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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"I suppose you could say that. In the other sense, you could say that he saved mine."

Teis didn't feel like talking about what exactly happened on that battlefield. Instead, he took out one of the axes he'd taken as spoils, and tossed it lightly to Aurelio.

"Here. To replace that broken one. And just because I don't feel like carrying a lot of junk around on my person."

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Slightly baffled by Teis' last statement, he wasn't quite sure what to say. However, when he tossed the axe over, it lightened the mood considerably.

"Thanks, man. In all honesty I haven't used the other one I had at all. This thing's about the right weight, how's that massive one fairing?"

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Seilynda smiled and watched Grant sleep. He seemed so peaceful and content, she didn't want to rouse him for lunch. She made time to make sure Mulberry was okay, gave him food, and took him out for a ride to pass time. Unfortunately, Grant slept through dinner when she came back, so she ate alone. Eventually, the girl fell asleep at the table, snoring lightly.

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"It could use a little cleaning, certainly, but it's in fairly good shape." Teis smiled, something he didn't do often. "Actually, I need to ask you- Do you have any spare money you might lend me? I wouldn't ask if, er, this," he took out the mangled remains of his armor, "was combat-worthy."

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"Do you have any spare money you might lend me?"

It wasn't often Aurelio had money on him, although he did still have the leftovers from when he sold the horse. Come to mention it, he had skipped out on his meal's bill too. Teis seemed pretty reliable, he'd probably pay him back at some point. He tossed Teis a small bag of money.

"It's not much, but take it. Think of it as payment for the axe."

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"Thanks, I shall return this to you as soon as I may." Catching the bag and almost dropping it, Teis gave a mock salute and walked off in the direction of the armory. Hopefully he could just get by with a regular chestplate until he managed to scrounge up enough money for a proper set.

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Carrion eventually let herself fall flat on her back, staring at the ceiling instead with the reality of the situation dawning on her. This is how it all ends for me, is it? This is what I get for trying to fix a mistake? She thought, her eyes welling up. Of all the things she wanted to do right now, crying wasn't one of them, and yet she couldn't help it then. Shoving her face into the cot, she wiped them away, simply accepting her fate at this point. Unfortunately for her, no matter how tired she got, she just couldn't seem to fall asleep and escape her current reality, so she just laid there, lifeless and yet angry, wanting to explode and take out her frustrations one someone or something but unable to.


Grant stirred, his body rested and feeling much better again. He tried to get up and struggled, forgetting he only had one leg again. He propped himself up, yawning and stretching and then grabbing his crutch and finally standing up shakily. He really needed to relieve himself so he made his way downstairs, trying to get to a bathroom but before he could, he was greeted by the proprietor of the inn with a message from Aurelio. Something about going on without him, Grant wasn't too happy with the idea but he was in no shape to really complain about it. He was also informed of how some young man really wanted to see him but got told off. Grant shrugged slightly, not really caring, but he had better things to do right now, like food and money. Out of nowhere, he asked the owner if he could have a job here, anything small he could do to try and earn something resembling a living, leaving the owner with a surprised face. Almost without thinking, the man said yes. After all, having a dragon slayer working a your establishment was sure to boost his income! Satisfied, Grant was put to work immediately preparing small snacks in the back.

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"Y-You killed your mother?! Wow... but, why did you have to fight her? Everyone's... well, they're not doing very good. Carrion's been stabbed, Adrian's been burned and mangled a bit, and Ghideon's got a pretty nasty head wound... Ormis and I both have broken arms. I think Teis is alright!"

"It's a long story as to why I fought my mother." Lucretia replied. "And if we could get somewhere to stay for the night, I could tell you all, if you want to know."

She paused for a moment, again. Pausing seemed to be one of Lucretia's ticks. "Otherwise it's good to know everyone's alive. Injuries can heal in time, but death is permanent." She looked to her legs and noticed that some of the scars were visible to the others.


