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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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'Awkward? You're too light to be awkward, don't worry on it.'

Langley smiles a bit, yet glances up at the peaks, the path beginning to already shift from dirt to a slight rocky edging to the pathways outlying areas. She turns her head back and smiles, a light glance to his eyes before nodding in answer to his question.

'I'll tell ya about my childhood if you oblige back. Your parents..? What're they like?'

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"Let's... watch the match, first. We can talk about it after...I'm just thinking, don't worry." He wasn't worried - just wondering what she was on about. She was being far too timid about this whole thing. Even with her particular...issue with men, it wasn't like she had to be. "I just wish I hadn't brought this up right now..." "It would have come up sometime," he pointed out. "Let's just watch for now."

During the match, Gideon zoned out entirely. His mind was racing with all sorts of nonsense. Why him, first of all? What was so special about him? He just happened to be there when she needed help! And even if it turned out to go somewhere, how would it work out? He was human, and...No. That's the upbringing talking. Shut up, Gideon. He sighed heavily and rubbed his eyes as a throbbing pain hit his head. Whether it was from irritation or from his head wound from a few days ago, he wasn't sure. And she seemed to be getting heavier on his arm...

When he glanced over, Gideon saw her sleeping with her head on his shoulder. That explained it. As soon as the announcer's voice rang in his ears, Amera shot awake, causing Gideon to jerk back a bit. Of course, he couldn't get far - she was clinging to his arm. Then she gave him a look, one he recognized. That was the look of a girl who was wondering. In his experience, it was one of two looks a girl could have (the other being "I-want-something-and-I'm-going-to-get-it-from-you-whether-you-like-it-or-not, which he knew from innhopping), and the one he preferred. "You look like you're about to ask me something, so go ahead," he ventured.

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"You look like you're about to ask me something, so go ahead," She continued to cling to his arm, almost holding it tighter. "What..." she paused, and was red again. I don't want to ask him this. I don't want to find out the answer, I really don't... But I guess I have to, don't I? "What if... I really do like you, like that? What then?" She could've sworn her heart stopped right then and there. Amera, you're insane. He's just some guy you've barely known for long, and you're just a teenager... but what if it's more than that? Sure, you're just a teen, but teens can know what love feels like, right? Aahhhhh... "You... don't have to answer that. I'm probably just being silly, now that I think about it... or not, but I... I don't know, anymore. I think I know, but..." She didn't finish, just going in circles at that point.


'Awkward? You're too light to be awkward, don't worry on it.' "Uhm, well, thank you, I guess, heh." He wasn't sure what to say to that, practically tripping as the road began to change. Great, now we have to walk on rocks. 'I'll tell ya about my childhood if you oblige back. Your parents..? What're they like?' Andy sighed as he walked, not stopping, "I... don't know much about them, really. I was sent away from home at an early age because of how bad things were in Astarte, so... well, for all I know, they could even be dead." It was a rather grim thought from him, unsure as to why he wasn't as upset as someone would be, thinking about their parents being dead.

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Teis's gamble had been partially successful. He'd managed to knock Arcen back quite a bit, at the expense of what was left of his balance. The floor was slightly wet from the drizzle, causing him to slip. Slamming his axe onto the floor and prop himself back up, Teis decided not to press the advantage further. A good decision, as it happened that Arcen was back on the offensive.

This guy maybe act like a fool, but he really knows what he's doing...

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Zwool looked up at the cloud cover sky with a heavy sigh. "I'm going to go back, this... mindless violence doesn't interest me, and I don't want to deal with this weather." He told Adano and Aurelio as he stood up and made his way back slowly. Oh well, whatever suits them I guess... but I hate rain... so much... it makes my wings so heavy... blargh...

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Langley's eyes don't look back, but she remembers what her mom said. The worst feeling she'd ever had, trading younger slaves, just so she wouldn't fall, so she could live. Yet the worst feeling she had said, what had destroyed her heart, was seeing a parent separated from their little one. She turns back a bit, her eyes unseen but she calls back with cheer that she musters.

