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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Sloshing through the streets, he was simply looking for a way to stop all of this. "Don't let them get away! Our rep is ruined if they live now!" Oh lord... This is all because of pride? Ignatius was about to snap. He'd seen drunken fights more righteous than what was going on here, and he wasn't about to let it go on. Leaping high over the fat man's guards, Ignatius slammed into him, pinning him to the ground making sure to smash his face in 'gently' before picking the man up by the collar, holding him up as a shield for any oncomer. "Call it off." Before anyone could react, their leader was now being held hostage. Most of them couldn't have cared less about his well being under most circumstances, but he had their money. With the guards coming at them in full force and not having killed a single one of their intended targets, many of them were demoralized easily, simply backing off from Ignatius, outmatched and outwitted. "Look around you. There is nothing stopping me from simply ending you right now, in fact I'd like nothing better but I have something called a conscience. If you can appease it, I'll let you go. Try my patience, I'll see how many bones I can break in you before you pass out."

The fat man was a blubbering mess at this point, crying and shrieking for everyone to surrender. This wasn't good enough for the old Anri. Balling up his fist, he punched the fat guy in the stomach then threw him to the ground, watching him slide out into the open, his 'guards' getting out of the way to let him slide further. For once in his life, Ignatius felt good about this violence. It was at this point that the vicinity was surrounded by every town guard on duty, all armed, all ready to start taking prisoners. "Come quietly now or face the consequences..."

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"Just let it go," She looked at Gideon like he'd just told a blacksmith to stop making weapons. "For what it's worth, you looked good enough to shut his racism up for a little bit. I dunno about you, but I'd be flattered by that. If he comes in, though, feel free to beat him into the dirt." "Hah! Easy for you to say! You don't have men dogging after these," she pointed at her chest, which was hidden well enough by Gideon's jacket, but the outline was still quite prevalent, "every time you talk to them. It seriously starts grating on your nerves after a while. And then you get mad, and you want to let them know how you feel..." She cracked her knuckles at that, almost wishing that the fat man would walk through the doors at this point. She was getting worked up over all this. "So... they're crying bloody murder because you rightfully got angry at some guy for being overtly perverted towards you? I always knew that place was screwed up. I always got looks whenever I had to go in there with Arcen here, but I never thought they'd be like... well... Like that." Amera almost smiled, and she would've hugged this girl, if her own body was in good enough shape to stand, "see! She understands. You just don't get it because you don't have boobs," she said bluntly, laughing now.


He was poked, not entirely minding all the prodding Carrion was giving him, but not really wanting more, "Wow. I mean, I'm not very fond of the guy, but that's just heartless, Adrian..." "Wha-- hey, I never said I wouldn't go see him, I'm just not too worried. He's an anri, right? They heal up really fast." Trying to justify his almost heartlessness, he followed after her, watching the old guy try his best to fix him up. "What happened here...?" "Yeah, that's a pretty good question. Normally it takes a lot to take down an anri, especially one of his size." Adrian was actually pretty interested in hearing this. If whatever had beaten the crap out of Zwool wanted more, then they'd probably run into it themselves.

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"What happened? People happened, dear. Weapons. Unless of course you know of some plant or wildlife that can leave weapon-like gashes, tears and punctures like that." He made note that it was the two kids from earlier that he was talking to. And they both looked tired. "Took my advice, eh? Gaahahaha... Well, whatever. Poor kid lost consciousnesses unfortunately. Pretty common with blood loss and all. He pretty much just needs to get some fluids in him when he wakes up, these bandages got some healing chemicals on em, so the wounds should close up within the hour at best, a day if he decides to be a retarded commando like the other kid I helped out." Packing up his things, the man clasped his hands together. "Well then! I'm done here, and there's plenty of cities to visit before I die of boredom or old age, whichever comes first, could be either.

