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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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The awkward girl had sat with her-- well, Amera didn't know if she was awkward, she just seemed really shy. 'I'm still waiting for the day I find an all female guild... so much of the world to explore..' "Wouldn't that be nice? We wouldn't have to sit around while all these pigs of men stared at us..." She glanced around as she spoke, getting grins and eyes from many of the men at the guild. There were, unsurprisingly, no women there except the two. She still wasn't seeing the neckbeard, which was good. "So, Carrie, ever thought about learning to fight, and being a hunter, or something? Just trying to find a bit more out about you."

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Watching Adrian ogle Aiduen, she only smirked at him. She wasn't angry with him, just taking mental notes, "So you like girls like that, huh? Duly noted!" But she was more concerned that Aurelio was onto something else. "Yeah, we did get off on the wrong foot. Trying to murder me isn't exactly a great first impression if I say so myself...." It was meant sarcastically, but she hoped Aurelio would understand her uneasiness around him now. "Honestly though, I'm really not wanting to explain everything yet a-fucking-gain, sooo... if you really want to know, ask my boyfriend here."


"Pardon me" he interjected to the two of them, "But we shouldn't be expecting to fight anyone at all. I mean, think about this. You're going into, for all intents and purposes, their grounds. Beating them up because they looked at you funny or made a lewd remark isn't going to suddenly make them want to pay you, understand? I'm all for self defense, and if any of them do throw out a threat and want to try and follow up on that, let them. They'll pay for it, mark my words." And with that, he handed a tusk to Gideon and wandered inside, placing his tusk on the counter. Many of the patrons looked over at the sudden imposing figure walking in, a few going back to what they were doing, but the rest decided he didn't belong, the fat man from before standing up. "Hey there furball, I hope you don't expect us to actually think we'll pay you for that, understand? We have something called 'standards' up here, so Anri like you don't get paid for shit, OK? Or is that too much information for you to handle? If you're an Anri, and unless you got tits, we don't want your kind in here!" Ignatius looked to all the patrons, noticing many were brandishing weapons at this point and deciding that this was simply an unfair match in general, he bowed his head, leaving the tusk on his counter and walking outside, giving one final look to Amera, one of assurance hopefully.

The fat man walked over to Amera, a greasy smile plastered on his face again. "So you came back! I hope I didn't offend you there, but we have to keep up appearances here! Anri are despicable, except for the women, like you. It's a shame that some people aren't as generous as us, though. This world is just full of disgusting people who would hate on such beauteous creatures like you!"


Wait, what? Aurelio was going to MURDER this woman?! "OK, can you please explain this? Why were you going to murder these folk?" She tried to keep her voice in check here, and she was doing a fairly good job of it. For now.

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Amera, she finds quite good company and she finds she doesn't really want to hide that much as she talks to her. She smiles again, flashing a light grin beneath her hood as she folds her arms on the table, fingers slightly twiddling with loose ends of her sweaters fabrics.

'I don't know. I never really fought anyone. I don't want to live to fight, but it'd be good to stop a guy from trying to…'

She pauses and hesitates. She doesn't like thinking of the extremes some men can go to. She sighs silently and then smiles up to Amera again.

'So where are you from? You're the actual Huntress out of the two of us.' She offers sideways glares beneath her hood, however ineffectual, at some of the men.

And then she see's Ignatius, see's him cast outside, even as he gracefully accepts this and leaves. She looks after him quietly a moment. She is silent because she knows the guy can tear most of them apart, yet he is doing this just so they can get some money. And as the fat man comes over, as he waddles his lardy ass along, she stands, brushes her hood back and allows her long, messy brown hair free, spectacles on her noses tip. For the moment, she doesn't think of weapons and threats... She even assures herself, Iggy and Gideon would help them. She instead remarks as coolly as she can, her eyes fixed with the darkest glare beneath cold glass at the man.

'Excuse me. We were talking, as you may have noticed. We don't need a pig faced, rotten looking fruit that's fallen so far from the tree they don't remember what leaves are, talking to us.'

Sometimes, you just roll with strange analogies. She finishes though, on a roll, speaking and advancing without care, eyes inches from his tiny, beady eyes.

'My father fixes watches you know. He knows when a watch has an inner working that's broken or faulty. You remind me of those broken timepieces. Faulty. An inner mess. Your head.' She finishes, heart beating so fast she can barely keep the fear down 'your head must be filled with the most crappy thoughts. How I pity you.'

