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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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"Are you counting the hole or no?" "It's a nice touch, I guess... not like it ruins the jacket." She pulled it over herself some more, her clothes seriously beginning to annoy her with how damp they still were. Just gotta get to the next town as quick as possible, then get some new clothes. You can do it, girl, you've already done probably the second hardest thing in your life today. "Uh, yeah..." She really did feel sorry for Ormis as he walked off, wondering what would've happened if she'd spent more time with him, instead of Gideon. He's nice, but... he's too young. That sounds pretty weird to me, but... she looked over at Gideon and smiled, I don't think he would've been able to deal with what I told Gideon. I need someone who can understand all of that...

"Anyway..." The situation had gotten a tad awkward, as Ormis left. She was glad that Gideon had finally broken the silence, wondering to herself why it had gotten so awkward in the first place. "Well, I don't mind sticking with them for a bit longer. Might be fun." "It sure as hell would! It's been nothing but surprises ever since I met all of you." Part of her really wanted to go with Carrion and Adrian, not wanting to leave her new friends behind. "Getting lost might be fun too, though." Of course, another part of her wanted to just go off alone with Gideon, and spend a while just doing that. She began thinking, and he looked her over, making her blush. She didn't mind anymore, but it was still somewhat embarrassing. "You're half of this decision, you know. What do you prefer?" She didn't want to think about it anymore, wanting to just lose her clothes right there and walk around in his jacket for the rest of the day. "Let's just go with them, alright? I want to get out of these damn clothes as soon as possible! Of course... they might be staying here. They didn't get involved in that fight, so... let's just go find out, alright?" She slipped through the door way, running her tail across Gideon as she did, and hauled herself down the stairs.

Carrion was with Adrian, of course, and that anri from before was there, finally beginning to wake himself up. "Hello~! So as you might've heard, we've been kicked out as well. We being Gideon and I. And..." she paused for a moment, "... well, we were sort of wondering if we could go with you? That is, if you're planning on going anywhere. We don't know if you are, so I'd thought it best to ask." She was fidgeting a bit, her clothes still bothering her.


Their friendly ball of happiness bounded down the stairs, and almost gave Adrian a start, not expecting her. He was sure she'd still be upstairs with Gideon, doing who knows what, but then it dawned on him; and it was told to him, "... So as you might've heard, we've been kicked out as well. We being Gideon and I." Yeah, they did fight the guildies, as well. Amera'd asked them if she and Gideon could join them, and Adrian could only stare down at Carrion, wondering what she'd say. "The more the merrier, Carrion? It's some more muscle, and at least they're nice people." Teis had fallen to his knee amongst the discussion, which sort of freaked Adrian out. I guess he's just really tired? He couldn't really answer his question about asking to join them, Carrion was the leader here.

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"It's a nice touch, I guess... not like it ruins the jacket." Suit yourself. I can buy a new one. "Keep it, then," he told her, grinning. "You seem to like it more than I ever did."

"It sure as hell would! It's been nothing but surprises ever since I met all of you." Her enthusiasm wasn't something Gideon was used to - usually he only had his nonchalant reactions to things as a frame of reference. It wasn't a change of pace he really minded. Then she blushed when he looked at her, drawing an appreciative smile from him. You really are still a kid, aren't you? He certainly didn't mind. "Let's just go with them, alright? I want to get out of these damn clothes as soon as possible! Of course... they might be staying here. They didn't get involved in that fight, so... let's just go find out, alright?" Before he could reply, she had bolted down the stairs, but not before brushing her tail against him in what he assumed was a display of affection. As long as she doesn't trip me...

As he descended the stairs, he heard Amera talking to Carrion and her boyfriend. That was probably for the best - despite her bouts of rage, she seemed to be the more diplomatic of the two. "Hello~! So as you might've heard, we've been kicked out as well. We being Gideon and I. And...well, we were sort of wondering if we could go with you? That is, if you're planning on going anywhere. We don't know if you are, so I'd thought it best to ask." From the stairs, Gideon saw Adrian looking at the witch, as if to gain her approval. "The more the merrier, Carrion?" he told her. "It's some more muscle, and at least they're nice people."

