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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Teis stood, waiting, watching her. She was strong, he could tell, and she was wielding twin blades that looked sharp enough to slice a horse in two. He tightened his grip on his shield, watching, watching, watching. Focus. Watch her shoulders, they'll show where she's going to swing. Watch her legs, they'll show you where she's moving.


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He panicked for but a second. "What if I'm wrong? Huh... I suppose that I'll burn in hell, not that that's really any different than what's going to happen anyway. As for payment." He continued on his way, "You can take the full one hundred instead of splitting it. Consider it a down-payment." If she's really not the woman I think she is, then I'm just a damned fool. Nothing changes, life goes on...


After a quick talk with her employer she had... 'good' news for Adrian. "Hey bud, n-nice to see you didn't break anything. Ahem..." She had a slight coughing fit, trying to clear her throat. "According to the owner here, you can get your room for free... if you're ok with sharing it with me and my brother..." It wasn't nervousness that she was feeling, just plain old awkwardness. Sharing a room with a cute guy I just met, and his girlfriend with... one bed...? I should really just go get some extra blankets and pillows, then I can sleep on the floor...

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Geez, you don' 'ave to be so damn morbid about it all. If you're wrong, yer wrong, 'nuff said, eh? "You can take the full one hundred instead of splitting it. Consider it a down-payment." He scoffed, "that's a pretty shitty down payment if you ask me, but whatever. Not my place to judge 'ow you wanna pay me..." Jes my place to see 'ow well I act upon it. And he was off walking again, going faster this time, as he didn't want any more interruptions. He was going to find out more than Grant was telling him, an then decide to act on the money, or not. Five hundred's pretty tempting, though...


He'd found himself relaxing against the counter, thinking about the day's events, when Aiduen came back, "Hey bud, n-nice to see you didn't break anything. Ahem..." "Of course not. Wouldn't do me any good to break stuff on the first day, I'd probably get fired." He was enjoying being able to just be chummy for once, and not have to watch out for some random teasing. She seemed a bit... on edge, though. "According to the owner here, you can get your room for free... if you're ok with sharing it with me and my brother..." And he wasn't surprised as to why she was. "I... I see... Uhm..." He blushed, his predicament a bit uncommon, even for him. "Well... I don't think there'd be a problem, it's not like we'd all be sleeping in the same bed, heh..."

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"I'll go get some extra blankets and sheets and pillows and whatever. Unfortunately, there's only one bed, but I'm ok with you two having it. I'll talk with Arcen about it, I'll make him understand. We're the first door up the stairs. I'll try to leave it open for you two when I can, as I'd really like to hold onto the key... Sorry, force of habit. If I leave it with arcen, he'd lose it in a bet or something, and well... it IS still my room." She was glad Adrian was understanding about all of this. If he had been as nervous as she felt awkward. "I'll just warn you now, my brother is very... simple. Just don't do anything crazy and he'll be basically your best friend, ok?"

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"Unfortunately, there's only one bed, but I'm ok with you two having it." Okay, so I wasn't too far off with us having to sleep in the same bed together... but, geez, won't this be awkward, all of us sleeping together? Especially with how Carrion gets... Oh, I can see this going horribly wrong already. Keeping his fears inside, he let her go on. I'll talk with Arcen about it, I'll make him understand. We're the first door up the stairs. I'll try to leave it open for you two when I can, as I'd really like to hold onto the key... Sorry, force of habit. If I leave it with arcen, he'd lose it in a bet or something, and well... it IS still my room." "Is he really... that absent minded about things? I don't mean to offend, you just make him sound like a really... aloof person." He had to think to use an unoffensive word, thinking that the most fitting. "I'll just warn you now, my brother is very... simple. Just don't do anything crazy and he'll be basically your best friend, ok?" Alright, I guess he is aloof and simple. "I've... done enough crazy things in the past week. I think I can abstain from doing some more." He chuckled, the grimness of the things he'd gone through not really showing itself.

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Her opponent just looked her down, gripping his shield. He didn't look like he was going to move.

Damn. Do I have to take the fight to him? She raised her swords high, and began running towards him.