'Well, maybe they loved you so much; they had to send you away. It destroyed them, maybe. But you were safe.'

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"What if... I really do like you, like that? What then?" After the question, she began to ramble. Gideon sighed and let her go for a bit; once she paused, he looked directly at her. "If you really do, then we need to take this conversation somewhere else so we can figure it out," he told her evenly. He leaned in, smirking a bit. "This may surprise you," he said more quietly, "but I'm not fond of...um, expressing...certain things in public." His stammering surprised him - why was it so hard for him to articulate this all of a sudden? "If you want to watch the finals, it can wait," he added quickly.

Though he didn't realize it at the time, his expression was softer than it usually was. And he wasn't really aware of how little distance was between them...

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"If you really do, then we need to take this conversation somewhere else so we can figure it out," She nodded, not sure if she wanted to get into this all right now, but it was starting to rain, and she didn't need wet clothes sticking to her. "This may surprise you," "Hmm?" "but I'm not fond of...um, expressing...certain things in public." "Me neither, so... yeah, let's just go." She turned to him, jumping back a bit and letting go of his arm, when she realized how close he'd gotten. She didn't freak out like she had the night before, but it still freaked her out a bit. "D-Don't do that, alright?" She stood, stretching, having sat for way too long. "Oh, yeah, didn't you need a weapon or something? We could get that on the way back to the inn." She didn't mind a stop, especially if it gave her time to think. An outstretched hand for Gideon, she gave him a small smile, glad to finally be smiling after all this.


'Well, maybe they loved you so much; they had to send you away. It destroyed them, maybe. But you were safe.' "I... guess. I don't think about it much. I never knew them, so I never worried about them. Is that sick? Is that horrible of me? To never have worried about the lives of the people who brought me into this world? Or is it perfectly normal, since they abandoned me to my Grandfather, and never seemed to care for me?!" His voice was raising now, and he was walking faster. "Maybe they should've tried to care for their son, in the hardest of times! Maybe they should've attempted to pull through like every other family does, instead of shipping me off to make their lives easier!" He was mad, and he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking, tripping over a rather large rock and slamming his knee into the ground, "Agh!"

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"D-Don't do that, alright?" Gideon turned a bit red and backed up. "Sorry about that," he said quickly. "Didn't mean to..." To what? Get in her face? Yes you did.

"Oh, yeah, didn't you need a weapon or something? We could get that on the way back to the inn." He stood up slowly and stretched, surprised at how easily his legs held. Apparently he wasn't in that bad of shape... "That was my plan," he replied, nodding. "I've been meaning to do that since we got back. Kind of useless unarmed." Taking her hand, he began to lead her to the stairs, cracking a smile back at her. Sure, she was annoying, conniving, and a magnet for trouble, but he had to admit - she was growing on him a bit. "Wait, do you want to just head back after?" he asked, having just thought of it. "If we come back, we might be able to catch the finals."

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She shivered a little as he took her hand, not used to that sort of contact. Well, it feels like it's that sort of contact, but I... I don't know. "Wait, do you want to just head back after?" "Huh?" I thought you wanted to head back to the inn, as well. "If we come back, we might be able to catch the finals." She was a bit disappointed that the fighting was still on his mind, not entirely though, as she was enjoying them as well. "I-I guess we could. As long as we get something to cover us from the rain." She glanced down at her shirt, blushing a little, the water already making it stick to her. "Yeah, we really would. I'm not going to sit around watching a fight drenched." And I'm not letting anyone else's... I-I mean, anyone's eyes look me over when the rain gets worse...

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"I-I guess we could. As long as we get something to cover us from the rain." Gideon looked up, his smile fading a bit. The rain was starting to pick up a bit... "Yeah, we really would. I'm not going to sit around watching a fight drenched." Gideon nodded. "If you'd rather go back, that's okay," he told her. "But while we're out, we might as well catch the end, right?" He glanced over at her, his eyes quickly darting away when he saw her shirt getting wet. Easy, boy. Don't freak her out.

