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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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'You want to go anywhere specific, or do you wanna come meet my parents with me? It'll still be a good lengthy trip, the town’s quite far from here.' "I shall let you lead on, Langley. I haven't been out of this city, much, so I don't think I'd know where to go." He was being honest with her, and was truly wondering why she was asking so many questions instead of just going. He'd already said he was fine with the trip. Maybe she's stalling in the hopes that I'll change my mind and want to stay here...

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Zwool sniffed the city air, it was different from the country... so much. But there was a special tinge to this city's... a certain... charred scent. He followed it as best he could, and found himself descending upon some sort of... house with an exquisite garden. He landed on the fence of the garden, balancing on it with ease as he gently smiled at the source of the scent. "Hello Crimson." He said to Carrion.

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'How about your parents..? What were they like, Ken?'

Obelia's question is casual yet she wonders, with the loss of his brother, how stable his live has been. He seems so kind, yet she wonders how much of his past is brighter then his brother’s death, how much more has he got to think of positive wise. So maybe, he had good parents? His father did entrust his legacy with his children, though she isn't sure how much was voluntary on his part.


'Sorry, just… don't go leaving halfway through. I mean, it's okay to, just... don't promise something you can keep. But...'

Langley does finally smile with no doubt plaguing her lips, her form dashing out and down the steps, cape slightly flicking against a light wind that brushes through the area once or twice. She grins back to him and calls out.

'Let's go then!'

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She was able to gain some time after one of the swords connected. She needed to outspeed him and throw off his balance in order to win. She took a deep breath in, her ribs hurt. She'd have to ignore it.

Instead of raising her swords and leaving her chest and stomach open, Lucretia kept her swords lower this time and thrust them towards Teis.


He noticed the girl as he was sitting at the table. He made a quick motion for her to come and sit with him.

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Carrie smiles a bit to herself and moves over, standing a bit less hunched over then she sometimes feels she is. This guy saves her life, ergo she feels slightly more relaxed around him. She slips into the chair in front of him and murmurs.

'Good to meet you, Julius!'

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At... last... "An entire nation... Their teachings resulted... in her death... And they will pay for it."


He turned back to help her get up. "We both have a common goal, somewhat. If you help me find my father... I will aid you in any way I can. Is that a deal?"


"Yes... Yes, it is fair."

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She'd recovered faster than he'd expected her to. Teis brought his shield up, taking a step back so as to be harder to knock over. His axe he raised just slightly off the ground, ready to swing.

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A strange voice hit her ears as she was struggling to bag a few plants. "Hello Crimson." Her heart skipped a beat as she jumped up, looking at who said that to her. "W-What are... where have you been, no, what are you doing here?! Don't call me that, I'm serious here!" Trying to figure out whether or not to be afraid was causing her to sweat a little, seeing as the man could without any doubt kill her if he wanted to at this point. "Did you... need something?"


"Are you absolutely sure she won't mind me asking? Last thing I want is a person wanting to kill me because I asked a wrong question at the wrong time..." It wasn't the question itself so much as her asking the guy's girlfriend some personal info out of nowhere which seemed to bother her. "I mean, I don't know how it'd naturally come up in a conversation if I wanted to ask her any of that, so like... I don't know."

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Zwool chuckled and hopped down from his perch on the fence, careful not to land on anything that looked important. "I was coming to say hi. I wandered off on ya and wanted to make sure you were okay. I've been traveling on my own, but when I... uh... smelled you, I had to come see if I was right," he told her, "What do you expect me to call you? You introduced yourself as Crimson... or Scarlet... I can't remember which." He slowly walked over to her, stepping between various flora, and looking around the area. His gauntlet glowed very faintly, enough to tell it was indeed glowing, even in the sunlight.

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'Sorry, just… don't go leaving halfway through. I mean, it's okay to, just... don't promise something you can keep. But...' Ah, she's worried about that! Oh... well, yeah, that's a legitimate worry. "I'll try my best, Langley. I... don't know if I can promise to stay the entire trip. But I'll try! I have to try." He was sure, now. He hadn't been before, but he was sure he could at least try. 'Let's go then!' He'd been so caught up in his own thinking, that he'd barely noticed Langley leaving, jumping a little a rushing after her, "y-yes, of course!" He hurried after her, staff in hand.


"Are you absolutely sure she won't mind me asking? Last thing I want is a person wanting to kill me because I asked a wrong question at the wrong time..." The thought of Carrion succeeding in killing someone in the state she was in, at the moment, made Adrian openly laugh. "S-Sorry about that, just... nevermind, haha..." He collected himself, clearing his throat, "yeah, I don't know how well she'd react to a complete stranger asking her something like that. Heck, I've probably told you too much, but that's not your fault." Adding that last part as quickly as he could, he leaned back onto the counter and thought, so, how can I get Carrion to... well, I guess if she just goes ahead and explains herself to Aiduen and Arcen when we all get back to the room, I could bring it up. "I mean, I don't know how it'd naturally come up in a conversation if I wanted to ask her any of that, so like... I don't know." "It's alright, I've got it. I'll bring it up if she decides to explain herself once we're all back in the room. If she doesn't, well, I'll bother her about that. Sound fine?"