And at this point, she can only silently beg Amera to take her away from this before she get's too scared, before she loses her nerve.

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'So where are you from? You're the actual Huntress out of the two of us.' "Heh, just a small village inside Shuthra. A part of the country where my kind are actually respected." She was a little annoyed at the man behind the counter, calling Ignatius out for being an Anri. It sickened her. She was about to yell her head at the counter-man, when a better target walked up to her.

"So you came back! I hope I didn't offend you there, but we have to keep up appearances here! Anri are despicable, except for the women, like you. It's a shame that some people aren't as generous as us, though. This world is just full of disgusting people who would hate on such beauteous creatures like you!"

"If you don't stop talking, I swear..." before she even could, Carrie surprisingly interjected.

‘Excuse me. We were talking, as you may have noticed. We don’t need a pig faced, rotten looking fruit that’s fallen so far from the tree they don’t remember what leaves are, talking to us.’

‘My father fixes watches you know. He knows when a watch has an inner working that’s broken or faulty. You remind me of those broken timepieces. Faulty. An inner mess. You’re head.’ She finishes, heart beating so fast she can barely keep the fear down ‘your head must be filled with the most crappy thoughts. How I pity you.’

Looks like I won't even have to say anything. She smiled and got up, stretching. "Listen, wide load, I don't want anything to do with you and your 'kindness'. Kindly fuck. Off. Before I have to break your face. And don't think I won't do it..." She'd deal with the problems that getting into a fight would cause, if fatty started one. She took Carrie's hand, and walked over to Gideon at the counter. "Listen, buddy. We killed your stupid boar, so give us our fuckin' money." She was in no mood to deal with these people. At least, not anymore.


"So you like girls like that, huh? Duly noted!" "What?! No, I-- well I do, but-- I mean!" And he was flustered again. So easily flustered by her. His face was read, and he was looking down at his feet once more. Shouldn't have been looking at her, Adrian. Shouldn't have been looking at all. "Honestly though, I'm really not wanting to explain everything yet a-fucking-gain, sooo... if you really want to know, ask my boyfriend here." "L-Let's wait until we get back to the inn, alright? I'd rather not sit here and explain the whole deal amongst so many people. You can wait, right?" He was a bit worried that Aurelio wanted to know because he wanted to finish what he'd started at the mountain, even though Adrian had no idea of his intent. If they were at the inn, at least there wouldn't be a huge commotion if something did happen.

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Teis knew what he would shoot for. His legs were easily the most vulnerable part of him (barring the sword now protruding from his right shoulder), and this man had the same idea as that assassin from before. He was ready for it, and was already running towards the man. Despite that, the arrow still hit his hip, knocking him slightly off balance as well as momentarily knocking his breath out. He regained it after a split second, and let himself fall a bit (but ready to catch himself at any moment if he needed to dodge), building up momentum for a powerful strike as he got close.


--In the stands after leaving Arcen--

"Honestly though, I'm really not wanting to explain everything yet a-fucking-gain, sooo... if you really want to know, ask my boyfriend here."

Ormis knew that voice. About three days ago, he'd have killed it's owner on the spot. Right now, though, he was still embarrassed from his loss and determined not to show it. So instead, he walked over, plopping himself down in the seat next to Adrian. "Hey, what's up? Enjoying the fights?"

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Someone suddenly sat down next to Adrian, "Hey, what's up? Enjoying the fights?", and he recognized the voice immediately. "Ahh! Ormis, hi, how're you?" Adrian had been sort of spooked by how quickly Ormis had appeared, as if on cue to the subject. "Yeah, the fights are good. Thanks for losing so quickly last round, though. Now Carrion owes me a favor, ha ha." He lightly pushed Ormis's shoulder as he spoke, joking around with the kid. "But, really, you did great. Nice fighting out there."

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"Yeah, the fights are good. Thanks for losing so quickly last round, though. Now Carrion owes me a favor, ha ha. But, really, you did great. Nice fighting out there."

Ormis grinned and hit lightly hit Adrian back. "Hey, anything for you, man. But seriously, that thing ((referring to Arcen's sword)) is made out of lead or something!"

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Thinking of how to embarrass Adrian further, she opted not to since she felt he had had enough for a while. "Yeah, you actually did pretty well out there today, Ormis. Good job. I just wish you could've lasted a bit longer and won though... But that's besides the point." She tried being friendly with Ormis now, seeing how that would work out. Without Amera there as her bodyguard of sorts and a recovering Adrian, she didn't know what to expect now.