"You know, you kind of remind me of some kid I knew from my hometown... Oh well. Thanks for helping out sir, much appreciated." And after he tipped his hat he was out of the door before anyone could stop him. "Huh... anyway, Adrian you make sure he doesn't die, I'm gonna go get some water for him for when he wakes up."


Blushing a bit she let out a nervous laugh, trying to think of some other topic, "Uh... Um...W-What uh..." She kept stuttering, making Arcen cock his head, "You alright over there? Never seen you get so caught up over something like this!" Aiduen glared at Arcen but he didn't seem to notice at all as he looked to the other two, "So yeah, how about we lighten the mood a bit, get some introductions here since we're kind of in the same boat. I'm Arcen, this is Aiduen here, my sister. Who're you guys?"

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"Hah! Easy for you to say! You don't have men dogging after these every time you talk to them. It seriously starts grating on your nerves after a while. And then you get mad, and you want to let them know how you feel...She understands. You just don't get it because you don't have boobs," She laughed, and Gideon couldn't help but laugh with her. "It's anatomy, then, is it? That's not really a conversation I can contribute to." He couldn't understand her position on how she looked. At least she had something worth chasing after. As far as Gideon knew, all he had that was worth a damn was his arm, and even that wasn't as good as real soldiers. Yet she was getting frustrated over being worth her suitors' time. Women. That look she gave him could kill, though...

"You know I didn't mean it like that," he told her, trying to defuse her a bit. "What good does it do you to get mad about it after the fact anyway? Chances are that fat sack of shit's going to prison for today's attack anyway." He laid back on the bed, adjusting his shoulder a bit - it still ached - and looking over at Amera with a rather sadistic grin. "Five gold says he ends up someone's pet in there."

"So yeah, how about we lighten the mood a bit, get some introductions here since we're kind of in the same boat. I'm Arcen, this is Aiduen here, my sister. Who're you guys?" Gideon smirked and sat back up, extending his good arm in Arcen's direction. "Gideon. You put on one hell of a show today, Arcen. Pity it got cut short." He glanced over at Amera, extending his bad arm with some difficulty. "This is Amera. She's..." Your girlfriend, right? Just say it. He was in enough trouble already. Was it a good idea to make that leap? Oh, just say it. Let her bitch you out later. "She's my girlfriend." He locked eyes with Amera, as if to ensure that he hadn't crossed any lines. If he had, hopefully the floor in their room at the inn was comfortable...

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"Huh... anyway, Adrian you make sure he doesn't die, I'm gonna go get some water for him for when he wakes up." "Yeah, I can do that." Just as long as he doesn't wake up, he should be fine. The doc said he had to sit still to make sure the wounds don't open any more, right? Yeah, so he just has to lay there-- well, it'd be better to get him into a chair instead of having him lay on the floor. He motioned for one of the people just standing there to help him get Zwool up into a chair, slowly moving the anri to sitting. "Alright... now we wait, I guess."


"Uh... Um...W-What uh..." This had Amera laughing a bit too hard for how she was, wondering why this girl had reacted like that. "What, can't talk about your body like that? If not, that's fine." She was done her laughing, actually enjoying the conversation now. "You know I didn't mean it like that, what good does it do you to get mad about it after the fact anyway? Chances are that fat sack of shit's going to prison for today's attack anyway." She shook her head, "I know, I know! But, I still want to beat him up a bit. It'd make me feel better about this. My rage'll go away after a bit if I can't do anything though, don't worry." You're going to have to get used to this, Gideon. I don't think I'm going to change any time soon. "... I'm Arcen, this is Aiduen here, my sister. Who're you guys?" She went to answer, Gideon answering instead, "Gideon. You put on one hell of a show today, Arcen. Pity it got cut short." "Yeah, I wanted to get back out there and have some more fun! Stupid arrow..." "This is Amera. She's..." Uh, why're you pausing? I'm... your friend, right? "She's my girlfriend." I... what? What?! "Wh-what, Gideon? I'm just his friend. He must be more tired than he's letting on..." She smiled at Arcen and Aiduen, shooting a quick, angry glance at Gideon. Yeah, we'll deal with that later...

