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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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He watched as person after person came down to fight him and Teis, as well as allies jumping in to stop the injustice at hand. His face covered and drenched, his eyes unblinking in the rain. He tilted his head as an arrow soared on by, grazing his ear. "Dead." was all he managed to say as he dashed through the now muddy field towards the helpless archer. In the time it took to notch an arrow and fire again, Arcen had charged, jumped over a man who was trying to protect the archer, slid underneath another, then brought his sword swinging righ through the man's legs, lopping them off completely, blood spattering everywhere and mixing in with the field. Down on the ground, he rolled to get up, a spear nailing him in the leg which only made Arcen all the more enraged as he still jumped up, blade whistling through the air as it slammed into the man's ribcage, right into his heart. Yanking it out, he lodged it into a man behind him again. Going with the momentum, he swung the body around to his front, knocking the other man down and then throwing the body at another group.

The arena was still getting filled with more guild members, and he knew he couldn't keep this up all day. The wetness, the cold, the dirt mixing with his blood, and the wound he just suffered wouldn't sit well if he put so much pressure on it in the long run. "What to do... We simply need numbers here... Dammit!" He swatted another arrow away from him as he thought. Our only chance is to bring this outside, hopefully someone will be there to... The guards! Of course! Running himself over to Teis, he shouted above the mayhem to him. "Teis, let's bring this to the streets! We're outnumbered, drastically here, we need the city guard's help, these guys won't be letting up any time soon!" And with that, he made for the exit.


"I didn't spare your life, I selfishly forgot you were bound to that book, almost gambled it away without thinking."

"I... I'm just gonna go take a walk, OK you two? I'll let you both cool off, and I'm not gonna be helping with that..." Aiduen smiled to both of them then walked out of the room, gently closing it again, then sighing to herself. "What should I do? Oh Goddess..."

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Amera was glad for Gideon's protection, and glad that he was staying out of her way. Even though she liked him, she didn't want anyone getting in her way to help her fight. Of course, the winged anri kept trying to help her by killing the people in her way, which made her roar, "Hey! I told you to stop helping me!" one of the guildies took the chance he got from her shouting to swing at her. She deftly moved to the side, slamming her foot into his groin, and her fist into his face. "Yeah, still as weak as ever aren't you?!" Busy with her gloating, she didn't hear the whistling of an arrow until it was too late. It drove into her shoulder, and took her to the ground. "Aaahhhh!! God fucking dammit!" She squirmed on the ground, trying her best to control her screams. "Ugh, fuck... Fuck!" She Grunted in pain once again as she tore the arrow out of her shoulder, staggering to her feet. That's it, I'm done fighting. I seriously can't take any more of this. She looked around for Gideon, seeing that he was still mostly close to her. "Gideon! Gideon!!" She hoped he could hear her over the rain, and then get her out of here. And if he can't... well, this is a pretty shitty way to die.


I... wow... I need a week off from all of this drama. Seriously, Carrion and I need a break. Aiduen said she was going for a walk, and Adrian simply nodded, falling back into the bed. "So... yeah... I told you she'd... be reasonable." He was barely speaking, having gotten out of another situation where his life was almost taken away. The ceiling sure is nice to stare at, isn't it?

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Zwool heard the girl's cry in the rain. He grabbed an advancing foe by the back of his head, much to the enemies surprise, and immediately rammed him into the spike on his fore head. He tossed the body to the a large crowd of enemies as he fluttered back, decapitating one as he spun at his head, landing low and following through to remove another's legs. As he stood, he found an axe lodging itself vertically into his sternum (Straight into the part that really, hitting it does nothing) and his gem flashed brightly. He looked up unamused to the snickering face of the man that through it. Zwool grabbed it, pulled it out of his chest, and threw it back with a smooth flick of his wrist. It flew in a perfect horizontal arc, cutting clean through it's owner's head, and lodging itself into the arm of an archer. He smiled as he came back to the girl and took another defensive stance over her. "I'll protect you tell he arrives." He said, glancing for the exit. Yeah... they have numbers... I gotta get out of here as well...

