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James' Sprite Thread

Smiley Jim

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Alright doyles. James(a.k.a DA125) here. I started this sprite thread because there I like spriting and I need a place to showcase my sprites on someplace instead of rotting on Imageshack.

Please critique,(you can say the sprites look like crap, I can fix them)but I don't want overly negative comments.

Without further stall, here are some of my sprites(note that I plan on using these in a hack):



James Android

Class: Swordsman

Who I used:

Head: Ephraim, with Ross's hair palette used to color the hair and Lowen's to color the eyes.

Body: Lloyd, with Carlyle's palette used to color the coat and Lowen's hair to color the straps(had to to stay within the 15 color limit)



Riley Smith

Class: Cavalier

Who I used:

Head: Zeiss, with Forde's hair palette used on his hair.

Body: Kent, with Guy's hair used to color the armor.



Dustin Bronson

Class: Fighter

Who I used:

Head: Cormag, with Hawkeye's ponytail. I used a combination of Kent's hair and Oswin's armor to do the hair.

Body: Geitz. The only change was making his pelt the same color as his hair to stay within the 15 color limit.



Nathan Greenley

Class: Knight

Who I used:

Head: Treck. No changes aside from replacing his original skin tone with FE8 skin tones.

Body: Gilliam. I vaguely remember using FE6 Hector for the armor color.



Benjamin McKale

Class: Myrmidon

Who I used:

Head: Forde. I used Karel's hair color for his hair.

Body: Innes. Yodel's cloak was used to color his shirt, while Karel was used to color his sash.

More sprites to come, so keep watching.

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1. That's a lot of scars.

2. Nathan's armor seems too. . .vivid, I guess.

3. McKale's neck seems to be at an odd angle, in comparison to his body.

4. Current favorite is Riley.

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It's not that the Armor is vivid as it is that he has Elibe's 5th skin tone while everything else was Magvel colors. The fact that his hair was from Trecks original palette isn't probably helping.

For Mckale, his neck is near broken. Bring in his neck 2-3 pixels, except the part sticking out from the neck, which you should bring in an additional pixel.

James' neck seems a little too big for Ephraim's head.

In general, the splices are clean, but a little boring imo.

Edited by Joerachi
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About Mckale: Yea, about that... Forde's head angle sucks, especially with Innes' body. I'm going to redo that particular sprite.

As for the others, I also have a mug with Raven's body and the same Ephraim head that I made several months ago. I did some modifications including using Wil's paldron instead of Raven's.


The colors I used are a little too dark.

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Ok, I'm back. And I've done some more spriting.

Firstly, I redid Mckale. I pasted his head on Rutgar's body and colored the coat blue. Otherwise, his palette is the same.


His neck shouldn't look like it's broken now. That and he actually looks like a myrmidon now.

Now, this is Vlad(a.k.a Dracula), an antagonistic character for my planned webcomic/hack. I named him after Vlad the Impaler because I designed his personality and tactics in a similar vein to Vlad III. If you're wondering why he has scars, he got them from a fight with James' father.



Name: Vlad Dracula(the Impaler)

Class: Paladin

Who I used:

Head: Lloyd was used for the face and Narshen was used for the hair. I then used Gilliam for the hair color.

Body: I used Orson's armor and cape, then used what I think is Douglas for his armor palette and some mixtures of red for his cape(and eyes)

I also have a version without scars. You'll just need to wait for me to get it up.

P.S: Know where to get map tiles? Because I'd like to do some maps as well.

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Like this ^


not like this. ^

I went back to my sprite board, did what you suggested and fixed the pillow-shading, and removed some red off his hoodie(I accidentally left it there.)

Here's what the sprite looks like now:


Hopefully, I've fixed everything for now.

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Update time! I took out the blue portions in Mckale's neck and replaced it with black. Here is the modified sprite:


Also, a few new sprites:



Butch Parker

Class: General

Who I used:

Head: Harken. I vaguely remember using Ellen or somebody like that to color his hair.

Body: Vigarde. Fitting for one of the Imperial Generals/Great General(whichever game I decide to hack). I decided to use Hector's armor color for his armor.



Mike Zenvalt

Class: Mercenary

Who I used:

Head: I used Oswin's head, gave him Uther's hair color, and added scars.

Body: I used Dieck to fill in the body, and drew in a brown toga(I know my scratch edits are terrible when it comes to clothes).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for my long hiatus, but I made some new sprites, mostly promoted versions of FE7 characters.


Hero Raven. I used Raven's head(obviously) and Karel's body. I used Karel because Linus and Lloyd were a little too big for Raven's head size.


General Oswin. Fado was used for the body, and I added more shading to the cape. Note that Darin could've been used just as easily.

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Berserker Dart. I used Dan's head(credit goes to the guy who made that mug), used Dieck's body as the base, and added Zonta's pauldron.

That would be The Blind Archer, if I'm not mistaken, and he's probably going to be pretty upset when he finds out that you used part of his mug. Even though his is based off of Dart, the edits are still his, and you took them without his permission.

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I can't see Dart with a lot of hair, and it's the wrong color anyway (go check that little lick of hair peeking out from under his bandanna-thingy).

Oswin's cape seems way too dark for the rest of his color scheme.

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Yeaaaaaah... how do I put this? Oh, right.

No ask, no use. Take that sprite down, if you'd be so kind.

and it's the wrong color anyway (go check that little lick of hair peeking out from under his bandanna-thingy).

Oh, you mean this one?

Color values of R120, G104, and B112. In FE7, that'd be what we call black hair.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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Respect points, sir. Respect.


Anyway, some actual critiques.

Nothing to say on Raven because it's literally his head on Karel's body.

With Oswin, the cape's colors are very FE8 like while all the other colors are FE7 like.

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