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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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He had returned to the table, Carrion seemed to be continuing the lesson but her student was more confused than he was before. He sat down to eat his "borrowed" meal. The new guy seemed oddly vonfused and somewhat scared.

"Hey, kid. You in there? Wanna take a step outside to clear your head? It'd probably do you some good."

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Carrion, you sure know how to make friends... Adrian was getting worried about this guy, wondering if his mental state was anything to actually be around. He was almost tempted to take Carrion into the kitchen when he left, just to make sure she was safe. "Hey, kid. You in there? Wanna take a step outside to clear your head? It'd probably do you some good." Aurelio, I'm glad you're here, right now. "Y-Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Aurelio, why don't you help him out for a little bit of a walk? Get him some fresh air, let him clear his mind." Adrian didn't want to turn Aurelio into the scapegoat, but he'd suggested it, he might as well help with it. How much you want to bet that he doesn't want to go for a walk, eh? I'm starting to get pretty suspicious of this guy...

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"Y-Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Aurelio, why don't you help him out for a little bit of a walk? Get him some fresh air, let him clear his mind."

Adrian seemed pretty on edge. It seemed like most guys did that to him, did they make him feel like a wimp? However, this one was slightly unusual, by the way he was speaking, it sounded like he knew the pair of them too. He could have been anything from an old friend to a bounty hunter. Either way, Adrian wasn't too comfortable.

"No problem, we don't want him passing out or anything, it's bad for business." he looked over at Zwool. "Got a name? If you keep too quiet, I'll choose one for you. Come on, let's get goin'."

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'But... why do you still need the sword? It may have been in your family, yet if it was used like that, if it ties you to that man... why do you keep it?'

Carrie asks and beneath her hood, she raises her eyebrows, quite confused. Why was he being chased then? If his uncle had killed his parents, not him, why do others chase the guy in front of her?


'...That's a very good view to have Andy.'

Langley smiles back to him and hesitates, but continues.

'My mother, she spent the better part of her younger years slave trading to get by. She renounced it later in life, spent the better half of her days from then with my dad, a former slave she'd sold, saving those she'd stolen away.'

Her eyes seem a bit sad but she tells him quite suddenly.

'I tell you this instead of the town gossips, so you don't get some sort of exaggerated version.'

She raises her eyes as the mountain path is not too far off now.

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'How about your parents..? What were they like, Ken?'

"My father was a man dedicated to his job, he made sure everything was done properly. He may have been strict and demanding at times, but I'm certain that his family was his priority, even above his job. My mother was a little fond of the cane but she was supportive and always provided for us. It may have been difficult on occasion, but I consider myself fortunate to have such parents. There are so many children out there who have lost theirs to war or disease, to have both even at this age is truly a blessing."

His family had helped make him who he was today. With his parents aging, it was up to him to carry on the family line. The house of Urith would need him too, along with all the people under his care. Part of it may have scared him, but it would allow him to truly do his best to help people. Obelia was such a caring person, he would make sure that she wasn't left alone after all this.

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Obelia smiles slightly, yet she can't help a hesitance at the mention of the cane, of discipline.

'I apologise, but I think you can raise a child perfectly well, without the use of any sort of violence.'

Yet she smiles to him again. This man, she feels lucky to have met. For indeed, he seems like a good person. She blinks then, a curious thought.

'Ken..? Did you have a crush on anyone when you were growing up?'

Sometimes, from the ether, a question arises for no real reason.

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'I apologise, but I think you can raise a child perfectly well, without the use of any sort of violence.'

"There are many ways to raise a child. Every person is a different parent, I myself wouldn't use physical force but it was a choice my parents made. It may have hurt, but I respect their decisions."

There were times when he wondered why a good telling off wouldn't have sufficed, but at the end of the day, they hadn't done any permanent damage. He trusted his parents to come to a solid conclusion before using such methods.

'Ken..? Did you have a crush on anyone when you were growing up?'

He laughed again, she certainly had a lot of questions. Looking back, there hadn't really been anyone. Well, other than one.

"My, you are feeling inquisitive today. When I was around 12 or so, there was one girl who visited me during my studies. My father would have skinned us both if he had caught her. We used to talk about what we did, although she disappeared one day and I never saw her again. Perhaps she's out in the world somewhere."

Whilst on the topic, he decided to return the question.

"How about yourself? Is there anyone who had gained your attention in the past?"

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'Heh... you're going to be a good father, Ken.'

Obelia smiles quietly to herself and yet listens on for his response to her, indeed, quite random question. The answer surprises her, yet she smiles, pressing a bit further.

'Do you remember her name at all..?'

Yet at his question, she goes a bit silent, avoiding looking to the bed. She just smiles a bit and shakes her head.


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Zwool shook his head, his mind coming back to reality as others spoke to him. He looked around and realized most of them were looking at him... he blushed a little. "No, um... I'm fine... at least, it can wait tell after...er, dinner." He told the others, looking around at them, himself feeling a little sick inside as he realized his... thoughts were probably making the others think of him as a monster. "My name's Zwool, by the way." He told the new guy. "You?"