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"I know, I know! But, I still want to beat him up a bit. It'd make me feel better about this. My rage'll go away after a bit if I can't do anything though, don't worry." "If you say so." Gideon wasn't convinced. Of course, he'd rather she be angry all the time than a doormat. "Yeah, I wanted to get back out there and have some more fun! Stupid arrow..." Right, because fighting for your life is fun. "Wh-what, Gideon? I'm just his friend. He must be more tired than he's letting on..." Even if he was a bit confused by her reaction, he had to admit, it was funny. As soon as she shot a look at him, he began to laugh and shook his head. "Worth it. Totally worth it. Sorry about that, I just wanted to see how she'd react. We're just friends." He looked right at her. "What, you thought I wouldn't clear something like that up before just saying it?" I would, and I did, and that was totally worth a rejection. Enjoy her, Ormis.

He laid back down and yawned. "All tactless assumptions aside, the truth is we're just working for the same person. She's a bit...strange, and doesn't tell us much, but cash is cash, I guess. What about you?" He wasn't too worried that Carrion hadn't given him a cent since he showed up - she had things to worry about. But it was strange to him.

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Teis stumbled through the entrance of the church, strength utterly spent. The town guards had gotten ahold of the ringleader, it seemed. After that, the rest of the guildie's had either fled or captured. Dragging himself up the stairs, he collapsed in front of the (mildly startled) priest.


The knight made an effort to stand up, but his arms failed him, and he lay in a heap at the healer's feet. From what it seemed, Arcen, Amera and Gideon were all there, along with another woman whom Teis took to be Arcen's sister. "Ungh... it's... over, mostly..." Forcing himself onto a cot, he removed his helmet, revealing a nasty mark where a man had hit the back of his head.

Taking the rest of his armor off, it became plain that he was more than just tired. His left wrist was fractured from repeated blows to his shield, and he had more than a few cuts where a mercenary had managed to find a lucky chink in his armor.

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"Worth it. Totally worth it. Sorry about that, I just wanted to see how she'd react. We're just friends." No, we're not, but I was hoping we'd get a chance to talk about that before you started exclaiming it to everyone... "What, you thought I wouldn't clear something like that up before just saying it?" "Y-Yeah... I was a bit worried about that." Cleared it up?! We haven't cleared up anything! What the hell, Gideon? She was seriously worried, trying her best to not let it show. They'd just met these people, and he was acting like that? Before even getting a chance to talk about it? I guess it's sort of my fault. He doesn't know about my past, but it's not like I could've just told him about it right away! Aaaahhhhh, this is just so confusing! He'd mentioned Carrion, though Amera wasn't really working for her, just helping her out for the sake of it. At the moment, though... "I... I need to take a walk... sorry." She slid off the bed, her legs shaking a bit as she stood. The priest there demanded for her to get back on the bed, but she ignored him and slowly walked her way out of the church. Teis busted in before she'd left, but she just gave him a passing glance. It was raining, not as bad as before, but still. Her body was hurting, though not enough to keep her from standing. Why did he have to do that? Why...

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"Y-Yeah... I was a bit worried about that. I... I need to take a walk... sorry." Gideon's grin faded as she got up and walked out. As the door closed behind her, he sighed. "That was probably not the way to handle that situation." He got up from the bed and clicked his shoulder into place (it was still stiff), turning to face Arcen and seeing Teis walk in. "Sorry, I've got to go talk to her. It's too cold out there for her to be by herself..." Brushing past Teis, he opened the door and walked out after her. " 'Scuse me. Nice job today," he said quickly as he passed.

Amera was standing in the rain, his jacket over her shoulders. Gideon descended a few steps, the rain causing him to shiver and tug at his damp shirt. He just looked at her for a moment. Say something. There wasn't any easy way out of this. She would tell him off, storm away, and be done with him. He knew it, and he was fine with it. But she had to actually do it...why wasn't she? "Hey," he ventured, his voice quieter than he intended. "Look, I'm sorry about that. I..." His breath caught in his throat, keeping him from saying anything else. That was probably for the best. It'd be quicker this way...

