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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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It was clear what he was going to do once he started pushing back. As he reached for his axe, she immediately backed off, knowing he was going to swing it straight for her head. She was right, as the axe barely missed her.

If only I could find a little spot... dammit! She tried going on the offense again, this time aiming for the other hand. If he couldn't even lift his axe, he'd win.


It was a beautiful match. Both combatants seemed pretty skilled, and this would have even been great as a finals match. Even worse, he'd be facing the winner of this match next...

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Teis knew what she was going for.

Never assume your opponent can't use his other hand!

He swung again in a wide arc, guarding his right side. This time, he positioned himself so he could grab his axe with the other hand if necessary. While he wasn't quite as accurate with his left hand, it was almost as strong and a bit faster, too, meaning that in a pinch he could fight with both hands.

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As he swung again, she knew she couldn't avoid it. She still tried to jump past him though, but the axe handle smashed into her back. She landed on the floor hard.

Don't, dammit! Don't... give... up! As he started to turn, she quickly scrambled back up onto her feet, waiting for him to make his next move.

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Teis was surprised that he had actually hit her. Taking a split second for a breath, he backed up a few steps before smashing a dent into the ground with his axe.

"Your turn."

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She wasn't taking the bait. Teis slowly circled around to where his first axe had landed, making sure not to show his back. Then he leaned over and threw it from the ground with his left hand, again aiming for her foot.

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Teis could barely see the assassin (Elune, was that the name she'd given them?) begin to fatigue. He, too, was slowly tiring from the weight of his armor.

No sense in prolonging it any further.

He walked forward, slowly, axe seemingly resting on his shoulder but actually poised, slightly raised, ready to strike.

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Could she take the risk of charging now? He looked like he was going to relax, but he was probably better than that. As a precautionary measure, she loaded her crossbow, aimed at his legs, and fired. Those didn't seem nearly as well armoured as the rest of his body, though it was still loaded rather strongly.

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Teis almost dodged the bolt. Almost.

He had been expecting her to fire at his neck, or maybe his arm. Now that he thought about it, his legs were the prime target on him, like her. The shot, instead of hitting the actual area that would incapacitate him instead nailed him in the chink in his left leg, restricting his movement by quite a bit.


He would have pulled it out, but a glance showed that it was fairly deeply embedded, and taking the time to yank it out was suicide.

Only one option left, really...

Teis charged, leg movement be dammed. The rear end of the bolt actually broke off, but Teis was moving very fast, bringing up his axe for the blow.

If she does that again, it's over. I can't deal with her speed with this damn armor on!

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As she saw the axe blade fall towards her again, Elune tried to roll out of the way. She almost made it.

The axe connected with her right leg, a sharp pain which dug right into her leg. She tried to balance herself against the wall of the arena to get him, lucky she still had her crossbow with her. She couldn't go up close anymore, instead she loaded her crossbow and prepared 3 more bolts. If he came for her again, hopefully she'd shoot him.

I just need... one more hit...

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Both combatants, at this point, were injured but still continued to fight. Lucretia was impressed by their will to continue. "They'd both make strong opponents." She said to herself.

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"Wow..." was all she could say watching the two battlers go at it. Both were hurt a bit yet refused to give in. She had to give them both respect for that, taking hits and wounds that would probably have left her crying and complaining all day. On that train of thought, she began to reconsider her wanting to learn Swordplay. She had taken countless blows and died many times before, but for some reason, she was extremely afraid of the pain she might receive if she were to take up arms. Why am I so afraid of it suddenly? This doesn't make sense! She couldn't seem to get comfortable in her seat now, constantly fidgeting and adjusting her posture.


He took a moment to think of what he needed. "Um... Any meats you can find, also any veggies and seasonings." He looked at Seilynda and couldn't help but smile at her behavior. He couldn't for the life of him relate to it, but he found it adorable all the same. "I don't see why ya need to stick around here though to feel useful. I mean, you're young, and the world is huge! I appreciate the help, I really do, but I don't wanna be some drag on you for it. You should go do what you want, alright? And, well, if it bores you enough, you know where to find me." Grant finished with a nod. He liked her company a lot, but he felt bad that she felt the need to seemingly stay with him so much.


