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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Obelia smiles a bit calmer, a slow fold of her hands across one another as her gauntlets slightly taps against the metal encasing each hand. She glances to his offer and she is wary of changing her very beliefs, yet she realises slightly she has no true 'belief system' bar faith in the will of people. She smiles politely but with a hint of true interest in her eyes, their red now calmer then they were before. She nods in answer to his offer and answers in kind.

'I would be interested to read some of your literature, Ken-' she stops though, on hearing about what it is that made Lucinda this way. She nods in silence and her look is also quiet, a slow watch over Lucinda.

Good luck, Lucinda.

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The bolt nailed Teis in the center of his chestplate, knocking the wind out of him, stopping him dead. She had run off again. The knight was too tired and too out-of-breath to follow her.

Then his eyes fell upon the hand-axe, which was lying near the wall. He smiled. Walking over, he threw it again, this time aiming slightly to the side of her injured leg, as to intercept her jump. It hit her other leg, crippling her movement further. Teis walked up and held his axe at her neck. It was over.

Back in the rest area, he wearily took off all his armor, wearily removing the broken arrow-tip. The armor had done its job, protecting him from the worst of harm, but that punch had seriously damaged his right glove. He sighed. That would hardly be cheap to repair.


"Yep, that's right. I'd stick around and chat, but I don't want to miss the next fight."

With that, he ran off, trying to get a good spot from which to see the next two matches.

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Lucretia / Adano

The match between Teis and Elune was intense, to say the very least. The match afterward was quick and uninteresting, it was mostly two swordsmen going at it for ten minutes. The one with the scimitar ended up winning over the one with the rapier.

The last match of the first round is under way!

Lucretia and her opponent walked out onto the field. She hadn't gotten a chance to look over him too much, but now that they were in the arena she was able to study him more carefully. He was lightly dressed, but had armored gloves and his boots were spiked.

"Gauntlets and Grieves." She said to herself. "He must be fast."

The two combatants are fierce competitors in their own right! The first challenger is Timothy Haston, from Sapphire! A super-fast fighter who has competed in tournaments before and done very well! The other challenger is a newcomer to this arena, but her name is well-known in her home country of Miyako! Please welcome Lucretia Germane!

Germane?! Adano thought to himself. She's too young to be Anastasia, is she...my daughter?

The crowd cheered as the fighters prepared themselves. Lucretia drew both of her trusted blades, and Timothy checked his gloves and boots. When the fight was underway, Timothy immediately charged toward Lucretia, arms poised for a punch.

Since he's armored, there's no need to hold back. Lucretia raised both swords and prepared her parry, where she side-stepped him and brought her blades down upon the gloves. The blow sent him sideways, which gave Lucretia time to attack, swords at the ready. Keeping one sword ready to block any counters, she sent the other blade towards the man's back. He responded with a swift kick to Lucretia's arm, which sent the sword flying and spun her around, her other blade clashing with the man's hand. Her arm where he kicked it was hurting badly. She knew it wasn't broken, but there would be a nasty bruise.

At this point the two were up against a wall, Lucretia took this opportunity to run for her other sword and get him out into the open. After parrying him again Lucretia took off for the middle of the arena. She heard the metal on his boots clunking and knew he was close. She grabbed her other sword and parried another kick. Both swords in hand, she spun around him, dodging another punch, and landed a blow to his back with the flat edge of her swords. He arched his back and left his body open, giving Lucretia the opportunity she needed to twist around him and deliver a slash to his right leg. This took him to a knee, and Lucretia took the opportunity to point both swords at him.

And the winner is Lucretia!

The crowd cheered extensively as Lucretia and Timothy were escorted to the healers for treatment.

"Great match." He said to her.

"Thanks, you too." She replied. He didn't seem too bitter about losing, which made her feel better. As the healers patched them up, the announcers came on again.

That's the last match of today! Tomorrow, our eight remaining competitors will face off!

As Adano prepared to head out of the arena, he was stunned. His child was alive and they were in the same town.

"Lucretia, that's her name." He said to himself.

