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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"..." Grabbing Adrian by the collar and pulling him closer to her, she merely stared at him. "You're... you're joking, right? Adrian... Oh god DAMN it." And now, she let go of him to bury her face in her hands, trying to calm herself down somehow. After a few deep breaths, "What on earth would possess you... to just up and say, 'oh hey, my girl can bring back the dead, muahaha' or whatever? Least of all, some damn stranger you don't know? And as if to add insult to injury, we're now supposed to room with this girl, and believe me, I'll get to that in a moment, AND her brother?! Why do you do this to me?!" Sighing and taking another deep breath, she glared right at Adrian again. "And what are the odds, you're happy about rooming with some really cute girl! I mean, what were you thinking when you agreed to any of this? Scratch that, WAS there a thought process?! Please tell me you didn't lose your brain in your dick or something!" Closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead, "Sorry... I know you got free room and board out of all of this for us, but does the end justify the means here, Adrian? Now I have to explain, possibly, to two foreign people, people who I do not know, I can't know if they're temperamental psychopaths or if they're honest to god going to listen to what I say with an open mind! I mean, I'm seriously going to be on edge tonight, I hope you know that, Adrian."

An old man looked over at Adrian and Carrion, laughing to himself, "Friggin kids... shut up and fuck already!" and with that he belched loudly. "Another round, pleeease!"

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He was a bit surprised at her pulling of his collar, not really objecting it, though. "You're... you're joking, right? Adrian... Oh god DAMN it." Yep, here we go... He let her go on about the issue, not contesting anything of it, because she was right. He'd run his mouth, and he shouldn't have, there was nothing to argue there. He let her finish that, trying to speak a little, "I know it wasn't the smartest of choices, I know, but she asked 'just so I know what kind of crazy things have you gotten into? Just so I can be prepared' or something close to that. I... just blurted out the first things that came to mind. I really shouldn't have, and I'm sorry." She glared at him, looking like she still had more to go, "And what are the odds, you're happy about rooming with some really cute girl! I mean, what were you thinking when you agreed to any of this? Scratch that, WAS there a thought process?! Please tell me you didn't lose your brain in your dick or something!" Adrian was wrong to have said everything, but he wasn't going to take an accusation like that sitting down, "hey, hey, you listen here, I got this room because we're short on cash and I thought it'd be a good idea to take them up on their offer! That... that seriously hurts that you'd even think that was my reasoning for accepting this offer." Wow... seriously, I don't think you know how much that stings. He let her finish, sighing a little bit. "I don't know if the ends justify the means, I really don't. I probably did end up saying too much, but, she did say that she wouldn't ask you if you were uncomfortable about it. She doesn't know anything about you other than you brought me back, I swear it. The girl's intelligent, her brother... I can understand why you might be on edge around him. I'm sorry, and I know that doesn't really justify the whole thing, but I am sorry." "Friggin kids... shut up and fuck already!" He couldn't help but chuckle a little as the old man yelled at them, sighing and stopping himself quickly.

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Stifling a laugh as best as she could, her face was serious again. "OK," Holding a hand to her chest now "I'll be honest, that was a fit of jealousy there. I'm sorry if it seriously hurt you, I just really, really don't want to lose you... alright? I know I don't have any claim to you, and you're probably gonna be mad at me still, but if it makes you feel better I am extremely happy that you managed to get a room for free. I am. I mean it, OK? No matter how mixed I am about the whole thing, at least I know you're trying to help out, which isn't really something I can say about most people I've met."

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He had gone with Adano to find Lucretia. When they found her, it seemed it had become a father/daughter moment. Not wanting to spoil it, he decided to go on ahead.

"You were good out there, Lucretia. I'll see both of you a little later."

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He sighed, putting on something akin to a smile, but not a smile. A smirk, if anything. "I'm... I'm not mad at you. I could never be mad with you, at least not for long. I understand why you're upset, and frankly, I don't blame you. I'm sorta happy, or at least some part of me is happy, that you got as jealous as you did, though," he blushed once again, smiling now, "in some selfish way, it makes me feel wanted, you know?" Maybe you don't know, but that's how I feel. Maybe I shouldn't have said that at all. He couldn't help but give her a nice, tight hug, with a whisper, "you'll never lose me," and sigh, "I promise..." still smiling. "Enough of this, we're supposed to be eating with your friend here. We're probably making him feel uncomfortable, as much as I wouldn't mind taking that old guy's advice." A chuckle followed that, hoping Carrion would tease him right back.


