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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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They rode in silence, not bothering to break the silence. To break the silence would be nothing short of awkward; they were both on a job, and it was time for them to focus.

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'But... why do you still need the sword? It may have been in your family, yet if it was used like that, if it ties you to that man... why do you keep it?'

He was honestly a bit confused by this question. He had never thought about why he kept the sword.

"I feel like... I feel like it's a bit of my destiny to carry this sword. I left Lushira to try and figure out my own identity." He put the sword away and took a long gulp of water. When he finished, he continued. "When my uncle took me in, I became one of the faceless nobles, a paragon of gentlemanly manners. I really just want to find who I am. I feel like this sword... It might hold the answers I'm looking for." He paused. "Or, at least, it can lead me to the absolution I seek."

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Carrie watches him a moment, eyes confused for a moment by his answer. Yet when she remembers herself, her want to have an adventure not long ago by travelling, for no clear reason, she slightly sags in her seat, annoyed that she can kind of understand the want to do things without true reason, just feeling. She sighs a bit yet smiles up at him beneath her hood and speaks, with a slow mumble becoming a drawn explanation back.

'I can kind of get why someone would do that, without any fact or reason, just instinct. Hope you can find what you're looking for...'

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'I can kind of get why someone would do that, without any fact or reason, just instinct. Hope you can find what you're looking for...'

He was so busy talking that he hadn't even noticed the food. He realized he was hungrier than he first thought.

"Heh... I've certainly traveled a long way so far. Maybe I'll stay here for a while, see if I can find anything." He began to eat his meal. "Mm.. This is delicious. Compliments to the chef."


As the pair ate their meals, they continued light conversation with one another.

"So what are you planning on doing after this?" Adano asked.

"I don't know. I've spent the last year or so running from my mother, but she's gone now..." Lucretia said, "I really don't have any reason to run anymore. I don't know what I want to do."

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Carrie smiles a bit and thanks the waiter, before leaning down and taking up a fork, beginning to eat quite calmly. She answers him will gnawing at some food, eyes curious still beneath the glasses and hood, quite calm too.

'Well, avoid the guild, I'd say. That place is full of...'

Carrie just shudders at the memory and quietly continues to eat.

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'Well, avoid the guild, I'd say. That place is full of...'

He watched her shudder at the thought of the guild. Clearly that place was dangerous. He reasoned that they weren't a pleasant bunch and he would avoid the guild, although he hoped that if they tried to mess with him, they would learn their mistake quickly. He continued to eat, simply giving a thumbs up to the girl to let her know he understood her.


They finished their meal and paid the fee, deciding to part ways for a while. Lucretia was tired, and decided to head to her room to rest. Adano took the sword Lucretia had just given him and headed near the forest and began to take practice swings, hoping to regain some of his own skill.

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Whoa, Carrion... you didn't have to take it that far. I mean, I pretty much agree with all of that, but... Adrian had not expected that. He had planned to say basically that once he'd gotten her into the kitchen, and expected her to try and defend Zwool, not agree. Can't be bothered to bring it up now, but I can still get her to meet Aiduen. Still have a reason to get her away from him, yes! "Uhm... yeah... we'll be going, now." He didn't have much else to add to the conversation, so he walked with a willing Carrion to the kitchen door, wanting to tell her something before they went in. "Alright, Carrion, Aiduen is... she's inquisitive, so, don't be surprised if she summons up twenty different questions right away. She said she wouldn't, but, I find that a bit hard to believe. Oh, that's why I dragged you... well, I was going to drag to away to say pretty much what you said to Zwool, but, I guess I don't have to do that anymore, heh..." He chuckled for a moment, not sure if she was particularly happy with anyone at this point. Just gotta wonder why he followed her to far, seriously... With that final thought, he pushed his way into the kitchen, hoping the situation wouldn't get awkward.


'Still want to come with me?' "Uhm, yes, I... thought we'd already established that? Whatever your mother did shows nothing of your character, so no matter what I think of her-- and I'm not sure what I do, I can't judge you for it." It wouldn't do me any good to lie to her, though I don't know how much good this truth will do, either... Something swishing had finally caught Andy's eye, and he jumped, almost falling over. "Y-Y-You have a tail?! H-How did I not notice that!?"