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"Now listen here, I didn't call you a burden, and will you stop fucking implying that, please? I've said just the opposite this whole damn time! And now, all I'm saying is that you should go do what YOU want, don't stick around me out of some weird sense of 'having' to do so! If you want to help me out, that is more than fine by me, but do it because you want to, not out of obligation please. The way you've been acting it's like you've been pushing yourself to do this, so, I dunno, maybe I'm reading this whoooole thing wrong, but something's telling me I'm not. I'm not perfect, so I'll let you make the final call on all of this."

"I-I'M R-REALLY REALLY S-SORRY!" she squeaked and hid under a table, cowering and shivering and sobbing her little heart out. "I-I didn't mean to... p-please d-don't y-yell at me..." Her squeaking was becoming increasingly more manic while she repeated "I'm sorry" over and over.


"How long? Um... not very long unfortunately, maybe a week and a half at most, it depends on what goes on. I like this city, but me and my brother are always on the move doing random work where we can get it. It certainly keeps life interesting, and now that he went into the tournament, he's finally going to put his skills to the test. I just hope he doesn't fail miserably in his first round..."

"Well, it sounds like quite an interesting life you lead~ I'm sure your brother will do fine, with an adorable sister such as yourself supporting him from afar. You sound like you hold him in disdain, but you're actually quite fond of him, aren't you? Makes me wish I had a sibling." A sad smile formed, but it was quickly replaced by a serious scowl.

"What'cha gonna do, small fry?" A sickening smack followed.

Giselle dusted off her apron and stood up, her gaze affixed to the commotion in the dining hall. "Excuse me, dear, I have some business to attend to."

"You'll regret that, they always do."

She wove her way through a gathering crowd and held out her arms, hopefully separating the two. "Hey! I don't care who started the fight, but I'm ending it here."

Edited by Sakukitty
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Again... Every time... This happens... Why do I even try anymore? I... can't... anymore...

She didn't seek help for her legs, instead leaving without a word. She'd either have to do some hunting on her own, or find another assignment. Inns always held good work, so she decided to head there.


The last few matches were pretty damn good. He knew he'd be facing up against that armoured fellow, and though he had wished his opponent had beaten him, he would be extremely tired after his tiring match.

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She sighed, "I'm not a child, I didn't have to see this thing today, I just offered and forgot you had to rest. I... really appreciate the gesture, Adrian, I really do, but it's not healthy." Her voice got quieter, "You've been through a lot these past few days, so please, just try and take it easy for a bit. If not for your own well being then do it to put my mind at ease. You've got nothing more to really prove to me, so don't act all tough if it's gonna hurt you, alright? I figured you'd be smarter than that, but..." She smiled, "I guess I was wrong."


The knight looked at the girl, simply wondering how she ever became a town-guard. "Come on, get out from there, stop being so scared of everything! What happened to that woman I saw distracting a dragon a couple days ago, huh? Well, whatever. I have things to do..." He went back to his table and began working again.


He went to watch the rest of the matches, impressed with only a few of the fighters there Still, getting to know his potential competition was beneficial no matter what, and he may as well start trying to learn up now. When the final match was over, he smiled, stretched and yawned. "Well, I s'pose I could go find Aid...." He left the arena in a hurry, checking in where he thought she'd be first, at the inn when he walked in on some sort of trouble happening.


"Interesting.... Yeah, I guess you could say that" She said with a slight hesitation in her voice. However, her attention shifted to the dining room, where some scuffle seemed to be taking place. "Oh dear..." was all she could say. She saw Arcen in the doorway, actually surprised that he wasn't the one causing trouble for once.


"My name? By the Goddess, I can't believe I've yet to introduce myself to you yet. How rude of me! The name is Ignatius... If that name rings any bells, chances are it's not a coincidence. I was heavily involved in... well, the very thing that caused this" He motioned to his whole body and then to Amera, "transformation. The whole damn experiment went awry, an outraged chemist literally flipping a table over, the very table which held many, many keys to a better future... I wish for the life of me I could remember exactly what we were doing in that room, what we had discovered, but this form and age have made my mind a haze... And now, to answer your second question, I'm looking for a friend. I've searched this entire world over seemingly, and cannot find him. Everywhere, except for Lushira. With my form looking like this, they hate me on sight. The ignorance you humans exude is appalling at times... Though I'm not being fair with that statement, as I've seen many many ignorant Anri as well, so I apologize."

