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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"And they left... I guess getting healthy again is for wusses. I ain't no wuss either!" Standing up again, he had to hobble his way out of the Church, using his sword as a walking cane at this point. Aiduen was close behind him, not even bothering to argue with his stubbornness at this point. What they saw as they walked out gave Arcen a stupid grin. He watched the procession of all the remaining guild members, all handcuffed or otherwise detained, all walking towards the prison, even their leader. Arcen couldn't pass this chance up. "All you fuckers, it took all you little sons of bitches to do THIS to me? Don't quit your day jobs, dumbasses!" As expected, a soldier came over and scolded him for 'needless provocation', but Arcen wasn't paying attention, instead letting his sister handle it "Y-Yessir, he gets it, it won't happen again."

"You're darn right it won't, missy." Suddenly the captain of the guard appeared. "I'm giving you and anyone else involved in this whole debacle three hours to pack up and leave town. It's not that I'm ungrateful for the... opportunity to get rid of those baseless thugs, I just don't trust people who can get them THAT riled up. Nothing personal, but the peace must be kept, as much as it can anyway. This isn't up for debate" he said as she was just about to protest this, "I'll be sure to give you all compensation for it. How does four hundred gold sound to be on your way?"

Aiduen stared, wondering if the man was joking or not, and he stared right back, unblinking. "Um... That's.... We'll take it. Question though, what are you going to do about the arena staff? They were in on this whole thing too! Arcen wouldn't lie to me about that..."

"Hmph... we're investigating it when we get the chance, thanks for the tip. Oh right, I heard from some of the townsfolk that Arcen was indeed the winner of that tournament. Congratulations, I suggest you go pick up your winnings before you leave. If you don't, oh well, you're not getting back in unless there's an emergency." Seeing the last of the guildmates go on by, he nodded to Aiduen and Arcen, "Ma'am, sir, if you'll excuse me." Turning to his subordinate, "Go fetch the money from the treasury, soldier."



"Is he alright, Adrian" She said, bringing back a large glass of water, a worried look all over her face as she watched the Anri. There were many eyes upon the group, but they didn't register with Carrion, but Gideon's voice did. "Oh hey there, haven't seen you around much. Hanging at that arena like the brute you are, I suppose?" Even in weird times, she had to be a smug little bitch, but hopefully the guy had thicker skin than that.


Growing physically weak due to his actions under a very straining poison, he collapsed to one knee, forcing him to crawl over to a wall and lean against it, the pain of his cuts and bruises catching up to him, his muscles aching all over. He looked down to the pavement, watching the raindrops fall. "Did I do the right thing? Is it OK for me to give in to such bestial temptations like that...?"

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'Andy?' He immediately smiled, glad that he hasn't been abandoned to rot in such a place by the one person who he'd been able to trust in such a long time. He thought over that for a second, almost chuckling at how convoluted his life was. "Yes, I'm still here. Quickly, get inside! The weather's beginning to get... less than pleasant." He heard a sudden thunder crack, and jumped, breathing a bit heavy. "And now thunder. My Lord, the weather must hate us. At least the cave's dry."


Zwool nodded, and Adrian couldn't tell whether or not he'd understood what had been told to him, but he gave the guy the benefit of the doubt. He gave him a small pat on the shoulder, smiling. "Alright. Just sit there, I'll stay with you while we wait for Carrion." He pulled a chair over for himself, sitting down next to Zwool to wait. He's not a bad guy, Adrian. Maybe you shouldn't be so harsh on him? Especially since you were just getting jealous over nothing. "Is he alright, Adrian" "Hey, there you are. Yeah, he seems alright. He just woke up, and he's still a bit delirious. Give him a moment, he'll wake up completely."


"You may not get the chance again," "Yeah, we'll see about that!" I'll just climb on when you're not expecting it. I doubt you'll go so far to throw me off, heh heh... He started walking, and they went back to the inn, Amera simply enjoying the time she was getting with him.