Fat man

After being brushed aside so very very rudely, he walked right up to the counter and outright slapped Carrie in the face, many of the other patrons a bit shocked, but still obviously backing the fat guy. "Don't you ever talk like that to me again, okay? I'm letting you off easy today since you're a pretty new face, but one more tirade like that and you'll just wish you were dead. Understand?" Turning his gaze to Amera, he smiled again, "And as for you, you may punch my face in, but do you really believe you can take on all of us here? By yourself? And since when was it your money, you fucking slut? Last I checked, it's our money, and we can give it out to whoever we want! Now, since you're such a pretty girl, we'll pay you half, and if you do something very special for me, you can get the other half... whaddaya say, sugar?"


The wolf man snarled to himself outside the guild, simply waiting for one of the guild members to instigate a brawl. He prayed that Amera didn't start anything, despite how justified her reactions would be.

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The man slapped Carrie, and she clenched her fist. Stop, Amera. Stop. Getting into a fight with him is what he wants. "And as for you, you may punch my face in, but do you really believe you can take on all of us here? By yourself?" Yeah, I could kick all of your asses. Just let me fuckin' try... "...And since when was it your money, you fucking slut? Last I checked, it's our money, and we can give it out to whoever we want!" I'm going to kill you... I swear, I'm going to kill you. She was beginning to clench her fist hard enough for her nails to pierce her skin. "...Now, since you're such a pretty girl, we'll pay you half, and if you do something very special for me, you can get the other half... whaddaya say, sugar?" "What... what do I say? What do I say?! I say shut the fuck up, you gross, corpulent, fat man! Shut up before I break you!" She raised her fist to drive it into his face, ready to fight against all of them.


"Hey, anything for you, man. But seriously, that thing ((referring to Arcen's sword)) is made out of lead or something!" "Yeah, anything for me. And, seriously? It looked big, yeah, but it couldn't've been that heavy, could it?" Carrion complained a bit about the bet "...I just wish you could've lasted a bit longer and won though... But that's besides the point." "What's wrong, having second thoughts about that bet? Don't worry, I won't make you do anything too extreme..." He smiled at her, trying his best to tease her back.

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"Nothing extreme? That's not how you do this, Adrian... And here I thought you were going to man up a bit!" She teased him, hoping he'd do something a little drastic with his favor later. Wanting to see him ask something that he honest to goddess wanted from her was what she wanted. she liked being pampered and she liked that someone was trying to think about what she wanted for once, but she didn't want him to be so submissive about all of it. Of course... my outburst earlier might be giving him an extremely wrong message here... I should ask him what he thinks about that later.

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"Nothing extreme? That's not how you do this, Adrian... And here I thought you were going to man up a bit!" She was seriously confusing him, now. She'd had a small panic attack when he had tried something 'extreme' and now she wanted him to do something extreme? "Uh... Carrion, maybe we can talk about that later, alright? I'll drop it, for now..." He wanted to get this straightened out, and in front of these three others was not the best place to be doing it.

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Gideon walked into the guildhall shouldering a tusk, walking straight to the counter and dropping it there. "Boar's dead," he said matter-of-factly. "One hundred, right?" "Wouldn't that be nice? We wouldn't have to sit around while all these pigs of men stared at us..." he heard from the table behind him. Cold as ice, that woman, he thought, smirking.

"Hey there furball, I hope you don't expect us to actually think we'll pay you for that, understand? We have something called 'standards' up here, so Anri like you don't get paid for shit, OK? Or is that too much information for you to handle? If you're an Anri, and unless you got tits, we don't want your kind in here!" a particularly fat man spat at Ignatius. Great, they're racist. This will be annoying... Gideon wanted to say something, but he left it to Ignatius - he could probably handle himself. Of course, then the fat man walked over to Amera, earning him a quick look from Gideon. "So you came back! I hope I didn't offend you there, but we have to keep up appearances here! Anri are despicable, except for the women, like you. It's a shame that some people aren't as generous as us, though. This world is just full of disgusting people who would hate on such beauteous creatures like you!" Gideon's hand balled into a fist. He wanted so badly to deck this fatass, but he needed the money... "Oi," he said sharply to the man, gesturing to the tusk. "I know your policy's not fond of Anri, but I don't have a damn bit of fur on me and I'm looking to get paid."