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"Hey" She stopped, almost afraid to turn around. She was both glad and upset that he was following her. I guess now he wants to talk about it? Or... what? She glanced back at him, wondering why he looked so upset. I'm the one who should be upset, not you. But should I even be upset? "Look, I'm sorry about that. I..." "... You what? I thought we were going to talk about that back at the inn before anything..." She turned to him, and decided to try her best to not be upset with him. "You know that I'm still trying to come to grips with all this, right? And then you just start telling random people that we're together? It's not that I mind, but..." she sighed, really unsure of how to deal with this. The rain wasn't helping, it was just making her as soaked as before, and cold. There was a tree nearby. A better place than any to get this cleared up, I guess. "Let's get out of this rain before we talk about it anymore..." She quickly hurried herself under the tree, sitting down against it. It was better than being in the rain.

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"... You what? I thought we were going to talk about that back at the inn before anything..." "I know. I just-" "You know that I'm still trying to come to grips with all this, right? And then you just start telling random people that we're together? It's not that I mind, but..." He paused to let her keep talking. He wouldn't get anything done by talking over her. "Let's get out of this rain before we talk about it anymore..." He nodded and followed her to the tree, sitting down next to her. His hands remained in his lap - now wasn't the time to make a move.

There was an awkward moment as he sat there with her, trying to find something to say. "I didn't know what to say," he said after a long pause. "I figured since we had already...you know, sort of admitted to it, it was sort of implied." He tugged at the sleeve of his jacket gently, not enough to pull it off. "Plus you've been wearing this for half the day..." From what he knew of women, if a girl wore something of yours, it equated to you two being together. Unless she had stolen it - then she was just a stalker. "If you don't want me to tell people, I won't. I really don't care what people think, but..." He shrugged. "Far as the joking thing goes, that was me trying not to look stupid," he added, smiling slightly at his own vanity. "Don't take it too seriously."

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"I didn't know what to say" So you said that. Great... "I figured since we had already...you know, sort of admitted to it, it was sort of implied." She blushed, thinking back in the day. He's right. Amera, you did say it. So why get all upset about it? She got a bit nervous as he tugged at the jacket, glad that it was still on her when he was finished. "Plus you've been wearing this for half the day..." "W-Well, it's warm, and it's better than wearing what I am in the r-rain..." Or was there more to it than that? She couldn't figure it out, herself. She just saw it as a jacket, nothing more, but maybe Gideon thought that meant more? Maybe she thought it meant more, too, but wasn't thinking of it. "And I don't mind you telling people, just..." She was glad he didn't think it was a joke, at least. "Don't take it too seriously." She chuckled. He didn't know how hard that was for her. "It's... easier said than done. Listen, Gideon..." She took his arm again, like she had back at the arena. "I should... tell you why I'm like this. Just, don't say anything until I'm done, alright?"

She took a deep breath, thinking back. She was trembling at all of this, really unsure of if she could talk about it. "A-Alright, so... no, I mean... It's like..." I don't know how to start this. I don't want to start this... She swallowed, and finally said through her stuttering, "for the first thirteen years of my life, I was a slave." And now she was choking back tears, the memories not something anyone would enjoy reliving. "I-I had probably the worst master imaginable, who would beat me, and yell at me... he'd tried to rape me multiple times, but..." She was crying now, clinging tightly onto Gideon's arm. "... that was the one thing I stopped him from doing, every time. It was all I could do, and when I stopped him, he'd beat me again... I don't know why he never tried after the beatings, I guess he must've lost the want, I don't know..." You're almost done, you're almost done. She sniffled back more crying, wanting to get this over with. "When I w-was thirteen, he finally screwed up, and h-he kicked me into the front door. It... busted open, and I ran. No one stopped me, so I kept running... that's it. That's why I get so afraid of being with a man. Because of the one man who... did all of that." He'll tell me to get over it, or he'll get mad at me for being to emotional. I know it, I know he will... She was a blubbering mess now, clinging onto his arm like it was the only thing she had.