As they approached the inn, she could see the silhouettes in the windows of what seemed to be a lot of people, but there wasn't that much noise coming from the place. "I think the key is with you, in one of the pockets. I forget which." "Of where, your jacket, or..." She fumbled around in the jacket, not finding it, and checked her own pockets as they walked inside, smiling as she pulled the key out. Geez, I was hoping that it'd hadn't been lost while I was fighting... that would've seriously sucked. She looked up from the key, just as surprised as Gideon was at the amount of people inside. She'd seen their outlines from the windows, but she didn't expect this many. Most of them were mumbling to themselves, some not talking. Adrian was there, sitting with... who the heck's that? Another anri? Wow... She was awed by the dragon for a moment, not having seen one in a long while. "You doing okay?" She snapped into reality as she realized how beat up he looked, asking the same. "Yeah, you okay? Those wounds look serious..." Carrion walked back, and made a rather smug comment to Gideon, which wasn't the most pleasing thing Amera wanted to hear. "Oh hey there, haven't seen you around much. Hanging at that arena like the brute you are, I suppose?" "No, he was with me at the church! After we... fought at the... oh, well, shut up." She said, now embarrassed.

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After getting a general healing from the priest (and waving down the demands that he stay further), Teis left the church. There wasn't really anything he could think of doing at the moment, but he noticed Arcen and his sister standing near some soldier. Without much thought, the knight made his way over, catching the last few words the captain had said.

"I'm giving you and anyone else involved in this whole debacle three hours to pack up and leave town."

Damn... I was hoping we could at least have a day's worth of rest.

Once he had told the other soldier off, Teis approached the man.

"Excuse me, sir, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation just now. Particularly that part about those of us who were involved with this spectacle being forced to leave." Teis didn't wait for a reply. "I had no intention to stay, but I believe that there were other combatants, friends of ours or other tourney fighters who had been pulled into the struggle by chance. Does your statement include all of them?"

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Slowly the voices stopped being slurs, and they began forming coherent sentences. Zwool took his hand off his head and opened his eyes proper. The room seemed to wave and tilt a little, but everything was at least distinct. Adrian was sitting right next to him, Carrion wasn't too far off, and the couple from the arena had apparently just walked in... and he seemed to be the center of attention. With a minor cough he tried to give the couple a wave, only, the motion made him dizzy, so he stopped and lowered his arm... everyone in the room seemed to be asking the same question: 'What happened to him?' Well... he could answer that simply enough... in a second. "Um... How long have I been.... woh... uh, out?" he asked instead, even talking made him dizzy, but at least he was conscious.

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"Oh hey there, haven't seen you around much. Hanging at that arena like the brute you are, I suppose?" Gideon smirked - she seemed to be in good spirits, at least. "You know me, boss. Only good for killing stuff, so naturally I gravitate toward it," he shot back. The sword he gave to Ormis was with her, causing him to nod approvingly. "You're welcome for that sword, by the way. Filched it off a fat guildie. Pretty nice piece, no?" "No, he was with me at the church! After we... fought at the... oh, well, shut up." He was somewhat pleased that Amera chimed in in his defense, but it didn't really matter that much. "She has a point. I mean, it's not like I was doing any work before I showed up at the arena..." He fished out a coin from his pocket and looked it over. "Nope, no pig blood has been shed by me recently. Certainly not for a bunch of gold." Yawning, he moved towards the stairs. "Well, I'm a bit tired, so I think I'm gonna turn in. Make sure that dragon kid stays alive, yeah?"

Amera seemed to have found the key, much to Gideon's relief. It'd be stupid of me to lose that damn thing, especially after I got it free. "You coming? I can't get in the room without that key," he told her as he walked.

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A small fit of laughter escaped her lips, "Calm down, woman, I jest. And yeah, it's a pretty nifty blade. I hope it doesn't shatter in one piece or something. Then I'd have to yell at you, and no one likes that. Right Adrian?" And then Zwool spoke up. "Um... you've been out for at least a half hour, probably m a little more. Here, drink this, you really need some fluids in you, kid..." She held the glass to his lips, seeing him struggle just to even wave his hand.


"Yes, that does include them. I'm sorry to say, but we don't promote acting like a hero here, and while I can't punish people for self defense by itself, I can punish them for other actions. According to what I've heard, they were only after a man named Teis and Arcen there, for doing something to a few guild members. As for what that was, I don't care, personally."