'Excuse me. We were talking, as you may have noticed. We don't need a pig faced, rotten looking fruit that's fallen so far from the tree they don't remember what leaves are, talking to us,' said the quiet girl with Amera. It surprised Gideon that she could even talk, much less tell him off so easily. Maybe he wouldn't have to get involved...then she went on, much to his amazement. 'My father fixes watches you know. He knows when a watch has an inner working that's broken or faulty. You remind me of those broken timepieces. Faulty. An inner mess. Your head.' For such a docile girl, her tongue was pretty sharp.


'So where are you from? You're the actual Huntress out of the two of us.' "Heh, just a small village inside Shuthra. A part of the country where my kind are actually respected." She was a little annoyed at the man behind the counter, calling Ignatius out for being an Anri. It sickened her. She was about to yell her head at the counter-man, when a better target walked up to her.

"Listen, wide load, I don't want anything to do with you and your 'kindness'. Kindly fuck. Off. Before I have to break your face. And don't think I won't do it..." Amera added, evoking a grin from Gideon. Somehow he was expecting this, but he was still enjoying himself watching.

The enjoyment ended abruptly as the fatty slapped Carrie, and Gideon's eyes flared with rage. "Don't you ever talk like that to me again, okay? I'm letting you off easy today since you're a pretty new face, but one more tirade like that and you'll just wish you were dead. Understand?" He was about ready to rearrange the man's brains with the tusk, but as if to taunt him further, he spoke again, this time to Amera. "And as for you, you may punch my face in, but do you really believe you can take on all of us here? By yourself? And since when was it your money, you fucking slut? Last I checked, it's our money, and we can give it out to whoever we want! Now, since you're such a pretty girl, we'll pay you half, and if you do something very special for me, you can get the other half... whaddaya say, sugar?"

"What... what do I say? What do I say?! I say shut the fuck up, you gross, corpulent, fat man! Shut up before I break you!" Gideon stepped in, took Amera's arm by the wrist, and looked at her. "Take it easy," he said evenly. "We're not here to pick a fight." Then he turned and glared at the man. "Look, mate," he began, his tone sharp. "I know how desperate you are to lose your virginity, and as much as I'd rather not disrupt your smooth operation, are we gonna do business or what? The damn pig is dead, and we brought you its tusks as proof. So either pay us or don't, but don't start running your mouth and stinking up the place with your whiskey breath, yeah?" To his right was a table of clearly armed, clearly hostile men. One of them had a fairly nice axe - the others had swords. Gideon smirked and stood his ground. If a fight broke out, he would just have to get himself a new weapon. "And before you do something stupid," he said, glancing over to the table, "let me remind you that there's a fairly powerful wolfman outside, who, in addition to being our friend, is probably already rather upset with you for kicking him out. This ain't a threat - just figured I'd let you know where the claws that impaled you came from as soon as you drew." Was it a bluff? Of course. Would it work? He sure hoped so.

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She let her arm go, ready to watch his fat ass fly across the room, only to feel a firm grip on it. She quickly turned her head, seeing Gideon holding her wrist. "Take it easy," he said evenly. "We're not here to pick a fight." She growled, glaring at him, now, as if he was the one who'd said all of those degrading things. "You listen here, Gideon, let me go. Let me go, right now, and let me take this shit stain apart...!" She was furious, and her anger had to go somewhere. If Gideon didn't let her go, then her anger was going straight to him. Of course, she'd tried to escape from his grasp, but she was too tired to pull her arm free. She struggled some more, but it was no use. "Gideon, let me go! Fucking let me go!" She was yelling now, trying to turn and get him with her other fist, but at the angle he'd grabbed her at, it was pretty hard to turn and get a good punch.

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An oddly serious tone from Adrian took her by surprise. "Um... yeah, sure." Nothing wrong with that, in fact, he's probably wondering why I'm being so flippant here... It was a fair reaction he had, and she was glad he had it. "Tonight then. Because right now, I'd like to enjoy the show, wouldn't you?" She leaned over to watch Teis and Danyon fight. She was fairly interested in it, but it still didn't teach her much. As such, she grumbled to herself, still pissed about her defenselessness. It hopefully won't be too much longer... Just... need to get unsealed! Just need to get more money for that then WHY am I wasting time here at the arena?! It seriously struck her hard as to why she was bothering being here in the arena, under the silly pretense of 'learning how to fight'. If the first match was any indication, this was terrible actual fighting. And by the time I'd get any good, I'd be unsealed anyway... if I do it right.