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Teis knew that she was too fast for him. Unless he got her with a lucky strike, she'd run circles around him, probably taking him out sooner than not. He reached for the throwing-axe, but she was too close for that. Instead, he braced himself, ready to strike. When she got close enough to hit him with her swords, he lunged, swinging his shield at her.

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"... Crazy things? Care to elaborate on that? Sorry, it's my curiosity again. Plus, if we're gonna be sleeping in the same room, I'd kinda like to have a hint as to how things are going to play out beforehand..." It sounded like she was annoyed, but in reality, she was curious again. she tried to address it quickly, before she put Adrian off. "Sorry, I'm not trying to prod, but still..."

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"... Crazy things? Care to elaborate on that? ..." Not really, no... She did have a point, though, and knowing more about each other would probably make spending the night together, all as a group, a lot less awkward. "Alright, so..." he held out his hand to count with his fingers, "I'vd been killed, hunted, had to fight giant lizards, and forced myself to climb multiple mountains. That sort of crazy." He could only hope that she would believe him, and not freak out at all of that. Tough call, believing all of that to be true. I hope she does believe me, but, if she doesn't, I'll just have to deal with it... Somehow.

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"O... K then...? I guess if you're pulling out such crazy nonsense, you really don't wanna say what it is... Thanks for the heads up." OK, of course I offer to share my room with some crazy kid. Arceeen, I could reeeally use your help right now... In an attempt to placate herself, she took a few ddep breaths as she went about the kitchen, wiping the surfaces off for later use. Unfortunately, she couldn't help herself and she let it out, "You know, you don't have to treat me like I'm some damn child. If you want to keep your secrets, fine, just say that. There's no need to go and make up some ridiculous and clearly not true stories."

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Yep, she thinks I'm nuts... Adrian sighed as she practically told him he was lying. It was a tad annoying, but, he couldn't blame her. Who'd believe such glorious claims right away? "You know, you don't have to treat me like I'm some damn child ..." Okay, that was un called for. "I'm not," he stated matter-of-factly, rather annoyed at how far she was taking her disbelief, "and you can ask Aurelio if you won't believe me, he was there for most of it, as well as that girl fighting at the arena right now, Lucretia; they were both on the mountain with me when we fought the chameleons. Do you really think all three of us would tell the same lie, just to trick you? And as for me being killed, well... That's a bit more complicated." He wasn't sure of how to convince her of that one, as Ormis had been the only other person there, at the time.

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"Fine." She was getting angry unfortunately. It was rare, she hated it, and worst of all she usually regretted things when she got angry. Standing there simply glancing over at Adrian, "Alright, I can see the other things being plausible, but you're dead? You can't expect me to believe that. I mean... you're RIGHT THERE! What, are you some ghost now or something? No. Don't... don't answer that, it'll just make my brain hurt I'll bet. I'm sorry I asked..."

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"S-Sorry about that. Why don't you three come over here, instead?"

She wasn't usually like this, what on earth was happening? It was starting to get annoying. The fight had just started, he wasn't going to miss it, Adano and Ormis were already there. Amera would have to sort things out herself.

"Bah, I'm going back over there, the view's better. You can come over when you feel up to it."

He returned to his seat, neither had made a move yet. Lucretia had a clear advantage in speed but Teis had strength and endurance on his side. If Teis could get a good hit in, he might be able to take the match. Although hitting her was the hard part, Aurelio had never seen anyone move in that way - he couldn't help but watch.



'What was your brother like?'

Another interesting question, and so much to answer with. He remembered them as young children, always playing. That soon changed as they started their training, they were both so happy when their father announced Rafael would be his successor. Rafael had always strived to do his best in anything he did, Ken was glad he could support him. They day before he was killed, Rafael had told Ken that their brotherhood would be forever. Ken didn't quite understand what he ment until afterwards, did he forsee his own end?

"He was very kind but also determined, talented in every way. Whenever I was struggling he would help me out, even if it meant he would get into trouble. We were each others' best friend, we never fought and spent most of our time together. I was sad when I heard what had happened..."

Ken went quiet, he would need a minute or so before he could continue.