Gideon leaned on the banister and arched his eyebrow. "At least we've got your approval," he quipped, looking directly at Carrion. "How 'bout it, Carrion? You need someone to do your dirty work, right?" She was an odd character, but Gideon found Carrion interesting, at least. He didn't plan on leaving her in the dust until he knew what was making her tick. Besides, apparently hanging out with her was lucrative - he had made quite a bit of gold in less than a week of being around her. And then, of course, there were a few people she was traveling with whose company he enjoyed...Why Teis was on his knee, though, Gideon had no idea. Was this how mercenary knights pledged loyalty?

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It was messy, but necessary. Wouldn't do for people to find a bunch of dead people lying on the road there.

Better find out his name, in case something like this happens again... Elune turned to the mage, and asked. "Your name?"

"Adonis. Yours?"

Good. "Elune. Let's get going."

They got back on the horse and continued on their way.

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So many people wanted to go with them now, it was a bit overwhelming for her. "Um... Sure Amera, sounds good..." As for Teis, "Well, I can't stop you, so if you want to come with us, well... we all need to get some supplies first. I assume you all got money as well, so go buy everything you need. Clothes, camping supplies, food, weapons, whatever. Meet back here in half an hour, and after that, we'll be gone. sound good?" She looked around the room at the others, hoping they'd understand. She pulled Adrian over, whispering to him, "I can trust you to get me some clothes, right? I'm not gonna leave this poor guy all by himself the shape he's in now. Nothing fancy, just... simple travelling gear. Shirt, shorts, maybe a coat for rain, OK? I'll cover anything after a hundred gold pieces."

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Maybe standing in the inn would be a better idea.

Inside, he saw the Crimson Witch and a bunch of other people. He did need a travelling group anyway - Now would be a good time to ask.

He calmly walked up to her and asked, "I suppose you're going somewhere, Crimson?"

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Zwool sighed and leaned back in his chair... Carrion said half an hour... would he be able to move after half an hour? He didn't know... what he did know was he wanted to move now... for once in his life he actually had enough money to not need to salvage it just to buy a bit of food, like, enough money to buy something... and he couldn't go shopping. He groaned lightly at the thought... but he needed to rest, people were doing what they needed... he would do what he needed. I just hope they don't spend all of it... it'd be kinda nice to have some extra cash for once...

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"Dude, leave me alone." The guy was sitting next to him now, and it was kind of creeping Ormis out. "You were that guy who wanted an explanation earlier, go ask them what happened."

Then he got up and wandered over to where everyone was gathered. Scarlet looked to be the leader.

"So, where are we gonna go?" It was best to put aside his grudge for now. He could have his rematch later.


Teis stood up, moment of weakness over with. He nodded gratefully, and, as an afterthought, offered his gold to Adrian, who was on his way out.

"Use this. My winnings will be sufficient for myself until we arrive in Pravna, at least."

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"Yes! Alright!" She was certainly happy about this, listening intently for Carrion's explanation about what was going on. "... we all need to get some supplies first. I assume you all got money as well, so go buy everything you need. Clothes, camping supplies, food, weapons, whatever. Meet back here in half an hour, and after that, we'll be gone. sound good?" The only part of that which had clicked in Amera's mind had been 'clothing'. She'd take the chance to get some new clothes as quickly as possible. Grabbing Gideon's hand, she started dragging him out of the door. "Alright! Clothes, food, clothes, supplies, clothes; got it! We'll be back as soon as possible!" She dragged him out of the inn, looking around frantically for the nearest tailor, spying one that was open, down the road. "Gideon, meet me there!" She said, smiling and pointing. She let go of his hand (But not before she took the bag of gold from him) as to not drag him off with her, unsure of how well his body was doing. She was too happy about being able to get clothes to pay her own much mind, getting into the shop as quickly as possible.

The store owner was quite surprised to see an anri, especially one of her build. "Uhm, may I help you, miss?"

