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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Obelia sighs slightly yet smiles a bit at the guy. He is certainly a dedicated man, yet she smiles, almost an attempt at sly across her features. Obelia knows she probably looks more like she's not performing a wink properly, but she can only hope.

'...Are you sure you're not staying so your the first one she sees when she awakens? That might be quite romantic, Ken.'

Obelia sounds casual, yet smiles as well. Well, he does seem quite devoted.

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'...Are you sure you're not staying so your the first one she sees when she awakens? That might be quite romantic, Ken.'

He laughed. It did seem a lot like that, but even if it were the case, it could never happen.

"Oh my." He chuckled. "I'm afraid my chances would be virtually zero. My duty is to serve, if I stepped past that, I would be at the mercy of my masters. Lady Lucinda is nobility, and must remain with nobility."

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Obelia's eyes blink once or twice and for a moment, a flicker of anger passes through her. She keeps smiling, yet asks him with a firm tone, one she is unaware she's quite using.

'That is quite a foolish notion, Ken. Love shouldn't have to be thought of as something that can be stopped by a mere barrier such as social rank. Do you honestly believe that?'

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His facial gestures were quite amusing, as if he was trying to make himself seem more serious than his tone indicated, "Take a wild guess." That coy smile returned, not sure if that was a good thing or not, herself. "I don't think you want me to make that guess~" "Hold that thought" Yeah, I guess you really don't want me to answer that, thanks... She looked over the railing as well, the fight getting pretty nasty. The knife to the man's cheek didn't scare her as much as the crack that resounded from the other man's arm. She'd felt that pain before, and it always got to her. Some motion down lower in the stands caught her eye, as she noticed Aurelio waving them over. "Hey, come on, Gideon, let's go sit with them!" If you don't mind me getting near Ormis, that is. We'll see if you're really jealous or not~ She stood, tugging lightly on his arm for him to come with her.


That woman from before had returned to the church, and Andy tried his best to stay out of her way. Of course, his curiosity was getting the better of him, and he wanted to know how the situation at the inn had resolved. She was leaving, when he approached her. "E-Excuse, me, miss..." He tried his best to control his stutter, "but, that girl and that man at the inn, are they alright now?"

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Langley gives the kid a good, long look. Not so much an inspection, more a hesitance to say something. But after a while, she lightly clips her sword to her side, within her scabbard and answers him, her own gray eyes watching his with both a smile and a slightly tired edge to them.

'Yes, they're fine. Ish. Physically, they'll both be fine.'

She makes sure to use the word physically, before smiling a bit hesitantly, speaking next with a curious look.

'Now, if I may ask you a question?'

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'Yes, they're fine. Ish. Physically, they'll both be fine.' "That... that is good. Thank you." Alright, now, just walk away... 'Now, if I may ask you a question?' Oh, please don't! "Y-Yes, miss? What might th-this question be?" Gods, make this easy on me, I beg of you... He was too polite a boy to just ignore her question and walk away, as much as he wanted to.

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"I don't think you want me to make that guess~" Gideon smirked at that. At least she seemed to be doing okay. "Hey, come on, Gideon, let's go sit with them!" No doubt she wants to make me jealous. Whatever, I can't move by myself, so I can't complain. "Alright, alright, just give me a minute so I can get up..." With some effort, he rose to his feet, and once he was balanced he offered her his arm and grinned. This was getting a bit fun, even if it was confusing as shit. Believe me, woman, I won't be playing this game forever.

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"Alright, alright, just give me a minute so I can get up..." "Of course!" She waited this time, instead of running off to them and leaving him to make his way down. His arm came around her, and she helped him down the stairs. Maybe we can start up a nice discussion with them about the fight. Some good ol' friendly conversation. Even I'm getting tired of bothering Gideon... She didn't think of it as a game, because she'd never heard it said as such. All she knew is that he probably wasn't enjoying all of her botherings, so stopping and actually having some intelligent conversation would probably be for the best. She sat down next to the aisle, leaving the seat to her left for Gideon to take.

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Langley pauses as she wonders how to word it just right, that and his fearful look seems to just bother her. It actually makes her feel guilty. She is surprised by that, hesitant, yet asks with a curiosity evident in her tone, amid a slight air of worry.

'Do I frighten you in some way? If I do, I really, really don't mean to, but I would like to know if I'm causing you some sort of distress...'