As soon as they were out of the arena, Gideon picked up his pace a bit, trying to look as casual as possible. "We can probably beat most of the rain," he mused. "The place I'm thinking of isn't too far." The streets seemed mostly clear, much to his relief - he had some things to say that he'd rather not have heard by passersby. Of course, provided he could find the words. The silence was bothering him; he had to say something. "Okay, um...what was the last thing you said up there?"Wow. Smooth. Still, it would put them on track...

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Langley’s voice is slightly pained, her eyes turning back to him as he begins to sound despairing, angry. She is hesitant but slows her own walk, only to see him quicken, hastily moving forward now as she notes his speed. Dang, he's quicker then I thought, she muses with annoyance at even thinking that, while her hand reaches for him.

'Andy, just calm down? It's okay, it's past for now..'

Yet suddenly he trips and then, she doesn't quite register her body jolting, darting to the fallen boy and turning him over, a slightly panicked glance to him. Her hands gently raise his knee and she flashes an angered glance to him.

'Andy, that is enough, okay? Your parents, you don't even know, yeah. But what would you feel like if you found out they were emotionally devastated from this? What happens if you see them one day and all they can feel is joy, seeing you alive, seeing you grown and happy and healthy? And all you have for them is anger..? Maybe they won't be like that, I can't predict that. But you know that being angry at them, losing your heart over anguish and despair; don't you thin that's a pointless way to spend your life? Because I think...'

Langley's eyes are quite sad, yet offer the man in front of her no pity. Just a slight softness, her hand moving his robe up and checking his knee, eyes away from his as she finishes her words..

'I think honestly, you're too good a guy to become twisted over something you don't even know.'

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"But while we're out, we might as well catch the end, right?" Sounds like you really want to see the fight, Gideon. Alright... "Sure, we can catch the end. I don't particularly mind." Well, she did, but she wasn't about to tell him that. Especially now that she'd said what she had. Make him upset now? No, no, don't think so. If he really wants to see the fight, we'll see the fight. She continued with him out of the arena, hoping he'd talk some more, but he didn't seem to want to. She couldn't blame him; he didn't seem like the emotional type.

He started to walk faster, keeping up easily with the injured man. It almost made her giggle; it seemed like he was trying to walk faster to impress her, or even himself. If you're hurt, you can just walk normally. Silly Gideon. "We can probably beat most of the rain," he mused. "The place I'm thinking of isn't too far." "Good, I don't want to get wet, and I don't want to smell like wet cat, either... Yes, I do start smelling like that when it rains, please don't laugh." She blushed more, not very proud of that fact. Not like it's my fault, anyway... Gideon was still being particularly quiet, and she finally knew why, "Okay, um...what was the last thing you said up there?" She cracked up, laughing, "I was saying that I wanted something to cover me from the rain, unless you want me soaked and upset."


Clutching his knee now, he sighed, getting some encouraging and truthful words from Langley. 'I think honestly, you're too good a guy to become twisted over something you don't even know.' He shook his head and sighed again, "you're... you're right. I don't know that, and it's not like me to get so upset over something like this. I'm... sorry you had to see such an outburt, Langley. Though..." he paused for a moment, unsure if he should say what he wants to, "You do barely know me. I could be that sort of person... no, who am I trying to kid? I'm not. And... thank you, for wh-what you said." He was unsure of what to tell her other than thank you, trying to stand. He couldn't, though, thinking his leg sprained from the sudden fall. "O-One moment..." He pointed his staff at his knee, letting the magic do its work, and grimacing at the feeling of the bones reforming into their normal shape. But, after it he stood, "Alright, we can keep going."

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"Sure, we can catch the end. I don't particularly mind." "Works for me," he said, grinning. "It's not like we won't have any time to talk about this. I mean, after the fight lets out we have all day, right?" She seemed like she wanted to talk, so he could at least humor her.

"Good, I don't want to get wet, and I don't want to smell like wet cat, either... Yes, I do start smelling like that when it rains, please don't laugh." He didn't - he was too focused on the other thing he had asked. "I was saying that I wanted something to cover me from the rain, unless you want me soaked and upset." "Before that," he shot back as they walked. "Before we even talked about leaving. I..." I want you to say it again. "I just can't remember exactly what it was. Like, I remember the jist of it, but..." He sounded stupid and he knew it. This wasn't something he was good at...