"Yes, you may! My clothes have been soaked by the rain, and I'm in some serious need of some new... everything."

"... Everything? Erm... A-Alright, let me check to see if I have anything in your... size."

Amera tilted her head a little, wondering what he'd meant, I'm not fat, am I? She lost the thought as the man returned, rather quickly, handing her a plaid button up shirt. She smiled, and he sighed nervously. "That's the only shirt I have that might fit. And, yes, everything..." He gave her a once over, noting what she was wearing. "Stockings and a skirt, then? Those will be easier to find." Once again, Amera was a tad confused by what he meant, as he disappeared into the back room. She looked the shirt over once again, as he returned rather quickly with a really cute white skirt, and some striped stockings. "Oh, wow, these are perfect! How much?"

"For the three? Thirty six gold, miss."

Well, that's not ridiculously expensive. "I'll take them!" She quickly emptied some gold onto his counter, letting him take what he needed for the clothes. She dove into the back room, losing her wet clothes as quickly as possible, and putting on everything she'd bought. The shirt was a little tight up top, and she blushed when she finally realized what the clerk had meant. Oh well, it's better than wet clothes. She decided to take a moment to look at herself in the mirror, letting Gideon catch up.


"I can trust you to get me some clothes, right? I'm not gonna leave this poor guy all by himself the shape he's in now. Nothing fancy, just... simple travelling gear. Shirt, shorts, maybe a coat for rain, OK? I'll cover anything after a hundred gold pieces." "Oh, yeah. I can handle that." He thought about getting something ridiculously girly for Carrion, thinking instantly of the consequences that would cause, and throwing the idea away. Teis stopped him on his way out, handing him a large bag jingling with gold, "Use this. My winnings will be sufficient for myself until we arrive in Pravna, at least." "Oh, uh... thanks." He didn't ask if the man wanted to keep his money, needing to go out and get shopping.

There was a simple clothing store down the street (Different from the one Amera had gone to), with a large amount of clothes just set out for purchase. Alright, nothing ridiculous. Just get Carrion a dress, and a shirt. Zwool a shirt and pants. Did she mention shorts, too? I think she did. Upon remembering shorts, his mind created an image of Carrion strutting around in some short shorts. No, wake up, Adrian! You'll get the chance to think of, and probably see that, later! He quickly grabbed things he figured would fit them: another blackish gray dress for Carrion, as well as a shirt and the shorts. Zwool, he just grabbed a blue shirt and pants. Blue'll go well with his hair, right? Ahhh, who cares, it's not pink, he won't hate me for it. He was almost about to head to the counter, when he remembered that Carrion had asked for coats, snatching three off of a shelf. Dunno how Zwool's going to get his wings under this, but... oh well. We'll figure something out. He threw it all onto the counter, realizing how much he was carrying. "Will... this be all, sir?" The woman at the counter almost laughed, "Buying clothes for my girlfriend... she wants a lot."

"Of course, of course... let's see, sixty gold, please."

Well, that's... not that much. He still had Teis' money on him, though, so he took that out first, "uhm, here. Just count out your gold." The money shook in the pouch as the woman started digging her gold out of it. She finished, he took the pouch, and his clothes were bagged. Time to lug this all back to the inn...

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"... we all need to get some supplies first. I assume you all got money as well, so go buy everything you need. Clothes, camping supplies, food, weapons, whatever. Meet back here in half an hour, and after that, we'll be gone. sound good?" Gideon nodded, but he was a bit distracted by Amera's sudden enthusiasm. It was baffling to him how she could go from angry to sniffling to happy to ecstatic in seconds like that - and it was probably dangerous for him. "Alright! Clothes, food, clothes, supplies, clothes; got it! We'll be back as soon as possible!" she called, her grab taking Gideon by surprise as he awkwardly descended the stairs after her. Seriously, woman, take it easy! "Gideon, meet me there!" Before he could reply, she was gone with the money. He shook his head and smiled in spite of his confusion. "Well, at least now I have a way to calm her down..." he mused as he walked after her.

