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ITT I Play FE7

Smiley Jim

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Speaking of Raven, I wonder who's better: Raven in this game or Gerik in Sacred Derp?

I get it. You don't like Sacred Stones.

You're just as bad as those fuckers who obsessively use Failcaiah and then snicker about it.

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You're just as bad as those fuckers who obsessively use Failcaiah and then snicker about it.

I never understood all of the hate against Micaiah as a unit. Sure, her durability is practically non-existent, but she's still a very useful unit in her own right. Certainly more useful than many other characters in RD.

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I never understood all of the hate against Micaiah as a unit. Sure, her durability is practically non-existent, but she's still a very useful unit in her own right. Certainly more useful than many other characters in RD.

bcuz shes a mary sue lol

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I never understood all of the hate against Micaiah as a unit. Sure, her durability is practically non-existent, but she's still a very useful unit in her own right. Certainly more useful than many other characters in RD.

To be fair, I harbored a dislike for Micaiah for quite a while, mainly due to durability issues and the fact that Miccy has hypocritical and Mary Sue-ish tendencies. It wasn't until my fourth playthrough that my hate for Miccy lessened, mostly due to how blessed she got(the only people more useful than her in my party were Ed and Nolan.)

And as for why I dislike Sacred Stones, it was mostly because even with HM bonuses, the game was still too easy, even without the use of tank units to absorb blows. In fact, the only hard chapters in that game, in my opinion, were C11 Eph and C14 Eph. Everything else was a joke. Also, I disliked the story.

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And as for why I dislike Sacred Stones, it was mostly because even with HM bonuses, the game was still too easy, even without the use of tank units to absorb blows. In fact, the only hard chapters in that game, in my opinion, were C11 Eph and C14 Eph. Everything else was a joke. Also, I disliked the story.

You don't have to be a dick about it though and keep repeating it ad nauseum. People have gotten the point.

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Chapter 19xx: A Gaiden within a Gaiden

Units Deployed:

Hector, Oswin, Sain, Matt, Raven, Bartre, Canas, Priscilla

No New Units

This chapter is fairly difficult if you want to beat this shit efficiently while obtaining all the items. Note that all the thieves on this map have 20 AS.

I also tried doing this map without Oswin, but found out that it was nearly impossible if I wanted to save the dracoshield.

I started by having Matt use a torch to light the way, then sending Oswin and Sain into the southern corridor to take out the thief. Hector opens the door using a door key and Bartre joins him in a wall. Raven chips at a thief. On the enemy turn, Sain gets pummeled, while Raven kills the thief and Hec/Bart tank the knights. On turn 2, I take out both knights and the troubadour using my axe dudes+Raven, and have Oswin and Sain charge. While Matt ended up shish-ka-bob to the ballista, Sain survived two mage attacks. I was able to save the DS on turn 3, after I blocked the thief's access to the Eclipse tome(turns out Matt could steal from him as his AS was only 14.) On turn 4, I kill the thief using Sain, obtaining the dracoshield, then took on a wyvern squad on turn 5.

By turn 6, I had breached the last locked door, and had Canas follow Bartre in order to gain a fresh supply of CEXP. I killed the boss on turn 7 using Raven's KE, then seized on turn 8 after grabbing the talisman.

8 turns.

Hector    	01  15  33  18  12  10  08  17  05  13 	Lyn C
Eliwood   	01  10  24  11  11  10  10  08  02  07 
Lyn 		01  17  36  14  19  19  15  08  02  05 	Hec C
Oswin 		02  03  45  22  16  11  09  24  09  16   
Serra      	01  09  23  07  06  12  10  04  11  04    	
Priscilla 	01  08  17  09  07  12  12  05  08  04
Raven 		01  15  38  19  19  20  03  11  03  08
Sain 		01  13  31  18  09  12  08  09  02  09 
Bartre    	01  12  39  17  07  09  06  09  04  13   
Florina   	01  07  20  08  09  13  08  07  08  04   
Matthew   	01  09  23  06  06  16  05  05  01  07   
Lucius   	01  07  22  10  07  12  03  02  10  06
Canas      	01  13  24  14  11  11  08  06  11  07   

Not bad, not bad. Well, other than Bartre still being a slug and Priscilla only being Lv8... Yeah, I see where this is going.

Swag: Dracoshield, Talisman

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You know what Bartre's speed average is for level 12? 7. You're a whopping 2 points above his average and you're complaining about how slow he is? Do you ever look at characters' bases and growths before you play?

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You know what Bartre's speed average is for level 12? 7. You're a whopping 2 points above his average and you're complaining about how slow he is?

