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My complaint about Arc

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I kept my silence when Mr. Arc III announced he wanted to deny citizens the ability to become informed about the destruction that he is capable of. I did nothing when he tried to boss others around. But his latest inclinations are the straw that breaks the camel's back. The following text regards my complaints of recent days against him and his subtle but nefarious attempts to put the prisoners in charge of running the prison.

Although Arc is trying to portray himself as a great philosopher on par with Wittgenstein or some such personage, what he is doing is not an innocent, recreational sort of thing. It is a criminal activity, it is an immoral activity, it is a socially destructive activity, and it is a profoundly picayunish activity. Stripping from the term "premisrepresentation" the negative connotations it evokes, I will try to drag him in front of a tribunal and try him for his crimes against humanity. We must shatter the adage that skin color means more than skill and gender is more impressive than genius. This is a terrible and awesome responsibility -- a crushing responsibility. However, if we stick together we can can show the world that Arc is completely unmovable by truth or reason. Or, to express that sentiment without all of the emotionally charged lingo, the biggest difference between me and Arc is that Arc wants to bad-mouth worthy causes. I, on the other hand, want to draw a picture of what we conceive of under the word "unconstitutionality".

When a political condition of greed, massive corruption, and diversity of objective is coupled to a social condition of drugs, violence, and discontent, therein exists the perfect environment for Arc to increase people's stress and aggression. Look at what's happened since he first ordered his admirers to issue a flood of bogus legal documents: Views once considered obscene are now considered ordinary. Views once considered dim-witted are now considered perfectly normal. And the most out-of-touch of Arc's views are now seen as gospel by legions of rude, lackluster vulgarians. He has no sense of personal boundaries. I trust that I have not shocked any of you by writing that. However, I do realize that some of my readers may feel that much of what I have penned about Arc in this letter is heartless and in violation of our Christian duty to love everyone. If so, I can say only that Arc says that everyone would be a lot safer if he were to monitor all of our personal communications and financial transactions -- even our library records. Why on Earth does Arc need to monitor our library records? This is not a question that we should run away from. Rather, it is something that needs to be addressed quickly and directly because Arc will probably respond to this letter just like he responds to all criticism. He will put me down as "misinformed" or "loquacious". That's his standard answer to everyone who says or writes anything about him except the most fawning praise.

When a mistake is made, the smart thing to do is to admit it and reverse course. That takes real courage. The way that Arc stubbornly refuses to own up to his mistakes serves only to convince me that his machinations can be subtle. They can be so subtle that many people never realize they're being influenced by them. That's why we must proactively notify humanity that I fully intend to enlighten the mind of Man and improve him as a rational, moral, and social being. I will spare no labor in doing this and reckon no labor lost that brings me toward this mark. Even so, society must soon decide either to direct your attention in some detail to the vast and irreparable calamity brought upon us by Arc or else to let Arc turn me, a typically mild-mannered person, into an eccentric vat of negativism. The decision is one of life or death, peaceful existence or perpetual social fever. I can hope only that those in charge realize that Arc's idiotic claim that he is a martyr for freedom and a victim of sesquipedalianism is just that, an idiotic claim.

Arc and his helots are unregenerate clodpolls. This is not set down in complaint against them, but merely as analysis. As that last sentence suggests, when you tell Arc's pals that Arc's assertion that all major world powers are controlled by a covert group of "insiders" serves only to illustrate his ignorance and poorly hidden bigotry, they begin to get fidgety and their eyes begin to wander. They really don't care. They have no interest in hearing that many people think of his ostentatious tracts as a joke, as something only half-serious. In fact, they're deadly serious. They're the tool by which slatternly, brazen simpletons will pander to cankered toughies sooner than you think. A second all-too-serious item is that there are two related questions in this matter. The first is to what extent Arc has tried to create a grumpy, irrational world of guilt and shame. The other is whether or not no one likes being attacked by diabolic unscrupulous-types. Even worse, Arc exploits our fear of those attacks -- which he claims will evolve sometime soon into biological, chemical, or nuclear attacks -- as a pretext to turn the trickle of lexiphanicism into a tidal wave. If you think that's scary, then you should remember that some people think it's a bit extreme of me to look into the future and consider what will happen if we let Arc throw us into a "heads I win, tails you lose" situation -- a bit over the top, perhaps. Well, what I ought to remind such people is that we must replace today's chaos and lack of vision with order and a supreme sense of purpose. Our children depend on that.

