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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion?

And that makes my "Micaiah is not generic and boring" ...wrong?

Coin has two sides mon ami.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as they're me.

No, you're entitled to everyone's opinion by virtue of being Anouleth.

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And that makes my "Micaiah is not generic and boring" ...wrong?

Coin has two sides mon ami.

Ummm...When did I say you're opinion is wrong?

If anything you said my opinion was wrong.

I don't like Micaiah, you do. End of story.

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I agree.

Seth should be

Take off your clothes now, you sexy hunk Tier.

// is gunned down


I'm considering moving him to Manly Tier, which is basically the same thing.

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Ummm...When did I say you're opinion is wrong?

If anything you said my opinion was wrong.

I don't like Micaiah, you do. End of story.

And yet you stepped in to say what you thought; is this not inviting dissent?

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This. Also, this is the majority of Micaiah's lines in FE10.

"DAEIN" "FOR DAEIN" "I LOVE DAEIN". She's a main character. She needs more than just "DAEIN FUCK YEAH" lines.

I don't know about you, but Daein is pretty fucking cool.

I've never liked Ninian.

Someone needs to hide Rey from here.

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I don't know about you, but Daein is pretty fucking cool.

*points to Jill tier*

I'm aware, but Micky is just irritating with her absolute stupidity concerning Daein.

Also, moving Seth to Manly Tier.

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My country, right or wrong. Handled in one of the worst ways possible.

How so? It's pretty clear that she doesn't really care about the leaders of Daein, or Ashnard or any of that, just the people, and her rationale for that is well-established.

Micaiah: Listen, Sothe. I realized something after Daein lost the war.

Sothe: What's that?

Micaiah: I realized how much I loved my country.

Sothe: And?

Micaiah: During the war, I spent a lot of time with the people of Daein while I was waiting for you to return. After we lost the war, all our cities and towns had been reduced to ruins. We had to help each other to cope. We supported and comforted each other. That's how we survived.

Sothe: You never mentioned this before.

Micaiah: I've been secluded so long, I had no idea people were so strong... and kind. No one knew who I was, but they helped me because I was from Daein. They were so... loving. They were my friends.

Sothe: And now you won't leave them.

Micaiah: I was touched by their kindness. Now, I'm scared to lose it. Very scared.

Sothe: Micaiah...

Micaiah: I suppose this isn't the time to worry about such things. If my power is needed to liberate Daein, I will stand my ground and fight.

Sothe: Well, not to spoil your resolve... But if things get too hot, I'm just going to grab you and run.

Micaiah: Sothe...

Sothe: Friends and Daein are important, but not as important as you are to me. Remember that.

Micaiah: ...All right. Thank you, Sothe.

Micaiah has an A support with Daein itself.

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The Ugliest Thing That Ever Lived:




FE7 Fire Dragon







Dorothy and Meg are not that ugly. I just don't like them.

Edited by JosefLior
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I really felt they should've just made Dorothy plain-looking, rather than actively trying to achieve failure with her appearance. It just kinda missed the entire point of her; she was meant to be unconcerned with appearances, sure. That implies...averageness. And fitting her battlesprite. -Osity.

...Helps that given animu tendencies the ones that are intended to look plain tend to be the most attractive (subjectively to me, at any rate).

Sure, there're a few flaws in my reasoning no doubt, but it's 7:38 and I don't tend to think coherently during the night.

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