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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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The axe came down and Lucretia barely had time to block it with both swords. The force from the blow pushed her down to the ground. With Teis' axe right above her and nowhere else to go, Lucretia knew her time was up.

He's good. I'm glad I lost to someone that knows what he's doing.

She threw her hands up and dropped her swords onto the ground. She had lost, it was over.

"The winner is Teis Risdryn, who will be going to the finals!"

Lucretia wanted to hear her name so badly in the finals, but she conceded defeat. She offered her hand to Teis to shake.

"Great match. You really deserve to make it to the finals."


On the edge of his seat, he was nervous when Teis' axe was right at Lucretia. When she yielded, he knew that there was nothing left she could do.

"That was a good fight. Teis is an excellent fighter." He mused.


'Ah. Then a boyfriend? ~'

"I wish. Needless to say I've not really had...time to find a boyfriend." He replied. He'd been running for a while now, this was the first town he'd stopped in for more than a night in a very long time.

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"The winner is Teis Risdryn, who will be going to the finals!

Teis had won, it took him a few seconds for it to register, but Teis had definitely won. Not that he didn't deserve to, there was just part of him that wanted to see Lucretia win and get through to the final. And another that wanted to see her win that too. He turned to Adano;

"She may have lost but she looked pretty good out there, I swear it could have gone either way at any moment."

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And the montage was amazing.

The inn wasn't as active as it would be later in the day, so the cooking wasn't as difficult as Adrian had thought it would've been. Well, hopefully we always get the earlier shift. I'd hate to be chef when everyone returns from the arena. I can't imagine all the food being ordered. He sighed, and leaned back onto that same counter. It was the only real place to lean in the kitchen. "That was... an experience, to say the least." It had been an enjoyable one, at least to him. He wouldn't be stopping his job any time soon.


'It's a good place to grow up, but trust with the people in that town comes with time. Everything takes time.' He'd continued to follow her, making their way out of the town. "I guess I'll fit in then, it normally takes a while to gain my trust as well." Speaking of which, do I even trust this girl? For whatever reason that I still can't figure out, I can at least speak with her, but... I barely know anything of her. I should find out. "Uhm, Langley? D'you think you could... well, tell me more about yourself? I can reciprocate if you want, of course..."

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Carrie's eyes probe his. For a moment, she is unaware her stare matches her mothers. Caring tinged with a piercing quality and with her glasses and hood still up, this muffles the effect of this gaze.

'Why? Is something taking up time you wish you had free?'


Langley turns her head back, curious in her eyes as he mentions wanting to know about her. She lets herself fall back a bit so she's walking by his side yet not too close to make him feel jittery. She thinks and then asks a question back.

'Well, what would you like to know? I can give you everything or just bit by bit so you don't get over-whelmed.'

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Zwool blushed when he saw Carrion walk up to him. He didn't expect her to come around so soon either. "Well, the thing is... I uh... I didn't know where to go or what to do with myself for three hours... I've already given myself a tour of the city... i... uh.... My name's Zwool." He stuttered out, shaking his head to try and clear the myriad of thoughts going through his mind. His gauntlet was glowing fairly bright, almost to confirm he felt rushed,

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"Alright, Zwool. Are... you feeling well?" Concern in her voice, she eyed the gauntlet again, noting that it was glowing pretty brightly now. "Is something the matter? Wanna walk it off? A walk will calm you down if that's the case her, man." Walking in front of him a little, she patted her scabbard twice, "You wanna walk or no?"


"Oh no, don't tell me you think we're done! We're just getting started!" Pulling out more things to cook, she grinned, "Come on, we've got more orders to fix up here, you take these and I'll get these!"

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"She may have lost but she looked pretty good out there, I swear it could have gone either way at any moment."

He turned to Aurelio. "Heh, yeah. Lucretia's the best in Miyako. No one can take that title from her." He smiled. "C'mon, let's go see her."


'Why? Is something taking up time you wish you had free?'

"Not really, no. I've just been busy trying to get away from Lushira for some time now. I need to keep a trail leading away from me." He looked down at his sword. Part of him wanted to throw it away and start anew, but he knew that this sword was to be his reminder of his family, and his past sins. It would be the way to absolution.

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"Heh, yeah. Lucretia's the best in Miyako. No one can take that title from her." He smiled. "C'mon, let's go see her."

It was probably a good idea. She seemed to have taken it well but he wouldn't mind seeing her. Considering her father suggested it, he could probably get away with it. Adano seemed to have taken it well, he looked incredibly proud despite the result.

