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Creed Bratton from The Office to be in upcomfng film!


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Creed Bratton, who plays himself on The Office (a hilarious tidbit in and of itself) has a new film coming out called TERRI. It's hitting theaters this weekend in NYC and LA. Still keep an eye out if you're in other cities, as it will surely hit additional theaters in the weeks to come. I was able to catch a screening os the film at SXSW and thoroughly enjoyed it.

The film follows a somewhat reclusive, and very awkward teenager named Terri who finds a social outlet with the help of his equally awkward vice principal, played by John C. Reilly. Their relationship is absolutely hysterical. Reilly is crazy, but there's definitely a method to his madness. And as hysterical as his character is, he's also very true to life. I can recall some teachers I had in high school who were strikingly similar in their educational approach. And it made me appreciate the film that much more.

Terri's strange behavior is certainly a reflection of his life at home, where he must take care of his sick (I assume he has Alzheimer's) uncle, played by Creed Britton. Their relationship is a little more serious, but with subtle bits of humor. Terri and his uncle have the opposite dynamic of what he has with Reilly. It's no less interesting though. And it paints the perfect background picture of why he is the way he is.

I won't reveal much more than that. If you're a fan of John C. Reilly or Creed Bratton - or you happen to be a fan of newcomer Jacob Wysocki (who is awesome), definitely go see Terri. It's a unique and original depiction a the teen coming-of-age dramedy.

I saw a great interview of Creed talking about the film with G4. He also mentions the origin of his character on The Office - pretty hilarious stuff! Catch that here: http://www.g4tv.com/videos/53916/creed-bratton-talks-terri/

And here's the trailer for the film:


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