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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"Not looking, so you've gotta tell me what it is," she sighed at his little quip, but still chuckled at it, somewhat. "There's some girl here, that's what it is. I'm done changing; your eyes can wander again." She shuffled, the flames nice near her feet. The smell from the boar was less than pleasant to her refined nose, though, as she covered it with her hand. We'll eat well, but... ugh, that smell is almost impossible to stand. Her tail flicked to represent how she was feeling, and then settled down with the rest of her.

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After being healed, she left the arena and headed to the inn. It was a long day and she was tired. After getting into her room, she set her blades down and fell into her bed, immediately falling asleep.



He was extremely excited to know that his child was not only alive, but in the same town as him. Even if he missed the name, he knew that Lucretia was his daughter. She fought much like Anastasia used to, minus the cruelty that existed. He headed back to the inn, where it appeared a brawl had just taken place. He decided to ignore it and instead ordered himself a drink and sat at one of the non-destroyed tables and enjoyed it.

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"Hey there... I uh... OK, I said some pretty... bad things there. Things I really shouldn't have said to ya. I shouldn't have demanded anything from you like that, either... Look, I just wanna say I'm sorry for yelling, alright?"

She wiped her face with her sleeve, hiccuping. "N-No, it WAS my fault! Y-You were right, I-I'm really r-really r-really sorry! I-It's not your f-fault at all!" Her knees were tucked in, arms hugging them close to her chest, and her tear-stained face was hidden behind them. I don't deserve Sir Grant's sympathy... I should just die...


As the commotion occurred, Giselle stood back with a noticeably irritated, tight-lipped smile. The woman would've like to interject and put an end to this fight before it got out of hand, but the violence happened all too quickly and ended with a lot of destruction.

"Here, this should pay for any damages." an oaf of a man said to her, offering her a bag of coins. She smiled almost coldly and accepted it.

"You have my gratitude," she thanked him through gritted teeth, voice raising several octaves in order to sound sweet and attempting to keep up her increasingly frightening grin. "Would you like anything, good sir? We are willing to accommodate fearsome warriors such as yourself for a pittance." She shot a glare at Aurelio, hoping he'd get the message and go back to the kitchen.

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"I just wished we could've seen the first half... Oh well, you should be much better tomorrow. Anyway, I think I saw Teis heading to the inn, actually. Lessee if we can get a room out of him!" She didn't want charity, but she wanted even less to sleep on a damn cot again. Chances are the priest there would've kicked her out due to not technically being injured still. When Carrion heard Adrian constantly apologize and beat up on himself again, she sighed then poked him in the face. "Stop it, dammit. You told me to stop feeling down, so now I'm returning the favor... Don't be hypocritical on me, please, Adrian." She said, slowly walking in the inn, wondering why there were smashed tables and bodies strewn about. "... The fuck?"


The knight rubbed his face, wanting to correct her again, but every time he did so she kept crying. He was at a loss, except... "No, it was my fault. I can't force a change, and it's not fair to you at all, I suppose. Look, just go have a quiet meal and we can sort this all out later, alright? That work for you?" He tried standing up, his single leg having one hell of a time trying to lift him up, forcing him to resort to using his arms to climb back up.



He turned to the noise, wondering who made it and why. "What brings you out here, child? Surely a stroll in the woods at this hour isn't exactly what most would call a smart idea... Especially alone, at that." He couldn't hear any other sets of footprints nearby, so she had to be the only one near their 'camp'. "If you've lost your way, I'm sure you can take a rest here for the moment before you're off again..."

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"No, it was my fault. I can't force a change, and it's not fair to you at all, I suppose. Look, just go have a quiet meal and we can sort this all out later, alright? That work for you?"

She swallowed another sob and lifted her face to look at him, finding him struggling to get up. Immediately, she scrambled to her feet and helped him up. "D-Don't overexert yourself! P-Please be careful a-and stop doing so m-many things for my sake! I-I'm not w-worth it!"

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Teis handed over the bag without a word, his smile fading as if erased.