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"Just coming to say hi? You're an odd one, I'll just say that. And call me Carrion please. That's my name... now anyway." Every step he took made her want to take a step away from him, really afraid of him now since she had no actual defense save for a sword she had no real idea how to use beyond 'shove pointy part in enemy'. "You had to see if I'm alright? Well, I'm fine, OK? And," Her attention was now on his gauntlet, remembering that from when she met him a week ago almost. "What IS that thing...? Why is it glowing?"


"Look, if it's too much trouble, don't bother. Like I said, you're welcome to the room, but until you know how your girlfriend will react, I really should be preparing for some really awkward moments shouldn't I? Shouldn't you be worried? Ugh, sorry, I guess I'm just expecting one thing when it could be another. I guess the real question is do you think she'd be OK with this arrangement?"

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Zwool stopped, and took a second to just blink. "I... really don't know... uh... Carrion," He said, lifting his hand up so he could look at the gem in his gauntlet. "I woke up with it in the middle of No-where. All I know is... if my emotions begin to escalate, it glows brighter, or if someone hurt me... it glows brighter... at least I think it's 'hurt'..." He looked at the ground, kicking a little dirt. Pain... what was pain? I haven't felt in so long I forgot what it felt like... it was almost as if... as if the gauntlet was blocking it. As he thought the gauntlet began to glow a little brighter. With a shake of his head he looked back up to Carrion, he looked... sad. "Why are you so scared?"

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Aiduen was starting to freak a bit, at least he thought it looked that way. He wanted to ask her to calm down and just breath, but she was going to fast to get a word in. I don't think it'll really become that much of a problem, unless... I might as well ask. "... I guess the real question is do you think she'd be OK with this arrangement?" "I think she'll be alright with it, she might even crack a joke or two... at my expense." He still chuckled, as indifferent as he was to that sort of teasing. "Don't worry about it too much. You seem pretty curious about her, just ask about her life. You're a nice person, she'll probably open up, at least a little. How about we talk about something else, to get your mind off of it? Again, she'll be fine with the room, trust me." If anything, she'll be glad to be able to save her money. And, seems like I'm not asking. He was too worried of what her answer might be, so he wasn't going to.

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"A big dragon anri appears out of nowhere on private property, walking towards me, a massive blade on his back and simply wondering how I am out of nowhere! Why should I not be scared?! At the risk of stating the obvious, I don't have any protection right now, and I'll be honest here, it's a miracle I haven't just bolted inside right now. A lot has happened this past week, ok? I'm pretty on edge as it is, and... seeing you out of nowhere just freaked me out." Listening to his explanation on his gauntlet had her curious though. It... reacts to emotions? Who could have made such a thing?


"Hm, yeah, free things are nice, aren't they? It helps to have awesome connections like me." She giggled slightly, enjoying talking with Adrian overall. "Um... I don't know, you got any hobbies? I know I like to just count things I see as I walk by in the streets. Weird, I know, but it keeps my mind very sharp, gets me noticing tiny details, actually."

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Zwool shook his head. "But, I haven't done anything to threaten you really, ever. In fact... I distinctly remember being very nice to you and letting you sleep while I finished some uh... 'work'," He told her with a gentle, sincere smile. "I'm sorry to drop in un-announced, I was concerned for you. I left you in... not the greatest condition, I was worried you might be... dead." He shook his head clear of the thought. "Are the others okay?"

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"Hm, yeah, free things are nice, aren't they? It helps to have awesome connections like me." "You've got no idea. You really, really don't. This is probably the best thing that could've happened to us this week. Thanks, really." I don't know what we'd be doing without room and board. Ha ha, we'd have to sleep outside under some tree, or make a crappy little fort. He began to try and think of a subject of conversation, when Aiduen graciously gave him one, "Um... I don't know, you got any hobbies? I know I like to just count things I see as I walk by in the streets. Weird, I know, but it keeps my mind very sharp, gets me noticing tiny details, actually." He smiled, "Counting, eh? At least menial things like walking would become more interesting, then. As for me, cooking. I'm not some school trained chef, but I love it when people get to enjoy my food. Maybe, if I can get access to the kitchen tonight, I can cook for the four of us?"

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After giving it some thought, she became less tense. "I... guess that's true. You did trust me then, so... I... I suppose I'll give you my trust for now." It was odd, giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Swallowing my fears and my words at the same time gives me a terrible feeling... augh... "So um... The others...? Adrian's fine, and well... I seem to have made enemies of the others save for Ormis, if you remember him. He was the small kid there in the wagon. Susan... I haven't seen her at all. Chances are she went off to other work."