"Oh you saw my match? Thanks for the appreciation!" He was still basking in his own victory, "Well, I hope you'll enjoy my match tomorrow as well, kid. They're only going to get more and more intense from here on out!"


"I see, I see... and I'm sure you get some unsavory types flooding in here as well at the same time... I don't envy you. But I can certainly respect any woman who can put up with so much crap!" She said with a smirk. With how Giselle was dressed and from what she was imagining, the girl must be pretty used to it and knew how to handle herself. Something she probably wouldn't be able to do.


"All I wanted was some answers, but you respond with fire and multiple stabs. A shame, really. Your lives could have had meaning..." The wolf man towered over the trembling cultist, his clawed hands digging into the man's chest, ripping him apart in a matter of moments. Ignatius didn't enjoy this, not nearly as much as a normal person might have. Blasphemers were beyond help in his eyes, a pitiful existence that no one should have to succumb to. The bodies lay about him, each one gashed and bloody, each one wearing a robe with red flames on it, now stained with the blood of its wearers. His ears twitched as he heard screams of pain way off in the distance. The screams almost sounded familiar to the Anri, which only made him move quicker. Unfortunately, his leg was hurt so his movements were slower and cause him pain, but he could ignore it. When he came to where he heard the noises, he was in awe slightly. A boar and two badly injured people. "Must have been a hell of a fight, just with those two..." He mumbled to himself. Are they with the others I saw earlier...? I smell a human and an Anri... Hmm... Perhaps a direct approach will solve this. He stumbled into the clearing, a smile showing his teeth. "You both take this beast on by yourselves? A bit foolish, no?"

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Teis hit her this time, but somehow she was still standing. It was a waiting game again. He would have taken his hand-axe again, but it was close enough to her that he wouldn't risk it. Instead, he grabbed his axe with both hands, and stood tall, on the balls of his feet, ready to move. As soon as she fired off a bolt, he'd rush her, hopefully getting her before she could reload. If he wasn't fast enough, it was over.

That leg injury is bleeding a bit... if I can stall for long enough, she'll have to submit from blood loss.


Ormis gave a thumbs up and a grin.

"You can bet I'll enjoy it, I haven't fought anyone good for a while."

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"Er... sorry about that. I sort of had to... well, I didn't, but I didn't want to be half dead boar chow." He sighed - she had a point. Teis might be a bit upset that the axe was broken, but Gideon wasn't terribly worried. He could just buy another, maybe two if he sold some of the boar. Well, if he could carry it.

"What good hunter doesn't have a carving knife?" she asked, pulling the dagger from off of her belt. "Jes' one moment..." She pointed it at the stick, a bit of electricity gathering in the knife, shooting into the sticks and catching one on fire. "I hate using these things to concentrate my mana... it's never as potent as when I use myself, but it hurts to charge it into my hands, so, what's a girl gonna do? Ha ha-- ow!" What was she complaining about? At least she could channel her mana. Gideon never could; he wasn't even sure if he had any to channel. Not that it mattered. "It still pays to know how," he pointed out as the fire began to spread. They would need more sticks...

"I wouldn't say that. You're more impressive than most of the guys I've met," she told him as she held out the knife for him. As he took it, he half-smiled, not entirely convinced, but flattered that a girl thought of him as something other than a bum. "You give me too much credit," he replied, his fingers brushing against hers for just a moment as he took the knife from her. "That or you've never met a man with a job. If it's the latter, then I'm terribly sorry." He grinned and moved over to the pig, pressing the blade into one of the cuts it already had and slowly beginning to carve its hide off. The repetitive nature of the task annoyed Gideon - it was such a waste of time to be skinning a giant boar with a carving knife by himself. Just keep going, his mind told him. There'll be food and money for you once you're done. Keep cutting.