Edited by Gaius Julius Caesar
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"You still look like a cat that's gone through a mangle..."

"Hey, I resemble that remark!" Amera shouted at Aurelio, only managing to hear that specific part of his conversation with Teis. Sadly, her arm did still hurt. She'd thought it would at least have stopped hurting by now, but it still throbbed every few moments. Stupid arm, heal faster! I don't want to have to deal with you. Her inner ragings aside, it seemed like Lucretia had a story to tell everyone. "It's a long story as to why I fought my mother." Lucretia replied. "And if we could get somewhere to stay for the night, I could tell you all, if you want to know." "We were just about to try and find some work so we could pay for a night at the inn. Want to come with us and help out?" She smiled, glad that they were all back together again.

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"Hey, I resemble that remark!"

He laughed, trust Amera to pick out that one line. Well, she did look a little like a mangled cat - quite literally. She was right about their money problem, he'd lent the last of his to Teis. Not one of his better judgements. It'd be great if he could help out too, although he wasn't exactly marketable.

"Haha, let me rephrase that. He looks like a puppy that's been through a mangle. You've got a point about money, we better get looking for something. Farmers are usually good people to ask for work."

And he would know, he'd had to do odd jobs a good number of times on his travels.


Ken (still praying his little heart out)

He had been at Lucinda's bedside for over a day now. Only leaving when he got hungry or had forgotten one of his prayers. In Albion, his grandfather had taught him extensively about the house of Urith.

"The Van Lirio family has been serving the noble house of Urith for many generations. As their servants, it is our duty to make sure that their needs are attended to, even at the cost of our own lives. Remember, boy, you are not a person in their eyes, merely a possession. Don't let me catch you getting familiar with any of them."

But weren't they people too? Don't they get lonely or bored? He'd have to respect the laws of his family, he'd make sure his master was safe and would be ready to serve once she awoke.

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"Hey, you laugh, but if I'm right there could be mages bombing this place any second now."

Ormis was probably overdoing it a little, but he liked the feeling that danger might strike at any moment. He was a bit restless and hated sitting around just waiting, always preferring to pick the fight. It made him obnoxious at best, and a downright dangerous companion at worst, mostly because he was liable to tick off someone important at the worst possible time.

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"Haha, let me rephrase that. He looks like a puppy that's been through a mangle. You've got a point about money, we better get looking for something. Farmers are usually good people to ask for work."

"Yeah, that's what I thought you said," she said with a small wink and smile in his direction, glad he'd changed what he'd said. Of course, it had been a huge joke the whole time. And his mention of money got her spurred onto what she was doing before. She grabbed Ormis's arm once again, ignoring his comment about some group of mages attacking the city, and ran off, dragging the poor boy along with her. "Sorry to run off, gonna do what we were planning originally! See you later!" She shouted back at them, not really explaining herself, before turning around a building with Ormis in tow. "So, Ormis, what job d'you think we can get at the guild?" She stopped running as she asked him, knowing talking would be easier while walking.

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"Well, I dunno. Hopefully nothing involving bandits, I've had enough of that after a few days ago," Ormis replied, forgetting that Amera didn't know a whole lot about what happened earlier.

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"So, how about some town work, then? I'm sure they could use some help around here. Or maybe there's a monster or two that we can go take care of!" Amera was getting way into the idea of taking on guild work before even finding out what was available. Of course, the guild wasn't too far from the church; conveniently placed? "Alright, let's go have some fun!" She busted into the place, leaving Ormis behind her to catch up.

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Ormis let the door shut behind Amera before he threw it open himself, making a bit of a needlessly dramatic entrance. Somehow, not a whole lot of people noticed, they were too busy staring at the cat girl. The few people he DID notice were snickering, except for one guy that he recognized.

"Hey, Ormis, what'chu doing here? You Saphs getting bored, coming over to storm up this place now, eh?"

It was one of Ormis's gambling friends, a boy not that much older than Ormis himself who'd taught Ormis how to play cards in the first place.

