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[FE10] Mega Awesome NM Draft (The ninth one)


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4-2: 11

4-3: 13

And I am NOT looking foward to 4-4. Ike's godly, Kieran sucks, Brom is good. Ike ORKO everything and Kieran+Brom team up to kill a unit.I don't even feel like talking about Vika, I gave her ANOTHER energy drop, and I'm tempted to give her a Seraph Robe. I will actually need a Nailah penalty I think, since my Greil team suuuucks. Anyway, I'm doing fine I guess. Btw, where were you guys? I felt pretty lonely on this thread :(

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The chances that you bought this are just sooooo slim... But...

[spoiler=0.0000% Chance]Flourish? o.O

I assume you didn't realize Flourish is a command skill, thus it would be useless anyway.

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Can't you get flourish by visiting a tent in 3-3 ?

That's Blossom, and not the point; Flourish's effect only activates when you choose it, like Gamble and Parity, so it's useless on untransformed Laguz.

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4-2: 11

4-3: 13

And I am NOT looking foward to 4-4. Ike's godly, Kieran sucks, Brom is good. Ike ORKO everything and Kieran+Brom team up to kill a unit.I don't even feel like talking about Vika, I gave her ANOTHER energy drop, and I'm tempted to give her a Seraph Robe. I will actually need a Nailah penalty I think, since my Greil team suuuucks. Anyway, I'm doing fine I guess. Btw, where were you guys? I felt pretty lonely on this thread :(

Kieran on NM should actually do fine on that map. The problem with your Vika may be fixed with BEXP.

& i'm on 4-5

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Part 4 up to the Tower. I really wish flying units could end their turn on normally untraversable terrain.

[spoiler=Part 4]Prologue (3/228)

I sell Rexbolt and Sanaki's tomes, then buy Micaiah an Ellight (turns out she was one attack from using Purge). Micaiah gets BEXP to cap Magic and Resistance, then she was given a Speedwing and BEXP to 20 to cap her Speed. I also get Jill to .99 and Sothe to level 19, capping his HP, Speed and Defense, just because I have so much and no one really needs it except Muarim.

Micaiah - Resolve, Miracle.

Sothe - Guard.

Naesala - Maelstrom, Vantage.

Jill - Paragon, Vantage.

Micaiah ORKO's all of the southeastern enemies, with Resolve and Miracle keeping her alive. Jill practically solos the north, due to all of the 2-range enemies preventing Naesala from getting much action. He gets to kill the northern reinforcements and the boss, since Jill couldn't ORKO him with a forged Hand Axe, so I had to rely on Naesala's ~50% Tear activation to kill him in time.

Chapter 1 (5/233)

I sell Rexcalibur, BEXP Gatrie a level and get Ike to .99. Rafiel gets the Boots.

Ike - Paragon, Provoke.

Gatrie - Celerity, Cancel.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Wildheart, Imbue.

The wolves get deployed to see through FoW. Ike goes south towards the boss, Gatrie handles the west and Kyza and Rafiel clear the east. Nailah reveals the southern Bishop and Volug reveals the western one so they can be killed in time to prevent the turn 6 reinforcements from appearing.

Chapter 2 (9+7/247) Tibarn penalty

I give Elincia my Seraph Robe, all of my Storm Swords, and the Tempest Blade (she can't use the Tempest Blade yet, but she'll be able to by the end of the map). I also BEXP her a few levels so she can ORKO every enemy with Amiti. I forget to forge anything though, unfortunately.

Elincia - Resolve, Daunt.

Tibarn - Pavise, Savior.

Since there wasn't feasible to keep Tibarn out of combat just using Elincia, I go ahead and take his penalty. Elincia solos the north and west portions of the map, while Tibarn takes care of the east and south parts while carrying Pelleas.

Chapter 3 (7/253)

I give Jill my last Hand Axe forge (Gatrie will have to go without next chapter, but I have a Spear and two Tomahawks) after selling Bolganone. I also buy Pure Water for Jill and Sothe. Then Jill gets BEXP until she caps everything but Defense. I'll let it cap naturally. Naesala takes Adept because he couldn't ORKO DracoKnights without a strength proc (which he ends up getting anyway in the final run).

