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RNG Procedure Question


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I'm making an FE Sim with a program I found so I can run an RP, and I heard that the hit roll is a 2d100 /2 instead of just a straight roll on a 100 sided die; does it work the same for the critical roll and for leveling up, that two rolls are averaged?

Edited by CharlieTVS
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Seems kind of weird since the critical uses the same exact calcuation, thanks though

I also don't see the purpose for doing it at all, it really just makes it tailor slightly towards the middle looking at it just from a mathematical standpoint

Has anyone figured out why moving to different spots alters the RNG? I've hit (all were plains) from the tile below an enemy, and missed from the one to their right

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Low displayed hits miss more and high displayed hits hit more often. Enemies tend to have low displayed hit and player units tend to have high displayed hit.

If you're forcing the game to redraw the movement cursor when you move, then redrawing the movement cursor may use RNs to determine the path.

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Low displayed hits miss more and high displayed hits hit more often. Enemies tend to have low displayed hit and player units tend to have high displayed hit.

If you're forcing the game to redraw the movement cursor when you move, then redrawing the movement cursor may use RNs to determine the path.

i figured as much, but it just seems kind of silly to have pathfinding use the RN, even when using a different path to get to the same place (Cavaliers moving left/up/right instead of just up once uses numbers) Also, for some reason a critical hit can give different level up gains, with doing nothing over than switching from an iron to a killer weapon. Iron to steel, however, does nothing

I'm not going to include that of course, I'm just writing a semi-complicated script to carry out the attack procedure, update weapon rank, etc. without tripping over itself. I used to do all this out by hand in a text sheet, was ridiculously stressful


Edited by CharlieTVS
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