"Sounds like a good idea. She's pretty amazing, I feel like a barbarian in comparison."

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Zwool gave his head one final hard shake. "No, I'm okay... just, a rush of thoughts is all." He then looked up and realized she was directly in front of him. "Unless... you wanna go walk or something?" The gem on his gauntlet dimmed. "I'm... just more worried about the people, I've realized that, as an Anri, if your not a slave or servant in some form, your less than garbage to most people... it's hard, being in public, with out the political protection of an 'owner'" He sighed. "Not that that really matters to you... go do whatever it is you're going to do, I'll just... figure out something...," he told her, waving her off as he turned and looked down the street again.

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"Oh no, don't tell me you think we're done! We're just getting started!" "What? Oh, okay. Well, it's been easy so far, it shouldn't get that much harder." He sighed, going over to her to continue cooking. Just gotta keep this up for a while, and then I can get paid. A few more hours, and I can see Carrion again, take a rest, ask her how her day has been. I'm sure she got a job as well. "So, uh, Aiduen, how long d'you think we're going to be working? Or, when d'you think we're going to get another break? I want to check if Carrion's back, yet."


'Well, what would you like to know? I can give you everything or just bit by bit so you don't get over-whelmed.' "Tell me about you, I guess. I just realized that I'm traveling with someone I know nothing about, and I'd rather we at least learn of each other than do nothing for the trip--" He'd spoken to much of his mind again, and he abruptly stopped speaking once he'd realized he had. "S-Sorry, I'm running my mouth again. Just... tell me as much as you feel comfortable saying."

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A look of sadness on her face as she watched Zwool simply deny her, she shrugged halfheartedly. His last statement struck her pretty hard though. "It doesn't matter to me? Boy, don't say things you can't back up. If there's one thing I know, it's oppression and hate for being who I am. Not to mention, you're in the nation of Shuthra, in a Shuthran city... You're protected here unless you meet extremists, OK? Look, I've got a bunch of f-friends here now. If you ever need something just come ask around for me. I think I'll be staying here for at least a while. But... I guess I should be going now. You've got a lot on your mind I guess, sorry for the trouble." and with that, Carrion went inside the hotel, grabbing a seat and looking at how much she had made today. "Well... it's something, anyway..."


"Oh! I'm sorry, you really should have taken a break ages ago, I got carried away, ahaha!" Jokingly shoving Adrian, "Go on, get. I can handle this if you need to go talk to your girlfriend. just be back in half an hour, OK? Also, do tell her about what we talked about while you're looking for her, if you can get to her."

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"Come on, Lucretia, kick his ass!"

Ormis was amazed at how the fight seemed to be going. Teis looked like he had the upper hand at some times, but Lucretia refused to back down at all.

"The winner is Teis Risdryn, who will be going to the finals!"

That took a second to sink in. No way. Teis was strong, but Lucretia should have run circles around him. What happened?


"Great match. You really deserve to make it to the finals."

Teis shook the hand offered, with a tired sigh. "I really wasn't expecting to win. Good fight, though."

He made his way back into the rest area, exhausted. Taking a second to just lie down and rest and be healed, he mused at the current turn of events. Well, I've made it this far. May as well push for the finale!

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"Oh! I'm sorry, you really should have taken a break ages ago, I got carried away, ahaha!" "No, no, it was fun. Get carried away like this some more, it makes the job that much better. I'd rather be here getting carried away with you, than be here alone, or stuck with some completely unsociable git." He laughed with her, intentionally letting her push him farther than intended. "Owwww, don't push so haaaard, ha ha ha!" He had to get one last joke in before he left, not really wanting to leave her all along working, but still wanting to see if he could find Carrion. "... just be back in half an hour, OK? ..." Crap. Can I even find her in half an hour? Not wanting to let Aiduen work all by herself for longer, and not wanting to lose his job, he nodded, at that, and the other thing she mentioned. Gotta get her to talk as well. Huh...

Stepping out of the kitchen, his job was made easy, as she was just sitting at one of the tables. Oh, there she is. Well, that was easy. He had a rather mean idea, and smiled, wanting to act it out. She seemed preoccupied with something, so he did his best to walk up behind her, and slide his arms around her into a soft hug. "Hello there. Have a nice first day at work?" He chuckled a little, wondering how she'd react.

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I guess it's good that the man I lost to is in the finals. He needed a bit of a stretch, and he was sure the next round of matches wouldn't start for at least 15 minutes. More than enough time to give his horse a good run.