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The sudden gentleness and careful pace came as a nice surprise. Gideon wasn't in any condition to be moving down stairs anyway, so the aid was welcome. He flopped down next to Amera and sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair. "No more moving around, alright?" he requested breathlessly, looking at her. "I probably shouldn't even be on my feet..." From here, though, he had a better view of the pit, and he could see how badly the other guy's arm was bent. "I didn't even notice his arm," he said quietly, shaking his head a bit. "At least he's still up..."

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"Thank you thank you!" With a hug and a quick kiss she ran out the door, looking about. So many damn places... I should really just start at the closest and go from there. Sheathing her new found sword, she went off to the first building with a smile. It was a smithy, and a pretty popular one at that. Asking for a job, the owner only laughed and pointed her right out the door. "Alright, fine. If you don't want a cute little mascot or anything simple like that, be my guest!" It was childish, and she and he knew it as he just waved her away again. Next stop was an alchemist's store. It smelled... powdery to her. Nah, this... this won't do. I'm gonna lose my sense of smell, this is friggin intense in here... Walking back out, the owner giving a confused face but otherwise not caring, Carrion walked on over to an herbalist's shop.

"Hello! How can I help you today, miss?"

Greeted instantly by a cheerful woman, Carrion felt good about this. "Oh hey, um... weird question, d'ya need any help around here? I uh... I'll be honest, I need a job."

Tilting her head ever so slightly, "Well.... are you good at mixing ingredients and listening to directions? Or better yet, you any good at gathering?"

Carrion's face lit up, "YES, yes I am!" Come on, pleeeeeease give this to me!

Almost as if she could hear Carrion, she slowly started nodding her head. "OK... can you start now or do you need to finish some things up quickly?"

Clasping her hands together, "No, no, I'm good! Thank you so much!"

Taken back slightly, "Ok ok, it's really no problem! Are you always this enthusiastic about things? No matter, just come around the counter here and I'll get you started. You're going to go gather some fresh plants out back."


He just about spat out his drink when the man mentioned splitting a reward with him. "I don't know what you expect from me in this endeavor, but hey, if you're willing to split, sure, why the hell not?" If the man was just lying, it didn't bother Grant in the slightest. If he was being serious, more money in his pocket. "Just gimme the details and what you want me to do, I'll see if I can get on it. Thing is, I'm going at my pace on this. One leg and a stick will only take me so far, I hope you know..."


Hating waiting around, he darted at Brent, aiming a swift kick at the man's legs. With only one arm working and the other dangling painfully about, his dodge was less than graceful as he tripped and found himself up against the wall. "N-Now would be a good time to surrender, Brent. Just saying. Nothing personal if this goes any farther, OK? You're clearly a skilled man, and I respect that, but specializing in only killing blows doesn't really cut it here. If you can' kill or keep me down, I will continue on, like a wolverine." He grunted, spitting on Arcen and slashing at his eye, nicking him just below as Arcen got in close. "OK, that's it. You won't give in, cool, I respect that. I just hope you don't cry like a little girl!" The hunter couldn't get away before Arcen grabbed him by his one good arm and threw him again to the ground. Taking a huge wind up with the flat of his blade, he smacked the man right in the side, a satisfying smack sound as the man was sent rolling a few feet. Arcen walked up to Brent who was struggling to get up at this point, wondering why the official wasn't calling the match yet. Maybe because it started off so violently? Maybe these are meant to be much more fierce matches... Oh well! Taking his sword in both hands, he brought the flat of it crashing down on the man's back, and Arcen could've sworn he heard a crunching sound there. Of course, the man screamed and then fell silent, the only movement on him being the slow inhale and exhale of breath.

"And the winner is Arcen Willard! Well done, sir, you're now onto the finals! I hope you'll take all the time you can to get ready for it!" Holding his sword high above him and looking about the crowd, his other hand instinctively went to his mouth. He could taste the blood and it was getting extremely disgusting for him. "That'll leave a scar, no doubt..." When he got to the waiting room, he was healed up as best as they could, but as he thought, there was still a rather gruesome mark on his mouth, and he felt it. "Well... chicks dig scars... right?" It was the only consolation he could think of. Other than that, he didn't care too much.

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The match was over. That Arcen seemed to have some true fighting instincts after all. Teis felt better. Beyond a slight stiffness in his legs (which shouldn't affect him very much, as he had no hope of chasing after Lucretia either way), he felt that he was back at full capacity. Grabbing his axe and his shield when he was called, he walked out onto the field.

"For the next match, we have Teis Risdryn facing off against Lucretia Germane, two very strong competitors! Both are newcomers, who will come out victorious in the end?"

His feet shifted into a wide stance, where he wouldn't lose his balance. His shield was in front of him, his axe resting on the ground behind him, ready to strike at any moment.

