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how do the member badges work?


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All that while striking a dumb pose. Come on.

I dont know who you're talking about. but if he's striking a pose nightmare is right, because nightmare is never wrong.

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Odd, I'm a big fan of Guy. Never heard of this... Xavier fellow, probably from one of the earlier FE's. Then again, if you're a Myrmidon I'm more likely to like you than just about any other class that uses weapons. Love speed, skill, and criticals. Based off of the Duessel and Tauroneo comparisons, just going to go out on a limb and say Xavier isn't someone I'd like.

And I'd prefer to choose my member badge. :P Same if I was to be a Branded. Would want to be a Heron, White Dragon, or Black Dragon, the three Laguz that seem the most associated with magic. Preferably the second one, simply because I'd be curious what that would be like, don't recall ever seeing a White Dragon Branded in PoR or RD.

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Odd, I'm a big fan of Guy. Never heard of this... Xavier fellow, probably from one of the earlier FE's. Then again, if you're a Myrmidon I'm more likely to like you than just about any other class that uses weapons. Love speed, skill, and criticals. Based off of the Duessel and Tauroneo comparisons, just going to go out on a limb and say Xavier isn't someone I'd like.

Not a fan of the Lawrence archetype I take it?
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Not a fan of bulkier or heavier characters. Knights rarely get used once I have enough people I like on the roster to replace them. Mounted units are also somewhat hit and miss for me. Though, since I rarely challenge myself, I can use just about anyone I like, without worrying about what is most efficient. Which is why most of the time my team is filled with magic users. :P

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That's cool. Magic users are among my faves too. I may not like every playable magic unit, but it would be hard to find any team I use to not have a magic user in it in some way. Not much of a fan of Armor Knights myself, since the majority of them do tend to either be mediocre or they just plain stink. (I don't have much of choice in some chapters to include Tauroneo or Brom in their respective chapters in FE10. Other than that, there's Oswin, FE10!Gatrie, and FE11!Draug among those I'd use, even if only because they're the ones that aren't either mediocre or cruddy. FE12!Draug is good too, but I might not use him in his base class, should I get FE12.) But I don't have a problem with some of their personalities though.

Edited by Elmer
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Oh, personality is entirely different. Have yet to meet someone whom I dislike in that aspect that isn't... you know, a bad guy (and even then, lots of people on the bad side that I like, like Lyon). Honestly, the issue with Knights is that they have too limited movement. Just make them move as fast as the normal foot soldiers and then they become actually plausible to use.

And so far have yet to dislike any magic unit. FE6 I only started, but Lugh is certainly fun (just got to the chapter with Lilina, and I think I overleveled Lugh a bit... think he's 15...), and liking Ellen. Have a hard time leveling any of the other healers, wish they had Monks. At least one Monk and then I'd be a bit better with this. FE7... same issue, really. Healers are just a pain to level. Bonus EXP was easily the best part the Tellius series, actually made it so I could level my healers to 20 without it taking forever. That and autopromotion was nice. But like Erk, Pent, Canas, and Lucius, always use them. FE8 actually has too many mages, even for me. :P I just can't field all of them really. Same issue with RD, and PoR had the somewhat annoying to level healer issue still as well.

But yeah, I love mages. Mounted units (not flying, never been a big fan of most of the flyers, Pegasus are annoying to level for me, and not too big a fan of the wyvern riders) I like to use a lot as well. :P

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Well, you can't always expect healers to get much EXP. At least in FE4's part 2, FE5 (haven't played it yet), and (at a lesser extent) FE10, you can make it so at least one of them has the Paragon skill. I think in the former two cases, you can get a maximum of two healers with Paragon equipped. (One of the healers that joins with Paragon in FE4's part 2, replaces another unit of the same class should Sylvia not be paired in FE4's part 1, while the other requires either Lex X Aideen or Lex X Lacheses to happen. While in FE5, to recruit a healer that has Paragon equipped, depending on which route you go on, you either have to visit a church or speak to the healer in question with Leif when the healer's an enemy. You can teach Paragon to one of the other healers if you want to though.) Staves in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery level healers at a fast speed IMO, so it's no problem for me to use Lena or Curate!Merric. (I'm kinda anxious to see how Melissa and Jumina are in FE12 though.)

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Eh, just find it tedious. And 20 EXP per heal isn't particularly fast. I suppose the big issue is that you can heal for just one point, and it gives the same amount of EXP as the maximum amount of HP you can heal in one turn. Easy enough to get healers to a higher level with boss abuse (something I'm finding required in FE6, since I can't actually take a hit from any of the bosses attacks most of the time), but still, rather hurtful. Lugh so far seems rather kick butt though. Lilina not quite as much, but I'll keep giving her a whirl. And true, forgot using Paragon, but not really necessary in Radiant Dawn. I'm able to give them exp if need be, so not as bad. Sure, three stat ups isn't the best, but could be worse. Better than zero stat ups. :P

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Lethe? Moe? What. That's just stupid. You ought to know that Lethe's much cuter twin sister, Lyre, is far more moe. This is just common sense but I don't think you have any since you think Lucario and Medichan are smexy which is stupid.

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What? you did not just edit my post to get your point across. That is inexcusable good sir and because of this offense I challenge you to a duel on the morrow. I doubt I'll show up but stay around. You never know I might show up for the the duel or not and leave you waiting.

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Lethe? Moe? What. That's just stupid. You ought to know that Lethe's much cuter twin sister, Lyre, is far more moe. This is just common sense but I don't think you have any since you think Lucario and Medichan are smexy which is stupid.

Lyre I guess is moe, but Lethe is a bit better.

You have to fight to get her affection. Lyre will just throw herself on you and snuggle with you, wanting you to tickle her and play with her collar that she wears because she's a cat, for some reason.

But with Lethe, this ish is real. You gotta be a MAN to get her to sit next to you. but once you get her, there's none of this cuddling stuff going on, because she's more mature. You go straight down to srs bsns.

Also because Lyre sucks as a unit. Sucking is not moe.

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