Micaiah - Resolve, Miracle.

Sothe - Guard, Adept, Cancel.

Jill - Vantage, Imbue.

Naesala - Maelstrom, Adept.

Naesala covers the west, Micaiah takes the east and Jill goes straight down the middle. Getting Micaiah to survive was a pain, since she started the map going into worst biorhythm, so Snipers had ~70 displayed hit on her before Resolve. Jill had no problems clearing most everything in the middle and southeast, although Naesala and Micaiah helped a little clearing out the stationary enemies. I might have been able to do this in 6 turns, but it would require Jill finding the Laguz Gem at worst Biorhythm, so I settled for 7. Sothe sent Baselard and Micaiah sent the Laguz Gem.

Chapter 4 (8/261)

I buy Pure Water for Ike and Kyza, and give Muarim my last Speedwing. Muarim gets BEXP to level 30, capping Strength, Skill, Speed and Resistance, before using a Satori Sign. Ike then gets BEXP to level 19 to raise his Resistance, and Kyza also gets a level of BEXP.

Ike - Pass, Vantage.

Gatrie - Celerity, Cancel.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Imbue, Paragon.

Muarim - Renewal, Paragon.

It took longer for Ike to clear out Oliver's area by himself than I would've liked, but oh well. Rafiel hangs out in the middle, helping everyone get to where they need to go in time, Muarim clears the western treasure room before using a Laguz Gem and helping Kyza clear the northeast, and Gatrie handled the eastern enemies. I could've gotten Fortify, but I didn't notice Ike couldn't ORKO one of the Generals in the northwest, so I had Muarim kill him instead.

Chapter 5 (3/264)

I sell all of my Anima and Dark tomes, then forge a max might/+20 hit Silver Lance and max might/hit Javelin for Geoffrey. Elincia and Geoffrey get BEXP to .99.

Elincia - Renewal, Resolve, Daunt.

Geoffrey - Paragon, Beastfoe, Miracle.

Bastian is deployed to recruit Volke and trade him Baselard. Elincia flies for Izuka while Geoffrey and Volke run around killing feral laguz.

Name     Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike      --/20/20  65  37  08  40  37  24  32  20^ | A Gatrie
Micaiah  20/20/01  42^ 12  32  22  27^ 39  13  32  | A Sothe
Sothe    --/19/01  44  24  14  28  32  30  22  19  | A Micaiah
Jill     20/19/20  55^ 35^ 10  38  35  35  36^ 22  | 
Muarim         31  68  23  03  18  15^ 22  19  10  |
Elincia  --/--/19  47^ 30  20  31  35  40  21  29  |
Geoffrey --/20/10  53  32  14  32  29  22  23  25  | 
Gatrie   --/20/15  57  36  09  32  31  22  37  24  | A Ike
Kyza           32  69  18  04  17  15^ 20  15^ 06  |
Naesala        29  61  18  07  20  21  21  13  15  |
Volke    --/--/14  53  30  05  36  35  19  27  22  |
Rafiel         14  32  01  07  01  06  33  03  15  |

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Finished, in 266 turns. I subtracted two turns to make up for the fact that I counted 2-P and 3-7 as 9 and 13 turns respectively.

[spoiler=Part 4 Endgame]Lekain (3/261)

BEXP goes to Muarim to cap his Defense, then a level to Kyza, Gatrie and Elincia. I buy the Peshkatz for Sothe to bless, four Arms Scrolls to max Micaiah's weapon levels once she promotes, and forge some max might/hit Silver weapons, Hand Axes and a Javelin. Lucia comes along to bless my Wyrmslayer.

Ike - Vantage, Pass.

Micaiah - Paragon, Shade.

Sothe - Guard, Stillness.

Jill - Imbue, Daunt.

Muarim - Renewal, Cancel, Miracle.

Elincia - Renewal, Resolve, Cancel.

Geoffrey - Paragon, Adept, Miracle.

Gatrie - Celerity, Provoke.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Paragon, Smite, Miracle.

