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FE4 Remix


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Well, well, well. I'm not the first to do this on this board, Psych and IET did it a while ago, but I play on doing one of those "Create a Hack" things.

What can be changed...


All Gen 1 skills and Gen 2 skills (fixed characters minus subs) will be rearranged. Each character must have at least one skill, and Ayra must have Meteor Sword (so that her kids inherit it. No matter the classes, the only people who inherit swrod skills are Patty, Leen, Lakche, and Skasaher).


All minor holy blood will be rearranged throughout both generations (once again, excluding Amid and Linda because they are subs). only one minor blood per character please.


Here's the interesting part (with a ton of exceptions).

All characters in both generations without Major Holy Blood (so no Sigurd ,Claude, Levin, Briggid, Cuan, Aless, Diadora, Shanan, Faval, Altenna, Yuria, or Celice) will have new classes if you choose. Make sure male characters stay in male classes, and vise versa with females.


Sylvia must remain a dancer.

Lex must weild axes. (for Hero Axe)

Fee and Fury must remain flying units.

Children characters must be able to inherit from their mothers, so nothing like {Aideen: Priest -> HiPriest & Lana: Sword Fighter -> Swordmaster}

there must be...


At least 7 mounted units.

At least 7 foot units.

One thief

At least one axe user including Lex

At least two bow users including Briggid

At least five sword users excluding Sigurd

At least two lance users including Cuan

At least two priests including Claude

At least three magic users including Levin

At least 10 minor bloods


At least 5 mounted units

At least 5 foot units

One thief

At least one axe user

At least three sword users exluding Shanan, Celice, and Aless

At least two lance units

At least one priest

At least three magic users including Yuria

At least 2 bow units including Faval

At least 2 minor bloods.

I will edit starting inventory appropriately.



Sigurd - Lord Knight, Major Baldo, Pursuit, Nihil

Noish: Bow Fighter -> Sniper. Minor Hezul, Pursuit

Alec - Baron, Charge, Critical

Arden - Swordfighter -> Swordmaster, Sol, Minor Baldo

Lex - Axe Armor -> General, Minor Neir, Wrath, Elite

Azel - Mage -> Sage, Ambush, Continue, Minor Blaggi

Cuan - Duke Knight, Major Noba, Nihil, Critical

Ethlin - Swordfighter -> Forrest, Ambush, Continue, Minor Nier

Fin - Hunter -> Warrior. Minor Ulir, Pursuit, Ambush.

Midayle - Mage ->High Priest: Charge, Minor Tordo

Aideen - Thief -> Thief Fighter, Continue, Minor Odo

Dew - Social Knight -> Paladin, Pursuit

Ayra: Swordfighter -> Mage Fighter, Minor Baldo, Critical, Meteor Sword

Jamka: Prince -> Master Knight. Minor Baldo, Critical/Continue

Diadora - Shaman, Major Narga, Ambush

Holyn - Social Knight -> Paladin, Charisma, Pursuit

Lachesis - Fire Mage -> Mage Knight, Minor Fala, Pursuit

Beowulf: Dark Mage -> Dark Bishop. Minor Neir, Charge

Levin - Bard -> Sage, Major Holsety, Pursuit

Sylvia - Dancer, Continue

Fury - Dragon Knight -> Dragon Master, Pursuit, Critical

Tiltyu - Mage -> Mage Knight: Prayer, Bargain

Claude - HiPriest, Major Blaggi, Nihil

Briggid - Sniper, Major Ulir, Continue


Celice - Junior Lord -> Lord Knight

Lakche - Princess -> Mage Fighter

Lana - Troubadour -> Paladin

Skasaher - Axe Knight -> Great Knight

Oifey - Thief Fighter, Continue

Delmud - Priest -> HiPriest

Lester - Lance Knight -> Duke Knight

Yuria - Shaman -> Sage, Major Narga, Pursuit, Nihil

Fee - Pegasus Knight -> Dragon Master

Arthur - Mage -> Baron

Johan - Free Knight ---> Paladin - Minor Odo - Astra

Johalva : Wind Mage > Emperor, Minor Fala. Charge.

Shanan - Swordmaster, major Odo, Charge, Luna

Patty - Dancer

Leaf - Sword Fighter -> Master Knight

Nanna - Mage -> Sage

Fin - Same as Gen 1

Aless - Cavalier -> Paladin, Major Hezul, Pursuit

Leen - Troubadour -> Falcoknight

Tinny - Mage -> Sage

Faval - Bow Fighter -> Sniper

Sety - Mage Fighter

Hannibal - Dark Bishop, Minor Loputosou, Ambush, Prayer

Corple - Arch Knight -> Bow Knight

Altenna - Dragon Knight -> Dragon Master


Pursuit, Critical, Charge, Pursuit, Nihil, Ambush, Continue, Critical, Pursuit, Prayer, Ambush, Elite, Pursuit, Pursuit, Charge, Solar, Bargain, Nihil, Nihil, Continue, Charge, Luna, Charisma, Continue, Critical, Continue, Prayer, Pursuit, Pursuit, Charge, Wrath, Pursuit, Critical, Pursuit, Continue, Nihil, Ambush, Charge, Astra, Pursuit, Continue, Ambush, Continue, Ambush


All blood distributed!

Edited by Spykitty
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Dragon Knight Fury. Pursuit, Critical. Minor Dain.

Sniper Briggid. Pursuit, Continue.

Master Knight Sigurd. Pursuit, Ambush, Life.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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Lex: Axe Armor -> General, Minor Neir, Minor Fala, Wrath, Elite.

Azel: Mage -> Sage, Minor Narga, Ambush, Continue.

Can't do the Azel with Minor Narga, but his class and skills are accepted.

You know you could make Dew have Astra so that Patty gets it?

In any case....Lachesis Fire Mage -> Mage Knight, Minor Fala

There is a second Astra, the one Shanan has.


Dragon Knight Fury. Pursuit, Critical. Minor Dain.

Sniper Briggid. Pursuit, Continue.

Master Knight Sigurd. Pursuit, Ambush, Life.

Briggid is accepted.

Problems with Fury and Sigurd: Only things that were previously had can be redistributed.

One more problem with Sigurd: No reclassing on Major Holy Blooded characters.

However, I will take Fury's class and skills.

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Tiltyu - Mage -> Mage Knight: Wrath, Prayer, Elite. Minor Fala.

Might as well make her somewhat more useful.

I could only fit in Prayer and the class. The rest has been taken already.

Edited by Spykitty
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Mage knight - C rank staff

Sage - C rank Dark

Erm.. there's no class editing, and Mage Knight has no staff animations. It would freeze.

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I notice that no one has given Sigurd and Diadora any skills yet, so if I can contribute again:

Sigurd - Pursuit, Continue, Nihil.

Diadora - Ambush.

Also, is the remaining blood list accurate? Because Lopt is still listed as available, but Hannibal seems to have gotten minor Lopt blood.

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Also, is the remaining blood list accurate? Because Lopt is still listed as available, but Hannibal seems to have gotten minor Lopt blood.

Not updated perhaps.

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Besides the Lopt blood the list was accurate. I somehow passed by that one when I edited the list.

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Cuan: Nihil, Critical

Ethlin: Ambush, Continue

Yuria: Pursuit, Nihil (just to make sure she won't be wrath'd by Yurius... >>;)

Edited by Fia
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