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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"You aren't," "Really? That's good." "You aren't moving, either." "I'm no--? Whoa!" He started walking, and she clung to him, making sure to hold on. Well, that was a bit abrupt. Maybe he actually is enjoying me being silly? "I'll carry you until we get to the inn, but you're not getting a ride inside, you hear me? I just got us enough money to eat three boars' worth and then some." "Ha ha, awesome! I wasn't expecting more than the inn, either way. And yes, you did! I just hope the inn has some nice food. Or we could try and find a quaint little restaurant, or something." She giggled down at him as he looked up. "Make sure you watch the road, there. You fall, and so do I." As much as she was enjoying the ride, his next question was something that she didn't enjoy. At all. "Question. What was it about that fatass that bugged you? I mean, he was a lecher, but he was racist too, so which part got to you?" She frowned a bit, wondering if she could bring herself to tell him. "I-I... th-that is..." You're stuttering, girl. Calm yourself, he's just being friendly, nothing more. "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to. It's probably not something you'd care to remember. I'm just curious is all." "I don't... really know if I can talk about that with you... at least not yet. It's a pretty... personal reason." She lost the frown, but didn't put her smile back on. "I'll think about it, let's just eat something first-- Ow! Agh, and get me to some damn healer. Stupid bones..."

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"I gotcha... Thing is, I'm still worried about everything that's happened and I know you keep telling me not to worry, but I can't help it. I know you're not trying to just brush everything that's going on aside, but like... It's like telling someone who's afraid of water to just ignore that phobia and jump in a lake. Again, I know you're not actually saying that, but that's how I feel right now. I can't get over this..." Before she got into it any more, she stopped. "Sorry, let's just get back to our room, then you and I can really talk." As they walked in, the dining area was packed, the arena fights bringing in many tourists and in turn, tons of customers. Thankfully, they both already had their room, so having to try and barter for a price right now wasn't an issue. Silently, Carrion thanked the goddess for that. Money was short, and so was her patience.


Not particularly interested with much else that was happening at the time, she slipped out of the arena and went back to work to find business booming again. She was quickly put in the back again, asked if she could cook and then started preparing meals for the customers. Oddly enough, even in the hectic atmosphere, she was easily enjoying herself, a bright smile on her face now that she had something to do.


"Whew! These people look tough!" He blurted out as he watched. He knew he'd be up against the hunter tomorrow, and he seemed to be a fast guy. I always did have trouble against the faster ones... Oh well. I'm no slouch on my feet either! Just gotta keep my mind focused on my footwork and everything will work out. I easily overpower him, so if we have to trade blows, he'll just lose out that way anyway... Rationalizing how the fight would go in his mind, he kept nodding, as if that assured his victory.

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"Ha ha, awesome! I wasn't expecting more than the inn, either way. And yes, you did! I just hope the inn has some nice food. Or we could try and find a quaint little restaurant, or something." Gideon shook his head. "I'm not going to sit in some small place that serves local delicacies I can't pronounce. I'm hungry, and so are you, so we're going to gorge on mediocre inn food." He smirked at the idea. A thick stew full of mystery meat and a mug of ale - scratch that, a lot of ale - sounded really good right now.

"I don't... really know if I can talk about that with you... at least not yet. It's a pretty... personal reason." "That's fine," he said quickly. "Tell me when you think you're ready. Or don't. As long as you aren't beatin' yourself up over it, do whatever you please."

"I'll think about it, let's just eat something first-- Ow! Agh, and get me to some damn healer. Stupid bones..." Gideon sighed - getting her fixed up would cost ten, twenty at the least. He really wanted to save as much as he could for a new weapon.

As they neared the inn, Gideon set Amera down carefully. The smell of clearly-meat-but-not-quite-sure-what-kind, the sound of reveling, and the loud music drifting out of the windows caused him to wax nostalgic for a moment. These kinds of places had been his home for a few years when he worked under old man Fish. He had grown used to questionable food, ample drink, and doting wenches - of course, he was a bandit then, so half of the attention he got was driven by fear. Maybe it wasn't the best thing to remind himself of. "You've got the money, so you've got to come with me," he said as he started to walk. "You don't want your mule to starve, do ya?" Taunting her was becoming quite fun, actually. Even if she had a tendency to be annoying, or manipulative. Or both.