Naesala - Maelstrom, Nullify.

Volke - Adept, Vantage.

Giffca - Pass, Parity, Renewal, Pavise.

Ike and Jill kill the Sleep staffers first turn with help from Rafiel, then Sothe Rescues him and drops him on turn 2 once my Beast laguz had finished with the central Generals. Gatrie and Jill cleared the east side, with Ike killing the Generals around Hetzel. In the west, it was mostly Elincia and Naesala's work, with some help from Micaiah, Geoffrey and Volke to clear the Generals just south of them and Giffca killing Lekain's guard. Elincia survived getting Corona'd by Lekain at 1HP, which was awesome. Then she killed him thanks to Resolve's Skill boost.

Black Knight (1/262)

Naesala gets 2 levels of BEXP to cap his Strength, then I give a level to Kyza and Volke.

Ike - Nihil, Miracle.

Micaiah - Paragon, Shade.

Sothe - Guard, Stillness.

Jill - Imbue, Daunt.

Muarim - Renewal, Cancel, Miracle.

Elincia - Renewal, Resolve, Cancel.

Geoffrey - Paragon, Adept, Miracle.

Gatrie - Celerity, Shade.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Paragon, Pass.

Naesala - Maelstrom, Nullify.

Volke - Adept, Vantage.

Giffca - Pass, Parity, Renewal, Pavise.

Gatrie and Micaiah combine on Levail for the Wishblade while Naesala and Muarim head into the fray to try and get some Strike EXP. Ike takes out the Black Knight with a Hammer.

Deghinsea (1/263)

Kyza gets 2 levels of BEXP, and Volke also gets one.


Micaiah - Rexaura

Sothe - Peshkatz

Jill - Urvan

Elincia - Amiti

Geoffrey - 20mt Silver Lance forge

Gatrie - Wishblade

Volke - Baselard

Sanaki blessed Purge, and Lucia blessed a Wyrmslayer

Ike - Nihil, Miracle.

Micaiah - Paragon, Shade.

Sothe - Guard, Stillness.

Jill - Celerity, Cancel.

Muarim - Renewal, Cancel, Daunt.

Elincia - Renewal, Nihil, Miracle.

Geoffrey - Paragon, Adept, Miracle.

Gatrie - Adept, Shade.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Nihil, Pass.

Naesala - Maelstrom, Pavise.

Volke - Adept, Vantage.

Giffca - Pass, Parity, Renewal, Pavise.

After Ike and Jill take care of the Dragon in the way, Ike, Elincia, Giffca and Kyza combine to take out Deghinsea after Rafiel refreshes them.

Sephiran (1/264)

I need to give Micaiah a level of BEXP for a point of Magic, then I give Kyza two more levels of BEXP, capping his Strength. Volke gets two levels as well, also capping his Strength. Giffca also gets a level of BEXP.

Ike - Celerity, Miracle.

Micaiah - Paragon, Shade.

Sothe - Guard, Stillness.

Jill - Cancel.

Muarim - Renewal, Cancel, Daunt.

Elincia - Renewal, Nihil, Miracle.

Geoffrey - Paragon, Adept, Miracle.

Gatrie - Adept, Shade.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Nihil.

Naesala - Pass, Adept.

Volke - Vantage.

Giffca - Pass, Parity, Renewal, Pavise.

Ike and Micaiah combine to kill the Spirit in front of Sephiran, and Elincia moves 2 squares behind Ike and Rescues Giffca. Naesala and Rafiel are shoved so I can form a diamond with Ike, Elincia, Giffca and Naesala. Elincia then Rescued Volke, Naesala Teared the Spirit behind Sephiran, then Ike and Volke shoved the other ones away so Giffca could ORKO Sephiran.

Ashera (2/268)

Micaiah gets another level of BEXP, Geoffrey gets one, Volke gets two so he can have 39 AS, and Giffca gets two to cap his Strength, Skill and Speed. Rafiel also gets a level of BEXP, to survive Ashera's turn 1 AoE attack.

Ike - Nihil, Miracle.

Micaiah - Paragon, Shade.

