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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Moving through the woods was nothing for her, but in her haste, she'd forgotten that Gideon was trailing her. Upon finally making this realization, she looked back. He was gone, but, her ears twitched. That noise... Yes! That has to be it! But... Shit, Gideon!

She rushed back, only to see him narrowly dodge the monstrosity. "They want this killed for only one hundred gold!?" She shouted not the best of ideas, as the boar quickly turned from its new charge at Gideon, and made straight for her, tusks at the ready. Oh Gods! Acting purely on instinct, she jumped up, and, barely, managed to vault over it, crashing and rolling onto the ground after. "Alright, I have no idea what to do against something like this! Have a plan?!" She was stunned, mentallly. Her fists would do nothing, but annoy it... but she did have something. Maybe this'll work... Concentrating for just a moment, sparks began to circle their way around her hand. Clenching her teeth, as having pure electricity run through one's finger normally would hurt, she waited for the animal to turn.

The boar was furious; it had missed two meals already, and was fed up with playing tag. If wheeled, and shot itself right back in Amera's direction. Alright... Now! The beast came for her, but once again she jumped it, grabbing onto the top as she sailed over the deadly tusks. It immediately stopped, and began to try and shake her off. Her grip absolute, she shouted "Alright monster... Try this!" Her fist crashed down into its back, and the electricity exploded into it. Unfortunately for Amera, this served to anger it further, as she was viciously tossed off into a tree. "Agh!", was all she could get out, collapsing to the ground in pain, the hungry thing turning towards her, preparing another charge.

((WhoaMan, thunder storm outside, this is so cool~ Love these things))

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"Amera! Shit..." Gideon called as she was thrown off. The boar seemed intent on charging her again. Of course, this just gave him an opening. He ran at the beast, drawing back with his right arm. "Hope this works..." With a roar, he took his axe in both hands and swung at the boar's side. Much to his satisfaction (and his surprise - he thought it'd just anger the animal further), Gideon drew blood with his strike, and he quickly pulled his axe from its thick hide, backing up so as not to be trampled simply by a right turn from the boar. "Come on, pig!" he barked, brandishing his axe in his right hand as he scanned the clearing. There had to be a way to trap this damn thing.

He glanced over at Amera, who was in a crumpled, pained heap on the other side of the beast. The tree behind her was colossal... "I've got an idea," he called over to her, watching the boar intently - if it charged, he wouldn't necessarily be able to talk much. The beast's growling unnerved him, and he took a step back. "I'm going to lure him this way. Can you get him to charge that tree once he turns?" He began to strafe left, preparing for a dive. The pig looked angry... "I need an answer, Amera!" he added, the anxiety in his voice barely masked by anger. As if it was his cue, the boar charged him, and he dove left again. This time, though, he botched his roll, causing his head to knock heavily against the ground. Hissing in pain, he clutched his head with his left hand and tried to stand up with some difficulty. If he stayed on the ground, he was a dead man.

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She giggled as he tried to get up but fell, even though it was probably not all that funny to him, but she couldn't help it. "Alright, alright, if you really wanna see this stuff." She helped him balance and slowly walked him towards the arena. The loud roars from the crowd could be heard outside. "Gah, it's started already, but... we can still see the rest of the matches." She was looking forward to it, hoping it'd make Adrian feel better, if only mentally.


The man took a quick breather, his adrenaline pumping. Unfortunately, he missed seeing the subsequent match, but he'd like the surprise to remain a surprise for tomorrow. For now, he basked in a small victory. If nothing else, he knew his training wasn't all just for show now, he could feasibly beat others who were out there doing what he did. The next two matches that Arcen saw almost kind of bored him, neither one really showing any real display of skill or any showmanship. The first match was some Sword n Board man vs some hunter using a knife, with the hunter easily outclassing the 'knight'. He couldn't seem to maneuver about the hunter's onslaught and went down easily. The second match was a robed man vs some other girl with a broadsword, with the girl winning after a massive struggle. She kept seemingly letting the man get his spells off before she'd actually get in and swipe at him. Arcen sighed at both matches, hoping the 3rd match he saw would prove to actually entertain him.