"For the three? Thirty six gold, miss." the clerk said as he walked in. By the time he was at the counter, Amera was already gone - probably trying her new clothes on. She had left a pile of gold on the counter. Gideon walked right up, knowing there would be change from the size of it (clothes can't be that expensive); judging from her condition, though, she wouldn't be concerned with it. "I'm with her," he assured the clerk. "That wetness thing she talked about when she walked in?" It was a gamble, but knowing her... "I'm in the same boat, except I'm a bit...less female." And a bit taller, but that's obvious. "Do you have anything like the jacket she had on when she walked in? Something that'll, you know, withstand weather and such like?" He didn't want to spell out that he wanted some sort of armor. That didn't seem like this guy's area of expertise. "I could use a new set all around, while you're at it. Think you have anything?"

"Uhm, I'll see what we have, sir," the clerk said as he walked towards the back. While he was gone, Gideon was tempted to look in on Amera, but the idea of having claw marks on his face wasn't too appealing. Besides, he'd see her when she came out.

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"Uhm, I'll see what we have, sir," Amera's ears twitched at the sound of the clerk addressing someone else, peeking her head out of the changing room to see Gideon standing there, waiting for the clerk to show back up with what she assumed would be some clothes for Gideon himself. Oohhh, let's sneak up on him while he's waiting... She gathered her wet clothes and slipped out of the changing room, doing her best to sneak up behind him. He didn't seem to notice her, as she lunged for his arm, laughing as she wrapped herself around it. "Hey there! Hope I didn't scare you. Getting some clothes for yourself?" The clerk wasn't there, and he was still wearing his wet shirt, so she assumed as much. "Oh, right!" She moved back from him, and did a little twirl, showing off her new clothes, "what do you think?" But then she gasped, "Oh, yeah, we should be doing this fast, shouldn't we? I got so caught up in clothes, I forgot that we still needed to grab everything else... oops."


He'd donned his coat already as to stay dry in the rain, lugging the bags along. It had been a bit tougher than he'd expected to drag all of them back to the inn, setting the bags down next to Carrion and Zwool once he'd gotten inside. "Yeah, not really enjoying being a mule. That was quick enough, though. I'm guessing we should grab food last, so it'll last longer? Which means supplies now. Zwool, think you're in good enough shape to help me, here?" He didn't look it, but if he could carry something, he was coming along. Or Teis. Better than him just standing here. "Teis, if Zwool's not up for it, can you help me out?"

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Gideon jumped a bit when Amera pounced on his arm and laughed. "There you are," he said as she giggled. "Hey there! Hope I didn't scare you. Getting some clothes for yourself?" "Believe it or not, you're not the only one who dislikes being wet," he taunted. "Oh, right!" She took a step back and twirled around, presumably to show him what she had picked out. "what do you think?" Damn. That's what I think. The shirt was a bit tight (he couldn't complain, though) and the skirt was a bit short (again, no complaints), and the stockings suited her as well. He had to hand it to her: the girl had taste. "Oh, yeah, we should be doing this fast, shouldn't we? I got so caught up in clothes, I forgot that we still needed to grab everything else... oops." "Relax," Gideon told her, still a bit taken with how she looked. "We can pick up some food at the inn before we leave, and that's really all we'll need, probably." He finally made eye contact with her, having taken his time looking her over, and smiled. "I like it, by the way."

"Ahem." The clerk was back, holding a red jacket, a shirt and a pair of pants. "Will these do, sir?"

Gideon nodded. "Looks fine to me. Lemme just try 'em on...Amera, you've got the money, so can you cover this while I see how they fit?" he asked as he took them from the clerk.

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"Of course."

Teis walked over and grabbed a bag, slinging it over one shoulder. The knight hadn't really given much thought to the injured Anri. As long as he wasn't a hindrance, Teis could stand to travel with him.