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She was stammering a bit when she replied. Gideon couldn't help but wonder if he had struck a nerve...she had seemed really upset the other night, so maybe this had to do with it? "It's... easier said than done. Listen, Gideon..." She sounded a bit more serious. Instinctively he moved closer to her. "I should... tell you why I'm like this. Just, don't say anything until I'm done, alright?" He nodded. "Okay."

"A-Alright, so... no, I mean... It's like..." He wanted to tell her to take her time, that she didn't have to force anything. But then, he didn't know what was coming. "for the first thirteen years of my life, I was a slave." His chest tightened a bit at that. And you're worrying about being dumped. Honestly, Gideon. "I-I had probably the worst master imaginable, who would beat me, and yell at me... he'd tried to rape me multiple times, but..." Her hands tightened around his arm, and he leaned in a bit, still keeping from looking at her. There was a part of him that didn't want to look at all. "... that was the one thing I stopped him from doing, every time. It was all I could do, and when I stopped him, he'd beat me again... I don't know why he never tried after the beatings, I guess he must've lost the want, I don't know...When I w-was thirteen, he finally screwed up, and h-he kicked me into the front door. It... busted open, and I ran. No one stopped me, so I kept running... that's it. That's why I get so afraid of being with a man. Because of the one man who... did all of that."

Gideon paused when she finished, waiting in case she had more to say. When she didn't, he nodded and rested his head on hers. What was he even supposed to say? She had been treated like an animal as a child, used and abused just for being different. What had he done? Gotten bored and left? He didn't regret it, but he could hardly relate to her, much less take issue with anything she said. "Well, I guess you have the right to beat me up for talking down to you," he said quietly. Is that it? Just dropping another joke? "Amera, I...I can't say I understand what you're going through. Because I don't. My life was pretty damn nice by comparison." He paused. Where was he even supposed to go from here? "But I know what people are like. I grew up in a nation of self-righteous bigots who pretend that destroying lives is good because God says so, or something like that. I don't know." He sighed. "My point is that I don't want to...to be like that, I guess." Pulling his head from hers, he looked up at the sky. The clouds were still pretty heavy - he couldn't even tell what time it was. "Maybe this is a bit mean of me, but I saved your life three times. That's as good an indication as any that I'm not going to hurt you." He wanted to say more, because the atmosphere was still a bit awkward, and his point hadn't really been made. But he kept quiet, hoping she'd say something.

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This girl was kind of smart, at least. Still, he'd be able to get his way out of this.

"Self defense. Again, what does it matter to you?"


With practically all of them dead or captured, there was no point hanging around. He saw the arena fighter who'd beaten him go into the church, and he guessed everyone else was there too.

He entered the church, and winced at the injuries he saw. Compared to everyone else, his injury seemed like nothing.

"You guys are actually still gonna stay here?"

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She continued to cry even after she was finished, not expecting her tears to leave her any time soon. It was something she'd never wanted to go back to, and she just had. At least Gideon's here... She thought to herself of what would be happening if she'd gone back there alone, wondering if she'd ever come back again. Not even holding on to his arm anymore, she was clinging to his shirt, burying her head against his chest to cry. "Well, I guess you have the right to beat me up for talking down to you" "A-A joke? Really?" She coughed out the words, almost ready to punch him for saying that. A joke's all you've got to say too all of that, Gideon?! He began to speak again, so she stopped herself for the moment, instead of beginning to pound her fists against his chest. "Amera, I...I can't say I understand what you're going through. Because I don't. My life was pretty damn nice by comparison." "Well... Sniff... I'm glad you've gotten to h-have a good life, at least..." "... But I know what people are like. I grew up in a nation of self-righteous bigots who pretend that destroying lives is good because God says so, or something like that. I don't know." He sighed. "My point is that I don't want to...to be like that, I guess." His head moved off of hers, and she looked up at him, the tears still there, but not pouring out of her now. It was still raining, so it wouldn't have looked like she was really crying, either way. "Maybe this is a bit mean of me, but I saved your life three times. That's as good an indication as any that I'm not going to hurt you." He really has, you know... " I-I know you have... it's still tough for me, to reverse all of that abuse. but..." Her body kept shouting at her to stop what she was doing, as she leaned up and gave him a light peck of the cheek, blushing madly and sliding back down to sitting. Yep. You just kissed him on the cheek. That's what you just did. It didn't stop her from going back to talking, though. "But for what you said... what do you want... to be like, then?"

