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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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After the incident with the guild was over, it was looking to be dark soon, and Lucretia needed to rest before her match the next day. She bid farewell to her father with a hug and headed towards her room, where she laid down on her bed, unable to sleep.

"My father, at long last..." She whispered. "I feel so sorry for him, though... He can never walk properly, or fight like he used to... I want to do something for him." She looked to the side of the room, seeing the glowing blade. "Senso...my family's treasured blade." She looked at it. It was in perfect condition, it seemed like the only time it was used was when Lucretia fought Anastasia, and that wasn't too much time. It was as if the blade called to her, telling her it would be put to use in her father's hands.

I can train him to use a sword again...after the tournament... Her thoughts meshed together into one and she fell asleep, with a new resolve driving her forward.


He watched Lucretia head to her room, she was tired. He couldn't blame her. She had a fight tomorrow. Adano, on the other hand, was not as tired, so he decided to stay awake for a while longer. He was still hungry, so he decided to order some food. He headed to the bar, ordered a bit of absinthe, and ordered some food.

"Absinthe, eh? Strong shit." The barkeep said as he slid the drink over.

"I've been through worse." Adano replied as he drank the absinthe. It was strong but he enjoyed the taste.


The figure, as he approached, was definitely female. She appeared to have crouched down in the rain. Not surprising, he was getting cold.

"Miss? Excuse me, but how far from town am I?" He asked.

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'Or maybe...'

She thinks quietly, answering after a moments thought.

'Maybe she's just watching and hoping for everyone, from somewhere you can't see.' She smiles slightly and then taps her gauntlet against the table with an absent-minded glance around the room.


Carrie stays huddled and mumbles. She issues a small chuckle, silent really as an arm tiredly gestures to the buildings just off in the distance, the flickers of the lights.

'Over there... carry on... straight ahead...'

Carrieā€™s head rests on her knees and she flickers in and out of consciousness.

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"I would ask that you calm down as well, child. There are those within these walls that need rest and healing, yelling to the heavens and crying will solve nothing." Adrian, he's right, he's right, just... just calm down. Explain yourself as best you can, and they might be able to help. I seriously doubt it, but I have to try everything. Still shaking, and crying somewhat-- Carrion's outburst affecting him more than he'd thought --he contained his yelling, trying his best to articulate his words. "I-I need to know everything you know about bringing back the dead. A-Anything, at all. Even if you don't know anything, then, anyone who would know; anywhere I could go to find out." First, her brother. One thing at a time. Resurrection can't be that uncommon in this world of ours, I mean, hell, I'm living proof! "If you can't tell me anything, let me know, quick." If they didn't know, he'd run off to wherever else he could, and try to solve... something.

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'Over there... carry on... straight ahead...'

The girl was shaking and losing focus.

"Shit. You need to get inside." Julius walked over to her and put his coat around her. "Come on, we can go together." He was cold, but she needed his coat more than he did. He had his hat anyway, which kept him a bit dry.

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Upon hearing Adrian's request the old man looked away from him. "And if I did know, what would you do with that knowledge? Bring back a loved one? Or is it a more sinister task you seek to perform? I'll tell you right now, child... Bringing back the dead is a shameful, shameful thought. Even if it were possible, do you understand the repercussions it would have on our society and our daily lives? Natural selection would die off, we'd grow lazy, and we'd just be a hollow existence. Even beyond that, how fair is it to the person if you DO bring them back? It brings up the question of there being a heaven and a hell, and of the existence of a soul as well now, doesn't it? How fair is it to drag them back from the great beyond, only to be back in a dull and dismal world again, awaiting yet another inevitable death?" Sighing, he composed himself again, "I do not mean to berate you, child, but you seem to be in no sound frame of mind if you're asking about the impossible, crying about it..."