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"Alright, I can see the other things being plausible, but you're dead? You can't expect me to believe that. I mean... you're RIGHT THERE! What, are you some ghost now or something? No. Don't... don't answer that, it'll just make my brain hurt I'll bet. I'm sorry I asked..." "I'm not dead, I was dead. I got brought back... Yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous, and I know it's pretty unbelievable; I can barely believe it, but you asked me to tell you what kind of crazy I was talking about, so... I am. Whether or not you believe me is up to you. Heck, sometimes I don't even believe it, but..." He shivered, thinking about it, "you can't... can't fake what dying feels like. And it's... a weird feeling. It's like, you're laying there, or sitting there in some immense pain and it just..." he had to pause, as the feeling was a bit too much to remember, "... it just slowly goes away. I can't call it a bad feeling, or a good one. And no, I'm not a ghost. You can't jokingly punch a ghost." If she doesn't believe me... well, she doesn't.


"Bah, I'm going back over there, the view's better. You can come over when you feel up to it." Guess I won't be moving any time soon, then. "Alright, enjoy the match, Aurelio..." She spoke back to him as he walked back over to his seat, looking down at the field. Lucretia had started to move, but this other guy, Teis, was it? He didn't look like he wanted to move at all. Not surprised, Lucy's really fast. He'd never be able to out speed her.


'Do you have anything you want to take with you?' "Oh, I've got enough money on me for a trip, and I have my staff... I think that should be all I need. I can always wash my robes if they get dirty." I guess we can leave, then... I'm going to make the most of this trip. See the sights, and try to interact as much as I can. I can, and I will, get past this fear of mine! He was sure that he could change himself, he was sure he could beat his mini-phobia. "So, uhm, Langley... sh-should we go?"

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'...He sounds like a good person. Just like you.'

Obelia doesn't lie to offer him sympathy. She tells him her honest feeling, eyes looking at his own and not looking away for a few moments. She keeps looking to him, arms still folded on the sheets of the blanket yet she seems to register it's something that makes him sad. She hastily tries to rectify things, quietly answering his sadness.

'If you don't want to talk about it, it's okay, really.'


'Hm? Well… all right. Do you want to say goodbye to the guys here? Are they your friends?'

Langley asks, partly to make sure he doesn't worry about being rude later, while at the same time, wondering if he has a good connection with the priests here. She shifts a bit on her feet, wanting to leave and hopefully, allowing Amera the knowledge she was no where near her.

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Looking at Adrian as he spoke, she was watching for any signs of him fibbing. And of course, she couldn't see any. But that doesn't mean he isn't... he could just be lying about it anyway. Maybe he's done this before? But... "that shiver..." she mumbled to herself. "I... I'll simply take your word for it right now, ok? I won't bring it up again. Talking about death unnerves me a bit, and you being... the way you are, I don't know, just hearing it gives me chills." A finger on her chin in thought, "i know I just said to stop, but... Does... your girlfriend know?"

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She watched him raise his shield. By this point she was going to take a hit from the shield, so she figured she needed to at least get an attack in on him. She braced herself for the hit, which connected with her stomach, and made her bend over. Mustering all of the strength she had remaining, she threw her arms towards Teis, hoping her swords would connect.

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'Hm? Well… all right. Do you want to say goodbye to the guys here? Are they your friends?' "They're my... colleagues, to say the least. I get along with them because I work here, and I assume that's the only reason. But, let's not dawdle around, alright? The longer we wait, the longer my brain tells me this is a bad idea and that I should stay and never interact with the outside world, so... c-can we please go?"


"That's alright, I don't really want to talk about it, either. It's not a feeling you want to remember." He shook his head a bit, trying to shake away the feeling. She seemed to believe him, and judging by what he'd said, it'd be hard for anyone to not. It wasn't like he was lying, so he was simply glad she finally was starting to believe it all. Glad that that's over... didn't want to get into an argument over the whole thing. "i know I just said to stop, but... Does... your girlfriend know?" And then he was laughing on the inside, a simple smirk on the outside. Wow that... that's a pretty hilarious question, in this situation... "A-About Carrion, well... She's the one who, uh... brought me back to life." He chuckled a little, rubbing the back of his head, and looking at the floor. "It's one of the reasons I'm with her, right now. I owe her my life, literally."