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"You're right, you're right. Just, try to worry a little bit less, alright? I can't expect you to not worry at all, but maybe I can get you to stop thinking about it as much." She stooped herself from going on, and he just smiled. "Yeah, best wait until we have somewhere we can yell without freaking anyone else out, ha ha ha!" He joked, pushing her on her temper, knowing it'd spark some sort of reaction. Walking into the inn, he swore he could see Amera and Gideon arriving outside, and Amera was... Nooooo, it can't be them. There's no way he'd let her ride on his back. The inn was full and noisy, so he auickly pulled Carrion up to their room. Sitting himself down onto the bed, he cleared his throat and sighed, "alright... So, is there any specific reason you can think of as to why it freaks you out so much when someone gets close to you? Don't tell me it's just you feeling vulnerable, you acted the same back on the mountain."


"I don't think I'm beating myself up over it: I know what happened isn't my fault, so you don't have to worry about that. And... thanks for understanding." That brought her smile back, and made her almost want to tell him, though she was still unsure of how to do so, or even if she truly wanted to. She slid off his back, yawning a little bit. "I guess sleeping in the woods was more draining than I'd previously thought..." "You don't want your mule to starve, do ya?" "Maybe I do. Then my mule won't make me say 'please' when I ask for a ride~" She threw on the silliest tone she could muster when she said please. He was right, though, and she was hungry as well, so in they went.

The inn was loud, full, and annoying to her ears. They folded back as she walked in, extremely bothered by all the noise. Nevertheless, she sat down at a small table-for-two in the corner, and slouched onto it. At least no one gave me a weird look when I walked in. Maybe this place'll be better than that awful guild. "Come on, Giddy, go order us something." She held out the money bag for him to take, wanting to sit there and try to phase out the noise of the inn.

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"It's not the getting close part that bothers me, otherwise I'd of burned you as soon as I met you." She tried to joke, but it didn't really do anything for her. "Thing is... Well..." Stumbling over what to say, she started rubbing the back of her head, sighing and then sitting down on the bed. "You might not like the reason I have for this." She blurted out after a moment of silence. Another few moments passed before she took a breath and continued, ready to say it. "I'll admit, it's extremely selfish, but... I'm a control freak. I can't stand it when someone does something I'm not ready for or when they, physically or otherwise, drag or push me around. I lose that feeling of being in charge, of being in control of a situation, and it terrifies me. It's just how I've lived, by my own rules, doing everything according to how I want to do it..." Giving a sideways glance to Adrian, she continued again, "Sorry for freaking out earlier, aight? You have no idea how much I'd like to just have someone to hold every day, night, whenever I want em... Maybe you're that someone, maybe you're not, I can't tell the future. Thing is, I think deep down a part of me desperately wants you to be that someone, but my brain keeps me in check in case I let my emotions get the best of me..." Coughing, slightly embarrassed, she gave her attention fully to Adrian, "But enough of that, whaddaya want me to do, Adrian? I'll do anything for you..." Carrion said as suggestively as she could. What kind of scared her here is she actually meant it.

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He'd spent a good while at the arena and needed to get back to woodcutting, the innkeeper would kill him if he brought back so little wood. There were matches tomorrow, giving himself another break would cover them.

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"I know of him, but what of it? We knew eachother's names, but that was about it..."

"Ah, well... I was hoping you knew of one of his students, Cyrus Dirkham. I guess it was too much to ask if you knew where someone was if you probably never met him before..."


He'd watched the last match from where the fighters had prepared, impressed with the girl's skill. Damn, she's good. Not just a beautiful face, but deadly too...