Defense. I need to play defense, tire her out. I can't hope to keep up with her.

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"For the next match, we have Teis Risdryn facing off against Lucretia Germane, two very strong competitors! Both are newcomers, who will come out victorious in the end?"

She hadn't even paid attention to the first match, but the hotheaded kid (well, she was the same age as him but mentally he was much younger than she) seemed to have won.

I wonder what it'll be like to fight him in the finals, if I make it that is... Lucretia looked to Teis, clad in armor, axe at the ready. This was going to be her toughest battle yet, in her mind. She had faced off against knights before but she wasn't used to them, and with the axe he carried, she worried about getting hit. Unlike my first two opponents, if he hits me with that axe, it will hurt.

She walked into the ring, standing confident and poised. This is it.


He was so excited that Lucretia was up next. The first match was exciting, but he was very happy to see his daughter fight. He turned to Aurelio, who now had company.

"I really am excited to see this one. Lucretia's got her work cut out for her, but I think she'll win." He flashed a smile.


He awoke again, this time noticing a blanket was on him. Deciding to get up, he noticed the girl was still asleep.

No need to wake her. He thought as he quietly tiptoed out of the room and washed up, leaving a note for the girl in case she woke up.

"My name is Julius, and I hope you're feeling better. In case you wake up and I'm not around, I'm washing up quickly. I'll be down at the inn afterward eating some breakfast if you want to join me."

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'Do I frighten you in some way? If I do, I really, really don't mean to, but I would like to know if I'm causing you some sort of distress...' "N-No, miss. It's not you. I've just had a fairly sheltered life, and interacting with people becomes... difficult. I have grown used to the company of the people here, but when being addressed by such a beautiful wommmph!" His hands shot to cover his mouth, the problem he had interacting becoming quite obvious. He let his hands go, flustered now, "a-a-as you c-can see, it becomes hard for me to control what I say around people I do not know... I am sorry, that was quite uncalled for."


"No more moving around, alright?" he requested breathlessly, looking at her. "I probably shouldn't even be on my feet..." "Yeah, you shouldn't. But at least we've got a better view of the fight now! And we can bother these two," she mentioned, pointing past Gideon. He mentioned the man's arm, shivering a bit, "Yeah, I heard that when it happened. Always gives me the chills..." She recalled earlier in the week when she had to shove her arm back into place, shaking even more. Ugh, that is not a pleasant feeling, and it never will be. "Anyways... let's just enjoy the fight." Or try, as the man managed to knock the other down, slamming his blade into him more than enough times. Geez, ref, call the match... He didn't, and that same unnerving crack resounded, making Amera flinch. At least the match's over, now...


"Thank you thank you!" "No problemmmph." He didn't really expect the affection, but who was he to deny it? And, again, she was gone. He turned back to the man at the desk, a little flustered. "So... yeah, as I was saying--"

"Sure, bud. You say you can wash, get in the kitchen, we'll pay you for it. Let us know if you can do anything else, too."

"Oh! Well, thanks. I'll get on that. And, just let me know what you need, I'll see if I can help." He walked into the kitchen, looking around for anyone else working there. Surprisingly, the cute girl from the arena was there, washing some dishes. "Oh, hello. Mind if I join you, there?" He smiled, walking over to the sink to start helping her.


"Gehahahaha! Watch your drink, bud, mind me shoes!" What a reaction, eh? This guy's great! "I don't know what you expect from me in this endeavor, but hey, if you're willing to split, sure, why the hell not?" "Oh, not much, don' worry. I just need you to talk to th'man and keep him distracted while I sneak around an' slit his throat. Sound good t'you? I could probably do it mahself, but it's just so much easier if they don' see it comin'."

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"Yeah, you shouldn't. But at least we've got a better view of the fight now! And we can bother these two," Gideon smirked and leaned towards Amera a bit as he looked over at them. By now, the match was over, and he was glad - that one was pretty brutal. It was probably worse for her because she had experienced breaking an arm before... "The question is, are they gonna let us?" he asked as he waved over to Ormis and Aurelio, gesturing for them to move closer. It occurred to him that this would be a good chance to mess with the kid, but with Amera here, maybe that would be a bit harsh.

"For the next match, we have Teis Risdryn facing off against Lucretia Germane, two very strong competitors! Both are newcomers, who will come out victorious in the end?" Gideon smirked at the announcement. "About damn time," he said quietly as he looked at the pit again. "I don't even know if I want him to win. If he ends up against that Arcen guy and loses, he'll get mangled something fierce..."