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Getting pulled into a hug, she panicked for half of a second before realizing who it was, "You...? Have you been hanging here this whole time? Does that mean... Oh man, did you get a job here?! Oh that's fan-fucking-tastic, you're the best!" Giving him a quick peck on the cheek she smiled at him, "Yeah, I guess I had fun. It was quiet and rather uneventful up until like a few moments ago, which was really something I needed, trust me.Anyway, remember that anri fellow we both met on that wagon? Yeah, he just kinda flew in on me, scared the crap out of me!" She rolled her eyes at the mention of him, "He seemed... distant though. I almost feel bad for the guy. But that's for another time. I guess I owe ya dinner, don't I?"

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Zwool blinked and turned "Wai-" but she was already heading in... He bit his lip, took a deep breath, and followed her in. He noticed Adrian and her in an embrace. He smiled and gave them a friendly wave as he approached. "Um... hey, uh... Spices... er... I guess your name is Adrian huh..." He said awkwardly, his expression clearly indicating he had no idea how to handle the situation... especially considering that last time he saw this guy, he was a pile of gibs in a winter forest. "It's uh, been awhile..." He unstrapped his sword and leaned it against a nearby chair, coughing awkwardly.

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"You...? Have you been hanging here this whole time? Does that mean... Oh man, did you get a job here?! Oh that's fan-fucking-tastic, you're the best!" He laughed, not expecting such a reaction. He liked it, though. "Yeah, I asked the inn keeper after you'd left if they had any space in the kitchen for work. Obviously they did, with the tournament going on. It's been pretty busy today; I've actually got to get back to work in thirty minutes. I just..." he blushed a little, chuckling, "wanted to come and see you." He let his arms relax around her in the hug, just resting his head close to hers. "Yeah, I guess I had fun. It was quiet and rather uneventful up until like a few moments ago, which was really something I needed, trust me." "No problem, Carrion. I take it your job's not the most entertaining one, then? Come on, you must've found something fun." Complete opposite of my job, ha ha. Sorry, Carrion, that actually does sort of suck. Anyway, remember that anri fellow we both met on that wagon? Yeah, he just kinda flew in on me, scared the crap out of me!" Or not. "Yeah, I think I vaguely remember him. Seemed kinda... I don't know, really. Didn't get to talk to him much. Heck, don't even think I know his name." Adrian had taken one of the chairs and set it next to Carrion, sitting down in it. "He seemed... distant though. I almost feel bad for the guy. But that's for another time. I guess I owe ya dinner, don't I?" "Ha ha, maybe he likes you! He might just be too shy to admit it. And you do, but let that wait for later, I actually have to talk to you about... something."

The anri in question had walked up on them whilst they were talking, quite the imposing fellow. He's not Ignatius, but he's still rather... large. He got an awkward but friendly wave from him, waving back. "Um... hey, uh... Spices... er... I guess your name is Adrian huh..." "Yeah, Adrian. I didn't get your name when we last met." The guy seemed like he didn't know what to say, stuttering and almost tripping over his words. Geez, you'd think he'd never interacted with anyone before. "It's uh, been awhile..." "Ha ha, yeah, it has. Calm down some, eh? You seem so nervous." He's a large anri with a large sword, I really hope he does calm down. "Though... I do have something I sort of need to talk to Carrion about in private. D'you think we could have a bit of space, for a moment?"

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Carrie's eyes trace the sword and then she thinks a moment, before her lips open and she puts forward her query, careful to think it through.

'That sword... does it relate to the chase..?'


Langley chuckles once more, quite calm as she casually taps the pommel of her sword with a gloved hand, thinking to herself as she walks.

'Well, my name is Langley… you're Andy... that's… a start, a good start~ Want to know about my family then, Andy, like my childhood, adventures, the whole sha-bang?’

She isn’t trying to trick him as her smile is genuine, eyes watching his own curiously.

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Teis shook the hand offered, with a tired sigh. "I really wasn't expecting to win. Good fight, though."

She was hoping Teis would win in the finals, he was more deserving in her mind. After seeing the healers, Lucretia took her winnings. Despite losing today, Lucretia had made a lot of money from the first two fights, plus extra gold from the arena owner for being, in his words, "very exciting". She headed back to the hotel, but decided to stop and wait for her father.


"Sounds like a good idea. She's pretty amazing, I feel like a barbarian in comparison."

Adano chuckled at Aurelio's statement and headed towards Lucretia, who was waiting outside of the arena. He pulled her into a hug and said to her, "Great fight today, even though you lost you've certainly gained the respect of a lot of fighters."