"Uhm... start where you'll feel most comfortable, Langley. I don't really want to dig for specifics, so you can choose what to tell me," he said, almost worried by her tone. It was if she was trying to tease him, but what did he know of teasing? Nothing, but he was sure to find out all about it, sticking with this girl. Hopefully, this will remain a good choice...

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Being hugged so tightly gave her a nice sensation, "Oooo... well, you play your cards right, we may very well be doing that soon enough. OK? Well, anyway..." When he finished hugging her, she stayed for a second then gave him a kiss right on the mouth. "Well... If there's nothing else you needed to talk about, I'll go get Zwool. Poor guy's been waiting enough I think." Looking over to Zwool, she smiled. "Sorry about that, we're done here, so like, get back over here, man!"

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Zwool blinked as he walked back, tilting his head slightly. "What was with all the touching?" He asked... "and uh, I thought 'fuck' was just a bad word, I didn't know it meant anything... what does it mean?" The gem on his gauntlet toned down a little, shimmering gently under the Inn lighting with a pleasant tinge, winking very lightly.

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"Yours will be easier to do... Firstly, do you know where your father isn't? I assume you've been searching for him for some time."

Adonis ran through the list of cities he had been to beforehand. "If he's anywhere, it's in one of the coastal or mountain cities. My guess is Chaldron, but I'm still unsure."

"Well, then, we had better get going. It's a kong way to Chaldron from here." Elune hadn't travelled with anyone she actually knew since her mother had passed. She was sure this would result in something good. which, to her, meant someone dead, and a delicious payout received.

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"You were good out there, Lucretia. I'll see both of you a little later."

Lucretia smiled at Aurelio. "Thanks." She and Adano then proceeded to head to the inn and focus on eating. Both were pretty hungry so they decided to fill up before the finals.

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Carrie keeps gazing to him beneath her cloak and then, silently asks, very curious to know.

'So what did that sword do? Or more rather, what did it's wielder to cause such a journey?'


Langley smiles a bit, but hesitantly adds.

'I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable, but it's.. odd to talk about.'

She hesitates again, a curious thought.

'Well, I'll begin with my full name. That's Langley Astute Aokkoa and I'm about twenty four. Yourself?'

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"Oooo... well, you play your cards right, we may very well be doing that soon enough. OK? Well, anyway..." He liked the sounds of that, turning a deeper shade of red. He liked the kiss even more, a smile brimming on his face. I'm liking this side of you more and more, Carrion... He sat back a bit in his chair, looking back over at Zwool, "Well... If there's nothing else you needed to talk about, I'll go get Zwool. Poor guy's been waiting enough I think." "Yeah, we'd better get some food going quickly, I've got to get back to work soon. I'd rather not, but... gotta get paid." He sighed, this happy moment only lasting at least for twenty five more minutes. Zwool came back over, asking some pretty hilarious questions. "What was with all the touching?" Adrian couldn't help but chuckle a little, "well, I don't think it's that weird for a couple to hug and kiss. Do you?" "and uh, I thought 'fuck' was just a bad word, I didn't know it meant anything... what does it mean?" He almost outright laughed at that one, stifling himself to not insult the guy, "I d-don't think I want to answer that for you, Zwool, sorry."


'I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable, but it's.. odd to talk about.' "Please, I'm like this all the time with other people. I'll get over it eventually, that's why I'm here with you, right now." He didn't know if he'd run his mouth again, or if he'd really meant to say that, but Langley was speaking again, 'Well, I'll begin with my full name. That's Langley Astute Aokkoa and I'm about twenty four. Yourself?' "Twenty fo-- my, you've aged well... Uhm, I'm Anderson Farid, seventeen." He had run his mouth this time, but he didn't stop himself.

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"Now, as for transport... I hope you have a damn horse of your own, because I don't have much money on me at all." Why can't I just get this done with... Wait, no, I shouldn't be getting impatient. He'll be helping me after I do this for him.

Adonis sighed. I'm not gonna like her response... "I don't ride on horses - I've made all my travelling on foot. I don't intend to waste my money on a horse as well."

Fucking dammit... I'm really going to have to offer, won't I? "Fine then. My horse should be able to support the both of us. I'll be going fast, so hold on tight, and don't grab anything you shouldn't be touching." It was already midday, and unless they rode throughout the night, they wouldn't be sleeping in a comfortable bed.

Now, there was just one more question. "Do you want to go over the hills, the Shuthrian route or the Sapphire route?"

The faster we get there, the better. "We go over the hills. We'll be there in a week maximum, assuming we're held up somewhere."

"In that case, let's go."

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Zwool blinked, looking confused, and a little hurt that Adrian was laughing at him for asking questions. "Hug? Kiss? I'm... not... uh... familiar, right, that's the word... er, Familiar with those words..." He said, scratching the back of his head nervously, ignoring the bit about the bad word for now.