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The new guy didn't seem to want to go out just yet. It didn't matter, he'd keep them company any way. He took a seat, he didn't want "his" food to get cold.

"My name's Zwool, by the way... You?

"Aurelio. Let's just say I'm a family friend, hehe. I'm guessing you know those two then?"

And yet he didn't want to strangle them, that was unusual... especially for them. Zwool seemed to have calmed down, it had probably just been nerves. Adrian may have been a pansy but Carrion was pretty frightening. He'd try and stay relatively polite, he didn't want to make it much worse.



It looked like he may have asked a bad question, she didn't look like she wanted to talk about it.

"I do apologize. Let us discuss another topic."

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"No problem, we don't want him passing out or anything, it's bad for business." "Yeah, bad for business," he muttered, still sort of wary at this man. I'm going to have to seriously ask Carrion about who she brings back for dinner, this is too nerve wracking. Like, is he okay? Is he going to try and rip us in two in the next few seconds? He was extremely glad that Aurelio was going to take him away, until Zwool spoke again, "No, um... I'm fine... at least, it can wait tell after...er, dinner." No, it can't wait. Ahhhh, dammit. I don't want Carrion sitting alone with this nutter when I leave. He was seriously trying to think of a way to get her out of the room that wouldn't look suspicious, when the time came. Of course, nothing was coming to him, and nothing probably would. Damn... I'll just have to keep an eye on them.


'...That's a very good view to have Andy.' Thank the goddess, I'm spared! He visibly sighed, quiet heavily, as she smiled back at him instead of turning to kill him. "I just can't believe that anyone in their right mind would be able to use and abuse another living creature for their own personal gain. Some of the things I've heard, they're... well, I don't want to get into them." He shivered a little, the stories of the sort of torture some slaves went through too much for his young mind. 'My mother, she spent the better part of her younger years slave trading to get by. She renounced it later in life, spent the better half of her days from then with my dad, a former slave she'd sold, saving those she'd stolen away. "Ah--" She--... my, my... "I'm not sure what I can say to that, Langley. I... that's a tough one, that is..."

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Giving Adrian a look, she bit her lip slightly, silently apologizing to him. "Are you SURE you're OK, Zwool? That's very clearly not normal there..." Thankfully, their food came out, and everyone had their meal in front of em. "Anything else that you need?" Carrion smiled and shook her head, "No, we're good, thanks..." And then she proceeded to lazily eat her stew while staring at Zwool intermittently.

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Zwool quietly bit into his roll. After a couple bites he nodded. "Yeah, for now. Though, I would like to take you up on that walk if the offer is still available." he said, before continuing to eat. "It would be... nice." He smiled at her weakly, and then at the others, trying to indicate that he was fine for now.

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He got her look, giving her a worried look right back. The food came though, and he started to eat, still hungry despite the situation. It had been around twenty minutes, now, so Aiduen would be expecting him soon in the kitchen soon. ... You know, I could always ask Carrion if she wanted to talk to Aiduen right now, instead of later. The thought had suddenly dawned on him that he could just asked her to come with him to the kitchen to get here away from the apparently mental anri. Now, Adrian, no jumping to conclusions. Wait until he talks again, if he's fine, he's fine... you can just keep on eye on them. Thinking of exactly that, the anri spoke. "Yeah, for now. Though, I would like to take you up on that walk if the offer is still available." he said, before continuing to eat. "It would be... nice." A walk, eh? Dunno if that's the best of ideas, but that's for Carrion to decide. He wasn't about to bring up an objection, as Zwool seemed to have calmed himself down. At least, for now. Wait, if they go for a walk, how'm I supposed to know if she's alright? Alright, fine, gonna say it. "Actually, Zwool..." he cleared his throat, swallowing his last bite, "that thing I was talking to her about earlier, I'd really like to get it out of the way once we're done eating. Maybe you two can go for a later, or maybe tomorrow?" He glanced over at Carrion, hoping she'd follow along.

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She was confused at first, but then went to staring at her stew again. "Yeah, sorry Zwool, I guess he wants to talk about it more. It's really important, so I'm sorry, we'll have to postpone that walk, OK?" What are you planning, Adrian...? She hoped he wasn't just trying to keep her away because it was another boy, but at the same time, she didn't want to completely blow Adrian off. After all, what if it's something else?

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Zwool nodded. "Okay... I guess..." He said, sounding disappointed as he ate his bread. "Thanks for the meal... tried to keep it simple for you." He smiled again, before turning to the new guy. "oh and, I don know them from before, but uh... I'd rather... figure out what's going on with myself before I get too acquainted with new people." He took a few more bites and turned back to the others. "You... you all are... afraid I'll go berserk, or something... aren't you?"

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The conversation was hilarious, Adrian clearly wanted Zwool to leave. Yet Zwool himself was trying to get as close to Carrion as he could without sitting on her lap. It always seemed to happen to those two, didn't it? Zwool's next line slightly concerned him;

"You... you all are... afraid I'll go berserk, or something... aren't you?"