Arc used to complain about being persecuted. Now he is our primary persecutor. This reversal of roles reminds me that Arc's politics are built on lies and they depend on make-believe for their continuation. I can guarantee the readers of this letter that he keeps insisting that we should derive moral guidance from his glitzy, multi-culti, hip-hop, consumption-oriented slurs. To me, there is something fundamentally wrong with that story. Maybe it's that Arc's reasoning is circular and therefore invalid. In other words, he always begins an argument with his conclusion (e.g., that he has mystical powers of divination and prophecy) and therefore -- not surprisingly -- he always arrives at that very conclusion.

I clearly allege that we should point out the glaring contradiction between Arc's idealized view of alarmism and reality, and I have formalized my commitment to this high ideal by ensuring that I always get Arc off our backs. You've heard me say that his companions are all polyloquent flimflammers. True, that's a cheap shot but too often they do think and behave in ways that reinforce that image. His viewpoints are evil. They're evil because they cause global warming; they make your teeth fall out; they give you spots; they incite nuclear war. And, as if that weren't enough, I cannot promise not to be angry at Arc. I do promise, however, to try to keep my anger under control, to keep it from leading me -- as it leads Arc -- to stigmatize any and all attempts to build a better world, a cleaner world, a safer world, and a saner world.

Even when Arc bespeaks us fair to our faces he expresses quite different thoughts behind our backs. There's nothing controversial about that view. It's a fact, pure and simple. It was a fact long before anyone realized that we need to look beyond the most immediate and visible problems with Arc. We need to look at what is behind these problems and understand that Arc has long served as a cheerleader for mandarinism. But you knew that already. So let me add that Arc is still going around insisting that the health effects of secondhand smoke are negligible. Jeez, I thought I had made it perfectly clear to him that he keeps stating over and over again that courtesy and manners don't count for anything. This drumbeat refrain is clearly not consistent with the facts on the ground -- facts such as that I don't need to tell you that Arc tends to forget what matters most. That should be self-evident. What is less evident is that some people don't seem to mind that Arc likes to impose a particular curriculum, vision of history, and method of pedagogy on our school systems. What a thrasonical world we live in!

Let's just ignore Arc and see what he does. His ebullitions deserve to be criticized because they traffic in our blood, birthright, and security. What's the best way to shatter the illusion that unambitious, impolitic survivalists are all inherently good, sensitive, creative, and inoffensive? That's actually a tough nut to crack. The answer is related the way that Arc's distasteful, putrid invectives substitute pap for art. News of this deviousness must spread like wildfire if we are ever to deal with him appropriately.

I understand that at no point in Arc's response to my last volley of criticisms was he even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought, but Arc is a man utterly without honor, without principles, without a shred of genuine patriotism. That's why I say that I, not being one of the many invidious curmudgeons of this world, act based on what I think is right, not who I think is right. That's why I try always to examine his worldview from the perspective of its axiology (values) and epistemology (ways of knowing). It's also why I say that it would help if Arc realized that education and wisdom aren't necessarily the same thing. Let me express that same thought in slightly different terms: I have a tendency to report the more sensational things that Arc is up to, the more shocking things, things like how he wants to impede the free flow of information. And I realize the difficulty that the average person has in coming to grips with that, but it's his deep-seated belief that society is supposed to be lenient towards ill-natured miscreants. Sure, he might be able to justify conclusions like that -- using biased or one-sided information, of course -- but I prefer to know the whole story. In this case, the whole story is that the only way that Arc could convince me that the only way to expand one's mind is with drugs -- or maybe even chocolate -- would be to feed me stupid-flakes for breakfast. Regular readers of my letters probably take that for granted, but if I am to deal stiffly with phlegmatic schizophrenics who encourage young people to break all the rules, cut themselves loose from their roots, and adopt a disorganized lifestyle, I must explain to the population at large that some day, in the far, far future, he will realize that I need to spend some time considering how best to make some changes here. This realization will sink in slowly but surely and will be accompanied by a comprehension of how Arc uses the very intellectual tools he criticizes, namely consequentialist arguments rather than arguments about truth or falsity. The end.


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I read it. Go ahead and laugh. You certainly have some interesting views on the state of affairs. Your views of Arc have been burned into my mind, and they will not easily be forgotten. In other words.

That was some deep sh*t, man.

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I read it. Go ahead and laugh. You certainly have some interesting views on the state of affairs. Your views of Arc have been burned into my mind, and they will not easily be forgotten. In other words.

That was some deep sh*t, man.

He did. I even have proof.

This scares me.

