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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Head Priest

"Hey!" The elderly priest almost jumped, shocked by the shout of someone at the door. He hobbled his way over, using his staff to briskly make his way to opening the door. "Open...this fucking door..." This time he did jump, the sight of the same girl from earlier in the week as injured as she was almost stopping his old heart. The man wasn't in such good shape either, as he motioned to a few of the younger, more able priests inside, "Quickly, get them in here!" He bent down to the man, whispering to him, "I don't know what you're getting yourself into to have gotten this girl hurt again, but I do suggest you try to stop getting into daily life or death situations. I don't think you know how much it pains this old man's heart to see such young people come in here hurt, day after day." He stood up and sighed, walking his way back to his room.


"Hey!" That's... that's Gideon... good, I'm still alive. Unless we're both dead. She felt the shock of Gideon hitting something, trying to open an eye to see what was going on, but the rain was maddening outside. She couldn't see a foot in front of her, in her condition, and the rain wasn't helping her see more than a few inches. She did hear the sound of a door opening, a small flood of light coming into her peripherals. The voice speaking to Gideon was muddled, and she couldn't make it out. She figured she was at the church by now, as she felt herself torn away from Gideon, finally able to rest in a soft bed. The unnerving yet comfortable feeling of magic washed over her body, only comfortable for a few moments, as she felt her rib cracking its way back into position. The pain was too much to handle in her state, and she blacked out.

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She had taken a hit from another guild member in the shoulder, losing one of her trusted blades in the chaos. Adano disappeared; he was probably on his own. With only one sword, Lucretia swung back at the man, sending a fierce cut across his chest, causing him to retreat. Almost on cue, another took his place, this time wielding a large mace. He swung it hard at Lucretia, causing her to take a step backward. In the recovery from his swing, Lucretia swung her blade forward, thrusting it successfully in the man's stomach.


Parrying a swordsman with his lance, he looked around and noticed Lucretia was nowhere in sight.

She can take them on her own... He began to push the man back against the wall. The man slashed at Adano with a hidden dagger but Adano's armor blocked the attack and he took out Senso, the blade given to him by his daughter, and thrust it onto the man.

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"Quickly, get them in here!" the priest had said. Good. She'll be alright. "I don't know what you're getting yourself into to have gotten this girl hurt again, but I do suggest you try to stop getting into daily life or death situations. I don't think you know how much it pains this old man's heart to see such young people come in here hurt, day after day." As much as he wanted to tell the old codger off for running his mouth, he was a bit too tired. Another priest helped Gideon into a bed as the old man wandered off. As the priest began to work on him, Gideon bolted upright, wincing as his shoulder ached. "Wait," he said softly. "Let me..." He fished in his pocket, trying to pull out his money.

"Hold still," the priest insisted. "I'll heal you first, then you can, okay?" His voice was even as he tried to press Gideon back to the bed, but Gideon wasn't having it. "Hold on," he shot back. He fumbled with his purse, scowling as many of the coins spilled out, the cold metal slipping past his fingers. Actually... Trying not to smirk at himself, Gideon jiggled the purse a bit more, nearly emptying it - from the feel of it, it probably had twenty, maybe thirty coins remaining. With that, he pulled it out and handed it to the priest. "This is...give this to him," he said softly. The coins in his pocket weren't jingling, much to his relief. As he lay back down, he closed his eyes and tried to keep calm as he felt the priest's hands on him. His wounds suddenly burned, causing him to grit his teeth - he would just have to bear it.

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Carrie's eyes sight the fight and for a moment, she just freezes, unsure of what to do. She can't really defend herself too well, can't use a masterful cut or swing like a prize fighter. But she just steadies herself, looks around... then thinks, dashing back. But she has no intention to run. Not in the slightest.

I need a blacksmith, she murmurs.


Obelia smiles as indeed, she has an idea on what to cook. She lightly steps outside and soon, her feet carry her downstairs, rather calm as she enters the hallway, the dining area and soon, she heads to the kitchen, a light tap on the door.

'Excuse me?'


Langley looks at the young man and as she listens, she answers him with the softest look she can muster. A dart forward and she kisses Andy's forehead again, a light grin to reassure him.

'You can't get rid of me that easy, Andy. I don't even know if you had any childhood traumas or the like.'

And soon, she is dashing out the cave entrance, running out and her hand at her sword, heading back with a hasty pant to the fight area.

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As they began hiding the bodies in the woods, the soft, barely audible sound of footsteps.