Uh, did you look at the speed stats of my other units? He's literally the slowest combat unit I have that I'm using. Then there's guys like Raven and Lyn who have capped speed or close to it. You can be above average in a stat and still be considered poor in that stat compared to the rest of the party.

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Oswin's Speed is 11.

EDIT: Looked at the wrong table for Bartre. Disregard that. Of course, Oswin's Speed is still piss-poor for a promoted unit; Bartre's 20/3 Speed would be 11 too.

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Chapter 20: Darin's Last Stand

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Oswin, Raven, Sain, Bartre, Canas, Lucius, Serra, Priscilla, Matt

Units Acquired:


New Units

Legault: The second thief you get. His basic use is the same as Matt's, with one key difference: His immediate combat is better.

This map is the largest clusterfuck you've seen so far. There's chests strewn in three different rooms on the map, a lot of enemy units, including a cavalry squad just north of your position. Also, Darin. Not counting Fargus(who you'll get a Game over for if you attack him.), he's the strongest boss you will have encountered thus far. 38HP/28Atk/9AS/16(+2)Def/14(+5)Res say hi. Thankfully, any weapons that do bonus damage against tin cans will work equally well against him.

Also, if you are wondering what happened to Erk, let's just say he's likely never to see the light of day again. Competition for deployment slots has become too tight, and Erk just can't compete with Lucius and Canas. And if things are going to go the way they are now, Trap will be dropped too.

On turn 1 I had Matt and Serra open doors, while Eliwood goes for the kill on the first armor and Oswin and the others go down the western corridor(Raven and Lucius go into the central room). I also had Bartre draw in the killer bow archer. On turn 2, I take out the mage that attacked Eli, grabbed the brave bow, and mowed down a nomad and both the longbow guy and the killer bow guy. After Cameron attacked on turn 3, I decided to ignore him for the time being and instead go for the mooks, though I had Eliwood kill him on turn 4. On turn 5, I sent Lyn and Hec out to kill two fighters to intercept Legault, while Sain and Oswin kill the last of the cavaliers. I break through the rest of the fighters and a mage on turn 6, and stop the Gold Card thief from escaping on turn 7. I also killed Darin by turn 8 using Hammertime!Oswin. I seized on turn 9 after recruiting Legault on turn 8, grabbing the other thief's Gold Card and sending Hector to the throne.

10 turns.

Hector    	01  15  33  18  12  10  08  17  05  13 	Lyn C
Eliwood   	01  12  26  13  11  10  13  09  03  07 
Lyn 		01  17  36  14  19  19  15  08  02  05 	Hec C
Oswin 		02  04  46  23  16  12  10  25  09  16   
Serra      	01  10  24  08  06  13  11  04  12  04    	
Priscilla 	01  09  18  10  07  12  13  05  08  04
Raven 		02  01  43  20  21  22  04  14  05  09
Sain 		01  14  31  19  09  13  08  09  02  09 
Bartre    	01  13  40  18  07  10  07  10  05  13   
Florina   	01  07  20  08  09  13  08  07  08  04   
Matthew   	01  09  23  06  06  16  05  05  01  07   
Lucius   	01  09  23  11  07  12  03  02  11  06
Canas      	01  14  24  15  11  12  08  06  11  07   
Legault   	01  13  29  09  14  18  10  10  04  07

Well, Raven has finally capped strength. With two capped stats and one very close, there is no point in keeping him unpromoted anymore.

I need to get rid of a lot of typos. Some units have lower stats than what they actually had.

Swag: Gold card, Blue gem, Luna, Steel lance, Elixir, Nosferatu, Guiding ring, Barrier

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It's time for one of these posts, where I showcase my characters and any comments I have on them:


Tier: 1 Lv: 15


Weapon Rank: Axe A

'Hi, I'm Hector and I would be the best unit in DA's party if Raven didn't exist.' There aren't words that explain how good Hector is. Good offense combined with above average durability means that Hector is fairly flexible in regards in what I can do with him. I guess his only real flaw is that he can't double consistently.


Tier: 1 Lv: 12


Weapon Rank: Sword A

Under normal circumstances, Eliwuss is easy enough to train. In a playthrough that even resembles efficiency? Not so much. I hate to break it to you all, but Eliwood's flaws became really apparent soon after the early game maps as I had trouble exposing Eli thanks to his sub-par stats. Granted, he's gotten better, but still.