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"It's not the getting close part that bothers me, otherwise I'd of burned you as soon as I met you." "Ha ha, well, you sort of did... you just didn't succeed. Kinda glad you didn't..." He knew she was trying to lighten the situation, but it didn't work that well. "Thing is... Well..." Stumbling over what to say, she started rubbing the back of her head, sighing and then sitting down on the bed. "You might not like the reason I have for this." "Try me. It's not like I'm gonna flip over it." "I'll admit, it's extremely selfish, but... I'm a control freak." What. I can't stand it when someone does something I'm not ready for or when they, physically or otherwise, drag or push me around. I lose that feeling of being in charge, of being in control of a situation, and it terrifies me. It's just how I've lived, by my own rules, doing everything according to how I want to do it..." That's it...? That's really all that it is. he smiled, and chuckled a little. "You should've told me that sooner, Carrion. I mean..." He had no idea what to say. If it was seriously this simple, or at least he found it simple, then she could've told him days ago. "Sorry for freaking out earlier, aight? You have no idea how much I'd like to just have someone to hold every day, night, whenever I want em... Maybe you're that someone, maybe you're not, I can't tell the future. Thing is, I think deep down a part of me desperately wants you to be that someone, but my brain keeps me in check in case I let my emotions get the best of me..." "Hey, if you want to take it slow, that's fine. I've got no problem with that. Just let me know, and I can. I want to be that person who holds you, but... I don't want to do something stupid and ruin this when it's just begun," he fell back against the bed, resting his head on his hands, "so I'll try my best to be smart about this. For you. And stay out of controlling the situation. You do a good enough job of that, already." "But enough of that, whaddaya want me to do, Adrian? I'll do anything for you..." He shot up instantly, blushing, looking down at his feet. It was like a gut reaction to anything she said, that could be taken that way. "I-I d-d-dunno what you c-could do..." His mind began to think of things, all making him even more red. This is just another one of her ploys to embarrass me, I swear it is. "A-A-And besides, y-you're the one who likes to control the situation, y-you think of something!" He was falling all over his words as he tried to speak, thinking to himself how stupid he must look.

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The inn was noisy and obnoxious, all of the arena patrons were enjoying a meal after the fight. Lucretia was starving, but she didn't want to draw attention to herself. She quietly slipped to the front desk where she requested food be brought to her room.

"Certainly! And great fight today!" The concierge said.

"Thanks." She replied and headed back to her room, sitting down on the chair. She put her swords to one side and slipped into more comfortable clothing. She had no need to wear her fighting clothes.

"I wonder," she thought out loud, "what if I just stayed here? After all, I have no need to go anywhere else. My mother is dead, so I don't have to fear her anymore. The nightmares have stopped so I don't need to find the Crimson Witch. I can just stay here. With the gold I've made today, and the gold I have, I can buy a home, and just live in peace." Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the door. "Come in."

The room service had arrived with a plate of food. Lucretia thanked the employee and turned to her meal.


Arriving at the inn and seeing it packed with people, Adano decided to skip his meal for now and eat later when the tourists were all gone. He hobbled off to his room but passed a hotel employee on the way.

"Whose room is that, may I ask?" He stopped the employee, who was carrying a large tray.

"That room belongs to Lucretia Germane, one of the arena fighters." He replied. Adano thanked him and watched as the employee headed away. He looked at the door for a while, considering if it were right to knock. He decided that this would be one of the only moments he'd have to talk to her. He tapped on the door lightly.


The woods seemed endless. The animals all stared at him as if he were some foreign object that didn't belong, but they all sensed that he was one that they would stay away from. In his mind, he was a bit distressed that he was so isolated, even from the animals.

Are the sins of my past that noticeable...? He paid it no mind and made the decision to continue. It appeared to be late afternoon by this point. He had only a few hours before nightfall, and he couldn't afford another night in the woods.

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A day of riding, and she was nearly back in Lazarynth. She'd probably take on more jobs once she was done with this one - She didn't know, really. Nothing seemed clear to her now.