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"... Then I'd have to yell at you, and no one likes that. Right Adrian?" "R-Right, no one likes that..." Oh, you're mean. He'd deal with Carrion's... Carrion-ness later, Zwool was beginning to finally talk. "Um... How long have I been.... woh... uh, out?" "Well, you've been out since you came into the inn, so... about half an hour? I don't know, sorry. I wouldn't say long." At least you're conscious, now. "Um... you've been out for at least a half hour, probably a little more. Here, drink this, you really need some fluids in you, kid..." Carrion gave him pretty much the same answer, handing Zwool the water. No one saying anything else, he turned his attention back to Zwool. "So, uh... how did this happen? You seem like a pretty tough guy, how'd you get as banged up as you did?" He seriously wanted to know, hoping it wasn't something too serious. Maybe he just got in over his head?


"She has a point. I mean, it's not like I was doing any work before I showed up at the arena..." Amera shrugged, "I guess not. But you were still doing something important," she said with a smile, hugging his arm like she normally did. Maybe she looked a bit too happy? She didn't care if she did. "Nope, no pig blood has been shed by me recently. Certainly not for a bunch of gold." This made Amera laugh, forgetting how grim that situation had been. "Yeah, that sure didn't happen, hee hee. We didn't have to stay out in the woods for a night because of it, either." She sighed, smiling some more. She was just too happy, at the moment. Carrion's laughter sort of ruined it, though. "Calm down, woman, I jest." "Yeah, I sorta figured. Sorry about that..." She did feel pretty stupid, reacting like that. Just calm down, she's being herself. Gideon yawned, Amera going to yawn as well, realizing how tired she was. "Well, I'm a bit tired, so I think I'm gonna turn in. Make sure that dragon kid stays alive, yeah? "You coming? I can't get in the room without that key," "Yeah, keep that kid alive! It'd suck to see another of my kind die. And, yeah!" She rushed after him, attaching herself to his arm once again.

She went upstairs with him, finally coming back to the room she'd been missing all day long. She couldn't have opened the door any faster, collapsing onto the bed, still soaked. "The cleaners can get the bed sheets in the morning, too tired to take off my clothes..." She was only half conscious of what she was saying, already starting to fall asleep. But, she rolled over and smiled at Gideon, sighing once again. "I don't think I'll be too worried about sharing the bed, tonight..." Her tone was coy, and she giggled after she said that, rolling onto her side. I'll just let him take that however he wants~ He knows he'll get into some trouble if he takes it too far, though.

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"... Then I'd have to yell at you, and no one likes that. Right Adrian?" Gideon rolled his eyes. "You act like it'd be my fault. Just use the damn thing properly and you'll be fine," he taunted. Amera seemed pretty happy in her exchange with Carrion - he didn't mind that.

"The cleaners can get the bed sheets in the morning, too tired to take off my clothes..." She didn't intend for him to hear all that, probably, but he didn't really mind. He was tired and soaked, and he was glad to finally be able to sit down. As he leaned on the foot of the bed and pried off his boots, she spoke again. "I don't think I'll be too worried about sharing the bed, tonight..." He glanced over at her and smiled. "I was expecting to be exiled to the floor, but that's fine with me." Once his boots were off, he pulled off his shirt and began to wring it out on the floor. It's water. No harm done. Then he realized he had just started undressing in front of her. "Before you start freaking out," he said, looking at her cautiously, "I'm just wringing it out because I don't want to sleep in completely soaked clothes. I can always put it back on." He threw it over his shoulder and moved around to sit on his side of the bed, leaning against the wall and looking at her. "You're doing better, right?" he asked, his voice a bit gentler. Normally he wouldn't act like this, but then, normally she wasn't pouring her soul out and crying on him, so he could make an exception this time.