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She was still getting used to having someone eye her as much as Gideon was, but she had wanted to show him, so it was her fault if she started to feel awkward. I can't be that good looking, right? I mean, I know guys have their eyes on me most of the time, but... that's just gotta be for my chest. "Relax" Wha-- can he read my mind?! She was about to freak out, "We can pick up some food at the inn before we leave, and that's really all we'll need, probably." but simply sighed, as she realized what he was talking about. Okay, I can keep thinking whatever I want without worry, good. "But, if we're stuck sleeping outside, wouldn't it be nice to have a tent, or something? We'll have to grab that as well, while we're out." Her tail was swaying behind her, something that it normally didn't do. She was just getting anxious. "I like it, by the way." And now she smiled, happy to blush, "Thanks."

"Ahem." "Ah!" She was startled by the clerk's almost sudden return. At least Gideon's got some new clothes... and they look pretty good. "Looks fine to me. Lemme just try 'em on...Amera, you've got the money, so can you cover this while I see how they fit?" "Yeah yeah, sure. Just get in there and get those on!" She literally pushed him off towards the changing room, before asking the clerk what it was going to cost. He said thirty two gold, she handed it over, and waited.

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"You went and got clothes first? Uuugh, sometimes I worry about you, Adrian." She perused what he had gotten first before Teis took it. "Aawww... no short shorts? What, were they out? Oh well..." It was partially out of mischief in some way, and also genuine disappointment. In this weather, she really disliked skirts and dresses, but she wasn't one to complain. Too much, anyway. And then Danyon walked up being an ass hat as usual. "Ha ha, very funny. Again, thanks for the comment on my arcane prowess. We're headed south, far south if you care to know. We're going witch hunting." Grabbing the shorts and the t-shirt from the bag, she went and got changed in the bathroom really quickly then came back out. "Wow, nice fit. I'm actually kind of impressed, Adrian. Now go get us some backpacks."

Arcen and Aiduen

Heading back to the Arena, Arcen rushed to the receptionist. "Hey, I didn't pick up my prize money. Arcen, I won the torunament before shit hit the fan, remember?"

"Oh yes, you. It appears since you rigged the match you were disqualified. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"What in the hell are you talking about? We were BOTH set up, why am I being punished because the MANAGER SET US UP?"

"Sir, keep your voice down or I'll have you escorted out of here."

"No, not until I get what's rightfully mine. I payed a fucking deposit here, and I'm the winner. The crowd saw it, everyone you can ask saw it."

"No can do sir, the opinion outside of the ruling is moot."

Grabbing the receptionist by the collar, Arcen socked the guy right in the jaw, a satisfying crunch sound filling Arcen's ears. The man was unfortunately out after he fell against the floor, still smiling a smug smile. "URRRGH!" And with that, he began to fume grunt and grab his head in pure frustration while Aiduen tried to calm him down. "Arcen, let's just go!" But he refused. "No, I EARNED that money, it's MINE!" And so, he searched all over the main hall, every desk, every nook and cranny until he found a locked chest. Taking his sword, he busted it open to find a ton of weapons and a few jewels inside. "What?" Aideun looked inside as well. "I-I guess these are... deposits of sorts? I guess they take anything of value here." Arcen smiled. "Perfect. Grab any jewels you can fit in your pockets, Aid, we're out of here." Aiduen, against her better judgment, did just that. Arguing with her brother at this point would only result in mental damage to herself.

After their little incident, they both exited the city, heading off southwest.

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Zwool shook his head as it leaned against the back of the chair, causing more of a rolling action than anything. "I'm sorry Adrian... but if we're going to be travelling... I'm gonna need to save what little I got." He said drowsily. "Um, while you're out looking... see if you can't find a place with some sewing thread, I'd like the chance to mend my current clothes..." He said, half napping in his chair. By this point he was just bored of not being able to move, having to keep his wing still... and well, Carrion wasn't exactly being the best company...

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"But, if we're stuck sleeping outside, wouldn't it be nice to have a tent, or something? We'll have to grab that as well, while we're out." "Yeah, probably," he agreed. He hadn't thought of that - suddenly he didn't much want to share a tent with everyone else.