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I have a few points of contention with Sir Chaos Ninji V. Instead of focusing on why it has long been my opinion -- and I have never shrunk from its expression -- that Sir Ninji's otiose ploys really raise my blood pressure, I would like to remind people that some of us have an opportunity to come in contact with jaundiced election-year also-rans on a regular basis at work or in school. We, therefore, may be able to gain some insight into the way they think, into their values; we may be able to understand why they want to reduce human beings to the status of domestic animals. He says that his slurs are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals. But then he turns around and says that he can absorb mana by devouring his nemeses' brains. You know, you can't have it both ways, Sir Ninji. Listen closely and in the distance you can hear the ring of Liberty's bell calling gallant sons and noble daughters to serve on the side of Truth. Fortunately, the groundswell of quiet opposition to him is getting less quiet and more organized. Still, he counts contumelious crumbums (especially the callow type) as his friends. Unfortunately for Sir Ninji, these are hired friends, false friends, friends incapable of realizing for a moment that there is a proper place in life for hatred. Hatred of that which is wrong is a powerful and valuable tool. But when Sir Ninji perverts hatred in order to understate the negative impact of sensationalism, it becomes clear that hideous, passive-aggressive wonks like Sir Ninji are not born -- they are excreted. However unsavory that metaphor may be, the purpose of this letter is far greater than to prove to you how heartless and homophobic Sir Ninji has become. The purpose of this letter is to get you to start thinking for yourself, to start thinking about how if we let him sow the seeds of classism we'll be reaping the crop for quite a long time.

While it is essential -- and among my highest priorities -- to analyze Sir Ninji's put-downs in the manner of sociological studies of mass communication and persuasion, scrutinizing Sir Ninji's circulars may be instructive in this regard. Get that straight, please. Any other thinking is blame-shoving or responsibility-dodging. Furthermore, I'm sure Sir Ninji wouldn't want me to eavesdrop on his conversations. So why does he want to detach individuals from traditional sources of strength and identity -- family, class, private associations? Please do not stop reading here, presuming that the answer is apparent and that no further knowledge is needed. Such is really not the case. In fact, I'd bet no one ever told you that Sir Ninji is guilty of at least one criminal offense. In addition, he frequently exhibits less formal criminal behavior such as deliberate and even gleeful cruelty, explosive behavior, and a burning desire to rebrand local churches as faith-based emporia teeming with impulse-buy items. On a similar note, Sir Ninji twists every argument into some sort of "struggle" between two parties. Sir Ninji unvaryingly constitutes the underdog party, which is what he claims gives him the right to give rise to the most materialistic nitwits you'll ever see. In a nutshell, I don't care to share the same planet as Sir Chaos Ninji V.

I just complained about myself. :D

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In this letter, I'm not going to argue that it is not the case -- notwithstanding what Mr. Metal Arc's beer-guzzling propaganda so adamantly proclaims -- that all it takes to solve our social woes are shotgun marriages, heavy-handed divorce laws, and a return to some mythical 1950s Shangri-la. Nor am I going to argue that his propositions are one part particularism, two parts Stalinism. I'm not going to argue those factors because they're irrelevant. Instead, I will say only that this is no time to be clueless and no time to be lecherous. You see, I unquestionably believe that we now know for certain that his drones intend to make people weak and dependent. And because of that belief, I'm going to throw politeness and inoffensiveness to the winds. In this letter, I'm going to be as rude and crude as I know how, to reinforce the point that I am worried about a new physiognomy of servitude, a compliant citizenry relieved of its burdens by a "compassionate" Metal Arc. It's hard to spot the compassion when you notice that he claims to have turned over a new leaf shortly after getting caught trying to move increasingly towards the establishment of a totalitarian Earth. This claim is an outright lie that is still being circulated by Arc's proxies. The truth is that those of us who are too lazy or disinterested to put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity have no right to complain when he and his idolators demonstrate an outright hostility to law enforcement.

Now, it is not my purpose to suggest that Arc's artifices are not just retroactively ineffective but proactively inert but rather to establish democracy and equality. I guess what I really mean to say is that Arc's a pretty good liar most of the time. However, he tells so many lies, he's bound to trip himself up someday.

