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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Seriously wondering what was going on, he followed her into the cave, still worried about what was going on. "L-Langley, could you please explain to me why you're being so hasty right now? It's sort of scaring me..." Oh Gods, what if she's going to do unspeakable things to me, and leave the body here!? Or even worse, something unmentionable, and not kill me, leaving me to live with the memory of what happened... Oh Gods!


"You didn't have to do that," he told her. "Look, if you stand out here like this, you'll catch cold. Do you want to head back to the inn?" She sighed, and sort of chuckled, almost completely soaked now. "Y-Yeah, I know I didn't, but... it just annoyed me, you know? And I made a scene. I've got too much pride to do something like that and then just walk back in, like nothing happened... Sorry about all this." She looked down at her clothes again, sort of upset that they were soaked, but more upset with herself, as it was completely her fault. "Amera, come on. He's an old man. They run their mouths." "I guess so. It just... gets annoying, being referred to as an animal over a person. I don't know if you know how that feels." She didn't mind his suggestion of heading back to the inn, but she'd promised to go to the arena with him. "I'm already soaked, I don't mind standing in it a bit longer. Let's just go back and watch the end of the match, alright?" She took his hand, and started walking him back to the place, trying her best to ignore the rain.

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Lucretia arrived to find Adano and Aurelio in their usual spot. The rain didn't bother her too much, she was used to rain and/or snow in Miyako most of the year.

"Who's winning so far?" She asked.

"Teis seems to have the advantage but you never know." Adano replied. "Man, this rain's starting to get heavy."


He looked outside, noting the rain was picking up again.

"Damn." He muttered.

'Thanks for the food.'

"Hey, no problem. No reason to let you starve after I carried you here." He chuckled. "Come on, let's go see what's up." He left the money on the table and headed to the door, beckoning for Carrie to follow.

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His words make her freeze slightly and, as soon as she musters movement, leading him inside the cave rather gently, she turns and without much hesitation, cups his cheeks. Her look is worried but she smiles none the less, a slight strain to it, but one she doesn't regret giving.

'I'm sorry for worrying you. There's a battle back there and I needed to get you away from there. You may be strong, but I didn't think you'd be able to defend against the sort of fight it looked like...'


Carrie nods quite in agreement, a light smile as she stretches as she stands. She feels a bit rundown, yet not as bad as last night. So with a light sigh, she heads out with him, leaving some coins of her own too on the table, to see what it is that's drawn the attention of the towns folk away from here.

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"Alright then, Aiduen." Smiling and sitting up again, she looked right into the girl's eyes., focusing on them. "What can I do to gain your trust. I know I'm telling the truth here, I'm me, but you? I completely understand why you're acting the way you are. After all, I'm a criminal supposedly. According to you, self defense is a crime now. In fact, I'd wager we're not so different, you and I, just on different scales of power and" She held her hand up, stopping Aiduen from trying to interrupt her. "And I'll get to that in a bit if you'd like. Right now, I need your trust on this matter. If you do tell the authorities, of course I'll deny it, but I won't hear the fucking end of it in forever, and eventually, something is going to give, and seeing as I can't defend myself aside form this shitty sword, I'm as good as dead. I'll tell you what. I'll give you a head start. You see this book, this goddamn book right here? It holds my soul. It is bound to that thing like a man to an iron ball and chain. If this book gets destroyed, I die. If it gets scratched or hurt at all, it harms me. So..." She tossed the book over to Aiduen. "I am literally putting my life in your hands here. I will completely admit, I'm nowhere near perfect, I've killed many people, I've burned families, but with the Goddess as my witness, I never sought out the violence, I never once went out of my way to harm others, they all came at me. Pitchforks, swords, lances, axes, sickles, rakes, stones, twigs, even barehanded, everyone wants me dead, all because of one mistake I made when I was a child. I accidentally killed my brother, I tried to use that very same book to heal his broken body, to try and save him. Little did I know that thing had to be tamed first, for all intents and purposes. And so, here I am, flushed in the face, ready to die if you so choose it. If you want to kill someone who just wants to right their wrongs in the world, be my g-guest." Now the fear was setting in, but she had to ignore it. Unfortunately, there was a slight tremble coming from Carrion, uncontrollable shaking. Aiduen took everything she was just told into consideration, eyeing the book and then Carrion for many moments, wondering what to do. She even looked to Adrian to see if he had any answer to any of this.