When she shooed him into the back room, Gideon quickly took off his wet shirt and put on the one the clerk had given him. It was a light brown cloth shirt with long, buttoned sleeves, not unlike the one he had before. The only difference was that this one was new. The jacket was mostly leather, and a bit heavier than his first one. He didn't mind that - it meant it was thicker, so he could take a bit more abuse with it on. It didn't have many pockets, though. The pants were a bit lighter in tone than the shirt, but of much higher quality; they could probably keep together for a while. Once he had it all on, he glanced at himself in the mirror. The jacket looked a bit garish - he never liked wearing red. It always gave the impression that the wearer was trying to prove something, which Gideon wasn't. But the material was good, so he couldn't complain.

Stepping out from the back room with his wet clothes in a damp, crumpled ball under his shoulder, Gideon stopped to take another look at Amera. If she isn't going to get mad at me for it, I might as well... "This works," he told the clerk. "If you paid him, we can probably get going."

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Lucretia's kiss certainly had been a surprise. He head into the in shortly after she did, gathering both his axes and what was left of his stuff. He was starting to acquire quite a collection. He then returned to the kitchen, one last time. This time, it wasn't borrowing. He was stealing, they needed supplies and he didn't have much money. Nobody dared to challenge him, the staff at the inn knew him too well. The innkeeper looked like he was about to say something but Aurelio snapped at him first;

"Let's just say I'm paying myself off. Consider yourself lucky, old man."

There wasn't anyone else he recognised, other than Giselle. He gave her a quick wave;

"Thanks for the view. Best of luck."

He returned outside, by then Lucretia had already returned.

"So, who wants to pick a direction?"

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The look on Adrian's face could only be described as priceless. A sort of shock mixed in with a smile, all combined into a look of utter disbelief. Of course, his reaction had been caused by Carrion complaining at the lack of short shorts. "You do know, now that you've said that, I'm going to go back and get some. Backpacks first, sure, but I still will. You brought this onto yourself, Carrion." He didn't think she really minded what he was saying. Getting the chance to see that in hot pants? No way I'm passing that up. Teis was ready to go, Zwool too tired to. Adrian wasn't surprised, wasn't gonna get angry at the guy either. "Alright, Teis, you're with me." Adrian was practically gone before Teis could say anything, running off to a supply store he'd seen across from the clothing place. I'm glad this town's not a small one. Finding what we need's turning out to be pretty easy. He barged in, the shop keep not looking up from what he was doing. Luckily for Adrian, the travel supplies were right out in front. He took two large backbacks off the shelf, and brought them over to the counter, hoping Teis would catch up, by this point.


Waiting, waiting... oh, there he... whoa... She'd started checking him out, just as much as he was checking out her. Of course, his eyes still made her blush. Wow, he looks good in those... I don't think I can stop starring... She closed her mouth at least, realizing it was open. You'd better say something, girl... "W-Well, Gideon... you look f-fantastic." Giving compliments wasn't something she was good at, stuttering through it. "We can go, yeah. I-I paid him, already..." She wasn't taking her eyes off of him. He was too handsome for that. Reality, Amera, snap back into it, alright!? And so she did "Supplies is next, then?" She'd begun to wonder if they really did need a tent, or if they just needed some sleeping bags. "So yeah, supplies. Lead on, Gideon. I've done what I wanted to get done," she said, taking his arm, "so I get to follow you around now, instead. Not like that's a bad thing." She smiled, and rubbed her cheek up against his arm.

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"W-Well, Gideon... you look f-fantastic." She meant what she said, judging from the stammering. Even if Gideon looked like an idiot, if she liked it, that was probably a bonus for him. "We can go, yeah. I-I paid him, already..." "You gonna be okay, there?" "Supplies is next, then?" she asked quickly. Gideon nodded. "Probably a tent, maybe a blanket or something. Basic stuff." "So yeah, supplies. Lead on, Gideon. I've done what I wanted to get done, so I get to follow you around now, instead. Not like that's a bad thing." Maybe it was the clothes-shopping that put her in such high spirits. Note to self. Buy Amera clothes and she'll treat you nicely. As she grabbed his arm, Gideon tried to contain his grin with moderate success, but he still looked pretty happy. Of course, now he had to find them supplies... "Thanks again," he called over his shoulder to the clerk after grabbing the bag of gold again. No sense in tipping him more than he paid.