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This was going to be a fucking stupid way to die. "You wouldn't understand... Nobody does... The pain, the agony, when a part of you is ripped from your soul... And the only thing you can do is watch... As the hate for those murderers wells up within you... I don't suppose you know what it feels like." She didn't even know why she said that, maybe she was hoping someone else would finally be able to identify with her, understand the torment she'd been through since she was a little girl.


Someone else... who gets it? Knows what it's like to lose everyone dear to you? "At least it sounds like you were there when that person died. I lost my family too, and the only reason I live is to kill the person who killed them..."

He hadn't talked about his family to another person for so long, and he turned away from her, trying to hide his tears. "What about you? Who have you sworn vengeance against?"

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"She... She's the one who brought you back? But she's... I didn't think she was able to, well, what i mean is... she doesn't look like she'd harbor that kind of power, and I mean no offense to her by the way. It's just... she's so young looking, I imagine that something like... bringing the dead back would require some extreme knowledge of the arcane, and the powers involved, oh wow... Is she some prodigy or some savant or something? Oh gosh, sorry, I just keep going with these questions..." Losing her anger in favor of curiosity made her feel much better, so she had another smile on her face again. "She probably wouldn't take kindly to me asking her about all of that would she? I know I wouldn't... sorry man, just a little freak out there, and I hope you can understand my view on that."

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The myriad of questions being asked would probably be simply answered by Adrian going 'well she's the Crimson Witch, don't you know?' but, knowing that not everyone would be ask accepting as Aurelio, he decided against it. Especially because she's from Lushira... I remember Carrion mentioning that they hate her there the most, out of every country on this continent. He struggled to get a word in edgewise, too many questions being asked of him all at once. He didn't even know if he could answer them without his previous thought, so he just let her finish. "She probably wouldn't take kindly to me asking her about all of that would she? I know I wouldn't... sorry man, just a little freak out there, and I hope you can understand my view on that." "I can, I can. Most people think resurrection's insane; I know that if it didn't happen to me, I wouldn't've believed it. And about your questions..." He paused for a second, trying once more to think if he could answer them, shaking his head, "I think if you really need to know, you should ask her. I don't know if I can answer all of them."

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'...He sounds like a good person. Just like you.'

"Thank you, that means a lot to me. Hopefully I'll manage, for both myself and him. I don't mean to be intrusive, but what was your family like? It seems we've both had long journeys."

He wouldn't have minded if she didn't answer. He had found it difficult to talk about, it could be tough for her to as well.

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'Sure, that's fine Andy.'

She smiles a bit to the guy and then lightly pushes the door open. She won't refuse to be polite though, keeping the door open for him. It's about now her tail, in her own absent minded thoughts of keeping the door open, casually flicks into view.

'You want to go anywhere specific, or do you wanna come meet my parents with me? It'll still be a good lengthy trip, the town’s quite far from here.'


'..Ah, my parents.'

Obelia smiles yet she remembers her journey, the reason in the first place. She smiles a bit and ignores the slight pain at remembering what it is she is putting off.

'My mother doesn't talk about her past most. I just know her as my mother. She's called Gami. She is a kind woman, yet she could be frightfully strict when it came to me journeying out of town or anywhere that could be considered too far from the village. She never raised her hand to me though.'

Her smile falters as she begins the next sentence.

'My father, I have yet to meet. All I know is my mother said he was dead, so I wish to find his grave and pay my respects. His name is Yuzu. I don't know if you've heard that name before.'

Might as well see if he does, mulls Obelia.

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"His name is Yuzu. I don't know if you've heard that name before."

"I'm afraid I haven't. Hopefully you'll be able to find him, and pay your respects. Your mother sounds like a pleasant person, it takes a kind soul to be caring yet provide some degree of discipline."

He wondered how his family was doing back home, both his father and grandfather were getting old. Hopefully they were doing fine.

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Teis was honestly surprised that he'd hit her, enough so to make him hesitate slightly. Not enough to throw his timing off completely, but enough for her to throw her swords at him. And that was bad, since his shield was heavy, and he was now wide open.


Keeping the momentum going, he swung his axe around in a high, wide arc, trying to hit the blades out of the air. He almost succeeded, hitting the first sword nearly dead-on. The second one, however, spun around his blade and collided with his shoulder with enough force to knock him off balance. He barely caught himself before he hit the floor.

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