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The priest's words fell onto deaf ears, Adrian only picking up the one line of it being 'impossible'. "I do not mean to berate you, child, but you seem to be in no sound frame of mind if you're asking about the impossible, crying about it..." "Impossible? You're telling me it's impossible?! Ha! I'm proof! I was brought back to life! From death's door someone brought me back! But if you don't have the knowledge of how to do such, you're useless to me!" He blasted his mouth off at the old man, turning back out of the church. If he doesn't know anything, if he thinks it's impossible, then there's no use in me bothering him... but who the hell else in this damn town would know anything... It had finally dawned on him, stopping before the church doors. Yes, that wolf man! He knew her, maybe he'd know something, anything, or he'd know someone who does! He smiled, leaving the church and the knowledgeable old man behind, he wandered back into town, trying to catch sight of Ignatius. Where to start looking...?

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Carrie's coughs grow more urgent as now; she slightly tries to shrug at the coat. Yet she isn't able to, suddenly so tired, a small mumble of sorry echoing her lips. Well, seems this guy is such a kind guy, helping her out. She chuckles, murmuring helping her. That is certainly a first.

'Thankā€¦ yo...

She can't really finish, so tired is she that her arms go a bit limp.


Langley blinks, the kid in hysteria. She see's him leave and she hesitates but tries to call out as he leaves.

'Kid, wait, WAIT!'

She see's him run and hesitantly sighsā€¦ a quick bow to the man, half dressed she runs outside as the priest caring for her... sighs heavily, knowing she's putting herself in for another fever and waits for the inevitable. Meanwhile, she tries to jog after the kid, tiny winces from the wound that is still sore.

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"Delirious... Poor child must be suffering from a fever, and that rain isn't helping. You there!" Pointing to the priest that was attending Langley, "Clean this up, prepare it for when she or they or whoever needs it quickly now..." His mind was buzzing about, his thoughts going to what the kid said.... Proof? I can see no proof, and even if you're telling the truth, what difference would it make? How do you know you were brought back from death, perhaps you were just extremely close but never slipped... He sighed exasperatedly and returned to his quarters in silent thought and deliberation. I know of one person who wanted to bring back the dead far back in my days... but surely she has either given up or is dead by now, so any knowledge she had must have been lost, so what good is it now...?


With a snarl and a lunge, he jumped behind a tree, pinning a man against it. "AAAAAH!" was all he could get out before Ignatius slit his throat, the man dropping the weapon he had hidden behind himself, the dirk thudding against the dirt. "Just as I thought... they've seriously put a bounty on my head, but what of the others...? Do they even know? I may need to stick around here for longer than I- Ghhhaaa!" An arrow struck him, its whistling through the air blurred by the heavy rainfall now. Right in the shoulder, Ignatius couldn't help but feel it. Not too deep, but it was going to be painful ripping it out, he could tell. He could also feel a slight sting in the wound already. Eyes glowing with rage, he pinpointed the assailant, still easily within the old one's sight, and now... "You're dead!" Ignatius tore off after him, tackling and crushing the man beneath him, ripping his chest apart out of frustration. "You think you've bested me? You think I can't handle a simple trick as yours?" He continued to fume at the fresh corpse, wanting to take his anger out, but wholly unable to. Calming down, the poison seemed to be setting into his body. If he didn't take care of it very quickly, he'd be out for at least a few days, at best. "Damn... Now, of all times...?" He slowly stumbled his way back into town, his frame slumped and hurt, visibly exhausted, his eyes not glowing with their usual brilliance now.

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She had roughly 6 hours to burn. She heard a few soft battle cries, but it didn't catch her attention. Maybe at night, she'd find something better to do.

She went back to her room and twirled her daggers in her hands. The slightly longer, curved one she had just bought, and the shorter, sharper knife from some time ago. Judging from what had happened earlier in the day, someone would be happening tonight, and she wouldn't just be a sitting duck, waiting for it to happen.

Those daggers would see use tonight.


His horse probably didn't like him very much after getting punched in the face. He bought an apple and went down to the stables, giving it to the horse. When he was done eating, he decided he'd be out for a ride. The horse would also get restless if he didn't get another good run.

As he reached the outskirts of town, he saw the same Wolf Anri from earlier, injured and slowly walking in.

"Shit, man... What happened?"