Tier: 1 Lv: 17


Weapon Rank: Sword A

Lyn may not be the best of the three lords, but she comes very close. At least Lyn mode gave her an extra ten levels to work with, or this part of the post would be a rant on how my Lyn was awful. She's also very defense blessed, which is augmented even further with the seraph robe I gave her in LM.


Tier: 2 Lv: 4


Weapon Rank: Lance A/Axe B

In some ways, he's like Bors: he's a defensive juggernaut whose primary purpose is to trivialize the midgame maps. The difference is that Bors had better stats than Oswin at equal levels. That and Bors' defense was more helpful in FE6 HM than Oswin's is here. Also, his speed is going to make him an inefficient option later on.


Tier: 2 Lv: 1


Weapon Rank: Sword A/Axe E

He's just like Oswin, where his purpose is to trivialize like everything. Only difference is that Raven is BETTER. It's... probably for the best that his axe rank is at E right now. Once he gets access to killer axes and eventually silver axes, I may as well say 'I beat HHM.'


Tier: 1 Lv: 14


Weapon Rank: Sword C/Lance C

I find it funny how his skill is an absolute joke. Other than that, Sain is basically what Raven would be if he was a cavalier instead of a mercenary. I do kind of wish his skill and defense were higher, though.


Tier: 1 Lv: 13


Weapon Rank: Axe B

He's a bit better than some people give him credit for, but even with +3 above his speed average, I found that he still can't double consistently. Yeah, I can see why Bartre isn't that great.


Tier: 1 Lv: 14


Weapon Rank: Dark A

He's been more useful than my other magic users thus far due to how hard he hits. 22 atk hitting res is nothing to scoff at, and now that I have Luna, he'll be able to slaughter high-res bosses(Ursula and Sonia, I'm looking at you.) Nosferatu is also novelty in case I want to tank on a mountain or something, but Ray did that better.


Tier: 1 Lv: 9


Weapon Rank: Light C

I don't know about you, but I found Lucius to be rather underwhelming. Most likely because Trap can't take a hit to save his ass. And with him facing crit from certain enemies, I can rarely expose Lucius, as he faces significant CoD even against things with 0 crit on him.


Tier: 1 Lv: 10


Weapon Rank: Staff A

She's a healer. I can't assess the combat of someone who can't attack.


Tier: 1 Lv: 9


Weapon Rank: Staff A

She's Serra with more movement and overall better stats, except HP and res, the former she doesn't gain a whole lot of, and the latter is due to RNG rape. 5 def is very nice, but not game breaking.


Tier: 1 Lv: 9


Weapon Rank: Sword C

Matt isn't anywhere close to being a combat superstar. lolno. His combat, for the most part, is only barely better than what Chad had in FE6(which is to be blunt, ass.) At least he netted me a nice shiney Silver Card, which is cool.

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Bors' defense is more helpful than Oswin's?


I assume he meant from his own personal experience. But yeah, I raised an eyebrow at that, too.

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Chapter 21: Back To Square One

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Sain, Bartre, Canas, Priscilla, Legault

Units Acquired:


New Units

Ninian: Dancer. Nuff said. Her purpose in life is to vigor units as well as cast Lucky Charms. You get Nils later on who does the same shit, so for all intents and purposes, they are the same unit.

This map is a breather over the last one, but still proceed with caution. There are flying units with poison lances all over the eastern portion of the map. If you have a usable bow user(you won't), bring it. Also, get to the villages by turns 5 and 8, respectively.

I sent my units to the east, except Canas who was held back to deal with the monks near my starting position. I also had Priscilla cast M-Up on Bartre and visit the shop for some hand axes. Of course, on the enemy phase, Bartre gets attacked by like 4 enemies, two of which he one-shots. On turn 2, I use the turn to kill off both wyvern riders, as well as the brigand next to the arena. I also have Canas draw in both other monks while guarding the tent. I then got my hopes up on turn 3 after Sain chipped down three enemies and Canas almost killed two more. I then throw Bartre into the arena, seeing as he had nothing better to do, while the rest of my units kill even more shit.

I grabbed the Elysian whip village on turn 5, while Bartre and later Canas continued their arena training. After that, I lured Oleg in on turn 6, stole his hero crest, and killed him with Bartre after visiting the wyrmslayer village and Priscilla bought 5 Pure waters(Gonna need those in a later chapter.)

7 turns.

