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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"You say you'd give me some training? Are you sure? Aren't you more of a... heavy weapons guy?"

Gideon shook his head and folded his arms. "I just use what I have on hand. Usually it's heavy, but really it's all swinging and killing, right?" he pointed out, shrugging. "It can't be that hard to use something lighter." He had used a sword before, briefly. His form wasn't very good, and his attacks were lacking the precision they needed. But he was fast enough to use one, and that counted for something. Even if he was accustomed to the axe, basic swordplay couldn't be that hard. "I'm not an expert by any means, but I can at least show you self-defense." He looked over at Adrian. "He can use a sword, right? I know he's hurt, but he might be able to help."

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Ormis and Amera had gone to find work, it made sense that he would try the same. Unfortunately, most crops were out of season - so his farming plan had backfired. The town itself seemed pretty self sufficient, needing very little external help. However, he got lucky when he saw the "help wanted" sign on the inn. He marched in, as if he could scare away any competitors. Upon inquiry with the innkeeper, it turned out that they needed someone to do the washing up.

"Is this the only thing I actually found?"

He tended to not trust guilds, in the past they'd try to get out of paying him and work was variable. The innkeeper seemed happy to take him on for a while, apparently he wasn't as frightening as usually today. On the way to the kitchen, they discussed the terms of his work. The pay wasn't fantastic but it'd be enough to cover a night in a basic room. Apparently their usual dishwasher was unwell and had taken the last week or so off. Aurelio didn't particularly care, he was only in it for the money.

"Now, young man. Just wash the dishes as they come, putting them back on the rack once you're done. Don't go causing any trouble."

Aurelio smiled, now that's how people usually talked to him.

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The holy maiden finally moved somewhat. Her fingers twitched, but that was about it. To mere mortals, she remained motionless, but within the crazy world in her mind, she was fighting her inner demons for control over her body.


"Mmmmnnn..." It was midmorning, and Seilynda woke up with a start. She dragged herself out of her chair and hobbled over to the washroom sleepily to get clean. The guard came out refreshed and awake, but returned to find that Grant disappeared. Worried, the guard looked all over the inn for him and found him... working in the kitchens? "Umm... Grant? What're you doing?"


With a faint click of her heels, Giselle balanced a stack of dishes and silverware on top of a tray and returned to the kitchens with them. The usual morning riffraff was the same as ever. The drunken old man who preached about the end of the world in the far corner was guzzling down several tankards of ale. The innkeeper couldn't complain, cause despite his looks, the old man was essentially a fountain of money. People who took pity on him or believed his baloney usually paid for his food and drink, and stories about him were good publicity. There were gamblers in another corner, a rowdy bunch. They seemed to be much quieter this time around, though. A few children played between the tables and chairs; she'll have to yell at them later. The ordinary people were just... being ordinary. Catcalls from men hoping to get lucky were ignored, and wandering hands were slapped. All-in-all, it just seemed like another boring day.

Once she stepped through the door and scanned the room to see who has and hasn't arrived yet, she could help but notice a new guy working. She placed the ungodly stack next to the washbasin and stole a look at him. He was tall and well-built with scruffy blonde hair, and he had a nice face, too. Giselle put on a sweet but coquettish smile. "So you're the new guy, huh? I'm Giselle, if you need help for any reason, feel free to call me over~ Well, you could call if you miss my face or something. I wouldn't mind," she grinned.

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"Well, you could call if you miss my face or something. I wouldn't mind"

This was a pleasant surprise, perhaps working at the inn wouldn't be so bad.

"Heh, I'll thi-"

He spotted the mountain of dishes that she'd just placed next to him. The expression on his face soon changed, it'd take him hours to get that pile done. He grumbled and got back to work.



Ken noticed Lucinda twitch suddenly. It was only small but he had been completely focused on her. He lit more candles and continued his prayers.

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She giggled. This guy's pretty cute. "Hey, I didn't catch your name, Sir Grumpypants. It's nice to know the names of the people you're working with, you know." She leaned over, showing off her assets a bit and still smiling.

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"Hey, I didn't catch your name, Sir Grumpypants. It's nice to know the names of the people you're working with, you know."

She had also leaned over, probably to display her "goods". As forward as she was, he couldn't deny that he enjoyed the view.