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"Teis, let's bring this to the streets! We're outnumbered, drastically here, we need the city guard's help, these guys won't be letting up any time soon!"

"That would indeed be a prudent plan of action. I think I shall lead, this time."

Teis noted which exit was closest. Unlike Arcen, he was far from agile, and so did not have much as far as being inconspicuous. On the other hand, he did have more raw strength than Arcen, as well as thick armor and a heavy sheet of metal with which to block attacks. So, by means of clearing a path, Teis lifted the man in front of him and tossed him bodily at the group blocking the nearest door before following, his axe raised. Before the group knew what had happened, he was upon them. He mercilessly slammed them around, broke their swords, and killed them without much of a second thought. Any other time, he'd have felt guilty. Now, however, he was cold, as he knew that the men would kill him and his friends if he gave them the chance. His rampage left a bit of an opening, though more and more men were coming to fill the gap. Hopefully Arcen had followed him.


Ormis was small and young, and looked it. The guild members who first noticed him had just laughed, thinking him to be hopelessly green.

The next group didn't make that mistake. Despite his short stature, his sword arm was fairly strong. And he was fast. The second bunch decided to surround him, keep him at arm's length. Clipping his sheath to his belt, Ormis rushed the closest one, a tall man with a long spear. The boy bruised his wrist knocking aside the man's clumsy thrust, then Ormis's blade was in his throat. Then he shoved off the man's body, propelling himself away from the mercenaries, towards where Amera and another, winged Anri were fighting.

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A fair amount of the fight was a blur to Gideon. He just swung, and they fell - an easy transaction. Of course, every now and then he would check to see that Amera was still around. After felling one more guildie, though, he looked around, but couldn't see her through the rain.

"Aaahhhh!! God fucking dammit!" Her scream caught his attention immediately. "Amera?" he called, trying his best to see through the downpour. "Gideon! Gideon!!" Her voice was close. He turned sharply, moving towards the sound of her voice. As he advanced, a guildie swiped at his chest with what seemed to be a small knife, nicking his stomach and tearing his shirt but not slowing him. After demonstrating to his foe how to properly cut someone's stomach, Gideon saw Amera through the harsh rain. She was clutching her shoulder.

"Shit...shit!" Pushing the crumpled body of the guildmember aside, he dashed over to her, a few arrows whizzing past him as he went. As soon as he found her, he pushed past the winged Anri, barely noticing him as he grabbed her by the wrist and looked at her. "Are you alright?" he demanded, his grip tightening only slightly. "What happened?" Through the rain, he could barely see her face, but he definitely saw red on his jacket - she had been injured. Without waiting for her reply, Gideon hastily tied his axe to his belt and began to lead her away from the brawl. He couldn't see Teis or Arcen, or even the kid in there; knowing them, though, they'd clean it up just fine. He turned to the Anri as he walked away. "Thanks," he called through the rain. "Stay alive!"

Once they were at the awning outside the arena, Gideon stopped and looked at Amera, loosening his grip a bit. "Amera, talk to me. Are you alright? Can you walk?" His voice was quieter, but still fairly agitated - he didn't know how to heal someone wounded!

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He had gone for a bathroom break halfway through the fight. By the time he had returned, a bunch of thugs had seemed to started up a fight. He recognised a couple of his friends, as well as some people he was ashamed to know, in the fray. It'd been a good while since he'd had a proper fight. Admittedly, it had only been a few days but he needed an excuse.

"Dang, I've only got a sword with me. Bah, it'll do fine."

He leapt into the fray, landing a clean slice through one of the goons. There were a lot of them, it'd be a challenge to get through all of them.

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"I'll protect you tell he arrives." "How... many times... do I have to say it...?" Was her vision getting blurry or was it just the rain? She couldn't tell, the figure of the imposing anri barely visible in front of her. No, you can't have lost that much blood, it must be the rain. Your hearing's still fine... "Amera?" Hey, there he is... She stumbled towards him slowly, almost falling over when he grabbed her, holding herself up. "Are you alright?" "Yeah, just fine, just fine. The hole in my shoulder's for decoration...!" She had to crack a joke out of this whole situation, she'd never get another chance quite like this one. She clung to him, following him where he brought her, not offering up any resistance. She seriously had to get out of there, and, luckily, no one tried to stop them as they left.

