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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Zwool nodded. "I did try to remove it... despite my instincts... it... wasn't pleasant... the sensation... terrible." He shook his head clear of the thoughts. "It's not you that's making me feel uncomfortable... it's the fact... that...' his gauntlet started to flare brighter, and his face visually grew flush. "It's the fact that you... and Adrian, and the others... you're the closest thing to... heck, even acquaintances I've got." He told her. "I've been wandering around looking for others and... nothing, much like your initial reaction they were either to scared... or looked down on me as garbage..." He rubbed his face with a heavy sigh, evidently, he had his own things to exhaust him.

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"Well..." she began, "Adrian and Ormis are with me here in Lazarynth. Susan and Greg are goddess knows where at this point. If you'd like, I can try and get them both to see you again? Is it that important to you? As for people being scared upon seeing you, I can... kind of relate to that. Again, I'm sorry about that, but when you're wanted in almost every country, it's not that uncommon to be scared of sudden visitors..."


"OK, I can slow it down for ya. Won't do us any good if we have a boat load of wet dishes, right?" A little laughter later and she was nearly finished with her pile, a bit surprised it went down that quickly. "Whew! That's... some hard work, my arms are tired now, oooww...." She rubbed her arms a bit to soothe the aching but was otherwise entirely fine.

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"OK, I can slow it down for ya. Won't do us any good if we have a boat load of wet dishes, right?" Good, good, now I can actually catch up. Geez, I thought this job was going to be easy... "Thanks," he said simply, turning the wet pile into a dry one, now that she'd slowed down. A bit later, they were finally done with the mountain of ceramic, as he sighed, leaning once again onto the counter. "Damn, washing dishes is harder than I'd thought it would've been. Seriously, that was pretty ridiculous." He arms sort of hurt as well, though he'd gotten the easy job of drying. He didn't want her end of the job any time soon.

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With a light grin, happy to see him wanting to come along, Langley heads for the city gates and begins to ends moving in quite happy frantic gestures, which direction their destination is.

'To get where I wanted to go, where we can go, we should head northwest to reach Chaldron. It's a coastal town, so I might actually get to show you the sea. We may have to head through the mountains to reach there, so I hope you're warm in those robes.'

Langley smiles to herself, hands falling calmly to her sides as she walks ahead to the town gates. It feels good to have a new friend to do this stuff with. She does hesitantly keep quiet though, about her mission. She doesn't expect him to want to come along on that and nor does she think she'll let him. That is… a bit too dangerous, she wonders.

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Zwool smiled and nodded to her. "It would be... nice... to see possibly familiar, and friendly, faces again..." He told her, his gem fading in and out. "Can I grab my weapon without you freaking out now?"

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She watched him swing the axe, and immediately sidestepped the blow. That precious moment she received allowed her to send another slash towards Teis.


'Good to meet you, Julius!'

He quickly smiled at her. "You got my note," he began as he handed her a menu, "I already ordered, but I told them to wait until you arrived and ordered to start making it, if that's all right."


This was turning into a fight that would really test Lucretia. Adano continued watching intently.

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The swing missed. Not that anyone watching would be surprised, but Teis was tired, and his axe was far from light. The recoil from the swing knocked him off balance, just enough for her to get inside his guard. Shit-!

Without any other choice, Teis turned his shoulder towards the strike, taking the blow full on. Instead of stopping to regain himself, he trusted his armor and ran forward, keeping the blade pressed against him. ((He's trying to ram her))

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He's trying to ram me--!

She was pretty close to him when he started running. From the distance, she knew that she wouldn't be able to dodge the whole blow. She did the best thing she could--duck down and take the blow on her weaker arm. She kept the sword in her right arm (her strong arm) ready to attack as soon as she was able to get an opening.

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Carrie blinks once or twice, registering the fact he wants to get them some food. She tries to be playful about it, yet can't help a small smile at the way the guy was trying to help out.

'Thanks for making sure they waited for me. I was gonna ask for something filling, like a bit of meat...'