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"I'm not a child, I didn't have to see this thing today, I just offered and forgot you had to rest. I... really appreciate the gesture, Adrian, I really do, but it's not healthy." Her voice got quieter, "You've been through a lot these past few days, so please, just try and take it easy for a bit. If not for your own well being then do it to put my mind at ease. You've got nothing more to really prove to me, so don't act all tough if it's gonna hurt you, alright? I figured you'd be smarter than that, but..." She smiled, "I guess I was wrong."

"Yeah... I guess you were. I'm sorry." He felt like an idiot now, not sure why he thought it would've ever made her happy for him to push himself like this. "D'you want to leave right now? We can, I don't mind. I'd rather not make you upset... I'm really sorry about this." He resisted the urge to beat himself up, as that'd probably make her even more upset than she was at the moment. He pushed himself to stand, not wanting to have her have to hold him any longer, feeling she was too upset at him to want to do such at the moment. "We're... going, right? I need... to get some rest." His legs shook, but, he wasn't going to argue that he needed to go and get some rest.

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Carrion got up in a huff, angry that he was trying to, yet again, act tough and try to walk back on his own when he clearly wasn't able. She spoke in a hushed yell to Adrian, "Adrian, what the hell did I just get through telling you? Stop it!" She hurried over and gave him her support, "For the love of fuck, stop pushing yourself! You know what would reeeally make me upset? You not listening to me. You know what'd piss me off? You getting permanently injured because of your goddamn stubbornness. Look, I'm sorry I stupidly engaged that magician, but that doesn't mean you get to go and 'get even' by making an equally stupid decision! I told you earlier that I was close to exploding, right? Well this isn't helping me any, and being in public will only make this worse on both of us, so let's just get you back to that infirmary, maybe get you to a more comfortable bed back at the inn when we can get the money."

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"Adrian, what the hell did I just get through telling you? Stop it!" She hurried over and gave him her support, "For the love of fuck, stop pushing yourself! You know what would reeeally make me upset? You not listening to me. You know what'd piss me off? You getting permanently injured because of your goddamn stubbornness. Look, I'm sorry I stupidly engaged that magician, but that doesn't mean you get to go and 'get even' by making an equally stupid decision! I told you earlier that I was close to exploding, right? Well this isn't helping me any, and being in public will only make this worse on both of us, so let's just get you back to that infirmary, maybe get you to a more comfortable bed back at the inn when we can get the money."

"I-I just don't want to be a burden, I'm not... not trying to act tough, alright? I'm sorry... I'm not used to having people to... to rely on, so it's kind of tough for me to just stop trying to do things... myself. But I'll have to get used to it, because of the sad state I'm in. So I'm... sorry. I'll stop trying to do everything by myself for now, alright?" He let himself relax against her, letting her help him balance. "I'm... I'm really sorry. I just can't seem to listen, can I?" He started walking with her, letting her lead this time. "Maybe Amera, or Gideon will be back... by now with some money. Wouldn't that be nice? To... to relax in a nice inn bed. Heh." He was beginning to enjoy the thought of that, though, he'd probably be stuck in the church's cot for a bit longer.

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"Come on, get out from there, stop being so scared of everything! What happened to that woman I saw distracting a dragon a couple days ago, huh? Well, whatever. I have things to do..."

The poor girl couldn't help but cry and blubber more as he chided her. Stupid stupid stupid! Why did you have to be so stupid and make him angry! It's all your fault for being useless no matter what you do! You can't even do nice things properly! He definitely wants you out of his sight right now! Who would want to deal with a groveling little horse-face like you?

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"What's your name? And, what are you doing all the way out in the woods, anyways?" she asked. Gideon didn't trust this wolfman, whoever he was. "I think a better question is how do you know her name?" he asked, still looking the newcomer over. How could he devote himself to a menial task with this guy right here? What was his angle?

"And besides, even an original can bleed, so I ask that you let me rest here with you two. If you don't like it, I will oblige." Well, at least he was polite. "If you want to stay here, that's fine," he said warily. "So long as you're telling us the truth about not wanting to kill us, it's fine with me."