"Is there anything you think we'll need besides a tent?" Gideon asked as the rain pattered them lightly. That's better. At least I can see more than five feet ahead of me. "Think of stuff now before we get evicted."

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"Ha ha, very funny. Again, thanks for the comment on my arcane prowess. We're headed south, far south if you care to know. We're going witch hunting."

That's not a nice way to treat someone who paid for your room, dear. He let that comment slide, but it would be fun to go along. Pravna apparently had a huge library, maybe he'd be able to get some good reads.

"You wouldn't mind another person along, would you?"

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"Dude, leave me alone."

Julius found himself at a loss. He was uninterested. Julius' advances failed. The kid was in no mood to even attempt to talk. In the social world, he would have been considered rude and disrespectful to someone of a higher class. But here, it didn't matter. Social class and manners meant nothing.

I was once a paragon of gentleman-like manners, and yet he's not even remotely flattered by me...what is this?

"You were that guy who wanted an explanation earlier, go ask them what happened."

"There's no need for an explanation. We all got thrown out of town anyway." Julius took the bag of money he was given by the town guard. "Here," he said, throwing it at Ormis' feet, "I have more than enough of my own money. Take it." After throwing the money down he walked solemnly out of the inn, not wanting anyone to see him cry.

He ran to the edge of town, not caring which way he went next. Nothing mattered at this point.

I'm wanting to find who I am, away from the façade of the nobility, and all I've done is rely on it this whole time. Wake up, Julius. You're not a noble anymore. You revoked it when you burned down your home.

He sat under a tree and buried his face in his knees, wanting nothing more than to just bury himself in a hole. He was humiliated and disappointed in himself.

Where do I go now? There's nowhere for me to go, except back to Lushira. Not like I want to go there. Unless...

He looked at the sword he had in his hands through his misty eyes.

No one knows what I've done.

Lucretia and Adano

"So, who wants to pick a direction?"

Lucretia smiled. "I don't know. We've been all over the continent by this point, barring Lushira." She looked to Aurelio. "We're looking for your family, Aurelio. Why don't you pick?"

"I'm fine with wherever we travel, there's nowhere for either of us to go anytime soon." Adano added.

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"We're looking for your family, Aurelio. Why don't you pick?"

"Heh, I haven't been to Lushira in a while, it couldn't hurt to go there. You guys can do a bit of sight seeing too. I've pretty much been everywhere, except Miyako. If they've ended up there, I'm in trouble."

He laughed, they'd need a pretty crazy plan to even get near the border.

"Lunaria's smart though, I doubt she'd hide somewhere I couldn't find her."

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Lucretia and Adano

"Heh, I haven't been to Lushira in a while, it couldn't hurt to go there. You guys can do a bit of sight seeing too. I've pretty much been everywhere, except Miyako. If they've ended up there, I'm in trouble."

Lucretia gave a smirk. "I'm not ready to head to Miyako just yet anyway. Too many memories."

"Lunaria's smart though, I doubt she'd hide somewhere I couldn't find her."

"Lushira it is, then."

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Smiling, she watched Adrian run off to get everything else, just so he could go get her some short shorts. "Good. Finish that up quickly, kid..." she mumbled more to herself than anyone around her when Danyon responded. "If you wanna come along, that'd be fine, but I'm still very serious about witch hunting. It's... got me weirded out, so I know I physically have to check it out, if only for my own personal reasons."

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There was his company, at least.

"I'll be getting a few things for now. I'll be back in 15 minutes, hopefully."

What would he need? For sure, arrows and water. Food could be gotten by hunting... Better to save the rest.

He began making his way to the weapons shop, maybe they'd sell arrows pretty cheaply.

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