The battlefield wet, he almost slipped and fell on himself, but instead he actually caught his footing and decided to go for a jumping strike at Teis. A risky move, but one he thought would look cool. If he can get me during this, it's over... And then we can simply conserve our energy for what happens next...

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"Y-Yeah, I know I didn't, but... it just annoyed me, you know? And I made a scene. I've got too much pride to do something like that and then just walk back in, like nothing happened... Sorry about all this." She was completely soaked. He could see right through her tank top... "I guess so. It just... gets annoying, being referred to as an animal over a person. I don't know if you know how that feels." Did she even realize the situation she was in?

"I'm already soaked, I don't mind standing in it a bit longer. Let's just go back and watch the end of the match, alright?" Gideon shook his head. "Not like that." He took her hand and brought her under the awning outside the blacksmith and began to pull off his jacket. It was filthy and torn in places, but it was warm and the rain didn't sink into it. Once it was off, he handed it to her, looking her over carefully. "I'm not going to have you get sick. This'll at least keep you warm for a little while." Under the jacket, all he had on was a sleeveless brown shirt which was in poor shape, but it'd do. A chill crawling up his spine again, he offered her his hand. "Once you get it on, we'll go, okay?"

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Zwool groaned as the rain poured on him, he put his wings up over his head as a makeshift umbrella. He turned and looked back at the group he was walking away from. He shook his head... they were kind enough to say hi to them, it'd be rude to just leave. He walked back to them. "Would anyone else like to accompany me getting out of this rain? Sure I'm not the only one who hates it." He said with a chuckle, trying to ignore the drumming on his wings.

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Ormis was uneasy about something, and not really sure why. He was almost glued to the match and hadn't noticed Amera and Gideon slipping off, but he had the feeling that there was trouble on the horizon.

Not that Ormis didn't welcome the challenge.


He's trying a leaping strike?

If he was a spectator, he would have immediately called the other man out on the stupidity of what he was doing. The ground was wet, which didn't improve one's balance any, and Teis could hardly fail to hit such an obvious target. It was raining more heavily now, though, and the rain made it hard to see. Any other day, he would have backed off, then attacked before he regained his balance after landing. Today, though, Teis wanted to conserve his strength for whatever might come next. As such, he decided to chance it. He swung at the silhouette, hoping it would connect.

Alas, the rain that made the gamble unlikely was, in the end, the deciding factor. Teis, despite having firmly planted his feet into the ground, managed to step into a mud puddle. The weight of his axe made for a ridiculous amount of force, as well as momentum. As Teis brought his weapon up for the power strike, his foot slid in the mud. Not a whole lot, but enough to throw off his already shaky balance.


He fell, unable to catch himself this time. The knight raised his shield for a split second as if to try and ward off the blow, but thought better of it. Instead, he called out his surrender vocally, shouting to make himself heard over the crowd and the rain.

Best to end this now, and save my strength for what's to come.

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Carrion was really letting Aiduen know everything about her, and he almost yelped when she tossed the book over to Aiduen, quieting himself. Geez, Carrion, do you know what you're doing? My life's in there too, you know! Aiduen gave him a glance, almost asking for instructions. "Listen... she really isn't the person that everyone makes her out to be. It's a ridiculous series of events, but... someone whose been as nice as she has been to me, they couldn't be evil. They just couldn't. So if you want to believe all the things you've heard about the "Crimson Witch", then go ahead... but just know you'd be killing the both of us by destroying that book. Like I said before, she brought me back to life, and my soul's in that book too." He couldn't believe he was leaving it in her hands, tempted to jump up and snatch the book from her. I trust you, Carrion. Don't get us killed because you got too buzzed...


"Gideon, what're you looking..." she followed his eyes down to her shirt, shrieking and covering her chest with her arms. "Well, you could've told me, at least! And with words, not your eyes!" She was blushing, not entirely mad at him, but still wishing he'd chosen a different way of conveying how soaked she was. I guess I don't mind it... all that much. Better him than some fat pervert. He did hand her his jacket though, as she took it and quickly wrapped it around herself. Sure, it was tattered, but the gesture was nice. "I'm not going to have you get sick. This'll at least keep you warm for a little while." "Uhm... thanks..." I'm glad you care, Gideon. She gave him a smile, taking his hand again, and walking quickly through the rain. "Come on, we can hang under the awnings at the arena to catch the rest of the match!"


