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So I started a normal run.

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Give Leo a bronze bow and then kill Ike with him.

Using the Bronze bow, for both the weakening and the actual killing, before you start with that shit.

Are you crazy. The chapter will already be done by the time he halves Ike's HP.

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Heh, kind of funny. I never play on Hard Mode, so this is kind of how I always play. I play more carefree/fun, less to challenge myself. Also why I always use the characters I like most.

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Did you finish this PT soul?


I started around two weeks ago and haven't access my Wii for anything other than drafting. And I played Soul Calibur for the DC, so yeah.

Heh, kind of funny. I never play on Hard Mode, so this is kind of how I always play. I play more carefree/fun, less to challenge myself. Also why I always use the characters I like most.

That's alright. It's a pretty fun break from the usual low-turning, I would say. 8]

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Heh, kind of funny. I never play on Hard Mode, so this is kind of how I always play. I play more carefree/fun, less to challenge myself. Also why I always use the characters I like most.

I'm doing a playthru like this now, and its nice. after this i'll probly do 1 more before the end of the summer, either a draft or low turncount.


I started around two weeks ago and haven't access my Wii for anything other than drafting. And I played Soul Calibur for the DC, so yeah.

Ah ok, well tell me how everything ends up :)

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I could never do a low turn count. :P I take my time when I play games. I also would probably have difficulty with draft, since I always want to use all the ultimate weapons. :P But yeah, I don't think I could do a more difficult playthrough, Fire Emblem frustrates me due to RNG's random numbers enough as it is. Random no gains, 30 percent hit actually landing on characters with low HP, 80+ missing, things like that. :P

One time though I'll have to try an all mage and required character run. I'll probably test it out on Easy and see how feasible it is there. Only issue I think that would pop up is who uses what tomes. Only one Rex tome, so not sure what the next one would be for the other ones.

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I could never do a low turn count. :P I take my time when I play games. I also would probably have difficulty with draft, since I always want to use all the ultimate weapons. :P But yeah, I don't think I could do a more difficult playthrough, Fire Emblem frustrates me due to RNG's random numbers enough as it is. Random no gains, 30 percent hit actually landing on characters with low HP, 80+ missing, things like that. :P

One time though I'll have to try an all mage and required character run. I'll probably test it out on Easy and see how feasible it is there. Only issue I think that would pop up is who uses what tomes. Only one Rex tome, so not sure what the next one would be for the other ones.

getting a low turn count is all relative. example: my low turn would be incomparable to someone like dondon's.

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Heh, kind of funny. I never play on Hard Mode, so this is kind of how I always play. I play more carefree/fun, less to challenge myself. Also why I always use the characters I like most.

Im totally the same way. Or i use characters i never use at all once in a while. Like one time, i used Calill, Danved, and Brom. It was a team full of meh but it was fun to see what happened if i used them. The only ones i havent used so far are Muarim, Kyza, Lucia, Geoffrey, Bastian, Oliver, Giffca, Caineghis, and all the dragons save Kurth. Ive even used Tormod in endgame once. (easy mode) I also tend to favor characters i really want to use. (and Soren. I use him no matter what.) Yeah, i even used Nealuchi once or twice.

So not always do i get low turn counts nor do i really aim for them. Sometimes they just happen though.

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Calill meh? I've always found her particularly devastating, I just don't bring her and Sanaki along, not enough Rexflames. Tormod is the only one I can never really raise, just not enough EXP when he rejoins, so he's too low level for me to beat most of the foes. :P Bastian isn't too bad, but too slow for my likes. Plus, Soren looks much better, and I try and avoid overlapping on characters, though I do bring along another Light Magic user other than Micaiah, since Staff can also see some use. Latest run was Laura, she's pretty good, just needs more ranks in Light. Ilyana is also always on my end team due to this. I wish Calill had used Thunder Magic, then there would have been another Thunder Archsage.

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A normal run. Played in NM, just for fun and not taking turncounts into acount. Kinda.

I'm doing something I've never done before: Use Aran. 8]

Any questions?

I think Aran is pretty good. He saved my life in Hard Mode. XD (And with Laura's support he gets another +2 def, it's just awesome xD)

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