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"The question is, are they gonna let us?" "Well, I don't see why not. We're just being friendly, right?" Amera didn't have any intention to bother anyone for a while, feeling like she'd seriously overdone it. She didn't know if Gideon was planning anything, though. I hope he doesn't try anything. I know I've been doing it for a while, but he doesn't have to keep it going... He'd leaned closer to her, not that she really minded it. She just resumed cuddling his arm. Maybe there is more too it than it just being comfortable... I don't know.

"For the next match, we have Teis Risdryn facing off against Lucretia Germane, two very strong competitors! Both are newcomers, who will come out victorious in the end?"

"Oh, Lucy! Come on, kick his ass!" She'd barely realized she'd shouted until she had, shrinking back into her seat, an resuming her cuddling of his arm, embarrassed of herself once again. "S-Sorry about that. I just want her to win, is all... hehehe..." She shrunk into her seat, hoping no one in the crowd was giving her a weird look, or anything like that.

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"S-Sorry about that. I just want her to win, is all... hehehe..." Gideon arched an eyebrow and looked at her. Alright, time for you to play your own game. "You're allowed," he assured her. "Tell you what. If Teis wins, you help me get around for the rest of the day. I've got a few things I want to do. If he loses..." He smirked. "Well, I'll leave that to your imagination." With that, he turned to watch the match. Suddenly he didn't care who won.

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'S'at all? Shit, I can talk up a storm if you need it. Plus, I'm pretty attention grabbing as is. At the very least, his surprise'll give you an opening." Taking another swig then shoving his cup away, he finished. "Just say who and when, I'll help ya out." There was a deep pang in his head about now, a nagging thought burning his mind. Why are you being so goddamn hypocritical now, of all times? Yes, you're hurting, you yelled at a pretty young girl, you lost a leg, and you can't very well go chasing after the witch, but now you're just going to aid an upfront murderer? He ignored it though, the hypocrisy not reaching him.


"Oh? Yeah sure, I could use the help, thanks! You dry and I'll wash." And as she started doing just that, she couldn't help but keep glancing over at him, wondering what his story was. "Hey, um... if I'm opening up wounds or if I'm prying too much, please tell me, but I'm dreadfully curious here. That man, Aurelio... he was trying to kill you a while ago? Did I hear that conversation right? I'm sorry if I misheard and this is just a misunderstanding, I was trying to concentrate on that and the arena, but um... It strikes me as odd, is all."

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"You're allowed," She nodded, "I know... I was just being so... vocal about it. I probably looked silly." She sighed, and shook her head. Lots of other people were standing and cheering, you don't look silly at all, girl. "Tell you what..." Her ears perked up, "...If Teis wins, you help me get around for the rest of the day. I've got a few things I want to do. If he loses..." She hesitated for a moment, before asking, "...yes? What if he loses?" She was almost afraid of what he was about to say, "Well, I'll leave that to your imagination." Red was an appropriate color for her, as her mind instantly wandered to the worst of places, and then right back out as quickly as it had gone there. "I-I don't think I'll be leaving it up to my imagination, nope..."


"Just say who and when, I'll help ya out." "Right now, me friend, let's go." He finished his drink, almost spitting it out at the taste, but forcing it down his throat. "And don't worry about keepin' up, you'll see me waitin' outside of where we need to be-- oh, the armory! Sorry, almost forgot me self!" He guffawed, leaving the inn and stopping, his face almost instantly looking focused. Alright, no more fun'n'games, you're on duty. He rushed off the armory, waiting at the building across from it for Grant. Shit, I didn't even ask his name. I should do that when 'e gets 'ere.


"Oh? Yeah sure, I could use the help, thanks! You dry and I'll wash." "Ha ha, alright, sounds easy enough." His eyes somehow had missed the rather large pile of dishes already stacked there, waiting for be dried. Yeah... easy enough... He got started either way, needing to make some money. "Hey, um... if I'm opening up wounds or if I'm prying too much, please tell me, but I'm dreadfully curious here..." "Oh? What's on your mind?" Wonder what it is. Well, she did seem to freak out when Aurelio said he tried to kill us, back at the arena. "...That man, Aurelio... he was trying to kill you a while ago? Did I hear that conversation right?..." Yep, it's definitely that. But how much do I tell her? "...I'm sorry if I misheard and this is just a misunderstanding, I was trying to concentrate on that and the arena, but um... It strikes me as odd, is all." Or... I could totally blow her off... He mulled over it in his head for a moment, wondering if telling her would be the best decision. Eh, what harm could it bring, she doesn't seem very threatening. "Yeah, you heard right. He was trying to kill Carrion and I-- oh, she's the girl I was with at the arena. It's quite the long story, but, needless to say, he didn't know the whole situation at the time, and isn't trying to kill us anymore. I wouldn't worry about it." He'd almost forgotten he was supposed to be drying dishes, gasping and getting back at drying them.