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He saw the two walk off. He decided to stop by the inn as well, they'd probably want a little more time together. When he got there, the inn was getting pretty busy. He heard all sorts of stuff about the final, and a few unusual rumours about the lake. Making his way into the main room, he spotted Carrion and Adrian, along with an unusual looking guy. Not quite sure who he was, Aurelio approached them.

"Hey there, what're you two up to? Who's your friend? Considering I sorta work here, I guess I could raid the kitchen. Kinda like a staff discount."

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"Well you see..." Carrion went on to give a demonstration. "Hugging is when you basically wrap your arms around a friend, like so!" Hugging Adrian ever so tightly. "It's a very nice way to say hello, but just be sure to time it right. It's an invasion of personal space, which is generally frowned upon by most people, but betweent friends, it's quite endearing!" Letting go of Adrian, she gave another look to Zwool. "And as for kissing... well, it's when you do this..." Going right for Adrian's lips, she gave him a quick soft kiss. "It's also a nice way to say high to someone, or to show that you love them, reassure someone, etcetera. Keep in mind though that this is a very personal thing, generally only done by two very close people, be they family or just lovers or something. It's only shared by people with a strong bond... usually." Hands now on the table, she sighed, smiling still. "Now, we gonna get some food or am I just gonna have to starve to death here? You've got a time limit, Adrian, but he and I could probably stay and chat a bit. Sound cool, Zwool?"

She also gave a quick wave to Aurelio, "Hey, you're welcome to join as well, sir. Of course, you're paying your own way if you do!"

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Zwool blinked when he saw Carrion hug and kiss Adrian again, prattling on about what they meant. His gauntlet suddenly flashed, and he immediately clutched his head with a small cry. Memories flashed in and out, suddenly, painfully. Bits and pieces of... his family? Want seemed like an eternity (though really it was barely a second) it settled, and he shook his head clear, staring at his now calming gauntlet. "Uh... yeah... food, please." He said, shaking his head. "Uh, don't mind me... just... memories... suddenly..." Try as he might he couldn't recall what he saw, he stared into his gem, now very tame. Was that... my family? They were... holding me, like I was dear to them... I think... graah... it's all gone again... it must be gone for a reason...

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Adrian and Carrion had finished their demonstration, the new guy seemed a little confused about the whole thing. Either he was incredibly naive, or incredibly dim.

"Hey, you're welcome to join as well, sir. Of course, you're paying your own way if you do!"

"I'll just grab something from the kitchen, but I'll come and sit with you guys after. Go easy on the kid over there, his head'll explode if you tell him what happens next, hehe..."

The kitchen seemed awfully busy, but nobody questioned what he was doing. He took bits and pieces from various ovens, enough so he wouldn't go hungry but not enough for anyone to notice something was missing. He made a quick exit and began to walk back to the table.

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"Well you see..." Don't really know how she's going to explain thi-- oh, well. By that point of thought he'd already been hugged, smiling. "Y'know, Carrion, I'm not your test dumm--" he'd tried to say, getting cut off as she went on to the next answer, "And as for kissing... well, it's when you do this..." Oh boy. She kissed him quick, making him decide to take back his comment about being her example. Yeah, I could get used to that~ "... Keep in mind though that this is a very personal thing, generally only done by two very close people, be they family or just lovers or something." "Oh, I can think of something a bit more personal that we can share." Alright, stop that, Adrian, you've made enough innuendo today.

"I'll just grab something from the kitchen, but I'll come and sit with you guys after. Go easy on the kid over there, his head'll explode if you tell him what happens next, hehe..." Of course, Aurelio couldn't help but add to it, which made Adrian chuckle some more. "Now, we gonna get some food or am I just gonna have to starve to death here? You've got a time limit, Adrian, but he and I could probably stay and chat a bit. Sound cool, Zwool?" The anri seemed to be having some sort of... freak out? He was still recovering from all the affection he'd been getting, not completely noticing. Quickly realizing his time was burning, he jumped back into reality, "Yes, you're totally right! Go ahead and order something, I might have to disappear half way into it to cook, though. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you two from the kitchen, because I'm oh so paranoid like that." He openly laughed, not really loud or anything, but still a laugh. Am I? Maybe I am. I don't want to lose Carrion, but I doubt she'd be as fickle as to just drop me for someone else in the blink of an eye. You're worrying for nothing, Adrian. "Zwool, sit down, eh?" With that, he waved over one of the waiter, "So, Carrion, what would you like to order for us?"