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Langley's eyes are gentle for a moment yet with a slight sigh at his near worry at her barely knowing him, she smiles suddenly, surprised at his determination. She stands and lightly watches him heal, hesitant as he stands up but quietly nods in answer to his want to keep going, a slightly light murmur to him as she shifts her body against a slight wind picking up. She glances up into the peaks above yet answers his worries and determination finally.

'Be you, Andy. However dumb that sounds, if you believe in what makes you you, you'll find doubt and fear, while maybe not less frequent, are still less likely to stop you going on.'

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"It's not like we won't have any time to talk about this. I mean, after the fight lets out we have all day, right?" "Yeah, yeah, you're right. Besides, you'll feel better if you have an axe hanging over your shoulder, won't you?" She could assume he had some complex about being weaponless, one that she'd never understand, herself. If that's the way men feel, then so be it. And, hey, he's not laughing at me for smelling like cat. That's good. He hadn't really said anything to her quip, though, instead just going onto his other question. "Before that," Oh... that... "Before we even talked about leaving. I... I just can't remember exactly what it was. Like, I remember the jist of it, but..." "B-Before that... uhm..." She knew what he wanted her to say. She knew he wanted her to say that she liked him, again, but could she? Can I really bring myself to say that again? "I... I said..." she stuttered, collecting her words, "I said that... that I l-like... you... More than like... you" Her voice was timid, and quiet, and she was burning red.


'Be you, Andy. However dumb that sounds, if you believe in what makes you you, you'll find doubt and fear, while maybe not less frequent, are still less likely to stop you going on.' He chuckled. At least she means well. "What makes me 'me' is a timid, cowardly, angry child. I... want to change that before I start believing in me. So let's get onto that!" He started walking faster up the cliff, smiling. I'm glad to have met a genuinely nice person, I really am.

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Langley is about to, annoyed, argue with him, to say he's being dumb. But she is surprised to see him smile, to march ahead. And with a silent smile, she walks ahead with him, answering with a simple word as the mountains draw around them, however slowly.


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"Yeah, yeah, you're right. Besides, you'll feel better if you have an axe hanging over your shoulder, won't you?" Gideon shrugged. "I'm just not terribly helpful without one, and I'd like to keep eating, so I don't have much choice." She wasn't saying it.

"I... I said...I said that... that I l-like... you... More than like... you" More than? He wanted to ask. He really did. But he didn't - he just laughed. "We're acting like kids, aren't we?" he said, shaking his head at his own silliness as they ducked under the cover of a nearby building. "You don't need to act so timid around me," he told her, letting go of her hand for a moment. "So far, you've been telling me what I want to hear anyway." In his periphery, he saw the interior of the blacksmith shop. The walls were completely covered in all sorts of weapons, and it took all of his focus not to turn and look - his eyes were fixed on Amera. "Long story short, I like you too, so ease up a bit. Let me know I'm not freaking you out half the time I'm talking, yeah?" Taking her hand again, he entered the shop with her behind him, the bell on the door ringing as it slammed behind them.


Now that he saw the weapons in better relief, Gideon began to get a bit uneasy - they looked really expensive, and he didn't want to spend all he had. "Oi," he called in. "Anyone in here?"

A short, stocky man, hunched over a bit and leaning on a cane, turned to look at Gideon, his sharp, cold eyes looking the younger man over. "Not so loud," he rasped back. "The rain's not going to give your voice any trouble, sounds like." With some effort he turned around all the way and leaned on the counter. "You just gonna gawk at me, boy, or are you here to do business?"

A chill crawled up Gideon's spine as the old man stared at him. This wasn't just some codger - he had to be good at what he did. "Yeah," he said after a pause. "I'm here to buy an axe. Something with a bit of weight to it."

The blacksmith craned his neck to look at Amera, nodding at Gideon's words. "You there," he said, pointing with his free hand. "Cat."

