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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"If it's that early, then get back heeeere..." "Well, someone's affectionate this morning, ha ha..." He slumped back onto the bed, into her arms, and smiled. "You sure you're fine with me being this close, Carrion? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He chuckled a little, and glanced out the window. I don't know why I'm thinking that sun's going to suddenly get higher... maybe we should just go back to sleep?


"Help me..." "Uh, b-but, how!? Uhm, uhm..." She was freaking out as he seemed to be losing it, shooting her eyes around the room for anything. What am I supposed to do?! I don't even know what's wrong with him! Oh Gods, help me... She stood, and kept looking, not even knowing what she was supposed to be looking for. Then she heard a knock on the door, and voices from outside the room. It sounded like Ormis and Aurelio. Maybe they can help, it's better than standing here looking like a moron! She quickly unlocked the door, and shouted at them, "Hey, you guys, help! There's something wrong with Gideon!" She needed someone else to help, anyone, because she was lost.

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Ormis had been about to knock again when he heard a commotion inside the room. Amera sounded upset over something.

"Heh, I expect to see a decent effort then. You up for breakfast?"

"Perhaps," was all Teis managed to say before the door they had been outside of flew open, and Amera was standing there, looking upset.

"Hey, you guys, help! There's something wrong with Gideon!"

Ormis barely had time to curse when Teis pushed his way past Amera. Gideon was on the bed, looking like he was in pain. He said something about not eating for days...

"Someone go get the priest. Now." He spoke without even looking up.

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More voices. He couldn't even make them out. But at least people knew his condition...He looked up, desperate to see a face he recognized - or at least a blur that resembled one. By now, he was certain: it was his dumbass idea of not eating for four days that put him in this condition. I'm a moron. I should have stolen something when I had the chance.

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"Someone go get the priest. Now." Amera was all the way down the stairs after Teis spoke, jumping out the door. Gotta, grab one. Gotta... gotta grab a priest! The inn had chosen a good spot in town, not that far from the church. It didn't take someone like Amera long to get there and bust down the doors. "Hey, any one of you free right now?" A large amount of people inside looked up at her, and the eldest priest sighed loudly. "I'm too old for all of this..." He'd been dealing with people bursting into the church far too often this week. One of the younger priests stood up, curious, and a little afraid of this girl. She seems a tad hysterical... but she's cute. "F-Father, I can go. I don't mind at all." The older priest sighed. "Alright, but return quickly. I've had enough of all this ridiculousness. Hopefully, when that blasted tournament's over, we can get some quiet here..." He went back into his offices, and the young man walked over to Amera. "I-I'm Anderson-- just call my Andy. Please, take me where you need me." Sighing, she smiled, "Alright, Andy, come with me to the town's inn!"

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Langley looks up, curious and dizzy from her bed. She blinks, silently noting the desperate tone of the girl in front of her. And then, after a brief moment, she blurts outward, not really intending it, the name of the girl as she remembers where she's from in her memories.


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'AMERA!' "Gah, what?!" She looked around for the voice, spotting the girl who'd asked about her past a few days ago. "Uh, listen, I can't... I can't hang around here, so if you seriously want to talk to me, come to the inn, okay?" She grabbed Andy's hand, prompting a "whoa!" and dragged him out of the church, rushing back to the inn with him. He was barely keeping up, as she dragged him up the stairs, almost throwing him into the room with Gideon. "I'm... I'm back..." She was panting, catching her breath from running so long. Andy was doing the same, but looking over the man in pain, as well. "It... It just seems like he hasn't eaten in a while. Or at least, he hasn't eaten enough... here." He brandished his staff, and let a small bit of magic flow into Gideon. "There... that should stop the pain for a bit. Eat something, alright?"

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He could have sworn he heard Amera's voice again, but it was still a blur next to the pain. Still, her voice calmed him down a little bit. Then he felt something else, something he couldn't really identify. Within seconds, the pain had gone, much to his surprise.

There was a kid in robes next to Amera, holding a staff. He must have been the guy who healed him... "There... that should stop the pain for a bit. Eat something, alright?" he said. Gideon nodded and sat up slowly, carefully, leaning against the head of the bed. "I don't think I should be moving," he said, his voice a bit weak. His legs felt like lead, and his vision was still a little blurry. "Thank you, though." He turned slowly to face Amera, stretching his arms a bit. "As much as I'd hate to impose...are they cooking down there yet?" He couldn't bring himself to ask her to coddle him. It didn't seem right, even in his condition.