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"What just..." Her ravaged body struggled to stand, as her vision became shaky for but a moment. "I need an answer, Amera!" Gideon...? What... Looking up at the monster between them, she shot back into reality. "Alright, bring it over! I can do it!" Can I really? No, no time for hesitation. You've just got to do this, girl. Just jump over it one more time... As Gideon rolled, the boar turned, noticing its previous prey. If monsters could smile, this one would have, as it practically reared into its charge this time. Alright, stay still... Let it get close... Now! Amera moved to jump, but the boar wasn't falling for the same trick three times. As Amera jumped over it, it kicked up with its hind legs, slamming its back into her, and sending her into another tree. Of corse, the trap had already been sprung, as the boar's tusks dove into the tree. "Haa... haaa... G-Gideon, he's stuck! Get 'im!" It's up to you now. Hope that axe is as tough as this thing is.


"Laugh it up, heh..." he knew it must have looked funny, his poor attempt at standing, so he wasn't at all surprised by her laughter. At least she's helping me to stand, now. Nearing the arena, some part of Adrian wished he was fit to fight in this tournament. The crowds cheering only furthered this want, though, watching would be just as enjoyable. "Quick, let's get in before the next match starts!" He'd have hurried along himself if Carrion wasn't being used as his crutch.

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"You know, when you think about it, you're kinda like my brother in that respect."

"Heh, perhaps when I was younger. I had to grow up eventually, there are people who don't take that attitude too well."

He continued washing, there were only a couple of plates left, he could probably take a breather afterwards. The innkeeper said that they'd need an extra hand for a couple of days, hopefully there things to do other than washing dishes.

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"We have our fifth match now, between yet another new face, Danyon von Erich, and a celebrated fighter from Lushira, Jake Curtiss!" Lushiran versus Lushiran... this would be fun. Danyon rode out on his horse, knowing this would at least give him a slight advantage. His opponent was using a greatsword... against his own sword, it would be close, though his opponent did have the advantage of being able to wield it with two hands.

As the battle started, Danyon found himself on the other end of the arena from his opponent. He was smart, not immediately charging - he would probably lose unless he was able to take out the horse. After a few minutes of waiting, Danyon drew his bow. If Jake didn't start rushing now, he would be dead.

He did take that moment to run, his sword nearly touching the floor as he ran. Good, good... that means he's weighed down by it. He'll swipe from right to left, which means... Danyon fired his arrow first, hopefully catching Jake somewhere. It hit his left shoulder blade, and he grimaced in pain.

Perfect. As they approcahed, Danyon dropped his bow and unsheathed his sword, veering towards Jake's right. Jake slashed, but missed, and Danyon came up behind him, his sword pointed at the back of Jake's neck. It was over.


Typical of Lushirans, to dress so fancily wherever they go and then fail to impress. She'd demolished several sandbags by now, and the knives felt perfect. She heard the announcer celebrate the previous combatant's win, and then called out the next two fighters.

"Now, we will have Teis Risdryn and Legretta Oslo to battle next!" Legretta Oslo was indeed her given name, and she hadn't heard it in 12 years. Being back so near home, it felt proper to use it again.

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"You any good at hunting wild animals? I know the butcher a few houses down could always use some nice fresh meat. Um.... I don't know, maybe this place needs extra help as well, I really don't know. I just asked since I was here and needed a place close where I can crash, haha."

"I grew up on a farm, so... I'm not too shabby at making traps and catching animals, but um... my marksmanship is kinda deplorable." She laughed nervously, not wanting to recall any of her mishaps with a bow and arrow. Let's just say things got a little... messy.

"Hey come on, cheer up, alright? Are you still feeling bad about this?"

She looked up at Grant again, pouting a bit and looking downtrodden overall. "U-Um... yes...? I-I'm sorry... I know you told me not to, b-but I really can't help it..." Her gaze was glued to her feet again. "I should... um... go, shouldn't I?"


She had popped back into the kitchen for brief moments to deliver meals to the customers and now that the mid-morning rush was waning, she was stuck with cleanup. With quite a bit of effort, she carried another massive stack of dishes over to Aurelio and the new girl. "Sorry about this," Giselle apologized, set them down as gently as she could, and smiled weakly, "it gets a little hairy out there at this time of day. Hey, Aurelio, you should take a break. I can take over from here, so why don't you try your hand at serving customers? Oh! I'm Giselle, by the way," she held her hand out to the new girl. "If you need help or have any questions, feel free to ask."

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"Hey, Aurelio, you should take a break. I can take over from here, so why don't you try your hand at serving customers?"

"How hard could it be?"

A couple of minutes later, he had found out. Writing down orders was harder than he thought, a couple of words were impossible to spell. Well, he knew what they meant so it wasn't all bad. Customers were slightly intimidated by their new brute of a waiter, he towered over them in their seats and seemed pretty rowdy. At least nobody dared complain about the food.