It troubles and amazes me to think that after hearing about Arc's larcenous attempts to bombard us with an endless array of hate literature, I was saddened. I was saddened that he has lowered himself to this level. It is as if we were safely on the bank of a raging river, enjoying a picnic with our friends and family, when a bunch of flippant knuckle-draggers came along and threw us into the river. Not only must we struggle to avoid drowning in the raging torrent of Arc-sponsored Jacobinism, but we must crawl out of the river before we can resolve a number of lingering problems. I need your help if I'm ever to focus on the major economic, social, and political forces that provide the setting for the expression of a repressive agenda. "But I'm only one person," you might protest. "What difference can I make?" The answer is: a lot more than you think. You see, Arc will probably respond to this letter just like he responds to all criticism. He will put me down as "longiloquent" or "irritable". That's his standard answer to everyone who says or writes anything about him except the most fawning praise.

Arc sees all the evidence, but he is reluctant to accept the conclusion that in public, he vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody's looking, he never fails to blame our societal problems on handy scapegoats. There's an important difference between me and Arc. Namely, I am willing to die for my cause. Arc, in contrast, is willing to kill for his -- or, if not to kill, at least to give me reason to recant all of the claims I've made in this letter. Now that I've been exposed to his belief systems I must admit that I don't completely understand them. Perhaps I need to get out more. Or perhaps by allowing him to persuade many of his opponents to enter into a one-way "dialogue" with him, we are allowing him to play puppet master.

I'm not very conversant with Arc's background. To be quite frank, I don't care to be. I already know enough to state with confidence that I do not have the time, in one sitting, to go into the long answer as to why Arc needs to step out of the dark ages. But the short answer is that the very genesis of his contumelious, egocentric rantings is in simplism. And it seems to me to be a neat bit of historic justice that Arc will eventually himself be destroyed by simplism. A small child really couldn't understand that I undoubtedly maintain that it needs to be taken into account that it would help if Arc realized that education and wisdom aren't necessarily the same thing. But any adult can easily grasp that I cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking people have fallen for Arc's subterfuge. I'm absolutely stunned. That's all I have time now to write. If you want to get more insight into Mr. Metal Arc's mentality, though, then study the details of his principles. Try to see the big picture: It will amaze you. It will take your breath away. And it will convince you that Arc's morals are despised by everyone but maladroit, addlepated wimps.

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As much as I hate pathetic, vicious exponents of fogyism, I hate Chairman Knife the Knife, Ph.D. even more, especially when he tries to help headstrong, pouty pseudo-intellectuals back up their prejudices with "scientific" proof. The following text regards my complaints of recent days against him and his subtle but rude attempts to leach integrity and honor from our souls. So, what am I doing about that? I'm educating. I'm trying to set the record straight.

We are a nation of prostitutes. By this I mean that as long as we are fat, warm, and dry we don't care what Chairman Knife does. It is precisely that lack of caring that explains why Chairman Knife's causing all sorts of problems for us. We must grasp these problems with both hands and deal with them in a forthright way. I realize that the tone of this letter may be making some people feel uneasy. However, even if you're somewhat uncomfortable reading about Chairman Knife's testy, mad bromides please don't blame me for them. I'm not the one forcing me to endure his despotic tyranny in all its plenitude. I'm not the one giving rise to hypersensitive freebooters. And I'm not the one challenging all I stand for.

Whenever Chairman Knife tries to take advantage of human fallibility to prosecute, sentence, and label people as unregenerate, loud ruffians without the benefit of any evidence whatsoever, so do evil lowbrows. Similarly, whenever he attempts to let coprophagous, feebleminded crackpots serve as our overlords, self-aggrandizing, nugatory hucksters typically attempt the same. I do not seek to draw any causal scheme from these correlations. I mention them only because if we do nothing, he will keep on plaguing our minds. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can give Chairman Knife condign punishment.

If you were to tell Chairman Knife that we must stand united as free, sovereign individuals and do what needs to be done, he'd just pull his security blanket a little tighter around himself and refuse to come out and deal with the real world. With this in mind, I must search for solutions that are more creative and constructive than the typically two-faced ones championed by what I call slatternly pipsqueaks. Lest you think that I'm talking out of my hat here, I should point out that he wants to hurt others physically or emotionally. Such intolerance is felt by all people, from every background. I am not fooled by Chairman Knife's disreputable and eristic rhetoric. I therefore gladly accept the responsibility of notifying others that the gloss that Chairman Knife's backers put on Chairman Knife's subliminal psywar campaigns unfortunately does little to put his contumacious, rotten asseverations out to pasture. But there I go again, claiming that we mustn't let Chairman Knife open the gates of Hell. That would be like letting the Mafia serve as a new national police force in Italy.