"It depends, are you afraid of being sliced in half? What kind of question is that, why on Earth would you go berserk?"

He could actually think of a few reasons why, he might if he knew what Adrian and Carrion had been up to.

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Carrion returned with a favorable reply, which only made Adrian happy. Thank the Gods, she's going with it. Now, to just make our way to the kitchen... Adrian's plan was going without hitch, until Zwool mentioned going berserk. Adrian almost froze, quickly taking Carrion's hand. He began to try and formulate a response, but Aurelio took over for him, both threatening and questioning the anri. I guess I should thank him later, for that. "Yeah, there's no reason for something like that to happen, don't worry." He tugged on Carrion's hand a little bit, as he motioned for her to come to the kitchen with him. Aurelio, I hope you know what you're getting into...

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Zwool sighed. "That's what everyone else thinks... 'oh no, it's an armed Anri, it's out to murder everyone, run away'" He said, mocking the peoples tones sadly, finishing his bread with a sigh. "I wouldn't be surprised if it crossed your mind once... that I might attack you..."

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"Yeah, there's no reason for something like that to happen, don't worry."

"Bah, then it's a dumb thing to talk about."

He continued eating, slightly weary of Adrian's response.

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"Yes, alright?" she wasn't going to let this slide. Watching him act like it was everyone else's fault he was imposing just made her angry as she jammed her hand down on the table and stood up. "Yes, it crossed my mind that you would attack me. Wanna know why?" At this point she was counting on her fingers, "You jump in out of nowhere, singling me out, you start jostling that huge weapon of yours about, you clearly have something wrong with your head, and I'm not trying to be offensive there, it's just the plain truth, and to top it all off, Zwool, I know nothing about you. Hell, YOU know next to nothing about you!" Her expression softening greatly, "Look, I'm not sensing any real malice behind your words and your actions here, but you scare me at times, alright? Believe me, I know what it's like to be feared, I absolutely hate that feeling, and I'd love to try and help you with it, I'd love to be your friend and all of that, but I need to also not feel threatened when i'm around you, and i'm dreadfully sorry, but for me, my well being is above your well being."

Her hand suddenly being tugged by Adrian, she went with him now, feeling much better now that she got that off of her chest.

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Zwool blinked and looked down again, sighing deeply. As she started to walk away with Adrian, he quietly, but load enough that he was sure they could hear. "I'm sorry...," his entire body seemed to express this, his wings drooped, shoulders sagged, and his gem seemed to have a gentle wave to it's slight illumination. He doubted they even noticed or cared, he felt that it was enough to display.

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Obelia glances up at Ken. She is quiet a moment and see's that she's pushing him away with just her words. She doesn't have to be scared, right?

..It's then, Obelia realises something, about why she's afraid to say this to Ken. She barely realised this is how she's been feeling for a long time, why she's felt awkward around women. She is quiet a moment and then looks up to Ken, a sudden slight hesitance, before her lips open and she feels her body shiver once or twice at the words that come out.

'...I… Ken, the reason I'm not… too happy to talk about that sort of thing... I trust you. I do. And... I think I'm awkward to say it with you is because I don't know how you or your religion would feel about what I think I've just come realise... that maybe I'm attracted to… well, girls.'

And then Obelia goes shaken vermillion, before settling into quiet silence.


Langley glances back to Andy and for a moment, she just looks so tired. With an absent smile, she just slightly shrugs to him, turning and still walking on ahead.

'Still want to come with me?'

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Carrion had just snapped at Zwool. A little part of him felt some sympathy, the rest felt that he deserved it and wanted to laugh. Thankfully, he kept quiet. He'd been harassing Carrion since he had arrived, and seemed awfully pathetic when he got shouted at. Zwool should have seen it coming, unless he was horribly inexperienced at dealing with people.



'I think I've just come realise... that maybe I'm attracted to… well, girls.'

Whilst unexpected, Ken wasn't startled by such a statement. During his training, he had listened to many confessions, some being of this kind. The scriptures were incredibly indecisive about... well, it. His father had been starkly against same sex relationships but Ken didn't see the harm. Obelia didn't follow the Goddess but she wasn't a bad person, the same must apply here too.

"Obelia, the teachings of the Goddess give many different answers. However, it is the way you feel, and you shouldn't let any person try to tell you otherwise. I believe that the Goddess wishes happiness upon all her children, regardless of who they may be or where they are from. Follow your heart, you will one day find another with the same beliefs and you may walk the path of life as any other couple would."

He hadn't been very good at speeches in the past, however, he felt that it had needed to be said. Perhaps this gave him the will to do it.

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Obelia looks up at Ken for a moment. She stares for a moment. She then tries to speak.


Something goes down her cheek and she wipes it away hurriedly, head moving and burying in her arms on the bed. She chuckles to herself, quiet..

'..Why are you… this good? This is... surprising, I'll be honest, how someone can be this honest… this kind. Ken...'

Obelia wipes her eyes a bit and then just shakes a bit, just silent. Just taking a minute to absorb the fact this man seems to be one of the best guys she's met.

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