"Eh? You want the beef pie? I'll pass that on to the chef."



After a whole morning of prayers, Ken decided that he needed a little break. Besides, his bread supply had run out. He made his way downstairs to get something to eat. After taking his order, the waitress went over to the kitchen and shouted;

"The dude in the dress wants more bread! I don't know where's he's putting it all!"

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"Yeah yeah, I'm moving but you're so stiff and slow, kid. Hurry up!" she jabbed at him. She enjoyed joking with him, at least they could both laugh after everything that happened, so maybe it won't be so bad a road for them both...

"We have our fifth match now, between yet another new face, Danyon von Erich, and a celebrated fighter from Lushira, Jake Curtiss!"

"Geez, the fifth match already? Ah well, what can ya do..." Eventually getting to the stands, she let Adrian down softly and then took a seat herself, watching the show. It had oddly enough been that pushy noble looking fellow against some broadsword wielding fellow. Unfortunately, the match ended pretty quickly, so she couldn't really see what was going on down there and make heads or tails of it.


"I'm sorry, I just don't see why you're so sad about saving my life. I mean, I know I'm a horrible person, but come on!" He laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "If you feel you should go, then go, don't let anyone stop you, alright?" Grant then went on to go get some bread for this 'dude', setting it aside on a table for pick up. "Well, I guess we're getting a wee bit busier in here, so all I'm really going to say for now is that you don't give yourself nearly enough credit."


"More dishes, sounds great..." she mumbled as Giselle brought in even more.

"Oh! I'm Giselle, by the way, If you need help or have any questions, feel free to ask."

"Aiduen Willard, and thanks. I take it it gets this way when tourneys are happening, right?" She shook Giselle's hand as she asked her question, just trying to make small talk.

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"Now, we will have Teis Risdryn and Legretta Oslo to battle next!"

Teis stood up, slowly, making sure that his new armor fit properly. It had been a while since he had any good one on one fights, this would prove to be interesting.

Donning his helmet, he took out his big axe. He put it away again, however, when he saw his opponent, instead drawing two smaller hand-axes that he could throw.

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Lucretia watched as the fighters entered the arena.

Crossbow versus Axes, huh? She thought. This will be interesting, at the least.

She decided to return to the fighters' area. She only had a few fights left before her own, and after looking at the people who were fighting after this one, it looked like it would be too quick. She wondered in her mind which fighter remained would be her opponent.

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Teis Risdryn... Was that the guy back at Reinhardt? Probably was, with the way he stood, his armour, his weapon choice... This would be tough.

Once the fight started, the first thing she did was charge at him, holding out both knives. At close range, she'd be much faster than him, at least.

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Teis hardly had a chance to react when she started running at him. Unlike Ormis, he didn't feel the need to announce himself to the world, and instead threw one axe low, so as to force her to either dodge or have her feet sliced. Then, with surprising speed given his armor, he swung his other arm around, trying to connect his fist with her head.

She's fast-!

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The boy's quite fast in armor. I'm pretty sure I could learn something from watching him. He thought as he watched the battle.



She couldn't believe that Teis had that much speed in armor. If he wins this match and the next match, and I do the same, we'll face each other in the semifinals... She thought. She had hoped in her mind that he wasn't too fast. If he was fast and strong, she would surely lose.

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"Yeah yeah, I'm moving but you're so stiff and slow, kid. Hurry up!"

"I'll see if I can keep up with you, grandma, ha ha ha..." He really was enjoying this, as much as his body hurt. Maybe I should've stayed in the bed. My body's seriously hurting here... No, I'm here to spend some time with Carrion and help her feel better. My body can wait. They sat down as the fifth match ended, though it didn't look like it was a very impressive match. "Hey... wasn't that, that noble looking guy? The one who wouldn't stop bothering you about being... you know?" He wasn't about to mention who she was in the middle of the crowd, lest someone less than pleasant hear them talking. Before she could get some time to answer him, Teis walked out onto the field. Wow, Teis is in this tournament? Next you know, Ormis will walk out onto the field. Ha ha, that'd be hilarious. He snickered at his thought, trying to get comfortable as the assassin rushed Teis.

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"Yeah, I think it was him. Anyway, this match looks like it could be good..." She was following the match pretty closely at its start, impressed at how well Teis moved in his armor. "Damn... he must be really used to that friggin armor. I know I'd never get used to anything like that." The more she thought of it, she really should find some new clothes to wear, something more protective and more practical. "Ugh..." she grumbled, thinking about everything she needed to do now just to possibly get back on track to her original goal.