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'Hm? Oh... right.'

Langley registers Amera has mistaken her for using her name as a recognition device, to further ask her about her past, instead of just simply remembering her name. Yet she is curious, the need for a priest and the worry in her look combined with the invitation making her stand soon after, bowing lightly to the slight exasperated, but nonetheless kind priest, gathering her clothing and armour and heading over to the inn. She knows she'll most likely just purchase a room tonight. So she sighs and heads out, moving over to the inn.

A few moments later, she's tiredly yawning, stretching her arms as she heads up the stairs and blinks at the crowd gathered.

'Ah. What drew this many people?'

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"I don't think I should be moving" "You shouldn't. Relax, and rest." This was the first time Andy had spoken to people outside of the church, and he was just repeating what the Father had told people after healing them. "Thank you, though." "E-Erm, well, y-yes, you're welcome." And now, he didn't know what to say. Socializing had become less of a problem for him recently, but he was still shy. The girl had begun to leave, though, and part of him wanted to stay and help out. "Uhm, l-let me go with you! I c-can carry something. It's my job to help out, afterall."


Amera smiled, finally able to chill out, and stop freaking. Scared me there, Gideon. Seriously... dying this early? Not like you. "As much as I'd hate to impose...are they cooking down there yet?" "Oh, sure! I'll go check, alright?" Don't move~" Her voice toyed at his weakness, stifling a chuckle. She'd be happy to get him some food, at least for a while. If I turn into HIS mule... She shook her head at the thought, wanting not to imagine such a situation. "Uhm, l-let me go with you! I c-can carry something. It's my job to help out, afterall." "Oh, sure. Come on." On her way down the stairs, though, 'Ah. What drew this many people?' "So you... did show up." Dammit. I hope she doesn't pry too much, I really hope. "Come get some food for him, with me. We can talk downstairs, alright?" She brushed past the girl, making her way to the kitchen.


Why... was I here, again? Pfffff, who cares... "Need anotha' drink, barkeep..." "No, you don't. You're drunk, and I ain't giving you another glass. Go sober up." Horatio's face collapsed against the bar, sighing into the cold stone. "Listen, buddeh... I'm jes' a tired man, needin' some ale. Cut m'some slack, eh? I gotta kill a man tomorruh. Need t'calm m'nerves... so, please? Jes' one more drink, I'll get outta your hair..." Horatio had been hired for some odd hundred gold to murder the proprietor of a small business in the area, the business of gathering slaves. He wasn't one way or another on the issue, but a job, was a job. "Listen, you drunkard, I ain't giving you another drink! Now, get out of my bar!" He cursed under his breath, he did. "Fiiine, y'old... I don' even know wha'chu are..." he picked himself off the bar, and sauntered upstairs, collapsing his drunken frame into his bed. I'll deal with what's'is'face tomorrow... get m' money... leave town. Unless I get me another job... That would be nice.

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Although he still felt the after-effect of last night's absinthe, he made his way to the arena and sat in his usual seat. He knew he was early but he wanted to make sure he saw his daughter fight today.


As she entered the fighters' entrance she noticed the guild leader from the night prior, but paid him no mind. It was more important that she prepare for her match with Teis. She quickly ran her swords over a sharpening wheel and then began striking one of the sandbags.


'...Uh... I'm, sorry if you're asleep... but thank you.'

He heard the girl's words but didn't get to make a cohesive response; he mumbled something incoherent and inaudible and fell back asleep.

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'Hm? Talk?'

...Langley suddenly jerks consciously, trying to not cringe at forgetting for a moment why Amera has been so important to contact. Yet she hesitantly nods and turns a slight tilt of her head the priestly looking boy. She recognises him from the church, asking bluntly.

'Are you Amera's boyfriend?'


Carrie grins a bit silently at the mumble, reminding her of her family, trying to wake them up during birthdays or on days where she'd just wake up with energy and find them mumble, grumble and tug the covers back over their heads. She smiles a bit and slightly stretches, before slipping once more into bed. Yet she thinks, scooting over to the right side of the bed. And then, using the extra length of blanket she isn't under, let's half of the blanket slip over the bedside, covering the man on the floor. With a light smile, her eyes closed, job done.

