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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"I... kinda work here now? Nothing major, I'm just making little snacks for people. I't's not like I can do much else, you know? Not like my leg's gonna suddenly grow back..."

She looked up at Grant and back down at her feel. "I um... I should I go find a job, too. I still feel bad about this, and there's not much I should do to help..."


The older girl looked upon the new help and smirked. A cute new girl, huh? I might have some competition... this should be interesting. With a charming smile and a curtsybob to the chef, she practically twirled back out to tend to the customers, chatting them up in order to wheedle more money out of them.

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"Yeah, well, when a hyperactive Ormis runs into you and your money flies everywhere, food isn't an option. And I'm not about to screw someone over who might be down on his luck too." "He did? I didn't even know about that. You should ask him to pay you back." She chuckled a bit, not entirely surprised that he'd done it. It sure was an Ormis thing to do. "The church, eh? Yeah, they do give out food to the helpless, but you're not one of them, are you?" she asked, with a smile. Of course she was just joking, but, hey, who didn't like a good joke? "I owe you, so I'm in," he told her, cracking a smile. Smiling now, are we? I guess a way to a man really is his stomach. "Alright, glad to have some assistance." She started walking out of the store, "Nothing mundane, though. I refuse to do paperwork. That fair?" "Sure. We're going to be doing some hunting." A smile slid onto her face, a rather creepy one, as she left the store.

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So, she'd be fighting in the 6th match... Good. That gave her some time to practice. With her spare coin, she bought a second dagger - Having two would probably give her a bit more of an advantage, if anything. 15 crossbow bolts would be enough.


A quick glance showed he'd be up pretty soon. He rode over to the sandbags to practice his slashing techniques, and a little bit of archery too. This would be good.

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"He did? I didn't even know about that. You should ask him to pay you back." Gideon shrugged. It was a good idea, but he didn't much care if he had money or not. Besides, from what he saw of Ormis, he'd do it again, so Gideon would have a chance. "The church, eh? Yeah, they do give out food to the helpless, but you're not one of them, are you?" He smirked. "Well, I can look the part pretty well, so sure, why not," he shot back. He seemed more comfortable around her than usual. Why was that? Maybe it was because she fed him...Whatever. Let it be. You have food and you have conversation, so don't complain.

"Alright, glad to have some assistance. We're going to be doing some hunting." She smiled at him and left the store, but he quickly got up and followed her. He needed details. "You could be a bit more specific," he told her as he walked, feeling a lot better. He owed her big-time...maybe he had misjudged her when she ignored him before. She might just be dense or absent-minded... "It makes a difference what we hunt, doesn't it?"

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Hmmhmm, let's hope he can run faster than he did last time, Amera thought to herself as he caught up to her, remembering zooming past him the day before at the fight. "You could be a bit more specific." "Huh? Oh, right, right. There were two posts at the guild, one about some wolves in the woods about a mile out of town, and one of a rather large boar. Which sounds more interesting to you?" she asked, her tone bored and lifeless as she asked. "Honestly, couldn't there be a dragon flying about somewhere? Something more fun than wolves in the forest..." It was appareng that, even still injured, Amera wanted to do something dangerous. Reminsing herself she was injured, her arm twinged in pain, causing a less than favorable reply from the girl, who just smacked it, in hopes that it would make the arm feel better. It did not.

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Teis glanced at the bracket. Good, only the 6th match. If he had been last, he ran the risk of falling asleep, and that was just not acceptable. However, he recognized the assassin from earlier as his opponent. She'd probably try and take him with a crossbow...

Well, that should mean that I'm the best opponent for her anyway. Thick armor is hardly helpful in shooting someone.

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"Alright, did you wanna divvy up who does what?"

Much to Aideun's surprise, Aurelio turned around with a serious expression on his face. He'd been washing up for an hour straight, the dishes didn't seem to stop. There were worse jobs he'd done in the past, but dishwashing was getting pretty high on his list

"Hey, weren't you with that dimwit back in Varthas? Anyway, I wash, you dry."

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"Huh? Oh, right, right. There were two posts at the guild, one about some wolves in the woods about a mile out of town, and one of a rather large boar. Which sounds more interesting to you?" she asked.