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Zwool drank the water down gratefully, shaking his head when he finished. The intent was to maybe shake away some of the dizzyness... but that only back fired, making the world spin more. He looked at Adrian with a weak smile. "A brawl broke out at the arena..." he started, closing his eyes to clear his thoughts. "Some sort of... corrupt guild or something... either way... it was a shotty assassination attempt on the victor... Arcen I think his name was. I 'unno, I just know that the couple that were just here, at least the girl, rushed in to help. She got beat up pretty bad herself, and he had to get her out of there." Zwool took a breath, blinking a little. "I covered their escape as long as I could, but uh, only so much one Anri can do against 10 well armed guys..."

His recalling almost over he smiled at them weakly. "They got a few too many shots in and I had to make a break myself. I was heading too the church, but it seemed too far... you guys were my second best choice, so I came to the inn... I remember opening the door before everything got... really dark." He stopped his story, and gave them a second to register what he just said... in the meantime he was going to see if he could stop the world from flipping.

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After an indeterminate amount of time (Ormis wasn't one for keeping track), the guards were breaking up the fight. Grinning, he couldn't resist kicking one man as he shuffled out, earning himself a scolding from the guard. Making a quick run to the church (the priest was fed up with everything at this point) to get a healing, he jogged to the inn.


"Very well, then."

With a curt nod, Teis turned and left with an air of disgust. It wasn't so much the fact that he was being asked- no, commanded to leave. He had intended to leave after the tourney to begin with, and he couldn't blame the guards for wanting the two targets out of the town. What angered Teis was the guards' insistence that everyone else had to leave as well.

He wasn't going to stick around and argue with him, though. Right now, he had to find everyone, and tell them. The knight ran through the battle in his head again, trying to remember who had been fighting and who had not. Amera, Gideon, the kid, who else?

I know Aurelio and Lucretia were in the audience, chance are neither of them would stick around and watch us get trashed... That Anri guy too, and some stranger. Gah... Unless the soldiers intend to inform all of them about the decision before they enforce it, there's no way I can go tell them all...

Either way, he had to try. The best place to start would be the inn, so he made his way over there. He arrived just after Ormis, and he noticed Amera's tail whipping around the corner to the stairwell as he walked in. Carrion was there with Adrian, as well as that winged Anri from before. Carrion seemed to be treating his wounds, basically confirming that he had fought in the battle. With a short sigh, he trotted to where the injured man lay ((sitting?)).

"Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry, I do not know your name, but there is no time for that right now. My name is Teis, and I was one of the guild's targets during that battle, and I'm sorry that you got involved. Because..." he paused. "Because I have just been informed that all who sided with Arcen and myself have been asked to leave the town within the next three hours by the town guard."

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"I was expecting to be exiled to the floor, but that's fine with me." She laughed at him, going as far as to hold her stomach, as hard as she was laughing. "Wh-Why would I do that? Don't be silly. All you've done is be nice to me, wouldn't it be a bitch thing for me to do, making you stay on the floor? Besides, you're the reason we got this room." She finally managed to contain her laughter, as Gideon tore his shirt off. It made her blush, as she got a good look as his body, a few scars here and there, and a mostly defined stomach. She had to look away, not sure how much of him she could handle with her eyes. Well... he's... he's hot. Yes, that he is. "Before you start freaking out," Trust me, the last thing I'm going to do after looking at all... that... is freak out. "I'm just wringing it out because I don't want to sleep in completely soaked clothes. I can always put it back on." "N-No, that's alright. Actually, that's a good idea..." She sat up on her side, and took off her shirt under his jacket, making sure her back was towards him. It was pretty embarrassing, practically naked so close to another person, but wringing out her shirt would make sleeping more comfortable, at least. "You're doing better, right?" "Yeah, much better. It... feels nice to get all of that out, honestly." She slipped back into her shirt, and lost his jacket, falling back onto the bed to look up at him. "And you? How're you doing with all that knowledge? You do know that you're never getting my claws out of you, now that I've told you that, right?" She made a playful motion with her hands, like a cat would, chuckling.