The noise of battle quickly left her ears, as she'd closed her eyes for the moment, opening them when she could barely hear all the fighting. She could see now, no more rain plowing down onto her face. So it was just the rain, alright. "Amera, talk to me. Are you alright? Can you walk?" "No, I'm... not alright! Arrow through my shoulder, sorry about your jacket... and can I walk? Sure, just... need a healer, pretty... badly..." Whoa, whoa, stay awake... come on, now. She slumped up against him, not out of it just yet, but getting there. "I guess I'm not walking, alright..." she spoke with her eyes closed, not wanting to waste the energy of keeping them open, "carry me, would you?" She was lying about being unable to walk. If she really had tried, she could've. She just wanted him to carry her.

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She sluggishly hauled herself on top of Adrian with an 'oof', still holding onto him, tightly. Placing her head near his, she sighed, visibly tired now. "Sorry again... I blame he alcohol, now shaddup and just be my pillow, dammit...." Pulling the blanket over herself, she snuggled against Adrian, a content sigh out of her lips.


"Good man, good, good man!" He followed right behind Teis, his leg starting to really sting at this point. "Ah dammit, it's probably infected at this point... Fuck my luck, fuck this arena, fuck everything! This guild is going to burn. Goddess as my witness, I'm bringing them down! Hell, she'd probably help me out if she had the time!"


"Odd..." She could hear a lot of noise outside, and not just the rain against the windows, when suddenly, a man burst into the Hotel, panting. "Arena... big fight... lots of blood... Oh lord..." Taking a deep breath, he continued, "A bunch of people just jumped in and started challenging the winner, some Arcen guy, I dunno him, but like... whew... It's... it's bad in there, I really suggest you people all stay in here, it was gett- hey, miss, where you going?!" Aiduen had already left the building, running down the streets, soaking wet to get to the arena.

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"No, I'm... not alright! Arrow through my shoulder, sorry about your jacket... and can I walk? Sure, just... need a healer, pretty... badly..." When she fell against him, Gideon turned pale. What was he supposed to do? Where could he even take her? The inn wouldn't have any healers... "I guess I'm not walking, alright...carry me, would you?" If he wasn't so panicked, he would have been annoyed with her for that, but he had little choice. "Fine, but you have to stay awake." He picked her up slowly, supporting her shoulders with one arm and her legs with the other. From there, he looked around the arena. Where could he even take her to fix her up?

An idea hit him. I just hope they'll let us in...Gideon began to walk in the direction of the church, but after a few seconds he broke into a run. "Stay with me, Amera," he insisted as he ran. "Stay awake for me, okay?" If he could just keep her awake, the priests could do the rest. Maybe he wouldn't even have to pay for it.

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Zwool smiled as the guy ran off with his girl. With a smirk, he turned to the hoard of enemies, he flared his wings, and let out a beastial roar, planning on scaring them. It didn't work, as one goon cut straight through the membrane of Zwool's right wing with a pair of swords. Zwool's vision flickered, and his gem flared brightly.. First que that I've gotten over my head, crap. Following through with his display he cut the man down with a deft pair of strikes. Turning to the horde he shook his head, he couldn't fight them with one wing... that's what I get for being cocky. He turned on a heel and bolted for the exit after the girl and her friend. When he arrived at the exit he fell to his knees gasping, his vision flickering as his blood continued to drip from his chest and wing, quickly forming a large puddle. "We gotta, go..." he muttered out to himself... making himself stand up with a grunt and surge of adrenaline. He looked out the exit past, and easily identified the silhouette of a church... Surely there will be healers there... he grit his teeth from effort, and ran toward the steeple... hoping his hunch was right...