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She couldn't help but be surprised by his laughter, taking the situation a bit too seriously. "We're acting like kids, aren't we?" She chuckled with his laughter, letting out an uneasy breath. "Yeah, I guess we are. But, I am still a kid, sort of. I mean, only seventeen..." She shied away from looking at him as she went on, not sure of him still. "Long story short, I like you too, so ease up a bit. Let me know I'm not freaking you out half the time I'm talking, yeah?" She gave him a smile she hadn't yet, a shy, convinced smile. She was sure now. At least, for the moment she was. "Alright, Gideon. I'll... try to ease up. It's still hard for me to think about all of this." I guess when we get back to the inn would be the best time to tell him, if I'm being serious about this. I just hope I can... She gladly took his hand, and followed him into the blacksmith.

Amera would never understand why people needed weapons. They had their feet, and their fists, and those works well enough. She didn't even use the dagger she had on her for fighting, always for magic. The shop and weapons were impressive, at least. She found herself lost in how shiny and bedazzling all the items were, being brought back into reality by a rather rude statement, "You there, Cat." She shook her head, glancing at the older man behind the counter. "I prefer girl. And what?"


'Let's.' With a quick glance back at Langley, and a smile, he noticed the weather coming upon them from the direction of the town. "Oh, actually, let's not. Looks like there's a rather large storm coming in. I doubt we'll be able to outrun it, so we should try and find some sort of shelter, right? I've never actually had to make camp out in the wilderness. I don't know how much help I can be with this. We should try and find a cave or something, right?" He'd read a few books, some of them mentioning natural formations, like caves or natural outcroppings of rocks to hide in and under, in bad weather.

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It was starting to drizzle now, which left the two even more reason to keep an eye out for anything. Now there was practically no one, except for what seemed like a young couple walking towards the mountains. As the road started to get bumpier and bumpier, and the mountains came nearer and nearer, they began to slow their pace.

When they were almost at the mountain foot, they dismounted. Elune immediately turned, aimed her crossbow at the side of a tree, and fired. A rather large, brutish guy then fell forward, the crossbow bolt lodged firmly in his skull.

"Shit's about to get real. You'd better be able to handle this." As she said those words, 20 more guys wearing ragged and torn clothes came out of the woods, ready to avenge their fallen comrade.

One of them shouted at them. "Heard someone got up there a few days ago and shit all over the cap'n. This is our revenge!"

"I'm amused at the fact they know what that word means," Adonis muttered. "I hope you have something other than that crossbow, or we're fucked."

Elune strapped her crossbow onto her back and drew her two daggers.

"Let's do this."

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Langley stills a moment, yet for a bit, it is not to listen to Andy's words. Her ears perk and she listens.

Her head turns and sights something akin to a battle begin to break out. She quietly turns her head to Andy and then, with a worried glance, takes his hand.

'Andy, whatever you do, keep moving, look for a cave. I'm right next to you, but stay close to me, okay?'

She is afraid for not rushing in to aid whoever's fighting, yet for an odd reason, she finds her heart telling her to stay next to him, to protect him. She ignores what that feeling might be and nudges him along, hand to her sword. She knows if she can get Andy to cave, she can check back once she knows that he-, that Andy is safe. She however, inwardly curses herself.

She was about to say 'her'. Why, she thrusts aside and begins to move quickly with him.

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"Yeah, I guess we are. But, I am still a kid, sort of. I mean, only seventeen..." Gideon blinked. "Really?" How could she be so...cunning at that age? He decided not to comment. "Alright, Gideon. I'll... try to ease up. It's still hard for me to think about all of this." "About time," he replied with a grin. "Don't think about it too much. There'll be time for that."


"I prefer girl. And what?" Amera said to the store owner, whose expression didn't change. "I know your kind fairly well," he said evenly. "You have no need of anything I sell, so you must be here because no rain falls from my ceiling." He looked at Gideon and pointed his cane at him. "Before you say a thing, lad, listen. I'm not a bigot like those monkeys at the guild. She's welcome to stay with you, so long as she doesn't touch anything she isn't buying."