Fat man

"Oh, a wise guy, eh? Look, we'll pay you, just keep your damn pet and your bitch in check. After this, you're no longer welcome in our guild, understand?"


He snarled again, this time very audible to the patrons inside, as if on cue from Gideon's statements. A few people walked by and saw him, immediately going the other direction, scared. And for good reason, he looked like he was about to snap.

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Shit! He couldn't turn to dodge, or get away in time, and now he didn't have his horse. He raised his arm to block just as Teis' fist slammed right into his face.

It hurt like hell, but nothing was permanently damaged. There was a pretty bad cut, but it wasn't anything which couldn't be healed. His bow still with him, he tried to see if there was a way he could get to his sword.

He nocked another arrow, aimed towards Teis' left, and fired again.

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"Oh, a wise guy, eh? Look, we'll pay you, just keep your damn pet and your bitch in check. After this, you're no longer welcome in our guild, understand?"

Gideon smirked. "Follow my lead," he whispered to Amera, letting her go. "Oddly cocky of you to be calling the shots when I'm with two pissed Anri just begging for a reason to shred you," he shot back to the fat man. "Tell you what. We'll take the one hundred up front for the job. Then you can pay us twenty more as compensation for my friend here, and you can throw in eighty for one of the tusks. That much ivory will probably sell for twice as much if not more." Maybe he was getting greedy, but with Amera and Ignatius in their condition, this was a fight they could probably win. "You do that, and maybe I can calm them down for you. Of course, unless you're feeling brave..." He folded his arms. "Though from the looks of it, you've probably just eaten a cow or two, so you might be moving a bit slowly." Probably not necessary, but fun all the same. "It's your call."

He hoped that Amera would take the hint and play along, so they could get paid. Of course, if it didn't work, he could only pray that Ignatius' snarl was something that would help their case. "Hear that?" he said, gesturing to the window. "I think he might know what's up. Do your men a favor and deny him his chance."

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The sight of Adrian and Carrion arguing was fairly amusing. Adrian seemed spineless at times, although it was probably easier to give in. Teis' opponent had taken a pretty nasty blow to the face, things didn't seem good for him. Ormis had also reappeared, in surprisingly good spirits for someone who'd humiliated himself.

"Not bad, kid. Keep drinking your milk and maybe you'll be half decent by the time you grow up. That sword will seem like a bread knife by then."



'It would be an honour to dine with you, Ken.'

He smiled, it was nice to see polite people. He was very fortunate in life, coming from a safe background and receiving a good upbringing. It was his duty to make sure everyone could become as comfortable as him.

"Thank you. Don't worry about money, my family sent me with an unusually large amount. It was only meant to last a couple of months."

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"Follow my lead," he whispered to Amera, letting her go. "Oddly cocky of you to be calling the shots when I'm with two pissed Anri just begging for a reason to shred you," A small growl was all he got in response as she tore her arm away from him, letting it settle down against her side. Her fists were shaking, she was so mad, but if Gideon wanted to talk, he could talk. Far be it from me to stop him from talking, while I let this pungent fat carcass keep living! Far be it from me to jump this man and tear his face off!! FAR BE IT FROM ME TO... calm down, girl, calm down. Control yourself, you're better than this... She let Gideon finish, not saying anything, and simply looking down at the floor. "Just... pay us and we'll l-leave..." She finally spoke, after Gideon had mentioned Ignatius. He's right, if we can avoid a fight, we will. She prayed that the fat man didn't say anything, because she didn't know how long she could keep her anger in check.


"Um... yeah, sure." Whoa, she agreed? Uhh... "Th-thanks, Carrion..." He was honestly surprised that she'd agreed to wait. He figured she'd want to embarrass him some more by bringing it up in front of Aurelio, Ormis, and this other girl. He was thankful, either way. And, as the fight went on, he couldn't help but keep glancing over at her. She seemed... restless, like there was something gnawing at her. Well, obviously something is, I mean, what with what's happened, of course something's bound to be bothering her. I just... don't know what it is, this time. I'll take her back to the inn after this match.