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Adrian frantically ran around town, the rain being more ambiance then annoyance to him. I have to find him, I have to find him, I... is that... It's him! It's him!! Though he seems... injured?! How!? Adrian ran up to him at around the same time Danyon did, but he couldn't care less about the unnerving man, right now. "Hey, you alright?!" Adrian was honestly thrown off by his appearance; having a giant wolfman in front of you wasn't exactly a normal thing, but he needed to get answers out of him. "Let's get you to the church, yeah? Gotta get those wounds fixed up!" He'd grabbed Ignatius's arm and started trying to pull him in the direction of the place of healing, as if he actually had the strength to do so. Gotta get them fixed up so you can tell me everything you know. He'd completely snubbed Danyon, and if the knight wanted to follow them, Adrian would just continue ignoring him. It was partially his fault that Carrion had gone down that path of depression. Blame that fucker later, get your answers now...

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"What happened? A damn dirty underhanded tactic like poisoning the tip of an arr...ow..." Feeling woozy and clutching his stomach which seemed to be on fire for the most part, he vomited right there on the street. "I don't need a priest, I just need an antidote, or at least some rest for a few days. A priest's assistance, while a boon, is entirely superfluous in this instance!" The tugging of his arm was more annoying than helping Ignatius, so he pulled it away, a curious look on his face. "Where is Carrion? Is she not with you? Go back to her, this place will be getting very dangerous, very quickly. Stay in a public place where many people can see you or here you, if nothing else that'll increase your chances of survival." He didn't know if they were going to be targeted at all, but now that they've talked to him, he couldn't rule anything out. His path clear, he made a straight line to the nearest herbalist, bursting through the door lazily and yet powerfully. "Antidote. I don't care the price, just get me one, now!" The girl running the shop was terrified of the entrance, and fearing for her life at his sudden demand, she shook as she looked about her store, panicking and forgetting what she needed to get until- "It's a poison tipped arrow, hurry up, it's already set in enough, just hurry up!" Panicking even more, she managed to find it on the shelf behind her, handing it to the wolfman, almost dropping the container and sweating as he reached his hand out, grabbed it, and then downed the contents quickly. It was the most bitter thing he ever tasted, and for him that was saying a lot, but his stomach had already calmed down upon imbibing. Unfortunately, he was still exhausted, but this didn't mean he lost his manners. "My apologies, ma'am... I didn't intend to scare you so. Here." Pulling out a small satchel, he placed it on her counter, the small jingle of coins sounding out. "It's all yours, you'll find that it'll more than compensate for the trouble." Walking out of the establishment, he sought out shelter again. The woman inside let out a gasp as she let the pouch spill out, covering her mouth at how much he left her. Miracles do happen, folks!

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The wolf Anri had immediately been pulled away for help, and Danyon watched as Carrion's "boyfriend" rushed to help him, completely ignoring Danyon along the way.

Angsty teenagers... oh Goddess...

As Ignatius reemerged from the shop, Danyon realised that the ones who had attacked him were probably the ones from the guild.

Oh shit.

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Langley sighs, stopping amid the rain as she see's what happens. She can't help a tiny sigh issuing. She tries to follow after the kid again but coughs a bit and silently curses herself, glaring upwards. She likes the rain, but of all things to happen now...

'I do not need this'

She murmurs it, looking to the kid, walking over to him as she rubs her shoulder.

'You, hey! The one in all the panic... you didn't answer my question!'

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'Maybe she's just watching and hoping for everyone, from somewhere you can't see.'

"In a sense, you're probably right. I doubt many of us will see her whilst we're alive."

Curiosity was always good. He'd asked similar questions to priests in the past, only to get told off. He was glad that Obelia was able to express her opinions and explore all possibility. Their meals had just arrived, Ken prepared for a prayer before he started it.

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"What happened? A damn dirty underhanded tactic like poisoning the tip of an arr...ow..." "What the... what the hell did you do to make someone want to stick you with a poison arrow?" He was curious for a moment about what had happened, but quickly got back on track. "Forget that, we've got to--" His pulling was quickly stopped as Ignatius questioned, "Where is Carrion? Is she not with you? Go back to her, this place will be getting very dangerous, very quickly. Stay in a public place where many people can see you or here you, if nothing else that'll increase your chances of survival." "She's at the inn, and no. I don't care how dangerous it's getting, I've got some questions for you, and-- gah, would you wait for a second-- no, he's been poisoned, just follow him." Getting a hold of himself, he was going to chase the wolfman, when he was accosted by an annoyingly familiar voice, 'You, hey! The one in all the panic... you didn't answer my question!' Of course I didn't, I'm busy! "Ugh, I do not have time for you!" He blew her off, and kept running after the wolf man, entering the herbalists as the scene was occurring. As long as you're feeling better...