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Langley smiles back to him, an actual look of calm spreading across her features. With a rather slow chuckle, she turns her head back, slightly reassured. She responds to his, admittedly rather admirable answer, with a slow murmur.

'Well, let's see this journey takes us. Hope at the end you still enjoy this as much as you think you might.'

But then Langley suddenly pauses... before gently laughing, ignoring an odd tint across her cheeks, unsure why they feel warm. Her tail happily swishes through the air and brushes her cape, eyes turning back and the gray curiously studying his.

'Yes, I have a tail and another point. My family are unique. My mom I've already mentioned, but my dad is an Anri. I'm half human and half anri, though the tail is the only obvious sign...'

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"It hurt to say that to him, you know..." Looking back at the depressed looking anri, she almost wanted to cry. "I just don't know if he's going to lash out or not. And yet, I feel sorry for him. Not knowing who you really are, living as a feared being... Yet..." Shaking her head, she focused right back on Adrian. "Am I going back there with you? Or is she, like, coming out here to talk to me. Am I even allowed back there?" She's inquisitive, eh? She better watch it...

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"It hurt to say that to him, you know..." Really? No way... I seriously doubt that. He didn't think she was being entirely serious about that. "I just don't know if he's going to lash out or not. And yet, I feel sorry for him. Not knowing who you really are, living as a feared being... Yet..." Of course, she was. "Ah--..." He hadn't really thought of it that way, not sure how to respond. He'd never felt either of those things, obviously, so he didn't know what to say to her, or to Zwool. "I guess... no, I don't. I can't exactly understand your feelings on that, but... I can see why that might make you upset-- upset to have said that, I mean. D'you think you should go apologize later?" He didn't know how much he meant that, since Zwool had sort of annoyed him, and frightened him, no matter his predicament. But, if Carrion felt bad, maybe she'd consider it.

"Am I going back there with you? Or is she, like, coming out here to talk to me. Am I even allowed back there?" "Oh, I was just going to bring you in for a bit. The shift probably won't be that long, as not many people have come back from the tournament yet. You can chill here, up in the room, with Zwool and Aurelio; your choice. I just wanted to have you two meet, since we're all going to be staying in the same room together." He really hadn't given much thought to how wrong the current situation could get, but he hoped it wouldn't get ridiculous. He lightly grabbed Carrion's wrist and pulled her into the kitchen, waving hi to Aiduen who was still slaving over food. "Had fun cooking while I was gone?"

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"Well.... alright then. I'll just meet her now if that's all you want. As for apologizing, I don't think really think I need to, no. Already said my piece on the matter, I just wanna put that to the side right now..."

Sighing, Aiduen was still hard at work when Adrian finally came back to the kitchen with a little surprise. "Fun? I suppose. It was quiet back here without some chatty boy back here" she said with a smirk. "And who have we here? Oh wait, that's right... you must be Carrion, right? His girl?"

Carrion shrugged jokingly, "You could say that, I guess."

"Well.... everything aside for the moment, I'm Aiduen, I'm told I'm going to be sharing a room here with Adrian and you for a while. I really, reeeaally want you to know, this wasn't my idea, I'm really not trying to pull anything funny on you guys. My employer is a bit... frugal, you could say. Instead of loaning out two rooms, he's loaning out one room for all of us here, so he can still rent out another room to paying customers..."

"Oh, no, don't... don't worry about it, I guess? Adrian here already kind of told me about that and about you already, so I'm basically just here to say hi and stuff. Well, when you're done with work, if you'd... really like to talk, I wouldn't mind." For some odd reason Carrion couldn't describe, she felt she could trust the girl. She seems... honest.

"Really? Um, well, uh... Are.... are you sure? I don't want to force an issue or get on your bad side here. I poked for information I feel I shouldn't have gotten, I feel like I'm intruding already..."

"Nah, it'll be alright. Besides, I think you'd like to talk to someone with some brains for once, eh?"

Laughing lightly, "Well... Alright then? I'm off in a bit, Adrian should be as well. Maybe we can all sit down and discuss things over a drink later, in like, an hour?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll just hang out in your room until then, if it's cool."

"Yup. First door on the second floor. Door should be unlocked, just be careful of the cat."

And with that, Carrion waved goodbye to both of them, giving Adrian a quick kiss before leaving, and then went upstairs into her new room.