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(OoC Response from Carrie: what-a-dick-837x480.jpg)

Carrie takes the hit and she slightly tears up, a slight shake to her form. She is silent as they exchange and she just stands there for a bit. A smile from Carrie to Amera as her eyes are unseen beneath the hood, tugged even further down.

'It is fine Amera... let's get our money and go.'


Obelia smiles warmly and slightly nods, not going to argue with him, yet she knows firmly that she won't pick anything too expensive so as to not make herself feel she is taking advantage of his good will. She lightly moves over by him and tilts her head curiously.

'What do you suggest we eat?'

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"Not bad, kid. Keep drinking your milk and maybe you'll be half decent by the time you grow up. That sword will seem like a bread knife by then."

"Heh, why don't you try your luck? I tell you, it's harder than it looks to fight and show off at the same time!" Ormis grinned, giving another thumbs up and leaned back against his seat, hands behind his head. "Aaaaaanyway, Teis or Lucretia is gonna kick his ass in the finals, so it's all good."


Teis, still off-balance from his punch (which had proved a lot more effective than he'd expected), was a perfect target for that man's bow. Sure enough, an arrow hit his left arm, knocking him back even more. He fell back, spotting his hand-axe on the floor. There's no point in trying to get at him at close-range while he has that bow. Teis grabbed it (the hand axe) and threw it, aiming at his right hand before rushing again, this time raising his other axe for the big strike.

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"Heh, why don't you try your luck? I tell you, it's harder than it looks to fight and show off at the same time!"

"You've got a lot to learn, showing off's for when you've got a good enough lead. It was amusing to watch, perhaps you could become a court jester somewhere. It should be good to see that other guy take a beating."



"I'm rather fond of baked goods, although feel free to order what you feel like. Money isn't an issue."

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Fat man

"Awfully sure of yourselves, ain'tcha? But I gotta say, you've got balls. I'll give you the one hundred. That's it. If you got a problem with that, then you're forfeiting your life. Understand, punk? Or, if you seriously think you can take all of us on, you can try and fight for the rest of what you wanted!" He drew his sword and pointed it right at Gideon's neck, then to Amera, "And if you lose, we get to keep her. Wanna do this, punk? Huh?" With that, the rest of the guildmembers started forming up around Gideon, Amera and Carrie.


The wolfman had heard enough. Opening the door none too gently, he walked in, snarling and growling, "I can deal with mocking my race, I can deal with you being an insufferable being as a whole, but now you're threatening them for no reason. I think it's a fair deal he's put forth, and at this point you'd be a damn fool to just kill a man in cold blood because he said a few mean words to you." A few of the members quickly backed away, cowering from Ignatius, but the wolf man didn't care. His eyes were focused on the fat man, simply staring him down, his teeth bared.

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"You've got a lot to learn, showing off's for when you've got a good enough lead. It was amusing to watch, perhaps you could become a court jester somewhere. It should be good to see that other guy take a beating."

"Yeah, well, when you have some guy coming in and TELLING you to show off, if kind of defeats the point."

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'Excuse me sir.'

Carrie smiles a sweet smile, beneath her hood and she lightly touches the arm of the fat man. She seems sincere for a brief moment, the same sort of smile you could feel from someone who wants to ask you how things are going, or simply to prelude an inquiry into another’s well-being.

'I owe you this.'

And she grips his arm, sending her knee thrusting straight into the man’s crotch with every little ounce of force she can muster.


Obelia slightly blinks to herself, a slight smile that brightens at that thought.

'Baked goods? Sounds delicious... do you mean bread, by any chance?'

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"And if you lose, we get to keep her. Wanna do this, punk? Huh?" "Fuck off!" She blurted out, pissed that she was being treated like some kind of trophy. Like hell I'd let these idiots take me as a 'prize', even if Gideon went through with this... I really hope he doesn't. 'I owe you this.' She'd barely noticed Carrie after she'd been slapped, wondering why she was acting so nice to this putrid blob. She wondered this until Carrie kneed the man in his jewels. Amera smiled, and covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Ignatius had walked back in at about the same time, so she could barely contain her laughter. The man was shaking, clutching his crotch now. Amera grabbed his hair and pulled his face up to meet hers, "Awwwww, look at that, where's all that big talk from before gone, eh? Just a little wimpy man hiding behind his friends, aren't you? Yeah? Well fuck you!" She let his head go, and kicked him in the stomach, his body proceeding to fall to the floor. "Treat me like some prize will ya, I don't think so..."

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