Sothe - Guard, Stillness.

Jill - Cancel, Pass.

Muarim - Renewal, Cancel, Daunt.

Elincia - Renewal, Provoke, Imbue.

Geoffrey - Paragon, Adept, Miracle.

Gatrie - Celerity, Vantage.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Nihil, Imbue.

Naesala - Nihil, Maelstrom.

Volke - Nihil, Miracle.

Giffca - Pass, Parity, Renewal, Pavise.

Elincia's Provoke was so the Auras didn't get in my way. Naesala 2RKO'd Wardwood Auras, so he killed 2 of them. Giffca dealt left Cover Auras with 10 HP, making them easy pickings for pretty much anyone (read: not Sothe) to finish off. Micaiah was actually pretty good, dealing good, accurate damage with Rexaura. Sothe also played his part, dealing the last 4 damage I needed so Ike could finish Ashera. Unfortunately, he got OHKO'd. Jill also died after attacking Ashera, since I couldn't spare Elincia or Micaiah to heal her (or anyone).

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Final Thoughts:

Ike - 167 kills (2nd Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/20/20  65  37  08  40  37  24  32  20^ | B Rafiel

Ike has a habit of always being in worst Bio in 4-E-5 for me, so that's where the Rafiel support came in. He kicked ass, took names, and could be relied upon to kill pretty much anything.

Micaiah - 71 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/20/06  45^ 13  36  23  30^ 40  13  37  | A Sothe

Micaiah performed as admirably as usual, although she was more helpful in the Tower this time since I didn't have Lehran to rely on. I gave her three Arms Scrolls to get her to SS Staves, and she never even used the Ashera Staff.

Sothe - 120 kills (4th Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/19/02  44  24  14  29  33  30  22  20  | A Micaiah

He carried the team through Part 1, helped clear 3-6, then did nothing of significance (except finding Baselard and rescuing Rafiel a few times) until going Kamikaze on Ashera for all of 4 damage. He's still a very useful unit, after all's said and done.

Jill - 164 kills (3rd Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/19/20  55^ 35^ 10  38  35  35  36^ 22  | B Naesala

She was mediocre at best in Part 1, mostly due to availability and bad bases, even after being thrown a Robe, Drop and Shield. In Parts 3 and 4 though, she was able to prove her usefulness. Thank you for not being as bad as you usually are in my playthroughs.

Muarim - 36 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
     34  71  23  03  18  15^ 25  22  10  | 

He was great whenever he was around, thanks to his monstrous bases and the BEXP I gave him (and Speedwing). The only thing that held him back against the last bosses was his low Strike rank - he never got higher than A.

Elincia - 67 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/--/20  48^ 30  21  32  35  40  21  29  | B Geoffrey

One of my favorite units. A flying unit that can use Staves, has an unbreakable 15mt Brave Weapon and has great stats too? Yes. I really wanted her in the Top 5, but I couldn't keep Tibarn out of the way in 4-2. She's a great unit to have, especially in drafts.

Geoffrey - 46 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/20/14  54  34  15  33  29  22  25  25  | B Elincia

He was better this time, thankfully. Great until Part 4, where he became merely average. He was still able to deal good damage to Auras though, thanks to his Silver Lance forge that got an Axe card (interestingly, I never really did use the Steel Axe that got Twin Swords...).

Gatrie - 217 kills (1st Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/20/18  59  36  09  33  31  24  37  27  | B Kyza

He was a life savior in Part 3, being my only unit that could ORKO (non-Mages) at 2-range. Also, putting Provoke on him so Kyza's gauge didn't run out worked much better than I expected. He continued to perform well all game, being my most consistent unit. His low move is a hindrance, though.

Kyza - 77 kills (5th Place)

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
     38  75  23  04  18  15^ 25  16^ 06  | B Gatrie

He's serviceable, if nothing special. He practically needs a Speedwing and Energy Drop, or lots of lucky BEXP levels. Still, he has availability on his side, and he performed pretty well against Deghinsea and Ashera, due to SS Strike.