"Alright now, Would Arcen and Teis please get ready for the final match now? It will begin in five minutes. Good luck to both of you... I have a feeling you'll need it."

With those parting words, the man left, leaving Arcen looking a bit confused. "Why's he sound so... Ah, nevermind. I made it to the friggin finals, now's not the time to be worried!"

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The girls seemed to be getting along alright. The amount of anxiety that had been sitting in Adrian's stomach slowly melted away as they spoke. This is... this is good. They're not screaming, and they're not mad at each other. He didn't have much to add to their talking until Carrion teased him, he thought, again, "Nah, it'll be alright. Besides, I think you'd like to talk to someone with some brains for once, eh?" "Ah, hey, I talk with her-- ... yeah, I just got it." He sighed, shaking his head a little, almost chuckling at his own expense. Carrion's affection was wholly unexpected, but appreciated, wondering why she was being so affectionate as of late. He didn't mind, of course, but he wondered why. I can't be that good of a kisser, and I'm not the most attractive person. Geez, women. Never going to understand them. Then again, can't really complain. He looked over at Aiduen, and was now blushing, not used to kissing Carrion in front of so many different people. "S-So yeah, we should get to cooking, ha ha..." He didn't know what else to say, obviously a bit awkward over what had happened, having enjoyed it nonetheless.


'Yes, I have a tail and another point. My family are unique. My mom I've already mentioned, but my dad is an Anri. I'm half human and half anri, though the tail is the only obvious sign...' "I-I see... or, at least, now I do. Well, this shouldn't surprise me, not completely. I'd heard that there were inter species couples before, I'd just never seen the results of one. N-Not that you're some kind of experiment, I'm sure your parents loved each other and you very much!" He hastily got the end out, not wanting to imply something rude. Work on your words, Andy, work on your words! "It's... well, it looks quite lovely, at least."

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He'd finished his meal, he'd leave the plates for someone else to clean up. He did serve them, technically. The final was probably starting soon, it would be Teis against that meathead, Arcen. Well, at least his second favourite still had a chance of winning. Zwool was still moping near by. Not wanting to shame the boy further, or at least by much anyway, he had a try at being friendly.

"Yo, Zwool. If you're done eating, how about you and me pop down to the arena? It'll be the final, a buddy of mine's in it. You can stay here by yourself if it sounds a little too scary. Mind you, you'll probably pick up the tab that way."

Joking always made things better, well, he certainly felt better from it. He got up, he would go even if Zwool didn't want to.



'..Why are you… this good? This is... surprising, I'll be honest, how someone can be this honest… this kind. Ken...'

Ken smiled. Her purity was a sight to behold. Had she been hiding this all her life? Judging by how difficult it was for her to tell him, it seemed so. He could only imagine the unjust discrimination she would have faced if she hadn't. The world could be cruel at times, even to the nicest of people.

"Obelia. When I see someone as innocent as you, I cannot say anything but the truth. There are times where the world can be a difficult place to exist, but we must always remember there is hope even in the most grim of situations."

His stomach growled. It seemed being serious was hard work.

"Oh my, ha ha... My stomach seems to have wonderful timing."

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Zwool looked up Aurelio blinking. "Oh, I didn't know there was tournament going on... um, sure, that sounds nice enough... lead the way..." He said, standing up and strapping his Claidheamh Mor to his back as he did. Fighting for sport? Sounds... nifty, I guess...

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"Oh, I didn't know there was tournament going on... um, sure, that sounds nice enough... lead the way..."

He grinned, perhaps he wasn't as withdrawn as he thought.

"Heh, right this way. I hope you don't mind the sight of blood."

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"Why would I be?" Zwool asked, following Aurelio. "I'd figure the large sword would hint that I'm rather combative myself... though, most people typically don't like the thoughts of an Anri that's armed, so I don't get much time to actually keep my skills in check... though..." He trailed off, thinking. Whenever I draw my sword, and combat stirs... it's almost as if I enter a different me, everything comes together, and combat becomes as second nature as breathing...

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"Alright now, Would Arcen and... ...feeling you'll need it."

