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FE7 Efficiency Playlog

General Horace

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Reserved for Chapter 16.


4 Turns.

Without Lyn Mode, there is no doubt that this would be a 5 turn clear without abuse. By giving Florina the robe, she could survive a ballistae hit, allowing her to drop Hector close enough to seize on turn 3.

I got a couple of lucky crits, i'll explain why they aren't needed once the video is up.

1:18 - Not needed, the myrm will retreat and heal instead of killing Florina.

1:26 - Nice, but not needed. Would have been more exp for Erk.

1:32 - This was very convienient, as Lowen doesn't double this peg, but I could have finished with Hector next turn, clearing the path for Florina.

Also, dondon, or anyone else if they are reading this, does the 0% growth patch change the starting inventories to match normal mode, because I noticed Lyn's crew had different weapons.

UNIT         Level        HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Hector       08.80        26   11   8    5    6    12   1   B Axe                  C Eliwood
Av.          08.00        25   11   7    7    5    11   1   

Marcus       04.30        32   16  18   11    9    10  10   S Lance A Sword B Axe
Av.          04.00        32   15  16   11    8    10   9   

Lowen        07.46        27    8   6   12    5     8   1   C Lance D Sword
Av.          07.00        27    8   6    8    5     9   1 

Oswin        10.98        29   14   9    5    3    13   3   B Lance
Av.          10.00        28   13   8    5    3    13   3

Guy          07.70        26    9  16   16    5     7   2   B Sword
Av.          07.00        27    8  15   17    6     6   2  

Serra        04.30        18    3   5    9    7     2   6   C Staff
Av.          04.00        18    3   5    8    7     2   6

Erk          05.31        19    6   7    9    5     2   6   D Anima
Av.          05.00        19    6   7    9    4     2   5 

Priscilla    04.12        16    6   7    8    8     3   7   C Staff
Av.          04.00        16    6   7    8    7     3   6

Matthew      07.18        23    5   5   15    4     5   1   C Sword
Av.          07.00        21    5   6   14    4     4   1

Lyn          09.07        21    7  13   12   10     3   3   C Sword
Av.          09.00        21    7  11   13    9     3   2  

Sain         08.72        23   13   5   10    5     9   1   C Lance D Sword
Av.          08.00        24   12   6    8    5     7   1   

Kent         07.43        26   8    7   10    2     5   3   D Sword D Lance
Av.          07.43        25   8    9   10    3     6   2  

Florina      05.83        26*  8    8   11    8     4   6   C Lance
Av.          05.00        26*  6    9   11    9     4   5 

Edited by General_Horace
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Your Hector is complete trash, but other than that, your units have been largely blessed overall. That Lowen especially is very nice. I kinda wish I had a chance at blessing, but oh well, at least my Hector won't end up like that! 5 spd... wow.

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Your Hector is complete trash, but other than that, your units have been largely blessed overall. That Lowen especially is very nice. I kinda wish I had a chance at blessing, but oh well, at least my Hector won't end up like that! 5 spd... wow.

Lowen and Sain are the only ones who are really blessed, it's just everything looks better due to most units only gaining 1-2 levels, and theoretically should still have their bases. Give it a couple levels, and stuff should balance out. (Except Lowen's speed).

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Also, dondon, or anyone else if they are reading this, does the 0% growth patch change the starting inventories to match normal mode, because I noticed Lyn's crew had different weapons.

It shouldn't. Are you sure you took into account that I bought weapons?

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Your Hector is complete trash, but other than that, your units have been largely blessed overall. That Lowen especially is very nice. I kinda wish I had a chance at blessing, but oh well, at least my Hector won't end up like that! 5 spd... wow.

...I wouldn't call that strength and defense complete trash, considering the defense almost matches oswins except ~2 levels lower.
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...I wouldn't call that strength and defense complete trash, considering the defense almost matches oswins except ~2 levels lower.

He has 5 speed. At level 8. Or, numerically, he is in the lower .5% of all Hectors statistically in the speed growth category.

