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FE7 Efficiency Playlog

General Horace

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I'm going to withold them for now, and see what Hawkeye and Marcus's levelups look like in the next chapter. If Hawkeye gets speed, I'm giving them to Marcus, because Hawkeye is sitting at 12AS right now, and 14AS is no better than 13AS. While 16AS is no better than 14AS, some lucky speed proc's could help him.

I was also thinking Sain, but his growths should improve his.

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  • 1 month later...

Long time, no update.

Chapter 28, completed at absolute maximum speed, done in 16 turns.


Second part in a bit. It involves an awesome rescue chain on turn 14 in getting Legault from the right chest room to near the Earth Seal druid in the bottom left.

Heath is getting the boots, I think.

EDIT: Deleted the second part of the chapter by accident >.< Nothing really worth noting, got all the chests, and the earth seal. Nobody died.

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 28x will be here in a bit.

It was completed in 5 turns, with the speedwings obtained.

Cog of Destiny :(

I want Harken now.

Also, since I got another set of speedwings, (I now have two), I'm thinking about giving one to Heath, as with the boots, he's going to see more combat (maybe not in Cog, but you know what I mean) as opposed to Hawkeye or Marcus, as they both got speed in chapter 28, and have 13+ speed. I'm not sure if 17 AS is any better than 15 AS, but Heath has a solid speed growth (I think I gave him the drops too, unless I gave them to Merlinus :facepalm:) Thoughts?

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Yeah, it was pretty nice that he didn't run down and commit suicide like he normally does. Marcus got there in good time anyhow, so I don't think it would have mattered too much. Usually, for me, Jaffar just runs up towards Maxime and kills all the thieves.

I wish I had two Heaths for Cog of Destiny :(

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  • 2 months later...

Xeld's Tony Mode. It's not quite fixed growths (leveling up from 19-20 always yields a zero stat up) but it's pretty solid otherwise.


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