Another one? Elune loaded her crossbow with one of her non-fire arrows and pointed towards the source of the footsteps She would probably miss, but she didn't really care.

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Her body finally began to squirm in the bed as the priest finished his healing-- her shoulder closed up, and her ribs fixed. Amera shook her head a little, opening an eye to the dimly lit room. Candle light, is it? Gideon must've made it to the church. Yeah, I owe him an explanation now... She tried to sit up, the priest who'd been healing her urging her back to laying, and she couldn't really stop him. "Please, miss, you've exerted yourself enough. Just lay down and relax; let your body catch up to the magic's effects." She could only grumble and lay there. She looked over at her shoulder, Gideon's jacket still covering her, and still covered in her own blood. She'd wash it for him, sometime. Thinking of him, she glanced around the room with her one open eye, sighing with relief as said eye came upon him, on another bed.


He was blushing once more, not expecting this second forehead kiss, but not going to faint from it again. "Y-You've got to stop doing that, or at least g-give me some sort of warning..." He stuttered out his protests, and some part of him did wish she would tell him first. It was a ridiculous breach of his personal space, and as much as he enjoyed the attention she was giving him, it still made him feel awkward. 'You can't get rid of me that easy, Andy. I don't even know if you had any childhood traumas or the like.' "None! I assure you!" And with that, she was gone. He'd wait there for her, not much else to do, as the rain seemed to finally be starting, outside the cave.

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When Gideon woke, his body was stiff, and his shoulder still burned. He checked the cut on his stomach with his left hand - it was gone. That was quick. He rolled onto his side, his eyes half-open, and saw Amera lying on a bed opposite his. She had one eye open, and his jacket was still covering her. And it was covered in blood. He sighed; it couldn't be helped. "At least we made it," he offered jokingly, despite not feeling much like joking. "You feel alright?" It was kind of a stupid question - she was just healed.

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As much as she had to stay in the bed, like hell was she laying down like she was, forcing herself to sit up. The attending priest attempted to lay her back down, but she shoved his hands away, giving him a small growl. He didn't want to try and force it, backing off a bit. Just let me sit up in the damn bed, please... Gideon had rolled over, making the understatement of the week. "At least we made it" She almost laughed, chuckling instead. "Yeah, at least we made it. I almost didn't, and have you to thank, once again... This is a pretty bad trend I'm developing, don't you think?" She was a bit upset with herself, having to have been rescued once again. Though it was also her fault for jumping into a battle with a broken rib. You live, you learn. "You feel alright?" "I guess so. Just tired, is all. And... most of my body still hurts. Maybe we should've just gone back to the inn after all? Ha ha..."

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"Yeah, at least we made it. I almost didn't, and have you to thank, once again... This is a pretty bad trend I'm developing, don't you think?" "Maybe." At least it was consistent. "I guess so. Just tired, is all. And... most of my body still hurts. Maybe we should've just gone back to the inn after all? Ha ha..." Gideon didn't laugh at that. "Amera, you had a hole in your shoulder and you could barely walk. That's not something you can sleep off," he told her, somewhat sternly. "Besides, I don't trust the regulars there to just leave us alone in that condition." The attendant who was with him seemed to have gone, so he sat up too and looked at her properly, much to the silent frustration of Amera's attendant. "That stain won't come out," he mused, looking at the red-brown splotch around the hole in his jacket. He shrugged. "At least we got some use out of it."

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Two new patients were brought in, both of em he barely recognized. Not knowing if either were still awake, he wanted to speak to them anyway. "Sorry about all that, you guys. I wish I could've not gotten you involved at all." Not entirely sure what he was saying, he rubbed his wound. It was still relatively fresh, and yet, the pain was gone for the most part. Standing up, his sister pushed him back down. "You keep putting pressure on that injury, it's going to become permanent! I don't care how badly you want to go out there and seek glory or whatever it is, I'm not going to sit back and watch you break yourself like that!"


"Adrian... Carrion..."

The owner was confused at the mention of two names, shrugging slightly to other people who looked at him. Trying to busy himself to deal with the pressure and onlooking eyes, he started leafing through his guest list, stumbling upon the name Adrian. Isn't that one of our fresh meats... Oh! "Oh uh, just a second!" He quickly made his way upstairs, a little annoyed at having to do anything in his establishment aside form sitting back and making tons of money, he knocked loudly on the door to their room. "Adriaaan?" he yelled.