Turning to wait outside, Ignatius soon slumped his way through the doors. Adrian was completely soaked at this point, almost getting annoyed by it. "Listen... can I please sit you down somewhere and ask you some questions? It's serious; I need to know if you have the answers to this."

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Out of energy and out of tears, she lay there on the bed, curled up in the sheets, simply staring out of the window. The pattering of the rain on the glass helped her calm down, but nothing could stop how she felt on the inside now. Oh goddess... He must completely hate me now, I just know it. It's... just as well. I'd be dragging him down with me anyway. In fact, anything I do will be interfering with him... Why? Her thoughts always ended at that word, unable to go beyond it.


Eyes narrowed, he snorted at Adrian. "Either you are a hopeless imbecile, or your need is just that dire... I'll hear you out, but first, you need to not get sick and catch a fever. This rain, much colder and heavier than the usual Shuthran showers we'd get..." Shaking his frame in typical wolf style, it didn't help much at all. Growling at the skies, he could hear thunder now, his hair standing slightly on end. "Come now, child. If it's cold to me, I cannot fathom how you can fare in this weather. I feel the Inn shall suffice. At least they have drink and accommodations." Struggling to stand in his current state, he made his way to the inn's entrance, ducking to allow his massive body entrance.

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"Either you are a hopeless imbecile, or your need is just that dire... I'll hear you out, but first, you need to not get sick and catch a fever. This rain, much colder and heavier than the usual Shuthran showers we'd get..." "Tch," he flinched, not caring for the tone of Ignatius. Not surprised either, but not appreciating it. "It's dire, at least to me. I wouldn't be bothering a giant wolf man who could tear me apart in seconds if it wasn't." His mention of rain almost made Adrian chuckle. Yeah, like a little cold ever bothered me. Especially in this body. I'll be fine, if not annoyed. "Come now, child. If it's cold to me, I cannot fathom how you can fare in this weather. I feel the Inn shall suffice. At least they have drink and accommodations." Enough with the temperature, I'll be fine. "I can, honestly, tell you that this rain isn't bothering me. I'm from Sapphire; used to the freezing cold, and this new body of mine makes it that much easier to ignore... but you're right, the inn will be a better place to talk." Though, he couldn't help but worry after Carrion. He'd left without so much as a simple sentence, and had been gone for a least forty minutes. I... Gods, I hope she's still there, and that she's alright... He followed Ignatius in, trying not to worry about it as much.

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"New body...?" What is this child talking about? I'll have to prod him later about this... "So." He snorted again, shivering slightly, "What is it you need so much that you'd wander around looking for me?" The wolf man's body was visibly shaking at this point, but the heat and shelter were making him feel better. Even now, he could feel himself recovering. Thank the goddess it was me they decided to chase.... I'd hate to have seen one of the others in this pitiful state...

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"New body...?" "I'll explain later." There was no need for them to get into that right now, and it would take a while for him to explain. "So." He snorted again, shivering slightly, "What is it you need so much that you'd wander around looking for me?" He sat down across the wolf, sighing. "I need... to know everything you might know about resurrection. I'm sure Carrion might've asked you in the past, but, I still want to know if you know anything. Or anyone. Or any way of bringing people back to life. Just... just anything. If you need to know why, I'll tell you, but I'd appreciate it if you could just tell me." He was a bit worried about anyone else in the inn hearing their conversation, but he needed to know. If Ignatius wanted to ignore him and think his question useless, at least he could check on Carrion, the nagging thought of her still crying becoming worse, in his mind.

