones. "If you need anything, just ask for Giselle, alright?" she smiled at him and added coyly, "By anything, I mean anything."

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Carrie sighs a bit silently as she listens to Gideon barter and checks the woman's face, to see if her eyelids are fluttering, but soon she's back on her feet and leads the man away. She stares for a moment and then just silently shrugs, moving to the counter and handing over some money, asking quietly for a room for the night. She's a bit tired, she mumbles to herself, of being sidelined. So she just stares silently as the person in charge, she guesses, shrugs non-chalantly and murmurs they're full up, despite her seeing Gideon led off by that woman to...

..She just shrugs again and leaves, sighing and drawing her hood over her head. Maybe the church, she wonders, but she sighs, not really sick enough to claim sanctuary.

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"Don't worry about the fee, it's on me. It's the least I can do for your help." Well, that worked. Gideon nodded and grinned. "I appreciate it." He followed her to one of the nicer rooms, passing by Amera on the way and subtly motioning towards the room they were moving towards. He couldn't really stop...he had to play along for now. "If you need anything, just ask for Giselle, alright?" she smiled at him and added coyly, "By anything, I mean anything."

Gideon nodded. "Thanks," he said, smiling. "Actually, there is something. We ordered some food down there, but moved upstairs before we could get it. If it's not too much trouble, could you let them know down there that it's coming up to the room?" His fingers brushed against hers as he took the key. "And take it easy. You look a bit tired." Amera had probably seen them together...that would be a fun story to tell.

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Ormis almost didn't react to the shout from upstairs. Reason 1 was that he barely heard it over the rain and thunder outside. Reason 2 was that he didn't particularly care to help any fallen girls at the moment, as he was dripping wet and loathe to leave his stew. Eventually, though, he couldn't sit still any longer and so grabbed the bowl and ran upstairs.

Ormis arrived to see Amera lying on the floor, massive axe-dude ((Gideon)) talking to another woman ((Giselle)). Ignoring them, he made his way over to Amera, who was either still unconscious or faking it.

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Amera turned her head to the stairs, finally seeing Gideon. She smiled, but... he was with another girl. She was uncomfortably close to him, at least in Amera's eyes. Why're you hanging around so close to him? Back off, lady. Ormis had started coming up the stairs, but she couldn't care less about him, at the moment. He motioned for her to follow them, and she stood, a confused and angry look on her face. "If you need anything, just ask for Giselle, alright?" she smiled at him and added coyly, "By anything, I mean anything." Wha... What did she just say?! You'd better back off, right now! She was mad, though she didn't know why. Gideon's hand brushed against hers when he took the key, and that was the last straw for Amera. She walked up to the both of them, stole the key from his hand, walked inside the room, and slammed the door. "Make eyes with another woman will you, I swear, and with someone as raunchy as her..." She grumbled some more, as she fell against one of the beds. "At least the room's nice. Maybe I should've locked the door on him..." Amera... why're you so upset? She began to think to herself about why she was pissed off. It's not like he really means anything to you, does he? Well, he's saved your life a few times, and has been generally nice to you... but that doesn't mean you lo... looo... Some more blushing, before she dove her face into her pillow. "I can't think about all of this right now..."

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"Thanks," he said and smiled. Giselle could've sworn her heart skipped a beat. "Actually, there is something. We ordered some food down there, but moved upstairs before we could get it. If it's not too much trouble, could you let them know down there that it's coming up to the room?"

She smiled at him again. "Of course!" His fingers brushed against hers as he took the key and she could feel the color rushing to her cheeks again.

"And take it easy. You look a bit tired."

"I... um... th-thank you." A shy giggle escaped from her lips. She hadn't felt this way towards a man in quite a while. "You're too kind."

"Make eyes with another woman will you, I swear, and with someone as raunchy as her..." the inn maid looked astonished for a second and then frowned.

"...Raunchy? Really?" She let out a sigh and twirled the key ring around her finger. "Do you need anything else before I go?"