"The name's Aurelio. Heh, you'll be in the sink if you get any closer."

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"The name's Aurelio. Heh, you'll be in the sink if you get any closer."

Giselle laughed again and stood up properly. "And I'm sure you wouldn't mind a better view. Mmm... Aurelio's a good name. Strong and manly. I'll be serving the guests, so holler if you need me~"

Edited by Sakukitty
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"He can use a sword, right? I know he's hurt, but he might be able to help."

Even as sleep beckoned him back into a rest, he'd dragged himself into a conversation, and he was going to bring himself to talking in it. Propping himself up against the bed, he sighed, coughed, and started. "All you need with a sword is precision. I've never used an axe, but I'm sure they're large enough to swing around madly and still hit things. With a sword, you have to aim." He shook his head, keeping sleep away from him. "You've also gotta be light on your feet, because if you miss, you have to be able to pull yourself back. That's why a sword would be better for you. If you swung an axe and missed, with your frame, I think the axe would drag you along with it, ha ha..." Even when he was hurt like this, he still had to crack a joke at Carrion's size. "That's about it, really. I don't think parrying would be a good idea for you, unless you think you can take the force of a hit..." Agh, body, I know you're tired, but, please, just stay awake for a bit longer, would you?

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Although everyone had left to find jobs, Lucretia had enough money for about a few days' stay, including meals. Figuring she could use some extra money anyway, she looked around and noticed a small arena on the outskirts of town.

"Hmm, I'm sure I could make some money here." She said to herself. She was one of Miyako's finest duelists, and she figured after she defeated her mother, her teacher, she would be able to hold her own in the arena for a bit and make some money. She walked up to the registration desk, where an older man sat, writing down names and making up brackets.

"You lookin' to enter, miss?" He asked, looking the girl over. In his eyes she looked like she could fight, but how well? He was unsure. "The entry fee is 20 gold pieces. For every win, you get that amount, as well as all of the gold that your opponent had."

Lucretia mused over that idea for a moment. She was guaranteed at least 40 gold per win, more as she moved up in the tournament. "This isn't a fight-to-the-death tournament, is it?" She asked.

"Nah, this is fair dueling only!" He replied. Immediately Lucretia took out 20 gold pieces and handed it to the man. "What's your name?"

"My name is Lucretia." She replied.

"Allright, Lucretia. You can head in this door and get yourself ready. The tournament bracket will be posted in an hour." She thanked the man and headed inside, where she was greeted with the sight of fighters from all shapes, sizes, and genders. They all wielded different weapons. She took this opportunity to polish and sharpen her two blades. Making her way to one of the sharpening tools, she took out Samadhi and Adyta and began to run them along the spinning wheel, sparks flying as the tickmarks from past usage disappeared and the blades were filed down to size.

"Here we go." She said to herself as she looked at the newly sharpened swords.



Arriving at the inn, Adano paid the innkeep the fee for a room and hobbled towards it. Turning the key in the door, he opened it to find a solitary bed, a nightstand, and an armchair. Small, but comfortable. Noticing an arena on the outskirts of town, he figured he would check it out later, but he was exhausted from traveling, and decided to take a nap.

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"...Holler if you need me~"

"Fine by me."

She really did force herself onto people, probably seeing how much she could get away with. Aurelio wouldn't be calling her too soon, he had to get through the first pile of plates first. Hopefully the others had found better work than him. Even if they hadn't, at least he'd be having a better time than them.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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"Uh, okay. You can do that, I'm gonna try my luck at the arena."

Ormis knew his plan was a long shot, but if he could get some cash, he could gamble it all away and get more... hopefully. Obviously, they weren't gonna let just any kid without money to spend in, though, so he had to give the arena guy another mark on his face before he was allowed in.

That's going to come back to bite me, isn't it?


Teis, having spent nearly the entirety of the money Aurelio had lent him, was at a loss as to how to pay the man back. Then his eyes fell upon the arena's sign.

10 to 1 on spendings

Teis almost smiled. He had just enough to spend his way in, and so also walked in slowly.