Back in the inn, Danyon had already ordered his meal. He remembered he still had questions to ask the girl he suspected was the "Crimson Witch" - maybe she'd come by now.

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Shaking her head she pushed Adrian back down flat on the bed and got on top of him. "That ain't how this works, Adrian!" Her face inches from his, she spoke in a hushed tone, "You're the one who has to choose what I do here, boy. If I get to choose, it ruins the fun~!" Her face closer still, "Come on, boy, I know you're thinking of something in there. You've got an imagination, so... tell me! Now's your chance!" She smirked, knowing that he felt awkward, but she was enjoying it immensely.


"Cyrus? Cyrus... Oh I know that name... Perhaps my curiosity is to blame here, but I know I can't forget what he has done. I cannot fathom why he did it though, which is the very reason for my curiosity. If I may be so bold, are you looking for him?" Ignatius pried slightly. "Unfortunately, I have no clue of where he would be at this point, if he's even alive. I'm not saying he's dead, but it's been some time... anything could've happened..."

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"... Yes." He clenched his right hand, nearly turning his knuckles white. "I... need something from him, you could say. I guess it was too much to ask you to help, since you wouldn't know where he is."

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"Hey, hey, whoa, whoa--!" "That ain't how this works, Adrian!" And now, she was on top of him, against the bed, inches from his face. What do I do, what do I do!? I-I-I-I... "You're the one who has to choose what I do here, boy. If I get to choose, it ruins the fun~!" "I-I do? I mean, I g-guess I d-do! B-But..." He was red, and embarrassed, and worried, and anxious, and a motley bunch of other emotions that his brain was trying to process. Please don't get closer I don't-- oh dammit, she's closer... "Come on, boy, I know you're thinking of something in there. You've got an imagination, so... tell me! Now's your chance!" "A-Alright..." He laid there for a moment, it felt like ten whole minutes, but he finally worked up the courage to kiss her. His arms wrapped around her back, pulled her close to him, and he simply kissed her for a few moments.

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'...Hahh... Hn.'

Carrie's breathing eases up after a while, slightly quiet as she silently glances up at the inn. She is quiet because she knows she can afford to stay in the inn, yet she is wary of staying in this place. What if that man finds her, or searches for her to teach her a 'lesson'? What if she somehow found out about her family or went and hurt her mother and father, with all his goons, what if-

'RRR!' It's overly exaggerative but she growls to herself, knowing she's panicking, her heart beating hard and fast enough to win the applause of a rabbit if it could applaud. She grips over the dark cloth of her sweater and over her heart, trying to think to still her heart. She breathes in, out, about three times and then lightly opens the door, hood up and walking into the inn.



She notes his tears with a slight confusion. Her sigh is slight, gathering he is quite sensitive to things such as her loneliness. Yet her eyes darken slightly, just briefly, at the mention of his mother and her actions towards him. She moves a step closer and it seems silently a change has occurred. Obelia is almost standing protectively of the priest, eyes watching his own with their own quiet, sad tinge.

'I'm sorry your mother didn't quite act like one.'

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Just as he had returned to his wood pile, it had started to rain. That's what he got for taking half the day off. He gathered what he'd cut down so far, it wasn't much but it was better than nothing. Slowly but surely, he made his way back to the inn.

"That old guy's gonna kill me. Ah well, at least I didn't break anything."



'I'm sorry your mother didn't quite act like one.'

"Do not worry, I grew up training to be a priest, I'm sure it happened in many families. Let us not dwell on the past, we should devote our energy to building a better future!"

He smiled. The girl in front of him was indeed caring, it seemed she was very perceptive. Even after the hardships she had endured, she still had enough hope left to care for others. She didn't even know of the Goddess, but she was still a good person, right? Remembering his own hunger, he suddenly brightened up.

"Ah, I almost forgot. Let us find a table and order something to eat!"