Hector    	01  15  33  18  12  10  08  17  05  13 	Lyn C
Eliwood   	01  12  26  13  11  10  13  09  03  07 
Lyn 		01  18  37  15  20  20  15  08  02  05 	Hec C
Oswin 		02  04  46  23  16  12  10  25  09  16   
Serra      	01  10  24  08  06  13  11  04  12  04    	
Priscilla 	01  09  18  10  07  12  13  05  08  04
Raven 		02  01  43  20  21  22  04  14  05  09
Sain 		01  15  33  20  10  13  09  09  02  09 
Bartre    	01  16  42  20  09  12  07  11  05  13   
Matthew   	01  09  23  06  06  16  05  05  01  07   
Lucius   	01  09  23  11  07  12  03  02  11  06
Canas      	01  15  24  16  11  12  08  06  12  07  
Legault   	01  13  29  09  14  18  10  10  04  07 
Ninian   	01  07  20  00  00  17  14  07  08  04

My Canas is so HP screwed. He's getting next chapter's robe because his HP is like 3 under. Or at least it'll make him 3RKO'd by everything except the axereaver WK's and swordreaver fighters.

Also, Sain and Bartre are imminently close to their promotions now that both have capped strength, and decent stats everywhere else. Canas is also close to promoting.

Swag: Hero crest, Restore, Elysian whip, Wyrmslayer, Lightning

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why do you call barrier m-up

why why why


It's called M-Up in the Japanese version, so that's what I used. Would you feel happier if I nicknamed it R-Up?

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It's called M-Up in the Japanese version, so that's what I used. Would you feel happier if I nicknamed it R-Up?

...it's funny. I almost appended "you don't have to use the Japanese names to seem cultured and holy" and then decided not to because I figured you might just be in an FE5 mood and I wanted to give you some credit for once. Would that I'd put it there. Ah well, live and learn.

Why aren't you calling the characters by their literally-translated names then, if that's your reason for calling Barrier (a perfectly logical name, to be true) M-Up?

And are you playing the Japanese ROM? I'll eat my words if you are.

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Chapter 22: Of Wyverns and Street Urchins

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Oswin, Raven, Bartre, Sain, Canas, Priscilla, Legault, Ninian

Units Acquired:

Isadora, Rath, Heath

New Units

Isadora: A female paladin with mediocre stats aside from speed. She's not winning any awards from me anytime soon.

Rath: He's basically Wil on a horse. Unfortunately, you can only do so much with a bow user, which isn't much.

Heath: A wvyern rider. Basically the only good unit you get this chapter. He's basically Oswin with 3 more move.

The name of the game is to protect the street urchin from the thugs down south. And no, you can't just rescue him with somebody like Oswin and call it a day. I also forgot to mention that pretty much everything here uses reavers, so use the opposite weapon type against them(e.g. use swords against the axereaver WK's.)

I send all my units down to deal with the fools down south. It was also on turn 1 that I used my second hero crest. On turn 2, I took out both nomads, the cavaliers, and the two knights blocking my path, then using my third turn, I recruited Heath. Using him, I took out the thief, then I formed a barrier consisting of Oswin and Raven. After a grueling EP, which almost killed Sain, I take out the next batch of enemies, while using Eliwood to wipe out the lancereaver cavs. I also recruit Rath at this time.

On turn 5, I wipe out more mages, managing to get Heath a level, and getting closer to Eubans. After dealing with more reinforcements on turns 6 and 7, I was finally able to kill Eubans using Heath(well, after I was done buying Barrier, Physic, and Torch staves at the secret shoppe.)

8 turns.

Hector    	01  16  34  19  12  10  08  18  05  13 	Lyn C
Eliwood   	01  13  26  14  11  11  14  10  03  07 
Lyn 		01  18  37  15  20  20  15  08  02  05 	Hec C
Oswin 		02  05  47  23  16  13  11  26  09  16   
Serra      	01  10  24  08  06  13  11  04  12  04    	
Priscilla 	01  10  18  11  07  12  14  06  09  04
Raven 		02  01  43  20  21  22  04  14  05  09
Sain 		01  15  33  20  10  13  09  09  02  09 
Bartre    	02  01  45  21  13  12  07  14  08  15   
Matthew   	01  09  23  06  06  16  05  05  01  07   
Lucius   	01  09  23  11  07  12  03  02  11  06
Canas      	01  15  24  16  11  12  08  06  12  07   
Legault   	01  13  29  10  15  19  10  11  04  09
Ninian   	01  07  20  00  00  17  14  07  08  04
Isadora   	02  01  28  13  12  16  10  08  06  06
Rath    	01  09  26  10  10  12  07  07  02  08  
Heath      	01  09  33  15  11  10  07  14  03  09

Also, as a clarity, It's actually called M-Shield. My bad.

Anyway, as far as my units are going, Oswin is finally deciding to get out of his speed hole. Heath is also doing well on his end, as he's looking fairly competent now.