"My name? By the Goddess, I can't believe I've yet to introduce myself to you yet. How rude of me! The name is Ignatius... If that name rings any bells, chances are it's not a coincidence. I was heavily involved in... well, the very thing that caused this" He motioned to his whole body and then to Amera, "transformation. The whole damn experiment went awry, an outraged chemist literally flipping a table over, the very table which held many, many keys to a better future... I wish for the life of me I could remember exactly what we were doing in that room, what we had discovered, but this form and age have made my mind a haze... And now, to answer your second question, I'm looking for a friend. I've searched this entire world over seemingly, and cannot find him. Everywhere, except for Lushira. With my form looking like this, they hate me on sight. The ignorance you humans exude is appalling at times... Though I'm not being fair with that statement, as I've seen many many ignorant Anri as well, so I apologize."

Gideon shook his head and grinned. "Quite a story," he told Ignatius. "As far as Lushira hating things, I can relate - when you're raised there, they try to make you hate most things too." Putting the knife in his right hand (both were covered in pig blood, but there was little to be done about that), he extended his left to the wolfman. "But I think I resisted it pretty well. Judge my species all you want, just make sure you don't count me, yeah?" He still didn't trust this guy, but at least he was tolerable. "Gideon. Say, Ignatius, I hate to impose, but you wouldn't happen to be good at skinning pigs, would you?"

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Amera listened to his story, quite impressed by the whole ordeal. So, he's like this because of some experiments gone wrong... poor guy, I guess. He doesn't seem to be too annoyed by it. So maybe it's a good thing? Amera had completely missed his gesture towards her, but, she wouldn't have minded either way, as she quite enjoyed the way she was. Not so much at the moment, as he stomach decided to hurt her once again, forcing her to lay back down. Sitting up was too much of a hassle. At least the fire could keep her feet warm. Amera then noticed the boar, as if she'd suddenly realized it had died. "Yeah, Ignatius, could you help him with that? I'm a bit too worse for the wear to be helping anyone, right now." Gideon's didn't seem too happy to see Ignatius here. Maybe I'm imagining it, though? I'm in too much pain, can't hear properly, ha ha. "I think a better question is how do you know her name?" "I... met him on my way to Lazarynth, on the mountain. I said some... less than pleasant things to him, as well." She sort of blushed, but mostly turned her face away from the two, still too stubborn to admit she was sorry.

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She merely smiled at the kid at this point. "Don't worry, I'll have you whipped in no time, kid. The sooner you start listening to me, the sooner I stop being a bitch to you, OK?" Even without her magic, she still found it fun to boss Adrian around.


"I suppose it is just a story to one so young, but I assure you it's very real. Just take one look at me and then at the young Amera, and you'll see... If you can't, well, it's time to wake up!" He laughed again, his side where he was stabbed hurting again. "Gideon. Say, Ignatius, I hate to impose, but you wouldn't happen to be good at skinning pigs, would you?" "Gideon? Don't know many Gideons, sad to say. A good, strong name. As for skinning animals, yes, I can do that if you're not up to the task." He got up, stretching his large body out before shooing Gideon away from the boar and began skinning it with his claws, quite easily at that.

"I... met him on my way to Lazarynth, on the mountain. I said some... less than pleasant things to him, as well." "Haha less than pleasant, yes, but I do not mind what you said, child. I take everything into consideration, you know. I'm not as... barbaric as my presence often alludes to."

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"Don't worry, I'll have you whipped in no time, kid. The sooner you start listening to me, the sooner I stop being a bitch to you, OK?"

"I don't think you're being a bitch, you just... care. And I don't really think I'd be opposed to you whipping me." He blushed, as they walked along some more. "I-I mean I know you don't mean it like that, but, I just, I-I mean... That you... I..." he stopped himself from talking, lest he sound even more like an immature idiot. "...Yeah, I'll just... think of something else to talk about. Even though you think I should've stayed in bed, how did you enjoy the matches?" He'd enjoyed them a lot, and wished he could show up the next day for more.


"Haha less than pleasant, yes, but I do not mind what you said, child. I take everything into consideration, you know. I'm not as... barbaric as my presence often alludes to."

"I would hope so." She needed something to rest her head on, but, other than a large rock, there was nothing nearby. I'm wearing something underneath my shirt... right? She took a quick peek, hoping the boys wouldn't notice. Yes, there was a tank top underneath, but it was rather snug. Well, I guess I can just roll away from the two of them, can't I? I can trust them to not try anything. "Don't look, you two." She forced herself to sit up, and took her shirt off quickly, the tank top barely managing to stay on. It clung to the shirt for a moment, but she pulled it back down. Her shirt was squished into a ball, and placed under her head, as she rolled over, facing away from them. "There, that's better..." she said to herself, getting comfortable once again.