Without even blinking an eye at the man's last few words, Teis walked out. He'd gotten rejuvenated by the healers, and felt that was ready for anything. Normally, he'd consider something like that cheating. On the other hand, any man skilled enough to make it to the finals would make for a tough fight, and forcing himself to be sore and tired was suicide.

That, and he'd caught sight of the inn manager and the arena's manager talking smugly off to the side earlier that morning. A sight like that could hardly fail to raise his suspicions, and he wanted to be strong for anything that might happen.

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Her tail darts out and bar a slight shiver at the touch of it against Andy's chest, she stands still a moment, eyes focused on the guy as her arms slightly move, one to her hip and the other by her side. Her eyes are quite soft, yet not out of pity. She urges him, with just a smile, to calm.

'Don't worry so much, okay?'

She leans forward and quite without hesitation, kisses him on the forehead, smiling slightly as she turns and walks away, tail calmly swishing.

'You're doing fine.'


Obelia looks up at this quite incredible man. She smiles and then wipes her eyes, murmuring quite calmly.

'You are... quite amazing, Ken. I hope that you will not be the only good man I meet.'

Yet at his stomach rumbling, Obelia's eyes light up. She stands and quite calmly touches his arm…

'Wait here a while. I have an apt reward for you.'

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'Andy.' "Erm... yes?" Suddenly, her tail was upon him, and he shrieked a tad. Having such close contact with someone-- or part of someone, was not something he was going to get used to any time soon. Langley was still smiling, which to him was a good sign. Either she's not upset, or she's some sort of sadist. Please be the first... 'Don't worry so much, okay?' "D-Don't w-w-worry? A-About wha--?" He stopped speaking as she kissed his forehead, having not noticed how close she'd managed to get herself. 'You're doing fine.' "I... I... I..." He was so red, he could've been steaming, wondering to himself why he wasn't. He didn't wonder for long, as he'd fainted, collapsing onto the ground with a sigh.

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She see's him fall over and for a moment, she doesn't register he's fainted. She just rushes to his side and worriedly turns his body over, so his face can be seen, worried he's somehow just fallen sick, by magic. In this world, it's not exactly unheard of. She just blinks once or twice, heaving a sigh as she checks his pulse, noting he's fainted, his breathing shallow but not exactly 'deceased' and all. She sighs once or twice. Before heaving him up into her arms, cradling the guy to her as she walks with a slight chuckle to herself. If every guy did that when they were kissed, life would somehow both be more worrying and more hilarious. She walks ahead, heading for the mountain path with the unconscious priest in her arms.

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Remembering the final match was fast approaching, Adano made his way to the arena and sat in his usual seat. Although Lucretia wasn't in the finals he was still excited to see this battle.


He snickered at the girl's thumbs-up and continued his meal. The crowd had emptied the inn fairly quickly.

"Where did everyone go?" He asked.

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Carrie's eyes light up at the snicker, a sign she's getting the conversation kind of right. She smiles, yet does curiously blink around, noting the empty room.

'I don’t know... wanna check after we've finished eating?'

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"Cooking? Eh, more like cleanup now. Doesn't look like we got the business we were looking for." Bobbing her head back and forth, she continued, "Of course, there's always the chance that they'd just come back here after the tournament... Anyway, there's a lot to clean up here, sorry you didn't really get that big of a chance, Adrian, maybe tomorrow or something?" She started putting pots and pans in the back room to be washed when she asked Adrian a question, "Is she... normally that agreeable? I mean no offense to you or her, but they way you talked about it, or maybe I was just inferring it, she was gonna be... much more defensive than that."


"Ladies and gentleman! I'm proud to announce to you that the final match of this tournament is about to commence! Everything has been building to this point, two fighters are about to test their mettle against each other's, and only one can claim victory here! I would like to introduce Arcen Willard and Teis Risdryn! In but a moment, both fighters will finally face off. Remember, once the battle starts, all betting will be stopped, so take this final moment to go make your decision!" And I hope they'll be in for a little surprise after the match, hehehe...

As he stood in the arena, his adrenaline was pumping. Arcen simply couldn't wait to finally get the match started, wanting nothing more than to have a go at first place. I can do this, it's easy!

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Keeping his helmet on (therefore, his face hidden), Teis raised his shield at the announcement, the crowd roaring. No one could see it, but he was smirking. He struck the floor with his axe once, making a gash and getting the adrenaline flowing.

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