'I'm sorry for worrying you. There's a battle back there and I needed to get you away from there. You may be strong, but I didn't think you'd be able to defend against the sort of fight it looked like...' A battle?! Oh my... "I-I see... I guess I shall wait here, then? Just... just don't leave me here, alright?" He was worried that this was some sort of ploy to leave him here, so that she could run off but, "I... trust that you won't leave me here, whenever you're finished with your fighting."

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"Well, you could've told me, at least! And with words, not your eyes!" From the shade of red she was, she was more than a bit frustrated by her clothes' condition. How can she be so high-strung despite all that coy stuff? Maybe that's the cat side? "Uhm... thanks..." "Not a problem," he said quickly. It really wasn't - outside of his lack of coverage from the rain, this was really convenient for him. It meant no one else would be ogling her. "Come on, we can hang under the awnings at the arena to catch the rest of the match!" Before he realized it, she was tugging him along to the arena again. The rain was coming down hard, and without his jacket on it was a lot colder...

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"Not a problem," She gave him a smile, and stopped for just a moment to consider Gideon's position. He's just given you his jacket, girl, he's got to be cold, especially with his hard this rain's coming down. Give him a nice hug at the arena, alright? It's the least you can do after he's been so nice to you... well, he got a good look at you, but... aaaahhhhh, stupid thoughts. Just... just give him a hug. She could see the arena, as they hadn't gone very far to get to the blacksmith's. She quickly tugged him into the entrance, chuckling a bit at the lack of rain pouring down on them. "Finally, out of that damn rain... feels nice to just try and dry off, doesn't--" she glanced back at the poor man, who was soaked from head to toe, "... it... Sorry. You probably wouldn't have gotten wet if you'd kept your jacket." Alright, now... just... She swallowed, turning to him and giving him a tight hug. You can let go any time, now... oh, screw it, you know you want to hug him.

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Amera seemed happy during the walk there. Gideon was less-than. He didn't mind so much that he had a cute girl on his arm and that she was happy with him for sharing his jacket. The issue was the freezing fucking rain soaking him to the bone. Outside of that, there wasn't much to complain about. Except that his legs were still dragging a bit. And he was tired. And something about the arena bothered him...

"Finally, out of that damn rain... feels nice to just try and dry off, doesn't--" Amera stopped when she looked at him. He brushed his soaking bangs from his face and just looked at her. "... it... Sorry. You probably wouldn't have gotten wet if you'd kept your jacket." Then, out of nowhere, she hugged him tightly. For a moment, he was bewildered by it - it wasn't something he was used to. But he put his arms around her and hugged her back, doing his best not to shiver - fuck, it's cold. She was a bit shorter than him, so his head rested on hers. It was a pretty nice fit. "This kind of defeats the purpose of keeping you dry," he noted without letting go. "I swear, we're both going to be sick tomorrow..."

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She'd felt his head his hers, and it sort of freaked her out a bit. Calm down, calm down, he's not going to hurt you. Just enjoy it for what it is: a hug. Alright? Rationalizing within herself, she took a breath, trying to stay calm. "This kind of defeats the purpose of keeping you dry," "Y-Yeah, I know..." "I swear, we're both going to be sick tomorrow..." She sniffled a little, almost confirming what he'd said right away. "Yeah, we might, but... I had to pay you back for giving me your jacket. Though, I doubt this is really going to warm you up, heh..." She let her grip go, moving back a bit to look up at him. "Let's go watch the match, alright? If we get sick tomorrow, let's at least enjoy today, and then rest the next." She dragged him off again, walking to the door to the fighting area, and watching from there as to not get rained on more. The match looked to be almost over, from what she could glean through the rain.

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Zwool hissed lightly. "Grr, I'm just gonna go guys... I can't take this rain anymore..." and on the note he started to trot out of the arena. He was cut short however, as he nearly bumped into a couple on the way out. "Oh uh, sorry mister... miss..." he said, screeching to a halt as he splashed a little water onto them from his wings. "Oh geez, I'm so sorry..." he blurted out again, his face rather red, his gem glowing lightly.

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"Yeah, we might, but... I had to pay you back for giving me your jacket. Though, I doubt this is really going to warm you up, heh..." "There'll be time for that," Gideon shot back. Maybe it wasn't the right thing to say right now, but she had taunted him enough in the past few days. It was his turn to set her on edge a bit. "Let's go watch the match, alright? If we get sick tomorrow, let's at least enjoy today, and then rest the next." "Alright-hey, easy!" he said as she dragged him along to see the outcome of the fight. The rain was too heavy for him to tell what was happening up there...