Adrian listened to Zwool's explanation, sighing, glad that nothing really bad had happened, yet still worried for the guy. "Sounds like... you certainly had a hard time. But, really, the entire guild went after him? Damn, that's stupid of them. Glad you got out of it, and you did pretty damn well doing so!" He gave Zwool another soft pat on the shoulder, "good job, bud. I doubt I'd have been able to do anywhere near as well as it sounds you've done." The situation was good, and everything seemed to be back to normal, but Teis walked up with some chilling news. "Because I have just been informed that all who sided with Arcen and myself have been asked to leave the town within the next three hours by the town guard." Adrian looked at Teis with as much of a cocked eyebrow as he could muster, almost smiling, "Teis... you're kidding, right? You... what? Why would they even do that?"

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"Wh-Why would I do that? Don't be silly. All you've done is be nice to me, wouldn't it be a bitch thing for me to do, making you stay on the floor? Besides, you're the reason we got this room." All fair points. At least she was laughing. That was a good sign... "N-No, that's alright. Actually, that's a good idea..." Then she started to disrobe too. Her back was to him, but Gideon still found it a bit surreal that they were sharing a room and a bed and undressing and - Okay, calm down. Take it easy, boy. "Yeah, much better. It... feels nice to get all of that out, honestly." Don't say I didn't tell you so. "And you? How're you doing with all that knowledge? You do know that you're never getting my claws out of you, now that I've told you that, right?" He grinned back at her when she pawed at him, and grabbed her arm at the wrist. "I can live with that," he replied, pulling her a bit closer. "Just don't scratch my eyes out, okay?" Yawning, he pulled the wrinkled pile of blankets from the edge of the bed over them and adjusted a bit, getting comfortable. He let go of her wrist, lying on his back and sprawling his arms a bit to give her some room - he knew that if he hugged her close, he might trigger a freakout. Well, maybe not. She seems to really like you. "Is the door locked?" he mumbled tiredly, eyes half-open. A nap would be nice right now...

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She got worried for a second when he grabbed her wrist, trusting him to do nothing. And he didn't, just going along with the joke, "I can live with that," Good. You're going to have to. "Just don't scratch my eyes out, okay?" "Oh, rawr, ha ha! I'll try my best not to~" He seems to be having some fun with this. Maybe I should have some more fun~? The blanket felt nice, something warm and comfortable over them, after the long day. Of course, her skirt and shorts were still soaked... Would he mind? Would I mind? Well, I trust him to not do anything... and I am wearing underwear... She blushed about her thoughts, wondering if she really could do it. Gideon had sprawled out on the bed, and she wondered if he was trying to give her some room. "Is the door locked?" "Oh, shoot! Let me get that..." She sprang off the bed, slowing down as she stood, her body reminding her of the state she was in. Locking the door, she swallowed, Alright, now or never... She quickly slipped out of her skirt and shorts, her tail popping out as she clambered back into bed on top of him. "Don't take this the wrong way; I'm cold, you're warm, and my clothes were pretty wet. I'm going to use you as my pillow, so watch those hands of yours..." She couldn't have been more red, resting her head against his chest. Oh, I know how bad this must look, right now... He'd better not put those hands anywhere except my back! I feel them moving lower, and he's gonna get it...

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Zwool blinked at the messenger... the other combatant with Arcen... and when he realised what the man had just said... "Oh... fuck..." he mutterred out, and his gauntlet flare violently, and though his gauntlet was angry, Zwool was crying... not crazy like before, just... crying again. I just found... people... who understood... who wanted to help... and now... I have three hours to get out? why.... why... why why why why?

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"Oh, shoot! Let me get that..." When she got off the bed, Gideon got a good look at her back, and he felt no shame in checking her out. She was nicely put together, and the only unusual thing about her was her tail, which he really didn't mind - it moved with a certain grace as she walked. But then so did the rest of her. Once she locked the door, though, she began to take off her clothes, and then she walked right back up to the bed in her underwear and climbed on top of him. "Um..." "Don't take this the wrong way; I'm cold, you're warm, and my clothes were pretty wet. I'm going to use you as my pillow, so watch those hands of yours..." "Alright, that saves me the trouble of asking." He put his arms around her waist and tugged the blanket over them, doing his best to keep calm about the situation; now wasn't the time to lose control of himself. Still, he liked this. "Your tank's damp," he grumbled, shivering a bit - she really was cold. That thing was probably half the problem, though; it was no wonder she was cold!