Gideon made a face. "I'm paying anyway. Now, do you - "

"An axe, eh?" the old man said, cutting him off and bending down behind the counter. "I think I might have something you'll be interested in." With one hand (and a surprising lack of effort, or so it seemed) he produced a large, ornate battleaxe from beneath the counter and placed it in front of Gideon. "Mind the way you handle it," he said sharply. "That thing's worth one-fifty even with your prints all over it."

Taking his hand from Amera's, Gideon picked the weapon up and looked it over. It wasn't terribly heavy - probably a few pounds lighter than the rusty one he had before. The blade was a lot bigger, though, as was the handle - this was closer to a poleaxe than what he was used to. The handle was carefully carved, and the wood seemed sturdy. "What's the blade made of?"

The old man scowled as he watched this punk handle the piece he had so carefully created. "Ceramic for the edge, and steel for the head itself," he said carefully, masking his frustration but trying to sell it a bit. "Keeping it together took a few tricks, but it'll hold. Chips in the edge won't stop it from cutting, either."

Gideon nodded. "I'll give you one-twenty for it," he offered. Time to see what this old man's made of.

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"Uhm... Langley? Are you alright? You seem distracted by something." His hand was suddenly taken, and he was being dragged along, rather close to her. 'Andy, whatever you do, keep moving, look for a cave. I'm right next to you, but stay close to me, okay?' He blushed once again, still not used to, and probably not going to be used to (for a while), being so close to a woman. "Wha-- I-- a-alright!" He staggered the words out of his mouth, following along with her brisk pace. What could she possibly want?


"I know your kind fairly well," he said evenly. "You have no need of anything I sell, so you must be here because no rain falls from my ceiling." She simply scoffed at the old coot; that was also how she saw him now, just another person who thought they were better than her race. "I'm in here because I came with him, not because of the rain." I'll just go wait outside, then. Geez... these people. She heard him mention that he didn't mind her staying if she didn't touch anything, but the way he'd spoken with her before had already put her off. He began to talk to Gideon about getting him an axe, and Amera simply yawned. "Have fun with your toys, Gideon, I'll be waiting outside. Seems like that's what someone would prefer." She walked out of the door in a huff, standing as close to the building as she could to avoid most of the rain. It wasn't really working, but she's made a scene. It would kill her to just walk back inside, now.

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Langley looks along the sides of rock, the mountains truly beginning as the forest steepens, trees and grass slightly lessening as now, rock begins to grow in size and numbers. She watches the sides for a while, apologetic in a worried glance to Andy for dragging him along yet for some reason; she feels that urge, to keep the boy safe. She sighs and then lightly blinks to herself, sighting an opening in he walls early on, quite lucky indeed. But, she sighs, with as well a travelled mountain as this, a cave or 'rest stop' this early in doesn't surprise her. As she tugs Andy, indeed, the cavernous entrance seems smooth, too smooth to have naturally been carved by nature. Most likely some strong arms or the like, maybe, with a deeper sigh she thinks, Anri Slave's, forced to carve out a cave just so someone could avoid the rain. She silently leads Andy inside, quiet.

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"Have fun with your toys, Gideon, I'll be waiting outside. Seems like that's what someone would prefer." Before Gideon could stop her, she was gone.

As the door slammed behind her, the old man chuckled. "Your price'll do," he said dismissively. "Use the rest of your coin to calm that girl down. Yours is a harder lot than mine, my friend."

Gideon scowled and put a few stacks of coin on the counter, taking the weapon and strapping it to his belt. "Thanks," he said sharply as he walked out to see Amera standing in the rain. He sighed. "You didn't have to do that," he told her. "Look, if you stand out here like this, you'll catch cold. Do you want to head back to the inn?" He knew it bothered her, but this was just...well, kind of silly. The old man hadn't done anything particularly cruel - he just called her a cat. "Amera, come on. He's an old man. They run their mouths."

From his window, the old man heard Gideon's pleading and smirked. "Taming a beast and a woman at the same time...he'll be in for quite a bit of stress." He hobbled back into the back room, mumbling to himself. "I wonder when the next shipment will come..."

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