"Boar," he said without much thought. It'd be more fun, and if they got any part of it, he wouldn't have to buy food for a while. When she began complaining about danger, he smirked. "I don't mind the change of pace. If I get to spend a few hours killing a giant pig, and be paid for it, no complaints here. The fun can happen when we're not broke." Then she smacked her broken arm. Gideon scowled at this. "Stop that," he chided. "If you want to fight a dragon, do it without messing with your shattered arm, yeah?" Even if she recovered fast, that wasn't the way to treat an arm.

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Walking about the city had actually helped her out a lot. Watching the people move about kept her mind off the hopelessness she kept feeling and gave her a chance to really just relax her mind. As she made her way back to the infirmary section of the Church, she saw Gideon and Amera heading off on their own. Carrion wanted to go ask him now for some help, but they seemed busy, plus there would always be other times so she simply walked on. When she got back, Adrian seemed to still be asleep which didn't surprise her but made her feel ever so slightly guilty again. She wished the healing process was quicker, but anything better would cost valuable money, and most likely wouldn't have done any better if at all given the wound. Pulling up a small chair, she sat by Adrian's bedside and simply waited for him to get better.


"You any good at hunting wild animals? I know the butcher a few houses down could always use some nice fresh meat. Um.... I don't know, maybe this place needs extra help as well, I really don't know. I just asked since I was here and needed a place close where I can crash, haha." He seemed to be feeling a lot better about the whole thing as a whole, but then he noticed her staring down at the floor again, "Hey come on, cheer up, alright? Are you still feeling bad about this?"


Feeling pumped up for his first match, he was still going at his practices when a man came in and spoke pretty loudly, "Arcen Willard? You're up for the first fight in a few minutes, go get ready quickly, your opponent is waiting." Arcen grinned from ear to ear, or so it seemed, as he kept gripping his sword's handle tightly again and again. He wasn't nervous so much as just plain old excited, and as he went to the ring, he saw a man on the far end on a bench, holding a spear. His opponent was waiting for him, and now they were both simply waiting for the first round to start.

An arena announcer spoke up as Arcen entered the ring, "Ladies and gentlemen, the first round of the tournament will be starting shortly! Place all of your bets now, as all betting will be prohibited once the matches actually start!"

With that, Arcen simply placed the tip of his sword in the ground and leaned on it, waiting for his time to shine.


"Well I'll be..." She began as she started drying dishes as Aurelio washed. "A part of me wishes you wouldn't insult my brother like that, and yet, I can't help but agree with you, he is quite a dimwit at times, and I really can't apologize for his behavior enough. Oh well, at least he makes life seem... interesting. To me, at least." She smiled. "Anyway, did you and that other woman find who you were looking for here in Lazarynth?"

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"Anyway, did you and that other woman find who you were looking for here in Lazarynth?"

"We did in the end, had to travel most of the night but we got results." he answered. She seemed more mature than her brother, although that didn't seem to be too hard. "Heh, don't worry about your brother. He'll learn one day he won't be able to say what he likes without backing it up. If you're lucky it won't be the hard way."

He continued washing, having two of them certainly did speed things up. Maybe they'd be done before the next load.

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Aiduen laughed at Aurelio's comments. "Hehehe, well sir, if he could learn how to not provoke others I'd think he'd have learned by now. As it stands, all he knows how to do well is fighting with a sword. At the end of the day, at least he could survive on his own a little bit in the wild, and I'm okay with that, I guess. I just reeeally really wish he was more considerate of how others felt about things. Or if he'd listen to me more. Either one would save him so many bruises..." She shrugged. She didn't like talking about her brother that way after all they had been through, but it kind of felt nice to vent every so often. And besides, it's all true anyway, right? The Goddess would understand...

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"Heh, I'm sure once you get past the thick skull and rabbit-like intellect, he's not too bad. My older sister probably thought the same of me, I was always causing trouble as a kid."

It had been a long time since he had seen Lunaria, he'd set off almost a decade ago to find her, yet he had found nothing. Perhaps he'd find her whilst getting to the bottom of the whole witch thing. He'd only joined up with the group because he thought it'd have been her.