Swag: Brave axe, 10000G, Knight crest, Armor Cutter

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Heath: A wvyern rider. Basically the only good unit you get this chapter. He's basically Oswin with 3 more move.

The fuck? Am I really, horrendously, tremendously wrong in thinking that Oswin and Heath are nothing alike besides sharing lancelock in Tier 1 and having higher DEF than RES?

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The fuck? Am I really, horrendously, tremendously wrong in thinking that Oswin and Heath are nothing alike besides sharing lancelock in Tier 1 and having higher DEF than RES?

No. You're not. Heath doesn't do as much as Oswin does. But, seeing that this is a playlog riddled with comments from the playlog maker that stemmed from PE....
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Chapter 23: Hawkeye the Berserker Man

Units Deployed:

Hector, Raven, Heath, Florina, Serra, Legault, Canas, Ninian

Units Acquired:


New Units

Hawkeye: A prepromoted Berserker with a lot of HP. He's well worth using, as his base stats are awesome even if his growths suck ass. He also gains a surprising amount of res for an axe user.

Desert map. Do not bring mounted units here. Just don't. Bring fliers instead. There is hidden swag under the sand, so bring a thief. Also, make sure you get at least 700 EXP if you want to go to the next Gaiden. Even if it means whoring out your staffer+Ninian.

I killed the first two enemies near me with Raven and Canas(they both crit, lol), get the ocean seal, and have Serra cast M-Shield because she could. On the enemy turn, Pent kills a lot of shit while Raven weakens Paul. heath then kills Paul while I grab the Celestial ring and kill said mage with Raven. I then use turn 3 to lure Jasmine in so I could steal his white gem on turn 4 and kill him with Heath. On turn 5, I send Legault as well as the rest of my fliers and Canas to go get the rest of the swag(all I care about are the Filla's might, the body ring, and the Prism sword.) I grab the FM on turn 6, then by sheer luck, grab the body ring on turn 7 using Canas. While this was happening, Heath and Flo were still killing things(Heath more so due to the fact that he's a better unit.) and rescuing Pent. I ended on turn 10 after grabbing everything except the Eclipse(because no one cares about Eclipse.)

10 turns.

Hector    	01  16  34  19  12  10  08  18  05  13 	Lyn C
Eliwood   	01  13  26  14  11  11  14  10  03  07 
Lyn 		01  18  37  15  20  20  15  08  02  05 	Hec C
Oswin 		02  05  47  23  16  13  11  26  09  16   
Serra      	01  13  26  10  06  15  14  05  15  04   
Florina   	01  08  21  09  09  13  09  07  09  04 	
Priscilla 	01  10  18  11  07  12  14  06  09  04
Raven 		02  02  44  21  22  23  04  14  05  09
Heath      	01  12  36  18  12  11  07  18  03  09
Sain 		01  15  33  20  10  13  09  09  02  09 
Bartre    	02  01  45  21  13  12  07  14  08  13   
Matthew   	01  09  23  06  06  16  05  05  01  07   
Lucius   	01  09  23  11  07  12  03  02  11  06
Canas      	02  01  36  18  12  16  09  08  15  07   
Legault   	01  14  29  10  15  20  11  11  04  07
Ninian   	01  09  22  00  00  19  16  07  10  04
Hawkeye   	02  04  50  18  14  11  05  14  10  16

Well, I managed to get three levels apiece for Heath and Serra. Both are likely to promote soon. Also, Canas promoted over the course of the map.

To anyone having trouble with this map: Fliers. Use them.(well, no shit.). And if you thought this map was difficult due to the mages, then Genesis will be hell once Kishuna leaves.

[spoiler=Genesis]Jesus Christ... 31 atk Boltings + 22 atk Luna Druids. My night couldn't get any worse... Oh wait. It can get fucking worse. I mean, it's even worse than Ch16x in FE6, as EVERYTHING uses powerful magic, and FFS, the Bolting sages 2HKO everybody I have except Oswin, Canas, and Hawkeye(though Raven and Bartre are able to get 3HKO'd if they use Pure water/get M-shielded). The Luna druids are even worse, as only Oswin and Hawkeye achieve 3HKO status(and I'm not counting the 25-26 crt these fuckers have.)

Swag: Ocean seal, White gem, Hero crest, Guiding ring, Prism sword, Filla's Might

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What the tits are a Celestial Ring and a Prism Sword? This is getting beyond ridiculous, DA.

EDIT: Oh, oh, oh, are they the Japanese names for somethings, translated wrong?

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