'That sword... does it relate to the chase..?'

He stopped. The girl noticed the sword. "This sword..." He paused, reflecting on what it was. In a way, it was related. "Yes, you could say that. You could even say that this sword...caused my journey."

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"It may not be entertaining, but it's calming. You'd be surprised what tranquility can do for you, kid..." However, her mind focused on one thing that Adrian said, "Um... is something wrong? You sound serious here, did something happen?" She hoped nothing was wrong, not being able to handle much more drama ever since yesterday. "Also, I really, really hope you don't mind, I kind of invited Zwool here for dinner. So since I'm buying it won't really be that big a problem, unless, well... I hope you're ok with him being here."

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Zwool shook his head. "Oh uh, my names Zwool, as she just said... and... uh..." he took a deep breath, I mean, DEEP breath, before continuing. "As for being nervous... I'm not... used, to people being willing to talk to me..." With a sigh he grabbed his sword's straps. "D'you think you could go away?" "But uh, if you want me to go... I guess I can..." He didn't notice Carrion's words, Adrian's had hit him harder. He started to turn to leave, his Gauntlet glowing brightly, but even then that glow looked sorrowful.

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"It may not be entertaining, but it's calming. You'd be surprised what tranquility can do for you, kid..." "I probably would! I haven't had a nice tranquil day in a while, you know. Maybe we should trade jobs tomorrow, eh?" His suggestion was partially serious, because as much as he enjoyed Aiduen's company, he could use a nice, calm job. At least for one day. "Um... is something wrong? You sound serious here, did something happen?" Explanation time. "It's the whole good new, bad new situation." Yeah, that's a good start. Though, the bad news isn't really that bad, per say... "Also, I really, really hope you don't mind, I kind of invited Zwool here for dinner. So since I'm buying it won't really be that big a problem, unless, well... I hope you're ok with him being here." Adrian had to think for a second, but shook his head, wait, why am I even thinking about it at all? She's just bringing a friend over to eat, there's nothing wrong with that. "Sure, no problem. You're paying after all, but I really do need to tell you this, so--" "But uh, if you want me to go... I guess I can..." Zwool had spoken up, turning to leave. "Uh... I never said go, I just said I needed a moment. Chill, yeah?" Seriously, I didn't tell you to leave.

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"Seriously, Zwool. If you can just give me and Adrian a moment, you don't have to go. It won't take that long, I promise, OK?" Flashing Zwool a smile, she then turned to Adrian, and continued in a hushed voice, "It won't take long, right? Oh whatever, just.... gimme the bad news first, please!" She was eager to get this over with, wanting to save the good part for last as always. "Come ooooon, don't make me beg, Adriaaaaan!" She put on her most convincing pout for this.


"Well I'll be damned... The so called best of Myako couldn't outperform a man with armor. Ah who'm I kidding, that guy's just a beast! Of course, she was no slouch, herself... I should see if I can get a match with her at some point." Feeling his mouth again, it twitched. It didn't hurt, but the memory of the pain still gave him a little jolt now and then. Te healers did a damn good job on it, the wound completely healed save for a scar indicating where the knife had entered. I should really get myself as rested as possible for this. That guy is going to be a massive pain in the ass for me.

Meanwhile, there were groups of people filing in for the final match, many eager to see the finale now. The stadium was packed now, and the crowd's murmuring was almost deafening.

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Zwool blinked and whirled around to look at Adrian. "Wait... wha-?" He then noticed Carrion, and his gem jumped from sad to happy in a heart beat, a look of relief coming across him. "Oh... oh wait.... okay..." he said shaking his head as he turned and walked away to give them their privacy, planting his face into his hands, muttering: "Gosh you're so STUPID!" Into them as he walked away.

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He was glad that Carrion was agreeing to their little moment, needing to get this out of the way before he went back to work. "Come ooooon, don't make me beg, Adriaaaaan!" He smiled, amused by what he thought was intentional silliness. He answered in the same hushed tone, "alright, so, you might have to explain how you bring people back from the dead to another person, that's the bad news. Sorry, but I can explain later in more depth. The good new is that we won't have to pay for a room anymore! Though, there's some more bad news on that." He sighed, taking a moment to collect himself, "we have to share said room with two other people, that girl from the arena before, and her brother. So I guess it's more so bad news with a little bit of good? I hope you're happy that we don't have to spend money, at least." He braced himself, hoping that her reaction wouldn't be that bad.

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