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"I'm sorry, I just don't see why you're so sad about saving my life. I mean, I know I'm a horrible person, but come on!"

She looked up at Grant, blubbering and horrified. "B-But there's no way you're..." An incoherent mess of words ensued.

"If you feel you should go, then go, don't let anyone stop you, alright? Well, I guess we're getting a wee bit busier in here, so all I'm really going to say for now is that you don't give yourself nearly enough credit."

"I-I'm sorry, I really am! Um... I'll g-go make myself useful or something! Uh..." She looked around, fidgeting. There's gotta be something I can do... "U-Um... do you need help with anything? Any ingredients you need in particular?"


"Aiduen Willard, and thanks. I take it it gets this way when tourneys are happening, right?"

"Yes, it does. People come from all over the continent to participate in the tournaments, so we tend to get the stragglers who are too impatient to wait for food at stalls. However, the overflow is still quite a lot, so it's good business. Unfortunately, we still need quite a bit of help, and it seems that we're rather short-handed today."

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The first throwing axe cut close, but Elune was able to dodge it, thankfully. She saw him turning to land a punch, moving with surprising speed for someone so heavily armoured. Oh sh- She raised both knives to block the punch, hoping punching steel would hurt him a bit, then tried to move the knives so she'd get in a good position to hit his arm.

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"Haa... haaa... G-Gideon, he's stuck! Get 'im!" she cried as the pig drove its tusk into the tree. Got him.

Gideon took the opportunity and ran at the boar, climbing onto its back. Immediately it tried to shake him off, but he clung stubbornly to its thick hide. "No, no, no," he said softly, clinging for dear life. "Calm down, boy. Take it easy." With some effort, he crawled further towards the beast's head, where he took his axe in both hands. "Sorry, pig," he said through heavy breaths. He raised his axe over his head and brought it down onto its skull, resulting in a sickening crack and drawing a loud squeal from the beast. But it didn't stop moving - its flailing actually became more violent, so much so that Gideon was tossed off of it. He was thrown into a nearby tree, with his shoulder absorbing most of the impact. He cried out in pain as he fell, writhing and holding his shoulder. If not broken, it was at least dislocated. "Goddamn fucking pig!" he shouted, his voice pained. The pay had better be damn good... "Amera!" he cried, trying to sit up. It didn't work out too well. "Get away from it!"

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Ormis noticed the first fighter, the cocky one from before standing around and watching the fight. Fighting down his natural instinct to go and bluster his way over, he instead walked up behind Arcen and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, I saw your fight. That was pretty good. I'm looking forward to tomorrow."


Teis hit her knives dead on with a pretty large amount of force, enough to leave a fairly large dent in the sandbag from before. He pressed further, attempting to shove her back while simultaneously taking out his big axe in a powerful swing. His hand hurt like the dickens, but it was armored and didn't get cut.

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"Amera!" he cried, trying to sit up. It didn't work out too well. "Get away from it!"

"Wha...?" Amera only had time to look up as the boar freed itself from the tree, its copious amounts of blood spraying across the forest floor. She shook, standing, trying to move, but the beast moved faster. In its death throes, it charged her, not powerfully, but enough to lodge her between it and a tree. "Gah!" She was almost crying, a few of her ribs snapping under the strength of it. Its mouth opened to enjoy its new meal, running purely on instinct as more of its blood sprayed and flowed from its head. Amera had one way out of this, and she had to act. Gideon's axe was still lodged in the thing's head. She grasped for it, and pulled, hard, the axe not wanting to budge. "Come on, you stupid piece of metal and wood!" Another hand grasped the handle, and it finally came free. The boar's mouth, teeth bared, shot at her head, but met with the axe shoved in instead. Amera scrambled away from it, as the boar thrashed, the blade cutting into its mouth. It ran into another tree, and finally collapsed, groaning some gargled noise before gallons of blood began to poor from its head and mouth. It was finally dead. Amera pulled herself to her feet, and leaned against another tree, only to slide back down it. "Nevermind... I... I don't want to fight a dragon... any more..." She was gasping for breath, but she found herself chuckling at her own small joke. She didn't chuckle long; her ribs hurt when she laughed.

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As he watched the boar charge her, Gideon forced himself to his feet and pulled his shoulder back into place, trying to ignore the sharp pain the relocation caused. He ran to her side just as the beast fell. "Nevermind... I... I don't want to fight a dragon... any more..." she said softly. That pig must have hurt her quite a bit to deflate her so...