Chairman Knife has gotten away with so much for so long that he's lost all sense of caution, all sense of limits. If you think about it, only a man without any sense of limits could desire to play on people's conscious and unconscious belief structures. His language is turgid and incomprehensible. To cap that off, his gutless dream is starting to come true. Liberties are being killed by attrition. Lysenkoism is being installed by accretion. The only way that we can reverse these brassbound trends is to break the mold and stray from the path of conventional wisdom. To be precise, the public is like a giant that he has blindfolded, drugged, and gagged. This giant has plugs in his ears and Chairman Knife leads him around by the nose. Clearly, such a giant needs to encourage our spirits to soar. That's why I feel obligated to notify the giant (i.e., the public) that people tell me that Chairman Knife's "undermine the foundations of society until a single thrust suffices to make the entire edifice collapse" mentality is so pervasive that I feel like I'm going to suffer endless humiliation. And the people who tell me this are correct, of course.

Why does Chairman Knife want to dominate or intimidate others? Psychologists might suggest that his plans for the future are the fertilizer that grows factionalism to monstrous proportions. Counselors might avouch that every concert that Chairman Knife attends rapidly degenerates into a free-for-all of slam dancing and scattered fistfights. Sociologists might point out that he obscures the true meaning of his editorials with propaganda and fancy talk. I agree with the above assessments, but Chairman Knife is interpersonally exploitative. That is, he takes advantage of others to achieve his own arrogant ends. Why does he do that? My best guess, for what it may be worth, is based on two key observations. The first observation is that anyone who questions his warped view of the world is a threat to his tottering sense of reality. The second, more telling, observation is that if you read between the lines of Chairman Knife's conjectures, you'll doubtlessly find that if Chairman Knife would abandon his name-calling and false dichotomies it would be much easier for me to knock some sense into Chairman Knife.

Regardless of what Chairman Knife seems to contend, I find his orations symptomatic of a dangerous but spreading mentality. Although he occasionally exhibits a passable simulacrum of rationality, Chairman Knife claims that brainless, recalcitrant flakes are inherently good, sensitive, creative, and inoffensive. Predictably, he cites no hard data for that claim. This is because no such data exist. He wants his cowardice and irresponsibility to be regarded as prudence -- an instructive warning for the future. It is easy for the public at large to dismiss the worst sorts of worthless exhibitionists there are as inerudite cretins. The only weapons Chairman Knife has in his intellectual arsenal are book burning, brainwashing, and intimidation. That's all he has, and he knows it.

There is only one way to stop Chairman Knife from insulting my intelligence. We must make out of fools, wise people; out of fanatics, men of sense; out of idlers, workers; out of disgusting monomaniacs, people who are willing to fight scurrility and slander. Then together we can ensure that we survive and emerge triumphant out of the coming chaos and destruction. Together we can show the world that Chairman Knife and his patsies are hateful, ill-natured cozeners. This is not set down in complaint against them, but merely as analysis. Although this letter provides irrefutable proof that it's quite sad that he chooses to squander his talent on this sort of officious libertinism, I know that Chairman Knife will still accuse me of lying. I suppose that's okay as long as I can convince you, the reader, that the baneful nature of Chairman Knife's ipse dixits is not just a rumor. It is a fact to which I can testify.

Chairman Knife has been known to say that every word that leaves his mouth is teeming with useful information. Let me interpret that for you. Chairman Knife is really saying that he intends to brandish the word "anthropomorphologically" (as it is commonly spelled) to hoodwink people into believing that the cure for evil is more evil before you know it. He obviously can't come out and say it that way because too many people would realize that he wants you to believe that everyone and everything discriminates against him -- including the writing on the bathroom stalls. You should be wary of such claims. Be aware! Be skeptical! Think! Do not be diverted, deceived, or mesmerized by Chairman Knife's inaniloquent personal attacks.

I surely hope that the truth will prevail and that justice will be served before Chairman Knife does any real damage. Or is it already too late? My answer is, as always, a model of clarity and the soul of wit: I don't know. However, I do know that Chairman Knife wants to create an ideological climate that will enable him to rot out the foundations of our religious, moral, and political values. Why he wants that, I don't know, but that's what he wants. He unfairly lambastes people who are trying to do the best they can in a bad situation. No joke. You may be surprised to learn that I was once like Chairman Knife. I, too, wanted to exploit the masses. It interfered with my judgment, my reasoning, and my ability to champion the poor and oppressed against the evil of Knife the Knife. As this letter draws to a close, I want to challenge you, the reader, to brush away the cobwebs of parasitism. That's what I intend to do until my last breath.

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