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"A-A joke? Really?" Yep. Here comes the storm... She was clinging to his shirt, crying against him - a perfect position to be in when she started to kick his ass, it seemed. " I-I know you have... it's still tough for me, to reverse all of that abuse. but..." When she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, Gideon was a bit confused. She was so fickle...well, no sense in throwing the chance away. "But for what you said... what do you want... to be like, then?" Gideon blinked. Seriously? Is that not obvious? "You're sitting next to me crying your heart out, and you just kissed me, and you still have to ask?" His arm was free now, and he took one of her hands, leaning his head against the tree and looking at her. "I want to be like this." Inside, he groaned at how sappy and dumb he sounded. Even if it was true.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed the sky getting darker. Either the rain was picking up or night was coming... "Feel like heading back to the inn?" he asked. He didn't mind staying against the tree, but she had to be tired after all this, and he couldn't sleep on the street - especially when he had a bed to capitalize on.

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'What it is to me is that death is not so easily accounted for, whatever the reason. But I have no quarrel if they tried to murder you for profit.'

Langley turns at that, satisfied she is not longer needed, before hesitantly running back up the mountain path, rushing for the cave. Andy would be all right, she knows this. Right?

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Zwool moaned a little in his unconscious state. When Carrion spoke his gauntlet had sparked a little, and as time went on, it started to flicker and sparkle. When he was slumped into the chair it continued to speed up it in it's sparks and flickers, much like a fire trying to re-kindle it's embers. Zwool's head started to bob a little as he groaned out, evidently, he was starting to wake up.

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"You're sitting next to me crying your heart out, and you just kissed me, and you still have to ask?" "Well, yeah, I do. I've never been in this kind of situation before..." And I doubt I'll ever be in one again, if my race is anything like I've learned it to be. "I want to be like this." This set off the floodgates again, but not because she was sad, reliving the worst part of her life. She was happy that someone could be as nice and caring as he was being. Her mind kept going to the worst areas, what if he's lying, what if he leaves you in the morning, what if he just says this to all the girls, but she did her best to ignore them. She couldn't stop herself now, throwing her arms around him in a hug, her face crying into his shoulder. Quit questioning everything, and just enjoy this for what it is. "Feel like heading back to the inn?" She pulled her face out of his shoulder, albeit still teary, but smiling. Instead of talking, she just nodded, but realizing she had to speak to ask what she wanted to. "Uhm... Gideon..." She coughed, her voice still hurting a bit from all the crying, "would you want to carry me there?" She couldn't help but giggle, hoping he'd realize she was joking.


Zwool began to stir, and it made Adrian jump, not expecting him to wake so soon. "Whoa, you're alive, eh? How're you feeling, Zwool? You were pretty banged up when you came in." I have to ask him what happened, but that can wait until he's more awake than this. "Carrion's just gone to grab you some water. Try and relax, yeah? Your wounds are still healing, if you get up and start walking around so suddenly they'll start opening up."


The rain beginning to worsen, he'd wondered where Langley had gone, taking her time coming back. "Unless she's not coming back. Was I a fool to have decided on this journey...? I'll wait a bit longer, and if she doesn't return soon... well, I'm not going anywhere tonight, but I'll sleep here until tomorrow, and return to the church. I really hope this wasn't a bad idea..."