As they walked in, they bumped into a guy with...wings? Seriously? At this point, though, he was used to stuff like this, so it didn't bother him. "Don't worry about it," Gideon replied. Weird kid.

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Carrion's eyes widened at her mistake again. Shit... How could I have been so selfish, I can't believe I forgot Adrian was bound to that too... oh dammit! She was about to cry, when she blurted out, "Please! Don't do it! I dragged him into this, he didn't do anything, don't kill him because of what my name bares! Please, dear goddess, please don't do this, I'll do whatever you want, anything, just don't do it... please..."

She's... she's begging me for her life...? More than that, she's crying... Either she's damn good at faking, or... "That... That won't be necessary..." Standing up, she handed the book back to Carrion, simply staring into her eyes now. "I've... never seen someone beg so fiercely like that before. He must really mean a lot to you, doesn't he?" She gave a warm smile to Adrian, then turned back to Carrion. "As for you being the witch, well... I'll take your word for it now. I can't think of any other way for someone to have brought back a dead person, and your crying there was genuine as far as I can tell... And beyond that, it's not my place to outright condemn someone, especially after seeing that. I'm sorry I've been acting the way I have, and I'm not... entirely sold on the whole thing, but at the very least, I'm not going to do anything to hinder you in what you're doing here. I've seen nothing to report to the authorities about, and Adrian here has been nothing but nice to me, and he's had nothing but good things to say about you, Carrion. I'll do you another favor, I won't make mention of this to my brother at all. If he knew who you claim to be... he'd kill you on the spot, I'm afraid." Holding her forehead, she looked weary now. "I'm sorry, this is... all a bit much."

Her body slumping slightly, she hugged Adrian suddenly. "I'm sorry, too..."


Smirking, he brushed some of his hair aside, holding his sword high up in the air after Teis shouted his surrender.

"Well folks, it seems that was decided rather quickly! Well done, Arcen! I do hope you're ready for this next extra special challenge we've got in store! Anyone in the stadium who would like to challenge Arcen for the prize and title of 1st place, you may now do so! Everyone at once even!"

Most of the crowd looked to each other in confusion, wondering what was going on with this turn of events, before a bunch of figures from all over the stadium literally hopped into the ring, at least twenty of them, many of them holding typical weaponry such as axes, daggers, swords, lances, bows, etc. "And to make this more interesting... Honor rules do not apply here, folks! Those with weak stomachs are asked to leave the arena grounds immediately, this may be getting bloody~!"

"Oh what the fuck... I recognize a few of... Haha... Ahahahaha, wow, the guild actually set this up? Just to try and get back at me? They really don't know what they're in for. Teis! You ready for this, bud?!" Arcen's face was stoic, his eyes darting about, eyeing up figures in the rain, marking their positions and waiting for their first move. In all honesty, the thing he was most worried about right now was the most likely lack of prize money he'd be getting from all of this.

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"Watch how many of them come, and stay close. If they come all at once, they'll get in each others way." As he said this, Adonis began thinking of how he would do this. He couldn't straight up hit any of them... Or could he...

The rain started getting heavier, and he smiled. It was perfect for him now. The bandits could only watch as the rain around Adonis turned to ice and his staff began to glow a more brilliant hue of blue. He shouted something which seemed like a battle cry, and the hundreds of ice shards flew towards the bandits. None of them escaped, at least half of them were probably dead.

Only a few were left standing. Elune easily dispatched three idiots who tried to hit her, before staring down the last guy, a slightly younger and scrawnier man.

"Would this have anything to do with a bandit named Menag?" The man gulped and slowly nodded his head. Elune smiled at him and held a dagger to his neck.

"That's good. Because I'm the one who killed him." She then drove her dagger into his throat, and turned back to her partner.

"We'd better hide the bodies. We don't want more shit like this."


"Well folks, it seems that was decided rather quickly! Well done, Arcen! I do hope you're ready for this next extra special challenge we've got in store! Anyone in the stadium who would like to challenge Arcen for the prize and title of 1st place, you may now do so! Everyone at once even!"

Are you fucking kidding me... the guild? He decided to pose as one of them, joining the rest into the battlefield. He made sure to stay near the exit, so he could run if needed. As he drew his sword, he realised he had to make the first move.

He stabbed the guy right in front of him in the back, kicking his dead body to the floor. "Killing isn't my sort of thing, but for dishonourable fuckers like you, I can make an exception." Expecting some of the guild to follow him, he made a run for it.