He fell to one knee as he reached her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Well, there aren't any around here. Probably just us." That thing's death was a major relief...still, if she was too badly hurt, he'd have to set up camp here. "Do you think you can stand?" he asked softly between heavy breaths as he looked up at the sky. It was still light out. If they spent a few hours cutting the pig up, they could probably make it back to town before nightfall...Of course, he wasn't about to ask her to move, much less carry pig bones in her condition.

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"Well, there aren't any around here. Probably just us." "With how... how big that was... I would say so..." She finally caught her breath, sighing now. Her ribs hadn't moved around as much as they could have, as she could still breath, and unless she laughed or moved, her stomach didn't hurt. Must mean nothing's punctured... alright... "Do you think you can stand?" "Y-Yeah, of course... I can." She said, with an unfortunate stutter. She managed to pull herself up by holding onto the tree, but as she took a step forward she collapsed to her knee, and then proceeded to fall to the ground. "Nope... I can't... really stand... Too tired," she whined a bit, rolling onto her back. "I think... one of my ribs is broken... Don't get too worried, if I rest for a bit, it'll stop moving around and I can get it healed, or something..." She looked up, noticing how early in the day it still was. At least if they had to camp, they had all the food they'd need. "Hey, Gideon... I really have to thank you. This is... the second time you've saved my life."

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"Nope... I can't... really stand... Too tired." She wasn't the only one... "I think... one of my ribs is broken... Don't get too worried, if I rest for a bit, it'll stop moving around and I can get it healed, or something...Hey, Gideon... I really have to thank you. This is... the second time you've saved my life."

Gideon was taken off-guard by her sincerity. Was this the same coy girl who enlisted him to fight a pig? "Don't worry about it," he told her, grinning as he walked towards the pig to retrieve his axe. He really hoped she didn't worry about it that much - Gideon hated being thought of as a hero. By anyone. He'd much rather be a vagabond... "It's not like I'm doing a very good job of saving you anyway. I mean, every time you're around me you break something..." he pointed out jokingly as he peered into the dead boar's mouth. His grin faded as he saw his axe splintered. The pig must have crushed it with his jaw...the blade was intact, but the handle was completely ruined. "Damn it..." he said, suddenly exasperated at his wretched luck. With a few tugs, he got the blade out of the pig's mouth. "And I end up losing a weapon," he added somewhat bitterly, pointing to his axe's head. "The reward for this damn thing better be good, because I've got a few axes to replace..."

His mood suddenly less than dandy, Gideon began gathering sticks into a pile for a fire. He couldn't get any proper tree limbs without an axe; hell, he probably couldn't even cut the pig. Sighing, he sat down, the pile of sticks between him and Amera. "Much as I'd like to start eating that thing," he said, gesturing to the boar's corpse, "I can't really cut it now. Not unless you have a knife." He shook his head, smirking a bit. "Guess I'm not that impressive unless I've got something to kill, huh?" he mused, staring at the sticks.

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"It's not like I'm doing a very good job of saving you anyway. I mean, every time you're around me you break something..."

"I'd rather break something than be dead." She struggled to sit up, leaning back against the tree she'd slumped against a moment ago. "Damn it..." "Er... sorry about that. I sort of had to... well, I didn't, but I didn't want to be half dead boar chow." She almost smiled, thinking about what would've happened if she hadn't. A small shudder was all that came of the thought, as a few sticks landed in a pile. Build a fire, good idea. I can handle that. "What good hunter doesn't have a carving knife?" she asked, pulling the dagger from off of her belt. "Jes' one moment..." The pointed it at the stick, a bit of electricity gathering in the knife, shooting into the sticks and catching one on fire. "I hate using these things to concentrate my mana... it's never as potent as when I use myself, but it hurts to charge it into my hands, so, what's a girl gonna do? Ha ha-- ow!" She reminded herself not to laugh. "Guess I'm not that impressive unless I've got something to kill, huh?" She held out the knife for him to get at the boar with. "I wouldn't say that. You're more impressive than most of the guys I've met."


"Damn... he must be really used to that friggin armor. I know I'd never get used to anything like that."

"You an' me both. He seriously didn't look that quick..." The fight continued, and Teis punched the knives the girl had blocked with. "Whoa, did you see that!? Did he really just punch some knives?! Geez, he's crazy!" Adrian was seriously getting into the match, wanting to see Teis win this over the girl.

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