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"I don't think I'm beating myself up over it: I know what happened isn't my fault, so you don't have to worry about that. And... thanks for understanding." Gideon just nodded. That seemed like an obvious thing - if someone didn't want to talk, they wouldn't. That was probably one of the only things the old man had said that was worth a damn. "Maybe I do. Then my mule won't make me say 'please' when I ask for a ride~" Rolling his eyes, but still smirking, he followed her into the inn, joining her at the corner table. Decent choice...

The noise of the inn made Gideon feel somewhat at home. There was something about an inn that always intrigued him: it was the only place where people of all backgrounds and sizes and criminal records could gather and get along just fine. Maybe that was due to the ale... "Come on, Giddy, go order us something." Taking the bag and quickly pocketing it, Gideon raised his hand. He hadn't done this in a while, but at this point it was second nature. "Oi!" he barked towards the kitchen. "Can we get some service here?!" Almost immediately, a petite little blonde girl whose skirt was clearly too short and whose blouse barely covered her pranced over to the table, flashing a bright smile at Gideon as she checked him out. Gideon knew the type - a hustler. Charm me into tipping you well, huh? We'll see how that works for you.

"Hey there," she said coyly, twirling a pigtail as she leaned over towards him. "What can I get for ya, sweetie?"

Gideon wasn't terribly fond of having his personal space invaded by a girl who clearly wanted money from him. At least Amera was subtle about what she wanted when she got up close to him... "Two pints," he replied through a forced smile. "One for me, one for the lady." He looked over at her and grinned knowingly. "And two bowls of stew, thick as you can get it. Bread, too, if you have it." Fishing in his pocket for a moment, he produced a coin and flipped it in her direction.

She grabbed the coin and stuffed it into her cleavage (well, what little cleavage she had), shivering a bit as the metal met her skin. "Comin' right up!" she chirped as she strutted back towards the kitchen, earning her a few looks from the men she passed. Gideon just rolled his eyes and looked at Amera. He could sort of tell before, but now it was pretty clear - something was bothering her.

"You okay?" he asked her, leaning in so he could be heard. "You seem like something's annoying you." He dearly hoped he hadn't picked something she wouldn't like...

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Being pulled in for a kiss made her feel all sorts ways, but mostly good. Her eyes closed as she kissed back, time seemingly stopped for the both of them. Her heart was beating fast, her mind racing, but all in all she was glad this was happening. After a few of the longest moments in her life she pulled her head back from Adrian, giving a sly smile, "Now now, if we get too into this we may lose ourselves... and lose track of time! Not to mention, you're probably still recovering, so you wouldn't get the full enjoyment out of it anyway~..." Sitting up but not getting off of Adrian, she folded her arms, an unpleasant reminder hitting her, "And besides, I need to go answer some questions that pretty boy wanted to ask me anyway..."


"I'm sorry that I cannot help you, young one, but I cannot know what I cannot know." Stretching and relaxing since he was tensed for a fight earlier, he eventually continued, "If I do get an inkling as to his whereabouts, I'll seek you out though. Is this any consolation to you?"

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Completely soaked and freezing cold, Aurelio entered the inn. Now would probably be a good time to get the lowdown from Adrian. The innkeeper pointed him to their room, tutting at the petty amount of, now wet, wood. He climbed the stairs, hopefully they had a fire in their room. They were probably waiting for him, he let himself in. He then wished he hadn't. He laughed.

"Is this a bad time?"

Carrion was on top of Adrian, doing who knows what. It probably was a bad time. He readied his retreat.

