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A test in ridiculousness and absurdity



8 members have voted

  1. 1. What should I do next

    • Keep going, I've invested too much into this
    • Start again with better supports and a Brave Sword
    • Holy crap, man! Take a breather!

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I thought I'd throw this up here early before completing. I'm already going to move forward regardless what the poll says but was just curious what you guys think of this. It's a project literally years in the making. I wanted to see if it's possible... to... gain maximum experience and promotions in FE7 on HHM. And well... it is. Obviously the arena being the funnest, fastest, and most convenient, it doesn't cover everyone though. Any speedy character can jump on a mountain unarmed and "lol" at bandits to gain experience (that one's brutal). Heavy characters can when they're ready disarm and meatshield themselves for a couple extra levels until the enemy's weapon breaks. And of course, you can abuse bosses. Abusing bosses becomes a non-issue as far as funds are concerned after your first arena, obviously.

Okay so... why, you might ask? For the ULTIMATE chapter to pull link arena teams from, of course. It will have every character, fully powered, with supports, and S rank weapons. However, this run has not been perfect. I didn't recruit Harken/Karel just cause it wasn't in the cards for me at the time to do so. Too many weak units needed supports. I figured it wouldn't be a problem until I discovered there were no more Brave Swords (that I know of) beyond that point. This is sad, because it means I won't have every brave weapon for every class of unit. I'm going to get it next time, but for now, I'd like to see what I've been dealing with for the past 2 weeks I end up having to walk away from in fury.

It's down to Victory or Death. This might provide some context. I intend to abuse Limstella which means no extra chapter. This is the last chapter before everyone will be maxxed out. Don't worry, they're all at least promoted with the exception of Legault who will be once I actually get to that shop behind Limstella. So far, my strategy has been to split my team into 2 instead of 3, ignoring the middle path. Going north, I have a Lvl 1 Heath, Lvl 5 Hector, Lvl 1 Lowen, Lvl 4 Isadora, Lvl 1 Marcus, Lvl 3 Geitz, Lvl 1 Lucius, Lvl 20 Nils, Lvl 20 Legault (unpromoted), and Lvl 7 Merlinus. Going east, taking lead is a Lvl 11 Sain doing a decent job trucking along, but behind him is, lvl 5 Karla, Lvl 1 Canas, and Lvl 13 Jaffar. There is only 1 fully powered unit in this chapter since there's just no room anymore; Lyn. She's going east with the truck to help protect the fragile Karla.

Thanks to some RNG abuse, I know what I need to do to survive the first few turns with the maximum level of carnage needed to reach each village. To get to the center village, I stand just at the edge of the Bishops berserk range there, let him hit me, restore it, and charge in guns blazing with Heath. There's a chance he doesn't make it... That's just the beginning. Every now and then, I don't even get this far as Karla turns into a puff of mist. The mist smells good, at least. If my north group reaches the top map, I usually have them sit on the adds spawn points as... I just really don't want to deal with that crap, but what keeps killing me is the ballistas. I pretty much have it figured out beyond that but, Lucius is best for the charging shamans coming from the bridge there. Which is a problem............ cause there's ballistas there. If I can get the ballistas figured out and the eastern group doesn't keep running random problems, I think I'll finally be able to reach Limstella and kick the living shit out of her with these weaklings. Legault and Jaffar get trained last since what they fight tend to explode. If they insta-kill her, I'm moving on.

Alright! Wish me luck!

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Maybe forget about the Set's Litany or whatever ring there is village since it doesn't help you in the Link Arena? Are you maxing everyone's every stat or just raising everyone to 20/20?

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I think he's just getting everyone to max level. I can't imagine the pain of trying to get everyone to max stats. Renault alone would be excruciating. He needs to get 4 perfect level ups with his crappy growths, and even then he'll only barely max out Speed and Skill. Without save states, I'm willing to say that it's impossible (Ok, extremely unlikely) just to do Renault. And obviously there are not enough stat boosting items in the game to make up for his other deficiencies. If you had a dedicated team of 5 from the start, it would be easier to max those 5 characters. And I would only do it on HHM if I needed to use Geitz, Guy, Legault, Harken, Vaida, or someone else who gets the stat boosts.

Out of curiosity, did you get the Stat boosting Spear as well?

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I think he's just getting everyone to max level. I can't imagine the pain of trying to get everyone to max stats. Renault alone would be excruciating. He needs to get 4 perfect level ups with his crappy growths, and even then he'll only barely max out Speed and Skill. Without save states, I'm willing to say that it's impossible (Ok, extremely unlikely) just to do Renault. And obviously there are not enough stat boosting items in the game to make up for his other deficiencies. If you had a dedicated team of 5 from the start, it would be easier to max those 5 characters. And I would only do it on HHM if I needed to use Geitz, Guy, Legault, Harken, Vaida, or someone else who gets the stat boosts.

Out of curiosity, did you get the Stat boosting Spear as well?

That's right. I might have been misleading when I said I used RNG to pass my first few turns. Basically all I meant by that was I knew the exact moves to have specific unit deal criticals when I wanted them. It's extremely critical for killing the Nomadic Troopers that spawn beyond the northern bridge. I didn't memorize any code. I'm doing this on the GBA, not on PC or anything like that. As far as maximum stat growth, I'm not sure that's possible. I don't have save states like someone mentioned. I do have some damn good stats though. Lyn has capped HP, STR, SKL, and SPD naturally... with the help of the Angellic Robe and Energy Ring from her story. Everyone you don't see in this chapter has maxxed out experience with promotion. Nino was given Afa's Drops making her the ultimate Sage. I tested, there's just no competition. I'm not sure who would win once I get Athos. It'll be exciting.

Ultimately what keeps killing me is random hiccups, but I have my execution down. In my last attempt, Heath even reached the center village without even taking damage. I know someone suggested that I just avoid the center village but it saves my restore when I do take down the Bishop there.

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Use the Barrier staff? Use Pure Water? Use Delphi Shield? Use Vaida?

If you keep starting from a chapter save, the RNG will always seed in the same way, so you can copy down successful actions and repeat them exactly.

Edited by dondon151
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I've done it!!!

Well pretty much anyway. Details soon. I still need to wipe out about 15 units and break Limstella's Fimbulvetr. Until then, I reek so I'll take care of that first...

I also need to eat... Lowen would be disappointed.

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Due to OCD, sleep deprivation, and excitement, I killed her way too early. It's easy to do to any boss when you're mashing buttons and lose track of numbers, even her. Don't get me wrong, she's been the best boss to bash up. Overpowered health, capped defense and resistance and whatnot, but really... REALLY, am not looking forward to going through this battle again. So, I'm not. I didn't get Hector trained, but that's fine. I don't like the supports in this run and I've already mapped out the supports I want for my next run. I'll at least finish the final chapter. I've come too far not to. Plus, it's great to have a final chapter save to burn off some steam if I get myself stuck on a chapter again.

I just want to say using these characters, at this level (mostly starting level 1s), versus these enemies, has been one of the most challenging fights I've ever done. Some of the early HHM stuff is pretty intense before you level up, don't get me wrong, but this just seems that much more intense because of number of units on screen, including yours.

Edited by Bobeque
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