Edited by seph1212
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"Hey! I don't care who started the fight, but I'm ending it here."

Aurelio turned his head, Giselle was looking at the two of them disapprovingly. The fight couldn't really continue no she'd arrived. Just as he was about to try and explain himself, the thug saw a perfect opportunity to get a last attack in. He lifted one of the tables and hurled it at Aurelio. Completely caught off-guard, it sent him crashing into the wall. The table itself had snapped upon impact. The crowd gasped.

"Anyone else feelin' stupid?" he said menacingly. At his belt was a large sword, almost like a giant butchers' knife. He made his way to the door unchallenged.

"Thought not." he sniggered. He put on his hat, preparing to leave.



"Do not worry. One is usually able to feel their own limits, Lady Lucinda must have been in a dire situation if she ignored her own limits."

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Teis was walking back to the inn for some rest (he still had put his armor back on out of habit) when he heard a loud smack as well as some gasps.

Ugh... last thing I want to do is get in some fight, but... ugh...

He opened the door. Standing before him was a large gentleman with a sword, apparently about to leave. Teis was about to let him pass when he realized every eye was looking either at largedude or Aurelio, who appeared to be stunned, with the remains of a table around him.

"Out of the way, unless you wanna end up like him." The thug jerked a thumb at the figure of Aurelio.

"No, I don't think I will." One hand on his axe, Teis gave him a firm shove, pushing him a good two feet back, as well as knocking him onto a table.

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Aurelio and "Largedude"

The mammoth of a man was shoved back. That itself would have probably started a fight between the two of them. However, on that table was a tankard of ale. It toppled over, wetting the shoulder of our large friend. He stood up, enraged.

"Now you've done it. I was going to only smash your face in. Boys! Let's show these punks who they're dealing with."

Around half a dozen goons stood up around the room. Each armed with at least a club, some even had swords. Aurelio had just about shaken off being hit by the table. It had definitely hurt and his head was bleeding. However, he wasn't one to back down. Especially now he could see Teis had entered the fray. He got up, decking one of the thugs for his sword. He was panting a little, but still smiling.

"It'll take more than a cheap trick like that to keep me down!"

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Teis sighed and took out his axe, slamming it on the floor. It made a fairly large dent, but the knight didn't even think about it. He kept standing in the doorway, so that he could swing wide, as well as stop the man from escaping.

"Come. I'm in no mood for petty trifles now, but that you believe those puny blades can hurt me... fools."

Obviously, they weren't gonna sit around and take that. One man struck Teis's helmet with a club while the other slashed his stomach with a blade. Teis responded by grabbing the club and kicking the unfortunate thug into a wall. The blade left a scratch on the armor, but it was thick and held. Teis grabbed the sword, yanked it away and gave him a good whack with the hilt, knocking him unconscious as well. One more charged him, but his sword shattered against Teis's axe. The brigand stumbled back, bewildered.

"Do not toy with me."

Teis lifted the man bodily and threw him onto a table. He grasped his axe with both hands. No use in non-lethal blows, they wouldn't give the same courtesy to him. It would have to be strike to kill.

Edited by CT075
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Aurelio had gone straight for their leader, he had a personal score to settle. It wasn't often that Aurelio had speed on his side, normally he relied on brute force and endurance. This guy had him beaten in both areas. He went in for a swing, although it was easily blocked by his opponent. Aurelio stepped back.

"Hah! You think one of my men's cheese knives could really hurt me?"

He was right, a good strategy would be vital. Although now wasn't really the time to acquaint himself with thinking. How did Lucretia fight? She probably dashed in once she saw a good opening. The giant charged forwards, probably going for the kill. It was an overhead swing so it would really do some damage if it connected.

"Now!" Aurelio thought. He quickly sidestepped and lunged forward - spotting a nice gap in the man's armour on his side.. These was a splash of crimson and a booming bellow, this man wasn't going to fight any time soon. His foe collapsed, it hadn't been a fatal blow but it wasn't likely to heal fully without the aid of magic.

Teis had finished off most of the goons. However, one dived through the window, pulling a runner. Whether he was a coward or smart wasn't quite certain. Regardless, he had seen what had happened with his own eyes. Aurelio walked up to Teis.