Naesala - 32 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
     31  62  20  07  20  22  23  13  15  | B Jill

His only real downfall was no 2-range. His high Speed with Adept and Tear meant that even the few things that he couldn't ORKO with S Strike (Draco Knights, Generals and the odd Warrior) meant that he had a good chance of killing them anyway.

Volke - 10 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/--/20  55  32  05  40  39  21  30  23  | B Giffca

He didn't get to see a lot of combat, unfortunately. However, he still was extremely useful for being able to double Auras, allowing me to finish 4-E-5 in 2 turns. Plus, he's fun to use. A good last round pick.

Giffca - 5 kills

Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
     39  75  24  04  23  20  29  10  11  | B Volke

He was essential in the last 3 battles, so I'm very glad I picked him.

Overall, it was a pretty fun draft (aside of getting Micaiah to survive in the Desert at worst Bio). RD is definitely one of, if not THE, best games to draft.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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4-E-1: 9

4-E-2: 2

4-E-1 was a hell of a mess. Between the renforcements, the sleep staffers and the tough generals, my team had it's hands full!Here's my Endgame team with the weapon they will bless and their skills





Kieran-Brave Axe(Gamble,Savior)

Brom-Silver Axe Forge(Cancel,Celerity)

Mia-Vague Katti(Vantage,Adept)



Shinon-Double Bow(Counter,Nihil after 4-E-3)




Of course, everyone had their masteries.

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Lets see...

1-P 6 (+3) Turns

eddy and miccy, Miccy gets boss kill.

1-1 7 (+3) Turns

or was it 6... *shrugs*... anyway, Nolan helps miccy. Miccy gets more kills here. So far her speed has grown by 1.

1-2 6 (+3) Turns

Nolan again, along with miccy. Sothe clears top side. Got thani and drop.

1-3 7 turns

Redfox's 7 turn stratgy with small modifications here and there to allow some blue units to escape. Aimee sacrificed herself so i wouldn't get a useless penalty. Micaiah got 2 lvls of speed :awesome:

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Does anyone has some kind of strategy for 4-E-3? I'm stuck there because the dragons 2-3HKO all my units except Ike and Brom

I'd like stats for that. Also, is rafiel free here? if so... Guaranteed 1 Turn clear. As long as you've blessed a wyrmslayer.

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Does anyone has some kind of strategy for 4-E-3? I'm stuck there because the dragons 2-3HKO all my units except Ike and Brom


First, make everyone go in the center. Have ike kill the middle red dragon in the first turn. Make sure you battle save on turn 2 to avoid having to restart because of Ire/crits/not enough damage done. Turn 2 have Nolan, Shinon, Ike, Skrimir, Tanith (if you have blessed wyrmslayer she should attack first and then canto and trade with Ike). If you lack fire power make adjusments to have the other units attack.

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That's my problem.Even if I can kill the dragons surrounding Dheg,I can't kill him.I did bless the wyrm slayer.

I'd Like to have stats for that, because i'd like to see if it's possible.

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That's my problem.Even if I can kill the dragons surrounding Dheg,I can't kill him.I did bless the wyrm slayer.

Have Ike hit him with wyrmslayer, thats like ~40 off rigth there, then have Tanith hit him with it (edit: she needs to go first then canto to so ike can trade and attack with wyrmslayer) thats like ~30... Then just have shinon (who should be doing ~22) and some other units hit. You shouldn't even bother taking away the other dragons. You only need to get rid of 1.

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That's my problem.Even if I can kill the dragons surrounding Dheg,I can't kill him.I did bless the wyrm slayer.

Then you shouldn't have any problems. Like Ulki said, only go after dheg, none of the other dragons matter.

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But how can I get to Deg without killing some dragons? Btw, Tanith get 1HKO by him >_<. Shinon does 1 damage because he got badly strenght-screwed.I'll try to show you the stats today.


Hmmm, Can Tanith survive in a cover tile?

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Now I'm stuck at 4-E-4! I really need help, Sephiran is really hard to kill! Each time I'm about to kill him, he activate Guard with the auras. And I'm always missing some power, because some of my units get easily killed by the auras, so I don't deploy them.

Edit:Oops, double-post.

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