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Gideon, could you quiet down some? God damn, it's loud here... She thought at him, wondering if he was telepathic, or something. This little harlot walked over to the table, and Amera sneered under her breath, not wanting to get into some argument with her. Apparently she'd forgotten what she was wearing herself, but she was a bit disgusted with how this girl was acting towards Gideon. You'd better back off, girly... whoa, where'd that come from? She blushed, thinking to herself about why she had suddenly thought that. "Hey there," she said coyly, twirling a pigtail as she leaned over towards him. "What can I get for ya, sweetie?" I want you to put on some clothes, and fuck off. At least the food sounded good. She seriously wanted to just leave for a room, though. The girl had finally left, and Amera sighed. "Of course you'd put the coin into your cleavage, little whore..." she mumbled under her breath, hoping Gideon hadn't heard her. "You okay?" he asked her, leaning in so he could be heard. "You seem like something's annoying you." "It's too fuckin' loud, here..." She said to him, raising her voice to be heard. "D'you think when the food shows up, we can just get a room, and take it with us? Unless you want to hang around here for a while, I can just take my food and get us a room..." Wait, us? No, no he can't stay in the game room with you, can he? What if he wants to? But, what if he... argh, girl, slow down! Her face was still read. Maybe he'll think I'm sick'er somethin'... Thunder struck outside, and her ears perked up. "Great, now a storm..."


He'd not felt this happy for a long while, and he couldn't be happier that she seemed to feel the same way. He longingly followed her as she pulled away from him, though, not wanting the moment to end. "Now now, if we get too into this we may lose ourselves... and lose track of time! Not to mention, you're probably still recovering, so you wouldn't get the full enjoyment out of it anyway~..." "I-I guess so... Though, th-this is pretty nice, as is..." He smiled, and kept his blush, looking up at her. I don't know about not getting the full enjoyment when only my hands are hurting, still... but don't push it, Adrian. "And besides, I need to go answer some questions that pretty boy wanted to ask me anyway..." "Don't you think he can wait? They can't be that importan--" "Is this a bad time?" Adrian quickly glanced past Carrion to see Aurelio there, peeking into the door. "Uh... This... we..." He was ridiculously embarrassed, not knowing how to get out of this without it looking bad.

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Ormis headed to the guild (he'd heard about some scuffle there) as soon as the last fight was over. He arrived to see a fat guy lying on the floor, another man frozen, and most of the others in a general state of shock. In answer to the obvious question, the fat guy said something about a huge man with an axe, a wolf Anri and some other cat girl walking in and trashing the place. It was clearly Amera, and either Teis or that other guy (Aurelio, he knew, was out chopping wood). And Teis had been at the arena for most of the day, so it had to be that man with the rusty axe... Gideon, that was his name.

Then it started raining, scuppering Ormis's plans to go wander around and see what was going on. He instead ran to the inn, sopping wet by the time he entered. He got himself a meal and sat down to eat, his cape (well, the bigger half of it) dripping down the back of his chair.

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"Of course you'd put the coin into your cleavage, little whore..." she mumbled under her breath, hoping Gideon hadn't heard her. He had, and it only made him smirk. Quite a temper on her...I'm gonna have to be very careful around her.

"It's too fuckin' loud, here..." She said to him, raising her voice to be heard. "D'you think when the food shows up, we can just get a room, and take it with us? Unless you want to hang around here for a while, I can just take my food and get us a room..." He had figured that it was the noise. It was kind of an acquired taste...still, did she really want to share a room with him? "Honestly, I can do without the noise," he told her honestly. It had been too long for him to really appreciate it. "And if a storm's coming, we'd best keep from walking through it. If you want, I can go get us a room now, and have them bring the food up..." Why was he being so forward all of a sudden? He didn't even know what she was to him. A cute girl? Sure. That was about it, though. As long as she didn't try to jump him, though, there probably wouldn't be a problem. "It's your call, though. Mules can't make decisions."

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After crying herself to sleep that night, she packed her things, got on her horse, and rode off, not caring where she went. All she wanted to do was find some little place where she could wallow in her sorrow.

Lucinda Might as well be dead.

The noblewoman remained motionless, slumbering the day away while fighting monsters in her head.


The morning was hectic. Not only were they short-handed the day before, but it seemed a significant portion of the staff disappeared, most likely to watch the spectacle at the arena. There wasn't nearly enough firewood, and orders were getting backed up to the point where customers had to wait more than an hour for food. As the day progressed, more and more people showed up, presumably starving after a morning of exciting arena matches... that she couldn't watch, because she was slaving her ass off in the inn.