"Heh, your timing's pretty good. It's a shame you arrived after I got hit by the table. Giselle's gonna kill me..." he looked over at Giselle, "Well, at least he can pay his tab now."

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"Hah. I'm only sorry I wasn't here sooner, then we wouldn't have made such a mess of things." Teis removed his helmet, revealing a rare grin. "I'm surprised I didn't have to kill any of them." That went without explanation. Then, as an act of apology to the girl standing near what Teis presumed to be the kitchen, he held out a bag of gold, most of the winnings from his earlier bout. He'd set aside just enough money to keep two more nights' stay at the inn, and he'd planned to use the rest to repay Aurelio.

"Here, this should pay for any damages."

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She had to stifle her laughs down to a giggle as Adrian kept tripping over what he meant to say. She actually managed to blush as well a bit, but when he mentioned the matches, it started to fade, "Um... They were pretty cool, I suppose. I just wish I coulda learned something from em, you know? As it is, I just see people doing crazy shit and winning. I know it's not meant for training that way, but... damn."


Unbeknownst to Grant, another employee watched most of the exchange, shaking his head at Grant the whole time. When enough time had passed, he pulled Grant off to the side and started talking to him, barely above a whisper so as not to gather any more attention than necessary. "You can kill a dragon, and yet, you go and yell at little girls like that? You uh... touched in the head a bit there, sonny? You think you're untouchable now or something?"

Grant rolled his eyes and sighed, "Look, I don't really think it's gonna be that much of a problem, just... stay out of it, as things stand it's not your problem, so, yeah..."

The man shook his head again, "Uh uh, no, it's very much my problem how you treat people in my kitchen, young sir. You understand what I'm getting at? Normally I'm against non-employees walking back here, but since I saw her tryin to help ya out yesterday, I made an exception. Now, what I don't want happening here today is some teenage girl running out of my kitchen, crying her heart out. I shouldn't have to say this, but it's kind of bad for business... You don't just say that to people, you know? You don't just ask them, "Oh hey, go be different for me, I liked you better this way!" Just so you know, I would kick you out of here, but... my hands are tied. My boss wants you back here for Goddess knows why, and honestly, I'm not gonna lose my job trying to kick some asshat out of my kitchen. What do I suggest? Fix it. Now. Go talk to her, apologize."

Grant kept his mouth shut the whole time, since he knew the man was right, silently thanking him that he was able to voice actually how Grant felt about it but was unable to. "... Yessir..." The former knight went over right next to Seilynda, still a blubbering mess, "Hey there..." He sat down awkwardly, his one leg having trouble balancing his whole body up. "I uh..." He sighed, wanting to get this over with. "OK, I said some pretty... bad things there. Things I really shouldn't have said to ya. I shouldn't have demanded anything from you like that, either..." He found it hard to talk to her, her crying making him exponentially worse by the second it seemed. "Look, I just wanna say I'm sorry for yelling, alright?"


"Well... damn. I missed my chance." His smile went away as he watched the other two handily take care of the ruffians and vagabonds. He did, however, spy Aiduen over by the back, so he went to her pretty quickly. "Hey, everything alright?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine, but nevermind me, how did your match go? Please tell me you didn't get kicked out already..." She said, her voice full of concern.

His grin went seemingly ear to ear, "Oh come on, you know me, I'm better than that! I'm actually in the next round tomorrow, so stop being so... condescending!" He gave her a light punch to her shoulder.

She rubbed where he had hit, only giving a shy smile, "Alright, alright... by the way, we do have a room here for a while, I'm actually working back here for as long as you're in that tourney, probably a little beyond that as well... Second floor, first door, you can't miss it. I'll ask how everything went after you're done napping."

Arcen jokingly replied, "You're the boss..." and went on up to said room, plopping down on one of the beds, sighing contentedly. A good start, just gotta keep this momentum rolling...