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Ormis was about to follow Amera and ask what the hell just happened, but instead got a door slammed in his face. From the looks of it, the other two were about as surprised as him. With a very confused look, he turned to Gideon.

"...I don't want to know what just happened, do I?"

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"I... um... th-thank you. You're too kind." God, he was stupid. This was not the time to be stringing girls along...why couldn't he just brush her off? "Do you need anything else before I go?" "I think I'll be okay," he told her. "Thanks, though." What have I gotten myself into...?

"You hear that thunder outside?" he said to Ormis, his expression vacant save his dread. "That's gonna sound like birds in a minute. So no, you don't. But if you want to, I'm sure a door won't contain it..." With that, he opened the door and walked in, closing it behind him and leaning on the door frame. "Amera? You in here?"

He looked at Amera, who was lying facedown on the One bed in the room...shit. Was that because of Giselle? "Before you blow up at me," he said carefully, staying by the door, "I was just looking for whoever runs the place when I was down there. The rest sort of happened." Smooth. Here comes the real storm. "I got the room, though. Free, too. Food's coming in a bit." He held out his left hand for the key. "You took the key, so can I have it to lock the door?"

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"Before you blow up at me," "Mrrrr..." She couldn't help but growl a bit. "I was just looking for whoever runs the place when I was down there. The rest sort of happened." "I guess she just happened to want to get into your pants, then?" Yeah, yeah, everything else just happened. I bet she fell over to get you over to her on purpose! Yeah, that's what she did! "I got the room, though. Free, too. Food's coming in a bit." "Yeah, I bet it's coming on a nice, slutty plate, isn't it? Of course that's what you want..." Hey, stop that! Why're you being mean to him, you know this is just a misconception...! Right? "You took the key, so can I have it to lock the door?" She rolled over, sat up, and glared at him. "Here." She held out the key for him to take, not saying anything else.

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"I guess she just happened to want to get into your pants, then?" "Yeah, I bet it's coming on a nice, slutty plate, isn't it? Of course that's what you want..." Gideon looked as stunned as he felt. Was she serious? He took the key gingerly and locked the door, pocketing it. "Alright, is something bothering you?" he asked, his tone rather sharp. "If it's about her, I don't know why you're mad at me, because I didn't ask her to do any of what she did. I saw someone fall down, and no one gave a damn to help her, so I had to do it. That's it." He sighed and looked at the window, watching the rain as it struck harsh blows to the glass again and again. "If you want to chew me out for that, go ahead," he added, turning back to face her. Even if he didn't have a damn thing to apologize for, Gideon wasn't about to shout the girl down over a bit of jealousy. It wasn't worth the effort or the backlash. But he wasn't going to back down, either. Not over something this petty.

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Ormis wanted to protest, to force an explanation out of someone. But before he could figure out exactly what to say, Gideon was inside the room, and after a few seconds, the telltale click of the lock sounded. He sighed, and leaned against the wall facing the room. As much as he didn't like it, Gideon was probably better able to handle the situation than he. So he waited.

At the very least, he'd be better at letting her pummel him...

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"Alright, is something bothering you?" She flinched. "I don't know..." Yeah, seriously, why are you mad? "If it's about her, I don't know why you're mad at me, because I didn't ask her to do any of what she did. I saw someone fall down, and no one gave a damn to help her, so I had to do it. That's it." "Y-You're right..." She suddenly felt incredibly stupid and embarrassed. His tone wasn't helping her feel any better about herself, but she'd been a bitch, and was suddenly feeling like she deserves this backlash. "I-I'm just overreacting, and I don't... even know why I am... I'm pretty terrible, aren't I?" Gods, you just don't know how to control yourself, do you, girl? And now he probably hates you, all because you're getting jealous when... you can't even figure out your own emotions. She sighed, and tried to calm herself down. "If you want to chew me out for that, go ahead" "I... I don't. I'm sorry, Gideon..." She felt horrid, and terrible, and like if she could disappear, she would. She simply did the next best thing, and dove down under the bed's blanket, covering her head with the pillow.