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"Oh you're a younger sibling as well? Though I imagine yours is a bit of a different experience from mine..." She said somberly without noticing she had. She was curious, though, "But, this older sister of yours, what's she like if I may ask?" Aiduen asked with an inquisitive look in her eyes before they widened and she looked away from him. "Sorry, sorry, I really shouldn't pry like that, I was just a bit curious is all, like my cat..." she added on, flustered at her silliness.

And then she stripped down to her underwear lolwut.

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"But, this older sister of yours, what's she like if I may ask?"

Aurelio had to think for a little, it had been a long time since he had even seen his sister. After a couple of seconds, a couple of choice memories returned. He smiled to himself, he used to be a horrible child. Now, he was a rather unpleasant adult.

"Well, she was always telling me off. I kept getting into fights with the other kids. She wasn't all bad, taught me to read when I was around 12, if I got too badly hurt she'd make sure I was alright. Heh, she even taught me how to cook. Stuff like that seemed to come easy to her, she had always been pretty clever. It looks like I've chosen brawn over brains though."

It was weird talking to someone about his sister, he never used to hang around long enough to let people know much more than his name.

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"Boar" Fun, she thought, walking to the edge of town. Well, the guild didn't say we needed to give them the entire thing, just kill it and bring proof, so we'll be able to get some food out of this, at least. "I don't mind the change of pace. If I get to spend a few hours killing a giant pig, and be paid for it, no complaints here. The fun can happen when we're not broke." She slouched a bit, and sighed, "I guess, but it just feels like I'm wasting my time doing that, when I could be doing something so much cooler... but, you're right, having some money would be nice." She'd never done any kind of adventuring before running into Lucretia on the mountain that day, so she really wanted to get into the heart of it. Of course, she had no idea how dangerous it could really be, but she still wanted to try.

Her arm twinged in pain once more, and as she moved to strike it again, "Stop that," he chided. "If you want to fight a dragon, do it without messing with your shattered arm, yeah?" "The bone's already started to reform, so I can't really call it broken, but it's still hurting, and it's getting on my nerves." She growled low at her arm, cursing it in her mind before letting her other hand sit. "Alright... let's just get going, so I can keep my mind off of it," grumbling at Gideon as she ran to the gate.

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"I guess, but it just feels like I'm wasting my time doing that, when I could be doing something so much cooler... but, you're right, having some money would be nice." She didn't seem convinced. It seemed to Gideon like this girl was his opposite. She seemed to like diving into danger, being occupied at all times with something fun. Gideon couldn't relate - if he had down time, he took it happily. Well, at least the things she got excited about seemed fun...

"The bone's already started to reform, so I can't really call it broken, but it's still hurting, and it's getting on my nerves," she said in her defense. So she got upset easily too...Gideon would have to be careful around her.

"Alright... let's just get going, so I can keep my mind off of it," she added exasperatedly.

Gideon nodded. "Just take it out on the pig when we find it," he offered, shouldering his axe. This would be an interesting hunt - he was less armed than he would like, but at least he had something to do. "You think they'll be satisfied with a tusk? I'd rather not have to carry an entire boar back here..."

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"Just take it out on the pig when we find it"

She was planning on it. Maybe killing something would make her feel a bit better about what she was doing; make her feel like it was less of a time waster. "Oi, open the gate!" The guard on duty simply sighed and started twisting it open, letting Amera slip underneath it, but not before hearing Gideon speak some more, "You think they'll be satisfied with a tusk? I'd rather not have to carry an entire boar back here..." "That axe of yours seems pretty good. We should be able to bring the head back, right? I'd rather eat most of it while we're out there..." Amera's stomach growled, betraying what she'd said earlier about not needing food. She hadn't eaten in a day or so, and had planned on killing the boar and roasting most of it in the woods, before bringing the head back.

Half an hour later...

This forest was much closer to town than the one near the lake where they had fought the day before. No wonder the guild had wanted the boar dealt with, before it got any closer to the population. "Alright, Gideon? Let's find this thing and then get to ea-- I-I mean, get to killing it." She blushed, growling down at her stomach for controlling what she was saying. I'll feed you soon enough, calm down!