As he cut, a deep voice boomed from his side. "You both take this beast on by yourselves? A bit foolish, no?" Instinctively he pulled the knife from the boar's flank and turned to face the newcomer. It was a wolfman, gigantic in size and a bit smug in the way he addressed them. If he was here to fight, Gideon would be in a lot of trouble... "But it's dead," Gideon replied, keeping the knife between his fingers, ready to strike if he had to. "What do you want with us?"

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"Um... Any meats you can find, also any veggies and seasonings." She quickly scribbled drew what Grant requested on a rag with a piece of coal, completely failing to notice fawning over smiling at her since she was hard at work with her blob of misshaped figures. "I don't see why ya need to stick around here though to feel useful. I mean, you're young, and the world is huge! I appreciate the help, I really do, but I don't wanna be some drag on you for it. You should go do what you want, alright? And, well, if it bores you enough, you know where to find me."

"I-It's no problem at all! Really!" the girl stammered, unsure what to make of this. "U-Unless... y-you think I'm a b-burden? D-Did you want to g-get rid of me? I-If I was being a b-bother you sh-should've said s-so!" she started sniffling and tears were welling up in her eyes... again.

(This girl is hopeless, I dunno why he likes her so much! xD)


"I see, I see... and I'm sure you get some unsavory types flooding in here as well at the same time... I don't envy you. But I can certainly respect any woman who can put up with so much crap!"

She laughed. "In the world of customer service, always expect the worst, dearie. Sure, we have some unruly fools once in a while, but with a good backbone, a sharp tongue, and some finesse, they're no problem at all~ Of course, it also helps to have a strong pair of arms on deck. Just in case. Y'know, like the golden-haired hunk we have serving the customers right now." she whispered and giggled, pointing her thumb over to Aurelio's direction. "So, how long are you staying for?"

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"You give me too much credit," he replied, his fingers brushing against hers for just a moment as he took the knife from her. "That or you've never met a man with a job. If it's the latter, then I'm terribly sorry."

"You don't give yourself enough." She felt his fingers touch hers, and she shot him the same coy smile from earlier. Don't get too touchy with me, Gideon. She chuckled at his last comment, making sure to not laugh too hard, lest her ribs cause her more pain. "I haven't met many men with jobs, sorry to say. I guess that's a bad thing?" The fire crackled some, and she pulled herself over to it, wanting to rather have warmth than comfort for her body. Before they could converse more, a familiar voice spoke up from behind them, "You both take this beast on by yourselves? A bit foolish, no?" She didn't have to turn to see who it was. "So... you're back?" She had wanted to apologize for how she'd acted towards him before, but she was too stubborn to do it with someone else there. "What do you want with us?" "Don't worry, Gideon, he's not going to hurt us... I hope."


"I can't even believe..." the match was amazing. He'd never seen two people go at it like this, and for so long. Any prior thought he'd had about wanting to participate in something like this had been destroyed, as he'd never be able to do this. He looked over at Carrion to see if she was enjoying the fight, but... she was shaking, almost. "Carrion, are... you're alright, aren't you?" He slipped an arm around her and pulled her closer, twitching a bit as his hand shot pain through him as it was moved.

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"No I'm not, I'm having second thoughts, alright?" She felt his arm around her tiny frame, and his jolt of pain, which only made her more concerned. "Did that hurt you, Adrian?" Her face showed worry, "You should really be recovering right now, dammit... why did you talk me into taking you here?" She sighed, scooting herself closer to him slightly. "After this tournament, you're resting again. End of story..."


He leaned against the counter and frowned at Seilynda. "Now listen here, I didn't call you a burden, and will you stop fucking implying that, please? I've said just the opposite this whole damn time! And now, all I'm saying is that you should go do what YOU want, don't stick around me out of some weird sense of 'having' to do so! If you want to help me out, that is more than fine by me, but do it because you want to, not out of obligation please. The way you've been acting it's like you've been pushing yourself to do this, so, I dunno, maybe I'm reading this whoooole thing wrong, but something's telling me I'm not. I'm not perfect, so I'll let you make the final call on all of this."