"I merely entered because I heard a disturbance. I do not deserve any thanks." With that, he left, attracting more than a few curious glances from the other patrons, brushing past Carrion and Adrian, not really noticing them.

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"Stop it, dammit. You told me to stop feeling down, so now I'm returning the favor... Don't be hypocritical on me, please, Adrian." She said, slowly walking in the inn, wondering why there were smashed tables and bodies strewn about. "... The fuck?"

"Alright. I'm not sorry this time." He smiled and chuckled, though, his smile turned into the same confused face that Carrion wore as they walked into the inn. Teis brushed past them, before they could even say anything to him. "Uh... do... we want to know what's happened here?" He looked around the inn, not recognizing anyone there, except for the flashy knight, but he'd rather not bother with him. Damn... I guess I'll be stuck with church cot, unless Teis comes back... He stumbled over to one of the still standing chairs, bringing Carrion with him. "Sorry, I just want to sit for now; take some weight off my legs."

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Well, well... There she was. It wouldn't be right to make a scene here, and she still looked tired from the battle of the previous day. He didn't want to anger her boyfriend either, so he chose to finish his meal first. If he wanted to, he could talk to them later in the night.


(Possible timeskip because I don't want to deal with her very much for now.)

Nearly at the end of the hills back to Varthas, it was already dark. This "Menag" person wouldn't anticipate a single woman trying to kill him in the middle of the night, she reasoned. She loaded her crossbow and looked around for the darkest entry into the caves the bandits were in.

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"Oh, sure, sure..." She said, still trying to figure out if she could get a stay at the inn. She saw Danyon, and though it pained her to sink that low, she swallowed the lump in her throat and approached the man, ignoring Adrian for the moment."... Good sir, would you please lend us enough money for a stay here? You have no idea how much it'd help..." Her voice sounded odd, and she definitely felt odd as well. She hated begging, and begging to some lowlife such as him made her almost sick to her stomach...


His eye twitched and his hand clenched the crutch until his knuckles turned white. He took a moment to sort out what he was about to say, thinking over everything that had happened, and let it all out. Grabbing Seilynda by her shirt, he pulled her to within inches of his face. "Will you stop it?! For the GODDESS' SAKE, just SHUT UP about how useless you are! I have had it up to here with this, alright?! You think you're useless? Well then what the fuck does that make me, huh?! Here I am, short a leg, a job now, no money, no place to call home now, and you think you're the one who is useless?! Take your goddamned teenage angsty bullshit and SHUT THE FUCK UP. You have no idea what you're even talking about, and at the risk of sounding hypocritical at this point... GROW... THE FUCK... UP." Letting her go none too gently, he turned to the kitchen manager, who was clearly pissed. Grant held up his hand dismissively. "Don't even bother wasting your breath, sir. I cannot be bothered to give a fuck anymore. Have fun here, and may the Goddess bless you as she has blessed me." He ended with all the venom he could muster as he left the inn, heading south. He got a bunch of looks from the patrons, a few people came from downstairs to see what was up, only to stare wide eyed at the man on his crutch.

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"Oh, sure, sure..."

"Thanks-- wait, Carrion? Carrion, what are you doing-- Carrion, sto-- no!" He gave a hushed yell as she wandered her way to Danyon, Adrian mentally shoving his face into his hand. If you ask him for the room, you're not getting out of it without telling him you're actually the Crimson Witch, you know? He thought loudly at her, as if she could read his mind. Unable to actually do anything to stop at her, he figured he might as well enjoy how awkward she sounded, as he stifled a laugh as soon as she spoke. Okay, never mind, ask him for the room. Just keep up that tone, and I'll be fine with it.

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"... Good sir, would you please lend us enough money for a stay here? You have no idea how much it'd help..."

The way she looked at him, she probably felt sick doing this. Danyon laughed, and took out a few gold coins from his pouch. "This should be enough for the night, and maybe a little bit more if you need to eat. In return though, I'll be asking you a few questions tonight, things I'm still curious about. I won't push you any further here."