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"I-I don't think I'll be leaving it up to my imagination, nope..." Gideon sighed, not sure whether to smile or roll his eyes when she turned red. How naive can this girl even be? "I didn't realize your mind had gone there," he teased. "But knowing you, you'll come up with something. Doesn't have to be that." He looked back at the pit, anxious to see someone come out and do something.

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"I didn't realize your mind had gone there," She flailed a bit with one arm, "well, it's not like I expected it to go there! I'm just a bit..." She trailed off, I don't even know why it did that, myself. It's gotta be because of his tone, it just has to be. "But knowing you, you'll come up with something. Doesn't have to be that." Her mind clicked, and her coy smile came back, composing herself. "I've got it! If he loses, you get to be my mule for a day! Well, not today, but once your legs are feeling better." She was glad she got her mind away from there, seriously wondering why it had gone there. Oh well, this is much more entertaining.

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"well, it's not like I expected it to go there! I'm just a bit..." "A bit what?" he asked, smirking. He knew he was stirring the hornet's nest, but he didn't care. This was fun. "I've got it! If he loses, you get to be my mule for a day! Well, not today, but once your legs are feeling better." "I already do that, though. And you didn't answer me." In reality, he wasn't sure what kind of answer he wanted from her. It was just a fun question to ask, really. It hadn't occurred to him yet that she might actually confess or something like that...what would he do then? He wasn't the relationship type. How was he supposed to move around when his hand was nailed to the floor by a woman? Besides, he'd probably be insensitive, or...he didn't even know. But he wanted to hear her answer anyway.

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"A bit what?" "A-A bit..." Her composure easily lost, once again, she went back to being red and unsure. "A bit..." What is it? Really, me, what is it? "I already do that, though. And you didn't answer me." "A bit... smitten, I guess..." Her voice shrunk away, as did she, losing her hold on his arm, and sinking as far as she could into the chair. Great, now you've done it. Now he's going to get upset with you, and you're never going to live it down... or maybe he didn't hear you, you were really quiet, and it's pretty loud here... or... oh, can I just disappear?

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He smirked a little as the man seemed to be in a hurry. Finishing up and paying for his tab, he went outside, spotting Horatio again. Making his way over, hobbling as fast as he could, he shrugged ever so slightly. "So. Description? Or you just gonna point him out and then walk away or something?" It was a simple job by the sound of it, but he needed to know who it was, if they'd be an actual threat or something.


"Well... I guess that's good to know." A smile on her face as she answered Adrian. He seems kinda cute... Gah, what am I thinking, he's got a girl already, plus I', always on the go and... Absentmindedly she let out a small whine, but she tried to cover it up. "U-Um... Carrion, right? She uh... your girlfriend? She seems to be... nice, I guess. And well... how do I say it? Adorable in some way." Without really thinking of what she was saying until now, she covered her mouth, talking through it, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just running my mouth at this point, just... forget I said anything!"

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"A bit... smitten, I guess..." I figured that was it, but she actually said it...I'll be damned. Gideon took one of her hands as it slunk off his arm and shot her a look. "Am I supposed to get all upset now and not want to talk to you? Because I don't feel like doing that." Why was she looking away from him? "You could at least look at me." His voice was softening a bit. Damn this girl! Why did she make him act like this? He was good at letting people off easy. It was something he did yesterday! So why was he desperate to get her to look at him now? "Amera, come on..."

He couldn't even find anything to say, and it was frustrating him. Everything about this was frustrating him, and it was getting hard to contain it. "Look, if you can tell off a fat man and kick the shit out of him while his thugs are watching, you can at least talk to me normally," he said, his tone a bit sharper than he intended despite the relative softness of his voice. "I'm not...like, mad at you or anything." He looked around, wondering if anyone was listening. Ormis might wonder...Sighing, he shook his head. "Look, we can talk about this later if you want." He pulled his tone back a bit - now wasn't the time to snap at her. "Or we can go somewhere else. Just...stop looking so scared, yeah?" Though he was less than eloquent, this was the best he could do.

There was a part of Gideon that was lambasting him for not staying in the room. This was a stupid idea...

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