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"I don't know..." "Y-You're right..." Goddamn it, does she have to switch on me? Why are women like this?! "I-I'm just overreacting, and I don't... even know why I am... I'm pretty terrible, aren't I?" "Overreacting, yes," he said, his tone a bit gentler. "Terrible, no." "I... I don't. I'm sorry, Gideon..."

"For what?" he asked, arching an eyebrow. "Not knowing why someone was whoring on me? You don't need to beat yourself up over it." He didn't really want to talk about it that much. Hopefully she'd bounce back, and they'd be back to normal...still, he had to figure out where he was sleeping tonight. "I am a bit surprised that you reacted that way, though. I figured I didn't look that desperate..." Needing a distraction, he walked over to the window to watch the rain for a bit. This conversation was really bugging him...

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"Overreacting, yes," he said, his tone a bit gentler. "Terrible, no." You're lying. You have to be... She didn't believe him after the shit she's thrown at him. She could only try and bury herself deeper into the sheets. "For what?" he asked, arching an eyebrow. "Not knowing why someone was whoring on me? You don't need to beat yourself up over it." "For... acting like this. I don't even know what's gotten into me, I don't like it, and I'm being rude to you because of it..." she mumbled from under the covers, hoping she was being loud enough to be heard. It had dawned on her that there was only one bed in the room. Oh grand. Just grand. That girl planned this, didn't she? "I am a bit surprised that you reacted that way, though. I figured I didn't look that desperate..." "I don't think you desperate! Not at all! In fact you're pretty hands... uh..." She blushed once again, unsure of her feelings. "I'm taking the floor, okay?" She desperately needed to change the subject, and she did that by slowly rolling off the bed onto the floor, wrapped up in the sheets now. "Have fun on the bed! It's pretty comfortable..." She could deal with the floor, as long as she had the blanket and one pillow. Though... she'd forgotten the pillow on the bed. "I'm... sort of stuck in this thing. Could you toss down a pillow?"

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"For... acting like this. I don't even know what's gotten into me, I don't like it, and I'm being rude to you because of it..." Gideon shook his head. "You're tired and your ribs are broken. It's fine." It was easier to think about it that way than to consider that she cared about him. That wasn't a leap he really wanted to make just yet...

"I don't think you desperate! Not at all! In fact you're pretty hands... uh..." "Hm?" Where was she going with that? "I'm taking the floor, okay?" Before he could reply, she was wrapped up in sheets on the floor. "Have fun on the bed! It's pretty comfortable...I'm... sort of stuck in this thing. Could you toss down a pillow?"

Gideon groaned and walked over to her. "No," he said firmly. "You're injured. You aren't sleeping on the floor." She seemed wrapped up pretty tight in the sheets... "How did you manage to - no, forget it. But you can't eat like that, so I'm helping you out of those." With that, he reached for the sheet, determined to pull it off of her. It hadn't occurred to him just how close to her he was...

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"You're tired and your ribs are broken. It's fine." Yeah! Yeah, that's all it is... you don't have any real feelings for him, you're just sort of messed up right now. She rationalized it all in her head, sighing a bit. She moved around in the blanket some, getting it loose enough to crawl out. Of course, Gideon had opted to try and help her. "No," he said firmly. "You're injured. You aren't sleeping on the floor." "Alright, fine, just let me get out of this..." She got an arm free from the blanket mess, when she noticed him towering over her. Hey... don't get so close... "How did you manage to - no, forget it. But you can't eat like that, so I'm helping you out of those." "No! No, I can handle it, alright?!" She didn't realize how loud she'd gotten as his hand came near her, but she didn't care about that at the moment. "I-I can get myself out, please d-don't touch me..." Her eyes were wide with some unknown fear, her voice shrill and tiny, hoping he'd back away from her.

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He is away from the window now. But if he had looked, he might have seen a figure silently look around, Carrie quietly looking for a good tree to hide under until the the rain died down and stay warily away from the guild building, dashing quietly by some tree's nearby.