Edited by Janissary
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He's only getting doubled by Mercs and Myrmidons for the next little while anyway, and even then they won't really be doing that much damage to him. Wolf Beil and Hand Axe help.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Out of curiousity since I just watched your 15 video, how come you were so pasive with Guy early on? And were you just not killing Sealen so reinforcements of EXP would spawn?

I don't want Guy to get too much exp because I want Kenneth's quicker map, which requires more exp among magic units, and considering I probably won't recruit Lucius, it's up to Erk and two healers to surpass Raven, Guy, and the two axemen who are never being deployed again. And yeah, I wanted more exp, but it all ended up going to Marcus anyway, so it didn't really matter in the end.

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Alright, it's possible to complete chapter 17 in 7 turns with recruiting Lucius. However, I'm going to have to bring the silver lance to KO Bernard, as Marcus doesn't double with the Hammer, i'll have to bring the silver lance, as with a Hector EP hand axe chip, Marcus can finish with a Silver Lance. Video should be up tonight.

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Alright, it's possible to complete chapter 17 in 7 turns with recruiting Lucius. However, I'm going to have to bring the silver lance to KO Bernard, as Marcus doesn't double with the Hammer, i'll have to bring the silver lance, as with a Hector EP hand axe chip, Marcus can finish with a Silver Lance. Video should be up tonight.

Double statement aside, this should be interesting.

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Sentence structure never was my strong suit.

So, this time, Bernard proc'd an extra defence point, but Marcus proc'd speed, so he doubled with the hammer. Video will be up shortly.

Also, is the unlock staff considered important/turn saving? There are buyable keys on the pirate ship, so I don't see where else it could be used.

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Sentence structure never was my strong suit.

So, this time, Bernard proc'd an extra defence point, but Marcus proc'd speed, so he doubled with the hammer. Video will be up shortly.

Also, is the unlock staff considered important/turn saving? There are buyable keys on the pirate ship, so I don't see where else it could be used.

Generally, no. The only real use for it is Priscilla/Serra experience on Turn 1 Dragon Gate.

Edited by Janissary
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I could redo this chapter for the unlock staff, but since I'm lazy, I'm just going to buy one in the Chapter 22 secret shop. I plan on getting the silver card anyhow. It was all because Erk missed an 80.

17x is currently uploading.
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Nice work on 17. I tried it in my run, and I think the LM training you did is what did it for you. My characters always die.

How so? Marcus takes out almost all the enemies along the way, except for the few at the start. I don't think Kent/Sain even got attacked by anything, other than maybe a thief that did 0 damage anyway along the way. And Lowen only got attacked at the start as well, IIRC. Make sure Marcus kills the archers in the room where the thieves spawn as well, otherwise Priscilla is dead.

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I just watched the first turns again and I derped. The speedy Lowen doubling an archer makes a difference, as does Marcus' crit on the Nomad. Also, a trained Erk makes a big difference imo. But, mostly the speedy Lowen and Marcus crit. Unless you had a plan I don't see if Marcus doesn't crit the nomad.

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I just watched the first turns again and I derped. The speedy Lowen doubling an archer makes a difference, as does Marcus' crit on the Nomad. Also, a trained Erk makes a big difference imo. But, mostly the speedy Lowen and Marcus crit. Unless you had a plan I don't see if Marcus doesn't crit the nomad.

If Marcus doesn't crit the nomad, Hector kills it. Even if he only moved 4 spaces, Lowen would end up in the same spot after rescuing him. Oswin could have shielded/killed the rest of the archers. Even if with Lowen doubling, he was only attacked by the one archer, and it would attack Erk on the EP, and then Erk would be able to finish the next turn, while Oswin/Matt finished the the other alive archer.

While they were nice, they certainly didn't mean much.

And Erk only has 6 Magic anyhow.

Also, I forgot to mention, I used the Dracoshield on Marcus in case you didn't pick up on it.

Edited by General_Horace
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