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She quickly snatched up the money the man had offered, thanking him through her teeth, "Truly, you're a life saver, sir. Just... come by tonight..." She quickly walked to the front desk, waiting for the owner to pop out of his back room. When he did, he was all sorts of surprised at the mess, but seeing Giselle with a small amount of gold in her hand put him slightly at ease, and then gave Carrion a room for two for the night. Without further delay, she went to Adrian and helped him up. "Come on, up and at em, yoooou've got a bed tonight to rest on. How does that sound, huh?" She didn't realize she was talking to Adrian as if he was some young child, nor did she particularly care either. She just wanted to be gone from that man and take some time to think things out.

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"Come on, up and at em, yoooou've got a bed tonight to rest on. How does that sound, huh?"

"Yes mommy, I think that sounds great," he joked, as his arm slung itself around her shoulder to keep from falling, "I'd love to spend tonight in a nice soft bed." Despite his silly tone, he couldn't help but keep laughing at how she'd spoken to Danyon. "So, how was talking to Mr. Fancy-knight? Sorry, but, that was the best laugh I've gotten in a while. Too bad I had to hold it in, I wouldn't want to have everyone in the inn staring at me, ha ha!" He laughed some more, this time audibly. One or two people looked his way, but after what had happened before they'd arrived, none of them seemed particularly interested. He slowly made his way up the stairs, into his room, and collapsed on the bed. Rolling over, slowly, he felt like cracking a joke. "Want to join me? Maybe I'll heal faster if you're next to me."

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"I'm guessing it's back to the kitchen for me then." He wasn't really that surprised, the damage he'd caused had been pretty bad. The guy had been asking for it, although he was pretty sure he'd never get that past Giselle. He returned to the sink, a vast mountain of plates anticipating his arrival. He got back to work, not expecting a bonus at the end of all this.

The innkeeper had come after hearing all the commotion, noticing one of his more notorious customers on the floor - along with all the destruction.

"Let me guess, Giselle. This was the doing of our large friend and the new guy?"

The damage was pretty bad, quite a few tables had been wrecked and a window had been smashed. He'd have a fun job for the new guy. Secretly, the innkeeper was pretty smug that the big guy had been beaten. He had seen a lot of barfights in the past, this one being fairly middle of the road. He bent down and collected the fee from the man's wallet. That and what he'd owed them previously.

"I'm off to get some new tables sorted out. Giselle, you're in charge. Somebody make sure the guards know about these troublemakers, I'm pretty sure they've done other stuff."

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The witch plopped down next to Adrian as he asked her to lay next to him. "It's been such an odd day today... I've done almost nothing, and yet, I'm ready to just go to bed... " She yawned. She tried to stay awake, but the bed just felt so comfortable after the terrible arena seats and the infirmary. Her eyes were closed, but before she finally went to sleep, she spoke. "If 'Mr. Fancy Knight does come by... wake me... up..." And with that, she was out of it, sprawled on the bed without a care in the world.

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"If 'Mr. Fancy Knight does come by... wake me... up..."

Her body sprawled onto the bed, and Adrian's eyes wandered across it, making him blush and wish that he wasn't in such a state. "Hey, what... about me...? I want to sleep," he paused to yawn, moving his head onto a pillow, "too..." He might've been able to hug her, at least, but he fell asleep himself, as his body sort of shut down. Hope Carrion wakes up for that knight. I... don't know if I'm going to be able to wake up, let alone get up, if he shows up.

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Carrie kind of stands bemused for a moment as she sees she’s been noticed. She stares for a moment at the Anri Girl, awed by her tail with a slightly wide grin, unaware she may look a bit silly. And she blinks at the big guy. Again, dang he's good lo-

...ANYWAY, se coughs mentally, she smiles politely as she remembers she should around strangers, but it is hard to hold back nervousness.

'Hi there! Um, well... I'm Carrie, you are..?'