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When she started crying again, Gideon just hugged her and let her let it out. From the story she had told him, she had a bit of stress to work out anyway, so it was probably for the best. "Uhm... Gideon..." she said as she calmed down, "would you want to carry me there?" Gideon rolled his eyes. They always want something. Without a word, he stood up, helped her up and turned around. "I'm not doing all the work," he told her as he waited for her to inevitably climb on his back. "Are you getting on or not?"

Despite the sudden exasperation he was feeling (he sort of saw it coming), Gideon was pretty happy for once. His pocket was full of cash, he had a weapon worth a damn, and a cute girl - one who wasn't a whore - seemed to really like him. As much as he wanted to look for a catch to all this, he decided against it. Enjoy it while you can.

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Zwool looked up at man that was speaking to him, blinking... everything was a blur. Though, he could hear a voice... and judging from the shape and colors he was seeing and the tone he was hearing, it must of been Adrian. His gauntlet sparked and flickered until it eventually puttered to a proper light. "Words... so many... can't..." he muttered out, grabbing at his light head as if that would help way it down.

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"I'm not doing all the work," She laughed, wiping her eyes before using the tree to help herself up. "Are you getting on or not?" I can't believe you thought I was being serious, Gideon. "No, no I'm not." She smiled as she took his hand, blushing a little. It still felt a bit awkward to take a man's hand like this, but she figured she'd get used to it. The rain was still going, lighter now, but they'd have to go quickly. Amera didn't want to get even more soaked, her clothes having stuck to her body long enough that day. "Let's go, quickly!" She started walking, still too hurting to run, but walking quickly. The inn wasn't too far from the church, as she'd found, the previous day.


"Words... so many... can't..." Adrian calmly placed a hand on Zwool's shoulder, bending a knee to get down to face level, "Hey, hey, just relax, alright? You've been through a lot, so I can ask you what I want to later. Just relax..." He made sure to speak a bit slower, and lighter, hoping that would help Zwool understand, in the state he was in.

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Langley calls into the cave, cautious, worried and confused at herself. Such a worry for someone she's barely met. She heads inside and calls out, hesitant but letting her hand fall from her weapon, not wanting to shock him or make him wary around her, not yet again making him nervous around her.

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Zwool flinched at Adrian's touch, growing tense for a second, when he realised that it wasn't malicious he eased up a little, shaking his head lightly. Adrain spoke more... but Zwool was still to fogged over to make out the words... but they were calm and gentle... probably telling him to relax. He nodded in what was hopefully understanding before leaning his head back with a heavy sigh.

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"No, no I'm not," she said, grabbing his hand. Gideon sighed and moved with her. "You may not get the chance again," he taunted, his fingers instinctively lacing with hers. Her hand was a lot smaller than his. Softer, too. Doesn't it bother her that my hand's so much more calloused? It can't be comfortable... "Let's go, quickly!" "Alright, alright, I'm coming."

The walk was shorter than he remembered it, but they were at the inn door rather quickly. He didn't mind - what guy would, with a cute girl on his arm? There wasn't much noise coming from inside, but he couldn't see in the windows due to the rain. They still had the key to the suite upstairs, so he figured it was still his. That girl...Giselle, right? She would have kicked me out by now if she wanted to. "I think the key is with you," he told her as he opened the door. "In one of the pockets. I forget which."

As they walked inside, Gideon was surprised to see that the inn was full - everyone was just being quiet. Wow. This is new. There were a few faces he recognized; the regulars were nowhere in sight, though, and the rest didn't seem too festive. "They weren't all at the arena, were they?" he asked, not entirely sure who he was addressing. "Place looks like the church did..." The Anri from before was there with Carrion's boyfriend; he seemed to be pretty hurt. "You doing okay?" he asked, walking over to them. As much as he wanted to retire to his room, he had to at least thank the kid.

Edited by Anti-Social Kitty
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