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Lucretia (and Adano)

She heard a knock on the door, curious as to who it was, considering room service had just left. She hesitated, but simply replied, "Come in". The door opened, revealing a man standing there, leaning on a lance, lightly clad in armor. She was surprised to see someone like that, needless to say a bit suspicious as well.

"Who are you?" She asked, putting her food down and looking to her swords.

"I am not here to fight," he said quickly, "this lance is almost never raised in battle." He demonstrated how it helped him walk. "It is my walking aide, after an injury I received almost twenty-two years ago."

Lucretia paused. She looked closer at the man. His eyes resembled hers very closely, and she could see some facial features in him that she recognized in herself. "Close the door, and tell me who you are." She said sternly. The man simply nodded and did so, and sat down on the bed.

"My name...is Adano Havel." He began. The rain started to fall outside. "I was born and raised in Astarte, near the Astarte-Miyako border. I was taken in at a young age by the swordsmith Sevan, who also trained me in swordplay." He leaned on the lance. "When I was in my early twenties, a young woman came from Miyako and challenged all of the swordsmen to a duel, claiming she was the best in Miyako." Lucretia's eyes widened, and her mouth opened. "I was impressed with the woman's skill. I wanted to test myself against that skill, so I challenged her to a duel. The match was long and neither of us were able to overcome the other. That day we became great friends. Her name was Anastasia."

Lucretia could not believe what she was hearing, and she wanted to stop the man there, but at the same time she wanted to continue. "We were friends for some time, but those feelings eventually evolved, and we fell in love with one another. Eventually Anastasia told me she was pregnant. I was overjoyed and was so excited to become a father." He decided to put the lance down instead, focusing his attention solely at Lucretia. "I sold all of my weapons and equipment to make some extra money, but Anastasia was hesitant. One night..." He heard his voice crack. His eyes welled up with tears. He swallowed and continued. "One night she told me she was leaving. She told me she was going home to Miyako. I wanted her to stay, I wanted her to live with me. But she insisted. I tried one final time to convince her to stay, and she..." He lifted up his shirt, revealing the age-old scar from Anastasia's sword.

Lucretia gasped. She stood and walked to Adano, and sat next to him on the bed. Tears were running down both faces. "I always wondered about you. My mother...she never spoke of you." She sighed. "I always wondered if she had killed my father, it wouldn't have surprised me."

"I was unconscious for a year. The shock from the wound was too great. When I awoke I knew nothing about Anastasia. I could barely walk as well. Sevan forged me a lance which I used to help walk. Eventually he told me about what had happened, and then I was determined to find out about you, so I began traveling." He looked at his daughter. He could see Anastasia in her face, but her eyes were different. There was no cruelty in Lucretia's eyes.

"I escaped from my mother. She was so cruel to me...she called me worthless." Lucretia stopped. The sting of her mother's words still hurt her, even after her death.

"You are such a worthless CUNT! HOW DARE YOU believe yourself my daughter!"

The sting of her mother's blade hurt. "I'm sorry, it's just a little too tough to talk about what happened."

"You don't have to. I can see that whatever she did was painful. I don't want you to talk about it if you don't want to." He pulled her close. "I'm just so glad I can see you finally, and meet my daughter."

Lucretia felt in Adano's arms a love she had never experienced before. This was parental love, a love she never felt from her mother. For the first time, Lucretia felt like she belonged.

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"No! No, I can handle it, alright?!" she shrieked as he approached her. Why was she reacting like this? "I-I can get myself out, please d-don't touch me..." She looked terrified. Gideon quickly let go and pulled his hands back, stepping back. "Alright, alright, I'll let you handle it. Take it easy." He folded his arms and looked out the window again. The rain hadn't let up, and black clouds were gathering. "At this rate, we won't be able to leave until tomorrow morning..." He looked back at her as she fumbled with the sheets. "Are you sure you're okay?" Crazy woman...what did she think I was going to do?