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Ormis didn't really have any reaction to the news, except to go run upstairs and knock on Amera's door, thus saving Teis the trouble. He'd probably be indignant later, but for now he was too tired to care.

"Teis... you're kidding, right? You... what? Why would they even do that?"

Teis sighed. "It's a matter of keeping this from happening again. They're afraid that, if Arcen and myself can earn enough of the guild's ire to bring this upon the city, we might cause some similar disaster in the future. Personally, I agree with them. But I digress." He held out his hand to Carrion.

"It was an interesting experience traveling and fighting alongside the Crimson Witch, no matter how brief the journey. I'm sorry that I cannot be of any more use to you, especially in your current state. I wish you luck with reversing your... condition."

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"Alright, that saves me the trouble of asking." "Good... good. This is just as awkward for me as it is for you, but..." I like it too much to get off of you. His hands fell around her waist, which made her shiver a little, although his touch was welcome. Just... no further than that. I don't care how playful I'm being right now, no farther down than there. "Your tank's damp," She blushed, indignantly sighing. "Well, you can't expect me to take that off, can you? If if that's bothersome..." she slid off of him, cuddling up next to him, instead. "There! Better, now? I hope you're not too unhappy about not having me press up against you, anymore~" She giggled some more, yawning. "Alright, time to seriously sleep. I like playing around with you, but, too... tired to do it anymore..." She heard a knock at the door, growling. "Go away! We're trying to sleep!" She didn't care who was at the door, she wasn't going to let anyone interrupt her sleep, especially when she was with Gideon.

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"Good... good. This is just as awkward for me as it is for you, but..." "It's not that awkward," he replied. "Could be a lot worse." "Well, you can't expect me to take that off, can you? If if that's bothersome..." She adjusted a bit, but she was still close, which was fine with him. "There! Better, now? I hope you're not too unhappy about not having me press up against you, anymore~" "Wasn't complaining," he mumbled, turning towards her and closing his eyes. "Alright, time to seriously sleep. I like playing around with you, but, too... tired to do it anymore..." He just grunted in approval. No more talking. "Go away! We're trying to sleep!" Gideon flinched at her shouting. "Not so loud," he said sleepily, having just been jolted from a very comfortable position - one that almost had him asleep, too! "Who is it?" He didn't move. He didn't want either of them to.

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He really must be tired, she thought to herself, sighing, he's not even playing around anymore. Oh well... She was sorry about being too loud, as well, sort of just whispering an, "I'm sorry" to him. "Who is it?" Seriously, just let us sleep, and ask us about whatever it is in the morning... She cuddled her little head up against his chest, and finally started to sleep, smiling, happy to have found a man she was beginning to trust. A thought came to her as she was drifting off, though, and the thought got on her nerves. She grumbled, "Gideon, you know what? I bet it's Ormis. Seriously, the kid's been knocking on our door these past few days." I hope he's not jealous...

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Seemed as though no one heard him. Better to leave for now, see if there would be any consequences.

And damn it, there were.

"I'm giving you and anyone else involved in this whole debacle three hours to pack up and leave town."

Can't say I didn't expect that... Would he end up following any of the people here? He guessed they'd just split up, but he wasn't really sure. No one here knew him that well anyway. He'd have to leave it up to fate.


"What it is to me is that death is not so easily accounted for, whatever the reason. But I have no quarrel if they tried to murder you for profit."

When she left, Elune sighed. She'd normally have made a rude remark about philosophy, but best to let this one go.

"Let's finish cleaning up these bodies. The rain's getting worse."

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Andy's smile makes her calm very easily. She doesn't try and worry about why, but just smiles back, a nod as she darts in and heads a bit further inside, glancing to him with a curious gaze to her eyes now. With a slow sigh, she murmurs.

'I'm sorry for leaving at all. Don't get me wrong, I know you can do fine on your own, but worrying you at all surprisingly troubles me. I'm not quite sure why at the moment.'