There's... someone here, right? Adrian stirred once again, opening his eyes to see Carrion sitting next to him. A nice calm smile, and a sigh, as he went to speak, "hey... there. You feeling better?" He was, actually. Nothing major, but his body didn't want to completely collapse on him now. At least, not at the moment, it didn't.

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"I'm... better than I was earlier today, yeah, but I just feel so... mixed up right now." She took a deep breath and continued. "I'm really, really trying not to explode here, and I just don't know how long I can go until I do. It's just so damn frustrating. I guess I should count myself blessed since I found people who actually give two shits about me for once instead of wanting to gut me, but... I hate it, all the same. Being in debt to someone just makes me feel even worse since I can't do it on my own merit... I'm sorry, you just woke up it seems, I should probably wait until you're ready to listen..." She gave an almost sad smile to Adrian, trying her best not to let her frustration get the best of her.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to announce that the tournament is just about to begin! Please, take your seats and enjoy the show! Combatants are reminded, this is not a duel to the death, other than that, anything is fair game. There will be healers on standby in case anything goes 'wrong'." The announcer boomed out, continuing after a minute, "Combatants, please take your positions. We have Arcen Willard here, a nearly last minute signup here up against Joshua Beldan, a regular here at our humble arena! Will the newbie triumph, or will old fashioned know how win out again? Let's find out, shall we folks? Combatants... BEGIN!"

Arcen's mind was now completely focused on Joshua's movements, watching every step he took looking for a weakness of any sort. The man moved well, clearly experienced in the ways of battle, and yet, his weapon choice already limited him despite the obvious reach advantage. The swordsman charged at the man, simply dancing about the ferocious spear swipes, taking minor cuts to his clothes, getting many a cheer from the crowd. Arcen only smiled, though. Beating his opponent up against the wall, Joshua's face was static. He knew how this would end, how it always ended when he was matched up against an idiot. All the speed in the world wouldn't matter if you were backed up against a wall, he always figured. Pulling his lance back, he prepared to swing it sideways, the tip in line with Arcen's stomach. With a fierce grunt, the man swung it, the spear bending with the force, making a high pitched whistling noise as it sliced through the air, only to have struck at nothing but the air. Arcen, smiling, had jumped straight up in the air, his body scrunched as he spun, his sword slicing the spear in half, then propelling himself forward at Joshua, an elbow landing right in the man's face as he and Arcen slid on the ground from the sudden force of the blow a few yards. Joshua had been taken out in a matter of minutes, leaving the crowd gasping in awe for a few moments before erupting into applause. Arcen simply patted the unconscious man on the shoulder, got up and raised his weapon high into the air, cheering with the crowd. "And that's how you do it, folks! Ain't no one in the world I can't beat! Even that goddamn Crimson Witch wouldn't stand a chance against me!"


"Teehee... sure sounds like she had a handful with you." The more she thought of it, the funnier it got for her. "You know, when you think about it, you're kinda like my brother in that respect. I don't know how you feel about that, though I find it kind of hilarious." she said with a smile, drying off the last dish for the moment.

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"And the winner is... Arcen Willard!!!"

Ormis gave a thumbs-up as the winner gave a cocky smile. The game was just beginning. He unsheathed his sword with a loud click, and was in the process of pointing it at Arcen and shouting something when he was interrupted by the announcer.

"The next match is between Ormis Darsuli, a fairly late entrant, and Radden Asher, a mercenary well-known around town! Fighters, please take your positions!"

It was on. Ormis grinned, an almost perfect imitation of the smile that the other kid had. He stood, drawing his sword in a loud, flashy fashion, making sure to angle it so it shone the sunlight directly into his opponent's eyes.

"Will this so-called prodigy of a fighter prevail, or will he succumb to Radden's twin blades? Why don't we find out now? BEGIN!

"Hey, I have two swords too!" Ormis was greeted by laughter and catcalls when he picked up his sheath and held it backhanded. He was about to retort when the first blade narrowly missed his shoulder. "Alright then, let's play it your way!" The boy, using his sheath mostly to block, began throwing out a quick stream of blows, all intended to knock his opponent back. Unfortunately, Radden was a fairly large and heavy man, and the blows did little more than annoy him. He kicked the kid in the stomach, sending him far back enough that he was held by the wall. The mercenary smiled, watching the kid turn his back, trying to cringe away from the swords. He swung... and sliced through the overly large red cloak that the kid had been wearing.