"Come over here for a sec, play a hand with us, have a drink. I'll pay this time, just for all that money I've won offa you!"

He laughed condescendingly, along with the people at his table. Ormis would have done so were it not for a big hairy fellow getting up and making movements towards Amera that Ormis didn't like.

"Sorry, I'm broke. Gotta get some spending gold first!"

He hurried off.


"Hey, you! You, cat-girl-thing! Get over here, I gotta tell ya something!"

Edited by Camtech075
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"Hey, you! You, cat-girl-thing! Get over here, I gotta tell ya something!"

Amera sighed and ignored Slobbering McFatbeard, instead walking over to the guild's job board. There was nothing special posted, only town watch jobs, maybe hunting a few wild animals. The hunting was better than nothing, at least. Though, she'd still wished there would've been some sort of special job to take, maybe a murderer, a group of marauding bandits, heck, maybe a mythical creature! Alas. It was at this point that she'd finally noticed most of the men in the guild checking her out, which just made her eyes roll. "Take a long look, boys, it's going to be gone soon." Her tail swished as she spoke, making an annoyed motion. The sooner she and Ormis could leave, the better.

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Well, that was rather rude. She just sort of walked off, without replying...fine way to start the day. Scowling, he watched them walk off, and suddenly he was alone in front of the church. "Fine, don't respond," he growled. That figures. You show concern for a girl and she repays you by ignoring you. Seeing as how he was in a foul mood on top of having a headache, Gideon didn't much care to do anything. Judging by their conversation, Amera, Ormis and those other people had gone to the guildhall to get jobs. No doubt they'd be back to recruit him.

Carrion was probably still inside. His memory of the battle was hazy, but she had screamed - he remembered that quite clearly. He walked up the steps of the church again, axe on his shoulder and ignoring his stomach's growls. She was probably the person to ask anyway. When he entered the back room again, he saw her lying there, crying. Normally, Gideon would be very careful around a woman who was crying, but today women weren't on his good side.

"Something the matter?" he asked, a bit of his frustration invading his otherwise lax voice. "Most everyone else is moving out..." His stomach growled again. Shut up. I'll ask later.

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"Wha... Oh, it's you." She mumbled, trying to wipe away the remaining tears on her face as she sat up and took a look at who talked to her. "I've... I've been blocked from my mana. THAT's what's wrong, alright? It's the only thing I had, and now it's been ripped away from me. Do you even know how frustrating that is to me? How fucking useless I feel now?" She let out a low growl, gritting her teeth. She truly wanted to mess up the room right now, do something extreme, let out all of her anger, and yet... she calmed down after a moment. "But... maybe this was supposed to happen. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be a mage after all, maybe I'm just supposed to be some normal little bitch or something, I can't even make heads or tails out of this..." She rambled at the man, giving an insincere smile, "Does that answer your question? If not, well... sorry for bursting on you" she threw her arms up in the air in defeat.

Beard Man (Yes, play the Robot Master music here)

"Hey, I just wanna tell you something, why're you so so so MEEEAN to me, you... foxy lady you." He slicked his hair back as best he could, which was badly, and grabbed her by the shoulder. "You got the nicest uh... big... bulging... eyes! I ain't never seen eeeyes before, have you? Of course you havent seen YOUR eyes before, Aheh, aheh, am I right guys?" He snorted and turned his attention back to Amera, his eyes wandering to her chest for way too long to be an accident before going back to her face. "So uh... Uh... how about a drink because you're so pretty? Leave all that merc work behind, I'll take great care of you, ya know! Honest!" Spittle flew everywhere from this man's mouth, unable to exude basic human control over his body it seemed.

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Ormis grabbed the beard-man's shoulder, pulling him around to face him ((gaaaah)), then socked him in the face. "Hands off, buddy, or you'll have a bit more than a mark on your cheek to deal with."

Now, Ormis was usually a belligerent fight-picker, but even this was unlike him. But when he saw the guy threatening Amera, he couldn't... something just couldn't keep him from interfering.