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"There'll be time for that," Could she blush anymore in one day? Because Gideon was setting a new record for making her do just that, as she turned that shade of red again. "Yeah, there will. I'll make sure of that." Whoa, whoa! Where did that come from!? She'd covered her mouth right after saying it, unsure if she'd really said it or not. No, Amera, no, you can't say those things. You know how you are around men when they get that close, don't give him ideas. She just nodded again, as they tried to watch the fight through the rain, not sure how much was actually going on. They were watching that is, until a rather tall anri with wings ran into them, making her more wet than she already was. "Hey, watch it! I'm already soaked here..." Then, the announcer spouted a grim message over the air, and a bunch of people in the stands decided to jump into the arena. "Oh, they're not doing this! Come on, Gideon!" She didn't even realize that some of them were from the guild, she wasn't about to watch as the guy who'd stood up for her the previous day got himself maimed. She ran down the stairs, and jumped onto the back of the first guy she could get to, taking him down into the mud with her. Pffft, after dealing with those cult idiots, these guys are nothing! Her stomach suddenly pained her, and she remembered... she still hadn't gotten her ribs healed. Okay, on second thought, I might want to swallow my pride and get out of here. Another one of the guild cronies spotted her, and turned, weapon raised to strike.


"Please! Don't do it! I dragged him into this, he didn't do anything, don't kill him because of what my name bares! Please, dear goddess, please don't do this, I'll do whatever you want, anything, just don't do it... please..." "Wha-- Carrion..." Her reaction to him, and not herself, was the most surprising thing he'd seen in a while. You matter too, you know? Don't just act like she shouldn't do this because of me! Most fortunately for the both of them, Aiduen didn't. In fact, she handed the book back to Carrion, and Adrian almost cried with relief. "... I'll do you another favor, I won't make mention of this to my brother at all. If he knew who you claim to be... he'd kill you on the spot, I'm afraid." "I guess he's more simple than you said he was?" Suddenly, he was being hugged, unsure of how to react to it. He calmly hugged her back, nothing but trying to be friendly. "It's... alright. I should be the one hugging you, you just sparred my life..."

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Teis got up, nearly laughing at the turn of events. Somehow, he'd managed to place himself in the middle of an attempt to get revenge for the previous night.

"That was fast. One might think to attack us while we're recuperating. Apparently not."

"They really don't know what they're in for. Teis! You ready for this, bud?!"

His response was to raise his axe and bring it crashing to the floor. The impact made a booming noise. It wasn't as impressive as it could have been, as the muddy floor did a good job of muffling it.

One man decided to raise his sword and charge. More and more were joining the fray. From an initial group of what looked like twenty men, the numbers were swelling. When there were around thirty-strong mercenaries surrounding the duo, Teis raised his axe again, this time in challenge.



Ormis leapt out of his seat cheering when Arcen won. Nothing like a good ol' patch of bad luck to show that stupid knight who was boss. As a result, he didn't fully register why all the mercs seemed to be getting out of their seats and jumping into the arena.

Then it clicked. One man with a scar over one eye, wielding what looked to be a fairly lightweight spear ran by. Ormis recognized him from the night before. When the next mercenary ran past, Ormis turned and slugged him in the gut before slamming the hilt of his sword into the back of the man's head. Then he jumped into the stadium himself. He ran through the group, keeping his sword sheathed. When he reached the front, he hit the man in front of him with his sheath, leaped up, drew his sword, and landed between the fighters and the mercenaries. He pointed his blade at the guild members.

"Hey now, that's hardly fair of you, bringing what, fifty men to kill two guys?" Ormis paused for a second, then grinned.

"Maybe if you'd brought a hundred, it'd be an even match."

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Zwool stopped and turned, looking around. He saw the girl dart passed him and toward the arena. He followed, noticing all the people around him with weapons drawn, he drew his own Claidheamh Mor. He lunged the guy that was about to strike the girl, jumping back and taking a defensive stance over her, watching his opponents carefully. He looked down and realized the man had nicked his shoulder in his dieing breath. Zwool shrugged before barking tot he girl. "What the fuck is going on here!?" He cried to her, flaring his wings menacingly as he looked out to the crowd.

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"Yeah, there will. I'll make sure of that." Wow. At this rate, I'll be tied down in a matter of days... "Hey, watch it! I'm already soaked here..." she cried at the winged Anri. He couldn't blame her. Then the announcer called.

"Well folks, it seems that was decided rather quickly! Well done, Arcen! I do hope you're ready for this next extra special challenge we've got in store! Anyone in the stadium who would like to challenge Arcen for the prize and title of 1st place, you may now do so! Everyone at once even!"