Meanwhile, back downstairs, the old man simply shook his head. "I'll treat it now, but if you come back with more injuries, I ain't dealing, sonny boy. Now hold on a second here, this will sting a bit." Gripping the arrow shaft, he yanked it out of Danyon none too gently and immediately applied the bandages as well as possible. There was an instant red splotch, but it wasn't spreading. "Good. Now, it'll heal, but you move that around a lot, it won't heal very fast, and it may get worse. But like hell I'm gonna stop you." He again shook his head."Youth, why do the young get to waste it?" Turning back to Zwool, he sighed loudly. "Alright son, now to get your chest fixed up..."

Ignatius sat there the whole time, his mind thinking about absolutely everything and nothing at the same time, until his eyes suddenly sparked to life seemingly. When the man came in proclaiming there was some outburst at the arena, Ignatius wondered what was happening, and with two people wandering back here, injured, he had one thing one his mind now. "Justice..." he growled. He got up, shambled outside and let out an extremely loud roar, chasing off after the sounds of battle and mayhem. Under normal circumstances, he would abhor violence, but after seeing people get injured like that, he was sent into a fury. He spotted a few guildmates, foolishly charging at the wolfman, eager to get that bounty on him. He punced the first one, puncturing his heart and immediately killing him while he simply slashed the others across the chest, his hand gashed by the last one he hit. "I must be getting old..." He grunted. Taking a hit like that from only three men made him extremely disappointed.


Startled awake, she squirmed a little, rubbing her eyes. HEaring some guy yell for Adrian made her groan, rolling off of Adrian now. "Get up, some guy wants you, kid..." Shoving him annoyingly until he got up proved to be a bit fun for her.

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"Amera, you had a hole in your shoulder and you could barely walk. That's not something you can sleep off" She gave him a bit of a confused look, wondering what he'd meant. "Uh... I meant we should've just gone back to the inn, instead of trying to catch the last match. I wouldn't have tried to sleep something like that off, don't worry." She gave him another smile. He's just trying to show he cares. And he's probably more tired than I am right now, he had to carry me through all that rain. She noted him starring at his jacket, feeling bad again. "Yeah, sorry about the jacket... I'll do what I can to get the blood out, but I'm no good at sewing; you'll have to fix that hole yourself." "At least we got some use out of it." That made her laugh a bit, "yeah, I did. Thanks."

The boy that had been the target of the guild's attention had walked up the them, "Sorry about all that, you guys. I wish I could've not gotten you involved at all." and the fact that he was apologizing made Amera feel really bad about the whole situation. "Uh, about that... they were after you because you defended me at the inn, yesterday. That group that showed up, they were after Gideon and I. It's... pretty much my fault that you were shoved into that situation, so, I should be the one apologizing."


An extremely annoying pushing feeling was occurring at his side, finally waking him up. "Stop iiiiiiiiit!" he complained, sitting up on the bed after getting pushed by Carrion. "Someone downstairs...? Alright... alright... but you're coming with me. You woke me up, you have to stay awake." He stood, and stretched. He then took her wrist, pulled her off the bed, and gave her a hug, dragging her out of the door with him. He was halfway down the stairs when his eyes caught sight of an injured Zwool on the floor, being attended to by the old man who'd yelled earlier. "Well, don't know why they called for me, but it looks like your friend's in some serious hurt there, Carrion." He wasn't particularly happy for Zwool's injuries, but he wasn't extremely worried. He'd seen Amera heal up quickly, Zwool wouldn't take much longer.

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Zwool groaned out, rolling onto his back slowly. As he stared at the ceiling he heard Adrian's voice... it sounded distant, and Zwool couldn't make it out... but they were there... they knew. With one last gasp he passed out, closing his eyes as he did. His gauntlet turned off suddenly, quite a change from it's constant state of glow.

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"Uh... I meant we should've just gone back to the inn, instead of trying to catch the last match. I wouldn't have tried to sleep something like that off, don't worry." He turned a bit red. That was dumb of him. "Right, sorry. Still a bit out of it," he said quickly. "Yeah, sorry about the jacket... I'll do what I can to get the blood out, but I'm no good at sewing; you'll have to fix that hole yourself." In other words, he was buying a new one. That wasn't such a big deal. "Yeah, I did. Thanks." "No problem." He grinned at her, then turned to look at the guy approaching them.