The weather grew dreary, and a crash of thunder hailed the beginnings of a storm... which meant even more work. Though she was steaming with rage, she kept up her bright smile and overly friendly manner, but if one observed closely, she was reaching her limit. Having worked all morning without a break and feeling faint from the overbearing warmth of so many bodies in the inn, Giselle dropped the tray she was carrying and crumpled to the floor, breathing heavily.

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"Honestly, I can do without the noise," he told her honestly. It had been too long for him to really appreciate it. "And if a storm's coming, we'd best keep from walking through it. If you want, I can go get us a room now, and have them bring the food up... It's your call, though. Mules can't make decisions." Ha ha, still with the mule jokes... don't get too comfortable in that role, or you'll be doing everything for me... "Please do..." The noise wasn't helping her think, and she wanted to get away from it as quickly as possible. She just got out of her chair and started upstairs. Some waitress had fallen over, but, who was she to care? She was starting to get a headache, and her stomach was still hurting. Upon coming upstairs, though, she noticed Aurelio standing in the doorway of some room. She passed by him, not in enough of a mood to see into the room and find out who was there... and then it dawned on her. I have no idea which room is going to be ours. Oh, dammit. She sat down next to one of the rooms, not caring if it was occupied or not, and waited for Gideon.

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"Please do..." she said, her voice clearly showing her fatigue as she staggered upstairs. Gideon couldn't help but feel sorry for her - this was his idea, and it was causing this sort of reaction from her. Maybe when they shopped for 'toys' he could make it up to her. A snack, or jewelry, or something...

His train of thought was interrupted by a crash, and he stood up sharply and looked in the direction of the sound. There was a crumpled body on the floor. A waitress, from the looks of it. Everyone else seemed too drunk to do anything, but Gideon wasn't terribly fond of the idea of being a hero...still, what the hell else was he supposed to do? He walked towards her and helped her up carefully, getting a good look at her face as he did. She was pretty, but she also looked exhausted. "You alright?" he asked, gauging her reaction. "C'mon, stay with me..." There were a few catcalls from the drunken crowd as Gideon helped her up. "Lookit the hero!" "You gonna pay him back for that, sweets?!" "Someone's getting lucky tonight! Soldier on, mate!" Gideon rolled his eyes and scowled - this wasn't what he needed. "Come on, now," he said to her. "Any of you lot know who runs this joint?" he shouted over the jeering. He had to get Amera a room...Perfect. I seem to be attracting loads of exhausted women today...

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Carrie's eyes go wide beneath the hood and she hesitantly runs over at the clatter, leaning down next to the collapsed lady. She turns her over with a slight pant, though more from scaring herself earlier having made her adrenaline pump before easing after she calmed down, leading to her becoming slightly tired. She slightly pauses and thinks what might have caused the woman’s collapse but she calls out, hesitant of herself yet knowing it might help.


I think, she wonders silently. And yet she does note him from before, Gideon wander over, a slightly silent sigh as she tugs her hood up a bit.


Langley mumbles a bit to herself as finally, the priest breathes a hesitant sigh of relief, one less person who appeared close to.., well, something not so good, recovered. She mumbles once or twice and checks, a slight sigh, her lips dry and her throat sore. She tries to speak and finds she coughs once or twice, prompting the priest to worriedly clear his own throat, which she glares at, considering for a moment he's flaunting his own, cleared passageway. He however sighs, nodding to a light cup filled with water and her expression softens, a nod of thanks to him as she downs it, gurgling and drinking it down in one.

The priest… well, raises an eyebrow.


'Well, I am intrigued to see their menu..'

Her eyes are curious as she enters the dining area with him, seeming more like a bodyguard then someone just accompanying him. She slightly thinks and looks around for a table, selecting one at random, in the left hand corner. She nods to it and then to him, curiously asks. She likes him very much, a kind man who seems trusting and gentle. She smiles at that, feeling like for a moment, this is what having a good friend is like.

'That table?'

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