"Oh, they're not doing this! Come on, Gideon!" Before she had told him to, Gideon was moving. His legs seemed fine, much to his relief, and so he darted down the stairs after Amera, pulling out his new axe and shouldering it. He recognized a few of the men closing in on Teis and Arcen - they were with the fat man at the guild. "I swear, this fucking guild needs to be burned to the ground..." he growled. Amera had already pinned one guildie to the ground, and the one that was after her got taken down quickly by the other Anri. There was another closing in on the two, but luckily for Gideon, he didn't seem to notice him. Seizing the opportunity, he lunged at the guildmember and swung at the back of his head. The axe moved with surprising speed - it was lighter than he thought - and easily buried its edge in the man's skull. Gideon pulled it out just as easily, leaving a rather nasty gap in his victim's head.

"Never a dull moment, I swear," he said to Amera as he shouldered his axe again, surveying the field. "What the fuck is going on here!?" the Anri cried. "Long story short, the guild in this city's corrupt, so we're gonna knock them about a bit. Easy enough, right?" He looked at Amera again. "Think we can make it to Teis?"

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"Tch" was her only response to this stranger helping her, forcing herself to her feet, and clutching her stomach with one hand. "I don't... I don't need your help, got it? I can handle myself!" She was too prideful to accept help from a stranger she'd just met, and not even met properly. Just let me... handle myself! I'm not hurt enough to stop, not right now! As much as most of her body was telling her to leave, the fact that Gideon was there made her want to stay, to help him in any way possible. "Never a dull moment, I swear," "Nope! Never a bloody dull moment!" Speaking of blood, she coughed a a small spatter of it came out of her mouth. Okay, maybe I'm hurt more than I thought I was. The rain wasn't making this any easier. At least she was still wearing Gideon's jacket. That was making it a bit more bearable, but nothing was making it alright! I'm going to enjoy a nice, long, warm shower after this... "Think we can make it to Teis?" "Well... we can try!" She made her body move, and jumped onto another guild idiot, dragging him down to the ground, and punching him in the face. Her stomach was killing her, but she wasn't going to stop until she couldn't walk anymore. The wave of people running into the pit didn't seem like it was going to stop any time soon, either.

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She was still fighting, but he had noticed that she was coughing up blood all over my damn jacket...dammit, Amera, you're so stubborn. Even with her in her condition, he probably couldn't get her off the battlefield, so he would just have to keep an eye on her.

One more guildie fell to his axe as he advanced towards Teis, keeping close to Amera - in the chaos of this situation, either of them could be attacked by anyone, even a friend. And if they avoided that, there would be plenty of enemies around to compensate. He and the kid would have to cut a path for them, probably; Amera was hurt, and all of the actual participants were probably pretty hurt, too.

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Ormis was greeted with jeers, and more than a few sharp (and some not-sharp) objects flying at his head. He ducked, then spun around and kicked a man who'd been running up from behind in the stomach, knocking his breath out. Instead of taking the time to kill the man, Ormis instead used his chest as a springboard, throwing himself into the group rapidly converging on Teis and Arcen.

Teis had greeted the first man to attack with a hand-axe to the side of his head. As retrieving it was out of the question, Teis whacked the next fighter with his shield, then cut his ribs open. Trusting Arcen to watch his back, the knight took two wide swings, knocking back a few with each one. From what he saw, there were at least four groups that seemed to have another opponent. Teis thought it likely to be the other arena fighters.

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He'd gotten on his horse now, and immediately he felt slightly better. A few guild members had followed him out, but he finished off 2 of them before a third one nearly got to him. He blocked the sword swing and killed him too, but he realised he wouldn't be able to handle all of them.

No time to think about that now... He waited near the exit, drawing his bow. He began firing at anyone who looked like a guild member, hopefully being able to take out a large number of them.

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Zwool rolled his eyes at the girl, pushing herself so hard for no real reason... but she did cough up some blood, and the scent reached him with a smile. "I can carve you a path..." He said with a growl as his combat instincts kicked in. With a flutter of his wings he charged forward, deftly cutting down two of the lackeys in a single broad slash of his sword, ducking under the blow of a third. With a flap he leaped back to a safer distance, closer to his comrades, as the group closed in more. "It just might take me a minute..." Wow, they're so... simple, they must truly be desperate some of them, to even try to fight opponents with such skill... they might just hope they have numbers or something...

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