However, most of the guild was catcalling, and whistling, mocking the kid. One guy even put his cards and his drink down to clap. Ormis fingered his sword under his cloak, resisting the urge to draw.

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"I've... I've been blocked from my mana. THAT's what's wrong, alright? It's the only thing I had, and now it's been ripped away from me. Do you even know how frustrating that is to me? How fucking useless I feel now? But... maybe this was supposed to happen. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be a mage after all, maybe I'm just supposed to be some normal little bitch or something, I can't even make heads or tails out of this...Does that answer your question? If not, well... sorry for bursting on you."

He had to hand it to her - that was quite a rant. "That had to go somewhere," he said evenly, his anger forgotten for a moment. "I'd rather you do it with words than with a knife, anyway." So she felt useless? Was that it? That wasn't a terribly hard fix... "If you feel useless, try something else. You can use a sword, right?" He had seen her carry one before, but maybe it was for show. It couldn't be that different from using an axe. Faster movements, maybe a bit more precision...hell, he could probably use a sword just fine. "I'm no artist on the battlefield, but if you want, I could give you a few tips, I guess. If it'd help." So far, she hadn't pissed him off today, so he felt like being civil with her, at least. Besides, she was paying the bill...if she told him to use a sword, he sort of had to.

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Just ignore him and keep looking for work... If you ignore him long enough, he'll leave. As the greasy man's hand fell on her shoulder, though, Amera found it difficult to keep ignoring him. The obvious fact that he was staring at her breasts wasn't making it any easier to ignore the urge to break his face. His rant over, his eyes still glowering over the things she sometimes wished she didn't have, she had but one thing to say. "You're sweet, thanks." If the man didn't seem so inebriated to her, then he may have picked up on the seething hate that fell into those words. "Ormis, we're leaving!" her tone authoritative as she made for the door. Before she'd gotten two steps from the terrible man, Ormis had slugged him to the ground. The guild openly laughed and cheered, Amera smiling a little. "Alright, now we can go. And, thanks for that." He's still a kid, but he's cute, she thought absently to herself.

"S... So that's why you were so... upset, earlier..." Adrian's groggy, tired, raspy voice broke into their conversation, their rather loud voices having woken him up. "If that's all you're worried about... Well, I don't know if it's my place to say, but I'm not about to change how I feel about you, just because you can't throw around as much fire..." His eyes still closed, he made an attempt to smile from nis cot.

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"I didn't... I didn't want to worry you right now, so I didn't tell you, alright? If I had known that earlier, well..." Her head shook back and forth at the new development, but ultimately she was glad about it, smiling. But... "You say you'd give me some training? Are you sure? Aren't you more of a... heavy weapons guy?" she cracked at him. Not her brightest move, but hopefully he wasn't that petty, in fact, it seemed more like the truth than anything.

Beard Man

"Whaaat?" BAM, right in the kisser, the bearded man fell like a sack of bricks. "No, wait!" he said as he scrambled helplessly on the floor like a turtle stuck on its back. "I just wanna touch em!"

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Amera quickly walked out, not going to deal with any of the men in that guild for a while. "Ugh... I just wanna touch 'em" she mocked, trying to imitate the gross man's voice as best as she could. "I seriously don't get men and their obsession with breasts..." Instead of wallow in her own misery any longer, though, she answered Ormis's question with, "I saw a few hunting jobs. I can handle those." She would prefer those jobs, if she was being honest with herself. She'd gotten used to hunting in this climate.

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It seemed as though it was getting noisy in the inn. He drew his sword and waited outside. If there was any trouble, he'd be able to stop it.


Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! She recognised the knight in the armour, though he didn't seem to have much of a chestplate. She recognised the young boy, and the Anri girl. She just had to run into them again...

She hid in the alleys nearby. She couldn't join up with them. Rather, she wouldn't. She'd be alone from now on, just like how it had always been.

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