"Wait, you're my next opponent...? Well uh... good luck, I guess?" He was really surprised that so young an entrant was even allowed into a tournament, much more that he could fight, and even more that he won his fight.


She laughed with Giselle, then answered her question, "How long? Um... not very long unfortunately, maybe a week and a half at most, it depends on what goes on. I like this city, but me and my brother are always on the move doing random work where we can get it. It certainly keeps life interesting, and now that he went into the tournament, he's finally going to put his skills to the test. I just hope he doesn't fail miserably in his first round..." she said with a sigh.


"I want nothing from either of you, I simply heard a commotion from across the way and followed the noise. Are you not familiar with curiosity, young one?" "Don't worry, Gideon, he's not going to hurt us... I hope." "Of course I'm not here to hurt you, young Amera, or your friend here. I do not kill or attack without a reason to do so. Just be sure not to give me a reason!" He laughed at his own joke, only to sharply inhale as he upset one of his wounds again. He sat next to the fire, resting himself. "And besides, even an original can bleed, so I ask that you let me rest here with you two. If you don't like it, I will oblige." He said matter of factly.

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"Did that hurt you, Adrian?" Damn. I was hoping it wouldn't be that obvious. "You should really be recovering right now, dammit... why did you talk me into taking you here?" Yeah... it's probably that obvious. "After this tournament, you're resting again. End of story..." He sort of sighed, but kept his smile. "Is it really that obvious? Heh... I was hoping you wouldn't... wouldn't pick up on how much pain I'm in. I didn't want you to miss out on all of this, so I sucked it up and just went with it. I'm... sorry." He felt bad now, thinking about it. She was worried about him, and he truly was hurting, but he'd lied about being alright just to see people fight. "If... you think I should go back and rest after this match, I will."


"I guess..." Her uneasiness around this wolfman was extremely apparent, but who was she to deny him the ability to rest against a warm fire? Two things were nagging at her mind, though. "What's your name? And, what are you doing all the way out in the woods, anyways?" A bold question, but a question nonetheless. She groaned once again, leaning back as much as she could in this awkward sitting position.

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Things weren't going too badly, he hadn't enraged any customers as of yet. He got a few odd looks but it was certainly better than washing the dishes. However, things were about to take a turn for the worst. At the front of the room, there was a particularly large gentleman. He didn't seem particularly welcoming, around him was a zone where nobody dared sit. One of the other staff mentioned earlier that he was a regular customer - who paid when he felt like it. Today, he didn't seem that generous. The monster of a man sat up, he towered even over Aurelio. He began to make his way over to the door, Aurelio didn't like his attitude. He'd apologize about the mess he'd make later.

"Hey! Big guy! D'you leave your purse at home or something!" he shouted. Hopefully, that would get his attention.

He was right.



Ken had finished his lunch, and began his way back to Lady Lucinda's room. He wondered how long her trials would take, and how long she could spend fighting.

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She saw him rushing towards her, just as she had hoped. She got one shot off, not noticing if it had hit or not, then grabbed her knives and tried to move out of the way again. Her leg was bleeding again, and with two severe cases of blood loss within a week, she'd probably die from the exertion. But damn, she wouldn't quit.

She held herself against the wall, everything getting worse by the second. Her knives in hand, she waited for his next move, hoping he wouldn't just wait for her to bleed out.

Come on, you bastard... Let's see if you can do that again.

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Knock Knock Knock

'Am I intruding, Father?' She addresses him with what she thinks is his rank within the church, but Obelia's eyes are wary, her form having slightly edged the door open to Lucinda's room. Her form is slightly shivery but she hides it well, though her armour is tinged a cold blue from the snow that has melted from it, the cold still quite buried within her body. She absently shifts as she looks to Lucinda silently for a moment and offers a small bow of her head to her, a silent wish for her to fight with all her strength to wake up. She stays still, not allowing herself to enter fully unless it causes no dissonance within the room.