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'Aged well?'

Langley's eyes raise and she chuckles, murmuring back to him with a slightly curious glance.

'Well, guess I have. And that's a cool name, I must say. It’s very priest-ly.'

She grins back, hoping to tease him slightly for the age comment. She does glance back and for a moment, her eyes are suddenly quiet a bit dulled.

'Andy, what do you think of slave traders?'

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Zwool staggered and sat down at the table, putting his sword against the chair with a sigh as he leaned on the table with a sigh, looking down at the gem on his gauntlet. It was very dull right now. He shifted uneasily, the chair wasn't designed for a winged person...

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'So what did that sword do? Or more rather, what did it's wielder to cause such a journey?'

She was asking a lot of questions, but Julius felt comfortable telling her the answers. It felt good to open up to someone.

"This sword was once my uncle's. He's dead now." He paused, allowing her to take everything in. "I found out that my uncle had killed my parents when I was younger. He then proceeded to attack me. In defense I killed him with his own blade. To erase my trail I burned down his home and mine." He put the sword on the table and took it out, pressing the button that activated the whip. "My family's symbol is the snake, and this sword--the snake sword--is our trademark. I've been on the run for a few months now, mostly to erase my trail."

I wonder if I've run far enough...


They arrived and sat at one of the tables in the busy inn. The waiter came and they placed their orders.

"I've been wondering..." Lucretia began, "you really want to learn how to be a duelist again, right?"

"Why do you ask?" Adano replied, curious as to why his daughter would ask.

"I just feel like you miss being a duelist. That's why you came to the arena, right?"

"Yes, you could say that."

"Well..." She took out the sword she had kept with her. "This sword is called Senso. It is my family's treasure. Needless to say, I have two swords already and I don't need this one. I want you to have it."

"Lucretia!! That's...that's too kind of you! I can't accept this! This is your family's treasured sword."

"My family's dead. You're the only family I have left. Take it." She handed it to him in earnest. Tears began to well up in Adano's eyes. He was truly touched. He mouthed "thank you" to her and put the blade aside.

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"Well, I know I'm just getting some damn beef stew and bread. I"m so huuuungryyyyyy! Plus it's cheap for how much you get, so nyah! What do you two want? It's on... me..." She was watching Zwool now, who seemed to be not quite with the program at this point. Had her demonstration been too much for him? "Zwool...? You ok bud? I hope I didn't upset you there, that was all just for show..."

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"... What do you two want? It's on... me..." "I'll just have a turkey sandwich, I'm not that hung... Carrion?" He looked over at her, who was looking at Zwool, glancing at him as well. Geez, you'd think he'd just seen the devil, or something. It was just a few hugs and kisses, he should calm down. "Zwool...? You ok bud? I hope I didn't upset you there, that was all just for show..." "Ha ha, I'd hope it was more than just for show," realizing that he might've sounded a bit insensitive, he added, "b-but yeah, that was just her answering your question. Don't get too upset over it, if that's even what's eating you. Speaking of eating, order up, so we can all start, here." Adrian was more focused on getting his eats in before getting back to work; cooking a bunch of food on an empty stomach seeming like the least pleasant of ideas.


'Well, guess I have. And that's a cool name, I must say. It’s very priest-ly.' "Heh... Anderson Farid, master of healing magic. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" What a dream, though. It would be nice to reach that point one day. I'd be revered across the land, like my grandfather. 'Andy, what do you think of slave traders?' That was a rather up front question, and it caught Andy off guard, shoving him back into his unnerved state, "wh-why do you a-ask, Langley? W-Well, I guess I'm against them. All of us are the Goddess' creations, and we should be treated as s-such." I hope she's not one of them! Oh Gods, this could go very badly...

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Zwool shook his head, which was so low the horn on his fore-head scratched it a little. "Um... I'm not sure... what you just saw... it actually triggerred... memories... memories of... of..." he groaned and clutched his head again, shaking. "Come on... they're there... I just know it..." His gem glowed again, and quite vibrantly, it was far from being the brightest it had been that day, but still a fair shine. He sat their, holding his head, muttering something about finding it, it's definitely there, why can't I catch it and the such... between his less than internal ramblings he got out: "Just some bread and water..." But it was clear he was far more distracted by his thoughts to actually care.

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"Um... Ok then, bread and water, and a sandwich for you!" Oh lord, if he goes and snaps, ugh, I don't even wanna think about it... Finally, a waiter gets to them, and then Carrion places everyone's order, glancing at Zwool when she was done. She honestly had no idea on how to deal with this guy at this point, hoping against hope that he'd stop hurting like he seemed to be there.

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