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A bit flustered at Teis mentioning her as the Crimson Witch, she tried to roll with it. "I wouldn't say I'm that mean, but I guess that's a compliment to my magical prowess, so uh... thanks?" She shook his hand, "And don't worry about it, I'll get it fixed. I'm heading to Pravna to do just that. If they can't fix it, I'm pretty sure no one can." It was a weird feeling watching Zwool have what seemed to be a panic attack as the news was broken to him though. "Hey, calm down there bud. I'll tell you what, I'll go with you, alright? Me and Adrian. We were planning on leaving soon anyway, and I hope Adrian has no objections. Right?"


There were quite a few people involved in the brawl, and so, many soldiers were dispatched to find everyone, each carrying bags of gold. One found Lucretia and Adano, informing them of the situation, another found Carrie, another found Julius, another went upstairs to Amera and Gideon's room while informing Ormis as well after Teis was informed, another found Danyon, and another timid soldier found Ignatius by the side of a building, nearly out of it as he explained the situation.

At the inn

A soldier walked up to Gideon and Amera's room, shoving the kid aside, knocking on it loudly and probably rather rudely, but he had a job to do. "Gideon? Amera? I need to talk to at least one of you, now. Urgent business."

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Admittedly, he thought it was pretty stupid to kick them out so quickly.

"The hell is with you guys? I can understand wanting us to leave, but in 3 hours? None of us will have any time to reach any other town - the nearest town is one day away. Furthermore, we will get drenched in this rain. If you want to kick us out tomorrow, perfectly fine, but to have all of us leave in 3 hours is absolutely ridiculous and unreasonable."

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He would've tried to shut Teis up himself, if Carrion hadn't played it off. Just don't know what to say, when, do you, Teis? He sighed, as Zwool entered into what seemed panic mode. Okay, so, can we not meet normal people? I think I'm normal. Why can't there be more people like me? "Hey, calm down there bud. I'll tell you what, I'll go with you, alright? Me and Adrian. We were planning on leaving soon anyway, and I hope Adrian has no objections. Right?" And now the anri was roped into their party. Adrian had no real reason to say no, other than his petty jealousy for something that wasn't even happening, so he really couldn't, without seeming like a heartless tool. "Yeah, you can go with us. It'd be nice to have some more muscle along the way, I guess. Just make sure you keep your hands off of Carrion, ha ha." He smiled, an joked, hoping they'd take it the same way. In fact, he felt like he needed to clarify himself, "... that was a joke, albeit a pretty poor one. You're a nice guy, so yeah, come along with us."


"Gideon? Amera? I need to talk to at least one of you, now. Urgent business." She sighed, pulling herself away from Gideon with an uncomfortable grunt. "I'll go see what they want, just keep sleeping..." She forced herself out of bed, and staggered over to the door, opening it halfway. Her half asleep state didn't really care what they saw her wearing, but she was still hiding a bit behind the door. Some soldier holding a few bags was standing there, beside Ormis. "So I was right, it was you, Ormis... and... who're you? We're trying to sleep in here, can't we just get the chance to relax, some?" Her tail flicked behind her, as she slumped up against the door to stop herself from falling over.


'I'm sorry for leaving at all. Don't get me wrong, I know you can do fine on your own, but worrying you at all surprisingly troubles me. I'm not quite sure why at the moment.' "I'll take that as a compliment, Langley. At the moment, though, I would think it best for us to try and make some sort of fire. The cave might bring us some shelter, but it's still getting quite cold. Though, I doubt any of the wood outside is dry, anymore. Well, that sort of kills that idea, doesn't it?" He nervously chuckled, not completely worried, but still wishing they had some sort of heat.

Edited by seph1212
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Aurelio had heard the message a little after the others, he was probably one of the last to stop fighting It had also taken him a while to convince the guards he wasn't a member of the guild, and was only acting in self defense - which was partially true. Soldiers were everywhere, rounding up the remaining guild members and maintaining order. The tournament had ended, there wasn't much incentive to stick around any more. Lucretia's reunion with her father had made him think about his own family. The weather still wasn't very good, staying at the inn for a few days wouldn't be a bad idea. Adano seemed to be alright, which was a relief considering his condition.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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