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Well, Carrion's boyfriend seemed to know the weapon better than he did. He had never claimed to be an expert... "Well, yeah, axes take less precision," he admitted. "But that's entirely dependent on your style. This thing, for example," he said, gesturing to the axe on his back, "only works when you're precise. I don't use it in close combat; I throw it." He folded his arms again. "So I'm not as much of an ape as I look. If you gave me a sword, I'd be able to use it." His voice was pretty weak... "Either way, you two need to heal up first. If you think you want to, Carrion, you know where to find me." With that, he waved over his shoulder as he left the room. It was getting depressing in there...

The growling of his stomach was getting worse, and at this point he could barely focus. He had to eat something, and soon. Where the hell was everyone else? Wasn't he going to be paid for this job? Groaning in frustration and a bit of pain, he moved with as much strength as he could muster into town. The guildhall and tavern were there, so maybe he could get some quick cash and then something to eat...

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"Uh, okay. You can do that, I'm gonna try my luck at the arena."

"O-Oh, okay..." And he was off towards the arena, leaving her alone outside the guild. At least the gross man from inside wasn't following her out. She'd rather not have to beat someone's face in this early in the morning. Thinking back, she realized that Carrion never did leave the church with the group. I wonder what's going on with her. Maybe... I should check? She paced her way towards the church, thinking to herself and not paying attention where she was walking. Not until she walked straight into Gideon and stumbled back. "Whoa, s-sorry... Oh, hi Gideo... Uh, are you alright? You look like a zombie." The man looked like he hadn't eaten in a while, and it was pretty worrying to Amera.


"Either way, you two need to heal up first. If you think you want to, Carrion, you know where to find me."

"Wish... wish I didn't, I really do..." he trailed off, falling back asleep. His mind ran for a bit, damn body, get better already. I can't be out for this long, I really can't, before it shut off along with his body.

Edited by seph1212
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After taking a few practice swings, Lucretia noticed a few familiar faces. Ormis had just arrived, as well as one of the people that watched her fight her mother.

Hmm...I wonder if I'll end up fighting either of them. She continued swinging her swords, enjoying the sound of them cut through the open air.

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Eventually Gideon just got lost, but he was too tired and too hungry to notice or care. This was way too long a period to go without food...He was knocked a few feet back when Amera bumped into him, and it took him a moment to recognize the Anri. "Whoa, s-sorry... Oh, hi Gideo... Uh, are you alright? You look like a zombie." she said. Oh. Now you care. Gideon made a face at her.

"Nice to see you too," he shot back, not terribly angry - he didn't have the energy for it. "At least zombies eat something every so often." His stomach growled again, causing him to wince in pain. As much as he wanted to chastise her for blowing him off, fuck he was hungry, and it had to be a health issue at some point. "Is four days without food life-threatening?" he asked absently, his voice clearly a bit weaker than usual. If her concerned reactions in the past meant anything, maybe he'd be fed now...

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Ormis took a few practice swings, warming up his arm. Then he stretched, making sure he could move exactly when he needed to. He was trying to recreate the feeling he'd had when he was on that battlefield, where he was much more alert and everything seemed slower.

Again. Faster, this time.

He started taking a few practice strikes on a sandbag, then darting behind it to knock it upright before it hit the ground. He'd have to be fast to stand a chance against the stronger, more experienced fighters.


Teis stretched, and cleaved a sandbag in two, making a bit of a mess. Not like anyone cared, anyway.

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"Is four days without food life-threatening?"

"Uh, yeah, it is!" She grabbed his arm, shocked, and started dragging him to the butcher's shop. She had... only 8 coins left? Agh, that's not gonna get him much, she thought as he hand fished into her pockets. Oh well, it'll at least get him something. He looks like he's about ready to keel over, though... She pulled him through the door, the store keeper shocked from Gideon's appearance almost as much as Amera was. "Gimme the best meat that eight gold can buy!" She slammed all of her money onto the counter, and the man looked at her for a moment before look back at the man she was dragging. He took out small ham, and cut off some slices for her, "sorry lady, but this is all eight gold's gonna get'cha." He handed her only five slices, but at least they were thick. "Thanks, better than nothing." Handing them to Gideon, she simply said, "here! Eat!"

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Everyone was already headed off for the arena - There was no reason why he shouldn't too. He could scrounge up a small amount of gold, at the very least. He found three more coins and signed up. He was lucky he was able to use his horse - It would give him a huge advantage.