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"Resurrection? I know nothing outside of what I gleaned off of the Witch." He spoke as if this was common knowledge to people. "It's like... Healing, to an extreme. Where normal healing simply reverts the body back to a healthy state, a resurrection would cause an entire revitalization of the body, something that would require a ludicrous amount of mana to do, given the nature of the task." Looking to he table, he continued, his mind trying to scrounge up everything he could remember of what Carrion said to him, and of what he saw with his eyes. "It also requires an outside source of mana to enter the body. Unfortunately, the introducing of foreign mana to a person can cause... terrible, terrible consequences. Volatile is the word I'd use. As far as I can tell, she never learned how to properly do it. I've seen her get close, but it always ended in tears and blood, and an awful mess of what once was a being." After a moment of silence, he pieced together what Adrian had meant when he said he had a new body. "But... I take it... she finally succeeded in it, if I'm interpreting correctly. Am I close or no?"

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Adrian's ears perked up as soon as Ignatius started talking, only to find himself disappointed, hearing most of what Carrion had told before. "Yeah, she's told me all of this as well. I just... you seemed like one of those 'all-knowing-old-dude' types; I figured you might know a bit more about it... Seems I just ended up wasting both of our times, eh?" His wet form slumped down onto the table, sighing a heavy frustrated sigh. Ignatius's mention of the volatile risks of resurrection did make him chuckle, if only at how grim that situation had been. But... I take it... she finally succeeded in it, if I'm interpreting correctly. Am I close or no?" Adrian couldn't help but smirk. At least you believe me, old man. Better than that priest at the church; what a jaded old fool... "You've guessed it, volatile reaction and all. I don't suppose you know what it's like, being a spirit, looking down at the combusted remains of your body? It's both terrifying and... in some way, hilarious." Yes, hilarious, alright. "Luckily enough, I... materialized, after a while. I don't know how she did it, Hell, I don't even know why she did it, but she did, and it worked. But, now..." His voice began to trail off, unsure if he should be telling Ignatius everything about the situation.

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Cocking one eyebrow, Ignatius would normally have prodded further, but the way Adrian was acting made his hesitate. "Well... I suppose she's still after a complete resurrection then, am I right? she mentioned when I talked last with her that she was trying to bring back a specific person, one who was long gone, body and most likely soul." At this, the wolf man sighed, "Unfortunately, I'd say one of the only places left to look is Lushira, but that is simply because I have never been there since... well, this. I cannot know if they hold any new information regarding the soul or anything remotely important." Shaking his head, mostly out of not knowing, partially because of the cold, "bringing back a soul from the dead... how surreal..."

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"You're good with your guesses, are you sure you're not psychic, or something?" He had to try and bring some sort of levity to the situation. "It's... her brother. Her magic's been sealed, and she can't figure out the last few pages of her book, and now she's..." he swallowed hard, trying to not start crying once again, "c-contemplating destroying that book of hers... killing us both." He shivered, as if he was suddenly cold now. "I... I don't want to die. I don't want her to die, but... It's so frightening because I can see why she'd want to die... I just ran to the church in the slightest hope that they might know something, but was shrugged off, before I ran into... into you..." He was starting to well up, sniffling his nose. "I-I just d-don't know what to do. I promised to help, but..." he began to cry, a little bit, "... what can I do? I don't know magic, I don't anyone else with as powerful a magic as hers, I-I don't know wh-where to start..." Go away, tears, I'm trying to have a serious discussion, here. Wiping his eyes with his soaked sleeve proved to be more annoying than the tears, most of his face wet, now.

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"Psychic? Nothing of the sort, I'm just good at connecting dots, usually." Smiling ever so slightly, it went away as soon as Adrian explained Carrion's 'promise', instead opting for a look of quiet anger. "No matter how justified you think it is, suicide isn't solving anything, it's creating more problems. Even if that wasn't enough, if she does off herself as you say she will, you'll die, and the world will lose a brilliant mind and a great heart in one selfish and destructive swoop. Unfortunately..." sighing raggedly, he softened his tone. "Words of logic and sense fall upon deaf ears when you talk to one contemplating suicide." Clearing his throat, he tried to go to a different topic. "You claim to know nothing of magic, right? Then I suggest you attempt to learn the basic inner workings of magic. In my time, I've found many discoveries were made by going back and reviewing the basics. But right now... based on your reactions, you're taking this pretty hard, and I can only imagine how Carrion might feel as well, but there's the kicker. Show her your sadness, and simply be there for her. Words are meaningless, so show her your resolve, young man."

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