"Sorry about all that, you guys. I wish I could've not gotten you involved at all." Gideon arched an eyebrow. "Don't apologize. It was my own damn fault for jumping in." "Uh, about that... they were after you because you defended me at the inn, yesterday. That group that showed up, they were after Gideon and I. It's... pretty much my fault that you were shoved into that situation, so, I should be the one apologizing." Gideon wanted to roll his eyes - why did she get so apologetic? She hadn't done anything! But she had a point...sort of. "Yeah, thanks for that," he added. "We'd probably be dead if you hadn't shown up then..." He shrugged. "But you seem to have made it out just fine, so no harm, no foul, I guess." Teis wasn't with him. Gideon looked around the room, but he didn't see him. "Teis with you?"

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"Teis? He's out there, fighting strong. He's a mountain pretty much. They can't bring him down so long as he paces himself. Wait a second... when did I step up for you two? Sorry, memory is a little fuzzy. Wait... Was it... in the... haaaallwaaaay? If it's that, well, I won't hear any apologizing. Don't care what you did to them, unless you outright murdered someone in cold blood, death isn't a fair recompense for anything... Well, you'll be safe here anyway. If they get the balls to actually barge in here, I'm kicking them out." Aiduen was about to protest but he held his hand up, "No, not hearing it. If you wanna help me somehow, that's good, but I ain't sitting back. And besides, I doubt it'll get that far anyway, the guard is rallying out there. Should only be a matter of time."


"Wait whaaaaugh!" She was dragged out of bed, her knees hitting the floor, leaving some rather annoying burn marks on her. This was not a good way to get her to wake up, but she put on a weird smile and went with it. However, she saw the anri from before, wounded and on the floor, being tended to. "Da fuck happened to him...? Do you... you wanna go check it out, Adrian?"

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"Right, sorry. Still a bit out of it," "Hah, I thought as much. But thanks for caring." It meant a lot to her, that someone would care as much as he did. Wasn't something she was really used to, but it was a nice feeling. Arcen seemed like a nice guy, and not just a nice guy, but the kind of guy who'd always fight for what was right. She could admire that in a person, and was glad he wasn't upset with her for getting the guild on his ass. "... Wait a second... when did I step up for you two? Sorry, memory is a little fuzzy. Wait... Was it... in the... haaaallwaaaay? If it's that, well, I won't hear any apologizing. Don't care what you did to them, unless you outright murdered someone in cold blood, death isn't a fair recompense for anything..." "Yeah, that was us, probably. And, get this... they came after us because I talked back to some fat ass who was perving on me. He tried to blackmail me into being his 'pet' or some bullshit, so I kicked him in the face. Guess he couldn't let that go?" It sounded hilarious, in retrospect, as serious as the situation had gotten. "I sorta hope he does try and barge in here. I don't care how much I'm hurting, right now, I'd love to shove my fist through his face..."


"Da fuck happened to him...? Do you... you wanna go check it out, Adrian?" Wha-- why would I...? He scoffed a little, speaking in a hushed tone "no, he's your friend, you check him out! If he did something stupid to get himself hurt like that, all I'll do is laugh at him. You go check him out, and I'll go with you." He wasn't completely heartless. If Carrion wanted to go down and see him, then he'd follow, but he wasn't going himself.

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"Hah, I thought as much. But thanks for caring." Gideon nodded. She was thanking him a lot...Enjoy it now. She'll think she's entitled to it later.

"Teis? He's out there, fighting strong. He's a mountain pretty much. They can't bring him down so long as he paces himself. Wait a second... when did I step up for you two? Sorry, memory is a little fuzzy. Wait... Was it... in the... haaaallwaaaay? If it's that, well, I won't hear any apologizing. Don't care what you did to them, unless you outright murdered someone in cold blood, death isn't a fair recompense for anything... Well, you'll be safe here anyway. If they get the balls to actually barge in here, I'm kicking them out." "I'm not an invalid. You aren't kicking them out alone." Gideon pointed to Amera, not taking his eyes off Arcen. "She's taken far too much of their shit, including an arrow, and the only piece of clothing I own that I actually like got ruined in the crossfire. I think I'll be right there with you." He stretched his arms a bit, looking at the ceiling. "Good to hear we're safe, though."

Gideon kept quiet during her story about the fat man, stifling a few laughs. It really was a stupid situation to be in. And the way he looked at her...it pissed him off, but he couldn't help but find it funny that he was so pathetic. It was kind of funny that she was still bitter, too. "Just let it go," he said to her, smirking from his repressed laughs. "For what it's worth, you looked good enough to shut his racism up for a little bit. I dunno about you, but I'd be flattered by that. If he comes in, though, feel free to beat him into the dirt."