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Teis hit her, but she'd managed to avoid most of the blow. As his armor was quite heavy and Teis was too tired to come to a complete stop, he slid a bit past her, slamming his axe against the ground to catch his balance. He raised his shield again, wary.

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Her sword hit Teis' shield. Her left arm was sore from where he had hit her, but she could move it still, albeit barely.

My arm hurts, my ribs hurt, I'm tired... She swung at him again. This needs to end soon...


'Thanks for making sure they waited for me. I was gonna ask for something filling, like a bit of meat...'

He wanted to chuckle at the last part regarding the meat, but he stayed calm and asked the waiter to come over.

"She's looking for some meat. It seems you didn't eat in some time." He said, as he gave the waiter a shiny coin. "And bring us some drinks while you're at it."

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Carrie smiles once more, yet hears finally the last words she just said, eyes a bit shy as she thinks to herself, did I really just... say that?

'...Um… are you... here with anyone? Like your parents, family, friends..'

...May as well say it, her eyes closed, yet asking as casually as she can.


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'...Um… are you... here with anyone? Like your parents, family, friends.. Girlfriend?'

Julius couldn't help but laugh out loud at the last word.

"I don't have a girlfriend, and I don't plan on having one." He said between chuckles. "No offense, but I'm into men." He paused, allowing her to take that last bit in. "As for family, needless to say I'm the only one alive."

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Teis's arm was almost completely numb from the shock of blocking so many blows. This was the first time he'd really used one against such a formidable opponent, so he wasn't used to the repeated hammering. Instead of using his shield to block her next strike, Teis raised his axe.

I... This armor... so... heavy... This needs to end...

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Carrie balks silently, yet seems fine. Another guy she seems to be interested in... She shakes her head. That's a stupid thing to worry about. She smiles a bit warmly and then listens, knowing then that it's rather foolish to worry on such things when someone has just told that they have no family.

'Ah. Then a boyfriend? ~'

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'To get where I wanted to go, where we can go, we should head northwest to reach Chaldron. It's a coastal town, so I might actually get to show you the sea. We may have to head through the mountains to reach there, so I hope you're warm in those robes.' The sea... my, that would be a sight to behold. I've seen it in books, but I've never had the chance to experience seeing it with mine own eyes... "I've heard of Chaldron, though I've never been there," he spoke as he headed to the gate, with her, "I assume it's a nice town? You seem to know enough about it." I do hope there's more people like her there. A whole town of people I can interact with... ha ha, that would be such a blessing.

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'...My home.'

Langley smiles back to him and she continues to walk, quick steps leading outside the town and her head turning back and looking to Andy as she walks.

'It's a good place to grow up, but trust with the people in that town comes with time. Everything takes time.'

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"Y-Yes... you can... pick it up. I'm sorry, sir, I know I keep saying it but it's not you that's making me freak out, which is to say, it isn't just you." She dusted her dress off and looked into her bag, figuring she had enough for now. "Well, I have to get back to work. If you wanna stop by the hotel, me and Adrian are probably grabbing dinner there, so yeah... Maybe we can grab Ormis as well." It was nice. To make dinner plans for once, almost as if she had a normal life. She smiled as she walked back inside the shop, waving to Zwool.


"Alright, shift change, we need someone to start cookin right away so let's go people!"

"OK, Adrian, you wanna do this? It's now or never!" She may have been taking this a little too seriously, but she was having some of the most fun she had ever had in the longest time.

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Zwool waved as he picked up his sword. "Wait!" He called out to Carrion, running to the door. "What hotel? What time?" He sheathed it smoothly, and his wings started to flutter, indicating he was about ready to leave after he got these two little details.