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Carrie blinks once or twice and actually grins again, hiding herself behind a nearby tree. She listens intently and is awed by the words of a wolfman, a catlady and a rather tall looking man with quite a cool look to hi-

...All right, maybe don't go that far. She shakes her head a few times and smiles, feeling quite the spy at the moment. Well, she isn't actually a spy, but this reminds her of the time she tried to be a hunter one day while her parents were working and search for a chicken for all of them to eat. And then got chased by a rather large hound left by the local farm-

...Well, all right, she thinks as she mentally recoils at the memory, maybe that's not a good example. How about the time she tried to be a watchmaker like her father and then put some gears that looked pretty in one of the watches he was repairing, which made it, when wound, explode out-

....She just sighs, sticking her head out curiously, maybe a bit too far, though she doesn't know that, to have a good look at them. She ignores an odd stab of jealousy upon seeing the Anri Girl resting. She looks absolutely stunning, she thinks glumly. She looks over herself silently and then shakes her head, but then blinks, having shaken her head straight into the wood of the tree. She winces, a bit absent minded at the moment, dizzily wandering into view without thinking, rubbing her head.



The priest opens the door with a slight sigh, worried that the group from earlier has wandered into yet more violent encounters, returned even more broken and battered. He's a quater right, seeing Langley there, panting and with her hair messy, sweat drenched and her side covered in dried red, some still flowing from the smaller wound as well as her clothing stained in others blood. He forgets to speak a moment yet suddenly finds his voice as she smiles dizzily.

'My...My child, what has cause-

'Don't… worry 'bout it father. Sanctuary… is that still all right?'

'…U-um... yes, quite… lay... yourself down on a cot child, I'll get some salves and medicine…'


She grins a bit stupidly and wanders over with a wobble, falling on her back to rest on the cot. She guesses the cut was deeper then she thought, but she doesn't mind, or was it a stab? She barely stays conscious much longer, but is flitting between awake and sleep, while the priest darts over, slightly pressing a drenched cloth, soaked with medicinal herbs, along her side, her body shaking a bit hard with a pain yet her teeth ungritting after a moment, eyes half closed... he lightly tips a cup of something to her lips and it tastes bad, sure, like boiled vegetables, but she doesn't mind... almost asleep, she coughs a thanks and the priest hesitantly nods, wandering away for the moment. It would be nice if one day, not everyone came here with vast injuries.

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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"Hey, don't laugh! I'm just not... used to t-talking about that, even though you didn't mean that, but... agh, I'm just gonna stop talking." He was scarlet, looking away from her as to not give her more incentive to taunt him. At least, not right now. The church unfortunately was beginning to come into view, which meant that he'd probably be forced to rest, as much as he just wanted to keep talking with Carrion. Without the teasing.

"Um... They were pretty cool, I suppose. I just wish I coulda learned something from em, you know? As it is, I just see people doing crazy shit and winning. I know it's not meant for training that way, but... damn."

"It was pretty crazy, especially Teis... and you're right, it's not. Sorry..." The conversation had been going fine until he mentioned the fights. He should've just let them sit for a while, and talked about anything else.


No time to rest, Amera heard the odd knock against wood of... something, proceeded by an 'Owwww!'. She looked over her shoulder at the girl having walked out from the trees. "Huh... that's not something you see every day... Hello" She said absently. The girl seemed pretty normal, so Amera didn't pay her much mind, rolling back over and trying to rest a bit.

Edited by seph1212
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She hadn't dealt with the idiots in the bar, but that was to be expected. She walked up to the notice board, and looked down the list. Wild Boar? No way. Pack of wolves? She wouldn't get all of them. Bandit Chief Menag? Now, that was something she could do. It meant going back to Varthas, but she could get one thing from there, at the very least.


He would have broken up the fight if he had the chance, but they got dealt with pretty damn well. He paid for his food, sat down, and got ready to eat. It had been a pretty good day.

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"As for skinning animals, yes, I can do that if you're not up to the task." Gideon blinked. "Well, I can do it, but - " Before he could finish, the job was done. Gideon nodded approvingly. "Easier than chipping at the damn thing with this," he said, gesturing to the knife.

From behind him, Gideon heard Amera say "Don't look, you two." She was probably changing or something, so he obliged - there was a bunch of meat in front of him anyway, so there were more pressing matters at hand than stealing a look at her. Besides, she'd probably maul him for trying to look anyway. "Huh...that's not something you see every day."

Gideon half-turned, making sure not to look directly at her. "Not looking, so you've gotta tell me what it is," he quipped, keeping an eye on his hands as he pressed his knife into the newly skinned pig. I swear, if this damn thing is diseased...

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