Everyone was heading off for the arena now. Should I go, or... She heard her stomach rumble, and knew she was getting damn hungry. She ran off towards the arena as well, propping up her crossbow.

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The witch sighed as Adrian fell asleep again. She really wanted to talk to him about the sealing but couldn't, which only made her feel more helpless. "I guess I'll just... take a walk then..." She said to no one in particular, just wanting to fill the silence with something. She hopped off the cot, going over to Adrian and giving him a look over. She frowned at him, disappointed that this happened due to her, but she suppressed the feeling since she didn't like it. With nothing else to do, she gave Adrian a wave he couldn't see and walked out the door, looking to take a small stroll about the city then come back later. She saw a few people heading off to the arena, which almost interested her right now, but she just wanted to clear her head. Well, if nothing else, I can watch and see if I can get any tips from that later...


"Umm... Grant? What're you doing?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to abandon you like that, but uh..." She looked about then shrugged at her, "I... kinda work here now? Nothing major, I'm just making little snacks for people. I't's not like I can do much else, you know? Not like my leg's gonna suddenly grow back..." He said more matter of factly than out of any real anger or sadness, he just rolled with it in the end.

Arcen and Aiduen

Their trip was long and tiring, both of them getting barely any sleep, but they kept at it until they reached the city of Lazarynth. Arcen, upon seeing the arena, was ecstatic, his fatigue disappearing virtually instantly. "There it is, Aid! Oh man, I've always wanted in on one of these tourneys, and now is my friggin chance!" Aiduen simply smiled and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, you go have your 'fun', meanwhile I'm gonna go get us some rooms for the night and then I'll go see if anyone is hiring in the city so we can actually afford to do this..." she continued to grumble, but she could only smile as her brother darted off to the arena. He payed his fee and was sent to the waiting room, filled with maybe a dozen or so people at the moment. One of them was... "You! But I thought..." He was flabbergasted that Lucretia was here. "Aren't your friends over in, like, Lushira or something?!"

Meanwhile, Aiduen made reservations at the inn for two when she noticed that there was actually a help wanted sign on the outside of the place. Upon asking, the innkeeper put on a huge grin which almost creeped Aiduen out, but she'd seen far worse. She was put to work almost immediately, given free room and boarding for reduced pay, which she took. The innkeeper didn't expect the girl to have an offer like that, but hey, help is help, and he'd be losing very little on the whole for it, plus she didn't look like she was going to stay very long either way. She was sent back to help out with dishes as well, and upon seeing the pile, she could see why. She decided to jump right in, asking the guy who was already working, "Alright, did you wanna divvy up who does what?"

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( reference: http://challonge.com/tournament/bracket_generator?ref=AREWOBXSDH )

"You! But I thought...Aren't your friends over in, like, Lushira or something?!"

Lucretia was surprised the punk had made his way here. Nonetheless she didn't feel that being rude would get her anywhere, so she decided to answer.

"Grant? We informed him of our situation, and we set out to find our friends, who happened to be here in Lazarynth." She replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a tournament to prepare for." She decided to try some quicker slashes at one of the sandbags. In a tournament of this caliber, she had to be quick and accurate. It didn't matter how strong her opponent had to be, she needed to take him down and take him down immediately.

They said I was the greatest swordswoman in Miyako, and the greatest duelist. It's time to see if what they said was true.

"Tournament Participants!"

The booming voice startled all who were there.

"The tournament will begin momentarily. Please look at the bracket and learn when you will be fighting. The tournament goes down the line, one match at a time. The first round will begin in one hour. The second round will be tomorrow, and so on."

Lucretia noticed she was fighting last. It's a good opportunity to see the other fighters, and their potential.

"The rules are simple. The fighters will continue until one yields or is too injured to continue. No killing allowed."

Lucretia readied herself. She hadn't been in a proper duel in years, it was a good way to get back to something she loved without the pressures of her mother.



Having awoken from his nap, Adano felt refreshed and ready to head to the arena and watch the tournament. He hadn't seen a good duel in years, and he was itching to see the new young talent that existed. He hobbled on over, paid the entrance fee, and took a seat. The tournament didn't start for an hour but he figured he'd get there early and get a good seat. There were a few spectators in the crowd already, and he could feel the excitement in the arena. This was truly an event to watch. He relived his past when he was a famed duelist in Astarte.