Ormis rolled past the man, under the cloak. He had actually unfastened it before the match, and had used it as a distraction.

"That's right, you missed!" The boy stuck his tongue out. Radden was not amused, and charged. Ormis barely caught the swords on his sheath, and even then the combined force of the twin blades knocked it out of his hands.

"What are you playing at, kid? You know that you can't win! Submit!"

"Nah. This is too much fun." Ormis dodged another ferocious blow with a quick duck, then jumped back a bit. His back was nearly to the wall, now.

"Submit, kid! This is the last time I'll tell you. What are you doing, even thinking you could challenge me?"


Suddenly the boy was on the floor, his blade pointed at his feet. Radden brought his swords around for one last blow...

...then Ormis nailed him in the gut with the hilt of his sword. The man was out almost immediately. The crowd fell silent for a minute, then erupted with applause. The match hadn't been as quick as the first one, but the odds were 4 to 1 against him.

"That's right! Take a look at this!" Ormis pointed the tip of his blade at the sky. "I'll be the greatest swordfighter on the continent! You'd better not forget it!" He brought it down in a long slashing movement that made an impressive flash as the blade reflected the sunlight.


Teis sighed at both kids' arrogance.


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"I'm... better than I was earlier today, yeah, but I just feel so... mixed up right now." She took a deep breath and continued. "I'm really, really trying not to explode here, and I just don't know how long I can go until I do. It's just so damn frustrating. I guess I should count myself blessed since I found people who actually give two shits about me for once instead of wanting to gut me, but... I hate it, all the same. Being in debt to someone just makes me feel even worse since I can't do it on my own merit... I'm sorry, you just woke up it seems, I should probably wait until you're ready to listen..."

"That's good to hear... and, please don't explode. I know that's... probably a hard thing to agree to, but..." he coughed again, finally seeming to be over them as this one barely hurt his throat, "... you'll be able to get over this, really. I'll be here for you, okay? I... don't know if I can do much right now, but," he raised his hand to stroke her cheek, realizing that is was still wrapped. He chuckled as he set it back down, "once I can, I'll get stronger. For you, for me, and for our future, alright? I wish I could come up with something a lot less cliche, ha ha..." he sighed after his little laugh, "... but, I do mean it, alright? Just give me a few more days, I'll be fine." He started trying to move his fingers. He could feel them, but they weren't moving. "Carrion... what... did anyone see what happened to me out there? I seriously wish I knew what could've caused my hands to get as damaged as they are..." He still smiled, though. He had someone to keep safe, and to be with him.

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Lucretia watched the first matches, slightly impressed with Arcen's skill. She had seen Ormis fight previously, so she was aware of what he had to offer, but Arcen surprised her. She had dueled with spear-fighters before, and they were tough opponents, yet Arcen took his opponent out fairly easily.

He'll be a good opponent, if we end up fighting. She thought as she watched the next match begin. She still had five matches to watch before hers.

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"Alright, Gideon? Let's find this thing and then get to ea-- I-I mean, get to killing it."

Gideon laughed. "We're on the same page, at least," he replied as he took his axe from his shoulder and scanned the clearing they were in. The forest seemed relatively quiet, and strangely enough there wasn't any real trail of destruction. If they wanted him killing this pig, it had to be a big one - so why were there no tracks, or splintered trees, or anything like that? "I think we may need to go deeper," he told her, eyes still fixed on the thicket before them, his axe angled down for a quick swing. If they were ambushed, he had to strike first. "I can't find any sign of it." Maybe he was overlooking something. He wasn't a hunter anyway, so he wasn't terribly upset about that.