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Ormis followed Amera, wondering if he was being ignored or what. She seemed to be too concerned with Gideon.

Ah, well. I can deal with this when Gideon's not half-dead from hunger.

Returning quickly to his room, he grabbed his cape and threw it over his shoulders before walking back to the other room, hoping to intercept Amera.


Teis watched as the priest healed Gideon, sighing in relief. as he seemed to be alright. His duty done, he made his leave, heading to the arena. He passed the arena's caretaker on his way out, but didn't think much of it. His opponent was already there, hard at work preparing for the fight. Teis made a quick greeting and sat down, laboriously slipping his armor on.

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'Hm? Talk?' "Yes, talk. It seems you obviously want to know about me, so I might as well let you ask your questions." She didn't hear the comment about this new priest, having been already downstairs when it was made, in the kitchen. She'd barely heard the first one, yelling it back upstairs. Ormis had almost caught her on her way downstairs, and she'd waved for him to come with her. Might as well have someone to talk to while I wait. Once in the kitchen, she felt around in her pocket for some change, realizing... she was broke. Ahh, dammit... How'm I... maybe I can get some money of this girl. She sat, and waited for the girl to come down, hoping to get some money if she answered some questions.


'Are you Amera's boyfriend?' "H-H-H-Her wh-wh-what?! N-No, I'm just... I was here to, h-heal that man, and I... I uhm-- I just want to help out!" He was flustered, embarrassed, and unknowing of how to deal with this situation. I should just go back to the church, I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be talking to these people! But... but it's my duty to help those in need, and this girl... Well, she's very pretty. He brushed past Langley, and went downstairs, standing against the wall with his perpetual blush, waiting for food to bring back upstairs. Once I've done that, I can leave, and forget about all this mess...

Edited by seph1212
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She smiles and her tail lightly flicks behind her, amused by the boy’s genuinely quite cute reaction. Cute kid indeed, she mulls to herself and moving a hand, she actually ruffles his hair, before heading with him as she explains rather lightly to him.

'Nah, I'm just kidding. You just look sweet enough to already have a girlfriend though.'

She grins once more yet as she get's downstairs, she glances curiously to Amera as well.

'Need something?'

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'Nah, I'm just kidding. You just look sweet enough to already have a girlfriend though.' "I-I do not have one, nor am I worried about getting one!" Her touch made him shiver, worried she'd hit him or something. I'm not dealing with this much longer... Please, let me help you with your food, and leave. No pretty girl is worth this trouble!


"What's up?" "Hmmmmm?" She looked at him with a catty grin. "Oh, you just seemed like a lost little puppy, I thought you might want to come along~" She chuckled, unable to contain her laughter as she openly giggled at her joke. This new girl showed up, and her giggling died down. 'Need something?' "Sit down, start your questions. Get'em over with, yeah?" She wanted this done soon, if she seriously had to be questioned. "If not, mind sparing me some money? I'm... sort of broke, and Gideon needs some food. I hate to ask, but... I can't really ask anyone else." She felt terrible, asking this person she'd barely met for money. She'd be terribly surprised if the girl agreed. I hope she does. I can pay her back, I know I can... wait a sec... oh, dammit. She'd finally realized that Gideon still had all their money from the Boar fight upstairs with him. Well, if she can't pay, I'll just go grab that.

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'...Hey, take it easy, kid.'

Her eyes worriedly glance over him as she hesitates, tail a bit on edge. If she's truly agitated him, she hasn't meant to and only smile a bit, answering his statement on wanting a girlfriend with a quiet nod as well.

'I just thought you were sweet to help out, is all. Sorry if that got under your skin.'

Soon, a slightly paused Langley glances to Amera and as she asks her to get those questions over with, she opens her mouth to speak. And then hesitates, smiling once and silently shaking her head, before beginning to speak.

'Sorry, but... these kind of questions, you may want to be alone to talk about. And here.'

She tosses a bag of money shes saved, a small wistful sigh knowing the church is where she'll be resting tonight. But she smiles, not really minding.

'Make sure he's fed up. You don't owe me anything, Amera. In fact, my family owes you.'

And for a brief moment, Langley's eyes look sad, quite a bit sadder then honestly makes sense for something as casual as handing money over.

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Ormis tossed a bag of money (the remains of his day one victory) onto the table. "Should be enough for a few days' stay. Though I'd get out of here as soon as the tournament's over, since those guys at the guild aren't gonna just sit around for very long."