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"Sorry again... I blame he alcohol, now shaddup and just be my pillow, dammit...." "Don't... don't beat yourself up over it, alright? Though, I'm never letting you drink near me ever again, alright? Heh heh..." His arms wrapped around her, like they'd done before, bringing her into a hug. The blanket was pulled on top of them, and he sighed, smiling down at her tired, blushing face. You're always entertaining, Carrion. That's the least I can say for you. He gave her a kiss on the forehead, "get some rest, you seriously do look tired." He wasn't going to sleep for a bit, but he didn't mind her laying there on top of him.


"Fine, but you have to stay awake." She smiled, hoping he wouldn't notice. "Alright. I can... I can do that." She felt her body being picked up by him, shivering as her mind told her to run from his touch. She fought against that instinct; she had to try her best to fight it back, as hard as it was. Just one step at a time, alright? One... step at a time. They were beginning to move pretty fast now, the rain coming down on her once again. "Stay with me, Amera," he insisted as he ran. "Stay awake for me, okay?" What? Oh, right... I have to stay awake. Why? Oh, yeah, Gideon said to... "Alright... Gideon. For you..." She was nodding in and out, the rain one of the only things keeping her conscious at the moment.

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Pushing Arcen out the door, Teis stood tall in the archway, shield and axe at the ready. While the arch was far from small, Teis was big enough (and his armor was bulky enough) that he wouldn't have much of a hard time stopping anyone from getting through. In the rain, he made for a very menacing silhouette. Without turning, he spoke to Arcen.

"Go, alert the guards, get that wound treated. I'll see what I can do here and join you later."


Ormis was running through the crowd, killing anyone who stood in his path. Then he heard Amera scream, and he doubled his efforts. The guildies were relentless, but the boy was angry and really didn't feel like putting up with their bullshit at the moment. He noticed Gideon carrying Amera out, and that winged Anri (he seemed familiar, something about a bandit hunt and the Crimson Witch) getting hit. Ormis slid underneath an archer (kicking him in the groin as he did so) and found himself near Aurelio, who didn't seem totally comfortable using a sword.

"What's up?"

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Dammit... I can't see in this rain. Deciding to drop the sniper act for now, he decided to move out and catch anyone fleeing, or maybe help anyone injured. He spotted a guild member running off to the side, and being unable to catch him, quickly shot him down before riding towards where he had been. A few people hiding at the side, huddled under an umbrella. He wouldn't be able to help them now, but there would probably be a lot more injured people.

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"What's up?"

Ormis had appeared from nowhere, it was good to see he hadn't been ruffed up too much. He seemed to be in a hurry, he wouldn't keep him too long.

"Heh, we've got ourselves in a right mess. I'm gonna go bust some heads, stay out of trouble."

Using a sword wouldn't be easy, he had his work cut out for him. It wasn't like he couldn't use one, it was just that he'd much rather have an axe. Aurelio ran in the direction Ormis came from, he'd be better off in the main battle than around the edges. The archer Ormis had kicked received a fist to the face, putting him out of action for a while. Hopefully he'd meet up with Lucretia or Teis. The rain was pretty heavy, he'd have to be careful for once.

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Zwool's vision blurred. He looked up to the steeple... it was still so far off, he wasn't going to make it. He needed some where safe... some where that he could possibly find... Carrion, the Inn. With a shudder he changed course. The inn was far closer; clutching at the wound at his chest he managed to find his way there, opening the door and collapsing in. His vision was fading fast, and his limbs weren't responding to him. The cuts on his wing were quickly draining him, the loose membrane just unable to clot and stop the bleeding.

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"Shit, shit, shit!" Adano cursed under his breath as the guild began to attack. It had seemed the brawl took itself to the streets. The pair made their way as fast as possible to the street in the middle of the brawl, Lucretia going ahead considering her mobility. She drew both blades and found herself surrounded by two men wielding large blades.

"Heh heh... Lookie here! A pretty lady like you shouldn't be out here..." The first grumbled.

"...Unless you're lookin' to have your pretty face slammed in!" The second, almost on cue, finished his sentence.