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"It's a deal then... when you're up and ready, we'll both get swords, and then you can give me some training. I don't care anymore, I just don't want to be so fucking useless anymore. And then once I can get used to the sword, you and I have to find someone who will be willing to undo the seal I'm under, alright?" She said, grabbing his hand, intertwining her fingers into his. She knew he couldn't feel it, but she did it anyway. "I know I tease and give mixed messages, but I do care about you, alright? Though your words are cheesy and pulled from children's stories most likely, I believe you. As for how you got this way, I'm sure someone saw it or can get a better guess than I. I was a bit preoccupied being stabbed and such." She smiled, "Little things like that..." She had a sparkle in her eye as she remembered something. "Oh yeah, Adrian! There's a tournament going on right now, do ya... feel like going now or no? Actually, you look like you could use rest. We can always go tomorrow

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"I think we may need to go deeper"

"Yeah, we will... there'd be signs if it was anywhere around here. I'd rather not have to go that far into the forest, though. The beast probably knows the area well, and if we have to go too far into its territory, it might have the advantage." Amera knew how to hunt. She'd been doing it since she arrived back home, four years ago. She knew that they'd have to tread lightly, but she didn't know how Gideon would be able to, with how large he was. We'll just have to be more careful, then, as it'll probably hear us before we hear it... "Come on, let's go," she said, darting further into the woods.


"It's a deal then... when you're up and ready, we'll both get swords, and then you can give me some training. I don't care anymore, I just don't want to be so fucking useless anymore. And then once I can get used to the sword, you and I have to find someone who will be willing to undo the seal I'm under, alright?"

"Yeah. Sounds like a plan." Even in his sorry state, he was happy. I guess this it what it feels like to be cared for... I... could get used to this feeling. She took his hand, and he could only wish to feel hers. Alas, no wish was granted, but he was still glad for it. "I know I tease and give mixed messages, but I do care about you, alright? Though your words are cheesy and pulled from children's stories most likely, I believe you." "I guess I'll just have to start teasing you, to balance it out, won't I? Ha ha... I don't know if you'd like that much, though." He wasn't physically better, but this whole talk was really making him feel better. "Oh yeah, Adrian! There's a tournament going on right now, do ya... feel like going now or no? Actually, you look like you could use rest. We can always go tomorrow." "No, no, I can make it! You'll just have to give me some help with the walking there, alright? I think watching someone fight, instead of actually fighting myself, would be enjoyable." He moved his legs out over the bed's edge, and tried to stand, but fell back down pretty quickly. "Yeah... I'm going to need a lot of your help." He smiled, sighing.

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"Come on, let's go," she said, darting further into the woods.

Gideon kept up as best he could, but he wasn't quite as mobile as she was. Though he wasn't tripping with each step, he was only a touch slower than she was. That was mostly due to his fatigue; a bit of ham after four days of nothing wasn't anywhere near enough to put him in peak condition. Of course, he'd be having more than a bit of ham by the end of the day...For a moment, while he was trying to keep an eye on her just so he knew where she was headed, Gideon found himself gawking a bit. He already knew she was cute, but the way she moved through the forest - with a broken arm, no less - was amazing to watch. How was she able to move like that? She had such grace, such perfect control of her body. The worst part was that she didn't seem to be working that hard. Maybe her arm slowed her a bit, but for the most part she seemed right at home. He couldn't help but wonder: were all Anri like this?

Of course, that musing didn't last long. That moment of wonder and awe was all it took Gideon to misstep, and a vine caught his leg, causing him to stumble. Though he didn't fall all the way down, it slowed him quite a bit. As he recovered, there was a rustling in the foliage around him, accompanied by a few irritated grunts. Gideon's hand tightened around his axe. "Come on, you bastard," he growled softly towards the bushes. "If you're in there, just charge me and be done with it." If he was charged, Gideon would be in a bit of trouble - Amera seemed to have gone ahead, and the best he could land before being hit would be a throw to the beast's face.

When he heard the rhythmic thundering of hooves from the bushes, Gideon instinctively leapt to his left in an attempt to dodge the charge that he dreaded. When it came, he got a good look at the beast. It was big. Really big. Its thick, white coat was peppered with small cuts and holes, probably past attempts on its life. Judging by the amount, this would be less than easy. Its tusks were massive and rather intimidating, with light brown stains marring the white. This creature had tasted blood before. Gideon tensed as he watched the beast run past, and that tension only worsened as it turned and began to circle him. "Amera, if you're going to show up, now would be the time..."

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