The woods are certainly beautiful.

Carrie grins again, dressed in her dark clothing and pants, an scattered curiosity about the woodland around her. She is spending today simply searching around, trying to find interesting things. She'd spent most of today already annoying a butcher by asking him what type of meats he sold, going into a guild and then leaving in wariness after seeing a man clutching his nose quite a lot try to grab for her chest area and then deciding to just... well, wander. She smiles again and walks forward, liking the sound of the grass swishing, the slow cries of birds above the tress. She does blink though, confused at something and both quite intrigued. She see's a fire ahead. or something that glows like one. She ignores for the moment any sense of actual self control and gleefully runs ahead to see what causes the flame to glow so calmly amid the grass. She does slightly blink though, feeling a smell hit her nose that makes her cough hard once or twice. It stinks and smells like... ...oh, that's not good.


'Hey... he...y...'

Fists pound on the church doors and she wonders why she doesn't just open them. She giggles with a feverish idiocy, murmuring it's rude to barge in unannounced. Yet Langley holds her still throbbing side, ignoring wolf whistles from one or two males who seem to like her body and the dress clinging to her frame, especially due to the fricking sweat. Wash, next time wash, she murmurs in a moment of lucidity but she knocks quite hard on the church doors again…

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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"Am I intruding, Father?"

Ken had only made it back into the room moments ago, however, he was pleased to have conscious company.

"Not at all, my child. Please, you may enter"

It was unlikely that he was that much older than her, he was yet to see her. He approached the door, and then opened it. It was the young woman from earlier, she had been kind enough to point him to Lady Lucinda.

"Oh, it's you. Thank you for helping me find Lady Lucinda. I am Ken van Lirio, a priest serving her house. My journey had originally been to spread to word of the Goddess. However, seeing my master's daughter isn't something I could ignore. Especially after her absence, you have my gratitude. Please feel free to call me Ken, what may I call you?"

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'Thank you, Father.' She enters lightly at the invitation from him and her armoured self is in full view, her dark hair slightly messy from the wintery mountains. She shivers again yet bows calmly to the priest. She does inwardly smile though, seeing that he is quite effeminate in his look. She prefers this, rather then some stoic male or elderly, strict priest. She actually smiles, a tiny one albeit, but the priest is very gentle in voice and very kind with his words.

'I have no knowledge of any such 'Goddess' and I apologise if that offends you, Father.' She does hesitate; indeed slightly worried this friendly man will repulse from her at the mention of that, yet Obelia sits at the other side of Lucinda's bed and hesitantly smiles again, feeling unused to doing so in a long while.

'Well... Ken, then. Good to meet you. What is afflicting Lucinda?'

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He'd gotten him self into an interesting fix, although he was itching to take on the big guy. His opponent stepped forward, clearly also wanting a fight.

"What'cha gonna do, small fry?" the giant bellowed. He was grinning, it looked like he got away with it pretty often. Someone confronting him must have been a novelty. He pounded a table with his fist, probably to prove a point. Not one for being intimidated, Aurelio stepped up to his challenge. With his own fists.

He landed a solid punch to the man's face. Whilst it hadn't caused any serious damage, it certainly had surprised him. His foe stumbled back, wiping his face.

"You'll regret that, they always do."



"I have no knowledge of any such 'Goddess' and I apologise if that offends you, Father."

"Not at all. We all learn throughout our lives. Some know of her from early childhood, others only see her on their deathbed. If you are curious, I would be more than happy to fetch some of my books a little later. Lady Lucinda is currently in a trance. From what I've heard, she attempted a powerful spell, draining her mana, or life energy, almost entirely. If it entirely diminishes, she would perish. However, my prayer circle should aid her in her struggle."

This girl seemed much nicer than the people he had tried to help in the other towns. It was always good to see such friendliness in other countries.

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