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Resisting the urge to slap him, her hand almost did it unconsciously, but she instead just pointed at Adrian, poking him. "Wow. I mean, I'm not very fond of the guy, but that's just heartless, Adrian..." Without another word, she dusted herself off and went down the stairs rather quickly, going quickly over to Zwool. "What happened here...?" She was honestly confounded. Someone of his stature and strength getting this mangled really gave her a scare.


Smirking, "Like I said, if you wanna help out, I won't say no." Aiduen, however, was getting quite upset at all of them. She normally would have chastised everyone there, but after hearing what she thought was the full story, she thought better. "So... they're crying bloody murder because you rightfully got angry at some guy for being overtly perverted towards you? I always knew that place was screwed up. I always got looks whenever I had to go in there with Arcen here, but I never thought they'd be like... well... Like that."

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Teis was slowly beginning to feel the effects of his fatigue. He'd long since given up his position in the archway and made his way out to an alleyway a bit of the ways off from the arena. Despite this, more and more fighters were crowding around, waiting for a shot at the knight. Teis didn't know whether they were all fools, or if they were simply like him - unflinchingly attempting to succeed where their comrades had fallen. Despite his rejuvenation, nothing short of the Goddess's power (or perhaps that of the Crimson Witch?) could completely erase exhaustion. As such, his muscles ached and he found it more difficult to recover after swinging his axe. For each corpse thrown aside, there was always another man to take it's place. Despite this, he refused to back down. The town guards had joined the fray as well, renewing Teis's resolve.

I cannot lose...! My father's killer has not yet fell before me!


"Hey! What's going on here?"

It was another man, with some sort of whip-thingy as a weapon. Ormis backed up a bit, kicking the man in front of him in the gut.

"These guys all just kind of jumped in and started attacking Arcen and Teis! Might have somethin' to do with that scene at the inn las' ni-"

He didn't finish his sentence, as he decided it was more important to lodge his sword-tip into the brain of the guildie who was just about to gore him with a knife.

"Look, it'll take a while to explain! Ask me, or, even better, ask Arcen or Teis later!"

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He continued towards the middle of the brawl. An arrow whizzed past his shoulder, it must have been his lucky day. The situation was getting dire, there were far more than he could handle. Well, he was in this far, he might as well make sure everybody's OK before he retreated. A good number of men were on the floor, with several well placed slash wounds. Either Arcen had become a surgeon, or Lucretia had been at work. Her old man was probably with her. Adano was virtually crippled, Aurelio didn't feel like leaving him out there too long.

Out of nowhere, he received a club to the face, which made a rather disturbing crack as it hit.

"Remember me? You're gonna pay for what you did to our boss!"

Dang, large dude must have been part of the guild, or at least on good terms with them. His face bleeding, Aurelio prepared for another attack, feeling a little off due to the blow he took.

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The moment he got treated, he immediately ran out to help once again. He wouldn't be doing any stabbing, but he sure as hell could shoot the fuckers down.

He saw a guy get cracked pretty badly across the face, with the poor man standing down a really huge guy. He took aim at the brute, and fired.

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"These guys all just kind of jumped in and started attacking Arcen and Teis! Might have somethin' to do with that scene at the inn las' ni--Look, it'll take a while to explain! Ask me, or, even better, ask Arcen or Teis later!"

But I don't know who either of them are... Carrie had disappeared, hopefully she was hiding or getting a weapon. Either suited him fine; there were enough fighters, it seemed, and the town guard was now involved. One more person wouldn't really make too much of a difference, but the help would still be welcome, at any rate. His sword penetrated another guild member's leg before he re-activated the whip and slashed at another opponent.

How many are there...?


A loud crack stunned Lucretia's ears. She had hoped it was one of the guild members, but as she turned toward the sound, she saw a much worse victim.

Aurelio...! Running as fast as she could toward the man, she, without thinking, thrust her sword forward into the man, stabbing him in the heart. Moments later, an arrow impaled itself in his head. Lucretia pushed the body aside and ran to Aurelio.

"Are you all right!? Oh, no..." She slashed at another guild member only to have him dodge her and hit her with the flat edge of his broadsword. She lurched forward slightly and received another hit, this time on the back. She arched backward, but instead of stopping she immediately slashed at the source, cutting another guild member across the chest.


He was surrounded by three guild members, all wielding large weapons.

"Heh heh, old man...you can't beat us!" They taunted.