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"OK, Adrian, you wanna do this? It's now or never!" Yeah, it sure is... she seems enthusiastic about this. I do hope we don't screw this up. "Alright, let's do our best... wait, we're going to be cooking for the entire inn?" He was suddenly unsure of himself. He didn't know the recipes used there, the types of food cooked in this country. Oh, geez... but if I don't do it, we won't get access, and I won't get paid. Gotta try at least...! "Nevermind that, yes, let's do it!" His sudden boost of confidence seemingly coming from nowhere, he wanted to try, at least. Yeah, I guess that's why I'm so up for this, now. Gotta try!

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Surprised at his sudden advance, she was stunned for a second. "Uh... the only hotel here? It's like... a few doors down from this shop. And like... a few hours from now, three hours. OK?" Smiling again, she went further inside.

"Hey, Carrion, who're you talking to?"

"Oh um... a friend I haven't seen in like... a week. He kinda just flew in." Rubbing her head she smiled.

"I see... do you like him? Because I'm seeing a pretty different side of you after talking to him!" She teased

Flustered, Carrion grunted, "Eh, shows what you know! It's... it's not like that! I... don't think anyway..."

"What was that? I couldn't here your confession! Ahahaha, I'm just joking, just joking Carrion. You get those plants I needed? Shouldn't have been that hard."

Handing the bag over to the girl, she let out a sigh. "I let people get to me too easily, it's... been a rough life, alright?"

"I gotcha, I gotcha... go ahead and take the rest of the day off then. There's really not much else I need you to do here, and this is already helping me out a lot, so thanks. See you tomorrow? I'll get you trained on other things here, nothing too difficult, just what goes where, how to clean, etc..."

Suddenly bright and cheery, "Really? Oh this is great, thanks, uh... I didn't get your name, actually..."

"Meredith Hostlin, pleasure doing business with you."

"Thanks Meredith, I'll see you tomorrow!" And with that, Carrion made her way back to the hotel.


"Alright, this won't be difficult. For the time being, just follow my lead. Over here you've got spices, here you've got utensils, pots and pans, and in the back we've got meats that are being chilled with some Ice. I swear it's magical ice at that, the stuff is just too cold to be natural, but I digress. It's simple food we've got here, nothing fancy, but you put enough gravy and spice on something, people generally pay a nice price here I find."

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Zwool nodded toward Carrion as she stepped further in, taking off into the air. So, he had three hours to kill... three hours... well, he'd already flown around most of the town... so he didn't know where to go. After a quick loop around the city he found himself, well, at the hotel. He didn't step in... he wasn't sure about how the people who owned the place felt about Anri people, so instead he chose to just glance around, take notes of the passerby... and their reactions to seeing him.

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Both Lucretia and Teis were noticeably tired. That wasn't good for Lucretia, she'd gradually lose her speed - and her ability to dodge. Teis' attacks would probably slow down, but his armour was going to hold up. He turned to Adano, but he was focused on his daughter, hopefully Lucretia would pull through this one.

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"Of course I will, ha ha. I don't think my lead would lead us anywhere." The kitchen was pretty nice, better than anywhere he'd cooked; he only had his own kitchen back at home, and it wasn't anything special. The spices were intriguing, though, and as Aiduen explained to him how it all worked, he'd made his way over to the stack and was examining them all. Paprika, Cumin, Basil, Chili, Curry... man, this is going to be fun. I haven't had access to all this in... forever. "...but you put enough gravy and spice on something, people generally pay a nice price here I find." He smiled over at her, chuckling a bit. "I know all about that. It'll make this easier on us, I guess. So, let's get started?" The whole time, he'd almost forgotten about Carrion, suddenly wondering where she was. She's probably still at work, Adrian. I know you miss her, but still. Chill out.

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"Huh?" There was an anri standing outside of the hotel as she was walking to it, the same man from before. She smiled as she approached him, "You're a bit earl, ya know... right? You DO have a concept of time, right? If you don't I'm not trying to be rude I'm just kinda confused why ya seem to be, well, wandering about out here." A pretty standard question in her mind. "You know, I don't think I ever got your name... You do remember that, right?"


"Alrighty then, Adrian, let's get cooking!" And then, they cooked. It was glorious. And then there was a

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