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Well, you coulda told me that... Amera sighed at this girl, wondering why she was even bothering. "Alright, just... let me know when, then." Amera wanted the questions over with right now, and she didn't care if others heard. If they were too personal, she could just ignore them. Suddenly, a bag of money hit the table, ans she was shocked out of thinking. "But... this is so much..." 'Make sure he's fed up. You don't owe me anything, Amera. In fact, my family owes you.' "..." Amera sat there for a moment, Ormis's money and warning registering in her mind, "Thanks... Ormis... We'll watch out..." but being ignored for the moment. "... Why does your family owe me?" she asked, in a rather nervous tone, "tell me." The sad look in her eyes perplexed Amera further, wondering what could have caused such a depressed look. "Tell me your name first. And sit down."

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Langley sits, calm. Her eyes watch Amera, curious if she has made a mistake. She lightly answers, not minding for trust or not, intent on revealing everything she knows and has guessed at to this girl. She will not lie, she promises herself.

'My name, my full name, is Langley Astute Aokkoa. My father was a lion anri, Garlion his name. My mother was a woman called Dlareme. And you. If I remember correctly.'

She answers without hesitation, looking into Amera's eyes and needing to know if the beginning of her suspicion is true.

'Your name is Amera. Amera, you were born in Shuthra. But that's not where you were raised, was it?'

Her eyes watch Amera, quiet. She does break face though, a slight smile to the boy to the side.

'..Oh, so YOU'RE Amera's boyfriend. My apologies to the earlier boy. Good to meet you.'

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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"YES, I'm sure of this you dunce!" she said, grappling Adrian. "Now like... what do you wanna do today? We don't exactly have the money for another stay here, and asking that guy again... well, I'm for it, but you seem to get really agitated by him so no go on that... Screw that, how're you feeling, your hands doing any better?" She quickly grabbed one of his hands, examining it very closely, trying to find some sign of healing. "Oh... sorry, I should let you answer shit first, shouldn't I?" Rolling over, she stretched and yawned, arching her back when a sudden thought struck her. Wait, today is... "Oh damn. We've got... like, one more day before... someone starts going after us again. Shit shit SHIT!" Fists slamming into the bed did not help her calm down in the slightest. "We really, really have to lay low for now. I seriously suggest we go to, like, Pravna. At least there we'd be super deep into Shuthran territory, and well... It's where everyone goes to learn magic and arcane arts, I can probably find someone there to unseal me, easily. In fact, I'm kind of pissed I never thought of that in the first place..."


Taking his sweet time and training his heart out, he was ready for the first match of the day. He was still unnerved by the guild member being there, but he was safe here... right?

Before he knew it, his match was actually coming up within the hour. "Alright, I got this. Just gotta beat this chump and then I get to go for the gold!"

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Elune and Adonis

They'd both heard a commotion outside, but they decided not to pursue it. It would be better to wait, for something bigger to happen, at least.


He'd been in the crowd when Gideon fell... ill... but he hadn't been able to get the priest in time. He just idled around, waiting for things to happen.

He remembered the arena matches were about to begin, and decided to leave. It would be fun watching them, at least.

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There had been a lot of commotion, apparently Gideon wasn't well. However, it looked like it was being handled, so he left them to it. Raiding the kitchen on the way out, he made his way to the arena. Thankfully, he'd avoided the innkeeper, otherwise he would have been stuck on toilet duty. A good portion of the village seemed to be there for the tournament, chattering away about the competitors.

Things were still setting up when he got to the arena, Adano was in the same seat as last time. He tossed him a bread roll;

"You look pretty beat, what were you doing, drinking all night?"

He sat down next to him, it was a fine spot.

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"You look pretty beat, what were you doing, drinking all night?"

He smiled at Aurelio, he could tell that there was something between him and Lucretia. Although he wasn't about to meddle in the life of his daughter whom he'd just met, he thought Aurelio was a nice and capable man.

"I only had one drink of absinthe," he replied, "I guess it just hit me more than I remember. I used to drink absinthe all the time." He shook his head and turned back to Aurelio. "Excited for Lucretia's match? I think she'll win today. I hope she does."

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"I guess it just hit me more than I remember. I used to drink absinthe all the time."

"That's some nasty stuff, you must be gettin' old." he laughed. "It should be something to watch, the other guy's no pushover either."

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