"I may have lost this tournament but I won't lose to slime like you." Lucretia raised her blades and immediately thrust one into the shoulder of the first man, causing him to cry out in pain. She blocked the second man's sword strike, then proceeded to knee him in the groin, which caused him to double over in pain. Seizing the opportunity, she thrust both blades into the man's legs, virtually crippling him. The first man continued to try and fight with his other arm, but his swinging was labored. Lucretia ducked under one swing and thrust her blade into his foot.

Adano arrived on the scene to watch Lucretia stab the man in the foot. Mustering all of his strength, he maneuvered to the man and thrust his lance into the man's side. He cried out in agony one last time before falling over dead. Adano looked to the other man who was clearly not moving anytime soon and back to Lucretia.

"Let's go, we need to find someone else!" The pair headed toward the heart of the brawl, leaving the two guild members on the ground.


Stepping outside, total chaos was ruling the streets. It seemed a brawl had erupted from somewhere, perhaps the arena nearby. He noticed that there were more men running towards the brawl from the guild.

"So that's the guild, eh?" He unsheathed his blade and activated its whip, then turned to Carrie. "Can you fight at all? If not, head back inside where it's safe. If you can, follow me, I'm going in!"

He ran into the fight, slashing his whip at the first guild member he could find and reach, effectively cutting into the man's back. He then unleashed another slash at the man before retracting the whip and stabbing him in the stomach. The man doubled over and Julius took this chance to move further into the battle and figure out what was going on, hoping Carrie would be all right. He found two men standing there, armed with swords. In the back of his mind, he thought both were pretty cute, but he didn't have time to think on that now. They were fighting the guild, and thus they were allies. Or at least they would be for now.

I'll deal with that later, if we all make it out of this.

"Hey! What's going on here?" He shouted to them as he began to fight with another guild member wielding small throwing axes, hoping they knew what was going on.

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"Guards! Guards, for the Goddess' sake, help out here!" He must have looked like a fool, or at least sounded like one, but he did catch the attention of a few passing by on patrol.

"Hey, hey, quiet down there boy, what's the trouble?" He asked before getting a good look at the fellow. "You're banged up pretty bad. You should go seek medical attention, not run around in the streets screaming bloody murder..."

"No, you don't get it! The arena... Aaaugh... At the arena, a whole bunch of... G... guild members, they attacked me and some acquaintances... We're taking it to the streets, sirs we need help, they aren't letting up! Rrrrgh! I don't care if you're going to just blow me off here, but if you don't help us out, there's going to be more trouble on your hands here! The arena match was rigged, everyone in the stands saw it, please help!"

"Like I said, you shouldn't be out and about in that condition. You there! Get this man to the nearest infirmary, and you, gather up any forces we can, sounds like we're finally gonna shut those greedy pigs down for good this time!"

Smiling, he limped alongside a soldier to the Church, receiving some aid, but not before his sister found him and wandered in to talk to him


"Mmm... sounds fine to me..." And then her mind wandered all over the place, simply laying there on Adrian listening to the rain hit the window. She was loving every second of it, and she hoped Adrian was too.


"Oh my gosh... Uh... umm... Help? Is there a doctor in the house?! This guy looks like he's been through some hell and back!"

"I believe I can be of assistance, sir..." Slamming his mug of ale down, the old man stood up and went over to inspect the Anri that had just busted in. "Wing's been clipped is all. Of course, still very painful." Rummaging through a bag he had at his side, he pulled out a cloth with a sticky adhesive on it. "Careful son, this may sing a bit." Taking the wounded wing, he placed the bandage right over said wound, making sure the ends touched. "Alright, now, if you can still hear me, all you need to do is let that sit there for a bit! Moving it about will just cause it to heal slower! Y'understand?"