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Unfortunately, the woman was woken up by a knocking on the door before she could truly rest. Being the non-injured one meant she had to get up, earning Adrian a grumble from Carrion as she slid out of bed and opened the door to see who it was. "Oh you... You wanted to cash in so quickly? I'll warn you, I was just about to rest and was woken up... so my mind is a bit hazy at the moment." She said, not the slightest bit unhappy about it.


"Ignatius... And again, what is one so young and alone doing wandering these woods at this time of night?" The wolf man narrowed his glowing eyes at Carrie, wondering if she was as simple as her appearance lead on, or if there was more.

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'Hi there! Um, well... I'm Carrie, you are..?'

"Amera, now sporting broken ribs and a tired body. Kinda curious as well," she said after Ignatius had asked, "why a girl with seemingly nothing special about her, is wandering through a wood in which giant boar are home to." She lazily raised an arm to point out the massive creature to Carrie, not having rolled over to talk with her yet, and she wasn't really planning on it. Hopefully the girl takes Iggy's advice and sticks with us. I'd rather not have her go off into the woods and get herself killed; she seems like a nice girl.


Adrian stirred as carrion got herself out of bed, opening an eye to see Danyon at the door, but only hearing parts of the conversation. "Bah... shiny armor knight man just go away no one likes you..." he mumbled, shifting around in bed a little. Of course, he didn't shift much, as his body hurt trying to roll over. "Stupid bed... urgh... stupid body..." His mumbling could probably be heard by the two of them, but he was too tired to care.

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Nothing special.

She smiles still politely but she tries to ignore the odd sting those words come with. She gathers she isn't a glamorous warrior or a stunning vision of loveliness, yet it kind feels weird being called 'nothing special'. As if she doesn't really factor too much into things. She puts that aside for now, as well as the odd, instant hollowness that statement comes with. Not as if she meant anything by it. She is fascinated by the wolf man as well, a curious thought, remembering stories told of the Anri that various gossipiests and merchants spilled when they'd chatted with her mother at her stall.

'You're the original, Ignatius… one of the first of the Anri... is it true you've driven back armies with the mention of your name?'

She is curious, how much of him is myth and how much is truth.

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Completely sidetracked by her question, he didn't press her again as to why she was there. He instead snorted, putting a finger to his mouth, "They're saying I've driven back armies now? Oh how the tales get twisted... It was simply a small scouting troop, maybe fifty, give or take a few, were driven away by me. I suppose to some that'd be an army, but that's simply not true. But... you seem to know your history, little one. If you're even more curious, we could discuss it by the fire here. I'm unfortunately tired and wounded, but I always have time for discussion if one desires it!" He went to the fire, motioning for Carrie to come over.

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"Oh... you are already about to sleep? Well, I won't trouble a lady who needs her rest. He closed the door behind him, returning downstairs to engage in more banter. He wasn't very tired; he would be fine.


She'd found her way in.

The sound of her footsteps nearly inaudible, she looked at the group of bandits, all sleeping on the floor near each other. She counted at least 10 of them.

Time to get to work. She drew both her knives, and started killing them as they slept. No point in her only killing Menag if his lackeys ended up chasing her after that.

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Amera was both annoyed and curious of this new development of Ignatius telling his stories. She wanted to rest, but with the two of them about to start talking, she forced herself to roll over and be a part of the conversation. Her shirt was still her pillow, but she kept an arm up across her chest. Even with her tank top on, it was a bit awkward for her. "Well, Iggy, what tales do you have for us, then?" Might as well find out some more from him, and maybe this 'Carrie' will finally tell us why she's wandering the woods...


He groaned and finally managed to roll over, mumbling something about Danyon being annoying and rude. Adrian then started to snore, as he had fallen back asleep.

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Carrie slightly hesitates, as she's holding her hood above her head, so her features can't really be seen next to the pretty Anri Girl. She watches the wolf man sit down and hesitantly moves over by the fire, setting her body down by the fire as well. She looks up at the wolf man and tugs her hood down a bit more and she folds her legs lightly, keeping her face hidden enough while watching the wolf mans features. Finally, she asks something that has poked her curiosity enough.

'How did it all begin..? The Anri..?'

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