I can't outspeed you but my experience will prevail... He thought as he began parrying strikes with his spear. He used the end of his spear to deliver a blow to one man's head, and immediately turned around and stabbed another with the spear's blade. Effectively eliminating two enemies, Adano faced off with the third, who wielded a large axe. He immediately raised the axe in the hopes of bringing it down upon Adano, but he raised his lance and stopped the blow. The force of the attack sent Adano to his knees, causing him a great deal of pain. Quickly thinking, he kept his dominant arm attached to the lance and used the other arm to draw Senso and slice off the man's legs. He fell over screaming in pain, allowing Adano to regain his footing.

"Where's Lucretia?!" He said to himself, knowing probably no one would find her in the chaos.

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Langley sighs, a small grumble to herself as she keeps her hand to her blade. She is quiet and worrying. Is she actually- no, don't think about him, nor how intimate she's acting with him for no reason. At all. Nope. Don't do that.

She instead turns down the cliff, slightly surprised to see... all those men, dead and down, a woman and a man of quiet a professional looking stature in their bodies midst. She pauses, hesitant but approaches, hand at her weapons pommel yet not drawing it.

'..I take it you bought this fight to a close.'


Carrie raps the door of the blacksmith as now, a slightly annoyed man pops his head outside, a quiet glare at the girl in the hood banging at his door. His head is at the window and he opens it slightly, about to say he is shut until the 'racket' dies down before slightly blinking at the slam of the girls hand to the tiny open gap, his eyes slightly curious as to the girls reaction.

'I need a weapon. Anything sword, knife, pike, anything, but I have to go help, I-'

She has a moment to squeak before the hilt of a knife is thrust into the air where her head was, forehead darting back just in time. His rumble is slightly silent, annoyed.

'Twenty Pieces o' gold.'

She rummages in her bag, hesitant as her money dwindles already to nothing, yet she practically throws it at him, surprising him... yet not as much as when she grabs the knife, cursing at grabbing it by the blade, cutting her palm, grabbing the handle and then tugging it from his grip in his surprise, running back to the fight. The man is left slightly dumbstruck by what has just happened, due to the fact he really doesn't know what just happened.

'Huh. That was... weird. Yep, pretty much that.'


A cook pokes his head from the kitchen and slightly pauses mid 'What is it' as his irritable words are silenced by the rather tall women in armour. She is quiet polite looking, yet the armour is quite fierce looking to any who're not combat capable. He slightly hesitates.


'May I borrow some flour, eggs, sugar.... and your cooking faculties a moment? I can pay you, I just need to borrow them for an hour or so.'

He is about to deny her, however un-0nerved he is, but then she speaks of payment. He can't help a tiny, slightly sighing tug at his monetary wants. He does have more then himself to feed at home.

'How much?'

She actually smiles, surprising him and gently procures a small bag, yet the rattle is quite audible.

'I trust this will be sufficient.'

'....U... uh...' He takes the bag, admittedly a bit to hasty, yet looks within, counting a dozen gleaming pieces of gold. He nods, silent and decides, as he walks past her, now is the good time for a break. And perhaps to go tell his wife they'll be eating well tonight.

Obelia's smile is light, as with the kitchen open, she almost playfully intertwines her fingers and makes a cracking motion and sound, glancing across the kitchen.

'To the task at hand'

She grins and advances upon the cooking utensils and ingredients left around...

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'..I take it you bought this fight to a close.'

The thought of simply slashing this girl's throat open as well to save time crossed Elune's mind, but then again, this person almost certainly wasn't a bandit. It seemed as though Adonis thought the same, and he spoke first.

"Does it matter if we did?"

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The goon in front of him had fallen, much to his surprise.

"Are you all right!? Oh, no..."

Lucretia had cut him down. He definitely wasn't going anywhere - ever. Especially with an arrow to the head. She'd taken a nasty hit defending him, he made a silent promise to keep her safe.

"I've taken far worse. How're you fairing? I have half a mind to stamp that guy's face in. Where's your father? He may know his stuff, but he shouldn't be fighting for too long."

One of the guild members thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to strike. He leaped out with a claymore, hoping to get a lucky strike. Thankfully for a our loudmouthed "hero", his aim was off. The blade hit the ground with a clank. Aurelio turned suddenly, swinging his sword and hoping it was an enemy. His foe's face whitened, blood came gushing out his chest, and he fell to the ground. Now that was a sword. He pried it from the dead man's hands and claimed it as his own.

"Heh, now this is something my size. Let's go Lucretia, there's not going to be much of a guild after this."

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