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"Mmm... sounds fine to me..." He was happy. It had been a while since he'd thought that, smiling. There was one thing that was eating at the back of his mind, though, ever since that Anri showed back up, and he had to ask Carrion about it. "Uhm... Carrion..." Do I really ruin this moment with a question like this? I might as well get it out of the way now. "Why... me? Why me? It's obvious that that Zwool character likes you, and he'd do a much better job at keeping you safe than I ever could. And, hell, with your looks you could probably find someone even stronger than the both of us. I know I shouldn't be so insecure, but... I'm really wondering why you'd choose to stick with me... The obvious answer would be love," he turned a little red mentioning it, "and if that's what it is, then, that's fine. Sorry, I really should get over myself."

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What the hell? There's so many of them? Yet... is this the entire guild? Chances are, there'll be some of them at- "Gah!" As he was thinking about the entire situation, he got shot in the shoulder by an archer. Despite the pain, he ran towards the archer, taking another hit in the shoulder before killing him.

I'll bleed out if I remove this... Yet, I have this feeling not all of the guild is here. He saw the city guard finally taking action, and he realised now would be a good time to get patched up.

He made his way to the inn, hopefully getting some basic treatment for his shoulder.

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Grumbling, she sat up and looked at Adrian, eyes half open. "Well, for starters, I find you kinda cute, second, I'm flattered you think I'm beautiful or whatever the word is you're thinking of but no I wouldn't be able t get anything based on looks alone, third, that anri boy was... a little off. He may look handsome, but he always seems distant, and you saw how he acted... That wouldn't sit well with me. Anyway, can we not talk about this? I'm tiiiiiiired, pillows shouldn't talk back..." She fell right back on top of him, sighing again and snuggling further.


"Yeesh, another one? Alright, alright, take a seat boy, I'll get you patched up in a second here..." Pulling out some more bandages, he waited for Danyon to take a seat.

At the Arena

The guild members would now notice that theire advantage in numbers was cut drastically short now with the addidtion of soldiers in the enemy ranks. The fat man watched from behind the lines. "D... Damn! Everyone, go all out! There's no backing down now!"

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"Thank you, sir... Just a quick one. I'll be fine." He couldn't just sit there as everyone else fought; Even though he'd probably taken down around 10 people, he wouldn't be satisfied until this entire thing was sorted out. It also was kind of fun, so to speak.

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"Cute, eh? Alright... those reasons work for me. And no, they shouldn't talk back. Unless you're more buzzed than you thought." He laughed a bit, letting his hands rest on her lower back. He wasn't going to dare push them further; she was tired and he would let her rest. Maybe all of his thinking was wearing him out, but he was feeling a bit tired himself. "And... I think I'm going to sleep, as well... sorry about that silliness, Carrion. I've got to stop being so... so..." he yawned in between words, "... insecure about myself..." He closed his eyes, letting his body nod off on its own.

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Zwool looked to the old man and nodded weakly, his gem flashing brightly when the bandages were applied, but he didn't notice. "Adrian... Carrion..." he said, looking at the clerk hoping he'd understand. Zwool then let out a sigh and slowly fell to the right, his vision dimming. Please...get them... they need to know...

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'Wait here a while. I have an apt reward for you.'

He was certainly hungry, hopefully it would be something tasty. Even then, any gift would be gratefully received. He bowed his head.

"Thank you, Obelia."

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She was talking, so she was awake. That put him at ease, if only slightly. By now, he was running at full speed, ignoring the raindrops pelting his face as he looked for the church steeple. "We're almost there. Stay with me," he said instinctively, if only out of fear.

Within a few minutes, Gideon was climbing the stairs to the church doors. His legs burned, his breaths were shallow, and his arms ached, and with each step he felt like he was going to fall over, but he forced himself to keep walking. You're almost done. Almost... "Hey!" he barked at the doors as he walked, ignoring the pain as best he could. "Open up! Open..." Don't fall. His pace was crumbling, and with every step he swayed. Don't fall. Just keep going. "Someone..." he panted as his knee trembled, threatening to buckle. Panicked, Gideon threw himself into the door to break his fall, making sure not to let Amera hit it with him. His right shoulder absorbed the impact, and he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder blade as he sank down against the door. Gritting his teeth (now wasn't the time to show he was in pain), he rested his head against the door and tried to catch his breath. "Open...this fucking door..." he hissed under his breath.

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