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"Well, actually, sorry Adrian, but I do have other things to do today... So Imma let you talk to this nice man now, alright? See you later, dear!" Hopping off Adrian and the bed, she unruffled her clothing as best she could and gave Aurelio a smile, "Have fun you two!" And with that, she was out of the room, giggling silently to herself. She hadn't felt this way in quite a long time, and she loved the feeling. However, she didn't want to be caught unawares and had to stifle that feeling, no matter how good it felt. Seeking Danyon out was an easy task, she could recognize the man anywhere, and found him at a table by himself in the dining room. She took a seat across from him, looking at him cautiously. She wasn't angry at the guy so much as annoyed, but she wasn't about to deny him after he was admittedly extremely generous. "So... Ask away, sir. I got nothing to hide from you."


Now that they were down a server, she was sent on dining room duty to compensate. She was a little fearful of the reactions she'd get, but Arcen happened to walk in the door as she donned started, so she knew nothing bad would happen now. Arcen was soaking wet, so he figured he'd go wash himself up upstairs and get his clothes dried off as well. 'Just take their orders, and don't let them get to you. If any of em start to get a little touchy, don't be afraid to let one of the others take over for you. first day doing this can get hectic, so don't worry. Just remember to smile and... well, if you want extra tips, you know what to do. It's not a competition if you don't want it to be, but if you want real money, I'm pretty sure you can get the picture...' Was all the training she got, but she'd handle it easily enough without resorting to, in her mind, primitive ways.

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"Alright, alright, I'll let you handle it. Take it easy." He backed away, and she took a deep breath, calming herself down. "S-Sorry... Just... that thing I didn't know if I could tell you about... I get really... nervous... when men try to touch me." She slid out of the sheets, and unfolded them, sitting back on the bed. "Are you sure you're okay?" " I think... and it's not your fault, I'm just... sort of messed up because of what's happened to me. I know what you might be thinking. 'But you were riding on my back all afternoon, and you hugged be earlier today'." She did her best to do his voice, failing miserably, but hopefully providing some sort of levity. "I don't mind contact when I'm the one who initiates it... just when they try to touch me back. I'm sorry about all this... Heh, you probably feel pretty dumb, getting stuck with a girl who gets upset over something like a little touch..." She shivered, and held herself. The weather was making the room sort of cold so she pulled one of the sheets around herself. "Listen, are you sure you don't want the bed? I really don't mind sleeping on the floor..."


"Well, actually, sorry Adrian, but I do have other things to do today... So Imma let you talk to this nice man now, alright? See you later, dear!" "Huh?" She was already gone before he could ask what was up, but he didn't know if he was truly upset about this, or not. Well, it was nice while it lasted. He sighed, and stood, walking over to the door. "Alright, Aurelio, you want to know what's up? Come in, I'll see if I can explain it..." He leaned against the door frame as he waited for the man to take a seat somewhere in the room.

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Teis was just finishing his meal when a bunch of mercenaries, all members of the local guild, all slammed open the door of the inn, making demands at the clerk and generally harassing anyone who got too close. For once, he didn't have his axe, but he still had his armor on (it kept him fairly dry in the rain) and had a small sword on his belt as a precaution against pickpockets and the like. Slowly, he stood up and approached the group, making sure not to draw too much attention to himself. From their remarks, it sounded like they were after a huge brute of a man, wielding a massive axe, as well as an Anri girl with cat ears. It was fairly clear who they were after.

Ormis was yawning, getting sleepy and just about ready to give up and ask Amera about it in the morning when he heard a ruckus downstairs, as well as several screams. He was about to go downstairs and check it out when he remembered what the men had said when he visited the guild after the tourney.

"Yep, soon as we can get group of ten strong, we're gonna go get 'em, the whole lotta them. Fifteen crowns for the lot of them, that's what we'll pay."

There was no point in waiting for the group to make it upstairs. He ran forward and started banging on the room where Gideon and Amera were presumably sleeping.

"Amera! Amera! Open up, you need to get outta here, now!"

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