"Oh! You like to cook?" She was thoroughly interested now. "So uh, do you ad lib or do you like to follow recipes? Sorry if my eagerness puts you off, I just kinda like cooking as well. Have to do a lot of it when my brother and I go camping." She smiled at Adrian, hoping he could share some tips with her at some point."And I'll see what I can do about that. Probably not be able to get you complete access, but I can probably get you to cook some meals people ask for. Do ya want that?"

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Zwool blinked at the mentioning of Adrian's name, before looking down at his hand, opening and closing it as he thought. "Adrian... he was... the one you exploded, wasn't he? The one who's gibs I picked up?" He inquired, still staring at his hand. "I feel sorry for the others, what did you do?" Though... something tells me even I already know the answer. His gauntlet dimmed a little, and he adjusted the sword on his back a little.

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Lucretia had managed to get one of her swords in but Teis was pretty sturdy, and was coming back with a counter attack. Even if she blocked it wouldn't be pretty. Part of him couldn't watch but he knew he had to.

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"Oh! You like to cook?" "Of course! It's practically all I'm really good at. I haven't had a chance to cook in a while, though. I might be getting rusty, ha ha." Now they were talking, as Aiduen went on about her own cooking. "I tend to ad lib. Following recipes is too routine, and you can discover some really cool things by making food your own way. And... some less than enjoyable things, as well." He'd remembered the time he tried to cook chicken with pineapples. They'd worked with Ham, but with the chicken... it made it ridiculously sweet, he could barely eat the thing. "And I'll see what I can do about that. Probably not be able to get you complete access, but I can probably get you to cook some meals people ask for. Do ya want that?" "Sure, sure. Maybe you'd want to help me cook? It'd probably go faster with two heads in the kitchen, and we might be able to think of something cool!"

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"What did I do? What did I do?! I did nothing! A bounty was placed on my head and then the others, especially Grant, damn him, decided to chase after me! I've been on the run this whole time. This... whole time." As the man looked to his gauntlet and began shifting his sword on his back, she found herself backed against the wall, eyeing the sword wide eyed. "W-What, I swear to the goddess I'm telling the truth here!"


"Yes! Sounds like a plan! And don't worry, if we really manage to screw up, I know a few simple things that everyone loves and I can make really quickly!" Clapping her hands together excitedly, she almost forgot, dishes were piling up again at the counter. "Well, before we get fired, we should probably get back to work here. When they call for a shift change, I'll ask if we can work the cooking station, OK? From what I can tell, it's the hardest one, so someone volunteering for it, like you, should be able to get it easily. So come on now, newbie, we've got dishes to wash for the moment" Grinning to Adrian slightly, she went over to the dishes and began washing furiously again, the thought of cooking with a friend driving her on at this point.

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Zwool looked up at her and blinked, then he realized what he was doing. "Oh... sorry..." He drew his sword, slowly, going out of his way to not looking threatening, and tossed it aside. "I'm not going to hurt you... You seem so... tired? I guess?" He mused, adjusting his gauntlet idly. "This world is so strange to me, the people and animals... the smells.." Taking a deep breath he continued. "I know very little about it, most of my memory is blank... I remember... one detail about my past... and that, I must never remove this glove, ever... otherwise," He stopped for a second, blinking... his thoughts trailing on in his mind.

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"Ha ha! This'll be great, but, I want to warn you, I've never cooked with anyone before. We might end up cooking some uneatable monstrosity. Oh well, it'll be something new and fun to try, eh?" I finally get a chance to cook something, alright... I've been waiting for this. Of course, I lost all of my spices a while back, but they should have a stash here. She mentioned the dishes, having forgotten why he was even there in the first place. "Oh, damn, you're right! Geez, we were talking for way too long there. Not that I minded us talking, or anything." He went back to drying, as she started washing. "... I'll ask if we can work the cooking station, OK? From what I can tell, it's the hardest one, so someone volunteering for it, like you, should be able to get it easily." "Sounds great. Now, let's see if we can't power through these dishes!"

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"No, don't apologize,I-I'm sorry. I'm just very very nervous right now, sir... And yes, I'm tired. Not so much physically, but emotionally as well. So much crap has happened within the past few days, I lost my ability to use magic, and... Adrian... It's just so overwhelming for me right now. I'm so sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable here, but I've got a nervous reaction nowadays." As he went on to explain his guantlet, she cocked her head. "You've no memories yet you're told not to remove it...? Well, obviously there's a link there, but... just to be safe, I wouldn't remove it if I were you. If that thing is attuned enough to glow when you're feeling something, chances are it'll affect you massively if you take it off. Just a hunch..."


She was practically throwing the dishes to the side at the pace she was going, hoping Adrian was on top of his game and getting them before they crashed or anything. "You want me to slow this down or just keep going?"

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"You want me to slow this down or just keep going?" He could barely keep up with her, obviously not as good with kitchen work as she was. He'd only ever had to clean dishes for himself. "I-If you could slow down just a little bit, that would be great." He kept drying, though, watching the stack slowly pile up as they went. Just keep up the pace... or try to go a bit faster! He tried going faster with the drying, somewhat managing to make the pile's size shrink. Only somewhat.

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