"If only." He sighed.

Edited by Ptolemy
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Ormis and Teis both perked up at the announcement, though they had completely opposite reactions. Teis found a nice, shady spot and lay down, resting his muscles for the exertion he'd have to pull later. Ormis, however, began hitting the bag even more.

There's no way I can overpower these guys... I'm going to have to move fast enough to knock him down before he can beat me through raw strength!

Ormis had been waiting for a break like this for ages. If he could win this tournament, it would mean great publicity for him.

Teis, however, had a more cynical view on it. As long as he won the first match, he'd have enough money to repay Aurelio. Besides... the bracket would put him up against the scary lady with the swords in the second round.

Well... that might prove interesting, at the very least.

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"Uh, yeah, it is!" she cried, taking him by the arm and dragging him to the butcher shop. Her voice and that of the man at the counter were a blur to him, but he could smell the ham, and it only made his stomach pangs worse. If only... "Here! Eat!" Suddenly there were a few slices of ham in his hand. They were really thick...and that smell...

Instinctively he tore into one, eating it quickly and barely chewing. Once it was down, he took a deep breath and looked at her. "Thank you," he said, his voice still a bit weak. He tore off a piece of another one, taking his time with it this time. This would hold him over for today, probably - he wasn't used to being full anyway. Still, he had to be acting terribly rude. Even if she was concerned, that wasn't cause to eat like a beast in front of her. Unless she was used to that. Maybe that's how she expected him to eat...His thoughts trailed off as he bit into the meat again, chewing more slowly. "Do you want any? I mean, you paid for it..." he noted after swallowing. "And I can't really pay you back right now." He'd be able to eventually, but right now he was flat-out broke. Maybe it wasn't smart to admit that to a cute girl, but when you went for days without food, impressing girls wasn't a priority.

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He was miffed at the lady ever so slightly, but he payed her no heed. When the announcement came in, his face lit up again, his eagerness knowing no bounds. When he checked the brackets, he pumped his fist into the air, "Hell yeah, first fight!" He looked at who he was up against, not knowing who this 'Joshua' person was, only really caring that he had only 1 hour left until the matchup. "Well, better get warmed up!" He ran back to the practicing grounds, doing simple practice swings at dummy targets for the time being.

Edited by SlaveKitty
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"Thank you," "No problem, you looked like you were going to drop dead." She really had been worried for him, but now, as the life returned to his body, she could only smile. "I'm just glad to have helped out is all. You shoulda asked us about some food before we left yesterday!" She said, condescending on him a bit. How could someone go for four days without eating? I'd have stolen something by then, geez... "Do you want any? I mean, you paid for it..." he noted after swallowing. "And I can't really pay you back right now." Truth be told, Amera was a bit hungry, but she could make it without some food. "Eat, I'll be fine, and we'll be doing some work to get money, right? You don't have to pay me back, just..." She wagged her tail behind her, giving him a coy smile, "... help me out with a few guild requests?"

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"No problem, you looked like you were going to drop dead. I'm just glad to have helped out is all. You shoulda asked us about some food before we left yesterday!" She sounded a bit condescending. Gideon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, when a hyperactive Ormis runs into you and your money flies everywhere, food isn't an option. And I'm not about to screw someone over who might be down on his luck too." He shook his head and sighed. "Besides, it's much easier to milk charity for all it's worth than to steal." He pointed at the church, biting into his ham and chewing a bit more. "That," he said as he swallowed, "right there, is the easiest place to find food you'll ever find."

"Eat, I'll be fine, and we'll be doing some work to get money, right? You don't have to pay me back, just..." She wagged her tail behind her, giving him a coy smile, "... help me out with a few guild requests?" What a surprise. There was always fine print...well, he had to get a job anyway. Guild work couldn't be that bad. He finished chewing another piece of ham and nodded. "I owe you, so I'm in," he told her, cracking a smile. The coyness in her smile made him nervous - women always had something they wanted - but it was still cute. She was probably good at getting what she wanted... "Nothing mundane, though. I refuse to do paperwork. That fair?"

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